2021 FOOTBALL Playoff Bulletin - LHSAA

Page created by Scott Love
2021 FOOTBALL Playoff Bulletin - LHSAA
                                               Playoff Bulletin
2021 FOOTBALL Playoff Bulletin - LHSAA

          CAT EG ORY                     I NF ORMAT IO N
                                         Friday, November 5, 2021 by Midnight

                                         (Teams playing Saturday, November 6 must report immediately following the completion
                                         of the game, and no later than 6:00 PM.)
Reporting First Place District Winners
                                         District Winners/Ties must be reported by the District Chairperson using the
                                         District Reporting Form located on the LHSAA website under “Football”, “Policies,
                                         Manuals, and Forms” and named 2021 Football District Results Form.

Wildcard Program and Power Ratings       Addressed under Sections 14.9 through 14.13 in the 2021-22 LHSAA Handbook.

                                         Sunday, November 7, 2021 between midnight and 8:00am.
  Power Ratings Online – Disputes
                                         Disputes must be emailed to Kathie Smith (ksmith@lhsaa.org).

                                         Sunday, November 7, 2021 at 11:00am on the LHSAA Live App.
      Release of Final Brackets
                                         Brackets will be posted on the LHSAA website at 12:00pm.

                                         Non-Select Football: (Bylaw 6.13.9)
                                         Bi-District Round of Play
                                              1. In the sports of baseball, basketball, football, soccer, softball and volleyball
                                                   in all classes/divisions, the higher seeded team shall be the home team.
                                              2. A “bye” shall be counted as a home game.
                                         Regional Round of Play
                                              1. In the sport football in all classes:
                                                   a. Any team that drew a bye in the first round shall be the home team.
                                                   b. The team that traveled in the first round shall be the home team.
                                                   c. If both teams traveled or were home teams in the first round, the higher
                                                      seeded team shall be the home team.
                                         Quarterfinal Round of Play (If played on a home-away basis)
                                              1. The team that has traveled more in the first and second rounds shall be the
    Determining the Home Team
                                                   home team.
                                              2. If both teams have traveled the same number of times in the first and
                                                   second rounds, the higher seeded team shall be the home team.
                                         Semi-final Round of Play (If played on a home-away basis) - The higher seeded team
                                         shall be the home team.
                                         At the State Championships (in all applicable rounds of play) - The higher seeded team
                                         shall be the home team.
                                         Opposing schools may, by mutual agreement, reverse a game site. A reversal of the
                                         home/away site for any reason shall not affect the criteria cited in the above rules.

                                         Select Football: (Bylaw 14.17.1)
                                         The regional, quarter final and semifinal rounds of play shall be at the home of the
                                         higher seeded team as determined by the power ranking, in this section.

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2021 FOOTBALL Playoff Bulletin - LHSAA
CAT EG ORY                        I NF ORMAT IO N
                                                   The winning team will enter the results of the games on the LHSAA Member Site
                                                   immediately after the game. Phone calls, emails or faxes are not accepted to report

                                                   If the winning team fails to report the outcome of a state playoff game to the LHSAA
   Responsibility of Reporting Playoff Winners
                                                   by 11:00 PM on the day of the contest, the school shall be fined $100.

                                                   The home team for the next round shall enter all game information online.

                                                   The higher seed shall be the home team for the finals.

           Officials for Playoff Games             Assigned by the Director of Officials, Lee Sanders, for all rounds of the playoffs.

                                                   First and Second Rounds
                                                           All Games – Five on field and one clock operator *

                                                   Quarterfinals and Semifinals
                                                          Fifteen Games – Six on the field and one clock operator *
                                                          Nine Games – Seven on the field and one clock operator *
               Number of Officials
                                                           All Games – Seven on the field and two clock operators

                                                   * The home school may request a 25 second clock operator for any round of the playoffs.
                                                   Contact the Regional Coordinator of Officials (RCO).

                                                   The clock operator shall be paid.

                  Officials’ Pay                   Addressed under Section 8 of the 2021-22 LHSAA Handbook.

           25 Second Clock Operators               Must be a responsible adult.

                                                   Must be provided by the home team. School must provide a staff member and at
                                                   least one law enforcement officer to meet and escort officials to dressing room before
         Escort and Security for Officials
                                                   the game, at halftime, after the game and to their vehicle upon leaving the stadium.
                                                   Arrange for a meeting place for officials at halftime and after the game.

                Admission Prices                   Must be agreed upon by both schools.

                                                   Must be agreed upon by both schools.
     Broadcasts (Internet/Radio/Television)
                                                   Fees become part of gate receipts.

Use of Video Taping to “Scout” Playoff Opponents   Illegal unless both schools agree in writing prior to the game.

                      Passes                       Only LHSAA/LHSCA, Football Officials, and Media Passes will be honored.

                  Comp Passes                      Must be agreed upon by both schools and must be reasonable.

         Admission for Support Groups              To be determined by both schools.

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                              Ten percent (10%) of gross receipts before any deductions are made.

                              Playoff Financial Form will be created in the members’ only site once a playoff game
Playoff Percentage to LHSAA   score is entered. To get to the form, the principal will need to log into the LHSAA
                              member site, select the “Forms” tab and select “Financial Forms.” The financial
                              statement must be sent to the LHSAA with your school check made payable to the
                              LHSAA or paid online through the payment system.

                              All first round playoff winners must submit an online roster form through the
   Prep Classic Program       LHSAA members’ only website with a team photo and school logo by 4:00PM on
                              Friday, November 19, 2021.

                              Principals, athletic directors and head coaches of non-select teams participating in
                              the Prep Classic are mandated to attend a zoom meeting on Saturday, December 4,
                              2021 at 11:00 AM. The Principal, Athletic Director and Head Coach will be emailed
   Prep Classic Meeting
                              a link to the meeting Friday evening.

                              Schools will be given a state championship bulletin at this meeting.

                                                                         Saturday, December 4, 2021
                                                                         Tulane’s Yulman Stadium
                              Friday, December 10, 2021
                                                                         Division I (Time TBD)
                              Class 2A (3:30 PM)
                                                                         Division III (Time TBD)
                              Class 4A (7:00 PM)
   Prep Classic Schedule                                                 Saturday, December 11, 2021
                              Saturday, December 11, 2021
                                                                         University of Louisiana’s Cajun Field
                              Class 1A (Noon)
                                                                         Division II (Time TBD)
                              Class 3A (3:30 PM)
                                                                         Division IV (Time TBD)
                              Class 5A (7:00 PM)

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              CAT EG ORY                      I NF ORMAT IO N

Deadline Date to Submit Program Information   Friday, November 19, 2021

                                              All First Round Winners:
   Teams Required to Submit Information                Division teams advancing to the Quarterfinals
                                                       Classification teams advancing to the Second Round

                                                      Team Information Form
                                                      Special Teams Roster Form
       Information to Submit Online                   Team Roster Form
                                                      Team Photo
                                                      School/Team Logo

                                              School Information & Roster Forms
                                              Please follow the instructions for Submitting Roster Forms below.

             Failure to Submit                Schools will be fined $200.

                Questions                     Contact Kathie Smith at ksmith@lhsaa.org.

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The principal or athletic director must log into the LHSAA members’ only site using their assigned
credentials. Then click “Forms”.

Once forms is selected, choose “State Playoff Forms” and then “LHSAA State Football Tournament
Roster Submission Form”.

Once the form is pulled up, at the top, select “Create New Football Roster Submission Form”.

                                                                             2021 Football Playoff Bulletin | 5
Once a new form is selected, fill out the required information. Some information will already be
completed if the information was on the LHSAA members’ only website. Once the form is completed in
its entirety select the “Submit Roster” button at the bottom.

                                                                         2021 Football Playoff Bulletin | 6
**Note: If a student is not listed in the drop down, they are not registered in the LHSAA system. If this is the case,
please self report to the LHSAA office a non-registered student athlete and enter them into the system.

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