Page created by Roy Walsh


      P: 613.748.5637 | F: 613.748.5691 | E: info@gymcan.org
      120-1900 promenade City Park Drive, Ottawa, ON K1J 1A3   WWW.GYMCAN.ORG


  1.0     INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 2
  2.0     PURPOSE ....................................................................................................................................... 2
  3.0     EVENT LOGISTICS ....................................................................................................................... 2
  4.0     2020 HIGH PERFORMANCE ATHLETES ................................................................................... 3
  5.0     PROVINCIAL QUOTAS ............................................................................................................... 4
  6.0     INVITED ATHLETES ....................................................................................................................... 4
  7.0     REQUEST TO PARTICIPATE APPLICATIONS ............................................................................ 5
  APPENDIX A: REQUEST TO PARTICIPATE APPLICATION .................................................................. 6

         P: 613.748.5637 | F: 613.748.5691 | E: info@gymcan.org
         120-1900 Promenade City Park Drive, Ottawa, ON K1J 1A3                                                                  WWW.GYMCAN.ORG
The purpose of the following document is to outline the provincial qualification process for participation
at the 2021 Canadian Championships.

As a result of the evolution of the coronavirus pandemic, Eastern and Western Regional Championships
will not be held for the 2021 season. This is largely due to the on-going provincial closures, restricted
inter-provincial travel, and logistical challenges to host an in-person and/or virtual Regional
Championships during a global pandemic. For the 2021 season, provinces will be responsible for hosting
provincial qualification events.

Gymnastics Canada’s provincial partners, the local organizing committee for the 2021 Eastern and
Western Regional Championships, the RG Program Committee and all High Performance coaches were
consulted prior to making this decision.

This document will outline the following:
    1. The purpose of the provincial qualification events;
    2. Provincial qualification event logistics;
    3. The names of the athletes who earned direct qualification to 2021 Canadian Championships
       through 2020 Elite Canada;
    4. The quota’s for each province for the novice, junior open and senior open categories;
    5. The names of the invited athletes in the junior category to make a High Performance pool of 15
    6. The request to participate application process.

The purpose of the provincial qualification events is to:
   • Provide a competitive opportunity for developing gymnasts;
   • To act as a qualifying competition for Canadian Championships for national novice, junior, and
       senior open individuals who are not eligible for direct entry as per the 2021 RG Technical Rules
       and Regulation.

The 2021 Canadian Championships is scheduled for July 22-25, 2021 and August 7, 2021. Please refer to
the event directives for additional details.

GymCan is carefully following the evolution of the coronavirus on the domestic level and how it may
impact Canadian Championships. Situations related to the coronavirus pandemic may arise that require
the tentative Canadian Championships date to be modified. Any modifications, specifically as it relates to
the domestic events structure, will be discussed with GymCan’s provincial partners, in consultation with
the Rhythmic Gymnastics’ (RG) Program Committee and additional working groups/committees as

The information included in this document is based on Canadian Championships going ahead as
planned on July 22-25, 2021 and August 7, 2021. More details to follow in regards to the Canadian
Championships event format. If scheduled in June, the event will be virtual and Canadian
Championships will follow the RG Virtual Event Guidelines.

           P: 613.748.5637 | F: 613.748.5691 | E: info@gymcan.org
           120-1900 Promenade City Park Drive, Ottawa, ON K1J 1A3                         WWW.GYMCAN.ORG
As per the RG Technical Rules and Regulations, Eastern and Western Regional Championships are not
official GymCan competitions, therefore the provincial qualification events hosted by the provinces are
under the jurisdiction and responsibility of each province.

It recommended that the competition be held 4 weeks prior to the Canadian Championships dates.

The format, judge panels, competition schedule, etc., of the provincial qualification events are the
responsibility of each province. If the provincial qualification event is hosted virtually, it is recommended
that provinces follow the guidelines outlined in the RG Virtual Event Guidelines document.

Should a province require judge support from a neighboring province, please contact the Senior Program
Coordinator – RG at GymCan (bmosienko@gymcan.org).

The following athletes are part of the Junior and Senior 2020 High Performance pool and have earned
direct entry to 2021 Canadian Championships.

Table 1: 2020 Senior High Performance Pool

  Athlete                         Province       Club                          Notes
  Katherine Uchida                ON             Jusco                         2020 Sr. HP pool
  Natalie Garcia                  ON             Mississauga Newnorth          2020 Sr. HP pool
  Tatiana Cocsanova               QC             Questo                        2020 Sr. HP pool
  Michel Vivier                   ON             Viva                          2020 Sr. HP pool
  Elizabeth Savchenko             QC             Questo                        2020 Sr. HP pool
  Sophie Crane                    ON             Jusco                         2020 Sr. HP pool
  Hannah Walter                   ON             Glimmer                       2020 Sr. HP pool
  Halle Moger                     BC             Okanagan                      2020 Sr. HP pool
  Julia Ivensky                   QC             Questo                        2020 Sr. HP pool
  Samatha Pfeil                   MB             HPTC International            2020 Sr. HP pool
  Gabriella Carvello              AB             Edmonton                      2020 Sr. HP pool
  Karina Boeckx                   AB             Chinook                       2020 Sr. HP pool
  Nagham El Shorafa               ON             Olympium                      2020 Sr. HP pool
  Haley Miller                    ON             Kanata                        Approved medical petition
  Suzannah Shabbazian             QC             Questo                        Approved medical petition
  Christina Savchenko             ON             Jusco                         2020 Jr. HP pool
  Julia Oprea                     BC             Adagio                        2020 Jr. HP pool
  Elle Dockendorff                BC             Okanagan                      2020 Jr. HP pool
  Alexandra Dudchenko             QC             Rythmik QC                    2020 Jr. HP pool
  Olga Zaborska                   QC             Rythmik QC                    2020 Jr. HP pool
  Cynthia Zhang                   ON             Kanata                        2020 Jr. HP pool
  Sianna Tsakaridis               ON             Glimmer                       2020 Jr. HP pool
List includes senior HP, junior HP that have moved up to senior level for the 2021 season and approved medical

Table 2: 2020 Junior High Performance Pool

 Athlete                      Province        Club                        Notes
 Emily Huseynov               ON              Jusco                       2020 Jr. HP pool
 Adel Karasik                 ON              Jusco                       2020 Jr. HP pool
 Katherine Bakhutova          ON              Trillium                    2020 Jr. HP pool
 Selena Pang                  ON              Kanata                      2020 Jr. HP pool
 Julia Leiderdrut             ON              Trillium                    2020 Jr. HP pool

           P: 613.748.5637 | F: 613.748.5691 | E: info@gymcan.org
           120-1900 Promenade City Park Drive, Ottawa, ON K1J 1A3                            WWW.GYMCAN.ORG
  Karina Kamenetsky              ON            Kalev                        2020 Jr. HP pool
  Pari Goyal                     BC            Olympia                      2020 Jr. HP pool
  Ksenia Beloventseva            ON            Trillium                     2020 Jr. HP pool
List includes remaining junior HP

GymCan has allocated quotas for each province for the novice, junior open, and senior open levels based
on an analysis of 2017-2019 Canadian Championships. The maximum quota achieved in the best of the
three years for each level was used to determine the quota’s earned per province.

Table 3: Provincial Qualification Quotas to Canadian Championships

              BC          AB          SK          MB            ON          QC           NB          NS
 Sr. Open 7               4           2           4             11          1            2           1
 Jr. Open 9               5           1           4             11          4            2           1
 Novice       10          5           3           3             11          2            2           1
Note: the minimum qualification quota per province per level is one quota place.

The following group participation remains open for the 2021 Canadian Championships as per the 2021
RG Technical Rules and Regulations:
   • Novice group of 5;
   • Senior and junior development groups;
   • Junior and senior groups of 5.

The athletes listed below are invited for direct entry to 2021 Canadian Championships.

Table 4: Invited Senior Athletes to Canadian Championships

 Athlete                       Province        Club                         Notes
 Carmel Kallemaa               ON              Glimmer                      Former GymCan RGG member
According to Technical Rules & Regulations

Table 5: Invited Junior Athletes to Canadian Championships

 Athlete                         Province         Club                         Notes
 Veronika Drevylo                ON               Trillium                     Novice – 1st AA 2020 EC
 Noelle Brierly                  BC               Okanagan                     Novice – 2nd AA 2020 EC
 Grace Lodoen                    ON               Silhouettes of York          Novice – 3rd AA 2020 EC
 Cao Si Yuan                     QC               Questo                       Junior – 16th AA 2020 EC
 Phoebe Wang                     ON               York Stars                   Junior – 19th AA 2020 EC
 Margaret Kuts                   BC               Olympia                      Junior – 20th AA 2020 EC
 Sophia Mao                      AB               Chinook                      Junior – 20th AA 2020 EC
The list includes 7 gymnasts to total 15 Juniors. The top 3 novice athletes from 2020 Elite Canada, and the next
ranked Juniors from 2020 Elite Canada AA. Note: both 4 routines and 3 apparatus routines resulted in the
same outcome.

Note: should any of the athletes listed in Table 4 or Table 5 not be able to attend Canadian
Championships, additional athletes will not be added to the athlete invite list.

           P: 613.748.5637 | F: 613.748.5691 | E: info@gymcan.org
           120-1900 Promenade City Park Drive, Ottawa, ON K1J 1A3                              WWW.GYMCAN.ORG
All other athletes not named in section 4.0: 2020 High Performance Athletes and section 6.0: Invited
Athletes will need to qualify to Canadian Championships through their provincial qualification event or
through the request to participate application process outlined in section 7.0.

Should an athlete not participate in the provincial qualification process, GymCan will consider
participation at Canadian Championships for an “extenuating circumstances”. An extenuating
circumstance (e.g. an athlete not able to participate at a provincial qualification event as a result of
contracting COVID-19, and/or for health-related reason, etc.) must be approved by the program
committee. In this case, the athlete must submit a video of four routines, payment of $50, and complete
the application form in Appendix A by June 18 2021. Video recordings must follow the process outlined
in the RG Virtual Guidelines document. Routines will be assessed by two members of the JDWG who
are brevet level in the current cycle and non-affiliated. The All-Around (AA) score must be equal to or
higher than the last gymnast that qualified through said gymnast’s provincial qualification event. Athletes
applying under this category will be ranked by the AA score given by the assigned judges, and once
approved, will be invited based on the ranking until up to three spots for each category (novice, junior
open and senior open) are filled. Should there be more than three applicants per category and each
athlete has a higher All Around average than the last athlete that qualified within their provincial
qualification events, the top three athletes with the greatest difference between the last athlete that
qualified and their All Around score will be invited to attend Canadian Championships.

           P: 613.748.5637 | F: 613.748.5691 | E: info@gymcan.org
           120-1900 Promenade City Park Drive, Ottawa, ON K1J 1A3                         WWW.GYMCAN.ORG
Deadline date for forms and video submission: June 18, 2021. Please return to bmosienko@gymcan.org

Club & Province: _______________________________________________________________________

Athlete Name: _________________________________________________________________________

Birthdate: __________________________                    Level: ________________________________

Please provide proof of: Canadian Citizenship (CC), Permanent Residency (PR), Visitor

Please provide country name if CC/PR representing another federation at FIG events:_____________

Personal Coach: _______________________________________________________________________

Coach Email: _______________________                     Coach Phone: _________________________

NCCP Level: _______________________                      NCCP Number: _______________________

Medical petition for consideration by Program Committee (if applicable):

Extenuating circumstance for consideration by Program Committee:

Review fee: $50 (non-refundable)

Video submission for review:    Novice: Free, Hoop, Ball, Clubs
                                Junior: Hoop, Ball, Clubs, Ribbon
                                Senior: Hoop, Ball, Clubs Ribbon

Signature: _________________________                     Print Name: __________________________
             Club signing authority

Signature: __________________________                    Print Name: __________________________
            PTO President and/or CEO

          P: 613.748.5637 | F: 613.748.5691 | E: info@gymcan.org
          120-1900 Promenade City Park Drive, Ottawa, ON K1J 1A3                        WWW.GYMCAN.ORG

Event – Événement : _____________________________________________________________
Club name – Nom du club : ________________________________________________________
Telephone - Téléphone:

  Full name of card holder – Nom sur la carte:
  Amount to pay – Montant à payer
  Type of card – Type de carte                         VISA         MASTERCARD
  Card number – Numéro :
  Expiry date – Expiration :
  CVV (3 numbers behind the card – 3 chiffres
  derrière la carte)

GymCan Use
Account code:

           P: 613.748.5637 | F: 613.748.5691 | E: info@gymcan.org
           120-1900 Promenade City Park Drive, Ottawa, ON K1J 1A3                  WWW.GYMCAN.ORG
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