Toms River Fire Training Center - Course Catalog Training Information - August "Gus" Forte Training Center - Toms River Fire ...

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Toms River Fire Training Center - Course Catalog Training Information - August "Gus" Forte Training Center - Toms River Fire ...
Toms River Fire Training Center
   August “Gus” Forte Training Center

         Course Catalog

     Training Information

Toms River Fire Training Center - Course Catalog Training Information - August "Gus" Forte Training Center - Toms River Fire ...
Training Center Administrative Staff
        Director Robert Hansson                

        Deputy Director John Novak             

        Chief Instructor Carlton “Sam” Seaman  

                 Training Center Instructor Staff
         Robert Hansson                                   Bob Alston (Adjunct)
           John Novak                                          Doug Voigt
           Sam Seaman                                        Dana Mitchell
            Dave Burns                                      Leonard Minkler
         Joseph Catapano                                     Matthew Yezzi
          Harry Clayton                                       Roger Brown
          Michael Cocco                                      Craig Bierbaum
           Brian Doyle                                    Fred Etting (Adjunct)
         Matthew Janora                                        Doug Foley
             Will Ihrig                                      Daniel Goresh
          Richard Heroy                                       John Keating
      Bill Hopson (Adjunct)                                    Jason Kaye
          Richard Tutela                                 Tom McCann (Adjunct)
          Kenneth Taylor                                     Ray Sackmann
           Kieran Flynn                                       Kyle Schmitt
       Christopher Hansson                               Robert Sinnott (Adjunct)
      Anthony Cirz (Adjunct)                                  Chris Whitam
        Christopher Silva

      Toms River Fire District #1 Board of Fire Commissioners
George Convery   Mark Autenrieth     Jesse Sipe     Craig Ambrosio   Raymond Latshaw

                         Chief Administrator- Brain Kubiel

      Toms River Fire District #2 Board of Fire Commissioners
Craig Bierbaum   Joseph Duff      Brian Geoghegan     Kevin Brittion Christopher Silva

                          Administrator-Darlene Gargano
Toms River Fire Training Center - Course Catalog Training Information - August "Gus" Forte Training Center - Toms River Fire ...

The Toms River Fire Training Center (TRFTC) offers a full range of courses for firefighters,
hazmat team members, and rescue personnel. Information on our facility rental will be found
at the end of this section. Unless specifically indicated, information in this section pertains to
all services offered.

Prerequisites are indicated in the course description section for each Toms River Fire Training
Center (TRFTC) course. Please make sure your personnel have successfully completed all
necessary prerequisites before signing up for a class.

If a person has taken a course which is a prerequisite for an academy course from an
institution other than the Toms River Fire Training Center (TRFTC) he or she must supply
documentation of this at time of application. Copies of certificates for these courses must
accompany the course application in order to receive equivalency credit for that course.

Registration forms must be completely filled out and submitted prior to the start of the class.
Walk-ins will be permitted on a case by case basis.

   1. If you have personnel you wish to enroll in a course, return the application form for that
      course by faxed or emailed to academy

   2. Please use the full legal name of the student on the application form instead of
      nicknames or initials.

Course confirmations will be sent to the sponsoring agency and student email. Please submit
appropriate payment (check or purchase order) upon receipt of the course confirmation.
Toms River Fire Training Center - Course Catalog Training Information - August "Gus" Forte Training Center - Toms River Fire ...
You will be billed for each person registered for a course. If you have to cancel for some
reason, you must do so at least one (1) week via Email prior to the
starting date of the first class, satellite program or drill.

Cancellations must be in writing. If an emergency occurs and a cancellation must be made
Email and then a phone call must be made. You must call (732) 255-4024. If you do not cancel
as above, you will be billed for the full price.

Students are responsible for signing the roster for each lesson to assure receiving credit for the
course. Make up students are required to sign the makeup class roster with their original class
number in order to receive credit.

In order to be evaluated or to be issued a certificate of completion, l00% Attendance is

Any student reporting late for class shall report to the instructor in charge before reporting to
class. Habitual tardiness without a valid excuse will result in the student being dropped from
the course. Any student missing more than 20% of the lessons in any course will be dropped
from that course and will be required to reapply for that course the next time it is run.

No student shall leave the Fire Academy prior to class dismissal without permission from the
instructor in charge of the facility.

Lessons missed in a Firefighter I or II class MUST BE MADE UP before the end of the end of
class (unless over 20%). It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Fire Training Center for
the dates of the missed class. When all missed lessons have been successfully completed the
student will be awarded a certificate.
Toms River Fire Training Center - Course Catalog Training Information - August "Gus" Forte Training Center - Toms River Fire ...
There will be no make up for classes less than 30 hours. A student is responsible to attend all
classes. If you are unable to attend all classes than the entire class must be repeated at the
student’s expense.

Classes will begin promptly at 7:00 PM for evening courses and 8:00 AM for day and weekend


Casual, but neat, clothing is permitted. No hats are allowed


Comfortable clothing is suggested for outdoor programs. Clothing may become soiled by
outdoor activities, so dress appropriately. No shorts, cutoffs, skirts, or dresses.

Trousers and long sleeve shirts are suggested. No open toed footwear is allowed.

NO JEWELRY for any live burn activities, this includes earrings, necklaces, bracelets or rings.


Medic Alert bracelets and necklaces are exempt.

All protective clothing worn must meet OSHA (29 CFR 1910.156) and New Jersey PEOSHA


Anyone who has a beard or excessive facial hair shall not be permitted to participate in any
courses that require the use of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA). This is according to
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134, NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and
Health, Sec. 5 3.10 PEOSHA and TRFTC policy.

HAIR LENGTH, Any student participating in live fire training, who comes to class with hair that
extends below his or her collar must arrange it so that it does not fall below the collar. Hair
enclosed in an OSHA approved hood is acceptable.


For any courses requiring the use of SCBA, it shall be the student’s responsibility to provide his
or her own, plus a spare air cylinder. The academy has a limited amount of SCBA equipment
and that is dedicated to Instructor use and for demonstration purposes only. The academy will
refill any student’s air cylinder, provided it has an up to date hydrostatic test date on it.

Due to the physical requirements of the job for which these skills are being taught, and the
nature of the job itself, any student who would pose a direct threat to the health or safety to
themselves and/or to others shall not be admitted to the class.

Students shall not be given credit for any unit of instruction in which they did not actively
participate. Students who do not actively participate in any portion of the class will not be
given a certificate of completion for the class and will not be eligible to return for other
courses for which the uncompleted class is a prerequisite. The aforesaid rules shall conform to
the requirements of the American Disability Act (A.D.A.)

Certificates will be awarded for all courses three hours in length or longer. Certificates will be
sent to the sponsoring organization after the end of the course.
A training file will be established for all students who successfully complete a Toms River Fire
Training Center certificate course. Copies of this certificate, and any other certificates which
are awarded by the Training Center to the student, will be automatically placed into the
student’s training file. A copy of this file will be disseminated only at the written request of the
student. A nominal fee will be charged for this service. The fee will be determined by the size
of the file.

Students shall be courteous and disciplined. Proper decorum shall be observed always toward
fellow students, academy staff, and instructors. Eating and drinking must be confined to the
Cafeteria area only. No food or drink is permitted in classrooms. Students are responsible for
maintaining all books, equipment, apparatus and buildings made available for their use.

The following are prohibited: Abusive, profane or obscene language or behavior; horseplay or
any disturbance during class; any form of gambling; sexual harassment; use, possession or
introduction of any intoxicants; or reporting to class under the influence of intoxicants,
fighting, cheating on quizzes or exams.

Anyone who exhibits the aforementioned will be expelled from the academy and its property.

Books, papers or other materials on the instructor’s desk, podium or chalkboard are for the
use of the Toms River Fire Training center staff only.

Smoking is prohibited in the administration building and only permitted in the area outside the
building in the designated smoking area. This includes any of the restrooms. There are
receptacles for cigarette butts on the outside of each entrance to the administration building.
These are to be used for cigarette butts only. There are other receptacles for trash at these
locations. Anyone wishing to smoke must do so outdoors, except in those areas specifically
posted as NO SMOKING. Chewing tobacco is also prohibited in the classrooms and on the
training grounds.
Men’s and Women’s restrooms are located in the administration building, just off the main

Please place all trash in the proper receptacles. These are located throughout the facility. Any
refuse which is considered recyclable shall be placed in the appropriate container.

All radio receivers and pagers shall be in the OFF position during instruction periods.
EXCEPTION: Chief Officers.

Fire calls will not be considered an excuse for being late or missing a lesson. Any student who
is attending a course at the Fire Training Center is expected to be on time for any course he or
she is attending. Unless specifically called by his or her department officers, no student shall
leave for an incident in his or her response district.
If the Training Center is forced to suspend operations (inclement weather, natural disaster,
etc.) notice of the closing will be available through the following method.

Email Notifications

Pager Announcements

Training Center class cancellation and closing will be posted on

Every effort will be made to reschedule suspended classes at the earlies available date.
Students will be informed of the rescheduling when the class meets next.

Students will park only in areas that are designated for student parking.

New vending machines including; cold drinks, and snacks are available in the fire training
center cafeteria.
Course Information and Descriptions

                                            Fire Instructor Level 1
                                                  (40 Hours)
Students will receive instruction to prepare them for the role of training officer. Students will be
required to give training presentations during the course. Student will receive fire instructor 1
certification from the State of NJ after passing the State test. Drill Ground Instructor will be part of the

Prerequisite: Firefighter Level 1

                                              Fire Officer Level 1
                                                   (45 Hours)
The course is based on officer development with continual mentoring throughout. The student
for this class, should have some sound firefighting experience. The student should also be a
member who will be moving into the rank of Lieutenant. The concepts brought out in this
course is best suited to someone who has had fireground experience. The course builds on
those experiences and attempts to bring the student to a company level commander. There will be required
classroom sessions. The course requires a great deal of reading and study by the student on his or her own time.
There are numerous quizzes, assignments and forums that are required to be submitted in a timely manner.
Students will be required to participate in forum sessions and to be able to debate various subjects during
classroom sessions. The course uses the following text books:
"Fire Officer's Handbook of Tactics" 3rd or 4th Edition, author John Norman
"Fire Officer Principles and Practices" with Navigation Access code Jones & Bartlett

Text books will be provided at no cost to Toms River Twp. Firefighters and to contracted fire departments.
"Fire Officer's Handbook of Tactics" $80.00
"Fire Officer Principles and Practices" $50.00

Prerequisite: Firefighter Level 1, Firefighter Level 2, Incident Management Level 2 (IMS200), Incident
Management Level 3 (IMS300)


                                 Basic Pump Operations (Pump School)
                                             (24 Hours)
Students will receive instruction on the basics of fire department hydraulics, theory of lift and drafting, basic
pump construction and gauges. Students will be given instruction on the theory of friction loss in fire hose.
Students will be given some basic rule of thumb friction loss calculations that can be used on the fireground.
Students will be required to attend two hands on days of pump operations. Students will be taught how to
operate a pump from draft, tank to pump and from a hydrant. Students will be given some basic fireground
hose layouts and will be required to provide the adequate flow for each hose line.

Students will be required to pass a written test at the end of the course to receive certification.

Prerequisite: Firefighter level 1
Engine Company Operations
                                              (24 Hours)
This class consists of classroom lecture and hands on operations. Students will receive
instruction in the strategy and tactics of engine company operations. The class will include
tactics for first due engine companies, types of hose loads, types of stretches. Hands on
evolutions will include hose stretches and live fire evolutions.

Prerequisite: Firefighter Level 1

                                     Swift Water/ Flood Operations
                                              (16 Hours)
Students will be trained to operate in a swift water rescue or flood water emergency. Students will gain an
understanding of the dangers and power of water. Students will gain an understanding of the required PPE
needed to operate in such an environment.

Students shall supply their own: dry suit, PFD, boots, gloves, water rescue helmet

Prerequisite: A good understanding of rope systems and knots is highly recommended


                                    On- Scene Incident Commander
                                              (16 Hours)
This course is designed to meet the OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 (6)(v) training requirements for
individuals with management control responsibilities during hazardous materials incident
response. The course is oriented toward developing an understanding of the concepts of
effective incident management and the application of an incident command system to hazardous
materials emergencies.

Prerequisite: Incident Management Level 2 (IMS200), Incident Management Level 3 (IMS300), Hazmat


                                     Emergency Vehicle Operations
                                     (16 Hours) (12 EMT Elective)
This course is designed to instill defensive driving techniques in the emergency vehicle driver for safe
navigation of our highways while responding to an emergency call. “Defensive Driving” will be the core of the
course with emphasis on accident cause, collision avoidance, defensive driving attitudes, driver selection and
driver reaction. Vehicle maintenance inspections and record keeping will be presented and students will be
provided with materials to develop records tailored to their own apparatus. A practical driving course will be
negotiated by students for assessment of their skills and training need areas. Students MUST bring a
department apparatus for the last session day drive. This vehicle, pumper, large ambulance, rescue truck,
should be the type the operator would normally use in a response. Brush trucks, passenger vans, ambulances or
other small utility vehicles are not appropriate for this course. Department level training and certification
should be done in addition to attending this course.

Prerequisite: Firefighter Level 1
Introduction to Technical Rescue
                                               (4 Hours)
The “Introduction to Technical Rescue” class is an awareness level class. Upon completion, the
firefighter/ fire officer will receive awareness level certification for NFPA 1670 “Operations and
Training for Technical Rescue Incidents” and NFPA 1006 “Technical Rescuer Technical
Qualifications” This course is designed for company level officers (Lieutenants) and senior
firefighters who often are “Acting Officers”. The course is an overview of what constitutes a
“Technical” incident. This allows the Officer to recognize what special teams, equipment and
techniques will be required to mitigate the incident. The Officer will be given information
regarding what actions can be initiated by first due companies prior to the arrival of special
teams. Incident action plans for some various technical incidents will be discussed.
(Approx. 4 hours)

Prerequisite: Firefighter Level 2, Incident Management Level 2 (IMS200), Incident Management Level 3
(IMS300), Fire Officer Level 1


                      Emergency Services Trailer Operation (EVOC Trailer)
                                           (8 Hours)
This program was developed to teach the emergency vehicle operator the proper techniques and procedures for
towing a trailer. Because of many emergency service operational changes, equipment that was never considered
is now being moved with increasing frequency. Often this equipment is needed, but cannot be carried on
traditional vehicles. To meet these demands, emergency services organizations are purchasing trailers to
transport equipment. Trailers can solve these organizational issues, yet many departments lack the expertise or
training to hook up and move a trailer. This program educates responders on safe trailer operations. This hands-
on course includes information on trailers, the tow vehicle, brake requirements, tow hitch, ball, and
coupler assembly, inspecting the vehicle, loading the trailer, driving with a trailer. After
classroom discussion, participants test their knowledge on a skills course.

Prerequisite: EVOC


                                          School Bus Extrication
                                      (14 Hours) (10 EMT Electives)
Comprehensive course that provides hands on experience with school bus extrication. Students
will learn various techniques to use during bus extrications. Students will use an array of tools
including hand tools, jacks, air bags and hydraulic tools.

Prerequisite: Firefighter level 1, Vehicle extrication course.
Aerial Apparatus Operator
                                                (12 Hours)
This class consists of classroom lecture and hands on operations. Students will receive instruction on the
following tropics; ladder placement, scrub area, stabilizers, & different types of aerial apparatus.

Prerequisite: Firefighter Level 1, EVOC, & Pump School


                                       Truck Company Operations:
                                               (24 Hours)
This class consists of classroom lecture and hands on operations. Students will receive instruction on the
following topics; VEIS, Forcible Entry, ground ladder use and placement, ventilation, Search & Rescue, &
patient packing.

Prerequisite: Firefighter Level 1


                                          Firefighter Level 1 & 2
                                                (240 Hours)
The firefighter level 1 & 2 course combines both levels. Students will receive the instruction required to meet
the NFPA 1001 requirements and the NJDFS requirements for firefighter 1 and firefighter 2. Students will be
required to attend classroom lecture session as well as numerous hands-on training sessions. The course
schedule usually runs on Mondays, Wednesdays and numerous Saturdays. Students will be required to meet a
strict attendance policy as well as pass both State issued Firefighter 1 and Firefighter 2 written exams. Upon
successful completion, the student will receive NJDFS certification as well as Pro-Board & IFSAC certification.
Students will be issued the Jones & Bartlett Text book for the class.

Prerequisite: Pass TRFTC CPAT Test

                                             Firefighter Level 2
                                                 (80 Hours)
Students will receive instruction in accordance with NFPA 1001 requirements for firefighter Level 2 and the
requirements of the NJDFS. Students will receive more advanced training over and above what was required
in level 1. Students will be required to use the Jones & Bartlett text book that was issued to them in Firefighter
1. Students will be required to pass a written test that is provided by the NJDFS.

Prerequisite: Firefighter Level 1
Safety Officer (NFA)
                                                 (16 Hours)
The goal of this National Fire Academy course is to prepare students who will be designated by an incident
commander (IC) as the incident safety officer (ISO). This course will teach students how to monitor the various
types of incidents including Fire, EMS, Technical Rescue, and Hazardous Materials scenes, and report to the IC
the status of conditions, hazards, and risks present

Prerequisite: Firefighter Level 2, Incident Management Level 2 (IMS200)

                                           Vehicle Extrication
                                      (40 Hours) (24 EMT Elective)
This comprehensive premier course will provide the student with the knowledge, hands-on training and skills
needed to integrate into his or her fire departments extrication team. Students will receive classroom instruction
as well as four 8 Hour days of hands-on training on vehicles. Students will operate heavy hydraulic rescue tools
as well as air powered and hand tools. Students will be given various hands-on scenarios and will be expected
to perform as a team at a basic skill level to perform a vehicle extrication of trapped occupants.

Prerequisite: Firefighter Level 2

                                           Fire Instructor Level 2
                                                 (40 Hours)
Students will receive instruction to prepare them for the role of Fire Department instructor. Students will be
required to give training presentations during the course. Students will be given instruction on preparing,
developing and writing lesson plans. Student will receive Fire Instructor 2 certification from the State of NJ
after passing the State test.

Prerequisite: Fire Instructor Level 1, Must verify a minimum of 3 years of experience of instructing


             Rapid Intervention Company (RIC)/Rapid Intervention Team (RIT)
                                 Awareness & Operations
                                      (32 Hours)
Students will receive training to operate as a member of a rapid intervention team. Training will include
classroom lecture sessions as well as hands-on evolutions. Students will be required to perform rescues of
downed firefighters using various techniques that were presented. Students will also be trained on self-rescue

Prerequisite: Firefighter Level 1, Incident Management Level 1 (ICS 100.C). Must verify a minimum of 3
years of experience. Shall be competent in successfully demonstrating the ability to tie knots used for firefighter
Fire Officer Level 2
                                                  (45 Hours)
The fire officer level 2 class builds on the fire officer level 1 class. This course is structured for the current
company officer (Lieutenant and Captain) who wants to be promoted to a chief level position. The course
requires the student to be able to utilize an on-line training program and complete required written assignments
each week. The course will require critical thinking skills to complete the required assignments that will
include tactics, leadership and administrative functions. Students will be required to attend classroom sessions
to meet with the instructors. During these sessions students will be required to discuss fireground issues and to
discuss assignments. At the completion of the course the students will have the opportunity to take the State
issued fire officer level 2 test. (This course does not teach to the State test. You are responsible for any test
questions from J & B Principles and practices)

The course uses the following text books:
"Fire Officer's Handbook of Tactics" 3rd or 4th Edition, author John Norman
"Fire Officer Principles and Practices" with Navigation Access code Jones & Bartlett
Text books will be provided at no cost to Toms River Twp. Firefighters and to contracted fire departments.

"Fire Officer's Handbook of Tactics" $80.00
"Fire Officer Principles and Practices" $50.00
Students already issued books will not be given new ones.

Prerequisites: Fire Officer Level 1, Incident Management Level 1 (IMS200), Incident Management Level 2

                                        Conventional Forcible Entry
                                                (4 Hours)
Students will receive basic and advanced techniques of conventional forcible entry and what is needed to
succeed on the fire ground. Topics to be covered will be: forcing inward/outward swinging doors with varying
degrees of difficulty, the “Plan B” method for outward swinging doors with pulling hinges, defeating carriage
bolts, and defeating drop bars. Students will learn the skills for sizing up locks, defeating various types of locks,
and techniques used for Thru-the Lock. They will become acquainted with some of the latest security measures
on the market today that they may encounter on the emergency scene. Finally, students will receive hands on
training with forcing Inward as well as Outward swinging doors.

Prerequisite: Firefighter Level 1


                                    Vent, Enter, Isolate, Search (VEIS)
                                                 (4 Hours)
Students will receive lecture and hands on training. Topics to be covered are VEIS history, VEIS size up,
evaluating risk/need for VEIS, specific step by step how to techniques, and when and where aspects of VEIS.
The training will also include a hands on VEIS with a two-person team tasked with making entry through a
bedroom window to conduct a primary search. The search technique will involve the use of an oriented
firefighter with a TIC and a searching firefighter. A walking the wall search technique will also be shown.
Evolutions will be conducted from a first-floor position and a second-floor position from a ground ladder.

Prerequisite: Firefighter Level 1
Ropes & Rigging for
                                         Confined Space Rescue
                                               (8 Hours)
This course is structured towards firefighters and EMS personnel who may respond to below grade rescue
incidents. The course will focus on rope rigging systems required to remove a patient from a below grade
confined space. The student will learn some basic anchors, mechanical advantage systems, lowering systems,
raising systems and artificial high directional (Tripod). Students will also learn about patient packaging for
confined space removal utilizing stokes baskets, LSP Half Back and SKED stretcher.

Prerequisite: Confined space awareness, RIT Operations, Basic knowledge of ropes and knots


                                Incident Management Level 200
                       (16 Hours) (12 EMT Elective) (1.0 Instructor CEU’s)
This is a basic incident management level course for incidents using single and multiple resources during a
single operational period. Upon completion, students will be eligible to receive IMS Level 1 certification from

Prerequisite: IMS-100, IMS-700

                                Incident Management Level 300
                       (24 Hours) (18 EMT Elective) (1.5 Instructor CEU’s)
This is a basic incident management level course for incidents using single and multiple resources during a
single operational period. Upon completion, students will be eligible to receive IMS Level 2 certification from

Prerequisite: IMS-200, IMS-700

                                Incident Management Level 400
                       (14 Hours) (16 EMT Elective) (1.0 Instructor CEU’s)
This is a basic incident management level course for incidents using single and multiple resources during a
single operational period. Upon completion, students will be eligible to receive IMS Level 2 certification from

Prerequisite: IMS-300, IMS-700


                  American Heart Association BLS for Health Care Providers
                                 (4 Hours) (2 EMT Elective)
The BLS for Healthcare Providers course covers core material such as adult, child and pediatric CPR (including
two-rescuer scenarios and use of the bag masks), foreign body airway obstruction, and automated external
Swift Water/ Flood Water Awareness
                                                 (4 Hours)
Students will receive training which will allow them to be able to identify the hazards associated with water
rescue incidents including flooding situations and swift water incidents. Students will gain an understanding of
the personal protective equipment needed to conduct operations in these environments.

Prerequisite: Firefighter level 1


                                               Air Management
                                                   (8 Hours)
This training class will help you understand the Rules of Air Management and help to keep you aware of your
air consumption during your firefighting objectives. This training is based on the NFPA standard, and
following the ROAM, will provide an increase margin for error, increasing the overall scene safety. It is time
we change the way we operate on the fireground – “Tradition versus Practice”.

This is an eight (8) hour training class which will consist of lecture and hands-on training.

Full PPE and SCBA required for numerous fireground activities and live fire conditions.

Prerequisite: Firefighter Level 1


                    Emergency Vehicle Procedures for the Professional Driver
                                         (24 Hours)
This course is designed to progress the current emergency vehicle operator to level of the professional
commercial driver requirements. Height, Weight, Braking, Operation and Pre / Post trip inspections are just a
few of the details outlined in this course. Students will demonstrate the necessary skills needed to effectively
and safely operate and test to a commercial driver’s skill set. The skills included in this course will be geared to
the fire service and emergency vehicle operation during and returning from emergency scenes.

Prerequisite: EVOC, NJ State Driver’s License, Truck and Pump school, 5 years as a fire apparatus operator
(Letter to be supplied from Chief or Training Officer)

                                            Clandestine Drug Lab
                                                 (3 Hours)
This course of instruction is an extension and continuation of the hazardous materials training programs. It is
primarily intended for current emergency service personnel with direct involvement in law enforcement,
firefighting, fire investigation/inspection, emergency medical services or any other public safety position. It is
designed to provide the student with an overview and awareness in the recognition and identification of the
many different types of potential clandestine laboratories. This course will discuss common drug manufacturing
methods, explosives, chemicals, biologicals and radiological materials. We will display the various types of
clandestine laboratory production equipment and express safety concerns when encountering a clandestine

Prerequisite: HazMat Awareness, IMS 100, NIMS 700, Terrorism Awareness (if Law Enforcement)
Hazardous Materials Awareness
                                       (4 Hours) (4 EMT Elective)
NJ State Police Hazardous Materials Training Unit course is designed to meet the requirements of OSHA 29
CFR 1910.120 and SARA Title III. The course will provide the student with the necessary information on how
to recognize and identify a hazardous material. CONTENT: Modules will include: reasons for course, levels of
incidents, incident command system principles, working with dot guidebook, governmental agencies to contact,
how to detect hazardous materials. AUDIENCE: Anyone who may come in contact with potential hazardous
materials - includes Police, Fire, EMTs, Health Officials.

Prerequisite: None


                                     Hazardous Materials Operations
                                       (8 Hours) (8 EMT Elective)
NJ State Hazardous Materials Training Unit course is designed to meet the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR
1910.120 and SARA Title III. This course will provide the student with the knowledge and skills to adequately
deal with hazardous materials in a defensive mode. This course is designed for firefighters who respond to
Level 1 hazardous materials incidents. CONTENT: Modules will include: basic chemistry and radiological
terms, basic hazard and risk assessment, personal protective equipment requirements, basic hazardous materials
control, containment and confinement procedures, basic decontamination procedures and basic incident
termination procedures. AUDIENCE: Anyone who may come in contact with potential hazardous materials -
includes Police, Fire, EMTs, health officials.

Prerequisite: Hazardous Materials Awareness.


                                         Infectious Disease Control
                                                  (2 Hours)
(Previously known as Bloodborne Pathogens) will allow the students to familiarize themselves with the require
ments of PEOSHA regulations pertaining to bloodborne and airborne pathogens. After course completion, the
students will be able to develop and implement an infectious disease control program for their emergency
services organization.

                                     Fire Police Certification Course
                                                (16 Hours)
This course will provide the basic knowledge & skill for all newly assigned Fire Police Officers, as well as
those experienced firefighters involved with traffic and crowd control at an incident scene. This program meets
the New Jersey Statute 15:8-4 concerning the training of Fire Police Officers. Topics covered are: history,
demeanor, personal protective gear, Red & Blue light laws, scene size-up, workplace safety. Incident
Management System (I-100/700) will be included and issued a separate certificate upon completion. The class
includes indoor classroom instruction blocks and an outdoor practical evaluation. In accordance with NJ
Highway Incident Traffic Guidelines for the First Responder.

Prerequisite: Class II safety vest and a road flare to the outdoor practical class
Drill Ground Instructor
                                     (8 Hours) (.5 Instructor CEU’s)
This New Jersey Division of Fire Safety course is designed to ensure that Fire Service Instructors know and
understand the safety issues inherent in each of the subject areas of firefighter training. Instructors must be
capable of demonstrating the proper methods of identifying and correcting an unsafe situation as it occurs.
Instructors must also demonstrate a knowledge of equipment and apparatus maintenance and safety procedures
since well maintained equipment is necessary to do the job safely and effectively.

This program is required for fire service instructors that wish to teach specified modules in the Firefighter 1 & 2
course in the State of New Jersey. It is also a good program for company officers who plan on conducting FD
drills to attend. This course will provide the student with a basic understanding of live burn and SCBA safety

Prerequisites: NJ Firefighter 1


                                                   (4 Hours)
This Size-Up class puts the emphasis on the firefighter riding the “Officers Seat”. Size-up is defined in
most fire service texts as the on going evaluation of problems confronted within a fire situation. As firefighting
is constantly evolving, so must our procedures for doing a size-up. All members must realize that this is not just
a function of command, but also the duty of every firefighter to gain as much information as possible. The
importance of doing a size-up cannot be stressed enough. It is a basic safety measure for all firefighters and
officers. Proper training on how to do a size-up is essential. With practice, doing a size-up will become second
nature in any situation.

Prerequisites: NJ Firefighter 1

                                          Fire Officer Orientation
                                                 (4 Hours)
Fire Officer Orientation will provide new and current officers with information about other services, and
agencies that they may encounter and interact with as a Fire Officer. This class will give you a brief overview of
these services, information and resources.

Prerequisites: NJ Firefighter 1

                                  Fire Detection & Suppression Systems
                                                (3 Hours)
This course provides a basic study of typical automatic signaling and detection devices, and special hazard fire
                                              suppression systems.

Prerequisites: NJ Firefighter 1
Fighting Fire In Commercial Buildings
                                                (12 Hours)
This course addresses the tactical and staffing concerns when Fire Department respond to Commercial Building
Fires. This course consists of a lecture, which addresses the challenges associated with Commercial Building
Fires and a Hands-On portion which allows the individual participant to practice the tactical considerations,
addressed in the lecture. The Hands-On portion includes the following rotations: Deploying and utilizing the 2
1/2" hand line; Larger Area Search's using ropes; Cutting commercial doors; Cutting Chain Link fences for

This course has a Live Fire Element - thus SCBA and full PPE are required. There is an additional Fire Officers
Tract, within this course for Officers who would "Command" a commercial building fire incident and not
actually perform suppression. For those Officers, the Hands-On Day will NOT require PPE and SCBA.

Prerequisites: NJ Firefighter 1


                                         Fire Official Certification
                                                (40 Hours)
This course is designed to provide the student the knowledge and skills to meet the requirements of the New
Jersey Uniform Fire Code for certification as a Fire Official, and to prepare the individual for advancement to
an administrative position. CONTENT: This course includes: place in government, duties of a fire official,
supervision, preparation and maintaining records, review and approval procedures, enforcement activities, legal
responsibilities, relationship to other agencies, operating the local enforcing agency, budgeting, related statutes,
appeals and case preparation, site and subdivision review. AUDIENCE: Candidates for Fire Official and current
Fire Officials wanting a thorough review.

Prerequisites: Students must hold a current New Jersey State Fire Inspector certification.

                                  Fire Prevention Inspector Certification
                                                (90 Hours)
This 90-hour course is designed to give the student the knowledge and skills to meet the requirements of the
New Jersey Uniform Fire Code for certification as a Fire Inspector and preform entry level field inspections.
CONTENT: This course will include: legal aspects, life hazard uses, use groups, conducting inspections,
building construction, plan review, general fire safety, occupancy loads, fire suppression and protection
systems, specific uses, flammable or hazardous materials, retrofit requirements, fire investigation, and practical
exercises. Course materials provided are: Code Enforcement & Inspection textbook and numerous technical
handouts. AUDIENCE: Candidates for Fire Inspector, and existing Fire Inspectors wanting a thorough review.

Prerequisites: Must provide the current Edition of the Uniform Fire Code Statutes and Regulations State of
New Jersey Division of Fire Safety
Prerequisites: Police, Firefighters, Fire Police, EMS, DOT, DEP, Tow Agencies
Toms River Fire Training Center
                                      Administrative Policies
The Toms River Board of Fire Commissioners Districts No. 1 & No. 2 and the Toms River Fire Training Center
Staff and Instructors are committed to provide the most comprehensive and up to date training available to the
firefighters of Toms River and the surrounding towns in Ocean and Monmouth County. To that end the
following requirements need to be adhered to by all participants who wish to receive training at the training
center or who wish to utilize the training center grounds or classrooms.

   1. All students shall submit a course registration form at least two weeks prior to the start date of the
      course. (See Course Registration Form) Course registration forms can be faxed or emailed to training
      center. All courses are subject to change and/ or cancellation due to participation. Training Center staff
      has the right to amend, change, postpone and reschedule any course or fire academy use already
   2. All out of town students (With the exception of contract companies) shall provide payment in full or
      provide a purchase order at time of registration or on first day of class.
   3. All students are responsible to provide prerequisite documentation at start of class.
   4. All students are responsible to provide their own personal protective equipment (PPE) and (SCBA) as
   5. Fire companies requesting the use of the training center shall send in a facility use request at least two
      (2) weeks prior to the requested date. (See Academy Use Request).
   6. Out of Town fire companies requesting use of the training center shall provide payment or purchase
      order prior to use of training center.
   7. All training center use is based on a first come first served basis. The training center staff will attempt
      to accommodate all reasonable requests. The training center staff reserves the right deny any requests
      that they deem fit.
Facility Use Fee Schedule

                              Facility Use                 Fee
Mayday Props                                 $200.00

Class A Burn Building                        $150.00 (1-Room)
                                             $200.00 (2-Rooms)

Class B Propane                              $150.00, Plus cost of fuel

Classrooms #17 or #18 or Conference Room     $150.00

Classroom #12-13 (Big Room)                  $200.00

Tower or 2-story smokehouse (No-Fire)        $150.00

Maze                                         $150.00

Extrication Pad, USAR Area or Grounds        $150.00
2018 Training Center Course Schedule
                Course                   Hours              Dates               Start Times     Cost

Aerial Apparatus Operator                12      SPRING 2019                                   $100.00
Air Management                           8       September 9th               SUN 08:00         $50.00
Blood Borne Pathogens                    2       Available upon Request                        $25.00
                                                 Minimum 5 Students
BLS Healthcare Provider CPR (2           4       Available upon Request                        $75.00
EMT Elective)                                    Minimum 5 Students
Building Construction                    8       SPRING 2019                 M/W 19:00         $75.00
Clandestine Drug Lab                     4       Available upon Request                        $25.00
                                                 Minimum 5 Students
Commercial Bldg. Operations              12      SPRING 2019                 W 19:00 S 08:30   $100.00
Conventional Forcible Entry              4       Available upon Request                        $50.00
                                                 Minimum 5 Students
Drill Ground Instructor (.5 Instructor   8       Available upon Request                        $75.00
CEU’s)                                           Minimum 5 Students
Emergency Vehicle Operators Course       16      SPRING 2019                 M/W 19:00         $150.00
(EVOC) (12 EMT Elective)                                                     SAT 08:30
Emergency Vehicle Operators Course       8                                                     $75.00
Emergency Vehicle Procedures for         24                                                    $150.00
the Professional Driver
Engine Company Operations                16      SPRING 2019                 M/W 19:00         $150.00
                                                                             SAT 08:00
Fire Detection & Suppression             3       Nov 1st                     THURS 19:00       $25.00
Fire Prevention Inspector                90      Starts Sept 10th            M/W 19:00         $300.00
Fire Instructor 1 (FI-1)                 30      SPRING 2019                 M/W 19:00         $150.00
                                                                             SAT 08:00
Fire Instructor 2 (FI-2)                 40      Aug 1st 6th 8th 13th 15th   M/W 19:00         $150.00
                                                 20th 22nd 27th 29th
Firefighter Level 1 & 2                  240     Orientation Sept 17th       M/W 19:00         $375.00
                                                 Class Starts Oct 1st        SAT08:00
Firefighter Level 2                      80                                  M/W 19:00         $300.00
                                                                             SAT 08:00
Fire Official Certification              40      SPRING 2019                                   $200.00

Fire Officer 1 (FDCO-1)                  45      SPRING 2019                                   $150.00
                                                                                               + Books
Fire Officer 2 (FDCO-2)                  45                                                    $150.00
                                                                                               + Books
Fire Officer Orientation                 4       Nov 20th                    TUES 19:00        $25.00
Fire Police Certification Course         8       Nov 5th 7th 11th            M/W 19:00         $50.00
                                                                             SUN 08:00
Haz-Mat Awareness (4 EMT              4      Available upon Request                          $25.00
Elective)                                    Minimum 5 Students
Haz-Mat Operational (8 EMT            8      Available upon Request                          $50.00
Elective)                                    Minimum 5 Students
IMS-200 (12 EMT Elective) (1.0        16                                                     $100.00
Instructor CEU’s)
IMS-300 (18 EMT Elective) (1.5        24                                                     $100.00
Instructor CEU’s)
IMS-400 (16 EMT Elective) (1.0        14                                                     $100.00
Instructor CEU’s)
Incident Safety Officer               16     Oct 9th 11th 16th 18th 23rd   TUE/THURS         $100.00
Introduction to Technical Rescue      4      Available upon Request                          $75.00
                                             Minimum 5 Students
On-Scene Incident Commander           16                                                     $100.00

Pump Operations                       24     SPRING 2019                                     $150.00

Rapid Intervention Team               32     Oct 22nd 24th 26th 27th 28th M/W 19:00          $150.00
                                                                          S/S 08:00
                                                   nd   th   th   th
Rapid Intervention Team Refresher     32     Oct 22 24 26 27              M/W 19:00          $100.00
                                             28th                         S/S 08:00
Right to Know / HazCom                2      Available upon Request                          $25.00
                                             Minimum 5 Students
Ropes & Rigging for                   8      Available upon Request                          $75.00
Confined Space Rescue                        Minimum 5 Students
Scene Size Up                         4      Nov 7th                      W 19:00            $25.00
School Bus Extrication (10 EMT
Electives)                            14                                                     $100.00
Swift Water/ Flood Water Awareness    4      Available upon Request                          $25.00
                                             Minimum 5 Students
Swift Water/ Flood Water Operations   16     Available upon Request                          $200.00
                                             Minimum 5 Students
Traffic Incident Management (EMT      4      Nov 11th                      SUN 08:00         $25.00
Truck Company Operations              24     SPRING 2019                   W 19:00 S 08:00   $150.00
Vehicle Extrication (24 EMT           40                                                     $300.00
Vent Enter Isolate Search (VEIS)      4      Available upon Request                          $50.00
                                             Minimum 5 Students

                                      SPECIALIZED TRAINING


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