2021 START TEACHING WITH CELTA - Learn to teach English as a foreign language - International House ...

2021 START TEACHING WITH CELTA - Learn to teach English as a foreign language - International House ...


Learn to teach English as a foreign language
2021 START TEACHING WITH CELTA - Learn to teach English as a foreign language - International House ...

                                                              A FOREIGN L ANGUAGE AND THE

                                                              WO R LD I S YO U R C L AS S RO OM


                                                              Why train with us?............................................................................2

                                                              Where could teaching take you? ...................................................6

                                                              Your guide to CELTA ....................................................................... 8

                                                              Choose your CELTA ....................................................................... 12

                                                              Our school ........................................................................................ 14

                                                              Our virtual classrooms ................................................................. 16

                                                              IH TESOL Certificate ..................................................................... 18

                                                              Our trainers ..................................................................................... 20

  OUR STORY                                                   How to apply .................................................................................... 23

Our story began in 1953 when John Haycraft (CBE) and his
wife Brita Haycraft started a school, because they believed
in intercultural understanding through language learning.

Our founders created the first qualification for English
language teachers, now known as the CELTA. Worldwide
the CELTA is the industry gold standard for new teachers.

International House London is the no. 1 year-round
language school with the best value courses in central
London as rated by the EL Gazette and based on British
Council inspections.

We have changed people's lives through language for                                             S TA R T YO U R T E AC H I N G S TO RY
over 65 years.

2021 START TEACHING WITH CELTA - Learn to teach English as a foreign language - International House ...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      WHY TRAIN WITH US?
                         WHY TRAIN

                         WITH US?
                     Build your new teaching career
                     on a strong foundation and have
                     confidence with every class.

                       THE HOME                                                          OUR                                            TRUSTED PARTNER                                 BOOK A FREE
                       O F C E LTA                                                       TRAINERS                                       OF KING'S                                       C E LTA I N F O R M AT I O N
                     Our founders created the first qualification                     Our teacher trainers are published authors        COLLEGE LONDON                                  SESSION
                     for English language teachers, now known                         and they speak at international conferences,
                     as the CELTA. It is recognised throughout the                    write articles, carry out classroom research,   King's College London partners with             Talk to our experienced trainers and get
                     world as the standard for teachers and is                        and still teach English so that they stay       IH London to deliver their MA TESOL. Lectures   all your questions answered. These take
                     accredited by Cambridge English, part of                         connected to the classroom. Find out more       and seminars are taught by King’s College       place online as a webinar or in the school,
                     the University of Cambridge.                                     about our trainers on page 20.                  London and classroom-based teaching and         with regular dates throughout the year. Visit
                                                                                                                                      assessment takes place at IH London.            ihlondon.com/teacher-training-open-days
                                                                                                                                                                                      for dates and to book.

                       PIONEERS OF                                                       I N N OVAT I V E                               LEARN FROM                                      PRE-COURSE
                       C E LTA O N L I N E                                               TEACHING                                       A N O .1 S C H O O L                            P R E PA R AT I O N
                     We are also the birthplace of CELTA Online.                      IH London trains teachers all over the          International House London is the no. 1         You will receive a free online Grammar for
                     Our trainers designed, piloted, and                              world. We bring the experience of training      year-round language school with the best        Teachers course that you have access to from
                     co-developed the CELTA online with                               in different countries and contexts to our      value courses in central London as rated        the day you book. Also included is the online
                     Cambridge English.                                               courses. Our CELTA course is constantly         by the EL Gazette and based on British          teacher training DVD series – 15 teaching
                                                                                      evolving so you learn the latest methodology.   Council inspections.                            videos with accompanying lesson plans that
                                                                                                                                                                                      you can access from home.

     2               visit ihlondon.com | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | email sales@ihlondon.com                                                                                                                                              3
2021 START TEACHING WITH CELTA - Learn to teach English as a foreign language - International House ...


                                                                                                                                                                                                          WHY TRAIN WITH US?
                       FA C E -T O - FA C E A N D                                                                                                    IH NETWORK
                       ONLINE TEACHING                                                                                                             Training with IH London means you become
                                                                                                                                                   part of the IH family: the largest network of
                     We prepare you to be ready to start teaching,                                                                                 independent schools in the world with over
                     whichever way you choose to study for your                                                                                    150 schools in 52 countries.
                     CELTA. If you choose CELTA Online, you will
                     still learn about how to teach face-to-face. If
                     you train for your CELTA in our school, you will
                     still learn about how to teach online. You will
                                                                                                                                                     LEARN A NEW
                     receive the same CELTA certificate however
                     you choose to study.
                                                                                                                                                     LANGUAGE FREE

                                                                                                                                                   You get a free six week evening course to
                                                                                                                                                   learn another language included with your
                       T H E C E LTA                                                                                                               CELTA. You can book your place within three
                                                                                                                                                   months of completing your CELTA. Choose
                       HELPER                                                                                                                      from 11 languages: Arabic, French, German,
                                                                                                                                                   Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin,
                     Exclusive to IH London, designed and                                                                                          Portuguese, Spanish and Russian.
                     developed by our trainers, this online
                     resource is included with your CELTA course.
                     It is a website dedicated to guiding you
                     through the CELTA with useful information,
                                                                                                                                                     E A R LY B O O K I N G
                     videos and advice.

                       CAREER                                                                                                                      You can apply for your course free of charge.
                                                                                                                                                   Once you're accepted you have 12 months to
                                                                                                                                                   book your course. If you book your course at
                       ADVICE                                                                                                                      least 3 weeks in advance of the start date, we
                                                                                                                                                   will pay your Cambridge English fee for you
                     You will receive a careers talk as part of                                                                                    (£156).
                     your course, with interview tips and where

                     to find teaching jobs. We regularly offer
                     employment to strong candidates from our
                     CELTA courses in our young learner centres
                     and our adult London school.                                                                                                  When I finished my CELTA, I applied to
                                                                                                                                                   one of the companies I heard about from
                                                                                                quote-left                                         the career advice session at the end of
                                                                                                                                                   the course. It was to teach online, which
                       SUPPORT                                                                  I completed my CELTA in June this year,            was what I was interested in doing, and
                                                                                                and less than a month later I got offered a        luckily this was a good move as we went
                       NEVER STOPS                                                              teaching job in Samos, Greece, with an NGO         into lockdown shortly afterwards. I got the
                                                                                                that provides access to education to children      job and have been teaching my Chinese
                     After your course, we'll invite you to join our                            who are out of school. I am really grateful that   students since April.
                     ‘Trained by IH London’ online community.                                   I completed my CELTA training which opened
                     You can stay in touch with people you met                                  this opportunity for me during a difficult year.   I enjoy the work and really appreciate
                     on the course, connect and learn from fellow                                                                                  the teacher training I received at IH – it
                     teachers at different stages of their career,                              FLAVIA ALLEGRETTO, AGE 27,                         has been invaluable! Having the teaching
                     and hear about the latest vacancies.                                       ITALIAN & BRITISH                                  experience and understanding how people
                                                                                                                                                   learn has helped me really help my students
                                                                                                                                                   and make their learning a positive and
                                                                                                                                                   productive experience.

                                                                                                                                                   JANE QUILL, AGE 57, BRITISH

     4               visit ihlondon.com | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | email sales@ihlondon.com                                                                                                                  5
2021 START TEACHING WITH CELTA - Learn to teach English as a foreign language - International House ...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     WHERE COULD TEACHING TAKE YOU?
                                      WHERE COULD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I undertook my CELTA at International House
                                      T E AC H I N G TA K E YO U?                                                                                                                                                             London in 2018. Not only did I love doing the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              course itself and making great friends on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              way, but my CELTA set me up for some of the
                                 We asked our CELTA graduates to tell                                                                                                                                                         most exciting years of my life.

                                 you what happened next. Read their                                                                                                                                             quote-right   Soon after completing my CELTA, I headed
                                 stories (in their own words).                                                                                                                                    It worked well for          off to Australia to teach English at a school on
                                                                                                                                                                                                  me to do the CELTA          the beautiful Sunshine Coast. This was my first
                                                                                                                                                                                                  online course in            ‘real-life’ teaching experience, but my training
                                                                                                                                                                                                  August between              had prepared me well and I settled into the

                                                                                                                                                                       HANNAH JACKSON             finishing one job           school quickly, and was almost immediately
                                                                                                                                                                       AGE 41
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and starting a new          getting great feedback from students and
                                                                                                                                                                       BRITISH                    one and it was an           teachers alike. I felt like I was finally doing
                                     I did my CELTA in April 2019.                                                                                                                                excellent learning          something that mattered – sharing
                                     I had spent 10 years working                                                  After taking the                                                               experience. I started       a skill that would help my students
                                     in marketing for a large                                                      CELTA course at                                             a new job (working with my church)             both personally and professionally,
                                     financial media company                                                       International House                                         in September. But in 2021 I'm moving           and having the time of my life whilst
                                     and for me, doing the CELTA                                                   London, I got my                                            to Tanzania where amongst other                I did it!
                                                                            ANDREW WALKER                                                    LETÍCIA DA
                                     course was an opportunity                                                     first job as a teacher                                      things I'll be able to use my CELTA to
                                                                            AGE 37                                                           TRINDADE ALVES
                                     for career change and                                                         in London, which                                            teach English in the local community.           I met some amazing students from
                                                                            BRITISH                                                          AGE 30
                                     adventure.                                                                    showed me you don't                                         Holding a CELTA qualification is               around the globe, many of whom
                                                                                                                   need to be a native                                         also helpful in obtaining a visa for           I am still in touch with; and got to
                                     By the summer, I was teaching English to                                      speaker of English        PORTUGUESE                        Tanzania.                                      have some incredible experiences as
                                     international students in London and by                                       to be an EFL teacher                                                                                       part of my job, including running the
                                     September of that same year I was in Bangkok.                                 here. You just have to be good at                                                                          school’s activity programme which       CIARA MURPHY
                                     I didn’t stray far though – International House                               what you do! I couldn't be happier!                                                                        brought me to theme parks along         AGE 25
                                     is a family; securing a CELTA from IH is like                                                                                                                                            the Gold Coast, the stunning Fraser     IRISH
                                     unlocking the door to a hugely respected and                                                                                                                                             Island, and allowed me to better
                                     well-established network of schools across the                                                                                                                                           explore my own local area of Noosa,
                                     globe. I secured work at International House                                                                                                                                             including meeting some of the local wildlife!
                                     Thailand and was suddenly thrust into a whole
                                     new world. A world of tuk-tuks and street food
                                     and sweltering temperatures and noise and
                                                                                                                                                                          quote-left                                          There’s no way I would have had the most
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              amazing year of my life so far had I not
                                     chaos and colour!
                                                                                                                                                         quote-right      Since completing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              done my CELTA, and I’m looking forward to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              returning to Australia once the Covid-19 crisis
                                     Since my teaching role at International House                                                  Since completing my                   the CELTA with                                      is over.
                                     Thailand, I continued with another teaching                                                    CELTA online in the UK,               International House
                                     position at Wall Street English, before coming                                                 I have taken up several               London, I have          VANESSA WILLIAMS            My CELTA has also been so helpful in the
                                     full circle: I’m now back in the marketing seat.                                               1-1 teaching jobs online              been working as an AGE 29                           uncertain times in which we are currently living.
                                                                                                            OLIVER HARRIS
                                     A week ago, I started a new role as Marketing                                                  for all ability levels. After         Academic English        BRITISH                     I’m riding out Covid-19 in the Netherlands,
                                                                                                            AGE 22
                                     and Communications Manager at Shrewsbury                                                       completing the course, I              tutor (IELTS) at                                    a country quite unfamiliar for me. Without a
                                     International School, Bangkok.                                                                 moved to Taiwan where I               Kingston University.                                good grasp of Dutch, it has been very hard for
                                                                                                                                    spend my time teaching                Although the CELTA was intense                      me to find a job here, but my CELTA helped me
                                     I wake up every morning and now I see                                            different groups of people from                     I learnt so much and have made                      get a job teaching English online, helping me
                                     banana trees and palm trees from my window.                                      university postgraduates studying for               lifelong friends from the program.                  stay afloat financially, stay safe as I can work
                                     I’m learning Thai, I’m visiting amazing places                                   a masters to online 1-1 classes with                                                                    from home, and continue helping my students
                                     and most importantly I’m meeting exciting new                                    pupils from all over East Asia. I plan to                                                               achieve their English goals.
                                     people – both personally and professionally.                                     continue this for another year before
                                                                                                                      moving back to the UK and continuing                                                                    I am genuinely so excited to see what places
                                     For me, the CELTA truly was a lifeline. And a                                    on with my own studies with the vision                                                                  my CELTA brings me to once the world
                                     CELTA from IH London is just the first step to a                                 of doing a master’s in education.                                                                       opens up again, and can’t wait to see what
                                     uniquely different and exciting world.
                                                                                                                                                                                       B U I LD YO U R                        experiences are still in store!

                                                                                                                                                                                        OWN STORY
         6                       visit ihlondon.com | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | email sales@ihlondon.com                                                                                                                                                                                     7
2021 START TEACHING WITH CELTA - Learn to teach English as a foreign language - International House ...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    YOUR GUIDE TO CELTA
                          YO U R G U I D E

                          T O C E LTA
                      Graduate with the gold standard
                      qualification for new teachers of
                      English as a foreign language.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    WHAT WILL I LEARN FROM THE CELTA COURSE?
                        W H AT I S                                                               WHO IS THE                                                 DO I NEED THE                                      W H AT W I L L I
                        T H E C E LTA ?                                                          T H E C E LTA F O R ?                                      C E LTA T O T E A C H ?                            LEARN FROM THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                               C E LTA C O U R S E ?
                      The CELTA course fully prepares you to teach                           Anyone who would like to start teaching English as a         All reputable language schools, including online,
                      English as a foreign language anywhere in the                          foreign language.                                            require their teachers to be CELTA qualified.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               › Practical teaching skills and the theory
                      word, both face-to-face and online.                                                                                                 Cambridge English research found it is the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 behind them
                                                                                             The CELTA opens up opportunities to travel, to teach         qualification most often requested by employers:
                      The certificate is awarded by Cambridge English                        online as well as in schools, and to have a fulfilling,      three out of four English language teaching jobs     › Language analysis and awareness
                      which is part of the University of Cambridge.                          flexible, and rewarding new career.                          require a CELTA qualification.                       › Language skills for students: reading,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 listening, speaking and writing
                                                                                                 › The CELTA is for people who are completely
                                                                                                                                                          The CELTA qualification is recognised by the
                                                                                                   new to teaching and for people who have some                                                                › Planning and resources for different
                                                                                                                                                          British Council and will enable you to teach in
                                                                                                   teaching experience but would like official                                                                   teaching contexts
                                                                                                                                                          English language schools across the globe. CELTA
                                                                                                   training and the qualification.                                                                             › Develop your teaching skills and professionalism
                                                                                                                                                          is the most widely recognised English teaching
                                                                                                 › You will need to have a proficient level of English    qualification in the world.                          › Observe experienced teachers
                                                                                                   (CEFR Level high C1 or above), but you don't need
                                                                                                                                                                                                               › The principles of effective teaching
                                                                                                   to be a native English speaker.                        It is an intensive course, with our graduates
                                                                                                                                                          qualified and confident to go straight into the      › Understand how adults learn and the role
                                                                                                 › You'll see from our CELTA graduate stories that
                                                                                                                                                          classroom and teach anywhere in the world. The         of the teacher and the learner
                                                                                                   we train people from all over the world, across a
                                                                                                   full range of ages (over 18). It's never too late to   CELTA at IH London is prestigious: schools looking   › Practical experience: all CELTA courses
                                                                                                   change your story.                                     to employ you know how well you have been              include real-life teaching experience
                                                                                                                                                                                                               › Confidence in a classroom
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (face-to-face and online)
     8                visit ihlondon.com | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | email sales@ihlondon.com                                                                                                                                                                                 9
2021 START TEACHING WITH CELTA - Learn to teach English as a foreign language - International House ...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 YOUR GUIDE TO CELTA
                                   W H AT I S T H E                                                                                                              HOW IS THE
                                   C E LTA C O U R S E L I K E ?                                                                                                 COURSE ASSESSED?

                                 The CELTA course at IH London is collaborative,                                                                               The CELTA is accredited by Cambridge
                                 interactive, intensive, fun and most importantly                                                                              English Language Assessment, part of the
                                 unforgettable! The emphasis throughout is on                                                                                  University of Cambridge.
                                 motivation and engagement, by focusing on the
                                 communicative approach and getting learners                                                                                   You will be assessed throughout the course.
                                 fully involved in the learning process.                                                                                       There is no final examination.

                                 Training sessions are creative and inspiring with                                                                             TEACHING PRACTICE
                                 our highly experienced trainers and trainee
                                 teachers working together to develop effective                                                                                You will teach for a total of 6 hours, working
                                 and memorable teaching activities, materials                                                                                  with adult classes at a minimum of two levels
                                 and teaching techniques.                                                                                                      of ability. Assessment is based on your overall
                                 Sessions feature demonstrations, workshops,
                                 rehearsals and research time, to reflect the                                                                                  WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED?
                                 needs of the training-teachers, build confidence
                                 and produce happy teachers and learners.                                                                                      You will complete four written assignments
                                                                                                                                                               (each 750–1,000 words). These focus on:
                                                                                                                                                               analysing and responding to adult learner

                                   W H AT D O E S T H E                                                                                                        needs, analysing language for teaching
                                                                                                                                                               purposes, teaching language skills, and
                                                                                                                                                               reflecting on classroom teaching.
                                   COURSE INCLUDE?
                                                                                                                                                               To receive a CELTA certificate you will need to
                                   › Support and guidance from                                                                                                 complete the course and meet the assessment
                                     experienced tutors                                                                                                        criteria for all written and practical
                                                                                                                                                               assignments. There are three passing grades:
                                   › Supervised lesson planning
                                                                                                                                                               Pass A, Pass B and Pass.
                                   › Free online Grammar for Teachers course
                                     you have access to from the day you book
                                   › Access to our online teacher training                                                                                       DOES THE
                                     DVD series – 15 teaching videos with
                                     accompanying lesson plans that you can                                                                                      Q UA L I F I C AT I O N
                                     access from home
                                   › Access to our ELT library                                                                                                   EXPIRE?
                                     (the largest in London)
                                   › 120 hours of lessons                                                                                                      The CELTA doesn’t expire so you will be a
                                     (plus 120 hours of self-study)                                                                                            qualified English language teacher for life.
                                   › Teaching practice arranged by IH London
                                   › Peer observation of teaching practice
                                   › Feedback on teaching practice
                                                                                                                                                                 WATC H O U R V I D E O
                                   › Career advice talk at the end of your course                             The CELTA course with IH London was an
                                   › Trained by IH London Facebook alumni group:                                amazing experience during which I not
                                                                                                                                                                 G U I D E T O C E LTA
                                     a CELTA graduate and trainer community that                            only learnt so much useful information but
                                     posts resources, support and jobs                                      I also met extremely competent tutors and
                                                                                                             fantastic colleagues! Thanks to it, I'm now       We created a video guide to the CELTA
                                   › Inclusive pricing. No hidden costs with                                    teaching in a private school in Italy and      at IH London. Watch it at:
                                     IH London.                                                                still applying some of the lovely tips and      ihlondon.com/your-guide-to-CELTA
                                                                                                            guidelines the IH London tutors taught me.

                                                                                                                   SIMONA SARDO, AGE 34, ITALIAN

      10                         visit ihlondon.com | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | email sales@ihlondon.com                                                                                                              11
2021 START TEACHING WITH CELTA - Learn to teach English as a foreign language - International House ...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               CHOOSE YOUR CELTA
                                                                                                                                                     FA C E -T O - FA C E
                                                                                                                                                     C E LTA

                              YO U R C E LTA                                                                                                       Train in our school in Covent Garden, London.

                                                                                                                                                                   COURSE DAYS                     COURSE TIMES          COURSE LENGTH   COURSE HOURS
                                                                                                                                                    FULL-TIME      Monday to Friday                10.00 – 18.00         4 weeks         120 (30 per week)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Plus 120 self-study
                                                                                                                                                    PART-TIME      Monday and Wednesday            Weekdays              12 weeks        120 (6 per week,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   18.30 – 21.30                         plus 7 Saturdays)

                                           Start dates                                                                                                             Tuesday and Thursday
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Plus 120 self-study

                                          every month                                                                                                              Plus 7 Saturdays                10.00 – 17.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                   For 7 Saturdays

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               FACE-TO-FACE CELTA | ONLINE CELTA
                                                                                                                                                                                         LIVE ONLINE
                                                                                                                                                     C E LTA

                                                                                                                                                   Train from anywhere in the world.

                                                                                                                                                                   COURSE DAYS                     COURSE TIMES          COURSE LENGTH   COURSE HOURS
                                                                                                                                                    FULL-TIME      Monday to Friday                10.00 – 18.00         4 weeks         120 (30 per week)
                                                                                                                                                                                                   (UK time)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Plus 120 self-study
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Early lesson times
                                                                                                                                                                                                   available to cater
                                                                                                                                                                                                   for all time zones:
                                                                                                                                                                                                   07.30 – 15.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                   (UK time)
                                                                                                                                                    PART-TIME      Monday and Wednesday            10.00 – 13.00         12.5 weeks      120 (10 per week)
                                                                                                                                                    DAYTIME                                        (UK time)
                                                                                                                                                                   OR                                                                    Plus 120 self-study
                          With all our CELTA courses you will be taught                          ENGLISH LEVEL
                          everything you need to teach English, both in                                                                                            Tuesday and Thursday
                          schools and online. Every course grants the full                       Proficient (CEFR Level high C1 or above). You
                          CELTA certificate when you pass.                                       need to be fluent in English. You don't need to    PART-TIME      Monday, Wednesday               Weekdays              12 weeks        120 (6 per week,
                                                                                                 be a native English speaker.                       EVENINGS       and Saturday                    18.30 – 21.30                         plus 7 Saturdays)
                          The teaching skills and methods you will learn                                                                                                                           (UK time)
                                                                                                                                                                   OR                                                                    Plus 120 self-study
                          during the CELTA are the same, whichever course
                                                                                                                                                                                                   First and last
                          option you choose.                                                     AGE                                                               Tuesday, Thursday
                                                                                                                                                                   and Saturday
                                                                                                                                                                                                   10.00 – 17.00
                          If you train in school, we make sure you know how                      You must be over 18. We train teachers across
                                                                                                                                                                                                   (UK time)
                          to teach online too, and if you train online, we make                  a full range of ages.
                          sure you can teach face-to-face too. All teaching                                                                                                                        Other Saturdays
                          practice is arranged for you.                                                                                                                                            09.00 – 12.30
                                                                                                 START DATES                                                                                       (UK time)

                                                                                                 CELTA courses start every month, full-time
                                                                                                 and part-time. See our dates and fees list
                                                                                                 or our website for more details:

     12                   visit ihlondon.com | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | email sales@ihlondon.com                                                                                                                                                                   13
2021 START TEACHING WITH CELTA - Learn to teach English as a foreign language - International House ...

                                                                                                                                           quote-left                                                                               quote-right

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  OUR SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                           Everyone says 'the CELTA is so intense' – but              I found the course extremely useful
                                                                                                                                           the IH course was thoughtfully structured,              and valuable to my knowledge about
                 SCHOOL                                                                                                                    and we were never overloaded with info or           teaching. I couldn't have asked for better
                                                                                                                                           work. And throughout, the tutors carefully            tutors and I learned so much every day.
                                                                                                                                           lead us through what we needed to do, and
             We are based in the beautiful Covent                                                                                          I felt I could ask for help or more info at any              SOPHIE LOUSE KING, BRITISH

             Garden in central London, close to                                                                                            point. I felt constantly reassured. In short, I
                                                                                                                                           feel the tutors did a good job of releasing
                                                                                                                                                                                                    CELTA FACE-TO-FACE (FULL-TIME)

             everything London has to offer and                                                                                            the pressure that seems to build up during
                                                                                                                                           the CELTA course.
             with easy travel to the school.
                                                                                                                                           DAVID EDGAR, BRITISH
                                                                                                                                           CELTA FACE-TO-FACE (FULL-TIME)
                                                                                                                                                                                                        One of the most challenging yet
                                                                                                                                                                                                      rewarding courses I've ever taken.

                                                                                                                                           quote-left                                                          YLENIA CALO, ITALIAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                    CELTA FACE-TO-FACE (FULL-TIME)

                                                                                                                                           I really enjoyed the whole month doing
                                                                                                                                           CELTA course here in IH London. Tutors are
                                                                                                                                           super supportive and professional. Staff in
                                                                                                                                           IH London are all friendly and helpful.
                                                                                                                                           VERA WANG, CHINESE                                The course was of a very high standard. It’s
                                                                                                                                           CELTA FACE-TO-FACE (FULL-TIME)                        clear IH London is the leader in its field.

                                                                                                                                                                                                           SARAH WEBSTER, BRITISH
                                                                                                                                                                                                   CELTA FACE-TO-FACE (PART-TIME)

                                                                                                                                           The course was superbly structured

             Within a short walking distance you will find the                    Our modern air-conditioned school sits across
                                                                                                                                           and taught me a lot.
             Royal Opera House, the British Museum and The                        nine floors with:                                        ALEX ROGERSON, BRITISH                             This has been a great experience both for
             National Gallery. There are several tube stops                                                                                CELTA FACE-TO-FACE (FULL TIME)                     my development as a teacher and my life
                                                                                    › 48 large bright classrooms, fully equipped with
             within a 5-minute walk of our school, and we are                                                                                                                                  here. I have acquired the knowledge and
                                                                                      interactive whiteboards
             only two tube stops away from King’s Cross St                                                                                                                                        skills needed for a teaching profession
             Pancras International.                                                 › Full lending library and resource centre with over                                                                  and got to know a lot of friendly

                                                                                      10,000 books, journals and digital resources                                                              colleagues. I appreciate IH for providing
             You will train in small class sizes and gain teaching                  › Our library is staffed with free one-to-one                                                                       the platform to make this happen.
             experience in our classrooms.                                            support available
                                                                                                                                           In a word, it was brilliant. The course was                     ZHUOXUAN CAO, CHINESE
                                                                                    › Our learning centre has over 20 state of the art
             We have the 'Good to Go' Visit England                                                                                        well-organised, taught very well, and the               CELTA FACE-TO-FACE (PART-TIME)
                                                                                      computers, printing facilities and offers a quiet
             accreditation for Covid-19 safety measures.                                                                                   tutors were great. I loved it and will miss it
                                                                                      space to study
                                                                                                                                           a lot.
                                                                                    › On-site café, selling a wide range of delicious
                                                                                      food, snacks and beverages, from breakfast until     ROBERT CAPLE, BRITISH
                                                                                      the evening. All food is prepared fresh each day     CELTA FACE-TO-FACE (PART-TIME)
                                                                                    › Many comfortable study spaces around the
                                                                                    › A welcoming reception, with staff to greet you
                                                                                    › The school has a lift and is wheelchair

  14         visit ihlondon.com | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | email sales@ihlondon.com                                                                                                                                                              15
2021 START TEACHING WITH CELTA - Learn to teach English as a foreign language - International House ...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            OUR VIRTUAL CLASSROOMS
                             OUR VIRTUAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Excellent. I feel the price is justified by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the course content, structure of the
                             CLASSROOMS                                                                                                                                                                                    course and expertise of the tutors. The
                                                                                                                       LIVE ONLINE                                                                                       support for trainees was top notch and I
                                                                                                                         LESSONS                                                                                          would highly recommend it to potential
                         Our online courses are taught with                                                                                                                                                                   CELTA candidates. In fact, I already

                         Zoom and IH London’s bespoke and                                                                                                                                                                    have. I wanted to go with a provider
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                who had proven experience with
                         dynamic Online CELTA platform.                                                                                                                                                                                   running an online course.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SAMUEL FLUSKEY, BRITISH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CELTA ONLINE (PART-TIME)
                         We use the same teaching methods as face-
                         to-face CELTA, with break-out rooms for group
                         tasks, sharing material on screen for discussion,
                         and engaging content and methods for teaching
                         practice with real students.
                                                                                                                                           quote-right                                                                                                        quote-right
                         You will need:                                                                                                                                                                                Excellent. I can't fault the whole process.
                                                                                                            The course opened my eyes to how                                                                               The tutors really know their stuff and
                           › A reliable internet connection
                                                                                                            much work, knowledge, psychology                                                                         manage to strike the right balance between
                           › A desktop computer or laptop                                                  and preparation is required in order                                                                            fun and sociable lessons and getting
                           › Microsoft Word                                                                              to be a good teacher.                                                                         through a considerable amount of work.

                           › A web camera on or attached to the device you
                                                                                                                       DANILO DJUKIC, IRISH                                                                                     ANTHONY CHAMBERS, BRITISH
                             are using
                                                                                                                   CELTA ONLINE (PART-TIME)                                                                                        CELTA ONLINE (FULL-TIME)
                           › A headset with a microphone
                           › You will be sent all the details you need to get set
                             up and connect.

                          quote-left                                                                                                       quote-right   quote-left                                                                                         quote-right
                          It was one of the best decisions I've made to take                              I think the course was fantastic. I learnt     Simply excellent – I have already recommended             I had a fantastic experience studying with IH
                          this course. I've enjoyed it so much and it's also                           an insane amount over 4 weeks, I am still         you IH London (not just for CELTA but foreign             London for the CELTA. I was really impressed
                          had a great effect on my self-confidence. I hated                           surprised. The tutors were supportive with         students looking to improve their English).            by the fully online learning programme, we had
                          public speaking before, now I feel like I can do it.                          such a range of experience. It was great                                                                  access to teacher support, discussion forums,
                                                                                                       to have four tutors to learn from and this        ELISAVET DAMALITI, BRITISH                               graduated modules, books, videos, resources,
                          EILIS MOYLE, BRITISH                                                           variety was key in creating such a great        CELTA ONLINE (PART-TIME)                                peer reviewing and more! I'm now considering
                          CELTA ONLINE (FULL-TIME)                                                     course, I really benefited from observing                                                              moving into business English. What a lovely bunch
                                                                                                           different teachers and their methods. I                                                              of people who fostered such a positive learning
                                                                                                    learnt things that I didn't think would fit into     quote-left                                            experience, which was paced well and has been

                          quote-left                                                                   a 4 week course like searching for jobs in
                                                                                                     ELT. I had a really good time and feel like a       I really enjoyed my time at IH London and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 a source of hope and fun during what's been a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     tough year.
                                                                                                      good teacher, ready to work at an English          will definitely recommend the course and IH
                          I have never felt so supported like I have here at                                      school and plan my own lessons.        London to others. It has been a slightly stressful                   CHARLOTTE DE MARIA, BRITISH
                          IH London.                                                                                                                     but very rewarding experience! I can’t wait to                          CELTA ONLINE (PART-TIME)
                                                                                                                        JADE PATHAK, BRITISH             start teaching!
                          ANISA MOHAMED, BRITISH                                                                    CELTA ONLINE (FULL-TIME)
                          CELTA ONLINE (PART-TIME)                                                                                                       LUISA ELLIS, BRITISH
                                                                                                                                                         CELTA ONLINE (PART-TIME)

    16                   visit ihlondon.com | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | email sales@ihlondon.com                                                                                                                                                                               17

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               IH CERTIFICATE IN TESOL
                                                                                                                                                           FA C E -T O - FA C E
                              I H C E R T I F I C AT E
                                                                                                                                                           IH TESOL

                              IN TESOL                                                                                                                   Train in our school in Covent Garden, London.

                          Follow the same great course as the                                                                                                           COURSE DAYS                COURSE TIMES          COURSE LENGTH   COURSE HOURS

                          CELTA at a slightly lower level.                                                                                                FULL-TIME     Monday to Friday           10.00 – 18.00         4 weeks         120 (30 per week)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Plus 120 self-study

                                                                                                                                                          PART-TIME     Monday and Wednesday       Weekdays              12 weeks        120 (6 per week,
                          TESOL simply stands for Teaching English to                                                                                                                              18.30 – 21.30                         plus 7 Saturdays)
                          Speakers of Other Languages and there are a
                          lot of different courses that do this. Please note                                                                                                                                                             Plus 120 self-study
                                                                                                                                                                        Tuesday and Thursday
                          this course is not the Trinity TESOL qualification.
                                                                                                                                                                        Plus 7 Saturdays           10.00 – 17.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                   For 7 Saturdays
                          You still need an advanced level of English
                          for this course (C1 on the CEFR scale).

                            TE ST YO U R                                                                                                                   ONLINE
                                                                                                                                                           IH TESOL                          LIVE ONLINE
                            ENGLISH LEVEL                                                                                                                                                      LESSONS
                                                                                                                                                         Train from anywhere in the world.
                          Take our free test online:
                                                                                                                                                                        COURSE DAYS                COURSE TIMES          COURSE LENGTH   COURSE HOURS
                                                                                                                                                          FULL-TIME     Monday to Friday           10.00 – 18.00         4 weeks         120 (30 per week)
                                                                                                                                                                                                   (UK time)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Plus 120 self-study
                            THE                                                                      W H AT W I L L                                                                                Early lesson times
                                                                                                                                                                                                   available to cater
                            COURSE                                                                   I GAIN?                                                                                       for all time zones:
                                                                                                                                                                                                   07.30 – 15.00
                          This course is exactly the same as the CELTA course,                       › Understanding of the principles of effective                                                (UK time)
                          with the same level of quality, made for training                            teaching and practical skills                      PART-TIME     Monday, Wednesday          Weekdays              12 weeks        120 (10 per week)
                          teachers who have an advanced level of English,                            › Awareness of language and ability to apply this    EVENINGS      and Saturday               18.30 – 21.30
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Plus 120 self-study
                          but not the level needed for the CELTA.                                      knowledge when teaching                                                                     (UK time)
                                                                                                     › Develop professionally in the field                                                         First and last
                          You will attend daily small group teaching practice                                                                                           Tuesday, Thursday
                          with students at different language levels. You will                       › Start to understand how and why adults learn                                                Saturday
                                                                                                                                                                        and Saturday
                          study classroom management and planning, attend                              English and the role of both the teacher and                                                10.00 – 17.00
                          seminars and demonstrations, and improve your                                the learner                                                                                 (UK time)
                          language awareness.                                                        › On successful completion of the course, you
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Other Saturdays
                            › You will study the same course content as                                will be awarded the International House TESOL
                                                                                                                                                                                                   09.00 – 12.30
                              the CELTA.                                                               Certificate.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   (UK time)
                            › You will participate in the same practice
                              group led by the same tutors, with the same
                              methodology and language sessions.
                            › You will be assessed differently: advanced
                              level of English (not the higher proficiency
                              level) and 3 assignments (rather than 4).
                            › You are not required to complete the
                              Cambridge Written assessment.

    18                    visit ihlondon.com | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | email sales@ihlondon.com                                                                                                                                                                 19

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 OUR TRAINERS
                   OUR TRAINERS

                                                                                                                                 JONATHAN SPALTON
                                                                                                                                 CELTA Trainer
                   CHARLOTTE THOMPSON                                                                                                                                            ANNE TIMSON
                   Director of Training                                                                                          Jonathan has been                               CELTA and Delta Trainer
                                                                                                                                 teaching English since
                   Charlotte has been teaching                                                                                   2005 across the full range of learner           Anne has worked at
                   for 29 years. She ensures                                                                                     levels, including specialist classes and        International House, London (on and off)
                   all our teacher trainers                                                                                      exam preparation. He also has two years’        since 1992. She now works as a Course
                   are at the forefront of their profession.                                                                     experience teaching young learners aged         Coordinator on the Distance Delta, and as
                   Charlotte trained in the UK and spent the                        JOANNA STANFIELD                             6-15 in Japan. Jonathan passed his Delta in     a tutor on the CELTA award. As a teacher,
                   first ten years of her career in Japan. She                      Assistant Director of Training               2011 and has been training teachers since       she has specialised in Business English
                   has taught all ages from kindergarten to                                                                      2012, including CELTA training and bespoke      and English for Specific Purposes (mainly
                   adults, and worked in different contexts                         Joanna has been teaching                     courses for qualified teachers. He delivered    Law). She has wide experience in the public
                   from schools to companies. She became                            English since 2003 and has                   a bespoke course for 120 secondary              sector as well, ranging from teaching basic
                   a teacher trainer for CELTA and Delta                            taught from beginners to                     teachers in Nepal in 2016. He worked with       literacy to ESOL learners to teaching English
                   and has been working for IH London for                           advanced levels, exam classes                teachers from Senegal in 2019 on a teacher      for Academic Purposes on pre-sessional
                   16 years.                                                        and bespoke ESP groups. As well as being     training project and supported teachers in      Masters programmes.
                                                                                    a CELTA and Delta trainer, Joanna has        local schools.
                                                                                    experience in the state education sector,
                                                                                    assisting asylum seekers, refugees and
                                                                                    young adults with special educational
                                                                                    needs. She has taught young learners,
                                                                                    delivered teaching and training in the
                                                                                    UK, Italy, Spain and Peru and has spoken
                   NORA MUSA                                                        at international conferences on different                                                         JAN MADAKBAS
                   CELTA Trainer                                                    ways of developing teacher education.                                                             CELTA and Delta Trainer
                                                                                    Joanna now oversees CELTA centre             RI WILLOUGHBY
                   Nora has been                                                    operations and ensures an excellent study    CELTA and Delta Trainer                              Jan has been at IH
                   teaching General                                                 experience for trainees.                                                                          London since 2001 and
                   English, 1-1 and                                                                                              Ri has been teaching English                         before that worked in
                   Business English                                                                                              since 2000, across all levels,                       Moscow and Istanbul
                   since 2001 across all levels. She                                                                             and she also teaches Business                        as a teacher and Director of Studies. He
                   enjoys helping students develop                                                                               English and exam preparation classes. Ri             is a CELTA and Delta trainer and runs
                   their speaking skills and integrating                                                                         has a specific interest in conversation and          Academic Management Courses. He
                   culture into the language learning                                                                            pronunciation. Ri taught young learners aged         is a coordinator for the online Distance
                   experience.                                                                                                   6 and above in Spain for two years. Ri has           Delta Programme and a school inspector
                                                                                    DUNCAN MACKENZIE                             been a teacher trainer since 2005 and teaches        for EAQUALS. He has been involved in
                   She has also been a teacher trainer                              CELTA and Delta Trainer                      bespoke courses to teachers, including               designing and writing online materials
                   since 2006, delivering Celta courses                                                                          specialist subjects such as CLIL and teaching        for IH London and overseas clients. He
                   and bespoke training courses both                                Duncan has been a regular                    one-to-one. She is also a CELTA and Delta            is a Cambridge ESOL marker for DELTA
                   in the UK and internationally.                                   trainer with IH London and                   trainer and works on our partner courses at          Module 3.
                                                                                    joined us permanently in 2006.               King’s College London.
                                                                                    He has been a teacher trainer in Prague,
                                                                                    Spain and Argentina. As well as CELTA and
                                                                                    Delta, he is a tutor on Teaching Knowledge
                                                                                    Test (TKT), CLIL and Training the Trainer
                                                                                    courses. He also works for Cambridge
                                                                                    ESOL as a Delta Module 1 exam marker.

 20            visit ihlondon.com | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | email sales@ihlondon.com                                                                                                                                            21

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    HOW TO APPLY
                                                                                                                                            HOW TO
                   DANNY NORRINGTON-DAVIES
                   CELTA and Delta Trainer
                                                                                                                                            A P P LY
                   Danny started teaching English
                   over 16 years ago in Botswana
                   and gained his CELTA in the UK in                                                                                    Don’t pass up the chance of an exciting new
                   1995. He worked with Japanese
                   volunteers in Malawi before returning to
                                                                                                                                        adventure. See where teaching will take you.
                   London to complete his Delta. He has taught                            KATHY HILL
                   in Argentina, South Africa and Thailand.                               CELTA Trainer                                 Apply free of charge with no obligation.                  When you do come to pay for your course, we
                   Danny has been with IH London since 2007.                                                                                                                                      have a pay in installments option through the
                                                                                                                                          1. Apply online at ihlondon.com/start-teaching or
                   He is a CELTA and Delta trainer and works on                           Kathy has been                                                                                          Payl8r scheme. Find out more at:
                                                                                                                                             email sales@ihlondon.com for the application form,
                   programmes at King’s College London. He is the                         teaching English since 1996 across                                                                      ihlondon.com/paymentoptions-
                                                                                                                                             which includes a language awareness task.
                   author of a teaching methodology book, From                            all levels and special focus classes,
                   Rules to Reasons, which was short listed for an                        including Business English and a                2. You will then have an interview on
                   ELTON award. He works on our partner courses                           University Foundation Programme.                   Zoom with IH London.
                   at King’s College London.                                              She has taught English in companies             3. Once you have been accepted, your application is
                                                                                          in Spain and Chile, and she has taught             valid for 12 months. You can apply now, then book
                                                                                          young learners in Argentina. Kathy has             and pay for the course later.
                                                                                          been training teachers for over 10 years,
                                                                                          including CELTA and bespoke courses

                                                                                          for qualified teachers. She is particularly
                                                                                          focused on learner motivation and
                                                                                                                                          E A R LY B O O K I N G
                                                                                          writing skills. She speaks at international
                                                                                          teaching conferences.
                                                                                                                                          SAVINGS                                                  I got a permanent ESOL lecturer contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                      offer from Newham College. I will start
                                                                                                                                        Book your course a minimum of 3 weeks in                       teaching this month. I am very excited
                                                                                                                                        advance of any start date and we will pay your                to be in the class again. I have already
                    MELISSA LAMB                                                                                                        Cambridge fee for you (£156). You can book your               started having a look at Delta courses!
                    CELTA and Delta Trainer                                                                                             course as far ahead as you'd like to with a deposit
                                                                                                                                        and then pay the balance closer to the start date.                                AHMET CELIK
                    Melissa started her                                                                                                                                                                      IH LONDON CELTA GRADUATE
                    teaching career in China
                    in 1998. She completed her CELTA and                                                                                  LEARN ANOTHER
                    worked as the Director of Studies for IH                              CATHY ELLIS
                    Shanghai and later for the British Council                            CELTA and Delta Trainer                         LANGUAGE FREE
                    in Beijing. She gained her Delta at IH
                    London. Melissa now trains on both Celta                              Cathy has been a
                    and DELTA courses and has delivered                                   teacher trainer for over                      Don't forget, with IH London, you also get a six
                    teacher training in Brazil, Trinidad and                              30 years and has taught                       week evening course to learn or refresh your
                    Tobago. Melissa is a frequent conference                              and trained in Spain, Poland, Brazil, the     skills in Arabic, French, German, Greek, Italian,
                    presenter. She was the runner up                                      Republic of Georgia, the UK and Canada.       Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish
                    Unsung Hero 2020, by Lead 5050, an                                    Cathy is a trainer for CELTA and Delta        and Russian. Included free. Book up to 3 months
                    organisation which exists to celebrate the                            and is an assessor for both courses. She      after your CELTA course.
                    achievements of women                                                 also works for Cambridge Assessment
                    in education.                                                         as a Delta Module 1 exam marker, and
                                                                                          a moderator and assessor for Delta
                                                                                          Module 2.

                                                                                                                                         You will be perfectly prepared for your new adventure
  22           visit ihlondon.com | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | email sales@ihlondon.com                                                                                                                                                              23
ANY                                                                                             OTHER COURSES

                                                                                                     AVAIL ABLE WITH IH LONDON
                                                                                                   We teach across the full learning journey for you and your students.
  B O O K A F R E E C E LTA                                                                        Request a brochure, visit ihlondon.com or contact us for more details.


Talk to our experienced trainers and get all your
questions answered. These take place online as
a webinar or in the school, with regular dates
throughout the year.

Visit ihlondon.com/teacher-training-open-days
for dates and to book.                                                                               ENGLISH FOR                              LEARN ENGLISH

                                                                                                     YOUNG LEARNERS                           AT IH LONDON

                                                                                                     2021        AGES 8-17                    2021

Contact us                                                                                           Expand their world                       Speak to the world

We are always here to help you.                                                                    Young Learners                          Learn English                     The Executive Centre
sales@ihlondon.com                                                                                 Courses for ages 8-17 at                A full range of English courses   Bespoke language training
                                                                                                   locations across the UK.                for ages 16 and over.             for professionals.
+44 (0)20 7611 2400                                                                                                                        ihlondon.com/learn-english
                                                                                                   ihlondon.com/young-learners                                               ihlondon.com/the-executive-centre

Apply online
You can request your application task by
emailing sales@ihlondon.com or apply online at:

Apply free of charge. Once you are accepted, you can
book a course date (your offer is valid for 12 months).                                            Qualified Teachers                      Foreign Languages                 Evening Courses
                                                                                                   Teacher training development            We teach over 10 other            We teach a range of
When you do come to pay for your course, we have a pay in                                          for qualified EFL teachers              modern languages.                 evening language classes.
installments option through the Payl8r scheme. Find out                                            ihlondon.com/qualified-teachers         ihlondon.com/foreign-languages    ihlondon.com/evening-classes
more at: ihlondon.com/paymentoptions-

Start your story, change your story – make it your own.

                                                                                                   Start the journey today.
Course information, accommodation and content is subject to alteration at short notice. In these
circumstances we will attempt to provide a suitable alternative. For full terms and conditions,
please go to ihlondon.com. All content © 2021 International House London.                          Call: +44 (0)20 7611 2400                              ihlondon.com        sales@ihlondon.com
Contact us:
Online: ihlondon.com/contact
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7611 2400
Email: sales@ihlondon.com
Find out more online: ihlondon.com
16 Stukeley Street
Covent Garden                                       TEACHER TRAINING
London WC2B 5LQ
  linkedin.com/company/international-house-london   DATES & FEES

S TA R T TE AC H I N G                                                 S TA R T DATE S 2021                                   PRICE          I M P O R TA NT I N FO R M ATI O N
CELTA full-time Face to Face                                          06 April – 30 April (starts on a Tuesday)               £1532*         There is an accommodation booking fee of £45. Our accommodation charges are for 7 nights, arriving and departing on a Sunday. Minimum stay
                                                                      04 May – 28 May (starts on a Tuesday)                                  of one week for all accommodation types. You can extend your accommodation after you arrive, rooms are subject to availability, so please speak to
                                                                      01 June – 25 June (starts on a Tuesday)                                our accommodation department. Sometimes we use agencies to help us to find extra accommodation, which will be organised through our team. We
                                                                      05 July – 30 July                                                      can arrange for you to share a room with a friend, provided you book for identical dates and both of you are studying at the school.
                                                                      02 Aug – 27 Aug
                                                                                                                                             SUMMER SUPPLEMENT
                                                                      31 Aug – 24 Sept (starts on a Tuesday)
                                                                      27 Sept – 22 Oct                                                       There is a £45 per week summer supplement fee for residential and £30 per week summer supplement fee for homestay from Sunday 04 July 2021 to
                                                                      25 Oct – 19 Nov                                                        Sun 29 Aug 2021.
                                                                      22nd Nov – 17 Dec
CELTA full-time Online                                                6 April (Tuesday) – 30 April                            £1532*
                                                                      4 May (Tuesday) – 28 May
                                                                      1 June (Tuesday) – 25 June
                                                                      5th July to 30 July
                                                                                                                                               B O O K I N G
                                                                      2nd August to 27 August
                                                                      31st August (Tuesday) to 24 September
                                                                      27th Sept to 22 Oct                                                      C O N D I T I O N S
                                                                      25th October to 19 November
                                                                      22nd November to 17 December
                                                                                                                                            By making a booking with International House         Age                                                    Attendance and student holidays
CELTA part-time Face to Face                                          17 April – 10 July 2021 (Mon/Wed)                       £1532*        Trust (trading as ‘International House London’)
                                                                      15 May – 7 Aug (Tues/Thurs/Sat)                                       you agree to the terms and conditions as set         Our minimum age is 18 years.                           Teacher training students are expected to
                                                                      12 June – 04 Sept (Mon/Wed/Sat)                                       out below. Unless specifically agreed in writing,                                                           attend their classes regularly and on time.
                                                                      11 Sept – 04 Dec (Mon/Wed/Sat)                                        these conditions have precedence over any            Insurance                                              Students forfeit course fees if they are late,
                                                                      30 Oct – 05 Feb 2022 (Tue/Th/Sat)                                     other communications.                                                                                       absent, or leave before the course ends.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 It is highly recommended that all students
CELTA part-time Online (AM)                                           14 April – 7 July (Mon&Weds)                            £1532*        If you have made a booking via an agency,            have comprehensive travel, repatriation,
See website for more dates                                            11 May – 5 August (Tues&Thurs)                                        then your contract is with the agent and not         medical and course insurance. We can provide           Public Holidays
                                                                      9 June – 3 September (Mon&Weds)                                       with International House London.                     competitively priced student insurance for
                                                                                                                                                                                                 £6.50/week. Please see www.ihlondon.com/               Unless otherwise stated there are no classes on
CELTA part-time Online (PM)                                           17 April – 10 July (Mon&Weds)                           £1532*                                                             faq/is-insurance-included-in-the-course/ for           public holidays applicable to England. The dates
                                                                                                                                            Course availability and cancellation                                                                        of public holidays are as follows: 1st January, 2nd
                                                                      15 May – 7 August (Tues&Thurs)                                                                                             more details.
                                                                      12 June – 4 September (Mon&Weds)                                      Every attempt will be made to place students                                                                April, 5th April, 3rd May, 31st May, 30th August,
                                                                                                                                            on the course of their choice. However, we                                                                  25th – 28th December. Please note that there will
                                                                      Sat 14th Aug – 6th Nov (Tues&Thurs) (online)                                                                               Student visa regulations
                                                                                                                                            cannot guarantee a particular course and                                                                    be no classes from Saturday 25th December 2021
                                                                      Sat 11th Sept – 4th Dec (Mon&Weds) (online)
                                                                                                                                            timetable until the student has                      You may require a student visa to study in the         until classes restart on Monday 3rd January 2022.
                                                                      Sat 30th Oct – 5th Feb 2022 (Tues&Thurs) (online)
                                                                                                                                            taken an entry test and, for                         UK. For the latest information about student
* Plus the Cambridge CELTA assessment fee: £156. Cambridge English assessment fees are subject to change by the assessment board.           some teacher training                                visas for the UK, see our Getting a Visa page          Airport and railway station transfers
                                                                                                                                                                            Always quote
                                                                                                                                            courses, had an interview.                           (http://www.ihlondon.com/useful-information/
                                                                                                                                                                            your student                                                                We can provide transport from your airport or
                                                                                                                                            In the event of insufficient                         getting-a-visa/) or visit the www.gov.uk
                                                                                                                                                                           number on bank                                                               train station to your accommodation at prices
                                                                                                                                            applications for a course,                           website.
                                                                                                                                                                             transfers or                                                               stated in our price lists. Once booked these fees
ACCO M M O DATI O N                                                                 TRANSFERS                                               the school reserves the
                                                                                                                                                                           correspondence        Your enrolment may be terminated at any point          are non-refundable irrespective of whether or
                                                                                                                                            right to offer an alternative
RESIDENCES                                               PRICE PER WEEK             AIRPORT                            PRICE PER PERSON                                                          during its duration if a participant is found not      not the service is used. These fees must be paid
                                                                                                                                            course of equal value to
                                                                                                                                                                                                 to have leave to remain in the UK or breaches          at least six weeks before the transfer date.
Chapter Highbury, single en-suite                        £359                       Heathrow (one way)                 £99                  a refund.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 the conditions under which they are in the UK.
Chapter Islington, single en-suite                       £349                       City (one way)                     £99                                                                                                                              Code of Conduct
                                                                                                                                            Cancellations                                        We are a Tier 4 Sponsor under the UKVI’s
Chapter Kings Cross, single studio                       £465                       Gatwick (one way)                  £129                                                                      points-based system (no. 5BY3ENNA5) and                The school reserves the right to terminate an
                                                                                                                                            Should you need to cancel or postpone your           we will provide the documentation required
STANDARD HOMESTAY                                                                   Luton (one way)                    £145                                                                                                                             enrolment without issuing a refund, where a
                                                                                                                                            study the following terms apply for the refund       for students to apply for study visas where
                                                                                    Stansted (one way)                 £145                                                                                                                             participant’s behaviour is such that it would
Single room with breakfast                               £204                                                                               of tuition and Cambridge fees paid:                  applicable. Documentation in support of study          be unreasonable for them to continue their
Single room with breakfast and 4 evening meals           £240                       Shared Transfer (one way)          £72                   • Up until 15 working days (3weeks) before          visa applications will only be provided after all      studies. We also reserve the right to refuse
                                                                                                                                               the start of the course – full refund,            fees have been paid.                                   to admit a participant onto the premises, or
Single room with breakfast and 7 evening meals           £265                       RAIL TRANSFERS
                                                                                                                                               including any deposit paid or up to               The school has a legal obligation to collate           cancel a student’s course or accommodation,
Twin room with breakfast                                 £170 per person            St Pancras, Eurostar               £50                                                                                                                              due to overriding health and safety concerns.
                                                                                                                                               12-month postponement                             and maintain application information, as
Twin room with breakfast and 4 evening meals             £199 per person            Transfers should be booked in advance. For return        • Between 15 (3weeks) and 5 working days (1         well as passport and visa data, and inform
                                                                                    transfers, participants can book in advance or at the      week) before the start of the course – full       the Immigration Authorities of those students          Special offers
Twin room with breakfast and 7 evening meals             £230 per person                                                                       refund minus the deposit or enrolment fee,
                                                                                    school when they are studying.                                                                               whose attendance falls below the standard
SUPERIOR HOMESTAY                                                                                                                              or up to 12-month postponement                                                                           Discounts cannot be applied retrospectively to
                                                                                                                                                                                                 required by their visa.
                                                                                    INSURANCE                                                • Less than 5 working days (1 week) before                                                                 existing bookings and only one discount can be
Single room with breakfast                               £250                                                                                                                                    If a visa application is unsuccessful, yet all         applied to a booking.
                                                                                    £6.50 per week. View the insurance policy at:              the start of the course – 50% refund minus
Single room with breakfast and 4 evening meals           £286                                                                                  the deposit or enrolment fee, or up to            documentation was correctly submitted, please
                                                                                                                                               12-month postponement                             send a copy of the visa refusal letter to our          Variation to fees
Single room with breakfast and 7 evening meals           £311                       P U B L I C H O L I DAYS                                 • Once course starts - no refund, no                admissions team. Provided that you notify us
Twin room with breakfast                                 £209 per person                                                                       postponement.                                     at least 3 weeks before the start of your course,      We usually set, and hold, our fees for a
                                                                                    Please refer to the Terms & Conditions overleaf.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 we will arrange a refund. For visa refusals            calendar year. Fees are chargeable based
Twin room with breakfast and 4 evening meals             £245 per person                                                                                                                                                                                on the fee for the course published in the
                                                                                                                                            Any refunds will be paid up to sixty days            within 3 weeks of the start of the course we are
Twin room with breakfast and 7 evening meals             £275 per person                                                                    following the date of cancelation. Refunds are       unable to refund fees, but you may be able to          brochure for the year in which you choose to
                                                                                                                                            only payable to the bank account or card used        switch to an alternative course.                       study. However, if you book a course before
                                                                                                                                            for the original booking. Any courses that are                                                              1st October for the following year you may
Single room with breakfast                               £296                                                                                                                                    For advice on visa regulations, please visit           choose to be charged the fee applicable in
                                                                                                                                            postponed and then subsequently cancelled
                                                                                                                                                                                                 the following website: gov.uk/browse/visas-            the previous year. Please note that if you
Single room with breakfast and 4 evening meals           £332                                                                               are bound by the same terms and conditions
                                                                                                                                                                                                 immigration/student-visas. Alternatively, you          extend your course, additional weeks will be
                                                                                                                                            that would have applied at the time of the
Single room with breakfast and 7 evening meals           £357                                                                                                                                    can contact the British Embassy in your country.       chargeable at the fee applicable on the date
                                                                                                                                            initial course postponement.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        you extend your booking.
Twin room with breakfast                                 £255 per person
Twin room with breakfast and 4 evening meals             £291 per person
Twin room with breakfast and 7 evening meals             £316 per person

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Continued overleaf >

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             visit ihlondon.com | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | email sales@ihlondon.com

   C O N D I T I O N S

   (C O N T I N U E D)

Deposits                                            Accommodation Fees                                  Other Charges

All our courses require a deposit at the time of    If you book a residence or family homestay
booking. Deposits are non-refundable, except        accommodation through us, you need to pay           How to Pay
under the visa refusal conditions detailed          six weeks in advance of your arrival. Your          All fees are stated in GBP. We accept cash at
above. Deposit for CELTA is £500, for Delta is      accommodation is not confirmed until full           our Stukeley Street Reception. For currencies
£750. Deposits for group bookings are 10% of        payment is received.                                other that GBP you will be charged the
total course fees.                                                                                      exchange rate applicable at the time of
                                                    We charge an accommodation fee of £45
Subject to a small leeway, to allow for funds       to cover our costs in finding you suitable          booking plus a handling fee dependent on the
to be transferred, until the deposit is paid, the   accommodation, either in a student                  currency and amount.
‘booking’, remains a quotation or an allocation,    residence, homestay accommodation, hotel or         We accept payment by MasterCard, Visa,
and the place(s) are not confirmed; they may        apartment. This fee is due upon booking the         American Express and JCB and you can payvia
be sold to another person.                          accommodation and is non-refundable.                our website at the time of booking, or by phone.
                                                    Should you wish to change your                      You can also pay via Flywire (www.flywire.
Tuition Fees                                        accommodation requirements, and subject to          com) or bank transfer to 30-65-41, 37995568.
                                                    availability, we can arrange this, for a fee of     Please ensure that you quote your name in the
Full fees should be paid no later than 3 weeks                                                          reference section. When you do come to pay
before the start date of your course. If not paid   £40.
                                                                                                        for your course, we have a pay in installments
by phone or via our online booking system an        If you decide to cancel your accommodation          option through the Payl8r scheme. Find out
invoice will be raised, and payment expected        our refund policy is outlined below:                more at: ihlondon.com/paymentoptions-
on receipt.
                                                     • More than six weeks before arrival – full        We do not make any charges for payments. We
We do not allow students owing fees to attend          refund                                           are not responsible for any bank service fees; it
class or enter our accommodation. Students           • Between six weeks and three weeks before         is the responsibility of the student to cover any
unable to pay any balance at registration              arrival – full refund less one week              fees required to ensure that we receive the full
will be turned away and, where applicable,           • Less than three weeks before arrival – full      student fee. Always quote the student number
parents, agents or sponsors informed.                  refund less three weeks                          on bank transfers.
                                                     • After the arrival date – full refund less four

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