Page created by Gerald Stevenson

  WELCOME TO THE 2019 UCT STAFF LEARNING AND                                                              EMPLOYMENT EQUITY AND RECRUITMENT                                               22       MONEY SENSE                                                                                               45
  DEVELOPMENT RESOURCE GUIDE.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1                    EE Recruitment & Selection for All                                            22       WORK Q                                                                                                    46
                                                                                                            EE Recruitment & Selection for (Chairpersons)
  THE STAFF LEARNING AND                                                                                    HOD & Deans                                                                   22     PLANNING, ORGANISING AND IMPLEMENTING. .  .  .  .  .  . 47
                                                                                                            Disability Training for All Staff                                             22
  DEVELOPMENT FUNDING POLICY .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 2                                                                                                          DECIDE PRIORITIES, MANAGE YOURSELF                                                                        47
                                                                                                          HEMIS: AN OVERVIEW AND THE STATE FUNDING OF UCT                                 23
                                                                                                                                                                                                   PROJECT MANAGEMENT: AN INTRODUCTION                                                                       48
  BASIC EDUCATION QUALIFICATIONS.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3                    INTRODUCTION TO UCT FOR NEW STAFF                                               24
    AMENDED SENIOR CERTIFICATE (MATRIC)                                                           3       RETIREMENT INFORMATION SESSION                                                  25     RESEARCH SUPPORT SKILLS.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 49
    GENERAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING CERTIFICATE                                                            RETIREMENT SEMINARS (UCTRF)                                                     26       ELECTRONIC RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION (ERA)
    (ABET GET CERTIFICATE)                                                                        4                                                                                                SYSTEMS TRAINING                                                                                          49
                                                                                                        MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP SKILLS. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 27                    EMERGING RESEARCHER PROGRAMME (ERP)                                                                       50
  COMMUNICATION AND INTERPERSONAL SKILLS. .  .  .  .  .  . 5                                              CAPE HIGHER EDUCATION CONSORTIUM (CHEC) -                                                INDUCTION COURSE ON THE ADMINISTRATION OF
    CUSTOMER SERVICE SKILLS                                                                      5        CREATING THE LEADING EDGE (CLE) PROGRAMME                                       27       RESEARCH CONTRACTS                                                                                        51
    EFFECTIVE AND SPEEDY READING                                                                 6           Basic Financial Management                                                   28
                                                                                                             Building the Team (Leadership – Part 1)                                      28       INDUCTION / REFRESHER COURSE ON RESEARCH
    FACILITATION SKILLS                                                                          7                                                                                                 CONTRACTS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, RESEARCH
                                                                                                             Effective Communication                                                      28
    PRESENTATION SKILLS                                                                          8           Goal Setting, Feedback and Coaching (Leadership –                                     FUNDS MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION (RCIPs)                                                               52
    TECHNICAL AND BUSINESS WRITING                                                               9           Part 3)                                                                      29
                                                                                                             Labour Law for Leaders                                                       29     RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
    WRITING DEVELOPMENT COACHING PROGRAMMES                                                     10
      English for Everyone Workshops                                                            10           Personal Leadership (Leadership – Part 2)                                    29       UNDERSTANDING BASIC ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS                                                                   53
      Servicing Officer Programme                                                               10           Project Management                                                           30
      Writing Buddies Workshops                                                                 10           The Higher Education Sector: A Broad Overview                                30     TEACHING AND LEARNING. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 54
                                                                                                             Developing Resilience                                                        30       CAPE HIGHER EDUCATION CONSORTIUM (CHEC) –
                                                                                                             Managing Conflict and Negotiating Effectively                                31       QUALITY TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION (QTHE)
                                                                                                             Working with Complexity                                                      31       PROGRAMME                                        54
    COMPUTER LITERACY – COMPUTERS FOR BEGINNERS                                                 11
                                                                                                          FIRST LINE MANAGEMENT (ENTRY LEVEL)                                             32       CENTRE FOR INNOVATION IN LEARNING AND TEACHING 55
    GIS TRAINING VIA ESRI’S VIRTUAL CAMPUS                                                      12
                                                                                                          FIRST LINE MANAGEMENT (INTERMEDIATE LEVEL)                                      33       NEW ACADEMIC PRACTITIONERS’ PROGRAMME (NAPP) 56
    ICTS TRAINING                                                                               13
                                                                                                          HERS-SA ACADEMY 2019                                                            34       SUPPORTING EMERGING EDUCATORS’ TEACHING
                                                                                                          HERS-SA MINI ACADEMY 2019                                                       35       (S.E.A.TEACH) PROGRAMME                          57
    LEARN ONLINE                                                                                14
                                                                                                          LEAD Q                                                                          36       TEACHING OBSERVATION (TO)                        58
      Downloadable Microsoft Office Manuals                                                     14
      Lynda.com                                                                                 14        MANAGING TROUBLED EMPLOYEES – USEFUL TOOLS                                               TEACHING WITH TECHNOLOGY                         59
      Microsoft IT Academy                                                                      14        TO ENHANCE PERFORMANCE                                                          37       THE OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES (OER) UCT PROJECT 60
    SAP SYSTEMS TRAINING – FINANCE MODULE                                                       15        MENTORING SKILLS FOR LEADERS                                                    38       THE SHORT COURSE ON TEACHING (TSCOT)             61
    STUDENT SYSTEMS TRAINING FOR UCT STAFF                                                      16        MENTORING SKILLS FORUM – COMMUNITY OF
                                                                                                          PRACTICE (CoP)                                                                  39     TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SKILLS.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 62
    VULA BASIC TRAINING                                                                         17
                                                                                                          ORGANISATIONAL HEALTH: MANAGING THE MEDICO-                                              TECHNICAL AND WORKSHOP SKILLS                                                                             62
  HEALTH AND SAFETY SKILLS. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 18     LEGAL MINEFIELD                                                                 40
    SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT (SHE) WORKSHOPS 18                                                                                                                                            OTHER RESOURCES .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 63
      Health & Safety Training on Vula (Online Resources) 18
                                                                                                        OCCUPATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 41     CENTRE FOR EXTRA-MURAL STUDIES                                                                            63
                                                                                                          CERTIFICATE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION                                          41
  INSTITUTIONAL KNOWLEDGE.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 19           CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT                                                       42     FUNDING FORMAL DEVELOPMENT.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 64
    BENEFIT INFORMATION SESSIONS                                                                19                                                                                                 STAFF EDUCATION BURSARY SCHEME                                                                            64
    DEVELOPMENT DIALOGUE TRAINING                                                               20
                                                                                                        PERSONAL/SELF LEADERSHIP SKILLS.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 43        ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                                                                65
                                                                                                          ASSERTIVENESS @ WORK                                                            43
    DISCOVER THE RESOURCES AT YOUR LIBRARY                                                      21                                                                                                 STAFF TUITION RATES                                                                                       66
                                                                                                          MANAGING STRESS                                                                 44
                                                                                                                                                                                                   UCT LAW @ WORK                                                                                            67
Welcome to the 2019 UCT Staff Learning and
Development Resource Guide
  This guide is a listing of all learning                  selecting competencies, and drawing up a personal          WHERE DO I FIND THIS GUIDE?
  and development resources available                      development plan).
                                                                                                                     This guide is available electronically at hr.uct.
  to all UCT staff. Human Resources                        WHO DO I CONTACT TO BOOK FOR A COURSE
                                                                                                                     ac.za > Learning and Development > Staff
  Development publishes this guide                         OR FOR MORE INFORMATION?
                                                                                                                     learning and development resource guide.
  annually.                                                Each UCT centre of learning or internal training          The guide will no longer be published in hard
                                                           provider have their own terms and conditions and          copy.
  WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THIS GUIDE?                          booking procedures. Some may also charge for their
  This guide contains information on formal and            courses.
  non-formal, formal and job-related courses run           For more information or to book, please contact the
  by various UCT centres of learning, or internal          relevant providers directly or visit their websites.
  UCT training providers, across the University. This      Each listing includes details on how to book and/or
  includes, but is not limited to, the Staff Learning      who to contact for more details.
  Centre, ICTS, CHED and the Research Office.
                                                           WHAT CAN I DO IF THE COURSE I NEED IS NOT
  HOW DO I USE THIS GUIDE?                                 LISTED HERE?
  The contents page provides a full directory of           The UCT centres of learning and training providers
  courses listed. The courses are grouped under broad      may not offer a course that you need. You may need
  skill, knowledge or competency headings to make          to find a suitable course offered by a provider outside
  it easier to search for the type of course you need.     of UCT. In this case, your department will fund the
  Under each course listing, you will find details about   course through their training and development
  the course, the expected outcomes of the course,         budget. You will need to make your own enquiries
  who runs the course, and where to go for more            and arrangements to attend. There should, however,
  information or how to book.                              always be a link between the course and the job
                                                           requirements that need to be fulfilled.
  COURSES TO ATTEND?                                       WHAT IF I WANT TO COMPLETE A FORMAL
  There is an essential link between learning and          QUALIFICATION, NOT A SHORT SKILLS
  development and improving job performance.               COURSE?
  You and your Manager normally identify learning
  and development needs during performance                 The Staff Learning and Development Funding Policy
  planning, goal- or objective-setting discussions.        (see page 2) defines how UCT supports formal staff
  Academics usually identify these needs during            learning and development.
  performance planning and performance reviews.            Further information about the Staff Education
  PASS staff usually identify these needs during the       Bursary Scheme and Staff Tuition Rates can be found
  Development Dialogue process of identifying Key          in this guide (see page 63).
  Performance Areas (KPAs), setting objectives,
The Staff Learning and Development Funding Policy
  The Staff Learning and Development                         or a whole team. UCT supports Job- Related                  UCT/UWC and a Bursary Agreement is signed;
  Funding Policy defines how                                 learning and development in one of two ways:                or
  UCT supports staff learning and                            a. If the development is formal, it is funded from       c. Through Staff Tuition Rates should you
                                                                departmental / faculty budgets anda bursary              undertake formal development through UCT/
  development. This policy is available on
                                                                agreement is signed; or                                  UWC.
  the HR website at http://www.hr.uct.
                                                             b. If the development is non-formal it is funded       3.	 PERSONAL – The competencies, skills,
  ac.za                                                         from departmental / faculty budgets. If the             qualifications or education needed to better
                                                                course costs more than R25 000, a declaration           yourself or advance your career in the longer
  In summary, there are two main types                          of obligation is signed.                                term, either at UCT or elsewhere. It is not an
  of learning and development that UCT                        However, a number of centres of learning                  explicit requirement of your current post, nor a
  may support:                                                exist at UCT to run courses and interventions             requirement of any other post that you are likely
                                                              that address the most common learning and                 to take up in the short to medium term. The
  1.	 FORMAL – Includes qualifications, certificates,        development needs, such as the Staff Learning             competencies, skills, qualifications or education
       degrees, diplomas. Typically, these courses are        Program, ICTS, CHED, the Research Office and              attach to you and are completely for your benefit.
       for a longer duration (3 months to a year), are        Safety, Health and Environment. In this case the      Personal Development is funded in one of two ways:
       formally assessed and are certified. They are          department or faculty may incur a minimal cost.
                                                                                                                      a. By you; or
       normally used for Personal and Developmental           It is primarily these courses that are contained in
       needs. (Eg. B Com, Diploma in Human Resources)         this guide.                                             b. Through Staff Tuition Rates should you
                                                                                                                         undertake formal development through UCT /
  2.	 NON-FORMAL – Short skills courses offered            2.	 DEVELOPMENTAL – The competencies, skills,                 UWC.
      either internally or externally. Typically, these        qualifications or education needed to better
      are for a shorter duration (less than 3 months).         yourself or to advance your career at UCT in
      They specifically address one particular skill or        the short to medium term. It is not an explicit
      competency. They may or may not be assessed              requirement of your current post, and you are
      and certified. They are normally used for Job-           able to attain the set objectives without it. The
      Related needs (e.g. First Aid, MS Word or                competencies, skills, qualifications or education
      presentation skills courses).                            attach to you and are ultimately for your benefit.
                                                               Development of these does ensure that UCT has
  There are three distinct types of                            a larger pool of competent and qualified people
  learning and development needs:                              to recruit from. Some courses contained in this
                                                               guide may be developmental.
  1.	 JOB-RELATED - The gap between the set of
       competencies, skills and experience necessary to       Developmental Learning and Development is
       reach or perform the objectives, plans and goals,      funded in one of three ways:
       and the set you currently have. It is imperative      a. By you; or
       that you develop the required set in order to         b. By the Staff Education Bursary Scheme if you
       attain your objectives. The competency, skill or         are a PASS staff member undertaking formal
       experience is an explicit requirement of the job.        development through an institution other than
       This could be applicable to one person in a team

  AMENDED SENIOR                                           OUTCOMES                                                More information can be found at
                                                           After completing the qualification, the learners will
                                                           be able to:                                             staff_programme/information or by
                                                            • Enter Higher Education institutions                  contacting the Staff Learning Centre at hr-
  The Amended Senior Certificate (Grade                     • Manage and organise various activities               stafflearningcentre@uct.ac.za or 021 650
  12/Matric) is suitable for adult learners                 • Interact and communicate effectively with others     3812.
  and will provide them with the skills to                  • Participate responsibly in the life of a community
  perform tasks at a higher level as well                   • Evaluate information gathered through
  as to participate in lifelong learning.                     observation
                                                            • Demonstrate understanding and application of
  This qualification will give learners                       the range of knowledge and skills
  the tools to be gainfully employed
  in the world of work as well as the                      WHO SHOULD ATTEND?
  opportunity to enter Higher Education                    Staff members who wish to obtain a Senior
  institutions.                                            Certificate (Matric/Grade 12)

  The qualification aims to give learners the skills to:   PREREQUISITES
   • Creatively identify and solve problems, evaluate
     information, organise and manage activities           In order to take part, you must:
   • Communicate effectively with others as a                • Be 21 years old or older
     member of a group or team                               • Have a certified copy of your SA ID book
   • Be culturally sensitive across a range of social        • Non-South African Citizens: Copy of passport/
     circumstances                                             visa/or study permit
   • Identify and solve problems in an organised,            • Have proof of address
     responsible manner                                      • Passed Grade 9 (Standard 7) OR Passed GETC:
   • Organise, analyse and evaluate information and            ABET Level 4 Certificate OR NQF Level 1
     make informative decisions                                Qualification (with 2 official languages) OR have
                                                               passed some subjects at Matric / Grade 12 level
                                                             • A copy of your highest level of education (Grade
                                                               9/Standard 7)
                                                             • Have a motivation from your line manager
                                                             • Complete the course entry assessments
                                                           As part of your application process, you will need to
                                                           submit copies of all the above listed.


  GENERAL EDUCATION                                           diversity, inclusivity, cultural values, human
                                                              rights, gender, development and change
                                                                                                                  FURTHER INFORMATION

  AND TRAINING                                            •
                                                              Develop an appreciation for lifelong learning
                                                              Function better as a citizen in South Africa
                                                                                                                  These qualifications are funded by the Staff
                                                                                                                  Education Bursary Scheme and participants
  CERTIFICATE (ABET                                       •   Become more aware of critical ethical issues
                                                                                                                  will therefore be required to sign a ‘Bursary
                                                                                                                  Agreement’ (HR186).
  GET CERTIFICATE)                                        •   Develop study skills to be able to access further
                                                              learning                                            More information can be found at
  This ABET GET Certificate is a literacy                WHO SHOULD ATTEND?                                       staff_programme/information or by
  programme and is for people who want                    • Staff members who would like to improve their         contacting the Staff Learning Centre at hr-
  to achieve an NQF level 1 qualification.                  fundamental basics in education and training          stafflearningcentre@uct.ac.za or 021 650
  Completing this course will ensure                      • This programme is suitable for staff who currently
                                                            do not meet the minimum entry requirements
  your eligibility into a Senior Certificate                for a Matric qualification
  (Matric) programme.
  The qualification aims to:
   • Give recognition to learners who achieve            In order to take part, you must:
     and meet the necessary requirements and               • A permanent UCT staff member
     competencies.                                         • 16 years or older
   • Provide a solid foundation of general education       • Passed Grade 7 (Standard 5) OR Passed ABET
     learning which will help prepare learners and           Level 3
     enable them to access further education and           • Have a certified copy of your SA ID book
     training                                              • Non-South African Citizens: Copy of passport/
   • Promote lifelong learning to enable learners to         visa/ or study permit
     continue with further learning                        • Have proof of address
   • Prepare learners to contribute better in society      • Have a motivation from your line manager
     and the workplace                                     • Complete the course entry assessment

  OUTCOMES                                               As part of your application process, you will need to
                                                         submit copies of all the above listed.
  The qualification aims to equip learners to:
   • Develop and apply relevant skills, knowledge and
   • Function better in and contribute to the world of
   • Become more aware of issues relating to


  CUSTOMER SERVICE                                          ₋₋ Managing a customer complaint according
                                                               to your delegated level of authority and
                                                                                                               BOOKING AND FURTHER INFORMATION

  SKILLS                                                       department guidelines
                                                            ₋₋ Referring a customer complaint to the
                                                                                                               This course is run by the Staff Learning
                                                                                                               Centre, Human Resources, as part of the Staff
                                                               appropriate person for follow-up                Learning Program.
  This two-day workshop provides the                        ₋₋ Creating an action plan to deliver quality      In order to book, please use the online
  skills and knowledge to enable you to                        service                                         booking system at http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/
  provide customer satisfaction and is                                                                         hr/learning/staff_programme/calendar
  ideal for staff members who deal with                  WHO SHOULD ATTEND?
                                                                                                               More information can be found at
  both internal customers and external                    • Anyone wanting to improve the quality of           http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/hr/learning/
  customers.                                                service they offer to both internal and external   staff_programme/information or by
                                                            customers.                                         contacting the Staff Learning Centre at hr-
                                                                                                               stafflearningcentre@uct.ac.za or 021 650
  OUTCOMES                                               DATES:                                                3812.
   • Explain the difference between an external           • Group 1: 8 & 9 May 2019
     customer and internal customer                       • Group 2: 2 & 3 September 2019
   • Explain quality service
   • Explain the benefit of internal customer care to    TIME:
     your team, your manager and other departments        • 08h30-15h45
     at UCT who serve external customers
   • Explore the UCT Vision, Mission, Strategy and
   • Explain the importance of your job role in the
     service chain
   • Identify barriers to effective communication with
     internal and external customers
   • Take ownership for your role and performance in
     delivering quality service by:
     ₋₋ Demonstrating effective communication skills
        when dealing with customers on the telephone
        and in face-to-face situations
     ₋₋ Gathering and analysing information needed to
        solve a problem
     ₋₋ Choosing positive responses and problem-
        solving methods to deal with customer

  EFFECTIVE AND                                          DATES:                                                   BOOKING AND FURTHER INFORMATION

                                                         Group 1: 3 & 4 July 2019                                 This course is run by the Staff Learning
                                                                                                                  Centre, Human Resources, as part of the Staff
                                                         TIME:                                                    Learning Program.
  This highly structured, practical                      09h00-16h00                                              In order to book, please use the online
  and measurable two-day workshop                                                                                 booking system at http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/
  demands intense concentration from                     PREREQUISITES                                            hr/learning/staff_programme/calendar
  participants. Baseline reading levels                  Participants will be required to complete pre-           More information can be found at
  are established at the beginning of                    workshop questionnaires and interviews so as to          http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/hr/learning/
  the course, and improvements are                       allow the facilitator to determine skill levels and to   staff_programme/information or by
  measured.                                              tailor training materials.                               contacting the Staff Learning Centre at hr-
                                                                                                                  stafflearningcentre@uct.ac.za or 021 650
  During these two days, participants work through                                                                3812.
  sets of eyes, comprehension, ‘free rate’ novel
  reading and concentration exercises, and begin to
  break the habits of word-fixation, regression and

   • Ability to vary the rate at which you read to
     accommodate what you are reading
   • Lowered resistance to reading
   • Improve your baseline reading speed by up to
   • Increase recall and understanding by up to 30%
   • Narrow the gap between reading and thinking

  Academic staff and PASS staff, PC7 and above, who
  are required to read large amounts of information in
  a relatively short time.


  FACILITATION SKILLS                                       • Apply a range of skills for managing various
                                                              responses of the group                             BOOKING AND FURTHER INFORMATION
                                                            • Apply strategies for recording group discussions   This course is run by the Staff Learning
  This three-day workshop is intended
                                                            • Build and use a Facilitator’s Toolbox              Centre, Human Resources, as part of the Staff
  for people who facilitate in a variety                                                                         Learning Program.
                                                            • Practice facilitating during the workshop to
  of formal and informal contexts in                          develop competence                                 In order to book, please use the online
  sociocultural, learning and workplace
                                                                                                                 booking system at http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/
  scenarios.                                               WHO SHOULD ATTEND?                                    hr/learning/staff_programme/calendar
                                                            • Anyone required to, facilitate learning through    More information can be found at
  This workshop will highlight the difference between         group sessions and facilitate group workshops.
  facilitating and presenting and will cover the                                                                 http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/hr/learning/
  facilitation process and skills. The workshop provides                                                         staff_programme/information or by
                                                           DATES:                                                contacting the Staff Learning Centre at hr-
  a safe space where you can practice your facilitation
  skills and receive feedback from peers.                  Group 1: 15 & 16 July 2019                           stafflearningcentre@uct.ac.za or 021 650
                                                                     5 August 2019                               3812.
   • Differentiate between presenting and facilitating
                                                            • 08h30-15h45 (15 & 16 July 2019)
   • Understand and apply adult learning principles to
     a facilitation process                                 • 08h30-13h00 (5 August 2019)
   • Understand and apply the facilitator core
     competencies to a facilitation process
   • Explore strategies for confirming a facilitation
     brief and planning a session
   • Explain group dynamics and how these may
     impact a facilitation process
   • Create an environment which supports active
     participation and removes blocks to participation
   • Explain the facilitators role in managing the
   • Create strategies to encourage dialogue between
   • Understand the phases of facilitation and
     demonstrate what to do in each phase
   • Understand and explain the impact of words,
     tone and body language on participants

  PRESENTATION SKILLS                                    OUTCOMES
                                                          • Clarify the purpose of your presentation
                                                                                                               BOOKING AND FURTHER INFORMATION
                                                          • Plan and organise your presentation to meet the    This course is run by the Staff Learning
  This two-day workshop equips you with                                                                        Centre, Human Resources, as part of the Staff
                                                            aim and audience needs
  the skills to successfully prepare and                                                                       Learning Program.
                                                          • Deliver a presentation demonstrating an
  deliver a presentation.
                                                            understanding of:                                  In order to book, please use the online
                                                            ₋₋ The structure of a presentation                 booking system at http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/
  You will be shown how to accommodate audience             ₋₋ The impact of words, tone and body language     hr/learning/staff_programme/calendar
  and context needs when preparing and delivering a            on your message
  presentation.                                                                                                More information can be found at
                                                            ₋₋ How to gain and maintain audience attention
  The workshop provides a safe space where you              ₋₋ How to adjust to the audience
                                                                                                               staff_programme/information or by
  can practice your presentation skills. In line with       ₋₋ The role, appropriateness, advantages and
                                                                                                               contacting the Staff Learning Centre at hr-
  the experiential learning philosophy, you will be            disadvantages of the various manual and
                                                                                                               stafflearningcentre@uct.ac.za or 021 650
  required to prepare and deliver a minimum of three           electronic visual aids
  presentations while on the workshop and will receive      ₋₋ Selecting the most appropriate visual aids to
  feedback to guide you in building a development              meet your purpose
  plan to ensure the transfer of learning to your work      ₋₋ A range of techniques for managing own fear
  environment.                                                 and stage fright
                                                            ₋₋ A range of actions to manage audience

                                                         WHO SHOULD ATTEND?
                                                          • Any staff member who is required to present
                                                            to an audience, in either a formal or informal

                                                          • Group 1: 6 & 7 March 2019
                                                          • Group 2: 30 Sept & 1 Oct 2019

                                                          • 08h30-15h45


  TECHNICAL AND                                            • Plan documentation work using a range of
                                                             planning tools                                        BOOKING AND FURTHER INFORMATION
  BUSINESS WRITING                                         • Analyse a documentation task and carry it
                                                             through from first to final draft
                                                                                                                   This course is run by ICTS.
                                                                                                                   The costs for 2019 are advertised on the ICTS
  This in-depth course will equip you with                                                                         course calendar. In order to book, use the
                                                          COURSE STRUCTURE
  the skills needed to write documents                                                                             online booking system on the ICTS website
  for any media or audience, about any                    The course includes:                                     at http://www.icts.uct.ac.za/modules.
  technical or business subject.                           • Six days of classroom-based instruction covering      php?name=cbs&file=book or by following the
                                                             foundational principles, documentation project        path Training > Course booking form.
  Please note that this course does not specifically         planning, and procedure-, process- and policy         More information can be found on the
  cover the writing of business letters, reports, memos      writing sessions                                      Technical and Business Writing course web
  and e-mails, although the methods taught can be          • Two weeks spent preparing an individual written       page (see the ICTS website at www.icts.uct.
  applied to these.                                          project in your own time interspersed with two        ac.za and follow this path: Training > ICTS
                                                             one-on-one review sessions with a trainer. We         Training and open the quick link Technical
  OUTCOMES                                                   recommend that you set aside about twenty             & Business Writing) or by contacting the
   • Learn about a methodology for organising                hours for the project and reviews                     Content Architecture team, Systems Division
     information that can be applied to all kinds of       • One half day, two weeks after the course, in          at jenny.wood@uct.ac.za or on 021 650 4335.
     business and technical writing                          which documentation projects are presented
   • Use an appropriate documentation template in
     Microsoft Word                                       WHO SHOULD ATTEND?
   • Apply principles of usability and good navigation,   This course is for you if you need to do any of the
     especially in an online environment                  following:
   • Classify information into different types, and use     • Document your internal procedures                  DATES AND TIME:
     appropriate language and layouts for those types       • Write documents to assist end users to carry out   • The dates and times are advertised on the ICTS
                                                              tasks and make decisions                             course calendar at; https://ictsapps.uct.ac.za/cbs
   • Write a step-by-step procedure for an on- or off-
     system task                                            • Compile information for the web
   • Draw up a business process from pencil to              • Document new systems and processes
     computer, learn Microsoft Visio basics and use a       • Write up organisational policy
                                                            • Review and reorganise existing or outdated
   • Construct supporting, background and                     documents
     conceptual information
                                                            • Prepare documents explaining how and why
   • Develop graphics and place them effectively              something must change
   • Learn how to find and apply international
     standards for language, style and technical          A high proficiency in written English is recommended
     phrases                                              for successful completion of this course.

  WRITING                                                 • Modules offered include: basic email
                                                            communication, workplace reports and notices.           BOOKING AND FURTHER INFORMATION
  DEVELOPMENT                                               Participants are required to commit to a
                                                            6-session programme, which includes workplace           This service is offered by the Staff Learning
  COACHING                                                  application, feedback and individual assessment.        Centre, Human Resources.

  PROGRAMMES                                                                                                        For more information, please contact the
                                                                                                                    Writing Development Coordinator, Glynnis
                                                          SERVICING OFFICER PROGRAMME                               Newdigate at glynnis.newdigate@uct.ac.za or
  Human Resources Development                                                                                       on 021 650 3588.
  employs a dedicated Writing                             OBJECTIVE
  Development Coordinator whose                           • To improve quality and effectiveness of servicing
  purpose is to improve the written                         officers’ skills.                                     • Approach and methodology
  language skills of staff at UCT through                 WHO SHOULD ATTEND
                                                                                                                  • Small groups (maximum 6) interact in a non-
  the provision of workplace mentorship,                                                                            threatening environment to improve on their
                                                          • Current UCT servicing officers                          writing skills.
  coaching, training and consultancy                      • Prospective servicing officers
  services with an emphasis on support                                                                            • Modules offered include: email communication,
                                                                                                                    writing letters, memoranda, reports and
  for staff members for whom English is a                 APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY                                  proposals.
  second language.                                        • Small group coaching, 6 two-hour sessions.
                                                                                                                  • Participants are required to commit to a
                                                            Coaching which includes individual assessment,
                                                            feedback and ongoing support. Interactive               6-session programme, which includes workplace
                                                            sessions focus on group and individual needs and        application, feedback and assessment.
  ENGLISH FOR EVERYONE WORKSHOPS                            a range of committees.
                                                                                                                  COURSE COSTS
  OBJECTIVE                                                                                                       • All courses are free of charge
   • To build confidence and to improve basic English     WRITING BUDDIES WORKSHOPS
     writing and computer skills required in the UCT
     workplace.                                           OBJECTIVE
                                                          • To improve all forms of English writing required in
  WHO SHOULD ATTEND                                         the workplace.
   • UCT staff, whose first language is not English and
     are interested in improving both their English and   WHO SHOULD ATTEND
     basic computer skills.                               • UCT staff interested in improving their written
  APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY                                • English first and second language speakers
   • Small groups (maximum 6), interactive sessions in      are welcome and a range of language levels is
     a non-threatening environment                          accommodated.

  COMPUTER LITERACY                                     GROUP 1 DATES:
                                                        •   12 Feb 2019
                                                                               BOOKING AND FURTHER INFORMATION

  – COMPUTERS FOR                                       •   15 Feb 2019
                                                                               This course is run by the Staff Learning
                                                                               Centre, Human Resources, as part of the Staff
                                                        •   19 Feb 2019        Learning Program.
                                                        •   22 Feb 2019
                                                        •   26 Feb 2019        In order to book, please use the online
  This course provides step-by-step                     •   1 March 2019       booking system at http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/
  instruction on how to operate a                                              hr/learning/staff_programme/calendar
                                                        •   8 March 2019
  personal computer. At the end of                                             More information can be found at
  this course you will undertake an                     GROUP 1 TIME:          http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/hr/learning/
  assessment and receive certification.                 • 09h00-16h00          staff_programme/information or by
                                                                               contacting the Staff Learning Centre at hr-
                                                        GROUP 2 DATES:         stafflearningcentre@uct.ac.za or 021 650
  OUTCOMES                                              •   7 May 2019         3812.
   • Introduction to the parts of a personal computer   •   10 May 2019
   • Basics of using a personal computer                •   14 May 2019
                                                        •   17 May 2019    GROUP 4 DATES:
   • Organising files and cleaning up your system
                                                        •   21 May 2019    •   27 Aug 2019
   • Creating documents                                                    •   30 Aug 2019
                                                        •   24 May 2019
   • Editing and formatting text on MS Word and MS                         •   3 Sept 2019
                                                        •   28 May 2019
     Excel                                                                 •   6 Sept 2019
   • Setting page display and printing options          GROUP 2 TIME:      •   10 Sept 2019
   • Connecting to a network                            • 09h00 - 16h00    •   13 Sept 2019
   • Finding Information on the Internet                                   •   17 Sept 2019
                                                        GROUP 3 DATES:
  WHO SHOULD ATTEND?                                    •   25 June 2019   GROUP 4 TIME:
   • Those with no or very limited computing skills.    •   28 June 2019   • 09h00 - 16h00
                                                        •   2 July 2019
                                                        •   5 July 2019
                                                        •   9 July 2019
                                                        •   12 July 2019
                                                        •   16 July 2019

                                                        GROUP 3 TIME:
                                                        • 09h00-16h00

  ESRI’S VIRTUAL                             Those who are interested in undertaking

  CAMPUS                                     an ESRI Virtual Campus training course will
                                             require 3 things:
                                             1) A free ESRI Global account. They can
  The University of Cape Town has
                                             create one at https://accounts.esri.com/
  access to the ESRI Virtual Campus          signup
  online training facility, as part of our
                                             2) Access to the relevant software, and the
  academic license. We can facilitate
  access for users interested in obtaining
  GIS technical certifications from the      A standalone academic ArcGIS software
                                             license costs R2,000/year and can be
  comfort of their desktop. The courses      purchased via the UCT GIS Laboratory
  covered under our license focus on         (Telephone: 021 650 3917, Email: uct-gis@
  learning how to use ESRI’s software,       uct.ac.za.)
  but there are also basic GIS concept       3) Membership in UCT’s ESRI training
  modules available.                         organisation. Please send an email from a
                                             UCT account and include your staff number
                                             to uct-gis@uct.ac.za to receive an invitation.
                                             Accept it using your ESRI Global account (see
                                             step 1)
                                             Certain introductory courses and topical
                                             webinars are entirely free and do not require
                                             membership to the UCT training organisation.
                                             You can reach the Virtual Campus via http://
                                             We recommend the free Getting Started with
                                             GIS course


  ICTS TRAINING                                            SELF-TRAINING RESOURCES
                                                           Online learning gives you the freedom to learn at
                                                                                                                    CONTACT US
                                                                                                                    • Contact the ICTS Training team at 021 650-
  ICTS offers relevant practical and                       your own pace from your desk, work, from home              5392 or via email at icts-training@uct.
                                                           or anywhere that you access to the internet. Visit         ac.za
  customised courses to enable you to                      our self-training resources page for a list of online
  get the most out of ICTS – supported                     training resources at www.icts.uct.ac.za/self-training
  Plan your learning path by selecting courses from our     • The ICTS Training rooms are situated on Level
  ICTS Training calendar or by visiting www.icts.uct.         1, in the Wilfred and Jules Kramer Law Building,
  ac.za/icts-training.                                        Middle Campus.
  Our wide range of offerings include instructed
  courses and seminars                                     COURSE COSTS
  Seminars, on the other hand, are demonstrations or        • A nominal fee is charged for ICTS courses. Please
  discussions aimed at larger interest groups and can         consult the Course Calendar for fees.
  be held in any available venue on campus.                 • A flat rate of R600 per hour is charged for
   • Courses are practical hands - on sessions with up        customised training (regardless of the size of the
      to 20 people per class working on PCs in the ICTS       group)
      Training room.
   • Seminars are practical demonstrations and
      discussions aimed at larger interest groups. These
      sessions are normally held at your venue or as an
      online session.

  Upon request, ICTS also offers on-site seminars
  and customised courses in response to the specific
  training needs of a department. You provide the
  venue and facilities and we provide the trainer.
  The training team will help you to identify any skills
  gaps and will customise training to address your
  department’s needs. For information go to; www.


  LEARN ONLINE                                            For more information on how to access and use
                                                          Lynda.com, please see http://www.icts.uct.ac.za (and   FURTHER INFORMATION
                                                          then the “Training” link on the left navigation bar)
                                                                                                                 LearnOnline is administered by the UCT
                                                                                                                 Centre for Innovation in Learning and
  DOWNLOADABLE MICROSOFT                                                                                         Teaching (CILT), CHED. For more information,
  OFFICE MANUALS                                          MICROSOFT IT ACADEMY                                   please contact see the CILT website (http://
                                                          Microsoft IT Academy provides a range of Microsoft     www.cilt.uct.ac.za) or email help@vula.uct.
  The following manuals are also available in PDF                                                                ac.za.
                                                          online training videos. The courses range from basic
  format for you to save, download and print:
                                                          computing to using software to create applications
    • Microsoft Word 2013 and 2016 Intro & Advanced       and manage websites.
    • Microsoft Excel, 2013 & 2016
                                                          The Microsoft IT Academy complements the self-
    • Microsoft Access, 2013 & 2016                       training resources, such as Lynda.com, and further
    • Microsoft PowerPoint, 2013 & 2016                   provides digital literacy modules that could help
    • Microsoft Project 2013 Essentials                   students acquire the competencies required to thrive
                                                          in digital learning spaces and beyond. The Microsoft
    • Microsoft Outlook 2016
                                                          IT Academy modules have short built-in quizzes that
                                                          are meant to enhance learning.
  LYNDA.COM                                               To get more information on how to access the
                                                          Microsoft IT Academy modules, please see http://
  Lynda.com is an online subscription library that
                                                          www.icts.uct.ac.za (and then the “Training” link on
  teaches the latest software tools and skills through
                                                          the left navigation bar)
  high-quality instructional videos prepared by
  recognised industry experts. Lynda.com is available     To access these manuals, login to Vula (http://vula.
  to all UCT staff members and students. It is designed   uct.ac.za), go to My Workspace, then LearnOnline on
  for all levels of learners and is available whenever    the left menu bar.
  you’re ready to learn. You can view it from a PC,
  on your iPhone, iPad, Android phone or tablet, or
  another mobile device.
  Please note that you are required to set up you
  Lynda.com profile when you access Lynda for the
  first time. The next time you need to access it, if
  you’re already logged in to another of UCT’s Single
  Sign-On services (such as Vula), you won’t have
  to enter your login credentials. Simply navigate to
  http://lynda.uct.ac.za and you will to your Lynda.com
  profile. UCT staff members can also book by email to
  attend Lynda training at the ICTS Lynda labs.

  SAP SYSTEMS                                 WHO SHOULD ATTEND?
                                               • The objective of the Finance Department is to
                                                                                                       BOOKING AND FURTHER INFORMATION

  TRAINING – FINANCE                             develop the SAP skills of permanent and long-         This course is run by the Finance Department.

                                                 term contract staff whose jobs require access         Please ensure that new staff do not miss the
                                                 to SAP. Training is compulsory for these staff        start of the training cycle by submitting their
                                                 members and access to SAP is contingent on            applications for access to SAP two weeks prior
  Training is provided in the form of            attendance at training courses. If your application   to the training date (you can apply on behalf
  practical lab-based courses. UCT               for access to SAP is successful, you will be booked   of new staff before they arrive).
  instructors present courses and group          on the relevant courses depending on the access
                                                 required.                                             More information can be found at http://icts.
  sizes are limited to 16 participants.                                                                uct.ac.za/modules.php?name=News&file=
                                               • SAP access for staff members on short-term
  Training is only available to current UCT      contracts (less than 3 months) is not normally
                                                                                                       article&sid=87 or by contacting the Course
  staff members who require access to            approved. However, if considered essential, line
                                                                                                       Administrator at fnd-finance@uct.ac.za or on
  SAP in terms of their job description/                                                               021 650 2111.
                                                 managers may motivate for short-term contract
  role.                                          staff to attend SAP training.
                                               • Existing SAP users who would like refresher
                                                 training may apply via https://uct.service-now.
                                                 com/ess/ Now portal to attend any of the regular
                                                 courses that are in line with their current job
                                                 requirements (ie the SAP authorisations they
                                                 already have). Course size is however limited and
                                                 priority is given to new users applying for access.
                                                 A waiting list will be kept.
                                               • We are unfortunately only able to provide SAP
                                                 training for UCT staff in line with their current
                                                 work requirements.
                                              There is SAP training every month from February
                                              to November, provided there are more than four

  STUDENT SYSTEMS                                        BOOKING AND FURTHER INFORMATION
  TRAINING FOR UCT                                       These courses are run by Student Systems
  STAFF                                                  Support (SSS), Office of the Registrar.
                                                         For more information please contact the SSS
  Student Systems Support (SSS), a                       office at sss-helpdesk@uct.ac.za.
  section in the Officer of the Registrar,
  provides end user support to users
  of student administrative systems.
  Offering a range of role-specific
  courses for staff using the Student
  Administrative System as an integral
  part of their jobs, training courses have
  been specifically designed to meet the
  needs of staff roles.

  Courses are scheduled and advertised via the SSS
  website at www.sss.uct.ac.za and are also offered on

  All courses are free of charge. However, there is a
  charge for “no shows” or late cancellations to cover
  administrative costs.


  VULA BASIC                                              COURSE COSTS:
                                                          • Free to UCT staff.   BOOKING AND FURTHER INFORMATION
  TRAINING                                                                       For more information, please contact help@
  The Vula Support Team from the Centre                                          NOTE: Vula instruction for academic staff is
  for Innovation in Learning and Teaching                                        being reworked to dovetail its pedagogical
  (CILT) provides training in the form                                           affordances with practical instruction. An
  of 2.5hr hands-on mini workshops.                                              academic training programme is being
  Training is geared toward providing an                                         developed by the Vula Team in conjunction
                                                                                 with the CILT Staff Development Team. For
  introduction to Vula, which includes a                                         more information, please refer to the CILT
  comprehensive overview of what Vula                                            Seminars and Workshops page at http://www.
  can be used for and also addressing                                            cilt.uct.ac.za/cilt/teaching-technology
  immediate training requirements.
  Groups are limited to a maximum of 18.

  UCT administrative and support staff who require
  basic skills and knowledge to be able to use Vula for
  course and/or research administration purposes.

  At the end of this course you should be able to:
   • Manage your own Vula account
   • Create and configure a course/project Vula site
   • Manage a course/project Vula site (including
      adding/removing members and tools)
   • Manage groups and sections (ie tutorial groups)
      within your Vula site
   • Enable the distribution of content and
      communication from you Vula site

HEALTH AND SAFETY SKILLS                                                                                                         BOOKING AND FURTHER INFORMATION
                                                                                                                                   • https://vula.uct.ac.za/x/gABzZr
                                                                                                                                   • The Safety, Health & Environment Office
  SAFETY, HEALTH AND                                             SHE ONLINE LEARNING (VULA)                                          can be contacted for any other SHE
                                                                                                                                     related training; workshops /safety talks /
                                                                 1. Applied Risk Assessment: (1hr x6) Asynchronous
                                                                    sessions introducing the basics of risk assessment.              demonstrations at 021 650 2246 or Email:
                                                                    Can be completed as a single half day session or as 6
  WORKSHOPS                                                         separate contact sessions over a period of time.
                                                                 2. Introduction to Office Ergonomics: (1hrs) Overview
                                                                                                                                   • Line Managers have to ensure that new
  These hands-on, practical workshops are conducted                 of Ergonomics and best practices to ensure overall               employees receive and attend Health &
  by the Safety, Health and Environment Department                  wellbeing in the work environment.                               Safety Induction.
  in collaboration with external service providers.              3. SHE Induction: (15min x4) Compulsory for any new staff
  UCT Departments are welcome to arrange for these                  member (Section 13 of the OHS Act of 1993)
  customised workshops to be run in their own work               4. Safety for Students: (15min x4) All students are          3. Lab Safety: (3hrs) Introduction to the legislation and
                                                                    informed of general and specific hazards on campus,          hazards associated with the management of Labs, and
  environments to address their specific needs.                     and the relevant safety procedures and support               relevant UCT policies.
                                                                    structures to ensure safe operations.
                                                                                                                              4. Introduction to Office Ergonomics: (2hrs) Introduction
  EMERGENCY TRAINING                                             5. Manual Material Handling and Safe Lifting Techniques:        to workplace ergonomics – what does it mean and how
                                                                    (1.5hrs) Introduction to body mechanics and                  my environment is affected
  1. Building Evacuation Marshal Workshop: (2hrs) Looking           appropriate lifting techniques to mitigate back injury
     at your environment, how best to manage the people in          and strain while lifting, moving or carrying objects as
     the building during an emergency (building specific).          part of the job function.                                 HEALTH & SAFETY TRAINING ON
  2. Emergency Planning: (2hrs) Preparing for emergencies
     and drawing up emergency plans for your specific                                                                         VULA (ONLINE RESOURCES)
     environment or program                                      SHE WORKSHOPS                                                H&S Induction
  3. Basic life safety: Understanding how to identify the        1. Injury on Duty Reporting @ UCT (COIDA): (2hrs) What        • For Staff https://vula.uct.ac.za/x/PUJBDm
     basics of life safety in the workplace.                        needs to be done when a staff member is injured, what      • For Students and Visitors https://vula.uct.ac.za/x/
                                                                    forms to complete and why they should be completed           luiWC1
  FIRE SAFETY TRAINING                                           2. Introduction to the Occupational Health and Safety Act     • Additional Safety Training
                                                                    of 1993: (2hrs) Overview of the Occupational Health        • Office Ergonomics https://vula.uct.ac.za/x/vIPjah
  1. Fire Equipment Demonstration: (3hrs) Introduction to           and Safety Act and how it impacts on the employer and
     and demonstration of all the handheld fire equipment                                                                      • Manual Material Handling & Safe Lifting Techniques
                                                                    the staff member                                             https://vula.uct.ac.za/x/vIPjah
     found on the University campuses                            3. SHE for HOD’s: (2hrs) What every HOD should know
  2. Fire Prevention Workshop: (2hrs) Introduction to the                                                                      • Basic Risk Assessment https://vula.uct.ac.za/x/Itl0JN
                                                                    about Safety, Health and Environment. The HOD or
     fire hazards in your own environment and how to                Manager is made aware of his/her legal responsibilities   Kindly note:
     prevent fires                                                  towards SHE Management                                     • Accredited Safety Training is only available to
  3. Fire Systems at UCT: (2hrs) Introduction to the different   4. SHE Induction: (2hrs) Compulsory for any new staff            permanent full-time University of Cape Town staff.
     types of Fire Evacuation systems at UCT, and policies          member (Section 13 of the OHS Act of 1993)                 • Please attach a copy of an Appointment Letter (First
     pertaining to all fire systems                                                                                               Aider/Evac. Marshal/SHE Rep.) to the HS03 training
                                                                                                                                  application form.
                                                                 WORKPLACE SPECIFIC TRAINING
  NON-ACADEMIC EVENTS                                                                                                          • Candidates who book training and do not attend, will
                                                                 1. Chemical Safety: (3hrs) Introduction to the storing           be charged the full fee indicated on the HS03 form.
  1. Events Planning Legislation: (2hrs) Introduction to the        and labelling of Hazardous Chemicals and legal             • Download the up-to-date HS03 Training Application
     legislation invoked in the planning of an event. Events        requirements in working with Hazardous Chemicals              Form from the OHS Info “Resources” folder on VULA
     legislation.                                                2. Hazardous Waste Disposal: (3hrs) An overview of               https://vula.uct.ac.za/x/GOP80X
  2. Big Events Application: Making application to the City         hazardous waste disposal at UCT, and the legal
     for an event approval. Forms to be completed.                  requirements of the disposal of Hazardous waste,

  BENEFIT                                                 DATES:
                                                           •   8 or 15 January 2019
                                                                                                                 BOOKING AND FURTHER INFORMATION

  INFORMATION                                              •   5 or 12 February 2019
                                                                                                                 This course is run by the UCT Retirement Fund
                                                           •   5 or 12 March 2019
                                                           •   2 or 9 April 2019                                 More Information can be found at;
                                                           •   7 or 14 May 2019                                  http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/hr/learning/
  The Human Resources Department runs                      •   4 or 11 June 2019                                 staff_programme/information or by
  benefit information sessions for new                     •   2 or 9 July 2019                                  contacting the Staff Learning Centre at hr-
  staff.                                                   •   6 or 13 August 2019                               stafflearningcentre@uct.ac.za or 021 650
                                                           •   3 or 10 September 2019                            3812.
  These sessions cover the following topics that are of    •   1 or 8 October 2019
  interest to new staff:                                   •   5 or 12 November 2019
    • Structure of the Cost of Employment (CoE)            •   3 or 10 December 2019
    • Retirement Benefits                                 TIME:
    • Healthcare Benefits and options
    • Employee Assistance Programme
  Please inform the Appointments Office of which day      VENUE:
  you are able to attend.                                  • Bremner Building
                                                          If you are unable to attend either of the sessions
                                                          in the month you take up the appointment, please
                                                          liaise with the Appointments Office about setting up
                                                          one-on-one sessions with our Benefit Specialists. It
                                                          would be appreciated, however, if every effort could
                                                          be made to attend one of the general sessions.

                                                          WHO SHOULD ATTEND?
                                                           • All staff new to UCT.


  DEVELOPMENT                                             WHO SHOULD ATTEND?
                                                           • All PASS staff and Academic staff who manage   BOOKING AND FURTHER INFORMATION
  DIALOGUE TRAINING                                          PASS staff                                     This course is run by the Staff Learning
                                                                                                            Centre, Human Resources, as part of the Staff
  Development Dialogues aims to                           DATES:                                            Learning Program.
  transform how UCT employees engage                       •   Group 1: 5 April 2019
                                                                                                            In order to book, please use the online
                                                           •   Group 2: 5 April 2019
  with each other around performance                                                                        booking system at http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/
                                                           •   Group 3: 17 May 2019
  and development matters, increase                        •   Group 4: 17 May 2019
  engagement and motivation,                               •   Group 5: 12 June 2019                        More information can be found at
  drive performance and enable                             •   Group 6: 12 June 2019                        http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/hr/learning/
  sustainable, significant and meaningful                  •   Group 7: 9 July 2019
                                                                                                            staff_programme/information or by
  contributions. It provides mechanisms                                                                     contacting the Staff Learning Centre at hr-
                                                           •   Group 8: 9 July 2019
                                                                                                            stafflearningcentre@uct.ac.za or 021 650
  for investing in the development of                                                                       3812.
  talent, giving staff both the capacity                  TIME:
  and the opportunities to advance their                  09h00-11h00
  careers at the university.                              or
   •   Assess Performance
   •   Identify critical positions
   •   Identify scarce skills
   •   Discuss possible career paths
   •   Succession planning
   •   Feeds into development and legislative reporting


  DISCOVER THE                                             BOOKING AND FURTHER INFORMATION

  RESOURCES AT YOUR                                        This course is run by the Appointments Office,
                                                           Human Resources Department.
  LIBRARY                                                  In order to book, please contact Cheryl
                                                           Samuel at the Appointments Office on Cheryl.
  • Learn to use Primo, the world class information-       samuel@uct.ac.za. She can also be contacted
    finding solution, to discover all of UCT Libraries’    if you require more information about the
    information collections using a range of devices.      sessions on x2196.
  • Primo is a one-stop searching solution for
                                                           If you are unable to attend either of
    scholarly resources such as print and electronic
                                                           the sessions in the month you take up
    books and journals, articles, thesis, dissertations,
                                                           the appointment, please liaise with the
    media resources, digital collections and course
                                                           Appointments Office about setting up one-
    reserve (short loan) material.
                                                           on-one sessions with our Benefit Specialists.
  • Browse and search UCT Libraries’ digital               However, you are encouraged to attend the
    collections.                                           general session.
  • Develop efficient and effective Internet searching
    skills for research purposes.
  • Use RefWorks and Endnote, UCT’s reference
    management programme.
  • Search ZivaHub, UCT’s institutional data
    repository, for data sets uploaded by other UCT
    staff and students.
  • Training can be tailored to suit the needs of
    individuals or groups.

  • UCT staff and students using the Libraries’
    information resources for research purposes.


  EMPLOYMENT                                         EE RECRUITMENT &
                                                     SELECTION FOR ALL                                          BOOKING AND FURTHER INFORMATION
  EQUITY AND                                                                                                    For any queries, please contact Ursula Fisher
  RECRUITMENT                                        DATES
                                                     •   19 February 2019 & 26 February 2019
                                                                                                                ursula.fisher@uct.ac.za 0216505188

                                                     •   19 March 2019 & 26 March 2019
  Essential for all staff serving on                 •   3 April 2019 & 24 April 2019
  selection committees.                                                                                     DISABILITY TRAINING FOR ALL STAFF
                                                     •   7 May 2019 & 13 May 2019
                                                     •   4 June 2019 & 26 June 2019                         DATES
  The Employment Equity Workshop Provides:           •   4 July 2019 & 17 July 2019                         •   27 February 2019
   • an overview of the Employment Equity Act of     •   7 August 2019 & 22 August 2019                     •   21 March 2019
     South Africa;                                   •   5 September 2019 & 26 September 2019               •   10 April 2019
   • an understanding of Employment Equity           •   9 October 2019 & 22 October 2019                   •   30 May 2019
     Regulations; Discrimination & Harassment        •   5 November 2019 & 12 November 2019                 •   18 June 2019
     prohibitions, knowledge of the Role of an
                                                                                                            •   11 July 2019
     Employment Equity representative and guidance   TIMES                                                  •   14 August 2019
     on following the Recruitment and Selection      • 10h00-13h00 (19 & 26 Feb, 26 March, 7 May, 26
     processes at UCT in relation to Employment                                                             •   17 September 2019
                                                       June 2019, 4 July, 17 July, 7 Aug, 22 Oct & 5 Nov)
     Equity.                                                                                                •   16 October 2019
                                                     • 11h00-14h00 (19 March, 3 April, 9 Oct & 12 Nov)
                                                                                                            •   27 November 2019
                                                     • 12h00-15h00 (13 May,22 Aug & 5 Sept)
  OUTCOMES                                           • 13h00-16h00 (24 April & 4 June)                      TIMES
   • Understand how the recruitment and selection    • 14h00-17h00 (26 Sept)                                • 10h00-13h00 (27 Feb, 10 April, 30 May, 18 June,
     process interfaces with the University’s
                                                                                                              11 July, 14 Aug, 17 Sept)
     employment equity objectives
                                                                                                            • 11h00-14h00 (16 Oct & 27 November)
                                                     EE RECRUITMENT & SELECTION FOR                         • 12h00-15h00 (21 March)
                                                     (CHAIRPERSONS) HOD & DEANS
   • All staff serving on selection committees.
                                                     DATES                                                  • Venue will be confirmed on registration.
                                                     • 6 March 2019
                                                     • 12 June 2019
                                                     • 3 October 2019

                                                     • 10h00-13h00 (12 June & 3 Oct)
                                                     • 12h00-15h00 (6 June)


  HEMIS: AN OVERVIEW                                        WHO SHOULD ATTEND?
                                                             • Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Executive Directors,       BOOKING AND FURTHER INFORMATION
  AND THE STATE                                                Deans, Deputy Deans and senior PASS staff.          This course is run by the Staff Learning

                                                               Faculty Managers, Faculty and Departmental          Centre, Human Resources, as part of the Staff
                                                               Administrators, Human Resources staff, IDP          Learning Program.
                                                               staff, finance area managers, members of faculty
                                                                                                                   In order to book, please use the online
  The Higher Education Management                              budget groups, Properties and Services staff,
                                                                                                                   booking system at http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/
  Information System (HEMIS)                                   Media Liaison staff.
  incorporates annual submissions of all                     • All staff involved in HEMIS returns should attend
                                                               this course annually.                               More information can be found at
  Higher Education institutions’ data. The                                                                         http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/hr/learning/
  data incorporates Student, Staff, Space,                  PLEASE NOTE: HEMIS: A Primer (compiled by Hugh         staff_programme/information or by
  Research Publication and Post-Doctoral                    Amoore) is essential preparatory reading for this      contacting the Staff Learning Centre at hr-
  components.                                               course.                                                stafflearningcentre@uct.ac.za or 021 650
  These submissions are a statutory requirement that
  is used to inform National Academic Policies and           • 30 July 2019
  determine subsidy funding.
  Within the institution, the data forms a valuable
                                                             • 09h00-13h00
  resource for statistical analysis of student enrolments
  & performance, staff profiles and physical space
  This course introduces key structures and concepts
  as well as the explanation of subsidy calculation
  which is based on the Student submission.


  INTRODUCTION TO                                      OUTCOMES
                                                        • Understand UCT’s history                            BOOKING AND FURTHER INFORMATION
  UCT FOR NEW STAFF                                     • Learn more about UCT, its departments, faculties,
                                                          research units and people
                                                                                                              This course is run by the Staff Learning
                                                                                                              Centre, Human Resources, as part of the Staff
  Orientation is essential for new staff,               • Understand the administrative and academic
                                                                                                              Learning Program.
                                                          structures of UCT
  and this programme introduces new                     • Understand UCT’s governance system                  In order to book, please use the online
  staff to UCT. All new staff members                   • Understand some of the challenges for UCT and       booking system at http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/
  are strongly encouraged to attend this                  higher education                                    hr/learning/staff_programme/calendar
  programme within three months of                      • Understand UCT’s mission and strategy               More information can be found at
  commencing employment.                                • Understand UCT acronyms                             http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/hr/learning/
                                                        • Understand the available support for staff          staff_programme/information or by
  This programme is just one component of                 through Human Resources                             contacting the Staff Learning Centre at hr-
  orientation and induction. Further induction and      • Understand the available support for staff          stafflearningcentre@uct.ac.za or 021 650
  orientation also takes place in the department and      through Safety, Health and Environment              3812.
  team. All new staff should also attend the Benefit    • Understand the available support for staff
  Information Sessions.                                   through ICTS
                                                        • Understand the available support for staff
  New academic staff will particularly benefit from
                                                          through the Transformation Services Office
  also attending the New Academic Practitioners
  Programme (NAPP). NAPP is designed to provide         • Interact with other new staff at UCT
  a programme of professional development for
  new full-time academics at UCT in their roles as     WHO SHOULD ATTEND?
  researchers, educators and members of the UCT         • All staff new to UCT.
  academic community.
  New PASS staff will particularly benefit from also
                                                        •   Group 1: 28 February 2019
  attending Development Dialogues workshop.
                                                        •   Group 2: 28 March 2019
                                                        •   Group 3: 10 May 2019
                                                        •   Group 4: 6 June 2019
                                                        •   Group 5: 5 July 2019
                                                        •   Group 6: 16 August 2019
                                                        •   Group 7: 12 September 2019
                                                        •   Group 8: 14 November 2019

                                                        • 09h00-16h00

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