2020 CEL ELC Virtual Forum - Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milan 3 4 of December 2020 Microsoft Teams (CET) - Università Cattolica

Page created by Ian Wang
2020 CEL ELC Virtual Forum
Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milan
          3 4 of December 2020
          Microsoft Teams (CET)
3rd December 2020
14.00 Welcome
      Giovanni GOBBER, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Dean of the
      Faculty of Linguistic Sciences and Foreign Literatures
      Maria Teresa ZANOLA, President of the Conseil Européen pour les
      Langues/European Language Council

14.15 Opening Conference
      François GRIN, University of Geneva
      Psychological correlates of individual plurilingualism. The case of
      “openness” and “creativity”
      Chair: Maria Teresa ZANOLA

15.00   Chair: Kris PEETERS, University of Antwerp

15.00   M. Carmen FONSECA-MORA - Esther CORES-BILBAO - Analí FERNÁNDEZ-
        CORBACHO, University of Huelva
        Attachment to European identity and values through mediated language
        learning experiences

15.20   Nemira MAČIANSKIENĖ - Vilma BIJEIKIENĖ, Vytautas Magnus University
        Linguistically sensitive teaching as a solution to language policy
        implementation in Lithuania

15.40   Mireia TRENCHS-PARERA, University of Pompeu Fabra
        The multilingual, multicultural internationalized undergraduate classroom
        as context for the development of transcultural competence with no specific
        educational intervention

16.00   Hiltrud AWAD, University of Antwerp
        The Future of Developing and Assessing Interculturality in the Higher
        Education Language Classrooms: Key Factors to Take into Consideration

16.20   Elena KOSICHENKO, Moscow State Linguistic University
        Meeting the Challenges of Time: MSLU Language Policies

16.40   Janine BERNS - Bert LE BRUYN - Wander LOWIE - Marije MICHEL, Radbout
        University Nijmegen, Utrecht University, Groningen University
        Curriculum changes in the Netherlands: A potential turning point for

17.00 End of day 1

17.15   CEL/ELC General Assembly
4th December 2020
9.00    Round table
        Multilingualism in Higher education: a turning point
        Chair: Manuel Célio CONCEIÇAO, University of Algarve
        Marleni AZEVEDO, University of Algarve
        Luca LANTERO, NARIC Italia – CIMEA
        Raimonda MARKEVICIENĖ, Vilnius University
        François STARING, Ecorys Europe

10.15   Pause

10.30   Chair: Anastasia ATABEKOVA, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

10.30   Michele GAZZOLA, Ulster University
        Les classements des universités comme instrument de politique

10.50   Andreia SILVA-MALLET – Rosa Maria FREJAVILLE, University Jean Monnet
        A new project for learning and teaching languages in higher education: a
        challenge for multilingualism

11.10   Cristiana CERVINI, University of Bologna
        L’intercompréhension pour les langues de spécialité : quand la promotion
        du plurilinguisme croise l’ingénierie de gestion

11.30   María del Carmen ARAU RIBEIRO - Ágnes PAL - Anne CHATEAU, Instituto
        Politécnico da Guarda, Budapest Business School, University of Lorraine
        Autonomy: Sustaining language learning

11.50   Rachele RAUS, University of Turin
        Droits et variétés linguistiques à l’aune de l’Intelligence Artificielle :
        présentation d’un projet de l’Université de Turin

12.10   Closing Conference
        Enrica PICCARDO, University of Toronto
        Educating in multilingual societies: The mediated nature of language
        development in the new CEFR
        Chair: Roma KRIAUČIŪNIENĖ, Vilnius University

12.45 Report of the Forum
      Piet VAN DE CRAEN, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

13.00 Final words
      Maria Teresa ZANOLA, CEL/ELC - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Scientific Committee
 Anastasia Atabeko a, Peoples' Friendship Uni ersit of R ssia
       Man el C lio Concei o, Uni ersidade do Algar e
            Diana Cotră , Uni ersitatea Babe -Bol ai
             Michael Kell , Uni ersit of So thampton
        Irina Krae a, Mosco State Ling istic Uni ersit
              Roma Kria čiūnienė, Vilni s Uni ersit
          Wolfgang Mackie ic , Freie Uni ersit t Berlin
               Ja ier Martos, Uni ersidad de Se illa
              Estelle Meima, Uni ersit of Groningen
                Kris Peeters, Uni ersit of Ant erp
Mar a del Carmen Ara Ribeiro, Pol technic Instit te of G arda
               R th Tobias, Freie Uni ersit t Berlin
       Mireia Trenchs-Parera, Uni ersitat Pompe Fabra
            Jolanta Urbaniko a, Uni ersit of Warsa
           Piet Van de Craen, Vrije Uni ersiteit Br ssel
               Ma ri io Vie i, Uni ersit di Trieste
Maria Teresa Zanola, Uni ersit Cattolica del Sacro C ore, Milan

                 Organi ing Committee
      Man el C lio Concei o, Uni ersidade do Algar e
            Roma Kria čiūnienė, Vilni s Uni ersit
              Kris Peeters, Uni ersit of Ant erp
   Maria Teresa Zanola, Uni ersit Cattolica del Sacro C ore
N TR                 T ON
      to ttend the                                            OR

The ELC/ELC 2020 FORUM ill take place remotel on 3 and 4 December
2020 thro gh Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft Teams platform is a ailable either online or thro gh the application
and can be sed on an Windo s, Mac, iOS or Android de ice. There is no
need to do nload the application to participate; simpl click on the link that
 ill be sent to o after registration.

How to register and join the Forum
Participation in the For m is free of charge. To register, please send an e-mail
to celelc@ nicatt.it before 30 No ember 2020 ith the follo ing s bject:
"For m Registration".

The Forum is organi ed in two parts:
   3 December 14:00 - 17:00 - The opening session is sched led at 14.00.
   Yo can log in starting at 13:00 in order to complete the access proced re
   before 13:45.
   4 December 9:00 - 13:00 - The opening session is sched led at 9:00.
   Yo can log in starting at from 08:15 to complete the access proced re
   b 08:45.

Please connect to the For m ith microphone and ebcam disabled. Onl
acti ate them if o    o ld like to speak for q estions or comments in the
disc ssion.

Sho ld o ha e an problem in accessing the platform, please send an
email to celelc@ nicatt.it.

A certificate of participation in the For m   ill be iss ed to participants   ho
req est it at the time of registration.

Connection through a PC using web mode
   Click on the link recei ed after registration, sing Google Chrome or
   EDGE (latest ersion).
   When opening the eb page, select the "Join on the Web" option (this
    a , there is no need to install the programme).

Connecting from a mobile phone
   Click on the link recei ed after registration to do nload Microsoft Teams
   Do nload the application and, itho t entering the application, click on
   the link again.
N TR                    T ON
      pour l p rticip tion u OR

Le FORUM CEL/ELC 2020 se d ro lera                distance,   ia la plateforme
Microsoft Teams, le 3 et 4 d cembre 2020.

La plateforme Microsoft Teams, disponible ia le Web o          ia l application,
pe t tre tilis e s r n'importe q el appareil Windo s, Mac, iOS o Android.
Po r participer, il n est pas n cessaire de t l charger l application ; cliq e
simplement s r le lien q i o s sera en o apr s l'inscription.

Comment s inscrire et participer au Forum
La participation a For m est grat ite. Po r o s inscrire, e ille en o er n
co rriel celelc@ nicatt.it a ant le 30 no embre 2020 en mettant comme
objet Inscription For m .

Le Forum est divis en deu parties :
   3 d cembre 14h00 - 17h00 L o ert re des tra a est pr    e 14h00.
   La conne ion pe t tre tablie     partir de 13h00 afin de terminer la
   proc d re d acc s a ant 13h45.
   4 d cembre 9h00 - 13h00 L o ert re des tra a est pr    e 9h00.
   La conne ion pe t tre tablie      partir de 8h15 afin de terminer la
   proc d re d'acc s a ant 8h45.

Ve ille o s connecter a For m a ec microphone et ebcam d sacti s.
Ne les acti e q e si o s so haite inter enir dans la disc ssion po r
so mettre des q estions o des commentaires.

Po r to te diffic lt   d acc s   la plateforme, e ille en o er     n co rriel
celelc@ nicatt.it.

Les participants q i en feront la demande a           moment de l'inscription
rece ront n certificat de participation a For m.

Conne ion depuis un PC en mode Web
   Cliq e s r le lien re apr s l'inscription, en tilisant Google Chrome o
   EDGE (derni re ersion).
   Lors de l'o ert re de la page Web, s lectionne l'option Rejoindre s r
   le Web (de cette fa on, il n' a pas besoin d'installer le programme).

Conne ion depuis un t l phone portable
   Cliq e s r le lien re   apr s l'inscription po r t l charger l'application
   Microsoft Teams.
   T l charge l'application et, sans entrer dans l'application, cliq e
   no ea s r le lien.
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