SLEEP - Michigan Technological University

Page created by Johnny Crawford
SLEEP - Michigan Technological University
                                            Parking Lot Archaeology
                                            VR For Everyone
                                            Andean Peatlands
                                            Immortal Batteries


We sleep one third of our lives. Big data
reveals why our hearts need plenty of
sleep, which may matter more to women
than men.
SLEEP - Michigan Technological University
Research                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS

     by Cyndi Perkins

     Industrial archaeologists uncover unexpected layers of history, ethnicities,
     and cultures in a small town parking lot.

     by Kelley Christensen

     Peatlands cover only 3 percent of global land but store 30 percent of Earth’s
     soil carbon. To mitigate climate change, teams restore Andean peatlands.

     by Kelley Christensen

     Researchers wake up to the importance of sleep for healthy hearts, especially
     for older women.

     by Marcia Goodrich

     Batteries die fast. Engineers seek battery reincarnation through ecological
     principles and old-school mining techniques.

     edited by Allison Mills

     Mi-STAR, Mechatronics, ETS-IMPRESS: a sustainable, empowering
     education ecosystem.

     by Stefanie Sidortsova

     This isn’t your grandpa’s typewriter. Computer scientists integrate text into
     virtual and augmented realities.






Research is published by University Marketing and Communications and the
Vice President for Research Office at Michigan Technological University, 1400
Townsend Drive, Houghton, Michigan, 49931-1295.

Allison Mills                John Lehman                     David Reed
Managing Editor              Vice President for University   Vice President for Research
                             Relations and Enrollment
Nicole Kelly                                                 Jason Carter
Creative Director            Ian Repp                        Associate Vice President for
                             Assistant Vice President for    Research Development
Crystal Verran               University Marketing
Director of Operations       and Communications              Cathy Jenich
                                                             Assistant to the Vice
Vassilissa Semouchkina,      Jessica Brassard,               President for Research
Jon Halquist                 Natasha Chopp,
Designers                    Jodi Lehman
                             Research Office

SLEEP - Michigan Technological University
Andrew Barnard is an acoustic
engineer. From loud stadiums
     to quiet hospital hallways
        to near-silent anechoic
   chambers, he analyzes how
different noise sources, sound
waves, and materials interact.

          2019 RESEARCH 3
SLEEP - Michigan Technological University
  Between 2017 and 2018, Michigan Tech’s
  research expenditures grew 9.8 percent,
  totaling more than $78 million. The number
  reflects the University’s expanding expertise in
  Great Lakes research, mobility, remote sensing,
  and health sciences.

  Above water: The Great Lakes Research
  Center oversees the Marine Autonomy
  Research Site (MARS) in Lake Superior, the
  first freshwater test bed of its kind. It is part
  of the Smart Ships Coalition, which brings
  together researchers, policy makers, and
  resource managers to study and set ground
  rules for the use of autonomous marine
  vehicles on the Great Lakes.

  Navigating risk: In January 2018, the State
  of Michigan placed Michigan Tech at the helm
  of an independent risk analysis of the Straits
  Pipelines. The 41-person team looked at 4,380
  simulations of “worst-case-scenario” spills.

  Eruptions: More than 10 faculty, grad
  students, and alumni responded to the
  eruptions in Hawaii and Guatemala. Seismic
  surveys and remote sensing data help
  geoscientists better understand volcanoes,
  their plumbing systems, their emissions, and
  evacuation protocols to keep people safe.

  Stream gauges: Following the June 2018
  flash floods that hit the Keweenaw Peninsula,
  Michigan Tech ecologists worked with state and
  federal agencies to advocate for reinstalling
  local stream gauges. Better data means better
  predictions for events like last year’s
  1,000-year storm.

  Traffic signals: The Michigan Department
  of Transportation installed five upgraded
  traffic signals in Houghton that provide a local
  corridor where engineers can safely study
  vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) technology
  and communication.

SLEEP - Michigan Technological University
Research Statistics
                                             F O R E I G N | 2%                                      2017 INVENTION DISCLOSURES
                     O T H E R | 3%           C R O W D F U N D I N G |
SLEEP - Michigan Technological University
Research                          IN BRIEF

 More young women are buying fishing licenses
 in the Great Lakes region, while the number of        ADVANCING
 male anglers is generally declining. The finding is   FACULTY CAREERS
 one of several in a new study exploring regional
 demographics of fishing.                              A more diverse STEM workforce starts with
                                                       more diverse faculty. To make that a reality,
                                                                                                                                             Stefan Liebermann
 Richelle Winkler, associate professor of sociology    an interdisciplinary campus team has a goal:
 and demography and the principal investigator for     measurable increases in retention and career
 the study, with doctoral candidate Erin Burkett,      advancement of women and under-represented           GLIMPSE THE STARS
 examined changes in the angling population by         minorities at Michigan Tech within the next
 looking at recent trends in anglers through various   three years. Among the initiatives are career        Robert Nemiroff, professor of astronomy and
 demographic lenses, such as gender, age, and          development teams, programs addressing               astrophysics, co-created the Astronomy Picture of
 generational differences.                             intersectional disadvantages, and managerial         the Day (APOD) website with Jerry Bonnell,
                                                       training for chairs.                                 a fellow astrophysicist and staff scientist at
 Each year, approximately 1.8 million recreational                                                          NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center working
 anglers fish the Great Lakes. Millions more fish      The National Science Foundation has granted          on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope team.
 inland lakes and streams across the Upper Great       $1 million to Michigan Tech faculty Adrienne         Nemiroff and Bonnell track down, post, and
 Lakes region. Anglers play a critical role in the     Minerick, Patty Sotirin, Sonia Goltz, Andrew         explain images that endeavor to inspire a spirit
 region’s fisheries, their related ecosystems, and     Storer, and Audrey Mayer to continue the work        of curiosity and open the eyes of viewers to the
 fisheries management practices and policies.          of existing programs and implement new ones          myriad opportunities to take a voyage through
                                                       based on other university programs.                  space via photography.
 >>>Find out what the changing face of anglers
 means for fisheries management:                       “We are inspired by, but not bound to, the work      APOD, translated into more than 20 languages,                            of similar teams on other campuses,” Sotirin         typically receives more than 800,000 views with
                                                       says. “We look forward to the collaborative          a social media following of more than 1.3 million
                                                       development of programs that are responsive to       people, popularizing science and inspiring a love
                                                       our uniqueness and that open new possibilities for   of astronomy.
                                                       campus culture change, equity, and success.”
                                                                                                            >>>Enjoy the view from this “Small and Drifting
                                                       >>>Learn more about the ADVANCE program:             Planet” in an Unscripted photo essay:

SLEEP - Michigan Technological University
The Sabana
Puerto Rico.

                                                                         Tana Wood                                                              Tana Wood

BEFORE AND AFTER:                                   researchers Tana Wood from the USFS, and
                                                    Sasha Reed with the US Geological Survey.
                                                                                                        “We got four good years of data,” Cavaleri
                                                                                                        says. “I’m so grateful my whole lab was there all
HURRICANES IRMA                                                                                         summer. I had three undergraduates there doing
AND MARIA HIT                                       When Irma passed the island, the forest canopy      projects, my PhD student was doing a project all
                                                    where the TRACE project is located was patchily
PUERTO RICO                                         damaged. Hurricane Maria finished the job, and
                                                                                                        summer, and they finished a full campaign. They
                                                                                                        got back a week before the first hurricane hit. We
When Hurricanes Irma and Maria carved their         marred project equipment at the same time.          were lucky.”
destructive paths across the Caribbean, they left
behind grieving communities without power,          These events left the researchers wondering         Cavaleri and her team secured a DOE Office
badly damaged homes and infrastructure, and         how to move the project forward now that            of Science grant to document and study the
completely altered ecosystems. One of these         many, if not all, of the parameters had been        disturbance and recovery of the El Yunque
was the El Yunque National Forest, on the           dramatically altered.                               TRACE site. They will also continue their work
northeastern side of Puerto Rico.                                                                       on detailing the effects of rising temperature
                                                    “When you walk into what was previously a           impacts on tropical forests and carbon storage
El Yunque is the only tropical forest in the        closed-canopy forest, it’s hot, there’s no shade,   through above- and below-ground processes.
US Forest Service (USFS) system, which makes        and the forest is basically reset,” Cavaleri says
it ideal for understanding the effects of climate   of her visit to El Yunque Experimental Forest in    >>>Follow the TRACE experiment:
change where those changes will impact the          January 2018.                             
most. Molly Cavaleri, associate professor
of tree physiology in the School of Forest          Cavaleri has pivoted the project with
Resources and Environmental Science, is             her co-investigators into a warming and
leading Tropical Responses to Altered Climate       disturbance regime study—the only one of its
Experiment (TRACE), a USFS and Department           kind in the world.
of Energy (DOE)-funded project, with fellow

                                                                                                                                      2019 RESEARCH 7
SLEEP - Michigan Technological University
Research                        IN BRIEF

 THE MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE                                                                                Virus-like particles (VLPs) are empty viral
 HAS GRANTED PLANNING                                                                                    shells formed by structural proteins. In
                                                                                                         vaccines, they elicit immune responses and are
 AUTHORIZATION FOR A NEW                                                                                 noninfectious, but can be fragile. Ebenezer
                                                                                                         Tumban, assistant professor of biological
                                                                                                         sciences, uses bacteriophage VLPs as platforms
 HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES                                                                                     to develop vaccines against viruses such as
                                                                                                         human papillomaviruses (HPV), Zika virus, and
 COMPLEX ON CAMPUS. THE                                                                                  Chikungunya virus. He uses the FEI 200kV
 FOLLOWING PROJECTS, MANY                                                                                Titan Themis Scanning Transmission Electron
                                                                                                         Microscope (STEM) to assess whether the
 FUNDED BY THE PORTAGE                                                                                   structural proteins can assemble into VLPs and
 HEALTH FOUNDATION, WILL                                                                                 whether assembled VLPs are stable after storage
                                                                                                         at room temperature for months.
                                                                                                         >>>Look at VLPs under a microscope with the
                                                                                                         high-powered STEM:

                                                    Cells need carbohydrates; facilitative glucose
                                                    transporters (GLUTs) bring nutrients in and out
                                                    of cells. GLUTs are the foundation of research by
                                                    Marina Tanasova, assistant professor of chemistry.   WOUNDS
                                                    In partnership with Smitha Rao, assistant
                                                                                                         Nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide are two
                                                    professor of biomedical engineering, they test
                                                                                                         healing compounds the body naturally makes
                                                    GLUT-based fluorescent probes to detect cancer
                                                                                                         to help close wounds. Megan Frost, associate
                                                    and distinguish one type from another, providing
                                                                                                         professor of biomedical engineering, leads a team
                                                    a fingerprint of the disease.
                                                                                                         using nitric oxide technology to drop the healing
 ALZHEIMER’S                                                                                             time for diabetic foot ulcers from 150 days to
                                                                                                         21. She joined Bruce Lee, assistant professor of
 What if cognitive decline could be detected
 early with motor skill learning tests? That’s
                                                    SKIN                                                 biomedical engineering, and Caryn Heldt, James
                                                                                                         and Lorna Mack Chair in Bioengineering in
 the focus of a new National Institutes of          Lasers can help skin-firming serums and              chemical engineering, to test a microgel powder.
 Health study led by Kevin Trewartha, assistant     anti-wrinkle creams. Sean Kirkpatrick, professor     While making smart glue, Lee’s team discovered a
 professor of cognitive and learning sciences, as   and chair of the Department of Biomedical            handy byproduct: hydrogen peroxide. In microgel
 well as kinesiology and integrative physiology.    Engineering, designs laser technology to measure     form, it reduces bacteria and virus ability to infect
 His team uses robotic handles and augmented        the effectiveness and longevity of beauty            by at least 99 percent.
 reality screens to gauge how well patients think   products. He partnered with Avon to create and
 about and learn new physical skills, which may     test experimental formulas quickly and without       >>>Healing with nitric oxide is a cell-mediated
 reflect early signs of cognitive impairment.       relying on subjective feedback from focus groups.    symphony of complexity:

 >>>Learn what kind of tech the team hopes          >>>Watch how laser diffraction patterns detect       >>>Healing with the sticky amino acids in
 will help doctors:                skin firmness:                      mussel feet:

SLEEP - Michigan Technological University
TIME TRAVELER                                       historical data sets. The public uses it and so    Data, shown via
                                                                                                       maps and overlays,
                                                    do Michigan Tech researchers. They work to
Don Lafreniere, associate professor of              understand industrial contamination patterns       connects people to
geography and geospatial information sciences       and for geoheritage tours. To manage relief        place and history.
(GIS), and Sarah Fayen Scarlett, assistant          efforts in Ripley, Michigan, after the June 2018
professor of history, travel through time.          floods, the Federal Emergency Management
                                                    Administration (FEMA) examined historical
It started in 2013 when Lafreniere co-authored      land uses.
a paper about a concept called deep mapping:
Projects curated by scholars that offer the         The next steps include continuing to improve
public a spatial playground to explore open-        the functionality of the program and the
ended questions about a particular place across     expansion of stories within the Time Traveler’s
time. Deep maps allow multiple representations      Explore app. For example, how has Michigan
of a place, rather than a solitary cartographic     Tech’s campus evolved, and how did the lives,
concept created by a single person, to weave        professions, and personal contributions of
rich narratives that would otherwise be lost        certain people influence change?
to antiquity.
                                                    “It’s our hope that people use the platform to
Deep maps are built on scaffolds of spatial
                                                    better visualize the data they need to answer
data, which include contemporary and
                                                    their questions, to think of new questions, or
historical records from census data, personal
                                                    to learn something they didn’t know about
narratives, photographs, environmental
                                                    the area,” Scarlett says. “When people feel
information, and more. In the paper,
                                                    more connected to the places where they live,
Lafreniere wrote about the possibilities of deep
                                                    they usually make better connections with
mapping for both academics and the public.
                                                    each other.”
In 2015, Lafreniere, Scarlett, and collaborator
                                                    Explore the Keweenaw’s history for yourself:
Robert Pastel, associate professor of computer
science, and other colleagues, including local
heritage partners, embarked on a journey to
                                                    >>>Watch the Time Traveler in action:
create the first deep map. The Keweenaw
Time Traveler, the public-facing application
of the Copper Country Historical Spatial
Data Infrastructure, allows users to contribute
to an online interactive historical atlas of
the Keweenaw Peninsula. The project starts
                                                                                                       BY THE NUMBERS
conversations—online and in person—about
the region’s industrial past and how it continues
                                                                                                                      Stories contributed
to affect lives and identities today.
                                                                                                         630          in the Explore app
“This project brings together qualitative and
quantitative information and allows multiple
interpretations about the past,” Lafreniere
                                                                                                                      Classifications of map
says. “We asked ourselves, how can we build an
infrastructure that allows researchers to study                                                         259K          features by citizen
social mobility, immigration, and segregation,
as well as allow a framework for the public
to share their stories about how these things
played out?”                                                                                                          Variables about people
                                                                                                       17.4M          and places across space
The Time Traveler embeds users in more                                                                                and time
than 60 years of historical maps, images, and
contributed stories. It’s a compendium of big

                                                                                                                              2019 RESEARCH 9
SLEEP - Michigan Technological University

                                                                                                                                              LEVEL 1
    SLICE OF LIFE                                                                                                 FRAGMENTS
                                                                                                                  LEVELS 1 & 2
                                                                                                                  Fragile Woodland-era
    Chinese. Greek. African American. Native                                                                      pottery, made sometime
    American. Summer fieldwork uncovers deep,                                                                     in the last 2,000 years,
    delicate (and sometimes muddy) history.                                                                       was a shocking discovery.
                                                                                                                  The shards were found
                                                                                                                  close to the surface,
    Corner of Oak and 9th, Calumet, Michigan. Across from                                                         about 20 cm deep. The
    the train station; built in 1885, demolished in the 1960s. But                                                shallow depth suggests
    humans lived here for as long as 2,000 years before the 818                                                   that builders unearthed
                                                                                                                  them while excavating

                                                                                                                                              LEVEL 2
    Oak Street address.
                                                                                                                  the cellar. Another site
    Timothy Scarlett, associate professor of archaeology and                                                      lies beneath.
    anthropology, expected students conducting a two-week
    survey to uncover artifacts from the Chinese laundry that
    was also a grocery, boarding house, and community center
    for Chinese immigrants. Starting in 1905, the owners—
    who included Chung Wang, Chin Hee, and Wo Chung,                                                              TEAPOT SPOUT
    speculated to be the men in the photo below—leased                                                            LEVEL 2
    to Greek immigrant cobblers. As Scarlett says, “It was                                                        Late 19th-century
    a big home, and people lived tight.” Life was not easy.                                                       porcelain. “We don’t
    Discriminatory laws. Sweeping immigrant arrests. The                                                          know who these people

                                                                                                                                              LEVEL 3
    home’s façade ripped off the building after being chained                                                     are yet,” Scarlett says.
    to a train. By 1916, all Chinese residents departed.                                                          Names were often
                                                                                                                  approximations. “Census
    From 1927 to 1944, an African-American family set up                                                          enumerators were
    house: Lulu Fowler Gardner and her kin. The home passed                                                       notoriously inaccurate
    through other hands, including the State of Michigan in                                                       when counting
    1958 and final owner Socrates Antioho.                                                                        immigrants and people
                                                                                                                  of color. We must also
    “People dig up deeper, older layers, and mix them with new                                                    dig deeply into archives
    trash. Soils grow and are buried,” says Scarlett. “The detritus                                               and oral histories.”
    of daily life builds, and leaves us clues to find as we peel back
    the layers.”

                                                                                       LEVEL 4
                                                                                       Neck and lip of a
                                                                                       19th-century liquor
                                                                                       bottle. Found while
                                                                                       excavating deeper,
                                                                                                                                              LEVEL 4

                                                                                       basement rubble; other
                                                                                       artifacts were unearthed
                                                                                       from yard spaces. Clear
                                                                                       photos of the house are
                                                                                       lacking; it was usually
                                                                                       obscured by wooden
                                                                                       fences plastered with
                                                              Michigan Tech Archives
                                                                                       ad space facing the
                                                                                       train station.

10 R E S E A R C H 2 0 1 9

          BLUE BEAD                  PURPLE GLASS
          LEVEL 1                    LEVEL 1
          Beads—often blue—          Lampshade or candy
          have long been             dish, an artifact
          important symbols          representing
          in African-American        middle-class stability
          culture. Adornment         and refinement. Fowler
          or talisman, beads         Gardner kept the home
          convey social meaning,     as a boarding house
          including wealth,          and her husband,
          age, marital status, and   John, was a traveling
          political and religious    barber. The artifact’s
          affiliations. Blue is a    domesticity belies the

          color of protection        stereotypical image
          and security.              of a poor, working-
                                     class household.
          LEVEL 1
          Yodeling cowboy or
          big band fox trot?         PUNCHED
          Stamped catalog            COIN
          numbers indicate two       LEVEL 1
          1930s possibilities:

                                     Holes to string it for
          “Rambling Yodeler”         safekeeping, to wear,
          by Cliff Carlisle or       to hang? The answers
          Jerry White Hoffman’s      hinge on two pivotal
          Hollywood Dance            questions used to
          Orchestra, “While I am     evaluate potential
          Here and You are           historical sites for
          There (How Can We          further archaeological
          Get Anywhere).”            exploration and funding:
                                     Is it significant? Is it
                                     intact? The answer to
                                     both, Scarlett says, is yes.

          LEVEL 2                    LITHIC FLAKE
          “Geisha pattern”           LEVEL 2
          china was marketed to      Shallow find with age:
          blue-collar American       tool-making scraps.
          households. Common         Native American
          find in mining towns,      toolmakers used

          historically Chinese       microcrystalline silicate,
          neighborhoods, and         flint, agate, or chert
          the trash of working-      rocks for scrapers, knives,
          class households.          points, flintlock weapons,
          “Each fragment             and fire starters during
          becomes a pixel in an      “pre-matches” eras.
          increasingly detailed      Students will try
          picture of people’s        to “refit” the flakes
          lives,” says Scarlett.     to understand the
                                     maker’s process.

                                        2019 RESEARCH 11

                                                                                                            A peatland near the
                                                                                                            Pastoruri Glacier in
                                                                                                            Huascarán National

    3 PERCENT FOR                                                                                                    Park, Peru.

    Peatlands cover 3 percent of land and store 30 percent
    of soil carbon.

    Called swamps, bogs, marshes, muskegs, and            MEASURING
    quagmires, peatlands are much more than               Chimner’s work in the Andean peatlands is in
    wet, low-lying areas. Despite such ignoble            partnership with the Sustainable Wetlands Adaptation
    nomenclature, the planet needs peatlands.             and Mitigation Program (SWAMP), a joint program
                                                          through the Center for International Forestry Research,
    “All ecosystems store carbon, but wetlands store      the US Forest Service (USFS), Michigan Tech, and
    a lot more than all the rest,” says Rod Chimner,      Oregon State University with funding support from the
    professor in the School of Forest Resources           US Agency for International Development. Chimner
    and Environmental Science. Peatlands cover            first came into partnership with SWAMP through his
    just 3 percent of the Earth’s land, but store         past work on Andean peatlands funded by a National
    approximately 30 percent of the Earth’s soil          Geographic Society Research Exploration grant.
    carbon. When peatlands degrade, the carbon
    releases into the atmosphere, which contributes       As the effects of climate change increasingly impact
    to climate change. Following the October 2018         people’s daily lives, many nations see value in measuring
    publication of the Intergovernmental Panel on         their carbon stocks—the amount of carbon stored in a
    Climate Change’s most recent report, the need         given area—and taking steps to ensure the carbon is not
    for carbon sequestration to fight rising global       released into the atmosphere. One of SWAMP’s primary
    temperatures is more imperative than ever to          goals is to help nations quantify their carbon stocks—a
    prevent catastrophic climatic changes.                process that involves coring peat samples, in situ gas
                                                          emission analysis, and extensive mapping.
    Peatlands occur across the planet in low-
    lying boreal, temperate, tropical, and even           Coring peat is more than a scientific endeavor; it’s also
    mountainous regions. Mountain peatlands thrive        a great workout. Using a Russian peat corer, which is a
    where it’s cool and wet, perfect conditions for       side-cutting auger made of aluminum, Chimner, a post-
    slow decomposition of organic material—the            doctoral researcher, and graduate students extract peat
    process by which peat is created.                     50 centimeters (approximately 1.6 feet) at a time, delving
                                                          as deep as 11 meters (approximately 36 feet).
    Nestled in the high valleys between the 20,000-
    foot peaks of the Andes, the peatlands of             Twist, twist, twist, side cut, lift the sample out. Add five-
    Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia do more          foot handle sections to continue going deeper into the peat.
    than act as carbon sinks. They also purify water      Attach a carjack to help pull the increasingly long corer
    as it travels from the mountains to the arid cities   out of the ground. Stop to admire the scenery because it’s
    along South America’s western coast, cycle            breathtaking—and so is the coring effort, which frequently
    nutrients, and provide grazing areas for native       occurs at 14,000 feet in elevation or higher.
    camelids like llamas, alpacas, guanaco, and vicuña
    as well as cattle and horses.                         The team chunks the 50-centimeter (20 inches) sections
                                                          into 10-centimeter (4 inches) samples to analyze in
    Overgrazing and other human activities lead           the lab for mass, percent carbon, and bulk density to
    to peatland degradation around the world.             calculate total carbon stocks. The samples are like fine
    Chimner explains that for global carbon               compost, but old roots add structure to the peat so it
    accounting to remain balanced, peatlands need         isn’t crumbly. They use radiocarbon dating to calculate a
    to function as carbon-capture systems, and the        peatland’s age and how fast it accumulates peat.
    nations where peatlands occur need tools to
    protect them.

12 R E S E A R C H 2 0 1 9

      Rod Chimner

2019 RESEARCH 13

                                           For reference, Indonesian peatlands are known        In Southern Peru and Bolivia, the arid conditions

                                                                                                                                                        Laura Bourgeau-Chavez
                                           as the deepest in the world. They are capable        made it easy to find the wetlands, but the many
                                           of storing upwards of 3,000 megagrams per            wet meadows interspersed with the peatlands had
                                           hectare of carbon—which is 3 million kilograms       similar vegetation, again making distinguishing the
                                           (roughly 6.6 million pounds) of carbon in an         two difficult. However, the carbon stocks of wet
                                           area one-kilometer square (.38 miles square),        meadows are much smaller than the peatlands, so
                                           or the equivalent of stacking 1,743 sedans in a      classifying them correctly is important to accurately
                                           suburban backyard.                                   calculate carbon stocks. Confusing matters in the
                                                                                                field, wet meadows and peatlands are frequently
                  Rod Chimner, John        Michigan wetlands store about 1,200 megagrams        called by the same name—bofedales—and Chimner
               Hribljan, and master’s      per hectare of carbon, while peatlands in the        says this has befuddled land managers, scientists,
                   student Ana Maria       Amazon store slightly less than 2,000. Mountain      and carbon stock accounting in the past. To
                 Planas Clarke coring      peatlands are capable of storing up to 4,000.        distinguish wetland types, Chimner and others
                an 11-meter (36 feet)                                                           are combining soil samples with other methods,
                deep peatland in Los       Here and there, too, are gray layers in stark        including ground-penetrating radar and extensive
            Nevados National Natural       contrast to the darker peat. These ash layers        remote sensing mapping.
                      Park, Colombia.      accumulated from volcanic eruptions, which
                                           scientists use like mile markers to accurately       In addition to mapping peatlands, three long-
                                           date the age of the peat. Once, while coring in      term research sites were monitored in Colombia,
                                           Colombia, Chimner’s Colombian guide said they        Ecuador, and Peru to quantify greenhouse gas
                                           were the only people in Los Nevados National         emissions in areas unaltered by humans or grazing,
                                           Natural Park—because it had been closed due to       and those that provide a picture of whether a
                                           volcanic activity.                                   particular peatland is acting as a carbon sink or a
                                                                                                carbon source. Chimner and colleagues conduct
                                           Moving south through Andean ecosystems,              greenhouse gas flux measurements using either
                                           the vegetation changes dramatically from the         eddy flux towers (which they are using currently
                                           rainy páramo of Colombia and Ecuador to the          in the Amazon) or chambers (which work better
                                           drier puna of Peru and Bolivia. Colombia’s and       in small mountain peatlands). They look like large
                                           Ecuador’s peatlands are frequently comprised of      plastic terrariums placed on the peat. Infrared gas
                                           sedges, grasses, and cushion plants—a misleading     analyzers hook up to the chambers to measure
                                           name as the green, hump-like mounds are quite        carbon dioxide emissions and a portable, flame
                                           hard because they are adapted to high, cold, and     ionizing detector measures methane emissions.
                                           windy areas. A human can walk across them, but       These are the first carbon cycling measurements
                                           the hooves of grazing animals can break down         from Andean peatlands.
                                           the mounds. The páramo’s weather presented
                                           a challenge to sampling because the constant         The researchers found that the natural peatlands
                                           rain blurred the landscape, making it difficult to   are still slowly accumulating carbon. But when
                                           distinguish the peatlands.                           degraded by either grazing or water diversion,
                                                                                                the peatlands become a source of carbon to
                                                                                                the atmosphere.

                                                                                                Cushion plant peatlands of the Andes have some of
                                           “NO ONE EVER                                         the lowest methane emission rates of any peatlands
                                           T H O U G H T T H E SE                               in the world. However, when degraded from cattle
                                                                                                grazing, they became large sources of both carbon
                                           MOUNTAINS WOULD
                                                                                                dioxide and methane, which doubles climate harm.
                                           H A V E TH I S MU C H                                Carbon cycling can be improved in degraded
                                           CARBON. THEY HAVE                                    peatlands by restoring the peatlands.

                                           S O M E O F T H E H IG H E ST
                                           S TO R I N G C A P A B IL IT IE S                    Greenhouse gas measurements are point samples.
                                           I N TH E WO R L D . ”                                And while Chimner and others have taken many
                                                                                                point samples over the years, these samples must
                                           —R O D C H I M N E R
                                                                                                be extrapolated up to the country level to provide
                             Rod Chimner                                                        nations with carbon stock estimates. Using modeling

14 R E S E A R C H 2 0 1 9

                                                                                   Bourgeau-Chavez is beginning to             RADIOCARBON
                                                                                   map Peru next, but her efforts are          DATING
                                                                                   not confined to the Andes. SWAMP
                                                                                   is an exercise in collaborative science     Radiocarbon dating allows scientists
 Quito,                                                                            between researchers, governments,           to determine the time period during
                                                                                   and people, with benefits, insights, and    which peatlands were established in
                                                                                   spatial management data shared across       a particular area, how quickly the
                                                                                   borders and continents.                     peat has been accumulating, and
                                                                                                                               if there is loss of peat associated
                                                                                   “Now that the methods are                   with historical and contemporary
                                                                                   developed, we are seeking to apply          disturbances.
                                                                                   them in the US,” says Erik Lilleskov,
                                                                                   research ecologist at the USFS’s            Kate Heckman, Radiocarbon
                                                                                   Northern Research Station in                Collaborative administrator at the
                                                                                   Houghton, Michigan. “It’s a real            Northern Institute for Applied
                                                                                   positive for the USFS, because a lot        Climate Science, supervises
                                                                                   of the federal lands in the American        the preparation of samples for
                                                                                   Rockies are high-elevation mountain         radiocarbon dating.
                                                                                   peatlands as well.”
                                                                                                                               “As all living things do, the peat
          tools and remote sensing in combination with           MITIGATING                                                    samples submitted to our lab contain
          point samples allows researchers to map wetlands                                                                     a variety of elements, including
                                                                 Mitigating the effects of climate change will require
          on the landscape.                                                                                                    nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, and
                                                                 concerted, multinational efforts, so SWAMP emphasizes
                                                                                                                               hydrogen, among others,” Heckman
                                                                 capacity building for local communities where the
          Laura Bourgeau-Chavez, research scientist at the                                                                     says, explaining a process called
                                                                 team samples.
          Michigan Tech Research Institute, has undertaken                                                                     graphitization extracts and isolates
          creating national wetland maps for the project.                                                                      individual carbon atoms.
                                                                 “We’re training people to do leading-edge science
          Using field samples, radar, and multiple multidate
                                                                 in these countries to aid in their ability to manage
          remote sensing imagery sources—Landsat,                                                                              Radiocarbon dating only reveals
                                                                 these ecosystems more effectively,” Lilleskov says.
          PALSAR, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission                                                                             the relative abundance of
                                                                 “To the extent we can help other countries stabilize
          (SRTM), and RADARSAT—in a machine-                                                                                   radiocarbon in a particular peat
                                                                 their environment, that allows them to thrive, and to
          learning algorithm, Bourgeau-Chavez creates                                                                          sample, which allows scientists to
                                                                                      be better partners of the US and
          maps that are four- to 30-                                                                                           calculate a calendar date associated
                                                                                      the global community.”
          fold improvements upon                                                                                               with the creation of the peat.
          existing maps.                                                                                                       The environmental context, cross
                                          “IF YOU TAKE CARE                          SWAMP projects include workshops
                                                                                                                               validation, and the knowledge
                                                                                     with local universities, government
          The improved maps               O F TH E P E A T L A N D S ,                                                         of the scientist is then needed
                                                                                     agencies, and nongovernmental
          show that, in Ecuador,                                                                                               to interpret what this date means.
                                          NOT ONLY DO YOU                            organizations on how to core peat,
          half the landscape or
                                                                                     measure carbon and methane
          more is peatlands, a            HAVE CLEAN WATER,                                                                    The Radiocarbon Collaborative
                                                                                     emissions using trace gas and eddy
          significant increase            Y O U ’ R E S T O R I N G MO ST                                                      is jointly supported by the USFS,
                                                                                     flux measurements, quantify carbon
          over the Ecuadorian                                                                                                  the W.M. Keck Carbon Cycle
                                          O F TH E C A R B O N I N                   stocks, and wetland ecology basics.
          government’s estimates.                                                                                              Accelerator Mass Spectrometer
                                                                                     Chimner takes people into the field
                                          TH E C O U N T R Y . I F Y O U                                                       Facility at University of California,
                                                                                     to demonstrate how to build check
          Bourgeau-Chavez                                                                                                      Irvine, and Michigan Tech to
          confirms what a                  MANAGE CARBON,                            dams to restore damaged wetlands
                                                                                                                               advance climate and carbon science
                                                                                     and works with ranchers to adopt
          difference mapping               YOU’RE MANAGING                                                                     by making radiocarbon analysis
                                                                                     more sustainable grazing practices.
          has made to wetland                                                                                                  accessible, decipherable, and
                                           E V E R Y T H I N G E L S E .”
          management: “This was                                                                                                collaborative.
                                                                                    “We’re teaching them how to do
          the first time someone           —ROD CHIMNER
                                                                                    this, so eventually they’ll take it over
          has mapped the peatland                                                                                              >>>Get a behind-the-scenes tour of
                                                                                    completely,” Chimner says, adding
          alpine regions,” she                                                                                                 the Radiocarbon Collaborative:
                                                                                    that several Ecuadorian and Peruvian
          says, noting that seasonal moisture patterns add                                                           
                                                                 students have completed graduate studies at Michigan
          complexities to the mapping. “In Ecuador, even
                                                                 Tech with the goal of taking their knowledge back to
          the non-peatland areas are wet. If this mapping
                                                                 improve Andean peatland management.
          process works in Ecuador, it’ll work anywhere.”

                                                                                                                                               2019 RESEARCH 15

                                                                                                                               simulate a binge-drinking episode by
                                                                                                                               providing three alcoholic drinks before
                                                                                                                               a Brief Biphasic Alcohol Effects Scale
    HEART OF THE MATTER                                                                                                        (B-BAES test, which measures alcohol’s
                                                                                                                               acute stimulant and sedative effects on
                                                                                                                               the participants, followed by three more
    Using novel combinations of advanced technologies to understand sleep                                                      alcoholic drinks. The time is now 9:15 PM
    and cardiovascular health.                                                                                                 and the participant is hooked up to
                                                                                                                               the polysomnography equipment that
                                                                                                                               measures brain waves, blood oxygen
                                                                                                                               levels, heart rate, and breathing, as well
                                                                                                                               as eye and leg movements. The sleep
                                                                                                                               study continues with three more B-BAES
                                                                                                                               tests staggered every 15 minutes along
                                                                                                                               with what amounts to a more detailed
                                                                                                                               drunk driving test—blood draw,
                               Like death and taxes, another certainty        “What implication does sleep have? We            questionnaire, psychomotor evaluation.
                               for most Americans is lack of sleep. But       sleep one-third of our lives. It’s a huge        Four more B-BAES tests every 15
                               what does sleep loss do to our bodies?         chunk of our days,” says Jason Carter,           minutes, and it’s lights out at 11 PM.
                               What happens when we factor sex                associate vice president for research
                               differences or alcohol into the mix?           development and professor of kinesiology         Both of the sleep rooms in the new
                                                                              and integrative physiology. “An elephant         facility not only have the capabilities
                               The recently opened Michigan Tech              only sleeps three hours a day, while a lion      of the overnight polysomnography, but
                               Sleep Research Laboratory aims to              sleeps up to 20 hours day. We see huge           also take simultaneous measurements
                               answer those questions by combining            species variation in sleep, but we still don’t   of beat-by-beat blood pressure: finger
                               sleep analysis technologies to provide a       fully understand what sleep does.”               plethysmography, which constantly
                               window into the effects of sleep on people                                                      records blood pressure throughout the
                               in different stages of life.                                                                    night; pulse oximetry, which measures
                                                                              GOOD NIGHT,                                      oxygen content in the blood throughout
                               The two-bed sleep facility is located in
                                                                              SLEEP TIGHT                                      the night; and transcutaneous carbon
                               the Student Development Complex and            When people check into the new sleep             dioxide levels from the skin.
                               has a core staff of two faculty researchers,   research laboratory, they find their
                               a sleep physician, a registered nurse who      schedules are packed, which is perhaps           DREAMS AND
                               is also a certified sleep technician, a lead   surprising considering the focus of the          DATASETS
                               doctoral student researcher, as well as        session is a good night’s sleep.
                                                                                                                               The Michigan Tech facility meets all
                               graduate and undergraduate students.
                                                                                                                               of the physical requirements to seek a
                                                                              Upon arriving at 4:30 PM, a participant in
                                                                                                                               sleep study center accreditation from the
                               Studies at the facility hinge on research      the National Institutes of Health-funded
                                                                                                                               American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
                               into the effects of sleep on cardiovascular    “Alcohol and Neurovascular Control in
                                                                                                                               Additionally, researchers are working
                               health, contributing to the broader            Humans” study undergoes numerous
                                                                                                                               with sleep study software company Natus
                               field of sleep research—a field that is        measurements, including arterial stiffness,
                                                                                                                               to add blood pressure readings to the
                               growing rapidly.                               baseline alcohol intake test, urine test, and
                                                                                                                               data. The team’s interdisciplinary, big
              Beat-to-beat                                                                          blood draws. After a
                                                                                                                               data approach to sleep research includes
               assessment                                                                           standardized dinner
                                                                                                                               biomedical engineering signal processing
        of blood pressure                                                                           followed by a sleep
                                                                                                                               techniques applied to physiology.
           throughout the                                                                           questionnaire, the
                  night is a                                                                        participant has about
                                                                                                                               “We’re using these technologies in novel
             key marker of                                                                          30 minutes of rest
                                                                                                                               combinations to better understand
            cardiovascular                                                                          while lying down—
                                                                                                                               the impact of things like alcohol, sleep
                    health.                                                                         just in time for
                                                                                                                               deprivation, and insomnia on blood
                                                                                                                               pressure,” Carter says. “There’s a
                                                                                                    by blood pressure
                                                                                                                               complex relationship between sleep
                                                                                                    measurements and
                                                                                                                               and blood pressure control. The
                                                                                                    a psychomotor
                                                                                                                               epidemiological evidence is clear that
                                                                                                                               these are strongly coupled.”
                                                                                                    Researchers then

16 R E S E A R C H 2 0 1 9

                                                                                                            Nasal cannula and EMG
                                                                                                            electrodes track airflow and
                                                                                                            ocular and chin movements to
                                                                                                            complement brain wave signals.

 The amplification box has 32
 channels that include input of
 brain wave signals.

                                                                                                            The respiratory belt measures
                                                                                                            respiration and height
                                                                                                            correction unit for blood

                                                                                Continuous monitoring of
                                                                                blood pressure throughout
                                                                                sleep is possible through
                                                                                finger plethysmography.

Both of the rooms of the new sleep research lab are outfitted with
numerous technologies that, coupled together, provide the datasets
necessary to analyze what makes for a good—or poor—night’s sleep.       The pulse oximeter measures
Blood oxygenation levels, blood pressure, and sleep cycles are just a   oxygen saturation.
few of the nearly two dozen signals the researchers track.

                                                                                                                         2019 RESEARCH 17

                    Carter and his team are using the vast datasets collected during     HEARTFELT SLEEP
                    a night of sleep and analyzing them with advanced analytics
                                                                                         Humans are most at risk for heart attacks
                    to answer questions that were never possible before. “We
                                                                                         between 6 AM and noon. And a good night of
                    characterize based on what’s happening during different stages
                                                                                         sleep may matter more for women
                    of sleep,” he explains, “based on the physiological differences
                                                                                         than men.
                    between men and women, and based on whether insomnia is a
                    factor, to help guide therapeutic strategies and interventions.”
                                                                                         Greenlund notes that blood pressure typically
                                                                                         dips 10 to 15 percent during the night, and in
                                                             During the night,
                                                                                         people with hypertension, obstructive sleep
            “ W E T A LK ABO UT                              the Michigan Tech
                                                                                         apnea, and insomnia, there’s an exaggerated
                                                             sleep research lab staff
                                                                                         surge of blood pressure in the morning,
            EX ERCISE AND E ATI NG                           monitor a participant’s
                                                                                         potentially leading to cardiovascular events.
                                                             sleep to watch in real
            RIG H T, BUT WE ALS O
                                                             time as the data is
                                                                                         At 7 AM, the sleep study participant is
            N EED T O F O CUS O N                            collected.
                                                                                         unhooked from the polysomnography
            H OW IMPO RTANT S LE E P                          “People say that sounds
                                                                                         machine, and their urine is tested for
                                                                                         hydration status. Researchers conduct an
            IS. IT ’S LI K E BRAGGI NG                        like such a boring job.
                                                                                         alcohol intake test post-sleep to further
                                                              It’s not,” says Anne
                                                                                         understand how the body processes alcohol
            A BOU T HO W M ANY                                Tikkanen, registered
                                                                                         during sleep, and follow that with blood
                                                              nurse and the lab’s lead
            ST EPS Y OU WALKE D                                                          pressure and blood draws.
                                                              sleep technician. “We
            IN A DA Y . WE NEED TO                            have 20 signals going
                                                                                         “We know men and women don’t metabolize
                                                              across the screen—we
            SW ITCH THE F O CUS TO                            can see the stages
                                                                                         alcohol the same way or at the same
                                                                                         speed,” Carter says. “We believe there are
            TELLIN G PEO PLE HO W                             of sleep and watch
                                                                                         some important differences in evening
                                                              them change. Once
            MU CH SLEEP WE GO T,                                                         alcohol consumption, particularly binge
                                                              you unhook the study
                                                                                         alcohol consumption, on sleep and
            N OT H OW LI TTLE . ”                             participant in the
                                                                                         on risk throughout the night and the
                                                              morning, those signals
                                                                                         following morning.”
            —AN NE TI KKANEN                                  are gone. Each signal
                                                              has to be clean, so you
                                                                                         After another affective questionnaire and
                                                              have to stay on top of
                                                                                         psychomotor evaluation, the researchers
                 it during the night. If a sensor falls off, you ask yourself, how                                                        Tiny sensors
                                                                                         begin microneurography at 8:15 AM, which
                 important is it to the analysis?”                                                                                        embedded in a
                                                                                         measures cardiovascular risks: blood pressure,
                                                                                         heart rate, nerve activity, respiration rate.    finger cuff allow
                    Ian Greenlund, doctoral student in the sleep research                                                                 for continuous
                                                                                         Carter likens the stress of the human
                    laboratory, says sleep apnea events are a common observation                                                          monitoring of
                                                                                         sympathetic nervous system—the so-called
                    during a session.                                                                                                     blood pressure.
                                                                                         fight-or-flight response—to revving an engine
                                                                                         to redline. The team puts study participants
                    “Some people can stop breathing for up to 20 to 40 seconds
                                                                                         through stress tests in the
                    during an apnea,” he says. “You find yourself staring at the
                                                                                         lab’s safe and controlled
                    screen saying, ‘Breathe!’”

                    But study participants can rest assured, “We are closely
                                                                                         They mimic everyday
                    watching in case we need to intervene. Apneas are a common
                                                                                         stressors like shoveling
                    occurrence throughout the night, but various conditions
                                                                                         snow by having the person
                    can increase their number and severity, including obesity,”
                                                                                         put their hand in a bucket
                    Greenlund says. Obesity leads to obstructive sleep apnea—
                                                                                         of icy water to simulate
                    the excess tissue blocks airways, and when you bring in binge
                                                                                         thermal stress and raise
                    drinking, it makes apneas worse.
                                                                                         blood pressure. Does the
                                                                                         sympathetic nervous system
                                                                                         surge after a binge-drinking
                                                                                         episode? Does dehydration
                                                                                         factor in? The ultimate goal

18 R E S E A R C H 2 0 1 9

is to understand the combined effects of alcohol on sleep and
cardiovascular risk as well as compare the physiological effects
on men versus women.

Population-based data suggests certain cardiovascular diseases
like hypertension are more strongly associated with short sleep
in women than they are in men. The sympathetic nervous
system’s reaction to sleep deprivation is more pronounced
in women.

“When women are deprived of sleep, their nervous systems
appear to respond more aggressively than men,” Carter says.
“There’s an acceleration of the nervous system. We see higher
blood pressures and greater potential risk for heart attack. The
surge of sympathetic activity also increases the risk of stroke.
Too much of an excitation of the body sets a person up for
negative cardiovascular events acutely and chronically.”
                                                                     Alzheimer’s disease. Carter advocates for
                                                                     napping because the total amount of sleep         Jason Carter
The sleep research lab also recently completed a study into the                                                        examines brain
                                                                     a person gets doesn’t necessarily need to be
effects of menopause on sleep. Carter says that sympathetic                                                            waves and blood
                                                                     consolidated into an uninterrupted eight
nervous system excitation was even more dramatic in post-                                                              pressure
                                                                     hours. Depending on your body’s needs, 30 to
menopausal women than in younger women.                                                                                simultaneously
                                                                     90 minutes is the ideal amount of time for an
                                                                     afternoon siesta. If you wake up groggy, you’ve   recorded
“We tend to see overactivity of the nervous system across                                                              throughout the
                                                                     napped too long.
the lifespan of women—and the cumulative effects of sleep                                                              night.
deprivation could be a key contributor to hypertension,” he
                                                                     “There’s a reason from a physiological
says. “When women hit menopause, their risk factors for
                                                                     perspective people take naps around 2 to
hypertension exceed that of older men.”
                                                                     3 in the afternoon,” he says. “We can get
                                                                     a tremendous amount of restorative sleep
Carter notes that women tend to be “cardio-protected” in early
                                                                     during a nap. I think naps represent a
life compared to men, but that women lose such protections
                                                                     strong countermeasure to consequences of
when their hormonal levels change during menopause, which
                                                                     short sleep.”
seems to accelerate other risk factors.
                                                                     Whether it’s a full night’s rest or a good nap,
But getting a better night’s sleep consistently isn’t just
                                                                     Carter wants everyone to wake up to the need
recommended for post-menopausal women. Sleep researchers
                                                                     for good sleep.
hope to see wholescale societal shifts toward valuing sleep
more—and at the college level as well. College students are
                                                                     “We have the ability to combine various
chronically sleep deprived, and what sleep they do get is
                                                                     advanced technologies to drive creative
often low quality. Combined with the stresses of school,
                                                                     interventions and make up for chronic sleep
unhealthy diet, or drinking choices, the consequences
                                                                     deprivation in today’s society,” Carter says.
can be life altering.
                                                                     “The real-world applicability and emphasis
                                                                     of our research is to ultimately inform and
Carter says that lack of sleep is ultimately as detrimental on
                                                                     educate the public on how we might avoid or
health as being overweight or smoking. “Sleep deprivation
                                                                     slow down the risk for cardiovascular disease
slowly accumulates into major health problems,” he says. “We
                                                                     as it pertains to sleep insufficiencies.”
use advanced technologies to answer questions that lead to
better quality of life. When you’re sleep deprived it affects your
mood, it affects everything about you.”

During deep sleep cycles, the brain’s production of growth
hormone surges, healing the body. During the rapid eye
movement (REM) cycle, memories solidify. There’s also
evidence that REM sleep reduces risk of dementia and

                                                                                                                                    2019 RESEARCH 19

    Born again and again and again. Two engineers and their students
    look at how to reincarnate lithium-ion batteries.

                               Nearly all lithium-ion batteries live once          KICKING THE TIRES ISN’T ENOUGH
                               and die. Those that power our cell phones           Sure, you can check an EV battery’s age and mileage, but those are only
                               can be charged hundreds of times, and               approximate measures. “Aging depends on how you use it,” she says. “It depends on
                               when they fail, we can recycle them (or,            a lot of different variables, like driver behavior, temperature, and driving conditions.”
                               many times, chuck them in the trash).               In other words, batteries that aren’t taken care of won’t last as long as the ones that
                                                                                   amble back and forth to the grocery store.
                               Not so with the big batteries in electric
                               vehicles (EVs). “They can have two lives,”          And while engineers are comfortable evaluating the condition of bridges, batteries
                               says Lucia Gauchia, assistant professor             are another matter. “The funny thing is, people in engineering aren’t used to our
                               of mechanical engineering as well as                systems aging so fast,” Gauchia explains. “The aging behavior of batteries is a lot
             Lucia Gauchia     electrical and computer engineering. “The           more dramatic than other systems.”
                studies the    first life is in our vehicle, but that only lasts
               second lives    until the battery is 20 percent dead.”
               of batteries.
                                                                                   HOW IS A BATTERY LIKE A FISH?
                               Being 80 percent alive isn’t good enough            A couple of years ago, when Gauchia was trying to design a study to predict how
                               for an EV, but it’s fine for storing power          batteries age, she realized that she needed to stop thinking only in terms of the
                               as part of a home photovoltaic system or            battery itself and start looking at its environment. What she needed was to study
                               electrical grid. But how fine is it really?         batteries the way scientists study living things. Like fish.
                               Just as there’s a bit of mystery to buying
                               a used car, it’s hard to know what you’re           Fish biologists predict whether they will survive and thrive under a staggering
                               getting when you repurpose an old                   variety of conditions: differing water temperatures, pollutant levels, food availability,
                               lithium-ion battery.                                predator and competitor populations, oxygen concentrations, etc. To find out how
                                                                                   scientists study fish, she reasoned, read the fisheries journals.
                               “Because of the way batteries age, it’s
                               difficult to understand how its first life will     “That’s when I saw that a lot of the studies use Bayesian statistics,” she says. “I went,
                               affect its second life,” Gauchia says. “How         ‘Maybe I should turn Bayesian.’ That was an a-ha moment.”
                               damaged is it? How does the customer
                               know it’s a good, safe product?”                    THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH,
                                                                                   AND BAYESIAN STATISTICS
                                                                                   Bayesian statistics incorporate probability and is a standard tool for weighing the
                                                                                   effects of multiple environmental variables. Inspired, Gauchia took her cue from
                                                                                   ecological Bayesian models, except instead of trying to decide whether to stock a
                                                                                   lake with walleye, she aims to predict how long batteries will have useful first and
                                                                                   second lives.

20 R E S E A R C H 2 0 1 9

The experiment began last fall, with Gauchia              Battery
and her students writing reams of code to create        materials:
a computer model of a battery’s two lives,                   silver
including the conditions that it’s likely to face and    graphite
the probability that those conditions will occur.        bubbles
                                                        and black
“Then every day, I sample those probabilities to          lithium
decide what the battery will do that day, and I              oxide
download that profile into my test system,”              powder.
an array of about 100 battery cells, all wired
up to charge and discharge at the direction of
the computer.

The model replicates how a battery might
run any day of the year, from first-life driving
conditions to the demands of its second life,
when homeowners will be doing laundry,
turning on electric heaters, powering up the
air conditioning, and maybe selling their excess
electricity back to the power company. Yes, she
admits, it is complicated.

The research is funded by a National Science
Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career
Development (CAREER) Award and also
includes an educational component: a lab
specifically for students, which will complement
the work being done in her research lab. In
addition, Gauchia, a native of Spain, has
reached out to students—Latina women in
particular—at Grand Rapids Community
College to encourage them to participate in the
study and gain research experience.

Gauchia will use her results to fine-tune the
team’s original models. “When we are done,

                                                                      2019 RESEARCH 21

                                                  I hope to propose new management algorithms            each is 95 percent or higher.” Finally, you need a
                                                  for batteries that will improve forecasts of their     commercial infrastructure to make it all work. As
                                                  use,” Gauchia says. “We want to figure out how         Pan notes, “Somebody has to actually use it,” and
                                                  to give them a longer life, first in EVs and then in   it needs a track record.
                                                  their second life, before they have to be recycled.”
                                                                                                         Though Pan is in the chemical engineering
                                                                                                         department, his graduate degrees are in mining
                                                  BEYOND THE AFTERLIFE
                                                                                                         engineering. He figured the same technologies
                                                  When a battery dies for good, recycling is the         to separate valuable minerals from ore could
                                                  most sustainable option. But while nearly all old-     be applied to separating 21st century battery
                                                  style automotive batteries are recycled, that’s not    components. So, he assembled a team of students,
                                                  the case with their lithium-ion counterparts.          gave them a crash course in basic minerals
                                                                                                         processing methods, and set them loose in the lab.
                                                  “There is no plant in the US for recycling lithium-
                                                  ion batteries,” says Lei Pan, assistant professor
                                                  of chemical engineering. That’s because there’s        STEP 1: FIND THE
                                                  no economically viable recycling program, and          BATTERIES
                                                  federal law does not mandate the recycling of          The crew needed to get their hands on a bunch
                                                  spent lithium-ion cells. As a result, people usually   of spent lithium-ion batteries. They found several
                                                  just toss them into the garbage. Nevertheless,         willing donors, including Michigan Tech’s Office
                                Students help     lithium-ion batteries can be highly problematic        of Information Technology, the Marquette
                                  Gauchia and     in landfills. They contain trace amounts of toxic      County Solid Waste Management Authority, and
                             Pan study battery    chemicals, and unless they are fully discharged,       the owners of various old laptops and consumer
                                reincarnation.    batteries have an alarming tendency to catch fire      electronics. Then, the team discharged the
                                                  and blow up.                                           batteries and opened them all manually, removing
                                                                                                         the plastic casings to obtain more than 100 cells.
                                                  SOMETHING OLD FOR
                                                  SOMETHING NEW                                          STEP 2: BREAK
                                                  The main stumbling block for recycling lithium-        EVERYTHING APART
                                                  ion batteries is that the two conventional             They shredded the batteries’ copper and
                                                  recovery technologies are expensive, says Pan.         aluminum conductors, then pulverized the anodes
                                                  In pyrometallurgy, the most valuable materials,        and cathodes to dust before blending the whole
                                                  copper and cobalt, are melted and converted            mix in water to create a slurry. Their challenge
                                                  into an alloy, which is processed to make the raw      was then to separate out each of the original
                                                  materials for new batteries. The second process,       components—especially the high-value cathode,
                                                  called hydrometallurgy, uses acid to leach metals      which often includes cobalt as well as lithium.
                                                  into solution and convert them to salts, which
                                                  must be processed into new materials before            “My mind goes back to the beginning, when
                                                  becoming the feedstock for new batteries.              nothing was working,” says team member and
                                Cathode ( + )                                                            soon-to-be graduate Trevyn Payne. Fellow
                                                  “Those processes convert the material you              chemical engineering student Zachary Oldenburg
                                Electrolyte       want into something else and then back into            provides an example. “We were trying all kinds
                                                  what you want,” Pan says. “That’s a waste of           of solvents to liberate chemicals, and after hours
                                Li-Metal Oxides   energy.” Federal agencies are asking the research      and hours, we found out that plain water worked
                                                  community to try a different approach: separating      the best.”
                                                  materials in the batteries without changing their
                                                  chemistry. If it were easy, someone would have         Eventually everything came together. “You
                                Separator         done it already.                                       can see your results improve experiment by
                                                                                                         experiment,” doctoral chemical engineering
                                                  “There are a lot of challenges,” Pan says. “You        student Ruiting Zhan says. “That’s pretty good.
                                Graphite          have to make sure the battery components remain        It gives you a sense of achievement.”
                                                  intact during the recycling process. You have
                                                  to separate each component—there are a lot
                                Anode ( - )       of components—and make sure the purity of

22 R E S E A R C H 2 0 1 9

The students developed two separation techniques
designed to form the heart of a commercial recycling
process. To retrieve the aluminum and copper bits, they
ran the slurry through a screen. That left them with a
mix of coarsely shredded metals. To sort them, the team
used the ancient technique of gravity separation, relying
on typical industry tools: a shaker table, a teeter-bed
separator, and a spiral separator. Like a miner panning
for gold, the machines isolate materials by density,
sorting them into near-pure copper, aluminum, lithium-
metal oxide, and graphite.

Separating the dust from the anodes and cathodes was
more complicated. The team used a technique called
froth flotation, which relies on materials’ different
affinities for water. Air is bubbled through a solution
containing the particles, collecting those that are
hydrophobic in a froth at the surface, where it can be
skimmed off. In this case, the graphite from the anodes
floated in the froth, while the valuable cathode material
sank to the bottom.                                          plant that can be operated continuously.
                                                                                                              Inspired by
                                                             It will start by crushing whole batteries
                                                                                                              mining, Lei Pan
                                                             and add steps to separate out all the
STEP 4: PUT THEM BACK                                        materials, including plastics and steel          extracts battery
TOGETHER AGAIN                                               casings. When they are sorted and cleaned,       components.
The students were able to recover approximately 75-90        the components can be remade into new
percent of the cathode material and verify its purity at     batteries or recycled for other uses.
more than 95 percent. To put it to a real-world test, they
made a working battery from the isolate. The results         “A similar process has been used to recycle
were gratifying. “For the purpose of remanufacturing,        lead automotive batteries for about a
our recycled materials are as good as virgin materials,      hundred years,” Pan says. More than 99
and they are cheaper,” says Oldenburg.                       percent of lead batteries are recycled,
                                                             according to Battery Council International,
They also did an economic analysis comparing their           and the average lead battery is made of
methods with the standard pyrometallurgy and                 more than 80 percent recycled material,
hydrometallurgy techniques. The bottom line: Their           from lead and plastic to sulfuric acid. The
process yielded more valuable materials at a lower cost.     near-perfect recycling rate comes from
“The biggest advantages of our process are that it’s very    industry investment in a system that keeps
inexpensive and very energy efficient,” Pan says.            1.7 million tons of batteries out of landfills
                                                             each year.
Their work caught the eye of the American Institute
of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), which gave the team           “We are applying the same model to the
its 2018 Youth Council on Sustainable Science and            lithium-ion battery,” Pan says. “The idea
Technology P3 Award. They were invited to give an            is simple. It’s just a matter of making sure
oral presentation on their process at AIChE’s Annual         everything works.”
Meeting in Pittsburgh last fall, with AIChE covering
their travel expenses.                                       And they hope to make it work on a
                                                             national scale. Pan is one of the researchers
WHAT’S NEXT: PROOF OF                                        involved with the new Battery Recycling
CONCEPT                                                      R&D Center, an initiative funded by the
                                                             US Department of Energy and led by
With funding from the Michigan Tech Translational
                                                             Argonne National Laboratory. From cobalt
Research and Commercialization (MTRAC) Statewide
                                                             to lithium, they plan to make reclaiming
Innovation Hub, the Environmental Protection Agency,
                                                             battery materials as common as lead.
and an Innovation Corps grant from the NSF, Pan is
working toward making a bench-scale, battery-recycling

                                                                                                                                 2019 RESEARCH 23
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