Quartz - UW Health Network - 2020 Provider Directory

Page created by Frank Griffin
Quartz - UW Health Network - 2020 Provider Directory
2020 Provider Directory
  Quartz – UW Health Network
        State of Wisconsin Group Health Insurance Program
Quartz - UW Health Network - 2020 Provider Directory
Contact Us                                Contents

             CUSTOMER SERVICE             i.    Welcome to Quartz
             (844) 644-3455                     Important Information
             TYY: 711 or (800) 877-8973         About Us

                                          ii.   Network Service Area Map
             MYCHART                            Getting to Know Your Network
                                          iii. Choosing a Primary Care Provider

                                          iv. Prior Authorization
             WEBSITE                          Referrals
             ChooseQuartz.com                 Pharmacy Benefits

                                          v.    When You Need Care

             FOLLOW US                    vi. Non-Discrimination & Language Access
Quartz - UW Health Network - 2020 Provider Directory
Welcome to Quartz


Our goal is to help you live your best life through access to affordable,
high-quality care. To do this, we partner with an extensive network of providers
who are committed to your health and well-being.

Our provider directory makes it easy to find a primary care provider, nearby clinics
and top-rated specialists to meet your unique health care needs. Plus, we have extra
resources to help you take full advantage of your health plan network.

           WE’RE HERE TO HELP
As always, if you have any questions or need more information, call Customer Service at
(844) 644-3455; TYY: 711 or (800) 877-8973; or send us a message through MyChart at

⊲⊲   At times we update our list of doctors and clinics. We cannot guarantee that any one doctor,
     hospital or other provider is still part of our network.
⊲⊲   For the most up-to-date list of care providers in your Quartz network, visit QuartzBenefits.com/
⊲⊲   Providers are independent contractors and are not employees of Quartz.
⊲⊲   Contact us for printed information about a provider’s –
     •   Hospital or medical group affiliations
     •   Board certifications
     •   Hospital accreditation
     •   Gender
     •   Languages spoken

           ABOUT US
Quartz Health Solutions, Inc. (Quartz) is jointly owned by UW Health, Gundersen Health System and
UnityPoint Health. The company manages four nationally recognized, provider-sponsored health
insurance plans.

Our unique collaboration between health plans and health care providers creates a
smarter, more integrated system of health care for all the communities we serve.

Quartz - UW Health Network - 2020 Provider Directory

                                                                          Sun Prairie

                            Cross Plains                                    Cottage Grove
                                                                  Monona                                               clinic locations
                                      Middleton DeForest
                                                                                                                       Both clinic and
                       Mount Horeb Windsor
                                     Verona       Fitchburg
                                                            Sun Prairie                                                hospital locations

                                                              Oregon         Stoughton

        Cross Plains                           Belleville     Cottage Grove
                                                   Monona                                                         clinic locations
                                                                                                                  Both clinic and
Mount Horeb      Verona           Fitchburg                                                                       hospital locations

                                              Oregon           Stoughton


   Quartz – UW Health Network Service Area
                          GETTING TO KNOW YOUR NETWORK
                            Your health insurance includes access to in-network providers. A “network” is a group of
                            doctors and other medical providers who have agreed with Quartz to provide services
                            to Quartz members and bill us for your care. If we do not have a contract with a doctor or
                          provider, they are considered out-of-network.

   ⊲⊲    Quartz has several different networks. Yours                             ⊲⊲    If a provider is not on the list, they are out-of-
         is listed on your ID card. You can search for                                  network and likely are not covered under your
         providers in your network at QuartzBenefits.com/                               plan. Some Quartz plans, however, do cover
         findadoctor. Simply enter the network name that                                services with doctors not in your network. If you
         is on your ID card and a list of providers in your                             are not sure if a provider is in-network or out-of-
         network will show in the search results.                                       network, simply call their office to check or call
                                                                                        Quartz Customer Service for help.

Choosing a Primary Care Provider
                     Quartz members are asked to choose a primary care provider (PCP) or primary care clinic at enrollment.
                     If you don’t, we will assign you to a primary care clinic near your home. You can make a new selection at
                     any time. Family members do not need to have the same provider or clinic.

There are several types of providers* who can be                       FIND YOUR PERFECT MATCH
selected as your PCP –                                                 Your relationship with your PCP can make a big impact
                                                                       on your health and well-being. That’s why finding a
⊲⊲   Family Practice Physician                                         PCP who understands your needs is important. A good
⊲⊲   Family Practice with Obstetrics Physician                         place to start is with our current provider listing at
⊲⊲   General Practice Physician                                        QuartzBenefits.com/findadoctor. It includes important
⊲⊲   Geriatric Physician                                               details about each provider to help you make the
⊲⊲   Internal Medicine Physician                                       right decision.
⊲⊲   Nurse Practitioner
⊲⊲   OB / GYN Physician                                                Look for a PCP who –
⊲⊲   Pediatrician                                                      ⊲⊲   Is recommended by your friends, family or co-workers
                                                                       ⊲⊲   Has training and experience that meets your needs
*You may not select a Nurse Practitioner listed with the § symbol as
                                                                       ⊲⊲   Listens, encourages you to ask questions and offers
your PCP. You may not select a Physician Assistant as a PCP.
                                                                            clear explanations
                                                                       ⊲⊲   Treats you with respect

                                  Get started at QuartzBenefits.com/findadoctor. Have your member
                                  ID card handy to make sure you are searching in the right network.

                                                 Once you have picked a PCP who best meets your needs, let us know by
                                                 going to QuartzMyChart.com and logging in to your MyChart account.
                                                 If you don’t have a Quartz MyChart account, click “Sign Up Now” and follow
                                                 the prompts. Next, under “Quick Links,” click “Change Your Quartz PCP”
                                                 and search for and select your new PCP.

Prior Authorization                                                Referrals
                  Most of the time, you can see a doctor,                            Quartz does not need you to get a referral
                  get prescriptions filled or take care of your                      from your PCP to see other providers in
                 other medical needs without checking with                          your network. Keep in mind –
             Quartz. However, sometimes you might need            ⊲⊲   Some specialists may only accept you as a patient if you
our okay ahead of time before we cover the costs.                      have been referred by your PCP.
                                                                  ⊲⊲   You may need Quartz’s approval ahead of time to make
This process is called prior authorization. You, your doctor           sure specialist care is covered by your plan.
or nurse will fill out either a General Prior Authorization
Request Form or a Medication Prior Authorization Form
and send it to Quartz for our review. We will let you and                           Pharmacy Benefits
your provider know if the service is covered by your plan
(approved) or not covered (denied). If the request is denied,                        Quartz does not provide pharmacy
we will tell you how you can appeal the decision.                                    benefits for the State of Wisconsin Group
                                                                                    Health Insurance Program.
⊲⊲   Learn more about prior authorization and download
     forms at QuartzBenefits.com/priorauth and                    ⊲⊲   Visit Navitus at navitus.com for information about your
     QuartzBenefits.com/medpriorauth.                                  prescription drug benefits.

When You Need Care
                 No matter what type of care you need, check to see what your plan covers, especially before being
                 treated by someone other than your PCP. Remember –

                 ⊲    Your benefits may differ from other Quartz members
                 ⊲    You may need a referral or prior authorization before some services will be covered
                 ⊲⊲   You can see all your benefits by logging in to MyChart

                                      MILD                                         SEVERE
                                      PAIN                                          PAIN
           NO                                             MODERATE                                           UNBEARABLE
          PAIN                                              PAIN                                             PAIN

 Primary Care is regular,                       Urgent Care is for health                   Emergency Care is for serious
 nonemergency care. Seek                        issues or minor injuries that               medical problems such as
 primary care for routine                       need prompt attention, but are              heart attacks, strokes and
 checkups or problems like                      not serious enough for                      major injuries.
 the flu, aches and pains.                      emergency care.

 Call your primary care clinic                  Call your doctor’s office first,            Call 911 or go to the nearest
 or doctor’s office to make an                  day or night, to check the best             hospital emergency room for
 appointment.                                   course of action.                           help right away.

                 We know health insurance is complicated. Check out our resources to help you be a smart health
                 care consumer.

               Glossary of Insurance and Medical Terms — go to QuartzBenefits.com/glossary
            Look up the meanings of common insurance and medical words.

Health Plans 101 — go to QuartzBenefits.com/healthplan101
Review the basics of how health insurance works in easy-to-understand language.

Member Rights and Responsibilities — go to QuartzBenefits.com/memberrights
As a Quartz member, you have the right to be treated with respect. In return, we expect you to be involved in your care and
communicate with us.

Notice of Privacy Practices — go to QuartzBenefits.com/privacypractices
Learn how Quartz uses and protects your personal information.

Quartz’s YouTube Channel — go to YouTube.com, search for Quartz Health Solutions, Inc.
View videos on getting care, understanding health care bills and how health insurance works. Plus, meet some of our staff
in the Faces of Quartz series.

Non-Discrimination & Language Access
Quartz is the brand name for a group of companies committed             national origin, age, disability, or sex, you can file a
to your health: Quartz Health Benefit Plans Corporation,                grievance with –
Quartz Health Insurance Corporation, Quartz Health Plan                    Kristie Meier, Compliance Officer
Corporation, and Quartz Health Plan MN Corporation. These                  840 Carolina Street
companies are separate legal entities. In this notice, “we”                Sauk City, WI 53583
refers to all Quartz companies.                                            Phone: (800) 362-3310
For assistance understanding these materials in a language                 TTY: 711 or toll-free (800) 877-8973
other than English, call (800) 362-3310, and a Customer                    Fax: (608) 644-3500
Service representative will assist you. TTY users should call              Email: AppealsSpecialists@quartzbenefits.com
711 or (800) 877-8973.                                                  You can file a grievance in person or by mail, fax or email. If
We comply with applicable Federal civil rights laws and do              you need help filing a grievance, Kristie Meier, Compliance
not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,          Officer, is available to help you. You can also file a civil
age, disability, or sex.                                                rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and
                                                                        Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, electronically
We provide free aids and services to people with disabilities
                                                                        through the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal,
to communicate effectively with us, such as –
                                                                        available at ocrportal.hhs.gov/ocr/portal/lobby.jsf or by
■ Qualified sign language interpreters                                  mail or phone at:
■ Written information in other formats (large print, audio,
    accessible electronic formats, other formats)                              U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
                                                                               200 Independence Avenue, SW
We provide free language services to people whose primary                      Room 509F, HHH Building
language is not English, such as –                                             Washington, D.C. 20201
■ Qualified interpreter                                                        (800) 368-1019; (800) 537-7697 (TDD)
■ Information written in other languages
                                                                        Complaint forms are available at hhs.gov/ocr/office/file/
If you need these services, contact Customer Service at                 index.html
(800) 362-3310.
                                                                        Quartz is a Qualified Health Plan issuer in the Health
If you believe we failed to provide these services or                   Insurance Marketplace in certain states. To learn more, visit
discriminated in another way on the basis of race, color,               the Health Insurance Marketplace at HealthCare.gov.

                                 For help to translate or understand this, please call
                                     (800) 362-3310, TTY: 711 / (800) 877-8973.
Spanish – Este Aviso contiene información importante. Este aviso        Chinese – 本通知含有重要的訊息 本通知對於您透過 Quartz 所
contiene información importante acerca de su solicitud o cobertura
a través de Quartz. Preste atención a las fechas clave que contiene     提 出的申請或保險有重要的訊息 請在本通知中查看重要的日
este aviso. Es posible que deba tomar alguna medida antes de            期 您可能要在特定的截止日期之 前採取行動,以保留您的健
determinadas fechas para mantener su cobertura médica o ayuda           康保險或有助於省錢 您有權利免費以您的母語得到幫助和訊
con los costos. Usted tiene derecho a recibir esta información
y ayuda en su idioma sin costo alguno. Llame al (800) 362-3310.
                                                                        息 請致電 (800) 362-3310:711 / (800) 877-8973.
TTY / TDD: 711 / (800) 877-8973.                                        Russian – Настоящее уведомление содержит важную информацию.
                                                                        Это уведомление содержит важную информацию о вашем
Hmong – Tsab ntawv tshaj xo no muaj cov ntshiab lus tseem ceeb.
                                                                        заявлении или страховом покрытии через Quartz. Посмотрите
Tsab ntawv tshaj xo no muaj cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb txog koj daim
                                                                        на ключевые даты в настоящем уведомлении. Вам, возможно,
ntawv thov kev pab los yog koj qhov kev pab cuam los ntawm Quartz.
                                                                        потребуется принять меры к определенным предельным срокам
Saib cov caij nyoog los yog tej hnub tseem ceeb uas sau rau hauv daim
                                                                        для сохранения страхового покрытия или помощи с расходами.
ntawv no kom zoo. Tej zaum koj kuj yuav tau ua qee yam uas peb kom
                                                                        Вы имеете право на бесплатное получение этой информации и
koj ua tsis pub dhau cov caij nyoog uas teev tseg rau hauv daim ntawv
                                                                        помощь на вашем языке. Звоните по телефону (800) 362-3310.
no mas koj thiaj yuav tau txais kev pab cuam kho mob los yog kev pab
                                                                        TTY / TDD: 711 / (800) 877-8973.
them tej nqi kho mob ntawd. Koj muaj cai kom lawv muab cov ntshiab
lus no uas tau muab sau ua koj hom lus pub dawb rau koj. Hu rau         Laotian               – ແຈ້ງການສະບັບນ                              ີ້ ມ      ້ ມ
                                                                                                                                                  ີ ໍຂ  ູ ນທ  ີ່ີ ໍສາຄັນ.
(800) 362-3310. TTY / TDD: 711 / (800) 877-8973.
                                                                            ແຈ  ້ ງການສະບັບນ               ີ້ ມ
                                                                                                              ີ ໍຂ  ້ ມ
                                                                                                                      ູ ນທ         ີີ່ ໍ ສາຄັນກ          ີ່ ຽວກັບໃບສະຫມັກ ຫ               ຼື
Vietnamese – Thông báo này cung cấp thông tin quan trọng. Thông             ການຄ     ້ ມຄອງຂອງທ                  ີ່ ານຜ       ີ່ ານ Quartz. ຊອກຫາວັນທ                              ີ ໍ ສາຄັນ
báo này có thông tin quan trọng bàn về đơn nộp hoặc hợp đồng
bảo hiểm qua chương trình Quartz. Xin xem ngày then chốt trong
                                                                              ໃນຫນັງສ    ຼື ແຈ      ້ ງການສະບັບນ                      ີ ້ .ທ ີ່ ານອາດຈ           ໍ າເປ   ັ ນຕ ້ ອງປະຕ   ິ ບັດຕາມເວລາ
                                                                        ີ່ີ ທກ ໍ ານ   ົ ດໄວ      ີ່
                                                                                              ້ ີ ທແນ    ີ່ ນອນເພ        ີ່ ຼື ອຮັກສາໄວ                    ້ ການຄ      ້ ມຄອງສຂະພາບຂອງທ              ີ່ ານ
thông báo này. Quý vị có thể phải thực hiện theo thông báo đúng
trong thời hạn để duy trì bảo hiểm sức khỏe hoặc được trợ trúp              ຫ
                                                                            ຼື ຊ  ີ່ ວຍເຫ   ຼື ອດ     ້ ານຄ    ີ່ າໃຊ  ້ ຈ      ີ່ າຍ.ທ        ີ່ ານມ  ີ ິສດທ      ີ່ີ ຈະໄດ      ໍ້ ມ
                                                                                                                                                                            ້ ຮັບຂ   ູ ນນ    ີ ້ ແລະ
thêm về chi phí. Quý vị có quyền được biết thông tin này và được trợ    ຄວາມຊ ີ່ ວຍເຫ
                                                                                    ຼື ອໃນພາສາຂອງທ         ໍີ່ ເສຍຄ
                                                                                                   ີ່ ານໂດຍບ      ີ່ າ. ໂທຫາເບ
                                                                                                                             ີ (800)
giúp bằng ngôn ngữ của mình miễn phí. Xin gọi số (800) 362-3310.
TTY / TDD: 711 / (800) 877-8973.                                        362 3310. TTY / TDD: 711 / (800) 877 8973.
German – Diese Benachrichtigung enthält wichtige Informationen.                 Pennsylvanian Dutch – Die Bekanntmaching gebt wichdichi
Diese Benachrichtigung enthält wichtige Informationen bezüglich                 Auskunft. Die Bekanntmaching gebt wichdichi Auskunft baut dei
Ihres Antrags auf Krankenversicherungsschutz durch Quartz. Suchen               Application oder Coverage mit Quartz. Geb Acht fer wichdiche
Sie nach wichtigen Terminen in dieser Benachrichtigung. Sie                     Daadem in die Bekanntmachung. Es iss meeglich, ass du ebbes
könnten bis zu bestimmten Stichtagen handeln müssen, um Ihren                   duh muscht, an beschtimmde Deadlines, so ass du dei Health
Krankenversicherungsschutz oder Hilfe mit den Kosten zu behalten.               Coverage bhalde kannscht, odder bezaahle helfe kannscht. Du
Sie haben das Recht, kostenlose Hilfe und Informationen in Ihrer                hoscht es Recht fer die Information un Hilf in deinre eegne Schprooch
Sprache zu erhalten. Rufen Sie an unter (800) 362-3310. TTY / TDD:              griege, un die Hilf koschtet nix. Kannscht du (800) 362-3310 uffrufe.
711 / (800) 877-8973.                                                           TTY / TDD: 711 / (800) 877-8973.
             Arabic – ‫ يتضمن هذا‬.‫يحتوي هذا اإلشعار على معلومات مهمة‬             Polish – To ogłoszenie zawiera ważne informacje. To ogłoszenie zawiera
                                                                                ważne informacje odnośnie Państwa wniosku lub zakresu świadczeń
             ‫ ابحث‬.Quartz ‫اإلشعار معلومات هامة حول طلبك أو تغطيتك عبر‬           poprzez Quartz.Prosimy zwrócic uwagę na kluczowe daty zawarte w tym
              ‫ قد تحتاج إلى إجراء تدابير‬.‫عن التواريخ الرئيسية في هذا اإلشعار‬    ogłoszeniu aby nie przekroczyć terminów w przypadku utrzymania polisy
              ‫معيّنة وفقا ً لمواعيد معيّنة من أجل الحفاظ على تغطيتك الصحية أو‬   ubezpieczeniowej lub pomocy związanej z kosztami. Macie Państwo
             ‫ ليدك الحق في الحصول على هذه المعلومات‬.‫المساعدة في التكاليف‬        prawo do bezpłatnej informacji we własnym języku. Zadzwońcie pod
                                                                                (800) 362-3310. TTY / TDD: 711 / (800) 877-8973.
              ‫ اتصل على‬.‫وعلى المساعدة في لغتك دون أي تكلفة‬TTY / TDD:
                           711 / (800) 877-8973 / (800) 362-3310.                                          ू ण जानकारी शाममल है। इस सूचना में
                                                                                Hindi – इस सूचना में महत्वपर्
                                                                                Quartz से जड़
                                                                                           ु े आपके आवेदन या कवरे ज के बारे में महत्वपर्
                                                                                                                                      ू ण जानकारी
French – Cet avis a d’importantes informations. Cet avis a d’importantes
informations sur votre demande ou la couverture par l’intermédiaire de          शाममल है। इस सूचना में महत्वपर्
                                                                                                             ू ण तारीखों को दे खना न भूलें। स्वास््य
Quartz. Rechercher les dates clés dans le présent avis. Vous devrez             कवरे ज जारी रखने या खचे में मदद के मलए आपको कुछ तय तारीखों तक
peut-être prendre des mesures par certains délais pour maintenir
votre couverture de santé ou d’aide avec les coûts. Vous avez le droit          कारणवाई करनी ज़रूरी है। आपके पास अपनी भाषा में , बबना ककसी शल्
                                                                                                                                           ु क के
d’obtenir cette information et de l’aide dans votre langue à aucun coût.        इस जानकारी और सहायता को पाने का अधिकार है। (800) 362‑3310.
Appelez (800) 362-3310. TTY / TDD: 711 / (800) 877-8973.
                                                                                TTY / TDD: 711 / (800) 877‑8973 पर कॉल करें ।
Korean –
                                                                                Albanian – Ky njoftim përmban informacion të rëndësishëm. Ky njoftim
                                                                                përmban informacion të rëndësishëm për aplikimin ose mbulimin tuaj
                                                                                nëpërmjet Quartz. Kontrolloni për data të rëndësishme në këtë njoftim.
                                                                                Mund t’ju duhet të ndërmerrni veprim brenda afatave të caktuara për të
                                                                                mbajtur mbulimin tuaj shëndetësor ose për ndihmën me koston. Keni
                                                                                të drejtë ta merrni këtë informacion dhe ndihmë falas në gjuhën tuaj.
(800) 362                                                              -3310
                                                                                Telefononi numrin (800) 362-3310. TTY / TDD: 711 / (800) 877-8973.
TTY / TDD: 711 / (800) 877                     -8973.
                                                                                Somali – FIIRO GAAR AH: Haddii aad ku hadashid af Soomaali,
Tagalog – Ang Paunawa na ito ay naglalaman ng mahalagang
                                                                                adeegyada caawimada luuqada, ayaa waxaa laguugu siinayaa
impormasyon. Ang paunawa na ito ay naglalaman ng mahalagang
impormasyon tungkol sa iyong aplikasyon o pagsakop sa pamamagitan               bilaash, waa laguu heli karaa. 1-800-362-3310
ng Quartz. Tingnan ang mga mahalagang petsa dito sa paunawa.                    (TTY: 1-800-877-8973) bilbilaa.
Maaring mangailangan ka na magsagawa ng hakbang sa ilang mga
itinakdang panahon upang mapanatili ang iyong pagsakop sa kalusugan
o tulong na walang gastos. May karapatan ka na makakuha ng ganitong
impormasyon at tulong sa iyong wika ng walang gastos. Tumawag sa
(800) 362-3310. TTY / TDD: 711 / (800) 877-8973.

Cushite – Oroomiffa XIYYEEFFANNAA: Afaan dubbattu Oroomiffa, tajaajila gargaarsa afaanii, kanfaltiidhaan ala, ni argama. Bilbilaa
(800) 362-3310. TTY / TDD: 711 / (800) 877-8973.
Amharic –

Karen –
Mon-Khmer, Cambodian –

Serbocroatian – OBAVJEŠTENJE: Ako govorite srpskohrvatski, usluge jezičke pomoći dostupne su vam besplatno. Nazovite
(800) 362-3310 TTY- Telefon za osobe sa oštećenim govorom ili sluhom: 711 / (800) 877-8973.
Thai – เรียน: ถา้ คุณพดู ภาษาไทยคุณสามารถใชบ้ ริการช่วยเหลือทางภาษาไดฟ้ รี โทร (800) 362-3310. TTY / TDD: 711 / (800) 877-8973.
Gujarati –

Urdu –

Italian – ATTENZIONE: In caso la lingua parlata sia l’italiano, sono disponibili servizi di assistenza linguistica gratuiti. Chiamare il numero
(800) 362-3310. TTY / TDD: 711 / (800) 877-8973.
Greek – ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Αν μιλάτε ελληνικά, στη διάθεσή σας βρίσκονται υπηρεσίες γλωσσικής υποστήριξης, οι οποίες παρέχονται
δωρεάν. Καλέστε (800) 362-3310. TTY / TDD: 711 / (800) 877-8973.

QA00172 (0519)
Your Search Criteria

                                     Complete list of providers

Printed on: Monday, August 26, 2019
Providers as of: Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Important Information about the Online Provider Directory
This online directory was developed to help Quartz members easily find participating practitioners,
providers and other health care professionals. While we try to provide you with accurate data, the
information contained in this directory changes periodically as participating providers and
practitioners join or leave the network, move or retire.

Quartz does not use criteria such as quality measures, member experience measures or cost related
measures to select practitioners for participation in Marketplace silver tier plans. Quartz does not use
criteria such as quality measures, member experience measures, patient safety measures or cost
related measures to select hospitals for participation in Marketplace plans.

Prior to receiving services, you should always verify that the practitioner or provider you choose is
still participating with Quartz and accepting new patients. Please note that some benefit plans require
that you obtain a referral from your primary care provider before receiving services from another
physician or specialist. In order to receive the highest level of benefits, check your certificate of
coverage, log in to MyChart (QuartzMyChart.com) to check your certificate of coverage online,
or call Customer Service at (844) 644-3455 to determine whether a referral is required.

If you receive services from a network hospital, the hospital may arrange with physicians and other
providers who are not part of Quartz's network to assist in your care. Quartz encourages its network
hospitals to hold those providers to Quartz's standards for member billing. However, if a hospital
does not require its providers to comply with Quartz's standards, Quartz cannot influence the manner
or amounts that you may be billed by the provider.

This online directory is for general information. Health benefit plans vary, so please read your
certificate of coverage to determine what services and supplies are covered under your particular
Primary Care Physicians
NOTE: Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and Physician Assistants (PAs) are licensed, highly qualified
professional health care providers who work in partnership with Primary Care Physicians (PCPs).
While you may not select a PA as a PCP, they are available for annual exams, urgent / problem
visits and follow-up for ongoing health care. (*) PCPs noted with this symbol are only accepting
Quartz members who are existing patients. (+) PCPs noted with this symbol may be close to having
a full practice. Because they have limited availability, you may experience delays in scheduling
appointments. You should call the clinic to see if he/she is accepting new patients at this time. (§)
NPs, CNPs and CPNPs noted with this symbol may not be selected as a PCP. However, they are
available for annual exams, urgent / problem visits and follow-up for ongoing health care. Please
send a message to Quartz Customer Service through MyChart at QuartzMyChart.com, chat with us
online at ChooseQuartz.com or call (844) 644-3455. Email and phone messages are monitored
during normal business hours. Please contact the individual clinic for specific hours available for
patient appointments.
   BELLEVILLE, WI              Dunbar, Katie K.            Phases, Primary            UW Health-Fitchburg,       Access Community
UW Health-Belleville           DO(FP/OB)                   Healthcare for Women       Geriatrics                 Health Centers-William
Family Medicine Clinic         Kees-Johnson, Susan         2955 Triverton Pike        5543 East Cheryl           T Evjue Clinic (Dane
1121 BellWest                                              Drive                      Parkway                    Cty residents only)
                               Knipfer, Kathleen A.
Boulevard                      PA(FP)                      Fitchburg, WI 53711-       Fitchburg, WI 53711        3434 East Washington
Belleville, WI 53508           Lowery, Sarah E.            5807                       (608) 263-7740             Avenue
(608) 424-3384                 MD(FP/OB)                   (608) 441-1455                                        Madison, WI 53704
                               Mallory, Dorothy J.                                    Braus, Ann B. MD(Ger)      (608) 443-5480
Alioto, Brittany L. PA-C(FP)   MD(FP/OB)                   Kraemer, Patricia S.       Eastman, Alexis M.
Carlson, Jensena M.            Midelfort, Leila R.         MD(IM)                     MD(Ger)*                   Dachik, Carey G. PA(FP)
MD(FP/OB)*                     MD(FP/OB)*                  Rosenberg, Alaine K.       Koslov, Rebecca E.         Eichenseher, Joseph I.
Deci, David M. MD(FP)*         Schmitt, Andrew B.          APNP(IM)                   NP(Ger)§                   MD(FP/OB)
Gilchrist, Valerie J.          MD(FP)                                                 Przybelski, Robert J.      Loving, Kenneth MD(FP)
MD(FP)*                        Siewert, Lynda A. MD(FP)*                              MD(Ger)*                   Omohundro, James E.
Landeck, Jillian K.            Siewert, Steven P. MD(FP)   UnityPoint Health -        Vandenberg, Krista M.      MD(Ped)
MD(FP/OB)*                     Webster, Bryan J.           Meriter - Fitchburg        NP(Ger)§                   Poi, Elizabeth A. MD(FP)*
Lochner, Jennifer E.           MD(FP/OB)                   Clinic                                                Romero Rivera, Misty M.
MD(FP/OB)*                                                 2690 Research Park                                    APNP(FP)
                                                                                           MADISON, WI
Lubsen, Julia R. MD(FP)*         CROSS PLAINS, WI          Drive Suite F                                         Shapiro, Walker B. MD(FP)
Michael, William E.                                                                   Access Community
                               UW Health-Cross             Fitchburg, WI 53711
MD(FP/OB)                                                                             Health Centers-Joyce
                               Plains                      (608) 417-8585                                        Associated Physicians,
                                                                                      & Marshall Erdman
                               2418 Brewery Road                                      Clinic                     LLP
COTTAGE GROVE, WI              Cross Plains, WI 53528      Martin-Foster, Cheryl A.                              4410 Regent Street
                                                                                      2202 South Park Street
UW Health-Cottage              (608) 798-3344              MD(FP)                                                Madison, WI 53705-
                                                                                      Madison, WI 53713-
Grove                                                      Shropshire, James H.                                  4901
4590 County Road N                                         MD(FP)
                               Brogunier, Michele E.                                  (608) 443-5480             (608) 233-9746
Cottage Grove, WI                                          Wilson, W. Michael
53527                                                      MD(FP)
                               Grelle, Amy R. MD(FP)*
                                                                                      Anderson, Shannon C.       Berghahn, Laura J.
(608) 839-3104                 Olson, Pamela A. MD(FP)*
                                                                                      APNP(FP)                   MD(OB/GYN)
                                                           UW Health-Fitchburg                                   Buencamino, Amy C.P.
                                                                                      DeMuri, Gregory P.
Falligant, Louis A. PA-            DEFOREST, WI            5543 East Cheryl           MD(Ped)                    MD(Ped)
C(FP)                          UnityPoint Health -         Parkway                    Doherty, Elizabeth R.      Dhillon, Puneet S. MD(IM)
Greuel, Leann E. PA-C(FP)      Meriter - Deforest-         Fitchburg, WI 53711        MD(IM)                     Ertl, Nicole L. MD(Ped)
Niebler, Anne R.                                           (608) 274-5300             Eichenseher, Joseph I.     Everton, Jennifer L. DO(IM)
                               Windsor Clinic
MD(FP/OB)*                                                                            MD(FP/OB)                  Ewalt, John E. MD(IM)
Pittner-Smith, Christa A.      4200 Savannah Drive                                                               Fothergill, Amy L. MD(IM)
                                                                                      Fehr, Kevin E. MD(FP)
MD(FP)*                        DeForest, WI 53562          Bennett, Rachel C.                                    Goldrosen, Michael I.
                                                                                      Kane, Mollie L. MD
                               (608) 417-3300              MD(FP)*                                               MD(IM)
                                                                                      Loving, Kenneth MD(FP)
                                                           Franklin, Amy S.                                      Hackforth-Jones, Jenny
                                                                                      Mauer, Adam J. PA-C(FP)
Wildwood Family                                            APNP(FP)§                                             MD(OB/GYN)
                               Khan, Farah MD(FP)                                     Navsaria, Dipesh MD(Ped)
Clinic                                                     McCreary, Katherine A.                                Marchant, John W. MD(Ped)
                               Shookman, Catrina K.                                   Romero Rivera, Misty M.
251 East Cottage Grove                                     MD(FP)                                                Masana, Jill M.
                               APNP(FP)                                               APNP(FP)
Road                                                       Perry, Elizabeth MD(FP)*                              MD(OB/GYN)
                               Yee, Mon L. MD(FP)                                     Rowe, Sarah M. APNP(FP)
                                                           Weathers, Nicole N.                                   McGee, Jessica P. MD(Ped)
Cottage Grove, WI
                                                           MD(FP)*                                               Olson, Robert W. MD(IM)
(608) 839-3515                    FITCHBURG, WI                                                                  Picone, Mary A. APNP(FP)
                                                                                                                 Riopel, Leslie M. MD(Ped)

Printed on: 8/26/2019, Providers as of: 1/1/2020            Refer to important information at the beginning of this document             1
Primary Care Physicians
Schmehil Micklos, Amanda   UnityPoint Health -          UW Health-20 South          Seibert, Christine S.
L. MD(OB/GYN)              Meriter - West               Park, Pediatrics and        MD(IM)*
Schwartz, Amanda E.                                                                 Wilson, Siobhan D. MD,      UW Health-Odana
                           Washington Clinic            Adolescent Medicine                                     Atrium
MD(OB/GYN)                                                                          PhD(IM)*
                           345 West Washington          20 South Park Street                                    5618 Odana Road
Sia, Elma O. MD(Ped)                                                                Zakowski, Laura J.
Wilcots, Margaret C.       Avenue, Suite 100            Madison, WI 53715           MD(IM)*                     Madison, WI 53719
MD(Ped)                    Madison, WI 53703-           (608) 287-2580                                          (608) 274-1100
                           (608) 417-8300                                           UW Health-East Clinic,
Madison Women's                                         Chybowski, Timothy J.                                   Anderson, Matthew C.
                                                                                    Pediatrics and
                                                        MD(Ped)                                                 MD(IM)*
Health, LLP                                                                         Adolescent Medicine
                           Bothfeld, Elizabeth A.       Delgadillo, Cristina M.                                 Bigham, James B. MD(FP)*
5801 Research Park                                      MD(Ped)*                    5249 East Terrace Drive
                           APNP(FP)                                                                             Gervais, Claire M.
Boulevard, Suite 400                                    Iyer, Lalitha V. MD(Ped)    Madison, WI 53718
                           Cahill, Kathryn A. MD(Ped)                                                           MD(FP/OB)*
Madison, WI 53719          Lewandowski, Rachel H.       Meier, Thomas D.            (608) 265-1212              Halbersma, Bridget A.
(608) 729-6300             PA(FP)                       MD(Ped)*                                                NP(FP)§
                           Miran, Sean L. DO(FP)        Neuman, Megan F. MD*                                    Hayner, Paul John MD(IM)*
                                                                                    Houser, Laura M.
                                                        Sleeth, Jeffrey S.                                      Hotujec, Allison R. MD(FP)*
Dickmeyer, Karla                                                                    MD(Ped)*
                                                        MD(Ped)*                                                Hubbard, Derek R. MD(FP)*
MD(OB/GYN)                 UW Health-20 South                                       Kleist, Troy J. MD(Ped)
Durward, Ashley D.                                                                  McIntosh, Gwenevere C.      Huebner, Jeffrey A. MD(FP)*
                           Park, Internal                                                                       James, Catherine T.
MD(OB/GYN)                                              UW Health-Arboretum         MD(Ped)*
Sample, Kate               Medicine                                                 Plumb, Amy N. MD(Ped)       MD(FP/OB)*
                                                        Family Medicine Clinic
MD(OB/GYN)                 20 South Park Street,                                    Stockhausen, Amy L. MD      Kolan, Anne M. MD(FP)*
                                                        1102 South Park Street
Sharma, Shefaali           Suite 405                                                                            Kunstman, David T.
                                                        Madison, WI 53715                                       MD(FP)*
MD(OB/GYN)                 Madison, WI 53715
Stoffel, Mary MD(OB/GYN)                                (608) 287-5899              UW Health-Northeast         Malloy, Michele L. MD(FP)*
                           (608) 287-2250
Wiedel, Beth MD(OB/GYN)                                                             Family Medical Center       McGuire, Abigail M. PA(FP)
Yanke, Sarah                                            Kuphal, Greta J. MD(FP)*    3209 Dryden Drive           Mikhail, Yvette PA-C(FP)
MD(OB/GYN)                 Boushea, Deborah K.                                      Madison, WI 53704           Murphy, Abigael B. PA(FP)
                                                        Minichiello, Vincent J.
                           MD(IM)*                                                                              Redemann, Sarah J.
                                                        MD(FP)*                     (608) 241-9020
                           Chang, Tony S. MD(IM)*                                                               NP(FP)§
                                                        Rindfleisch, James A.
Physicians for Women       Ciske, David J. MD(IM)*                                                              Rees, Kerry S. MD(IM)
2955 Triverton Pike        Reich, Richard M. MD(IM)*                                Dubey, Jared L. DO(FP)      Takahashi, Jonathan B.
                                                        Sharp, Samantha N.
Drive                      Trowbridge, Elizabeth R.                                 Edgoose, Jennifer Y. MD,    MD(FP)*
Madison, WI 53711-         MD(IM)*                                                  MPH(FP/OB)*                 Thompson, Mary G.
                                                        Veach, Anna B. DO(FP)*
                           Zimmermann, Philip N.                                    Enzler, Kathryn A. PA-      MD(FP)*
5807                                                    Weber, Michael J. MD(FP)*
                           MD(IM)*                                                  C(FP)
(608) 227-7007                                                                      Hampton, Adrienne R.
                                                        UW Health-East Clinic,      MD(FP/OB)*                  UW Health-Union
                           UW Health-20 South                                       Hayon, Ronni L.             Corners, Internal
Cardwell, Michael C.                                    Geriatrics
MD(OB/GYN)                 Park, Internal                                           MD(FP/OB)*                  Medicine
                                                        5249 East Terrace Drive
Kraemer, Patricia S.       Medicine                                                 Lemmon, Russell L.          2402 Winnebago Street
                                                        Madison, WI 53718
MD(IM)                     20 South Park Street,                                    DO(FP)*                     Madison, WI 53704
                                                        (608) 265-1210              Rabago, David P.
Melius, Frederic A.        Suite 504                                                                            (608) 242-6850
MD(OB/GYN)                 Madison, WI 53715-                                       MD(FP/OB)*
Schurr, Julie A.           1348                         Luettinger, Maira L.        Sanner, Louis A.
MD(OB/GYN)                                              NP(Ger)§                    MD(FP/OB)*                  Jelenc, Briana L. MD(IM)*
                           (608) 287-2250
                                                        Pankratz, Gerald T.         Schmitz, Anne M. NP(FP)§    Kleinschmidt, Peter MD(IM)*
                                                        MD(Ger)*                    Schrager, Sarina B.         Knudtson-Manske, Robyn D.
UnityPoint Health -        Benedict, Sarah J. NP(IM)§                               MD(FP/OB)*                  NP(IM)§
Meriter - McKee Clinic     Dambach, Jason A.                                        Schwab, William E.          Lavin, Kelly A. MD(IM)*
3102 Meriter Way           MD(IM)*                      UW Health-East Clinic,      MD(FP)*                     Mozena, Marty G. DO(IM)*
Madison, WI 53719          George, Elizabeth MD(IM)*    Internal Medicine           Uminski, Joan E. PA-C(FP)   O'Donnell, Sara E.
(608) 417-8800             Jarrett, Jennifer L. PA-     5249 East Terrace Drive                                 APNP(IM)§
                           C(IM)                        Madison, WI 53718                                       Petersen, William J. PA(IM)
                           Miller, Kathryn A. MD(IM)*                               UW Health-Oakwood,          Streyle, Johanna C. MD(IM)*
                                                        (608) 265-1200
Casper, N. Thomas          Morgan, Angela B. PA-                                    Geriatrics
MD(IM)                     C(IM)                                                    6209 Mineral Point
Curran, Kimberly K.        Ruchala, Joanna B.           Baranski, Bruce G.          Road, #116                  UW Health-Union
APNP(FP)                   MD(IM)*                      MD(IM)*                     Madison, WI 53705           Corners, Pediatrics and
Golden, Robert A. MD(FP)   Smith, Shannon O.            Cheung, Victoria M.                                     Adolescent Medicine
                                                                                    (608) 263-7740
Johnson, Dana M.           MD(IM)*                      MD(IM)*                                                 2402 Winnebago Street
MD(Ped)                                                 Hilgemann, Sue NP(IM)§                                  Madison, WI 53704
Mortimore, Wendy R. MD                                  Marten, Susan NP(IM)§       Braus, Ann B. MD(Ger)*
                                                                                                                (608) 242-6845
Reed, Karen A. MD(FP)                                   Micek, Mark A. MD(IM)*      Dattalo, Melissa N. MD,
Reed, Shannon C. DO(FP)                                 Mirkes, Megan K. MD(IM)     MPH(Ger)*
                                                        Panther, Kristen L.         Koslov, Rebecca E.          Burns, Deirdre A. MD(Ped)
                                                        APNP(IM)§                   NP(Ger)§                    Deffner-Valley, Patricia
Printed on: 8/26/2019, Providers as of: 1/1/2020         Refer to important information at the beginning of this document               2
Primary Care Physicians
Jones, Andrea N. MD           Chheda, Shobhina G. MD,
Yu, Kok-Peng MD(Ped)*         MPH(IM)*
                                                            UW Health-West                Dalby, Jessica W.           Carimi, Sanford A. MD(IM)*
                              Fuller, Nancy S. MD(IM)*
                                                            Towne, Internal               MD(FP/OB)*                  Clevidence, Derek E. MD,
                              Gilbertson, Lauren K.
UW Health-University                                        Medicine                      Dresang, Lee T. MD          PhD(FP)*
Hospital, Infectious                                                                      Duffy, Sean M. MD(FP/OB)    Grimm, Melissa S. MD(IM)*
                              Lewicki, Kristin A. MD(IM)*   7102 Mineral Point
Disease                                                                                   Lee, Jonas J. MD(FP)*       Hanson, Carleen L.
                              Moe, Amanda J. NP(IM)§        Road                          Leidel, Stacy A.            MD(Ped)
600 Highland Avenue           Romer, Laurel L. MD(IM)*      Madison, WI 53717             APNP(FP)§                   Kurtz, R. Compton MD(FP)*
Madison, WI 53792                                           (608) 828-7611                Martonffy, Andrea I.        Pribbenow, Bridget A.
(608) 263-0946                UW Health-West                                              MD(FP)*                     MD(FP)*
                              Clinic, Internal              Connolly-Nelson, Kira         McCormick, Trisha L.        Wendland, Diane L.
DeMuri, Gregory P. MD         Medicine, Suite A/B           NP(IM)§                       DO(FP)                      MD(FP)*
Reich, Richard M. MD(IM)*                                   Grant, Lisa M. DO(IM)*        Potter, Beth E. MD(FP)*
                              451 Junction Road
Sosman, James M. MD                                         Haine, James E. MD(IM)*       Rindfleisch, Kirsten S.
                              Madison, WI 53717                                           MD(FP)*                     UW Health-Yahara
                              (608) 265-7550                Kinda, Hajnal K. MD(IM)*                                  1050 East Broadway
                                                            Lee, Ernest J. MD(IM)*        Tellez-Giron, Patricia A.
UW Health-University                                                                      MD(FP)                      Monona, WI 53716
                                                            Lewellin, Katie M.
Station, Internal             Bartelt, Kristina APNP(IM)§   APNP(IM)§                     Temte, Jonathan L. MD,      (608) 222-8779
Medicine                      Bielmeier, Rachel L.          Schmidt, Ann M. MD(IM)*       PhD(FP)*
2880 University Avenue        PA(IM)                                                      Veach, Anna B. DO(FP)
                                                                                                                      Anderson, Mark C. MD(FP)*
Madison, WI 53705             Fouch, Erin M. MD(IM)*                                      Vitcenda, Angela K. PA-
                                                                                                                      Bauman, Amy L. DO(FP)*
                              Loomans, Karen M.             UW Health-West                C(FP)
(608) 263-7500                                                                                                        Bryan, Michelle L.
                              MD(IM)*                       Towne, Pediatrics and                                     MD(FP/OB)*
                              Nestleroad, Christopher A.    Adolescent Medicine              MIDDLETON, WI            Counts, Helen E. MD(FP)*
Abraham, Vidthya MD(IM)*      MD(IM)*                       7102 Mineral Point            UnityPoint Health -         Cramer-McDonald, Teresa
Galusha, Brittany M.          Quinn, Mariah A. MD,          Road                          Meriter - Middleton         R. APNP(FP)§
MD(IM)                        MPH(IM)*                      Madison, WI 53717                                         Gunderson, Caitlin M.
Holum, Sarah E. NP(IM)§       Ryan, Pamela M. MD(IM)*                                     Clinic
                                                            (608) 828-7602                                            PA(FP)
Hoyer, Rhonda E. NP(IM)§                                                                  7780 Elmwood Avenue         Hand, Kelsey A. PA-C(FP)
Kaufman, Lisa M. MD(IM)*                                                                  Suite 201
                              UW Health-West                                                                          Kamnetz, Sandra A.
Schnell, Andrea K.                                          Allen, Gail S. MD(Ped)*       Middleton, WI 53562         MD(FP)*
MD(IM)*                       Clinic, Internal              Holt, Laura E. MD*            (608) 417-3434              Lenz, Linda A. PA(FP)
Shiffler, Thomas D.           Medicine, Suite C/D           Staats, Patricia V. MD(Ped)                               Miller, Alison R. DO(FP)*
MD(IM)*                       451 Junction Road             Wright, Robin M. MD(Ped)                                  Pankratz, Paul PA(FP)
Smith, Jeremy P. MD(IM)*      Madison, WI 53717             Zimmerman, Christine L.       Felz, Kenneth MD(IM)
                                                                                                                      Porter, Katherine I. DO(FP)*
Sosman, James M. MD(IM)                                     MD(Ped)*                      Huibregtse, Ioana A.
                              (608) 265-1600                                                                          Rasmussen, Jessica L. PA-
Wray, Jessica K. PA-C(IM)                                                                 APNP, RN(FP)
                                                                                          Kraske, Gerhard K. MD(IM)
                                                            Wildwood Family                                           Swedlund, Matthew P.
                              Constantinescu, Daniela C.                                  Olajos, Arpad S. MD(IM)
UW Health-University                                                                                                  MD(FP/OB)*
                              MD(IM)*                       Clinic
Station, Pediatrics and                                                                                               Terbrack, Robert E. DO(FP)
                              Davis, Erin M. MD(IM)*        4901 Cottage Grove
Adolescent Medicine           Degner, Abigail E. PA(IM)                                        MONONA, WI
2880 University Avenue        Herold, Kelly A.G. MD(IM)*                                  UnityPoint Health -           MOUNT HOREB, WI
                                                            Madison, WI 53716
Madison, WI 53705             Newcomer, Peter D.                                          Meriter - Monona            UW Health-Mount
                                                            (608) 221-1501
(608) 263-6421                MD(IM)*                                                     Clinic                      Horeb
                              Sandbo, Stacey R.                                           6408 Copps Avenue           600 North 8th Street
                              NP(IM)§                       Crinkley, Patricia E.         Monona, WI 53716
Allen, Brittany J. MD(Ped)*   Valmadrid, Cassandra          PA(FP)                                                    Mount Horeb, WI 53572-
Babal, Jessica C. MD(Ped)                                                                 (608) 417-3000              1870
                              MD(IM)*                       Hook, Christina D.
Bernhardt, David T.           Voss, Lindsay H. MD(IM)*      MD(FP/OB)*                                                (608) 437-3064
MD(Ped)                                                     Lentfer, Karen R.             Green, Kathleen R.
Cody, Paula J. MD*                                          MD(FP/OB)                     APNP(Ped)
Kelley, Catherine MD(Ped)     UW Health-West                                                                          Eglash, Anne R. MD(FP)*
                                                            Midelfort, Leila R.           Hubbard, Catherine A.
Mathur, Mala MD, MPH          Clinic, Pediatrics and                                                                  Miner, Kyle D. MD(FP)
                                                            MD(FP/OB)*                    APNP(FP)§
Standiford, Maria APNP§                                                                                               Shafer, Jennifer R. MD(FP)
                              Adolescent Medicine           Schroeder, Therese E.         Lewandowski, Rachel H.
                                                                                                                      Vander Yacht, Kori L.
                              451 Junction Road             PA(FP)                        PA(FP)
                              Madison, WI 53717             Sturm, Anthony J.             Marshall, Sara K. NP(FP)
UW Health-West
                              (608) 265-7740                MD(FP/OB)                     Treiber, Abbie E.
Clinic, Internal                                                                          APNP(FP)                          OREGON, WI
Medicine at Women's
                                                                                                                      UW Health-Oregon
Health                        Frohna, John G. MD(Ped)       Wingra Family Medical
                                                                                          UnityPoint Health -         137 South Main Street
451 Junction Road             Geier, Lindsay M.             Center (Dane Cty
                              MD(Ped)*                                                    Meriter - Monona            Oregon, WI 53575
Madison, WI 53717                                           residents only)
                              Hillery, Karen M. MD(Ped)*                                  Specialty Clinic            (608) 835-5588
(608) 263-0150                                              1102 South Park Street
                              Jain, Sanjeev R. MD           Madison, WI 53715-            6408 Copps Avenue
                              Paul, Caroline R. MD(Ped)*                                  Monona, WI 53716            Aurangzeb, Amnah MD(FP)*
Belsky, Lorna E. MD(IM)*                                    1708
                              Rongstad, Meriel S. MD*                                     (608) 417-6175              Bonnell, Sanee M. MD(FP)*
                                                            (608) 263-3111

Printed on: 8/26/2019, Providers as of: 1/1/2020             Refer to important information at the beginning of this document                  3
Primary Care Physicians
Catani, Kristin L. MD(FP)*   UW Health-Verona
Folcik, Beatriz M. PA-       100 North Nine Mound
C(FP)                        Road
Heifner, William R.
                             Verona, WI 53593
                             (608) 845-9531

                             Arndt, Brian G. MD(FP)*
UnityPoint Health -          Atwell, Karina A. MD(FP)*
Meriter - Stoughton          Barrett, Bruce P. MD,
Clinic                       PhD(FP)*
100 Silverado Drive          Beamsley, Mark B.
Stoughton, WI 53589          MD(FP)*
(608) 417-8700               Carr, Kathleen E. MD
                             Couture, Allison D.
Ball, Mary C. MD(FP)         Evans, Ellen A. PA-C(FP)
Bothfeld, Elizabeth A.       Evensen, Ann E.
APNP(FP)                     MD(FP/OB)*
Moreland, Kimberly A.        Hahn, Thomas W.
APNP(FP)                     MD(FP/OB)*
                             Hammer, Erin M. MD(FP)*
UW Health-Stoughton          James, Sarah J.
1001 Nygaard Street
                             Larson, Magnolia J.
Stoughton, WI 53589          DO(FP/OB)*
(608) 877-2660               Stokes, Heidi PA(FP)
                             Wendler, Karen M. PA-
Berg, Kristin M. MD(IM)*     C(FP)
Griffin, Karen S. PA(IM)     Wirtz, Mark W.
Johnson, Luke G. PA-         MD(FP/OB)*
C(IM)                        Wray, Jason PA-C(FP)
Khalid, Ahsan MD(IM)*
Pletta, Karen H. MD(Ped)         WINDSOR, WI
Raman, Prasanna MD
                             UW Health-Deforest-
   SUN PRAIRIE, WI           4131 Meridian Drive
UW Health-Sun Prairie        Windsor, WI 53598
2651 Windsor Street          (608) 846-3741
Sun Prairie, WI 53590
(608) 837-2206               Atluru, Sreevalli
Albi, Paige PA-C(FP)         Fischer, Jeffrey A. PA(FP)
Bryan, Jacob J. MD(FP)*      Hounshell, Jennie B.
Coert, Lesley A.             MD(FP)*
MD(FP/OB)*                   Howlett, Bethany M.
Greenfield, Katharine M.     MD(FP/OB)*
MD(FP/OB)                    Jonuzi, Zinije MD(FP)*
Harms, Monica APNP(FP)§      Kempfer, Benjamin R.
Hawkins, John G. MD(FP)*     PA(FP)
Hughes, Heidi PA-C(FP)       Paretsky, Eve G.
Kuhn, Laurie S.              MD(FP/OB)*
MD(FP/OB)*                   Pickhardt, Peter A.
McCormick, Trisha L.         MD(FP)*
DO(FP)*                      Ringdahl, David J.
Mixtacki, Lauren M.          MD(FP)*
MD(FP)                       Simpson, Lisa PA(FP)
Queoff, David W. MD(FP)*     Titel, Robyn L. MD(FP)*
Westby, Sarah N. PA-

      VERONA, WI

Printed on: 8/26/2019, Providers as of: 1/1/2020          Refer to important information at the beginning of this document   4
NOTE: All non-emergency hospitalizations require prior authorization by Quartz. Please send a
message to Quartz Customer Service through MyChart or call (844) 644-3455. Email and phone
messages are monitored during normal business hours. Please contact the individual clinic for
specific hours available for patient appointments.
                           UW Health                 Oak Park Place-          Nazareth Health and
 BEHAVIORAL                Rehabilitation Hospital   Grandview                Rehabilitation Center           MADISON, WI
   HEALTH                  5115 North Biltmore       718 Jupiter Drive        814 Jackson Street        UnityPoint Health -
                           Lane                      Madison, WI 53718        Stoughton, WI 53589       Meriter - After Hours
                           Madison, WI 53718         (608) 663-8600           (608) 873-6448            Clinic
The following Alcohol
                           (608) 592-8100                                                               202 South Park Street 2
and other Drug
Abuse(AODA) and                                      Oakwood Lutheran         Skaalen Nursing and       Atrium
Inpatient Behavioral       UW Health-American        Homes Association        Rehabilitation Center,    Madison, WI 53715
Health facilities and      Family Children's         6201 Mineral Point       Inc.                      (608) 417-6868
clinics provide services   Hospital                  Road                     400 North Morris Street
that require Prior         1675 Highland Avenue      Madison, WI 53705-       Stoughton, WI 53589-      UW Health-Union
Authorization. Please      Madison, WI 53792         4503                     1857                      Corners, Urgent Care
call Behavioral Health     (608) 263-7337            (608) 230-4699           (608) 873-5651            2402 Winnebago Street
Care Management at                                                                                      Madison, WI 53704
(800) 683-2300 or (608)    UW Health-University      Oakwood Village East          VERONA, WI           (608) 242-6855
640-4450.                  Hospital                  Health and               Four Winds Manor,
                           600 Highland Avenue       Rehabilitation Center    Inc.                      UW Health-University
                           Madison, WI 53792         5833 American Parkway    303 South Jefferson
       AODA                (608) 263-6400            Madison, WI 53718-       Street
                                                                                                        Station, Pediatric After
                                                                                                        Hours Clinic (By
                                                     8325                     Verona, WI 53593          Appointment Only)
     MADISON, WI              STOUGHTON, WI          (608) 230-4000           (608) 845-6465            2880 University Avenue
Tellurian UCAN Inc         Stoughton Hospital                                                           Madison, WI 53715
2914 Industrial Drive      900 Ridge Street          St. Mary's Care Center      WAUNAKEE, WI           (608) 263-6421
Madison, WI 53713          Stoughton, WI 53589       3401 Maple Grove Drive   Waunakee Operations,
(608) 222-7311             (608) 873-6611            Madison, WI 53719        LLC dba Waunakee          UW Health-West
                                                     (608) 845-1000           Manor Health Care         Towne, Urgent Care
UW Health Behavioral                                                          Center                    7102 Mineral Point Road
Health and Recovery           SKILLED                    MIDDLETON, WI        801 South Klein Drive     Madison, WI 53717
1102 South Park Street,                                                       Waunakee, WI 53597
Suite 400
                              NURSING                The Villa at Middleton
                                                                              (608) 849-5016
                                                                                                        (608) 828-7603
Madison, WI 53715             FACILITY               6201 Elmwood Avenue
(608) 282-8270                                                                                                OREGON, WI
                                                     Middleton, WI 53562-
                             BLACK EARTH, WI         3319
                                                                                 SURGERY                Stoughton Hospital-
                                                                                                        Oregon Urgent Care
   HOSPITAL                Heartland Country         (608) 831-8300               CENTER                Clinic
                           Village                                                                      990 Janesville Street
                           634 Center Street           MOUNT HOREB, WI                                  Oregon, WI 53575
                                                                                   MADISON, WI
     MADISON, WI           Black Earth, WI 53515     Ingleside Manor          Madison Surgery           (608) 835-5373
UnityPoint Health -        (608) 767-2572            407 North 8th Street     Center, Inc
                                                     Mount Horeb, WI          1 South Park Street          STOUGHTON, WI
202 South Park Street
                                MADISON, WI          53572                    Madison, WI 53715         Stoughton Hospital
Madison, WI 53715
                           Belmont Nursing &         (608) 437-5511           (608) 287-2200            Urgent Care Clinic
(608) 417-6000
                           Rehabilitation Center                                                        900 Ridge Street
                           110 Belmont Road               OREGON, WI                                    Stoughton, WI 53589
                                                                              NovaMed Surgery
UW Health at The           Madison, WI 53714         Oregon Manor             Center of Madison, LP     (608) 873-6611
American Center            (608) 249-7391            354 North Main Street    1200 John Q Hammons
4602 Eastpark
                                                     Oregon, WI 53575         Drive, Suite 102
                           Capitol Lakes Health      (608) 835-3535           Madison, WI 53717
Madison, WI 53718
                           Center                                             (608) 827-5504
(608) 440-6400
                           333 West Main Street        STOUGHTON, WI
                           Madison, WI 53703-
                           3190                                                   URGENT
                           (608) 283-2000

Printed on: 8/26/2019, Providers as of: 1/1/2020                                                                                5
NOTE: If your PCP determines that you need specialty care, your PCP will direct you to a specialist
listed in this directory. If you are directed to use a specialist not listed in this directory, you must
obtain a written referral and approval from Quartz. For Behavioral Health and alcohol and other drug
abuse (AODA) services, please contact Behavioral Health Care Management at (800) 683-2300. If
you have questions or need assistance with the referral process, please send a message to Quartz
Customer Service through MyChart at QuartzMyChart.com, chat with us online at
ChooseQuartz.com or call (844) 644-3455. Email messages are monitored during normal business
hours. For the most up-to-date list of practitioners and providers, visit ChooseQuartz.com, select
Find A Doctor for State Employees and choose State/Local UW Health as your network.
    BELLEVILLE, WI                                            Pennekamp, Amanda J.
                                     BEHAVIORAL                                                   CHIROPRACTIC                        OPTOMETRY
     BEHAVIORAL                        HEALTH
       HEALTH                                                                                  Bakke Chiropractic               Essential Family Vision
                                 Cambridge                         OPTOMETRY                   Clinic, SC                       Care, SC
UW Health-Belleville             Counseling Clinic                                             312 East North Street            101 South Main Street
Family Medicine Clinic           120 East Main Street         Cottage Grove Eye                DeForest, WI 53532               DeForest, WI 53532
1121 BellWest                    Cambridge, WI 53523          Care                             (608) 846-3333                   (608) 846-5625
Boulevard                        (608) 423-4700               427 West Cottage
Belleville, WI 53508                                          Grove Road                       Bakke, David B. DC               Eakin, Trixie I. OD
(608) 424-3384                   Gjermo, Mary M. LMFT,        Cottage Grove, WI                Bakke, Gregg N. DC               Edwards, Julia B. OD
                                 LPC                          53527-9385                       Bollig, Michael J. DC            Harrier, Kallie A. OD
                                 Kollmansberger, Benno        (608) 839-0980                   Breunig, Jennifer A. DC          McCaig, Stephanie OD
Billerbeck, Janet A. LCSW
                                 LCSW                                                          Hagensick, Tammi L. DC
                                 Miles, Katherine J. LCSW                                      Pitt, Allison A. DC
  BLACK EARTH, WI                                             Nelson, David P. OD              Waldsmith, Jennifer L. DC
                                 Schuh, Jacqueline M.
                                 LCSW, LPC, SAC                                                                                 PHYSICAL THERAPY
   ORTHODONTICS                  Sullivan, Deborah C.
                                                                      PHYSICAL                                                  UnityPoint Health -
                                                                                                ENDOCRINOLOGY                   Meriter Therapy -
If enrolled in Uniform                                                THERAPY                    DIABETES AND
Dental, covered orthodontic      COTTAGE GROVE, WI                                                                              DeForest-Windsor
services are provided by                                                                          METABOLISM                    4200 Savannah Drive
                                                              Wildwood Family
Delta Dental of Wisconsin.                                                                                                      DeForest, WI 53532-
To find participating
                                     BEHAVIORAL               Clinic                           UnityPoint Health -              2909
orthodontists, please visit            HEALTH                 251 East Cottage Grove           Meriter - DeForest-              (608) 417-3370
deltadentalwi.com or call                                     Road                             Windsor Clinic
(844) 337-8383.                  Wildwood Family              Cottage Grove, WI                4200 Savannah Drive
                                                              53527                                                             Contact facility for a list of
                                 Clinic                                                        DeForest, WI 53532               practitioners
   BROOKFIELD, WI                251 East Cottage Grove       (608) 839-3515                   (608) 417-3300
       SPEECH                    Cottage Grove, WI            Contact facility for a list of   Wubben, Deborah P. MD
                                 53527                        practitioners
                                 (608) 839-3515
                                                                   DEFOREST, WI
                                 Nilsson, Kristina K. LCSW,                                       OCCUPATIONAL
Wisconsin Early                                                                                     THERAPY
Autism Project-                                                    BEHAVIORAL
Milwaukee                                                            HEALTH
                                                                                               UnityPoint Health -
150 North Sunnyslope
                                                                                               Meriter Therapy -
Road, Suite 100                     CHIROPRACTIC              UnityPoint Health -
Brookfield, WI 53005                                          Meriter - Deforest-
                                                                                               4200 Savannah Drive
(262) 432-5660                   LSM Chiropractic             Windsor Clinic
                                                                                               DeForest, WI 53532-
                                 Clinic                       4200 Savannah Drive              2909
Contact facility for a list of   204 West Cottage             DeForest, WI 53562
                                                                                               (608) 417-3370
practitioners                    Grove Road                   (608) 417-3300
                                 Cottage Grove, WI
                                 53527-9620                                                    Contact facility for a list of
    CAMBRIDGE, WI                                             Anderson, Jessica L. LPC         practitioners
                                 (608) 839-1172               Price, Ruth I. LPC

                                 Ballweg, Jason M. DC
                                 Morovits, Paul F. DC

Printed on: 8/26/2019, Providers as of: 1/1/2020                                                                                                                 6
                           Clark, Lindsay PhD
                           Gleason, Carey E. PhD
                                                         OCCUPATIONAL                  Contact facility for a list of   Allen, David T. DDS
                                                           THERAPY                     practitioners                    Alsamawi, Ammar DDS
                                                                                                                        Long, Audra M. DDS
   FITCHBURG, WI              CHIROPRACTIC            CI Pediatric Therapy
                                                      Centers-Fitchburg                       SPEECH                         MADISON, WI
    BEHAVIORAL             LSM Chiropractic           2927 South Fish                       LANGUAGE
      HEALTH               Clinic                     Hatchery Road                                                         ALLERGY AND
                           3070 Fish Hatchery         Fitchburg, WI 53711                                                   IMMUNOLOGY
CI Pediatric Therapy       Road, Suite 2              (608) 819-6394
                                                                                       CI Pediatric Therapy
Centers-Fitchburg          Fitchburg, WI 53713-                                                                         UW Health American
2927 South Fish            3187                       Contact facility for a list of                                    Family Children’s
                                                                                       2927 South Fish
Hatchery Road              (608) 271-7323             practitioners                                                     Hospital, Pediatric
                                                                                       Hatchery Road
Fitchburg, WI 53711                                                                                                     Allergy, Asthma and
                                                                                       Fitchburg, WI 53711
(608) 819-6394             Blodgett, Michael A. DC                                                                      Immunology
                                                      CI Pediatric Therapy             (608) 819-6394
                           Gormanson, Eric J. DC      Centers-South                                                     1675 Highland Avenue
Kuckuk, Jennifer S. LCSW                              Madison                                                           Madison, WI 53792
                                                                                       Contact facility for a list of
                                                      2990 Cahill Main, Suite          practitioners                    (608) 263-6420
CI Pediatric Therapy             GERIATRIC            204
Centers-South                    MEDICINE             Fitchburg, WI 53711                                               Gern, James E. MD
                                                                                       CI Pediatric Therapy
Madison                                               (608) 819-6394
2990 Cahill Main, Suite    UW Health-Fitchburg,                                                                         UW Health-20 South
204                        Memory Assessment          Contact facility for a list of                                    Park, Allergy, Asthma
                                                                                       2990 Cahill Main, Suite
Fitchburg, WI 53711        Clinic                     practitioners                                                     and Immunology
(608) 819-6394             5543 East Cheryl                                                                             20 South Park Street,
                                                                                       Fitchburg, WI 53711
                           Parkway                                                     (608) 819-6394                   Suite 460
Kuckuk, Jennifer S. LCSW   Fitchburg, WI 53711           ORTHODONTICS                                                   Madison, WI 53715
                           (608) 263-7740                                              Contact facility for a list of   (608) 287-2600
Family Service                                        If enrolled in Uniform           practitioners
Madison Inc                Asthana, Sanjay MD         Dental, covered orthodontic                                       Biagtan, Mark J. MD
2875 Fish Hatchery         Forster, Brenda L. NP      services are provided by                                          Healy, Christopher T. MD
                           Przybelski, Robert J. MD   Delta Dental of Wisconsin.                                        Kelly, John T. MD
                                                      To find participating                    TMD/TMJ                  Puchner, Thomas C. MD
Fitchburg, WI 53713-                                  orthodontists, please visit                                       Ritter, Michael W. MD
3114                       UW Health-Fitchburg,       deltadentalwi.com or call        Dental Health
(608) 204-6242             Mobility and Falls         (844) 337-8383.
                                                                                       Associates                       UW Health-20 South
                                                                                       2971 Chapel Valley               Park, Pediatric Allergy,
Phillips, Lynn LCSW        5543 East Cheryl
                                                                                       Road                             Asthma and
                                                              PHYSICAL                 Fitchburg, WI 53711              Immunology
                           Fitchburg, WI 53711
UnityPoint Health -                                           THERAPY                  (608) 661-6400                   20 South Park Street,
                           (608) 263-7740
Meriter - Fitchburg                                                                                                     Suite 460
Clinic                                                CI Pediatric Therapy             Johnson, Scott R. DDS            Madison, WI 53715
2690 Research Park         Pankratz, Gerald T. MD
                                                      Centers-Fitchburg                Kroll, Nathan R. DDS             (608) 287-2600
Drive Suite F                                         2927 South Fish                  Lovcik, Ted DDS
Fitchburg, WI 53711                                   Hatchery Road                    Oboikovitz, Matthew J.
                                                                                       DMD                              Gonzaga, Katherine A. MD
(608) 417-8585                 NEUROLOGY              Fitchburg, WI 53711              O'Brien, Daniel R. DDS           Healy, Christopher T. MD
                                                      (608) 819-6394                   Sangalang, Aldrin L. DDS         Ritter, Michael W. MD
Anderson, Jessica L. LPC   UW Health-Fitchburg,                                        Sweeney, Brian S. DDS
Price, Ruth I. LPC         Memory Assessment          Contact facility for a list of   Veerman, Brett L. DDS            UW Health-American
                           Clinic                     practitioners                                                     Family Children's
UW Health-Fitchburg,       5543 East Cheryl                                            Dental Health                    Hospital, Pediatric
Memory Assessment          Parkway                                                     Associates                       Specialties
                                                      CI Pediatric Therapy
Clinic                     Fitchburg, WI 53711                                         Orthodontics South,              1675 Highland Avenue
5543 East Cheryl           (608) 263-7740                                              LLC                              Madison, WI 53792
Parkway                                               2990 Cahill Main, Suite          2971 Chapel Valley               (608) 263-6420
Fitchburg, WI 53711        Jones, Jana E. PhD         204                              Road, Suite 201
(608) 263-7740                                        Fitchburg, WI 53711              Fitchburg, WI 53711              Seroogy, Christine M. MD
                                                      (608) 819-6394                   (608) 661-6420

Printed on: 8/26/2019, Providers as of: 1/1/2020                                                                                                   7
UW Health-East Clinic,                                                                       Kirmani-Moe, Sobia MD
Allergy, Asthma and                                                                          Reda-Goglio, Amanda M.
                                 Contact facility for a list of   AIDS Resource Center                                 Dr. David C Lee
Immunology                                                                                   APNP
                                 practitioners                    of Wisconsin, Inc.                                   1713 Camelot Drive
5249 East Terrace Drive                                           600 Williamson Street,                               Madison, WI 53705
Madison, WI 53718                                                 Suite H                    Counseling and            (608) 334-3309
                                 UW Health-American
(608) 265-1280                                                    Madison, WI 53703          Consultation Services
                                 Family Children's
                                                                  (608) 252-6540             of Madison
                                 Hospital, Pediatric                                                                   Lee, David C. PhD
Kelly, John T. MD                                                                            429 Gammon Place
Moss, Mark H. MD                                                                             Madison, WI 53719-
                                 1675 Highland Avenue             Brasher, Brett V. LCSW
Schauberger, Eric M. DO                                                                      1053                      Edelweiss Behavioral
                                 Madison, WI 53792                Lewis, Angelique PsyD
                                                                                             (608) 824-7243            Health, LLC
                                 (608) 262-3147                   McIntosh, Petrovnia F.
                                                                  LCSW                                                 6402 Odana Road, Suite
UW Health-West
                                                                                             Vogel, Andrea R. LPC      301
Clinic, Allergy,                 Contact facility for a list of                                                        Madison, WI 53719-
Asthma and                       practitioners                    Anesis Center for                                    1123
Immunology                                                        Marriage and Family        Counseling Resources      (608) 205-4450
451 Junction Road                                                 Therapy, Inc.              Neuropsychological
                                 UW Health-University
Madison, WI 53717                                                 6417 Odana Road,           Associates, LLC
                                 Hospital, Audiology                                                                   Caradonna, Molly R. PsyD
(608) 263-6180                                                    Suite 5                    4785 Hayes Road, Suite
                                 600 Highland Avenue                                                                   Desai, Anna C. LPC
                                 Madison, WI 53792-               Madison, WI 53719          100                       Desai, Atit R. MD
Love-Patton, Mary C. NP          2436                             (608) 268-6530             Madison, WI 53704-        Well, Elizabeth L. LPC
Mathur, Sameer K. MD                                                                         7364
                                 (608) 263-6190
Moss, Mark H. MD                                                                             (608) 242-7160
                                                                  Bonk, Bethe E. LPC                                   Elizabeth Schreiber
Ramratnam, Sima K. MD
                                                                  McNair, Myra R. LMFT
Schauberger, Eric M. DO          Contact facility for a list of                                                        PhD, LLC
                                                                  Soward, Pamela M. LPC      Bayless, John D. PhD
Singh, Anne M. MD                practitioners                                                                         4510 Regent Street,
Viswanathan, Ravi K. MD                                                                      Donath, Amanda M. LPC
                                                                                                                       Suite 204
                                                                  Catholic Charities         Humphrey, Patricia A.
                                                                                             PsyD                      Madison, WI 53705
UW Health-West                                                    615 East Washington                                  (608) 438-8807
                                      BEHAVIORAL                                             Kepler Leske, Brenda S.
Clinic, Pediatric                                                 Avenue                     PsyD
                                        HEALTH                    Madison, WI 53703
Allergy, Asthma and                                                                          Mickey, Donald L. PhD     Schreiber, Elizabeth PhD
Immunology                                                        (608) 826-8010             Rhoades, Mary M. PhD
                                 Access Community
451 Junction Road
                                 Health Centers-Joyce                                                                  Family Service Madison
Madison, WI 53717                                                 Greenwald, Mercy M.        Deborah Hoffman,
                                 & Marshall Erdman                LCSW                                                 Inc
(608) 263-6180                                                                               Ph.D.
                                 Clinic                           Gregg, Elizabeth M. LPC                              128 East Olin Avenue,
                                 2202 South Park Street                                      Quarry Arts Building      Suite 100
                                                                  Kaufman, Thomas M. LPC
Jackson, Daniel J. MD            Madison, WI 53713-               Schroeder, Nicole E.       Madison, WI 53705-        Madison, WI 53713-
Moss, Mark H. MD                 1916                             LCSW                       3542                      1483
                                 (608) 443-5480                   Schuh, Jacqueline M.       (608) 210-1100            (608) 252-1320
                                                                  LCSW, LPC, SAC
                                                                  Siegel, Kelsey N. LCSW     Hoffman, Deborah A. PhD
      AUDIOLOGY                  Beck, Catherine M. LCSW                                                               Beilke, Michael E. LMFT
                                 Colvin, Jamie P. LCSW                                                                 Carroll, Thomas J. LPC
Audible Difference,              Johnson, Katrina M. PsyD         CI Pediatric Therapy       Debra Hustad, MS          Chism, Greg W. LCSW
LLC                              Saucedo, Martha V. LCSW          Centers-Wisconsin          1050 Regent Street,       Ditlow, Theresa J. LPC
                                 Smith, Alexander D. PsyD         Early Autism Project                                 Hector, William LMFT
5727 Pembroke Drive                                                                          Suite 204
                                 Valdivia, Kelly A. PsyD          1210 Fourier Drive                                   Knutson, Barbara LPC
Madison, WI 53711-                                                                           Madison, WI 53715         Lewis, Ann C. LPC
5225                                                              Madison, WI 53711          (608) 257-0800            McCann, Jennie M. LPC
(608) 273-3036                   Access Community                 (608) 819-6183
                                                                                                                       Mowbray, Lisa A. LCSW
                                 Health Centers-                                                                       Murphy, Marcus R. LCSW
                                                                                             Hustad, Debra L. LCSW,
                                 William T Evjue Clinic           Kuckuk, Jennifer S. LCSW   LMFT                      Nichols, Judith A. LPC
Contact facility for a list of
practitioners                    (Dane Cty residents                                                                   Phillips, Lynn LCSW
Heide, Veronica H. AuD,          only)                                                                                 Scharnberger, Linda R.
                                                                  Collaborative              Donald Cooper,            LCSW, LMFT, LPC
BS                               3434 East Washington
                                                                  Solutions In               LCSW, Inc                 Schoff, Mary Katherine
                                                                  Psychiatry                 1912 Atwood Avenue,       CICSW
                                 Madison, WI 53704
UW Health-1 South                                                 7818 Big Sky Drive,        Suite 5                   Smarrella, Jeffrey J. MD
                                 (608) 443-5480                                                                        Stute, Suzanne M. LPC
Park, Audiology                                                   Suite 101                  Madison, WI 53704
1 South Park Street, 6th                                          Madison, WI 53719                                    Thwing, Natalie C. LPC
                                                                                             (608) 251-0839
Floor                            Beck, Catherine M. LCSW          (608) 203-6267                                       Varney, Teri J. LCSW, LPC
                                 Saucedo, Martha V. LCSW                                                               Wagner, Randall L. LPC
Madison, WI 53715
                                 Smith, Alexander D. PsyD                                    Cooper, Donald LCSW       Wahl, Elizabeth M. APSW
(608) 287-2650                                                    Bartnick, Erin W. PA                                 Webb, Jodi L. LCSW
                                 Valdivia, Kelly A. PsyD

Printed on: 8/26/2019, Providers as of: 1/1/2020                                                                                                  8
Wenger, Margot E. LCSW         Integrative                 Shimek, Brittany L. APSW     Niekerk, Kati J. APSW        Nichols, Bobbi Jo M. LCSW
                               Psychological               Szczech, Nicholas P.         Parkes, Judith C. LCSW       Niekerk, Kati J. APSW
                               Consultants, LLC            APSW                         Pearson, James J. LCSW,      Parkes, Judith C. LCSW
Family Therapy Center                                                                   CSAC                         Pearson, James J. LCSW,
of Madison                     2317 International Lane
                                                                                        Peek, Alexandra A. LPC       CSAC
700 Rayovac Drive,             #119                        Journey Mental Health        Pollema, Andrea M. ARNP      Peek, Alexandra A. LPC
Suite 220                      Madison, WI 53704-          Center                       Portice, Daniel A. RN        Riddiough, Claire E. APSW
Madison, WI 53711-             3154                        208 East Olin Avenue         Riddiough, Claire E. APSW    Schroeder-Gasser, Kelsey
2476                           (608) 467-8870              Madison, WI 53713            Roberts, Mary Sue LPC        A. LMFT
(608) 276-9191                                             (608) 280-1700               Schroeder-Gasser, Kelsey     Schwarzbrott, Season A.
                                                                                        A. LMFT                      PhD
                               Bell, Sellers C. LCSW
                                                                                        Schwarzbrott, Season A.      Stern, Nelsie M. LPC
Bae, Jean S. MD                Chapin, Lesley R. PsyD      Coppola, Anastasia B.        PhD                          Stindt, Robert W. LCSW,
Bailey, Melinda M. PhD         Olson, Joshua J. LMFT       APSW                         Stern, Nelsie M. LPC         SAC
Batson, Mary E. LPC                                        Lindquist, Alexandria E.     Stindt, Robert W. LCSW,      Storto, Evelyn M. LMFT
Beal, Anne S. LCSW                                         LCSW                         SAC                          Sullivan, Meredith H. LMFT
                               Jason C. Smith MA
Faynik, Carol J. LCSW                                      Peterson, Joshua J. LCSW     Storto, Evelyn M. LMFT       Taylor, Amanda T. APSW
                               LMFT LLC                    Polich, Katy J. CISW
Hudson, Elizabeth M.                                                                    Sullivan, Meredith H. LMFT   Thakor, Sheila K. MD
                               111 South 1st Street,       Rinehart, Chelsea M. LPC
LCSW                                                                                    Taylor, Amanda T. APSW       Torrez, Marco LCSW
Kucin, Amy V. LCSW             #160                        Schenk, Alisa D. LPC         Thakor, Sheila K. MD         Uttal, Lynet L. APSW
Leff, Nancy J. LCSW            Madison, WI 53704           Tarp, Michael L. APSW        Torrez, Marco LCSW           Van Sistine, Michael J.
Loevinger, Barbara L. MD       (608) 977-1864              Wendt, Nicole LPC            Trepton, Kellie A. APNP      LCSW
Loomis, Sabrina C. LCSW                                                                 Tyus, Derek L. APSW          Vonk, Jantina R. MD
McAuliffe, Mary B. LPC         Smith, Jason C. LMFT        Journey Mental Health        Uttal, Lynet L. APSW         Walmer, Michael T. LPC
Miller, Kirsten G. LCSW                                                                 Van Sistine, Michael J.      Wangerin, Jennifer E. LPC
Udulutch, Marie K. PsyD                                                                 LCSW                         Westenberg, Anne-Marie K.
Utevsky, Judith A. LCSW        Jorgensen Consulting,       25 Kessel Court, Suite
                                                                                        Vonk, Jantina R. MD          LPC
York, Martha T. LCSW           Inc                         105                          Walmer, Michael T. LPC       Woods, Jane A. LCSW,
                               111 South 1st Street,       Madison, WI 53711-           Wangerin, Jennifer E. LPC    CSAC
                               Suite 160                   6227                         Westenberg, Anne-Marie       Wright, Nichole A. LPC
Family Therapy Center
                               Madison, WI 53704-          (608) 280-2700               K. LPC
of Madison                                                                              Woods, Jane A. LCSW,
131 West Wilson Street,        5380                                                                                  Kristine M Eiring PhD
Suite 612                      (608) 251-0839              Bailey, Rianna L. APSW                                    LLC
                                                                                        Wright, Nichole A. LPC
                                                           Bergum, Melissa M. APSW                                   3330 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53703-
                                                           Blahnik, Lori L. LCSW
3243                           Jorgensen, Don A. LCSW                                                                Suite 205
                                                           Burda, Alisson L. LCSW       Journey Mental Health
(608) 276-9191                                             Burkel, Jennifer L. APSW                                  Madison, WI 53705
                                                           Chauhan, Saima T. SAC                                     (608) 233-9558
                               Journey Mental Health                                    49 Kessel Court
Bae, Jean S. MD                Center                      Christie, Nichole A. APSW
                                                                                        Madison, WI 53711-
Batson, Mary E. LPC                                        Coppola, Anastasia B.                                     Eiring, Kristine M. PhD
                               702 West Main Street                                     6275
Beal, Anne S. LCSW                                         APSW
                               Madison, WI 53715-          Eberhardt, Shari APNP        (608) 280-2700
Faynik, Carol J. LCSW
                               1424                        Eggen, Kayla A. LCSW                                      Lake Monona
Hudson, Elizabeth M.
LCSW                           (608) 280-2700              Endsley, Sarah C. PA         Bailey, Rianna L. APSW       Psychotherapy &
Kucin, Amy V. LCSW                                         Friedl, Erin E. APSW         Burda, Alisson L. LCSW       Recovery Center
Leff, Nancy J. LCSW            Aronoff, Joshua H. LPC      Fullenwider, Janice L. LPC   Burkel, Jennifer L. APSW     6400 Gisholt Drive, Suite
Loomis, Sabrina C. LCSW        Barloon, Rachel C. APSW     Galka, Andrea L. LMFT        Chauhan, Saima T. SAC        100
McAuliffe, Mary B. LPC         Barrett, Dale M. LPC        Glomski, Sarah E. LPC        Eberhardt, Shari APNP        Madison, WI 53713
Miller, Kirsten G. LCSW        Baskin, Jonathan A. APSW    Gonzalez, Elizabeth W.       Eggen, Kayla A. LCSW
                                                           APSW                                                      (608) 256-5030
Utevsky, Judith A. LCSW        Betancourt, George L.                                    Endsley, Sarah C. PA
                               LCSW, APSW                  Haas, Christine T. APSW,     Friedl, Erin E. APSW
                               Dahl, Tiagan T. APSW        SAC-IT                       Fullenwider, Janice L. LPC   Cremin, Bridget J. LCSW,
Insight Counseling                                         Heimerl, Robin R. LPC,       Galka, Andrea L. LMFT        SAC
                               Edwards, Amy M. LPC,
and Wellness, LLC              CSAC                        SAC                          Gonzalez, Elizabeth W.       Di Cerbo, Daniel E. LCSW
2021 Atwood Avenue             Elsing, Katherine J. LMFT   Henschel, Amanda M.          APSW                         Doyle, Eileen D. LCSW
Madison, WI 53704              Flanagan, Hannah C.         LCSW                         Haas, Christine T. APSW,     Hills, Beverly LPC, SAC
(608) 244-4859                 LMFT                        Lickel, Robin L. LPC,        SAC-IT                       Jaeger, Kim LCSW, SAC
                               Hammell, Christina M.       CSAC                         Heimerl, Robin R. LPC,       Stevens, Sally J. LCSW,
                               APSW, LCSW                  Miller, Michelle E. APSW     SAC                          SAC
Ellington-Deitz, Victoria M.                               Milner, Karen K. MD          Lickel, Robin L. LPC,        Stringer, Heidi L. LCSW,
                               Henrickson, Sarah J.
LPC                                                        Molander, Rachel MD          CSAC                         APSW
Hyland, Lynn T. PhD                                        Moore, Lucas E. LCSW         Milner, Karen K. MD          Strong, D. Eric LCSW
                               Kraege, Tanya L. APSW,
Rollins, Tara E. LPC                                       Moscinski, Nicole L. LMFT,   Molander, Rachel MD          Ward, Ellanora E. PhD
Zine, Tammi L. LPC                                         SAC-IT                       Moore, Lucas E. LCSW
                               Moon, Erin N. LCSW
                               Moonlight, Erin APSW        Murray, Michelle R. LCSW     Moscinski, Nicole L. LMFT,
                               Pierce, Nancy LCSW          Nichols, Bobbi Jo M.         SAC-IT
                               Roethe, David PhD           LCSW                         Murray, Michelle R. LCSW

Printed on: 8/26/2019, Providers as of: 1/1/2020                                                                                               9
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