2021 AAP Subscription Guide for Institutions - Trusted Research and Clinical Solutions From the Leading Publisher in Pediatrics - AAP.org

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2021 AAP Subscription Guide for Institutions - Trusted Research and Clinical Solutions From the Leading Publisher in Pediatrics - AAP.org
AAP Subscription Guide
for Institutions
Trusted Research and Clinical Solutions
From the Leading Publisher in Pediatrics

AAP Publishing | AAPLibrary.org
2021 AAP Subscription Guide for Institutions - Trusted Research and Clinical Solutions From the Leading Publisher in Pediatrics - AAP.org

    AAP eJournal Collection
    The American Academy of Pediatrics
    (AAP) publishes medical journals that
    have a profound impact on the delivery        SAVE             All 6 scholarly journals
    of health care to children worldwide.
    With the AAP eJournal Collection, your
                                                  25%              and periodicals in one
                                                                   comprehensive collection!

    institution’s need for new pediatric and
    subspecialty original research, clinical
    journal review, and award-winning news
    is covered! It provides your patrons with a
    comprehensive site license to 6 journals
    and periodicals and their eArchives at
    no additional charge.

                                                              More than 13 million people viewed
                                                                AAP Journals content in 2019.
                                                         Learn more at gateway.aap.org

              Email institutions@aap.org to subscribe to a site license today!
2    See page 10 for Ordering Information, or learn more at AAPLibrary.org
2021 AAP Subscription Guide for Institutions - Trusted Research and Clinical Solutions From the Leading Publisher in Pediatrics - AAP.org

is the official peer-reviewed research journal of the AAP and
the world’s leading pediatrics resource. Pediatrics is the
most-cited journal in pediatric medicine, and it is among the                                                               Journal* in
top 100 most-cited journals in all of science and medicine.*                                                             Pediatric Medicine
                                                                                                                            *Journal Impact Factor,
JOURNAL FEATURES                                                                                                             Journal Citation Reports

• New! Research briefs
                                                                                                                          (Clarivate Analytics, 2019.)

• AAP policy and clinical practice guidelines
• Ethics rounds, diagnostic dilemmas, and clinical reasoning
• Pediatrics perspectives and commentaries
• Quality reports and case reports
• State-of-the-art review articles
• Advocacy case studies and
  family partnership articles                VIDEO ABSTRACTS
                                              Brief videos
                                              summarizing key
ISSN PRINT // 0031-4005                       findings of new
ISSN ONLINE // 1098-4275                      articles
FREQUENCY // Monthly
TERM // 12 Issues, Rolling
PEER-REVIEWED                                                                                                         pediatrics.org

                                                                          Hospital Pediatrics is the best place to get articles
                                                                          essential to the hospitalized child. It keeps me up
is the peer-reviewed journal dedicated to pediatric                       to date with current and changing practices.
hospitalists and offers the tools to help provide quick,
                                                                          —Kendria Hall, MD, FAAP
correct, and targeted medical interventions specific to
the hospital setting. Hospital Pediatrics articles are geared
toward optimizing quality improvement, reducing
unnecessary testing, standardizing
administration practices, and more!
                                                    TEACHING TOOLS

JOURNAL FEATURES                                    Use downloadable diagnostic
                                                    images and figures that include
• Research articles, commentaries,                  full journal article citations for
  and perspectives                                  easy reference and incorporation
• Review articles                                   into teaching slides and
• Bending the value curve                           presentations for colleagues or
• Quality improvement reports                       residency programs.

• Brief reports
ISSN PRINT // 2154-1663
ISSN ONLINE // 2154-1671
FREQUENCY // Monthly
TERM // 12 Issues, Rolling

                                          See page 10 for Ordering Information, or learn more at AAPLibrary.org                                          3
2021 AAP Subscription Guide for Institutions - Trusted Research and Clinical Solutions From the Leading Publisher in Pediatrics - AAP.org

                                                                  As a teaching physician, the PIR articles are easy to understand
    is the monthly clinical review journal trusted
                                                                  and an excellent reference to help with clinical practice
    by trainees and applied by practicing physicians              (such as current newborn protocol practices).
    on preventing and treating illness, determining
    appropriate testing and therapies, managing                   —Andrea Mikol Heuser, MD, FAAP
    chronic disease, and diagnosing abuse
    and maltreatment.

    JOURNAL FEATURES                              ONLINE TEACHING
    • Current review articles featuring           SLIDES
      topics mapped to the ABP content            Download easy-to-
      specifications and aimed at covering        use slide presentations
      gaps in knowledge and practice              as a teaching aid to
    • Index of Suspicion and Visual               accompany review
      Diagnosis case presentations                articles.
    • In Brief articles condensing
      important content from published
      pediatric abstracts

    ISSN PRINT // 0191-9601
    ISSN ONLINE // 1526-3347
    FREQUENCY // Monthly
    TERM // 12 Issues, Calendar
    PEER-REVIEWED                                                                                               pedsinreview.org

                                                                                  NeoReviews™ is supported, in part, through an
    is the trusted neonatology clinical review journal offering                 educational grant from Abbott Nutrition, a division
    focused, cutting-edge content, with high-impact clinical                               of Abbott Laboratories, Inc.
    review articles, significant case studies, and multimedia
    resources that provide lifelong learning for those who
    treat neonates.

    JOURNAL FEATURES                                                          Now indexed
    • New! Complex fetal care cases                                            in Medline.
    • Neonatal and perinatal review articles
    • Visual Diagnosis and Index of
      Suspicion in the Nursery cases
    • Video Corner articles with cognitive        DOWNLOAD
      and technical instructional videos          DIAGNOSTIC VIDEOS,
                                                  IMAGES, AND FIGURES
    • Strip of the Month (electronic              for easy reference
      fetal monitoring)                           and incorporation
                                                  into teaching slides
    ISSN ONLINE // 1526-9906                      and presentations
    FREQUENCY // Monthly                          for colleagues or
    TERM // 12 Issues Online Only, Calendar       parents.


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2021 AAP Subscription Guide for Institutions - Trusted Research and Clinical Solutions From the Leading Publisher in Pediatrics - AAP.org

                                                                    I apply changing management for clinical conditions
is the official AAP literature review journal delivering
                                                                    based on what I read in AAP Grand Rounds. It is great for
concise expert summaries of pediatrics and subspecialty             keeping up on what is going on in pediatrics.
topic articles, from nearly 100 medical journals in general
pediatric and subspecialty pediatric topic areas—                   —Francine Atterberry, MD, FAAP
Adolescent Medicine | Cardiology | Critical Care |
Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics | Emergency
Medicine | Gastroenterology | Hematology-Oncology |
Hospital Medicine | Infectious Diseases | Neonatology |
Nephrology | Neurology | Orthopaedics | Pediatrics |
Pulmonology | Rheumatology

JOURNAL FEATURES                                 NOW AVAILABLE!
• Evidence-based summaries of recent             Bottom Line
  and relevant pediatric studies                 takeaways by
• Focused topic areas covering several           pediatric
  pediatric subspecialties                       experts now
ISSN PRINT // 1099-6605
ISSN ONLINE // 1556-362X
FREQUENCY // Monthly
TERM // 12 Issues, Calendar

is the newsmagazine of the AAP, offering insights and analysis
from today’s leaders in pediatric medicine. Access breaking news
from any device and catch up anytime, anywhere.                                                              www.aapnews.org                                                                                                   Volume 41 • Number 1 • January 2020

                                                                                                      Autism: AAP guidance includes updates,                                                                              Chapters Views and News
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chapters making sure all
                                                                                                      searchable topics, executive summary                                                                                kids count in 2020 census

NEWSMAGAZINE FEATURES                                                                                 by Susan L. Hyman, M.D., FAAP, and
                                                                                                      Susan E. Levy, M.D., FAAP
                                                                                                                                                              has increased from one in 155 (2007) to one in
                                                                                                                                                              59 (2018). While most individuals with ASD are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          from the AAP Department of Community and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chapter Affairs and Quality Improvement

• AAP policy analysis
                                                                                                                                                              male, there may be different phenotype(s) in females
                                                                                                         Representing the first update in                     accounting for this difference.                                While census forms
                                                                                                      12 years, an AAP clinical report on                        Children with average cognition, attention-defi-         won’t start arriving in
                                                                                                      autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is                       cit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and underserved           mailboxes until March,

                                                   INSIGHTS AND ANALYSIS OF
                                                                                                      a comprehensive document that is                        groups may be diagnosed later. About 40% of indi-           several AAP chapters
                                                                                                      searchable by topic for easy information access.

• Coding updates
                                                                                                                                                              viduals with ASD also have intellectual disability.         have been working hard
                                                                                                         The report, Identification, Evaluation, and                                                                      to promote participation in the 2020 census.

                                                   TRENDING HEALTH TOPICS IN
                                                                                                      Management of Children With Autism Spectrum             Single diagnosis                                               In 2010, the U.S. census missed almost 1
                                                                                                      Disorder, is available at https://doi.org/10.1542/         The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental          million children under age 5. Those most likely
                                                                                                      peds.2019-3447; an executive summary is available       Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) published in 2013          to be undercounted were children in immi-
                                                                                                      at https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2019-3448. Both

• Infectious disease snapshots
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          grant families and children who are Hispanic,

                                                   PEDIATRIC MEDICINE
                                                                                                                                                              consolidated the category of pervasive developmen-
                                                                                                      documents, from the Council on Children with            tal disorders (PDD) (autistic disorder, Asperger            African American, Native American or other
                                                                                                      Disabilities and Section on Developmental and           disorder, PDD-NOS [not otherwise specified] and             minorities.
                                                                                                      Behavioral Pediatrics, are published in the January     disintegrative disorder) into a single diagnosis of            Many census officials and advocates worry
                                                                                                      issue of Pediatrics.                                    ASD with modifiers (with intellectual disability). It       that without special efforts to encourage fam-
                                                                                                         Following are significant changes in the report.

• Pediatric subspecialty news
                                                                                                                                                              also allowed diagnoses of co-occurring conditions           ilies with young children to complete the cen-
                                                                                                                                                              like ADHD and anxiety.                                      sus, the undercount could rise.
                                                                                                      Prevalence increases                                       DSM-5 describes levels of symptoms and sup-                 Census data are used to apportion fund-
                                                                                                        Since 2007, efforts have been made to increase        port needs within two categories: impairment in             ing for many programs, including Medicaid,
                                                                                                      awareness of ASD symptoms, promote universal            social communication and restricted and repetitive                                              See Census, page 8
                                                                                                      screening in primary care and advocate for com-

• Practice transformation
                                                                                                      munity services. The reported prevalence of ASD                                           See Autism, page 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Media coverage of child
                                                                                                      1930-2020: AAP marks 90th anniversary                                                                            abuse pediatricians threatens

• Quality improvement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       children’s safety
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       by Amy R. Gavril, M.D., M.S.C.I., FAAP

• Vaccine updates
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Shortly after beginning my fellowship in child
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       abuse pediatrics over a decade ago, I read an article
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       in Pediatrics that described attacks in the British
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       press against child abuse pediatricians in the United
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Kingdom (Jenny C. Pediatrics. 2007;119:797-799).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       In addition to the personal harassment these pedia-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       tricians endured, the U.K. physician licensing board
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       issued severe consequences against some physicians,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       including revocation of their medical licenses.
                                                                                                                                When the first national meeting of the new American Academy of Pediatrics took                                         See Commentary, page 10

ISSN PRINT // 1073-0397
                                                                                                                                place June 12-13, 1931, in Atlantic City, N.J., there were 93 attendess and 304
                                                                                                                                members. Today, the AAP is 67,000-plus members strong, with the same proud
                                                                                                                                mission. The first in a year-long series takes a look at the social forces pre-1930.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       In this issue
                                                                                                                                See page 17.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       New Pratice Insights column
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       This installment of the new quarterly column delves into

ISSN ONLINE // 1556-3332
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the impact of accurate patient attribution on value-based
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       payment. Page 19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Universal developmental screening
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       A new clinical report includes a developmental screening

FREQUENCY // Monthly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       approach that merges screening for general development,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       autism, motor delay and developmental disorders in high-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       risk medical conditions into a single algorithm for pediatric
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       practice. Page 20

TERM // 12 Issues, Rolling                                                                   AAPNews0120_1-16.indd 1                                                                                                                                                             12/13/19 3:53 PM


                                         See page 10 for Ordering Information, or learn more at AAPLibrary.org                                                                                                                                                                                      5
2021 AAP Subscription Guide for Institutions - Trusted Research and Clinical Solutions From the Leading Publisher in Pediatrics - AAP.org

    Pediatric Care Online™
    brings together the most TRUSTED
    point‑of‑care tools and resources the
    AAP has to offer to give your health
    care professionals quick and easy
    access to everything they need
    —from well‑care guides to acute
    care answers, to patient education
    and infectious disease information—
    all wrapped up in one subscription.

                                       AAP Pediatric Care Online (PCO) is Children’s Community Physicians Association members’ one stop
                                       resource for all pediatric‑related topics. One of the amazing time‑saving features on the PCO website
                                       is the search function. Members can enter their topic into the search engine and receive results from
                                       the entire platform of PCO resources.

                                       —LaVonna V. Swilley, MBA, Operations Manager, CCPA

    Pediatric Care Online is a practical and convenient resource integrating a full range of essential pediatric-specific clinical
    information and premier patient education content. This dynamic tool includes 24/7 anytime, anywhere access with
    mobile-optimized content and exclusive apps—
    combining valuable resources into one powerful tool.
    • AAP Toolkits including Bright Futures, ADHD and Autism
    • Red Book® Online
    • Pediatric Patient Education™
    • Point-of-Care Quick Reference
    • AAP Textbook of Pediatric Care, 2nd Edition
    • AAP policy and guidelines                          BEST
    • Visual libraries, procedural and mental
      health videos, webinars, and mobile app                 VALUE!
    ISSN ONLINE // 2156-2989
    TERM // 12 Months, Rolling


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2021 AAP Subscription Guide for Institutions - Trusted Research and Clinical Solutions From the Leading Publisher in Pediatrics - AAP.org

24/7 anywhere, anytime Red Book access—your single source for lifesaving pediatric infectious disease information.
This powerful problem-solver helps your organization practice state-of-the-art prevention, simplify diagnosis and
disease management, and much more.
• Infectious disease outbreak section
• Complete text of the 31st edition of the Red Book,         Included in
  in BOTH English and Spanish
• Updates, news, and alerts including the latest            Pediatric Care
  influenza policy changes
• Interactive immunization schedules
• Vaccine shortage updates
• Multimedia library including mobile app,
  visual library, and teaching slides

ISSN ONLINE // 1544-9300
TERM // 12 Months, Rolling
LANGUAGES // English, Spanish


Bring the complete AAP print‑on‑demand patient education library to your entire organization. Built specifically
to address the needs of the pediatric patient, from birth through age 21, this comprehensive library provides access
to more than 800 pediatric health care handouts. This library includes robust searching by CPT® and ICD-10-CM codes.
And information can be accessed 24/7 anytime, anywhere—and more than 300 titles are available in Spanish!
• Schmitt Pediatric Care Advice patient education collection of
  more than 280 symptom and diagnosis-based handouts from
  leading telehealth expert, Barton Schmitt, MD
• Bright Futures parent/patient visit forms and handouts
• Vaccines and infectious disease content
• Handouts from collections on the following topics:             Included in
                                                                                                            Sore Throat - Symptom

  ADHD, Childhood Obesity, Autism Spectrum Disorder,

                                                                                                            Pain, discomfort or raw feeling of the throat

                                                                Pediatric Care
                                                                                                            Pain is made worse when swallows
                                                                                                            The infection is in the throat and usually also involves the tonsils.
                                                                                                            Children less than 2 years of age usually can't complain about a sore throat. A young child who does
                                                                                                            not want favorite foods may have a sore throat. They may also start to cry during feedings.

  Managing Infectious Diseases in Child Care and Schools
                                                                                                            Health Information

                                                                                                            Usually caused by an infection of the throat (pharyngitis). Since the tonsils are in that area, they are

• TIPP®—The Injury Prevention Program
                                                                                                            usually also infected (tonsillitis).
                                                                                                            Colds (URIs). Most sore throats are part of a cold. In fact, a sore throat may be the only symptom for
                                                                                                            the first 24 hours.
                                                                                                            Influenza. A sore throat can be the first symptom in flu infections.
                                                                                                            Viral pharyngitis. Some viruses cause a sore throat without nasal symptoms.
                                                                                                            Herpangina. A special viral infection of the throat that causes little ulcers near the tonsils.
                                                                                                            Strep pharyngitis. Group A Strep is the most common bacterial cause. It accounts for 20% of
                                                                                                            persistent sore throats. Only these need an antibiotic.
                                                                                                            Postnasal drip. Drainage from sinus congestion can cause a sore throat. Sometimes, it's because the

• Violence prevention program handouts
                                                                                                            secretions are irritating to the throat. More often, it's from the frequent throat clearing.
                                                                                                            Mouth breathing. Children who sleep with the mouth open may wake with a sore throat. It feels better
                                                                                                            within an hour of having something to drink. Use a humidifier to help prevent a dry mouth.

                                                                                                            Strep Throat
                                                                                                            Symptoms include sore throat, fever, headache, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting.
                                                                                                            Cough, hoarseness, red eyes, and runny nose are usually not seen with Strep throat. These symptoms
                                                                                                            point more to a viral cause.
                                                                                                            Scarlet fever rash (fine, red, sandpaper-like rash) is highly suggestive of Strep throat.
                                                                                                            Peak age: 5 to 15 years old. Not common under 2 years old unless sibling has Strep.
                                                                                                            Diagnosis should be confirmed by a Strep test before starting treatment. There is no risk to wait until a
                                                                                                            Strep test is done.
                                                                                                            Standard treatment is with antibiotics by mouth.

                                                                                                            Prevention of Spread to Others
                                                                                                            Good hand washing can prevent spread of infection.

                                                                                                            Care Advice

ISSN ONLINE // 2156-3012
                                                                                                            1. Overview:
                                                                                                               Most sore throats are just part of a cold and caused by a virus.
                                                                                                               A cough, hoarse voice or nasal discharge points to a cold as the cause
                                                                                                               If a sore throat is the only symptom, it's still usually viral. A fever or swollen neck lymph nodes
                                                                                                               point to this as the cause.
                                                                                                               Here is some care advice that should help.

TERM // 12 Months, Rolling                                                                                  Sore Throat - Symptom                                                                              Page 1 of 2

LANGUAGES // English, Spanish


                                         See page 10 for Ordering Information, or learn more at AAPLibrary.org                                                                                                               7
2021 AAP Subscription Guide for Institutions - Trusted Research and Clinical Solutions From the Leading Publisher in Pediatrics - AAP.org

    Stay current with the latest evidence-based
    pediatric information from the AAP. Gain 24/7
    access to a robust digital library of quality,
    peer-reviewed pediatric content, authored by
    renowned experts and researchers in the field
    of pediatrics.

    Visit aapebooks.org/institutions for
                                                              SAVE       Purchase any single‑year eBook collection
    a full list of the AAP eBook collections.
                                                              30%        and save 30% off the Backlist.
                                                                         Offer expires March 31, 2021! Email institutions@aap.org for more details.

    The AAP eBook Collection Is Your Premier
    Source for Trusted Pediatric Content
    Titles are fully searchable; users may print, bookmark using
    browser or app tools, and share links via email and social
    networks. Several titles include videos that can be streamed
    from links in the online and app versions.

    The AAP eBook Collections
    Gain perpetual access to clinical references and parenting titles.
    AAP eBook collections provide expert guidance in areas such as:
    • Administration and Practice • Obesity
      Management                        • Parenting Resources
    • Adolescent Health                 • Primary Care
    • Advocacy and International • School Health and Child Care
      Health                            • Sports Medicine and
    • Infectious Diseases                 Orthopaedics
    • Nutrition                         • Telehealth Care
                                                                         Perpetual rights collections, 2016 thru 2019,
    The AAP eBook Platform Features                                       and the Backlist are also available for sale.
    • Advanced search capabilities for easy discoverability              Contact your representative for institutional
    • Responsive design for mobile optimization                               discounts on multiple collections.
    • Reading app for smartphones and tablets
    • Librarian resource center to manage IP access and usage data


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2021 AAP Subscription Guide for Institutions - Trusted Research and Clinical Solutions From the Leading Publisher in Pediatrics - AAP.org

AAP 2020 eBook Frontlist Collection
Access to 25 Titles, including
• Berkowitz’s Pediatrics: A Primary Care Approach, 6th Edition
• Pediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines & Policies: A Compendium
  of Evidence-based Research for Pediatric Practice, 20th Edition
• Pediatric Mental Health: A Compendium of AAP Clinical
  Practice Guidelines and Policies
• Breastfeeding Handbook for Physicians, 3rd Edition
• Pediatric Dermatology: A Quick Reference Guide, 4th Edition
• Pediatric Otolaryngology for Primary Care, 2nd Edition
• Pediatric Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery for Primary Care
• Medications in Pediatrics: A Compendium of AAP Clinical
  Practice Guidelines and Policies
• Challenging Cases in Pediatric Hospital Medicine
• And more...
TERM // One-Time Perpetual Rights Purchase. Annual maintenance fee may apply.


Neonatal Resuscitation (NRP®) eBook Collection
Sold separately—available exclusively from the AAP!
An annual site license gives your institution access to the
essential Neonatal Resuscitation eBook Collection, which
includes the following titles:
• Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation®, in English and Spanish
• Guidelines for Perinatal Care
• PCEP: Neonatal Care
• PCEP: Specialized Newborn Care
• Guidelines for Air and Ground Transport of Neonatal
    and Pediatric Patients
*Titles subject to change.

TERM // Annual Site License


                                            See page 10 for Ordering Information, or learn more at AAPLibrary.org   9
2021 AAP Subscription Guide for Institutions - Trusted Research and Clinical Solutions From the Leading Publisher in Pediatrics - AAP.org

     How to Order                                                    Determine Your Pricing Tier
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     The AAP has arrangements with agents across the globe.          Tier 2: Undergraduate (baccalaureate) or master’s level
     They can assist you with information on AAP publication                 college/university
     subscriptions, including price quotes for multisite, global,            Nursing school or allied health program
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     information can be found online at AAPLibrary.org               Tier 3: Doctorate-granting research university
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     Ordering Directly Through the AAP                               Tier 4: N/A
     Phone: 866/843-2271 (toll-free in United States and Canada)     Tier 5: University consortium or shared/multisite network
     or 630/626-6000 (Office hours: 7:30 am –5:00 pm Central time)
     Fax: 847/228-1281 // Email: institutions@aap.org
                                                                     Tier 1: Small or local clinic
                                                                     Tier 2: Community hospital
     Member and Customer Care/Technical Support                              (not a major teaching or clinical research facility)
     Phone: 866/843-2271 (toll-free in United States and Canada)     Tier 3: Major teaching or research hospital
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                                                                     Tier 4: Midsize or large for-profit organization
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                                                                     Tier 5: Global or multisite licensing

                                                                                                        All pricing and specifications in this catalog
10    Learn more at AAPLibrary.org                                                                             are subject to change without notice.

Journals & Periodicals                                                                         Point-of-Care Solutions™
                                                         Site License
                                     Pricing Tier                            Site License                                           Pricing Tier                Site License
       AAP eJournal                                      With Print
        Collection                          1               $1,955              $1,890                                                        1                     $2,926
      25% SAVINGS!                          2               $3,836              $3,706                BEST VALUE!                             2                     $5,968
                                            3               $5,527              $5,340           Includes Toolkits, Red Book®                 3                     $7,023
       Includes all 6                                                                             Online and Pediatric Patient
  AAP journals/periodicals                  4               $7,440              $7,188                                                        4                      $8,075
                                            5              Email institutions@aap.org                                                         5           Email institutions@aap.org
                                                               International Shipping: $352
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                                           4                $3,417              $3,089                                                        4                      $1,395
                                           5               Email institutions@aap.org                                                         5           Email institutions@aap.org
                                        Additional Copy: $200 | International Shipping: $67
                                                         Site License
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                                           1                 $395                $381                                                         1                      $1,517
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                                           3               $1,098               $1,061                                                        3                      $2,579
                                           4                $1,526              $1,474                                                        4                     $3,224
                                           5              Email institutions@aap.org                                                          5           Email institutions@aap.org
                                         Additional Copy: $80 | International Shipping: $54

                                                                                               AAP eBooks
                                                         Site License
                                     Pricing Tier                            Site License
                                                         With Print
                                          1                 $568                 $513          One-time, perpetual rights purchase. Annual maintenance fee may apply.
                                                                                               2016 and 2017 AAP eBook Collections are also available.
                                          2               $1,087                 $970
                                          3                $1,555               $1,387                                                               2018           2019        2020
                                                                                                                              Pricing Tier
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