2021 PARENT/CARER GUIDE - Making a difference - Edmund Rice Camps WA

Page created by Jennifer Leonard
2021 PARENT/CARER GUIDE - Making a difference - Edmund Rice Camps WA
Making a difference

                            Last updated Aug 2019
2021 PARENT/CARER GUIDE - Making a difference - Edmund Rice Camps WA
who are
edmund rice camps for kids wa?

 Edmund Rice Camps for Kids WA (ERCKWA) is one of many Edmund Rice
 Ministries, founded by the Christian Brothers of Australia. There is currently an
 Edmund Rice Camps organisation run in every major state in Australia; benefiting
 disadvantaged children and families who would not have similar opportunities
 offered to them.

 ERCKWA provides holiday camps and other associated activities for children
 aged 7-16 years, who are disadvantaged in some way. ERC also promotes the
 development of young adults who serve as volunteer camp leaders. The
 organisation promotes the values and mission of the Christian Brothers and the
 founder Edmund Rice; whose principals the organisation is based.

ERCKWA 5 messages
                                    We care about you
                                   We are here for you
                                     You belong here
                                     You can do this
                                  We won’t give up on you

ERCKWA Mission statement

To respond to the needs of marginalised communities and individuals by delivering quality, mutually
enriching programs that are managed and delivered by inspired, empowered people in the Edmund
                                          Rice tradition.
2021 PARENT/CARER GUIDE - Making a difference - Edmund Rice Camps WA

Edmund Rice, the man

In the late 1700’s in Waterford, Ireland, Mr. Edmund Rice, a wealthy merchant, sold up his
business to care for and educate the hundreds of orphans, destitute and street children of
Waterford, a port city. He provided them with opportunities for their growth and education.
Other men inspired by his example, joined him in offering their lives for the service of the
poor. And so began the Religious Order known today as the Christian Brothers, dedicated to
the welfare and education of youth. Edmund Rice Camps follows this example by offering new
opportunities and positive experiences to today’s children.

                                                                   Edmund Rice Camps WA

Edmund Rice Camps originated in 1979 at Parade College, Melbourne, when Christian
Brothers who ran the college offered its grounds and resources for numerous activities for
needy youngsters. Since then the concept has spread throughout Australia to New Zealand,
Ireland and Paraguay. More recently the camps have made their beginnings in South Africa,
Tanzania and England and other parts of South America. From small operations in 1989, with
only a couple of summer camps for the year, Edmund Rice Camps in WA has grown to
include four summer camps and two winter camps and many other activities throughout the
year. Annually ERCKWA involves approximately 200 places for children and 230 for youth
volunteers in various leadership and support roles.
2021 PARENT/CARER GUIDE - Making a difference - Edmund Rice Camps WA
erckwa camps
ERCKWA hold two types of camps; mega and mini.

mega camps
Mega camps are run in January and July
The kids attend the program for four of the six camping days
The two most common site locations are Dwellingup and Moore River
Twenty five kids and twenty five volunteer leaders attend

                                                                                       mini camps
                                   Mini camps are run on weekends throughout the calendar year
                                                            The kids attend all three camping days
                                          Site locations are usually in Moore River or Dwellingup.
                                                  Fifteen kids and fifteen volunteer leaders attend

                                             other programs
                                           Please note that all programs are subject to funding

fun fests
Activity days run for specific age groups at various locations.
Examples include Adventure World, Challenge Stadium, the Zoo, Point Walter, and more!

                                       family camps
               The entire family/household is invited on family camp programs.
 Family camps are run in the same way as mini camps over weekends during the calendar year.

                                                                                  family fun fests
                    The entire family/household can attend family fun fest activity day programs.
               Family fun fests run in the same way as regular fun fests at a number of locations.

sticky rice family christmas party
Every child gets a Christmas present to take home from the ERCKWA Family Christmas Party!
The day features rides, activities, food and fun, and all Edmund Rice kids are invited to attend.

                                 youth leadership program
The Youth Leadership Program assists late teens who are at the end of the ERCKWA program to
              graduate as a child on camp and be given tools to succeed in life.
            The program allows kids to make risky decisions in a safe environment.

                                                                              graduates program
      The ERC WA graduates program assists kids in their transition from participant to volunteer.
   All graduates are given two days of training and require assessments to graduate from being a
                                                             kid to a leader on the camp program.

Edmund Rice Camps in WA also run Eddie on the Road programs which require travel to and
from remote communities. In addition, the organisation runs Immersion programs in developing
countries to provide assistance and support.
2021 PARENT/CARER GUIDE - Making a difference - Edmund Rice Camps WA
Edmund Rice Camps in WA actively seeks young adult volunteers from various schools, universities and
other learning institutions.

All leaders on Edmund Rice Camps have Working with Children Checks and must supply ERCKWA with a
number of references. ERCKWA provides opportunities for the personal growth and development of
volunteer leaders, whist on camp programs and via programs.

Every volunteer that attends a camp program must complete the training provided which covers;
Child Protection                  ERCKWA policies and procedures               Skill building
Behaviour management              ERC core values and mission statement        Personal development

ERCKWA employs the use of older ancillary volunteers to fulfill cooking and bus driving responsibilities.
All ancillary volunteers require Working with Children Checks and are recommendations from the Edmund
Rice Network or staff contacts.

ERCKWA aims to provide recreational opportunities for children and young people aged

                                             7 to 16 years

       Children referred to Edmund Rice Camps must be born in the following years;
                                      2005 to 2013

Children who attend an Edmund Rice Camp program would otherwise not have such an
opportunity due to a variety of different reasons. The child or family may require respite or be
experiencing emotional, financial, cultural or other pressures.

ERCKWA young adult volunteer leaders; although maintaining high levels of energy, enthusiasm
and dedication, often don’t begin camps with the skills and experience necessary for dealing with
children with difficult behaviours or special needs. It is with this, and the aims of the organisation
in mind, that we ask that you consider each application carefully.

                 Children are required to feed, shower & toilet by themselves.
2021 PARENT/CARER GUIDE - Making a difference - Edmund Rice Camps WA
the process
                                              referring a child to ERCKWA
Contact         discuss the relevant child with ERCKWA
                Brittany Hawker; Community Engagement Manager
                 0499 145 055

Form            fill in and return the Referral form for the 2021 period (avail Oct 20)

Payment         Once confirmation has been sent, an invoice will be sent through for
                payment of the referral fee. The 2021 referral fee is $125 per child.
                Follow the link on the website
                Request ERC WA bank details for online transfer
                Post cheque addressed to Edmund Rice Camps for Kids WA

                                    attending a program with ERCKWA
Welcome         the child’s details are added to the ERCKWA database
                ERCKWA sends a welcome email to the parents/carer and requests a
                participant profile be filled out by the parent/carer

Invitations     on referral, the child is allocated programs for the following year
                ERCKWA separates children based on the relevant age groups;

                Younger Kids     aged 7-9          2012 - 2013
                Middle Kids      aged 9-11         2010 - 2011
                Early Teens      aged 11-14        2008 - 2009
                Late Teens       aged 14-16        2007 - 2005
                Graduates        aged 18           2002

                Please note the group allocations are subject to change

Program email   the parents/carers are sent information about the program closer to
                the date
                Parents/carers are required to fill in an online medical form and behavior
                management contract per program by the required deadline

                                             Please be aware that ERCKWA programs
                                           are subject to funding and place availability.
2021 PARENT/CARER GUIDE - Making a difference - Edmund Rice Camps WA
the policy
                                                                     volunteer policies
alcohol              All ERCKWA camp programs are alcohol free

smoking              Smoking is not permitted in the vicinity of children at any time
                     Areas will be designated away from camp, volunteers must go alone

illicit drugs        Illegal and illicit substances are not allowed on ERCKWA programs

language             The use of bad language is highly discouraged in children.
                     Volunteers must act as positive role models whilst on camp
                     programs and use other methods of expressing themselves.

sleeping             Leaders are expected to maintain high energy levels; sleeping
                     schedules will be provided on camp programs.

 child protection protocol
 In 2020, Edmund Rice Ministries Oceania updated our Safeguarding reporting and
 training systems. It is compulsory for volunteers to be trained in safeguarding before
 attending a program.

                                                                             all attendees

campsite             No one is to leave the campsite without prior arrangement with the
                     Camp coach, Manager and Coordinators. Leaving the campsite
                     during a program is highly discouraged.

visitors             Visitors are not permitted without prior arrangement with the ERCK
                     WA staff member, acting as camp manager on the program.

private vehicles     No private vehicles are permitted on camp programs

two leader rule      All kids must be accompanied by at least two volunteers at all times.
                     There are no exceptions to this rule.

first aid rule       At all Edmund Rice Camps in WA activities at least 1 fully qualified
                     first aid officer and 1 person holding an Aquatic Rescue
                     Qualification must be in attendance.

mobile phones        Children on ERCKWA programs will have access to the camp
                     phone supplied by ERCKWA; this can be used at any time. Please
                     don’t send kids with phones, they will be confiscated.

health               Campers who are sick should not attend the program.
                     Please check and treat your child’s hair for NITs prior.

medical forms        All kids must return a completed medical form for
                     every activity or camp program by the due date.
the camp team

                     Brittany Hawker               KEVIN KNAPP
                     Community Engagement              CEO
                     Kids & Referral Agents             Chief Executive

                     NICOLE MANCINI                     XAVIER MITCHELL
                     Manager Profile Fundraising        Coordinator
                     and Events                         Volunteer Leader

                     Fundraising & Events               Volunteers

camp structure
camp manager
This role is filled by a staff member on a camp program.
Last point of call for behaviour management and decision making.
Required to escort participants off campsite if needed.
Undertakes logistics and administration errands.
Point of call for all parents and carers on a camp program.
As the person filling the role changes; contact details will be available on a per camp basis.

                                                                                         camp coach
                                           Fulfills a pastoral care role to all young adult volunteers.
                             Second point of call for behaviour management and decision making.
                                           Serves as an advisor and mentor to camp coordinators.
                      Affirms the leaders in what they are contributing individually and as a group.

camp coordinators
Create a place where ERCKWA kids have a chance to be themselves and be safe & listened to.
Create an environment where leaders can participate and provide care to young people.
Provide a schedule of activities that kids and leaders can involve themselves in.
Monitor interactions and make sure behaviours are inline with ERCKWA policies and guidelines.
Ensure the kids are aware of the camp rules, boundaries, dorm allocations and requirements.

                                                                                  camp leaders
             Be with the kids and provide for a safe and happy experience of fun and excitement.
other information
Eddie Rice Camps in WA often have a waiting list for programs! If your child is no longer able to attend,
please contact us immediately and as soon as possible.

             If no call has been received and a child does not attend the camp/activity,
                       this will impact upon their ability to attend future camps.

pick-up and drop-off
Please ensure the participant is dropped off and picked up from the meeting point on time. If you are
running late, please call the Camp Manager as the attendees may depart without you!

ERC does not recommend that participants have contact outside of our programs. ERC volunteer leaders
are not permitted to have contact with ERC participants other than activities that are arranged and
formally authorized by ERCKWA.

Valuables do not belong on camp so children should leave mobiles, iPads, iPods etc. at home. They are
also not permitted to have cameras on camp. We ask that children do not bring their best clothes, and
that all items are labeled clearly to avoid items going missing.

ERCKWA has a strict policy on use of photographs in promotional material; at regular intervals both
referral agent and guardian will be asked if they provide permission for the taking of photos and use in
promotional materials. This will still not mean that photos will be used. If ERCKWA wish to use a photo in
a promotional document, flier or on the website, permission will be sought separately.

 behaviour management
 In 2019, Edmund Rice Camps in WA have introduced a new child behaviour
 management policy. The purpose of the policy is to encourage the participants
 to have the most fun possible in a safe and happy environment. Please see the
 “Supporting Positive Action” brochure on the website. Parents/guardians must
 be available to collect a child in the unlikely event that the child’s behaviour
 necessitates their removal from the program.

                                      suncare/dietary requirements
All participants must bring appropriate sun clothing (including hats) to camp programs. Sunscreen will be
provided. ERCKWA provides all meals whilst on camp, please advise of requirements on medical forms.

ERCKWA accept and abide by recommendations from the WA Department of Health. If the participant is
unwell, they are to be withdrawn from the program. While all care is taken to provide a healthy
environment, ERCKWA will not accept any responsibility for any illness a participant may contract whilst
on a program. If your child’s welfare changes in between filling in and returning medical forms, please
advise the staff member prior to your child attending a camp program.

medication/first aid
All medication must be clearly labeled and handed to the camp manager at the start of camp. (Only bring
enough medication for the duration of camp). All first aid officers nominated on camp have their senior
first aid certificates.

                                          change of address
Please let us know if you are changing your address (especially email address), so that we can keep in
touch with you.
Contact details
      Brittany Hawker
Community Engagement Manager
       (Mobile) 0499 145 055
    (Phone - part time) 9365 2816

         PO Box 1129
           WA 6983

Email: ercwamce@edmundrice.org

  This guide is not a binding contractual document. It is intended for informative
   purposes only and may be subject to change at any time at the discretion of
                         Edmund Rice Camps for Kids WA
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