MBBS curriculum Information brochure 2021 2022 - St George's ...

MBBS curriculum Information brochure 2021 2022 - St George's ...
MBBS curriculum
Information brochure 2021 - 2022

MBBS curriculum Information brochure 2021 2022 - St George's ...

    3 / Welcome to St George’s

    4 / Key elements of the curriculum

    6 / Curriculum themes

    7 / Life Modules

    9 / Years 1 + 2 MBBS 5

    11 / Year 1 MBBS 4

    13 / T Year

    15 / P Year

    17 / F Year

    19 / The learning journey

    21 / Curriculum plans

    24 / Placement map

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MBBS curriculum Information brochure 2021 2022 - St George's ...
St George’s, University of London                                                         Key elements of the curriculum
St George’s, University of London is the UK’s specialist health                           The MBBS curriculum is made up of core         Life Modules
university, dedicated to medical and health sciences education,                           curriculum elements and opportunities          These innovative modules bring together
                                                                                          for in-depth study in areas of student
training and research. We share our site with a major London                              choice. The early years of MBBS are
                                                                                                                                         basic and clinical science learning with
                                                                                                                                         key clinical cases. There are six life
teaching hospital which is on the clinical frontline for our diverse                      known as the clinical science years.           modules which run as sequential units in
                                                                                          While these have a strong focus on
local community and a centre of excellence for specialist conditions,                     patient care and include early patient
                                                                                                                                         the clinical science years: life support, life
                                                                                                                                         maintenance, life protection, life cycle, life
providing an integrated environment for academic and clinical                             contact, they are based mainly in the          structure, and life control.
                                                                                          academic environment. Subsequent
learning. Our research strategy focuses on advancing the prevention                       years have increasing amounts of clinical      Themes
and treatment of disease in the fields of population health, heart                        exposure and are known as the clinical
                                                                                                                                         Three curriculum themes represent the
                                                                                          practice years. Personal development is
disease and infection – three of the greatest challenges to global                        an important element of being a doctor
                                                                                                                                         breadth of learning in the clinical science
                                                                                                                                         years and run in all the life module
health in the 21st century.                                                               and of educational life at St George’s.
                                                                                                                                         units: basic and clinical sciences (BCS),
                                                                                          Project work, particularly student selected
Through vaccine and treatment trials, St George’s was able to                             components (SSCs), are an opportunity
                                                                                                                                         professional skills (PS), and patients,
                                                                                                                                         populations and society (PPS).
make an immediate and sustained contribution to the international                         to exercise personal choice in a broad
                                                                                          range of science, clinical and humanities
response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Our MBBS programme offers                              topics and develop transferable lifelong
                                                                                                                                         The Learning Week
                                                                                                                                         In each curriculum week, learning from
exciting additional opportunities, for example, clinical genomics,                        learning skills. Students at St George’s
                                                                                                                                         different BCS subjects and across
                                                                                          are supported throughout their learning
ethics, global health and humanities education. Decades of onsite                         journey and have access to additional
                                                                                                                                         themes is integrated. This ensures that
                                                                                                                                         students grasp the complexities of a topic
collaboration between scientists, clinicians, and academics have given                    study skills and support services.
                                                                                                                                         across academic boundaries, leading to
rise to a unique learning community. Come and be part of it!                              Clinical science years                         an interdisciplinary and contextualised
                                                                                                                                         understanding of the week’s content.
                                                                                          MBBS has two entry streams: MBBS
Welcome from the MBBS course team                                                         5-year stream and MBBS 4-year graduate         Clinical practice years
                                                                                          stream. They have common curriculum            MBBS 5 and MBBS 4 streams join after
We are committed to transforming you           offer medical education which caters for
                                                                                          principles, themes and modules but differ      two years and one year, respectively, and
through your education here to become          both home and international students.
                                                                                          in the approach to basic and clinical          from that point forward share all clinical
confident, resilient doctors, ready to work
                                               Through our online teaching framework,     sciences in the early years of the course.     and academic teaching. These years are
with colleagues to provide excellent,
                                               we are committed to maintaining high-      MBBS 5 introduces a comprehensive              known as the Transitional (T), Penultimate
compassionate care for patients. During
                                               quality education provision throughout     foundation in the basic and clinical           (P) and Final (F) Year. The majority of
your course, you will acquire the scientific
                                               the Covid-19 pandemic. Following public    sciences, exploring scientific principles      clinical placements are at St George’s,
and clinical expertise to keep abreast of
                                               health guidance to reduce Covid-19         in depth and stimulating connections           local or regional trusts (see page 23).
the changes in diagnostic and therapeutic
                                               transmission we use a balance of live      between research and clinical practice         During the T Year, workplace-based
medicine required for our rapidly changing
                                               online, asynchronous and onsite sessions   as the life modules progress. In MBBS          learning on clinical placements alternates
societies. We will equip you to apply
                                               with appropriate personal protective       4, experiential learning is seen as key to     with units in the academic setting. P and
for the specialty training you desire and
                                               equipment, to meet General Medical         engaging the graduate learner’s curiosity.     F Years have limited taught components
support you to become future healthcare
                                               Council outcomes. Throughout 2020-         Basic and clinical sciences learning           and are largely based in clinical settings.
                                               21, clinical students have stayed on       arises from the study of clinical cases,       The syllabus during the clinical practice
We are dedicated to serving the needs          clinical placements and we are proud       stimulating an integrated and practice-        years is based on tasks and activities
of a diverse local population and to           of the St George’s student response to     orientated understanding of a clinical area.   performed by doctors in the workplace,
preparing doctors to work in the UK and        the challenges of the pandemic, which                                                     known as the St George’s clinical practice
internationally. We have established a         includes volunteering to support the                                                      outcomes.
successful franchises at the University of     national response.
Nicosia and the University of Ulster and

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MBBS curriculum Information brochure 2021 2022 - St George's ...
Curriculum themes and modules
                                                                                                     Themes                                         clinical experience placements in Years
                                                                                                                                                    1 and 2 of the MBBS 5 and GP and
                                                                                                     Basic and Clinical Sciences (BCS)              community visits in both streams. The
                                                                                                     The aim of the basic and clinical sciences     early exposure to patients and healthcare
                                                                                                     (BCS) theme taken in Years 1, 2, and           environments in the MBBS course further
                                                                                                     T of MBBS5 and Year 1 and T of MBBS            enhances the acquisition of these skills
                                                                                                     4 is to provide students with core             by fostering a strong patient-centred and
                                                                                                     knowledge of the structure, function, and      contexualised clinical approach, and lays
                                               The length of clinical placements is subject to       development of the normal human body           the foundation for continued learning in
                                               Covid-19 pandemic planning. Alternatives, such as     and the changes that occur as the result       the clinical practice years. By qualification,
                                               live online teaching, will be provided if access to   of disease, injury, abnormal development       St George’s graduates can confidently
                                               clinical sites is restricted.
                                                                                                     and ageing. Consideration will be given        practice and advance their clinical and
                                                                                                     to all levels of organisation from the         communication skills used in the day-
                                                                                                     molecular and cellular to organ systems        to-day encounters faced in the clinical
Clinical practice outcomes                     graduating from 2025 onwards will be
                                                                                                     and the whole individual. To achieve this,     environment; with patients, carers and
Clinical practice outcomes range               required to take and pass the Medical
                                                                                                     we use diverse learning opportunities          other members of the healthcare team.
from history taking and examination,           Licensing Assessment (MLA) in their
                                               final year.                                           including core-subject lectures, clinical
investigation, diagnosis and management                                                                                                             Patients, Populations and Society
                                                                                                     cases studied in small groups, dissection-
to patient safety, interpreting evidence and   Becoming a Doctor Domain
guiding one’s own learning. All outcomes
                                                                                                     approach anatomy teaching, exam                (PPS)
                                               This is a curriculum and assessment                   question practice sessions and timetabled      Health behaviours and attitudes, cultural
are designed to guide actions observable
                                               domain that supports students to develop              independent-learning time. To meet             beliefs, and socio-economic factors
in the workplace. They are informed by
                                               the personal and professional qualities               the demands of a constantly evolving           are significant determinants of health
knowledge, reflection on performance,
                                               to be the best doctor they can be. The                medical profession and to introduce the        outcomes in individuals and communities.
values, analytical skills and working with
                                               initial drive to becoming a doctor, which             importance of research and implementing        Effective health interventions require a
health professionals.
                                               stems from within, requires constant                  change within medicine, the BCS theme          partnership with patients and communities
Assessment for learning                        nurturing to practice medicine effectively            also provides opportunities for students       that takes account of these components,
                                               and with ongoing personal satisfaction.               to be involved in teaching sessions which
and progression                                                                                      highlight recent research innovations and
                                                                                                                                                    a firm understanding of the evidence
                                               As a highly trusted profession dealing                                                               for harms and benefits of medical
A combination of carefully planned             with people at their most vulnerable                  changes in medical practice.
and standardised knowledge tests,                                                                                                                   intervention and the ability to work
                                               in increasingly complex situations, the                                                              professionally in a complex, uncertain
clinical assessments, project work and         General Medical Council, which regulates              Professional Skills (PS)
workplace assessments are used to                                                                                                                   and evolving field. This necessitates
                                               doctors in the UK, expects us to give our             The professional skills theme equips           lifelong learning and development of
inform decisions about student progress.       students the opportunity to develop the
Students are given the experience                                                                    students with the core patient-centred         values, informed by ethical reasoning
                                               knowledge, skills and attitudes to meet               communication, clinical and procedural         and guided by the law within transparent
of all such assessment formats, as             their statutory obligations and thrive as
an opportunity for learning, before                                                                  skills integral to becoming a doctor. In the   and trustworthy professional frameworks.
                                               a professional. We rely on a variety of               early years, clinical and communication        Lectures, seminars with active
experiencing similar assessments which         validated tools, including formal lectures,
determine progression. Knowledge tests                                                               skills are developed and integrated            discussion, workshops, projects and
                                               constructive feedback, reflection on                  through simulated practice involving           case-based discussion groups support
and clinical assessments are based on the      practice, knowledge-testing written exams,
core curriculum, with other assessment                                                               diverse and authentic clinical scenarios.      the development of the values, critical,
                                               recording of attendance and conduct                   Opportunities for focused practice,            evaluative and reasoning skills required for
formats used for assessing coursework          in professional situations to verify this
and student-selected projects. As well as                                                            reflection and feedback permit progression     graduation and beyond.
                                               longitudinally by formative and summative             and development of these essential
St George’s assessments, students take         assessment.
national assessments in their final year:                                                            skills. Together, this learning works to
the prescribing skills assessment (PSA)                                                              support the students’ transition into the
and the situational judgement test (SJT).                                                            clinical environment, first encountered
Like all UK medical students, students                                                               early in the course during the early years

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Life Modules
Life Support                                   Life Protection                               Life Control
The lungs, heart and circulation deliver       This module develops understanding of         This module deals with the workings of
oxygen and other essentials to the body.       the normal mechanisms which defend the        the nervous system and mind as a whole.
They also are involved in the transport        human organism and community from             Problems studied cover a broad range of
and excretion of certain waste products.       environmental and biological attack, and      approaches to nervous system functions,
Damage to heart, lung or circulation           the disease mechanisms which operate          beginning with an examination of basic
frequently causes serious disease. This        when these defences fail, or become           cellular neurobiology, progressing through
module describes such diseases and             inappropriate. The module considers           a system-based analysis of sensory and
challenges students to find what has           the way that pathological disorders are       motor function, and leading finally to
gone wrong. In doing so, students need         expressions of specific processes at          neurobiological and behavioural views
to discover the normal structure and           the molecular level, drawing together         of the whole person. The module also
workings of these vital organs, how organ      apparently unrelated types of disease         provides a developmental understanding
malfunction causes disease, and how            by elucidating the mechanisms which           of mental processes, introducing the
medical therapies work. Students also          show their common origins. The module         classification and diagnosis of mental
learn: cardiovascular and respiratory          also considers the clinical aspects and       disorder and the uncertainties inherent in
history and examination; to consider           social impact of these diseases. The          concepts of mental health and disease.
the effects of cardio-respiratory illness      major disease mechanisms covered are:         Students also learn some basic skills such
on individuals, families and society; and      inflammation, infections, hypersensitivity    as how to do a mental state examination,
how changes in behaviour might protect         including allergy, immunodeficiency,          how to take a neurological history and
against disease.                               genetic diseases, and abnormal growth         carry out a full neurological examination.
                                               including cancer.
Life Maintenance                                                                             Life Structure
                                               Life Cycle
The alimentary, renal and endocrine                                                          This module aims to provide an
systems have a central role in maintaining     Life cycle deals with human procreation,      understanding of the normal structure
the internal environment. The module           growth, development and ageing – normal       and function of the musculoskeletal
deals with the mechanisms, clinical            physiology, common abnormalities and the      system and skin at microscopic and
manifestations and management of               profound experiences that these events        macroscopic levels and the causes
renal, gastrointestinal, liver and endocrine   constitute. The module introduces: core       and consequences of injury and illness
disorders which are either commonly            obstetric and gynaecological disorders; the   through the study of a range of clinical
encountered or illustrate important            differing presentation and management         cases. Patient examination, clinical
scientific or clinical issues. Although        of disease in childhood – with childhood      and communication skills, history
during the clinical science years there is     disease being presented as an inseparable     taking and clinical management in
a strong basic science element to some         and evolving combination of physical,         rheumatology, dermatology, orthopaedics
of the tutorials, the clinical aspects are     psychological and social components           and traumatology are introduced in life
emphasised by the clinical nature of           that interact dynamically from birth to       structure.
the problems studied and by the other          adolescence; and the processes of ageing
activities taking place such as physical       and disease – differentiating between
examination, history taking, clinical visits   disease and the normal effects of ageing
and discussions of medico-legal aspects        on the body’s systems.
of some of the cases.

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Years 1+2 MBBS 5                                                                           Practical anatomy sessions in the              team-based learning. These sessions are
                                                                                           dissection room that complement each           designed and led by experts.
                                                                                           week’s CBL case are supported by
                                                                                           experienced facilitators.                      Intercalation
Clinical science years                       interactive workshops on the themes of                                                       Students have the opportunity to
                                             professionalism and ethics.                   Early Years Clinical Experience (EYCE),        undertake an additional intercalated year
Years 1 and 2 of the MBBS 5 programme
work together to support and prepare         This interprofessional focus aims to          GP and community visits                        either internally or externally to
students for learning in the clinical        demonstrate fundamental principles that                                                      St George’s, after their second year of
                                                                                           Students have three two-week
environment. A robust understanding          are essential to all healthcare workers,                                                     study. Students select from a diverse
                                                                                           attachments and regular GP visits
of the scientific concepts underpinning      especially those that form the foundation                                                    set of learning opportunities with a focus
                                                                                           over two years to develop a familiarity
medicine is developed and then integrated    for safe practice, and effective and                                                         on enhancing their scientific knowledge,
                                                                                           with and understanding of the clinical
with clinical practice through synoptic      appropriate patient-centred care.                                                            critical thinking and evaluation and
                                                                                           environment and multidisciplinary working,
learning weeks, regular simulated practice                                                 Developing an understanding of the             research skills.
and early patient contact. As the course     Life Modules
                                                                                           patient’s experience of illness is actively
develops, students are encouraged to be      Life Modules integrate the key BCS            encouraged by following the patient            Student Selected Components (SSC)
increasingly independent in their learning   principles with common, important             journey, participating in nursing shifts and   Students undertake two SSCs in their first
as they transition to the more dynamic       clinical cases. In addition, cutting-edge     in reflective work. Hospital placements        two years of undergraduate medicine.
learning environment of the clinical         content from genomics (two weeks) and         currently include medicine, surgery, senior    In Year 1, the foundation SSC allows
practice years.                              public health (one week) are included in      health and radiology. Through community        exploration of reflective writing and critical
                                             dedicated modules. Weekly case-based          visits and diversity sessions, students hear   appraisal whilst focusing on a topic outside
Interprofessional focus                      learning (CBL) weeks form the basis of        the patient perspective and learn to take      of the MBBS core curriculum. In Year 2,
Students in Year 1 take part in shared       each life module unit, with each week         proper account of the social and cultural      SSC 1 allows study of a topic in further
learning with students from other            covering relevant curriculum themes. The      background of the patient.                     depth enhancing literature research skills.
healthcare professions, including            CBL case is well supported with expert                                                       Both of these SSC opportunities sit within
                                             teaching throughout the week.                 Lectures and seminars                          the Becoming a Doctor domain which runs
                                                                                           Lecture-based teaching and interactive         vertically through the MBBS curriculum.
    YEAR 1 UNITS                             Key learning methods                          online content delivered by expert
                                                                                           scientists and clinicians are designed to
    • 11 weeks: Introduction to              Case-Based Learning (CBL)                                                                    Knowledge assessments for BCS and PPS
                                                                                           support the depth of learning and the
      Medicine                               Students tackle a real-world clinical         relevance to clinical practice of the BCS      content occur at the end of each year for
    • 7 weeks: Life Support                  problem, the CBL scenario, as well as         subjects emerging from the CBL case            both Years 1 and 2. In addition, formative
                                             having supporting lectures and material       of the week. Complementary sociology,          opportunities to practice and get feedback
    • 2 weeks: Genomics                      from experts. The case is specifically                                                       on performance prior to the summative
                                                                                           psychology, professionalism, ethics and
    • 1 week: Simulation                     chosen to form the basis of the learning      critical appraisal sessions run alongside      end-of-year exams, are provided during
                                             week, whereby all lectures and small group    and offer a more discursive in style, aiming   each year. There is a simulated clinical
    • 2 weeks: EYCE
                                             teaching is linked to reinforce important     to stimulate analysis and critical thinking.   assessment, known as an objective
    • 6 weeks: Life Maintenance              concepts raised within the case. Students                                                    structured clinical examination (OSCE)
                                             work in small groups with a facilitator and   Synoptic learning                              at the end of Year 2. There are specific
                                             are encouraged to consider both specific      In the last week of each Life Module,          anatomical examinations, the objective
    YEAR 2 UNITS (2022-2023)                 and broader contextual issues. The case       students have sessions specifically to         structured practical examinations (OSPE),
    • 6 weeks: Life Protection               forms one to two learning hours per week.     allow them to integrate learning and make      that incorporate the practical components
                                                                                           connections across different subjects.         from the dissection room. The Becoming
    • 2 weeks: EYCE                          Small group teaching                                                                         a Doctor domain assesses professional
                                                                                           This may include formative assessments,
    • 7 weeks: Life Control                  Wherever possible, teaching and               “virtual surgeries” with discussion of         behaviour at the end of each year, initially
                                             learning occurs in small groups. Weekly       clinical vignettes, a clinical case that       formatively (Year 1) for feedback, then
    • 2 weeks: EYCE                                                                                                                       summatively (Year 2) in readiness for
                                             clinical skills and communication skills      includes several body systems and
    • 5 weeks: Life Structure                sessions all occur in the small group                                                        T Year.
    • 1 week: Public Health                  format allowing a high degree of learner
    • 6 weeks: Life Cycle                    engagement, role play and reflection.

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Year 1 MBBS 4                                                                                                                            that has engaged their curiosity from
                                                                                            encouraged by reflection and small group
                                                                                            learning, embedding diversity throughout     one patient interview in the first term.
                                                                                            the curriculum.                              The Year 1 SSC is a report and literature
                                                                                                                                         review based on this topic.
                                              Problem-Based Learning (PBL) weeks            Lectures and seminars
Clinical sciences year
                                              comprise each life module unit with each      Designed to provide a clear steer on the     Assessment
The Year 1 MBBS 4 graduate medical
                                              week covering relevant curriculum themes.     depth of learning required and relevance
curriculum draws upon four basic                                                                                                         During Year 1 knowledge is assessed
                                              The PBL case is well supported with expert    to clinical practice, BCS, psychology
principles in its commitment to learner-                                                                                                 in two summative written assessments
                                              teaching throughout the week.                 and public health lectures support
centred and patient-centred education.                                                                                                   which cover all themes. Testing periods
                                                                                            the PBL case of the week. Sociology,
These are experiential learning,                                                                                                         occur halfway through the year and at the
                                              Key learning methods                          professionalism, ethics and critical
interdisciplinarity, community-orientation,
                                                                                            appraisal sessions are more discursive       end of Year 1. Formative assessments
and professionalism. It is a fast-paced       Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
year, where the essential principles of all
                                                                                            in style, aiming to stimulate analysis and   are offered in term 1 written assessments
                                              Students tackle a highly structured, real     critical thinking.                           to prepare students for summative
three curriculum themes are covered.
                                              clinical problem, the problem–based                                                        assessment later in the year.
It begins with the three-week introductory                                                  Expert Forum
                                              learning case, before they have supporting
module and progresses through the life                                                                                                   There is a simulated clinical assessment,
                                              lectures and material from experts. They      Graduate students grasp the
                                              work in small groups with a facilitator       uncertainties in medical practice very       known as an objective structured clinical
                                              and are encouraged to consider what                                                        examination (OSCE) at the end of the
Foundations of Clinical Science Module                                                      quickly with this style of curriculum.
                                              they know already and what they need to                                                    academic year. A formative OSCE is
This three-week module introduces the         learn to understand normal structure and      A weekly open question and answer
curriculum themes, key basic science                                                        session with expert academics, clinicians    offered in term 2 to familiarise students
                                              function, disease mechanisms, history,
principles required for the other life                                                      and patients helps to clarify the issues –   with the OSCE format for the end of year
                                              examination, investigation, diagnosis and
modules and the educational methods           management. The narrative also triggers       and keeps the learning moving.               assessment. There is also a longitudinal
students will use for the year. Patient       broader issues such as ethics, social and                                                  assessment of professionalism in the
contact begins straight away with visits to   psychological considerations.                 Student Selected Components (SSC)            Becoming a Doctor domain.
general practice, community organisations                                                   Students choose any area of interest
and expert patient sessions – all             Small group teaching
integrated with the clinical case of the      Wherever possible, teaching and
week.                                         learning occurs in small groups. Weekly
                                              clinical skills and communication skills
Life Modules                                  sessions all occur in the small group
Life Modules integrate the key basic and      format allowing a high degree of learner
clinical sciences principles with common      engagement, role play and reflection.
and important clinical cases. Five or six     Practical anatomy sessions in the
                                              dissection room supported by expert
                                              facilitators complement each week’s
  YEAR 1 UNITS                                PBL case.
  • 3 weeks: Foundations of                   Clinical and community visits
    Clinical Science                          Students meet with people at the medical
  • 5 weeks: Life Support                     school and in diverse community settings
                                              to hear first-hand experiences of illness,
  • 6 weeks: Life Maintenance                 impairment, pregnancy and healthcare.
  • 5 weeks: Life Protection                  Teaching sessions may be led by experts
                                              who have the illness or impairment in
  • 5 weeks: Life Cycle                       question or from professionals allied to
  • 6 weeks: Life Control                     medicine. Developing skills and attitudes
                                              that take proper account of the social and
  • 5 weeks: Life Structure                   cultural background of the patient and
                                              the human experience of illness is actively

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T Year
                                                                                               (electrocardiograms), chest x-ray and           Student Selected Components
                                                                                               common blood tests is practised at the          and Projects
                                                                                               bedside and supported by transition to
                                                                                                                                               Two projects are supported during the
                                                                                               practice (TTP) and investigation of disease
                                                                                                                                               year – the case analysis project (CAP)
Transition to Practice                         Essential Foundations for                       (IOD) teaching. Students maximise
                                                                                                                                               and SSCT. The in-depth analysis of a
                                               Clinical Practice                               learning opportunities by participating in
During the T Year, students make the                                                                                                           clinical case in the CAP allows students to
                                                                                               the work of their assigned clinical team.
transition from the academic environment       This three-week module reviews the                                                              consolidate their critical appraisal skills.
to learning in the workplace. The              core body systems, key clinical skills and      Surgery                                         For the SSCT, students choose a project
key outcome of the T Year is to learn          procedures required for the workplace.                                                          from clinical research, audit, and service
                                                                                               Students maximise the learning                  evaluation or from a variety of discursive,
effectively and safely from direct patient     Examples of skills include communication
                                                                                               opportunities presented by participating        arts and humanities-based projects.
contact, thereby establishing the trust of     skills sessions on presenting to colleagues
                                                                                               in the work of their assigned clinical
patients and colleagues. Tasks will be set     and clinician-led sessions on the full
                                                                                               team. This includes ward rounds,                Assessment
at an appropriate level and include the        clinical interview and examination. A
                                                                                               attending operating theatre, radiology and
full history and examination, presenting to    dedicated briefing on what to expect and                                                        The GPT placement has a formative
                                                                                               pathology meetings. In addition, bedside
colleagues, attempting procedures safely       how to maximise learning on the wards                                                           consultation skills assessment where
                                                                                               teaching, supervised and self-directed
and interpreting basic investigations in the   and in general practice settings ensures a                                                      one-to-one developmental feedback on
                                                                                               patient contact provide the stimulus for
clinical setting.                              strong start to the year.                                                                       student performance is given. Workplace-
                                                                                               learning about common and important
                                                                                                                                               based supervision of tasks and activities
The MBBS 4, MBBS 5 and a small                                                                 surgical conditions. For T Year, the main
                                               PBL Units                                                                                       undertaken during clinical placements
number of transfer students join to form                                                       topics include pre- and post-operative
                                               Three PBL units of five weeks alternate                                                         is an opportunity for students to receive
a single cohort. The year begins with a                                                        care, gastrointestinal (GI) and urological
                                               with clinical blocks. In mechanisms of                                                          feedback through assessment and reflect
shared three-week essential foundation                                                         conditions.
                                               disease, students review and extend                                                             on and discuss key events from their work
for clinical practice module after which
                                               learning in life protection topics. In body                                                     in the real clinical environment. Together
the cohort rotates between academic and                                                        General Practice
                                               systems, learning in each major organ                                                           with attendance, behaviour and projects,
clinical blocks. Throughout the academic                                                       This innovative placement uses seminars
                                               system is revisited to support generalist                                                       this forms part of the Becoming a Doctor
blocks, students support workplace                                                             that blend medicine, the humanities, and
                                               clinical history and examination skills. The                                                    domain assessment. There is a summative
learning with a transition to practice (TTP)                                                   role play with experiential learning in the
                                               specialties block is the last one of the                                                        end-of-year knowledge assessment known
element as well as the usual life module                                                       clinical setting. Themes covered include
                                               year and contains key cases from P Year                                                         as the year specific knowledge test (YSKT)
learning week.                                                                                 using approaches from the humanities
                                               placements: paediatrics, obstetrics and                                                         and an OSCE.
                                                                                               to focus on understanding the patient
                                               gynaecology, neurology, psychiatry and
                                                                                               experience, clinical reasoning skills
  T YEAR UNITS                                 rheumatology. Throughout the year, the
                                                                                               required for the first/early presentation of
  PBL blocks                                   support of workplace learning that began
                                                                                               illness, patient-centred consultation skills,
                                               in the foundation module continues with
  • 3 weeks: Essential Foundations                                                             therapeutic relationships, and the impact
                                               a transition to practice (TTP) element in
    for Clinical Practice                                                                      of the ever-changing health care system
                                               each block as well as the theme-based
  • 5 weeks: Mechanisms of Disease                                                             on the patient journey.
                                               content of the learning week.
  • 5 weeks: Body Systems                                                                      Investigation of Disease and Clinical
  • 5 weeks: Specialties                       Medicine
                                               Bedside teaching, supervised and self-
  Clinical placement blocks                                                                    A weekly half-day lecture and tutorial
                                               directed learning provide the stimulus
                                                                                               programme during the clinical placement
  • 5 weeks: Medicine placement                for learning about cases from the T Year
                                                                                               units support the development of planning
                                               common condition list. This includes
  • 5 weeks: Surgery placement                                                                 and interpreting core investigations and
                                               cases from all core body systems:
  • 5 weeks: General Practice                                                                  prescribing common drugs. These sessions
                                               cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal
                                                                                               are delivered by leading practitioners in
    placement                                  (GI), renal, endocrine, musculoskeletal
                                                                                               their fields and focus on analytical skills
  • 3 weeks: SSCT                              and neurological systems. Interpretation
                                                                                               and practical know-how.
                                               of basic investigations such as ECGs

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MBBS curriculum Information brochure 2021 2022 - St George's ...
P Year                                          Integrated Medical Specialties                   how multidisciplinary care is organised and       placements, during which time, students
                                                This block comprises an introductory week at     delivered.                                        gain experience of a range of obstetric
                                                St George’s, four weeks of general medicine,                                                       and gynaecological conditions including
                                                                                                 Neuro Plus                                        antenatal care, intra-partum care,
                                                one week of acute medical admissions,
Developing Clinical Practice                    three weeks of geriatric medicine and two        This placement includes neurology,                postnatal care, acute gynaecology, benign
                                                weeks of cardiology. During cardiology           neurosurgery, stroke medicine and                 gynaecological conditions, gynaecological
The year features rotation through a series                                                      rehabilitation medicine and consists of           cancers, hysteroscopy, colposcopy, surgery
of clinical attachments in: senior medicine     placements, students receive ECG teaching,
                                                attend clinics, the catheter labs (coronary      outpatients and ward work, group teaching         and post-reproductive health care. These
(including cardiology and geriatrics), senior                                                    on core topics, clinical skills sessions,         experiences are complemented by daily case
surgery (including surgical specialties),       angiography, pacemaker implantation) and
                                                observe cardiac investigations including         clinical demonstrations, bedside teaching         discussions, patient-based tutorials, bedside
palliative care, neurology, neurosurgery,                                                        and case-based learning. Students are             teaching and simulation skills sessions.
neurorehabilitation, psychiatry, obstetrics     echocardiography and cardiac MRI. During
                                                geriatric medicine placements, the emphasis      attached to a neurology consultant in a           Finally, students return to St George’s for
and gynaecology, and paediatrics.                                                                district general hospital and/or community        feedback and an end-of-term quiz.
Placements may be at St George’s, local         shifts to holistic assessment of multiple
                                                clinical problems in the elderly patient and     clinic, attending outpatient clinics, observing
or regional trusts. The attachments are                                                          and participating in consultations, clerking      Paediatrics
grouped into four eleven-week blocks, each      includes functional assessment, working
                                                with carers, evaluation of social support and    patients and viewing procedures there once        The aim of the paediatric attachment is to
including an introductory component which                                                        a week. At the regional neuroscience centre,      prepare students for competently assessing
is delivered from St George’s Students          multidisciplinary working.
                                                                                                 students do on-call shifts in neurology/          infants, children and teenagers, and begin
extend the scope and depth of their learning                                                     stroke, attend neurosurgical morning              management of common conditions in
                                                General Surgery and Surgical
in specialty placements and senior medicine                                                      meetings, observe neurosurgical procedures,       readiness for placements in foundation year,
and surgery. Clinical interviewing and                                                           and can attend sub-specialty clinics. There       GP vocational training or paediatric training.
examination increasingly support hypothesis     This block comprises an introductory week
                                                at St George’s, five weeks of general and        is multidisciplinary teaching on neuro-           The attachment builds on learning earlier
generation, differential diagnosis skills                                                        rehabilitation.                                   in the course, but is focused on the clinical
and management planning. Students are           four weeks of specialty surgery. During
                                                general surgery, all students attend local or                                                      assessment of children. The attachment
supported to increase fluency in selected                                                        Psychiatry                                        starts with a three-day introduction to
clinical procedures.                            regional trusts and gain exposure to breast
                                                surgery, orthopaedics, lower GI, upper GI        The psychiatry placement prepares students        placement at St George’s. Students are
                                                and urology. Students take part in surgical      for evaluating and managing patients with         then allocated in small groups to clinical
  P YEAR UNITS                                  on-calls, outpatient clinics, emergency and      mental health disorders holistically when         placements. During these placements,
                                                elective surgery. For the surgical specialties   undertaking generalist roles during the           students gain experience of a range of
  • 11 weeks: Integrated Medical                component, students rotate through               foundation year. This includes exposure to        paediatrics, from premature babies, toddlers
    Specialties                                 firms in ear, nose and throat (ENT) and          out-of-hours psychiatry and addiction liaison     and young children, up to adolescents in
                                                ophthalmology, plastic surgery, trauma and       services. Students are offered additional         many different settings such as paediatric
  • 10 weeks: General Surgery and                                                                learning opportunities in subspecialty            wards, neonatal units, outpatients and
                                                vascular surgery. During the attachments
    Surgical Specialties                        there will be tutorials (some of which may       areas such as eating disorders, addictions,       the paediatric emergency department.
                                                be virtual on-line teaching) to discuss          forensic psychiatry and perinatal psychiatry      These experiences are complemented by
  • 1 week: Palliative Care                                                                                                                        patient-based tutorials, bedside teaching
                                                clinical cases and develop knowledge of          to extend their experience beyond the
  • 5.5 weeks: Neuro Plus                       surgical conditions, their investigation and     generalist level. During the attachment,          and clinical skills sessions. Finally, students
                                                management.                                      students are expected to spend time with          return to St George’s for reflective tutorials
  • 5.5 weeks: Psychiatry                                                                        different members of the multidisciplinary        and formative assessment on the last day.
                                                Palliative care                                  team and attend clinical meetings such
  • 5.5 weeks: Obstetrics and                                                                                                                      Assessment
                                                This attachment is included in the surgical      as ward rounds and outpatient clinics,
    Gynaecology                                                                                  guided by a consultant. Students attend           During the year, students perform
                                                specialties block and involves lectures and
  • 5.5 weeks: Paediatrics                      seminars run by specialists in palliative care   weekly case-based learning tutorials with an      assessments as required by the doctor
                                                from St George’s and Royal Trinity Hospice.      allocated tutor.                                  as professional domain. This includes a
                                                Students have the opportunity to spend time                                                        personal and professional development
                                                                                                 Obstetrics and gynaecology                        portfolio. There is an end of year OSCE
                                                with a palliative care team reviewing patients
                                                and discussing cases. Learning focuses on        The attachment prepares students for              and YSKT.
                                                identifying patients who would benefit from      evaluating and managing patients with
                                                palliative care involvement, communication       common obstetric and gynaecological
                                                about end of life care with patients and         conditions. It starts with introductory
                                                carers, assessing holistic needs, managing       week of lectures. Students are then
                                                common symptoms and understanding                allocated in small groups for their clinical

  15                                                                                                                                                                                         16
MBBS curriculum Information brochure 2021 2022 - St George's ...
F Year                                                                                        Public health
                                                                                              The two-week final year attachment in public
                                                                                                                                              Student Selected Component Final Year
                                                                                              health medicine aims to introduce the scope     All students will undertake a five-week
                                                                                              of public health practice, describes how        SSCFY in an approved clinical or non-
                                                                                              public health action impacts on the role of     clinical placement of their choice. This
Advanced Clinical Practice                   Advanced Clinical Practice course                clinical practitioners, develops basic public   provides opportunities for students to both
This is an exciting year where students      During this three-day course students are        health skills and gives an understanding        expand and consolidate knowledge, skills
are supported to achieve the standard        supported to understand core foundation          of global public health issues. These skills    and attitudes for confident clinical practice
required for foundation practice, and        year duties such as organising ward rounds       come together with a presentation where         as a future doctor. This is not a research
expand their horizons with the public        and handovers, presenting patients to            students pitch a Dragon’s Den style funding     project, but rather an opportunity to explore
health block, final-year SSC and elective.   enable the clinical team to make key             bid for a proposed local or global public       individual career interests and develop
During the assistantships in medicine,       management decisions and recognising             health initiative!                              confidence in preparation for becoming a
surgery and general practice, a one-to-one   and initiating management of the unwell                                                          foundation doctor.
apprenticeship with a foundation doctor      patient. Sessions are practically orientated     Medicine and Surgery Assistantships
or general practitioner, allows students     and involve active learning in groups. The       Students evaluate clinically stable new         Elective
to achieve the standard of teamwork and      course also has sessions on preparing for        admissions and shadow foundation year           The elective provides students with an
clinical practice expected in foundation     the foundation years with information on         doctors on-call, following these patients       opportunity to broaden their experiences in
years. Rotations in critical care and        the situational judgement test and GMC           through the cycle of admission, clinical        any area that may be relevant to their future
anaesthetics and accident and emergency      registration.                                    assessment, investigation and discharge,        career in medicine. Students can choose
complete the F Year programme.                                                                attending relevant procedures with              an area already covered in the curriculum,
                                             Emergency medicine                               patient consent. In addition, students          but they are encouraged to broaden their
                                             This attachment is aimed at the recognition      fully participate in ward rounds, clinical      experiences and should undertake their
 F YEAR UNITS                                of the sick patient and early management         meetings, triage and discharge planning         elective in a different environment and at
                                             of medical emergencies. This placement is        meetings, and shadow other members of           greater depth to that already experienced.
 • 3 days: Advanced Clinical                 generally split into two-week blocks, with       the multidisciplinary team (MDT). Prescribing   The elective is seen as an ‘extension
   Practice Course                           students allocated to St George’s for two        skills are carefully supported during this      activity’. Students may use their elective
 • 4 weeks: Emergency Medicine               weeks and to a local district general hospital   year through simulated prescribing for real     as an opportunity to observe a healthcare
                                             for two weeks. However, some students            patients. During each of these placements,      system in a different country. Electives occur
 • 4 weeks: Critical Care and                will complete the full four-week emergency       students collect and reflect on feedback        in late April to June after finals assessment.
   Anaesthetics                              department (A&E) rotation at a regional          from multiple sources within the MDT. These
                                             hospital. The placement features time within     placements are based locally and across the     Assessment
 • 2 weeks: Public Health                                                                     south of England.
                                             a trauma centre.                                                                                 MBBS graduates who wish to undertake
 • 5 weeks: Medicine Assistantship                                                                                                            the UK foundation programme must pass
                                             Critical care and anaesthetics                   General Practice Assistantship                  the situational judgement test (SJT) which
 • 5 weeks: Surgery Assistantship
                                             During this placement, recognition and           Starting with an individualised learning        is a national assessment. Assessments for
 • 5 weeks: General Practice                 early management of the sick patient             needs assessment, this five-week placement      progression include the written knowledge
   Assistantship                             is taken further and the principles of           uses the breadth of clinical, communication,    proficiency test, the national prescribing
                                             preoperative evaluation, intraoperative          team-based and ethical learning                 safety assessment (PSA), the integrated
 • 5 weeks: SSC FY                                                                            opportunities in general practice and
                                             care and postoperative management of                                                             clinical practice OSCE and the clinical
 • 5 weeks: Elective                         surgical patients is revisited. The first week   tailors learning and feedback to the needs      placement-based aspects of the Becoming
                                             of the rotation is based at St George’s,         of individual students. Learning methods        a Doctor domain. Competence in all
                                             and all students complete four courses           include: sitting in with a GP, supervised       foundation year clinical procedures must
                                             that prepare them for managing the               self-conducted surgeries, feedback on           be achieved on at least one occasion.
                                             challenges of foundation year in the safety      clinical skills, a case-based discussion with   From 2024-2025, the written assessment
                                             of simulated settings – intermediate life        reflective essay and a formative assessed       and OSCE will become part of the national
                                             support (ILS) training, simulator training,      clinical case.                                  licensing assessment, the MLA.
                                             a blood transfusion simulation session
                                             and a breaking bad news session. For
                                             the remaining three weeks, students are
                                             allocated to anaesthetics and an intensive
                                             care unit at a local or regional hospital.

  17                                                                                                                                                                                   18
The Learning Journey:                                                                                                Curriculum themes and
from curriculum themes to clinical practice outcomes                                                                 clinical practice outcomes
Over the whole course of MBBS, the                   In the clinical practice years, the cases
curriculum is planned to cover and revisit the       are patient-based in the clinical setting.
common and important clinical conditions             Activities involve participation in clinical
required of foundation year practice. This list      teams, bedside teaching, and self-directed
of conditions is known as the ‘clinical priority     patient-based activities supplemented by a
list’. The range and setting of teaching and         limited formal teaching programme. Learning
learning activities differ according to the year     is organised around the tasks and activities
of the course. In the clinical science years,        that are required of doctors, known as
these provide the clinical cases studied in          ‘clinical practice outcomes’. Both prior and
the life modules each week. The breadth              continuing academic learning, modelled by
of academic learning around these cases              theme-based learning in the clinical science
is organised around the curriculum themes            years, inform these tasks.
with supervised early patient contact to bring
this learning alive. As well as understanding
core principles, students learn how to learn
the breadth of subjects required for medical

Clinical practice outcome
1    Demonstrate awareness of oneself                10 Negotiate a comprehensive plan for
     as a learner, developing professional              prevention, treatment and management
     knowledge, resilience and compassion               of acute and long-term conditions, taking
2    Elicit a clinical history and give                 account of the patient’s wishes and
     information                                        social context
                                                                                                                     With support and supervision, students develop the ability to direct their own learning and
3    Perform a clinical examination                  11 Plan, prescribe and adjust medical
                                                                                                                     safely demonstrate the outcomes within the limits of competence. We are committed to
4    Prioritise a differential diagnosis following                                                                   enabling students to begin working life fully prepared for practice and national surveys of our
     a clinical encounter                            12 Communicate and collaborate in a multi-                      graduates show we are getting this right.
                                                        professional healthcare environment,
5    Formulate a plan of investigation and              demonstrating the ability to lead and to
     interpret the results of investigations            follow
6    Synthesise information from the history,        13 Integrate professional, legal and ethical
     examination and investigation, define the          guidance and standards into the care of
     likely diagnosis and draw up a problem             patients
                                                     14 Form clinical questions and interpret
7    Recognise a patient requiring                      evidence to inform the care of patients
     emergency care, and initiate evaluation,           and populations
     management and handover
                                                     15 Critically evaluate systems of care and
8    Observe, assist and perform clinical               contribute to a culture of continuous
     procedures appropriate to the stage of             quality improvement and patient safety
9    Demonstrate patient-centred consultation
     and management skills

                                                     *All prescription writing is simulated until after graduation
    19                                                                                                                                                                                                           20
     MBBS 5 Curriculum Plan

     Length of curriculum units and placements is indicative. Students may undertake clinical placements in a different order within the year from that shown and introductory weeks may be split
     between specialties and occur just prior to the relevant specialty. The length of clinical placements is subject to Covid-19 pandemic planning. Alternatives, such as live online teaching, will be
     provided if access to clinical sites is restricted. Year 2 plan describes the curriculum for Year 2 2022-2023.

     MBBS 4 Curriculum Plan

     Length of curriculum units and placements is indicative. Students may undertake clinical placements in a different order within the year from that shown and introductory weeks may be split
     between specialties and occur just prior to the relevant specialty. The length of clinical placements is subject to Covid-19 pandemic planning. Alternatives, such as live online teaching, will be
     provided if access to clinical sites is restricted.
denote number of
     Trust                                                        Hospital


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and colour
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Key: The size and colour

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of bubbles

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             is indicative


1    St George’s University Hospitals                             St George’s Hospital

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               he Size

     NHS Foundation Trust                                         Queen Mary’s Hospital, Roehampton

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         is of
2    Southwest London and St George’s
     Mental Health NHS Trust                                      Various locations

                                                                                                                                                                                  16 East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     18 East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
3    Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust           St Helier Hospital

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              17 Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            21 Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       20 Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              19 Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
4    Croydon Health Services NHS Trust                            Croydon University Hospital

                                                                                                                          15 Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
5	Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust                         Kingston Hospital

6    Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust           Epsom General Hospital

7    Moorfields NHS Foundation Trust                              Moorfields, Eye Hospital

8	Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust                         East Surrey Hospital

9    Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals

                                                                                                      Placement Map
     NHS Foundation Trust                                         St Peter’s Hospital

10 Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust                                 Darent Valley Hospital

11 Royal Surrey County Hospital

                                                                                                                                                                                  Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              12 Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
   NHS Foundation Trust                                           Royal Surrey Hospital

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     11 Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
12 Surrey and Borders Partnership

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            14 Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
                                                                                                                          Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
   NHS Foundation Trust                                           Epsom Hospital

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       13 Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
13 Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              10 Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust
                                                                  Frimley Park Hospital

14 Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust                        Maidstone Hospital

15	Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust                      Basingstoke Hospital

16 East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust            William Harvey Hospital

17 Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust                  St Richard’s Hospital


18 East Kent Hospitals University                                 Queen Elizabeth

                                                                                                          Placement maP
   NHS Foundation Trust                                           The Queen Mother Hospital

                                                                                                                                                                                  Southwest London and St George’s, Mental Health NHS Trust
19 Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust                  Yeovil District Hospital

                                                                                                                          St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
20 Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust                    Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital

21	Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust                   Torbay Hospital

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Croydon Health Services NHS Trust

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Moorfields NHS Foundation Trust
Due to Covid-19 some sites may not be able to take full student numbers. Alternatives, such as live
online teaching, will be provided if access to clinical sites is restricted.







23                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        24
25   26
Dr Shehla Baig
Director of MBBS development

St George’s, University of London
Cranmer Terrace
London SW17 0RE

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                                    Ref: 111813

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