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22nd iadh congress - ZWP online
22nd iadh congress                                                                     medicine meets disability

iNTERNaTioNaL aSSociaTioN FoR diSaBiLiTY aNd oRaL hEaLTh

                                october 1-4, 2014
                                Berlin, Germany
                                Estrel convention center

                                iadh coNGRESS 2014 UNdER aUSPicES oF
                                ThE GERmaN dENTaL aSSociaTioN

                                ThE coNGRESS iS hoSTEd BY
                                GERmaN dENTaL SociETY FoR PaTiENTS wiTh diSaBiLiTiES
                                iNTEGRaTEd iN ThE FEdERaL aSSociaTioN oF oRaL
                                SURGEoNS iN GERmaNY


                                                                                               GOLD SPONSOR
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                                                                                                           Verena Bentele
                                                                                                           Federal Commissioner for
                                                    Klaus Wowereit                                         Matters relating to Disabled
                                                    Governing Mayor of Berlin                              Persons

The International Association for Disability and Oral Health                    Dear attendees of the 22nd iADH World Conference,
(iADH) has been dedicated to enhancing the oral health of                       ladies and gentlemen,
people with disabilities for more than 40 years now. The
association is the leader worldwide in this area and has                        I would like to extend a warm welcome to you all: to all
pioneered many important initiatives on improving dental                        dentists, physicians in other fields, people working in the
care and prevention. Berlin is therefore honored to have                        health care system and all specialists who deal with people
been chosen as the venue for the iADH World Congress in                         with disabilities and their special concerns.
2014, and I would like to extend a very warm welcome to                         Allow me to share a personal experience with you: In 2012,
all of the participants coming to Germany’s capital city for                    for the first time ever, I was at a dental clinic in Munich that
this congress.                                                                  specialises in providing dental care for people with disabi-
                                                                                lities. I was met at the door by a dental assistant, the rooms
As a congress venue, Berlin offers an ideal setting for an                      were described to me, the information material was read
international gathering like yours. For one thing, Berlin’s                     to me. As a result, I had a clear picture of the situation even
first dental treatment center for people with multiple se-                      before treatment began. For blind patients, just this first
vere disabilities recently opened in the Neukölln facility of                   part of a doctor’s appointment is a challenge in and of itself.
our municipal hospital corporation Vivantes. In addition,                       During the course of my treatment, the dentist thoroughly
our city has many other institutions that underscore its re-                    explained each of the next steps and took the time to an-
putation as a health care capital, including the Charité, as                    swer all my questions in detail. He fully met my needs du-
a flagship of modern research and treatment, and a broad                        ring my treatment. And this is precisely where the key lies,
spectrum of hospitals and dental practices.                                     I believe: The desire and also the ability to take the patient’s
                                                                                needs and challenges into account during dental treatment.
I am confident that your international congress will send                       Time is one of the most important aspects of any visit to
a strong message on the sustainable improvement of pre-                         the doctor, especially for people with mental disabilities or
ventive efforts worldwide. And I am just as certain that this                   multiple disabilities. In my view, treatment without trust is
meeting in Berlin, thanks to the participation of interna-                      impossible. We must continue to work on this together in
tional experts with a vast range of experience and exper-                       the coming years, all over the world and also here in Ger-
tise, will give new momentum to your work to improve                            many. I am therefore particularly pleased that you will be
dental care for people with disabilities.                                       bringing together your knowledge and expertise, talking
                                                                                about new methods of treatment and discussing ways of
In this spirit, I would like to wish all the participants a safe                linking the different fields of science and medicine in Berlin
trip to Berlin, a successful congress, productive exchanges                     this year. According to a study from Germany, people with
with your colleagues, and a wonderful stay in our city that                     disabilities are far from always having access to all medical
you will long remember.                                                         practices, not just to the premises but also to the examina-
                                                                                tion furniture, or access to important information and to
                                                                                communication with the medical personnel there.
Klaus Wowereit                                                                  Through the valuable work you are doing at this conference,
Governing Mayor of Berlin                                                       you are creating access to information for all interested par-
                                                                                ties and, in the process, enabling improvements in the pro-
                                                                                vision of dental care in Germany and throughout the world.
                                                                                I thank you all for your dedication and wish you a commu-
                                                                                nicative, informative and enriching event.

                                                                                Your Verena Bentele
                                                                                Federal Commissioner for Matters relating to
                                                                                Disabled Persons

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                              Prof. Dr. Dimitris Emmanouil
                              President of the iADH

    On behalf of the Executive Board of the International            Berlin since the beginning of the 20th Century has seen the
    Association of Disability and Oral Health (iADH), it is my       most important political developments in the western
    great pleasure and honor to invite you, our special care         world. This has transformed it into a truly international city
    colleagues from all corners of our global village, to join the   with extraordinary architecture, historical buildings com-
    22nd iADH Congress to be held October 2–4, 2014, in Berlin,      bined with contemporary design. Berlin’s vivid, young and
    Germany, under the auspices of the German Dental Asso-           experimental spirit has attracted an active art scene with
    ciation.                                                         numerous exhibitions to go hand in hand with the great
                                                                     art and cultural treasures of the past.
    iADH is a global organization with members, health pro-
    fessionals dedicated to serving people with disabilities.        More than one hundred museums and cultural sites all
    Since 1970 every two years iADH hosts a congress that al-        over Berlin wait for you to discover them. The meeting will
    lows its more than 8.000 members from all over the world         take place at the ESTREL-Convention Center in Berlin,
    the opportunity to assemble in one place, and disseminate        which has excellent road and suburban rail links.
    knowledge to better serve our “special” patients.
                                                                     On behalf of iADH, I would like to thank Prof. Andreas
    With the majestic BERLIN as the back stage we anticipate         Schulte, Chair of the scientific committee of the 22nd Con-
    this to be a phenomenal international scientific program.        gress and the local organizing committee for their hard
    The theme of the congress is Medicine meets Disability           work and vision into the planning of this event.
    representing the need that all health professionals are
    needed to work together for the well being of our patients.      I truly believe that this meeting will be an inspiration for
    Keynote speakers from around the world share their re-           all of us to work harder for our patients, fulfill our profes-
    search, scientific knowledge and experience to allow our         sional goals and provide us with the “right amount” of
    members to approach disability in an interdisciplinary way.      positive energy for the future.

    iADH is very fortunate to work this time with our collea-
    gues from the German Dental society for patients with Dis-       We look forward to welcoming you all to Berlin in 2014.
    abilities integrated in the federal Association of Oral Dental
    surgeons in Germany. The meeting will not only further the       Dimitris Emmanouil
    aims of both organizations, but as a result will also strongly
    enhance the foundation of special care dentistry world-          President
    wide.                                                            International Association of Disability and Oral Health

    On an individual basis it will give each of us the opportu-
    nity to share in new knowledge and techniques, and build
    a network of personal professional support with which to
    better deliver care to our varied populations.

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                                                    Prof. Dr. Andreas G. Schulte
                                                    President of the 2014 iADH
                                                    Congress in Berlin

Dear IADH participants of the 22nd iADH congress!

It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you on the 22nd                           I would like to take this opportunity to thank the German
Congress of the International Association for Disability and                       Association of Oral Surgeons (BDO) for supporting ener-
Oral Health here in Berlin. Colleagues from all continents                         getically the IADH conference 2014. Without them it would
representing more than 40 countries have registered for                            have been almost impossible to organise this international
this event!                                                                        conference.

Oral health care and therapy for patients with special care                        Furthermore, I am very grateful that the IADH congress in
needs represents a huge challenge for dentists and dental                          Berlin takes place under the auspices of the German Dental
teams and requires a great degree of interdisciplinary coor-                       Association (Bundeszahnärztekammer) and that this con-
dination and cooperation with many medical and non-                                gress is supported by the German Society for Dento-
medical disciplines. Thus, this meeting aims at contributing                       Maxillo-Facial Science (DGZMK). Many thanks go to the
to the maintenance and improvement of the oral health of                           many industrial sponsors of this congress. Their assistance
special care patients in three main fields: firstly, prevention                    is indispensible for the success of an international con-
is acknowledged distinctly, secondly, a professional ex-                           gress.
change of knowledge between dentists and physicians is
offered and thirdly, important scientific information about                        On behalf of the Scientific and Organising Committee I
dental procedures performed under modalities such as                               wish you all to have fruitful discussions and to receive
general anaesthesia is provided.                                                   many ideas how to improve the dental care and oral health
                                                                                   of patients with disabilities!
It has to be emphasised that not only persons with intel-
lectual disabilities or multiple disabilities are in need of
special care dentistry but also those patients with rare or                        Prof. Dr. Andreas G. Schulte
severe diseases, as well as patients with syndromes.                               President of the 2014 iADH Congress in Berlin
Therefore, experts for rare diseases such as sclerodermia
and ectodermal dysplasia have been invited to share their
knowledge with the congress participants.

It is a great success that about 200 scientific studies or
clinical cases will be presented on this congress. So it gives
me a great pleasure to encourage you to listen to the
respective short lectures and to view the posters and enjoy
the discussions with the presenting authors.

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                               Dr. Peter Engel
                               President of the German Dental                                      Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Jakobs
                               Association (Bundeszahnärzte-                                       Chairman of the Association of
                               kammer, BZÄK)                                                       German Oral Surgeons (BDO)

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear colleagues, dear guests             Dear colleagues,
    from all over the world,
                                                                        On behalf of the Association of German Oral Surgeons I
    It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to the iADH            sincerely invite you to participate in the World Congress of
    World Congress 2014 in the city of BERLIN.                          iADH 2014 in Berlin, which is performed together with the
                                                                        31st Annual Meeting of the German Association of Oral
    Improving the oral health of the elderly in nursing homes           Surgeons and the European Congress of Oral Surgery of
    and of people with disabilities is one of the main objectives       the EFOSS.
    not only of German dentists but, of all the engaged collea-         It is a great honor for our association but also a special ob-
    gues from around the world. The aim is to have equal ac-            ligation following the iADH Conference 1994 in Trier to
    cess to dental services and oral prevention for the elderly         host the World Congress of the International Association
    and for the disabled people as we have for our “normal”             for "Disability and Oral Health" for the second time.
    patients. This ethical and moral obligation unites us all.          The dental and dental surgical care for patients who are
                                                                        impaired due to damages of their physical, emotional or
    It is thus an honor for me that the 22nd world congress on          mental functions, poses great challenges for our profession
    Disability and Oral Health (iADH) will be held in Germany           and our treatment team. To provide current dental care
    under the auspices of the German Dental Association (Bun-           concepts also for this group of patients corresponds to the
    deszahnärztekammer).                                                ethical principles of our profession and requires high tech-
                                                                        nical expertise and also unique personal involvement.
    The conference has a very interesting and comprehensive             The scientific program of this international conference will
    programme and I am sure that you will enjoy and gain                thematically picture the whole spectrum of dental therapy
    from the high-quality lectures which will be presented              and the needs of our patients who suffered limitations of
    during the next few days. The international forum is of             their physical or mental functions-
    course an opportunity for exchanging experiences with               The implementation of the World Congress of iADH as a
    colleagues from more than 40 different countries and to             mutual meeting of iADH, EFOSS and BDO offers partici-
    meet good friends again.                                            pants the opportunity to experience the different focal
                                                                        points of the main podium but also in seminars, lectures
    As President of the German Dental Association I wish you            and workshops provided at the same time.
    an interesting congress with many discussions, new                  My special thanks to congress president Professor Schulte
    findings and scientific results. Please enjoy Berlin, the Capital   and Professor Weischer for creating this progressive and
    of Germany, which is a city of sophistication, fascination,         close to practical perfomance program.
    variety and a unique destination for the 22nd Congress of           My thanks also to the members of the organizing commit-
    IADH in 2014.                                                       tee and the Congress organizator OEMUS MEDIA AG for
                                                                        their cooperation. We say thanks to all speakers and the
    I welcome you again. Sincerely,                                     industry that has supported this community meeting in a
                                                                        very special way.
                                                                        I wish you all, especially our international guests, interesting
    Dr. Peter Engel                                                     and exciting days in Berlin. We cordially invite all par-
    President of the German Dental Association                          ticipants to take part in the social programme of the con-
    (Bundeszahnärztekammer, BZÄK)                                       gress and wish you interesting acquaintance and friendly
                                                                        contact with colleagues from different regions!

                                                                        Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Jakobs

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                                                   Dr. Volker Holthaus
                                                   Chairman of the German Dental
                                                   Society for Patients with

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Zahnärztliche Be-
hindertenbehandlung in the Berufsverband Deutscher Oral-
chirurgen I would like to invite you to join the 22nd World
Congress of the iADH from 2 to 4 October, 2014, in Berlin.

The congress will be held under the patronage of the Ger-
man dentists' association and addresses to all professionals
treating patients with special needs. The key issue of the
conference "Medicine meets Disability" mirrors the special
focus of the lectures. We decided intentionally on interdis-
cipinary dental and medical key aspects. High-ranking in-
ternational lecturers have been chosen to present and
forward science and treatment processes.

Berlin as a vibrant metropole is inviting you to discover its
history, culture, and fascinating atmosphere. The hotel
"Estrel" which will be the venue of the iADH congress is a
perfect starting point to explore the city, the famous mu-
seums and theatres.

We are looking forward to welcome you as our guests and
promise to you an interesting and imformative conference
with many possibilities to interchange with colleagues from
all over the world.

Very warm welcome to Berlin, have a good and interesting
time at the congress and discover the beautiful environs of
our capital.

Dr. Volker Holthaus
(1. Vorsitzender der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Zahnärztliche

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    IADH Executive members                 IADH Council Members

    Prof. Dr. Dimitris Emmanouil           1. Argentina                  15. Japan
    Prof. Dr. Gabriela Scagnet             Gustavo Fabián Molina         Shoji Hironaka
    Dr. Timucin Ari                        Gabriela Scagnet              Koichiro Matsuo
    Dr. Tom Turk                           2. Australia                  Yoshiharu Mukai
    Martin Arts, M.J.E.                    Kerrie Ann Punshon            Motoyuki Shishido
    Prof. Dr. Shun-te Huang                Avanti Karve                  Miyako Ando
    Dr. Volker Holthaus                    Bettine Webb                  16. Korea
                                           Warren Shnider                Hyo-Seol Lee
                                           Archana Prabhan               Justin Jea Cheoun Lee
    Scientific and Organizing Committee    Antonio Lee                   17. Mexico
    Chair: Prof. Dr. Andreas Schulte       3. Belgium                    Juan Loyola-Rodriquez
    Vice-Chair: Dr. Imke Kaschke MPH       Luc A.M. Marks                18. Netherlands
    Vice-Chair: Dr. Volker Holthaus        4. Brazil                     Mieke Hogerbrug
                                           Marcello Feitosa Boccia       19. New Zealand/Australia
    Dr. Guido Elsässer                     João Santos Júnior            Sharon Liberali
    Prof. Dr. Roswitha Heinrich-Weltzien   José Reynaldo Figueredo
    Prof. Dr. Joachim Jackowski            Luis Alberto Valente Júnior   20. Norway
    Prof. Dr. Heike Korbmacher-Steiner     Thais Rolim                   Stefan Axelsson
    Prof. Dr. Klaus Pieper                 5. Canada                     21. Pakistan
    Prof. Dr. Gabriela Scagnet             Stephane Lupien               Nazia Yazdanie
    Dr. Sebastian Ziller MPH               Christopher Zed               22. Peru
    Dr. Andreas Wagner                                                   Edith Falconi Salazar
                                           6. Denmark
    Office of the Scientific and           Torben Gasseholm              23. Philippines
    Organizing Committee:                  Gitte Z. Johansen             Anna Maria Dimanlig
    Dr. Juliane Gösling                    7. Finland                    24. Romania
    Tanja Schamma                          Katariina Ylinen              Ruxandra Moraru
                                           8. France                     25. Spain
                                           Martine Hennequin             Jacobo Limeres
    Journal of Disability and Oral Helth                                 Pedro Diz Dios
    (Official Journal of iADH)             9. Germany
                                           Imke Kaschke                  26. Sweden
    Editor: Dr. Shelagh Thomson            Andreas Schulte               Ann-Christin Grevér
                                           10. Greece                    Mia Zellmer
                                                                         Linda Gustavsson Tjernström
                                           11. Iceland
                                           Elin Svarrer Wang             27. Switzerland
                                           Sigurdur R. Saemundsson       Willy Baumgartner
                                           Helga Agustsdottir            Frauke Müller
                                                                         Artur Stehrenberger
                                           12. Indonesia
                                           Adiningrum Wiradidjaja        28. Taiwan
                                           Roosye Rosita Oewen           Dr Pung-Hay Tsai
                                           13. Ireland                   29. Turkey
                                           Maura Cuffe                   Ilknur Tanboğa
                                           Alison Dougall                Nida Huroglu
                                           Sarah Roux                    Isil Ozgul Kalyoncu
                                           Carole Edmonds                30. United Kingdom
                                           14. Italy                     Shelagh Thompson
                                           Roberto Rozza                 Kathy Wilson
                                           Elena Pozzani                 31. USA
                                           Annamaria Baietti             Kishore Shetty
                                                                         Maureen Romer

                                                                                   22nd iadh congress
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woRKShoPS | wEdNESdaY, 1ST ocToBER 2014

     09.00–12.00                        WORKSHOPS  1st SESSION                  14.00–17.00     WORKSHOPS  2nd SESSION

                                                                                                                                         Rooms 2, 3, 4, 5
     WORKSHOP I (Room 2)                                                         WORKSHOP IV (13.00–16.00) (Room 2)
     Makaton                                                                     Sedation
     Lecturer: Merle Holthaus/Berlin, Germany                                    Lecturer: Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Jakobs/Speicher, Germany,
                                                                                 Dr. Frank G. Mathers/Köln, Germany
     WORKSHOP II (Room 3)
     DEBRA Workshop: Epidermolysis                                               WORKSHOP V (Room 3)
     Bullosa                                                                     Gerodontology
     Lecturers: Dr. Emma Wedgeworth/London, UK,                                  Lecturers: Dr. Gert-Jan van der Putten/Amstelveen,
     Dr. Katharina Ude-Schoder/Salzburg, Austria                                 Netherlands
     Dr. Susanne Krämer Strenger/Santiago, Chile                                 Dr. Claar van der Maarel-Wierink/Amstelveen,
     WORKSHOP III (Room 4)
     Psychological Management of the anxious patient                             13.00–16.00     MEETING OF iADH COUNCIL (Room 5)
     Lecturer: Dr. Tim Newton/London, UK

                                       LEcTURE haLL a | ThURSdaY, 2Nd ocToBER 2014

09.00–10.30                             OPENING CEREMONY                         PREVENTION FOR SPECIAL CARE PATIENTS

                                                                                                                                         LEcTURE haLL a
10.30–11.00                             Coffee Break                            14.00–14.45     Adolescents and Adults with Special
                                                                                                Needs: to Prevent or not to Prevent?
     ETHICAL ASPECTS IN SPECIAL CARE                                                            Prof. Dominique Declerck/University
                                                                                                of Leuven, Belgium
11.00–11.45                             Ethical Aspects of Special Care
                                        Dentistry                               14.45–15.30     Preventive Care for Children in the
                                        Prof. Dominik Gross/University of                       Clinical Setting
                                        Aachen, Germany                                         Prof. Gabriela Scagnet/Universiy of
                                                                                                Buenos Aires, Argentina
11.45–12.30                             Respect for Self-Determination
                                        or the Attitude of Solicitousness?      15.30–16.00     Coffee Break
                                        Medical Services for People with
                                        Intellectual Disabilities in the Area   16.00–16.35     Oral Health Prevention in Living Homes
                                        of Conflict.                                            for People with Special Needs
                                        Prof. Michael Seidel/Bethel Hospital,                   Dr. Imke Kaschke, MPH/Special
                                        Bielefeld, Germany                                      Olympics, Berlin, Germany

12.30–14.00                             Lunch                                   16.35–17.15     Disability, Oral Health and Health
                                                                                                Politics–Concepts to tackle the
                                                                                                Dr. Sebastian Ziller, MPH/German
                                                                                                Dental Association, Berlin, Germany

17.30                                   WELCOME RECEPTION iADH, BDO, EFOSS

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ThURSdaY, 2Nd ocToBER 2014 | LEcTURE haLL B

                      PAIN IN SPECIAL CARE PATIENTS
     LEcTURE haLL B

                      11.00–11.45     Pain Diagnostics in Patients with         12.30–14.00   Lunch
                                      Intellectual Disabilities
                                      Prof. Dr. Peter Martin/Seguin Hospital,   14.00–14.45   Assessing Dental Pain in Patients
                                      Kehl-Kork, Germany                                      with Intellectual Disabilities:
                                                                                              do we see their pain?
                      11.45–12.30     Pain Syndromes in Patients with                         Dr. Elinor Bouvy-Berends/Rotterdam,
                                      Parkinson’s Disease                                     Netherlands
                                      Prof. Thomas Müller/St. Joseph-
                                      Krankenhaus Weißensee, Berlin,


                      14.45–15.00     Case Report: Oromandibular Dystonia       16.45–17.00   Implants in immuno-deficient patients
                      L20             (OMD)–Meige's Syndrome                    L26           revisited–a routine treatment or
                                      presenting author:                                      exception?
                                      Yoganathan Ponnambalam                                  presenting author:
                                                                                              Frank Peter Strietzel
                      15.00–15.15     Jaw function and oral motor exercises
                      L21             –a case studie                            17.00–17.15   Glanzmann thrombastenia: about
                                      presenting author:                        L27           dental care and oral surgery
                                      Asa Mogren                                              management in 15 patients
                                                                                              presenting author:
                      15.15–15.30     Implantology in case of handicapped                     Fabien Bornert
                      L22             people
                                      presenting author:                        17.15–17.30   Factor V Leiden thrombophilia with
                                      Sebastian Schiewe                         L28           associated Protein C and Protein S
                                                                                              deficiency: Literature review and
                      15.30–16.00     Coffee Break                                            dental treatment considerations
                                                                                              presenting author:
                      16.00–16.15     Orthognathic surgery in osteogenesis                    E. Farmakis
                      L23             imperfecta: challenges and
                                      possibilities–a case report               17.30–17.45   Treatment of traumatic injury in
                                      presenting author:                        L29           young transplanted Patient in a
                                      Isabela Soares de Castro                                intensive care center–a case report
                                                                                               presenting author:
                      16.15–16.30     Fifteen-year follow up and dental                       Isabela Soares de Castro
                      L24             treatments of a patient with
                                      Angelman syndrome–a case report
                                      presenting author:
                                      Meng Ling Chiang

                      16.30–16.45     Speech, eating and saliva control in
                      L25             rare diseases– a database study
                                      presenting author:
                                      Lotta Sjögreen

                      17.30           WELCOME RECEPTION iADH, BDO, EFOSS

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LEcTURE haLL c | ThURSdaY, 2Nd ocToBER 2014


                                                                                                                                         LEcTURE haLL c
11.15–11.30                            Upgrading access and delivery of den-     15.00–15.15   Dental Health Education for Children
L01                                    tal services to a Homeless population     L11           with Intellectual Disability
                                       presenting author: Emma Corrigan                        presenting author: Stella Lesmana

11.30–11.45                            The parental/caregiver perspectives       15.15–15.30   Special Care Dentistry curriculum:
L03                                    of the oral health related quality        L12           Are we training them right?
                                       of life of special needs children in                    presenting author: Jacob John
                                       relation to orthodontics
                                       presenting author: Timucin Ari            15.30–16.00   Coffee Break

11.45–12.00                            Management of patients with               16.00–16.15   Developing a post-graduate curri-
L04                                    intellectual disabilities from a dental   L13           culum in Special Care Dentistry–
                                       care network                                            by consensus
                                       presenting author: Elisabeth Dursun                     presenting author:
                                                                                               Alison Jane Dougall
12.00–12.15                            Developing a special care service for
L05                                    special needs children. Have we           16.15–16.30   French translation of the IADH
                                       archived our goals?                       L14           undergraduate curriculum in Special
                                       presenting author: Teniola Oyeleye                      Care Dentistry
                                                                                               presenting author: Denise Faulks
12.15–12.30                            Special Needs Dentistry in Malaysia:
L06                                    The development of an idea into           16.30–16.45   Teaching Special Needs Dentistry to
                                       reality                                   L15           undergraduate students in rural
                                       presenting author: Siti Zaleha Hamzah                   communities–an Australian experience
                                                                                               presenting author: Warren Shnider
12.30–14.00                            Lunch
                                                                                 16.45–17.00   Dental care to patients in advanced
14.00–14.15                            Oral health–what information does         L16           stages of Alzheimer's disease under
L07                                    ICF-CY provide in addition to ICD-DA?                   intravenous sedation with midazolam
                                       presenting author: Johanna Norderyd                     presenting author: Almir Oliva Filho

14.15–14.30                            What should dental services for           17.00–17.15   Dental Elder Abuse and Neglect:
L08                                    people with disabilities be like?         L17           Building a Dental Advance Care Plan
                                       presenting author:                                      presenting author: Natalie Archer
                                       Caoimhin Mac Giolla Phadraig
                                                                                 17.15–17.30   A vision of the future of special needs
14.30–14.45                            Making sense of consensus: A focus        L18           dentistry in Japan based on the path
L09                                    group with people with disabilities                     to date of the JSDH
                                       asking what should dental services                      presenting author: Katsuya Ogata
                                       be like?
                                       presenting author:
                                       Caoimhin Mac Giolla Phadraig

14.45–15.00                            Ethical issues raised by dental care
L10                                    to mental disabled persons
                                       presenting author: Ariane Camoin

17.30                                   WELCOME RECEPTION iADH, BDO, EFOSS

22nd iadh congress
iNTERNaTioNaL aSSociaTioN FoR diSaBiLiTY aNd oRaL hEaLTh                                                                                                  11
FRidaY, 3Rd ocToBER 2014 | LEcTURE haLL a

                      KEYNOTE LECTURES
     LEcTURE haLL a

                      09.00–09.45    The Internet: Individuals are            09.45–10.30   Can we generate Missing Teeth?
                                     Transforming, Society is being                         Prof. Werner Götz/University of Bonn,
                                     Disrupted                                              Germany
                                     Joakim Jardenberg/Helsingborg,
                                     Sweden                                   10.30–11.00   Coffee Break


                      11.00–11.40    Dental Treatment under General           12.20–13.00   Dental Treatment under General
                                     Anaesthesia in Germany and                             Anaesthesia in Asia:
                                     Europe: Legal and Organisational                       Legal and Organisational
                                     aspects                                                Aspects
                                     Prof. Jochen Jackowski/University of                   Prof. Shun-Te Huang/Kaohsiung
                                     Witten-Herdecke, Germany                               Medical University, Taiwan

                      11.40–12.20    Provision of General Anesthesia out      13.00–14.30   Lunch
                                     of Hospital: Perspective from the
                                     Americas                                 13.00–13.45   GENERAL ASSEMBLY
                                     Dr. Anthony Caputo/Lutheran Medical
                                     Center, Tucson, USA


                      14.30–15.15    Orthodontics in Patients with            16.30–17.15   New Insights for Maxillary Expansion
                                     Special Needs, Cases and Literature                    in Patients with Down Syndrome
                                     Prof. Ariane Hohoff/University of                      Dr. Maria Teresa Abeleira Pazos/
                                     Münster, Germany                                       University of Compostela, Spain

                      15.15–16.00    The three Phases of Orthodontic Treat-   17.15–18.00   Orthodontic Treatment for Children
                                     ment in Patients with Disabilities                     with Sleep Apnoe
                                     Prof. Heike Korbmacher-Steiner/                        Prof. Edmund Rose/Dietikon,
                                     University of Marburg, Germany                         Switzerland

                      16.00–16.30    Coffee Break

                      20.00          CONGRESSPARTY „STARS IN CONCERT“

                                                                                                        22nd iadh congress
12                                                                                                     iNTERNaTioNaL aSSociaTioN FoR diSaBiLiTY aNd oRaL hEaLTh
LEcTURE haLL B | FRidaY, 3Rd ocToBER 2014


                                                                                                                                        LEcTURE haLL B
09.15–10.00                            Reports on Special Smiles Activities     10.00–10.30   International Special Smiles Activities
                                       Prof. Luc Marks/University of Ghent,                   Prof. Steven Perlman/Boston, USA
                                                                                10.30–11.00   Coffee Break


11.00–11.15                            Oral health in adult athletes parti-     11.45–12.00   The oral health status of Special
L30                                    cipating in the national German          L33           Olympics athletes in India
                                       Special Olympics                                       presenting author: Reena R. Kumar
                                       presenting author: Abdul-Razak Bissar
                                                                                12.00–12.15   Caries status of patients with
11.15–11.30                            Oral health changes in Belgian Special   L34           intellectual disabilities in Mexico
L31                                    Olympics athletes between 2012 and                     presenting author:
                                       2013                                                   Elisa Luengas Quintero
                                       presenting author: Carla Fernandez
                                                                                12.30–13.00   Poster Session Special Smiles
11.30–11.45                            The oral health status of Special
L32                                    Olympics athletes in Greece              13.00–14.30   Lunch
                                       presenting author:
                                       Dimitris Emmanouil


14.30–15.15                            The Spectrum of Cerebral Palsy:          16.30–17.15   Conductive Therapy for People with
                                       a Challenge for the Dentist                            Cerebral Palsy
                                       Dr. Roger Weis/Mainz, Germany                          Dr. Wolfram Gunkel/Münster, Germany

15.15–16.00                            Oral Problems of Patients with           17.15–18.00   Overview of Orthodontic Treatment
                                       Cerebral Palsy                                         for Patients with Cerebral Palsy
                                       Prof. Klaus Pieper/University of                       Prof. Pedro Diz Dios/University of
                                       Marburg, Germany                                       Compostela, Spain

16.00–16.30                            Coffee Break

20.00                                   CONGRESSPARTY „STARS IN CONCERT“

22nd iadh congress
iNTERNaTioNaL aSSociaTioN FoR diSaBiLiTY aNd oRaL hEaLTh                                                                                                 13
FRidaY, 3Rd ocToBER 2014 | LEcTURE haLL c

                      EDUCATION SYMPOSIUM
     LEcTURE haLL c

                      10.00–13.00    iADH initiatives in education             Aims of session:
                                     related to special care dentistry         • To update members present on the iADH resources
                                     Lecturers:                                  developed to aid education in SCD
                                     Alison Dougall, Shelagh Thompson,         • To present the new iADH Curriculum Guidance for
                                     June Nunn, Denise Faulks,                   study at the postgraduate level
                                     Tim Newton                                • To present the work underway by an iADH research
                                                                                 network to develop a toolkit to measure attitudes and
                      13.00–14.30    Lunch                                       behaviours in students


                      14.30–14.45    Osteoporosis, is it a risk factor for     16.30–16.45       Relationships between oral
                      L36            development of Periimplantitis?           L42               complications and days to death in
                                     presenting author:                                          palliative care patients
                                     Jose Ramon Corcuera                                         presenting author: Koichiro Matsuo

                      14.45–15.00    Guidelines for improving the oral         16.45–17.00       The barriers of unmet dental needs
                      L37            health of people with dysphagia.          L44               among children with developmental
                                     presenting author: Grace Kelly                              delay
                                                                                                 presenting author: Yu-Chen Yeh
                      15.00–15.15    Improving the oral health of renal
                      L38            patients in Wolverhampton, UK             17.00–17.15       The oral habits and occlusal status
                                     presenting author: Jennifer Hare          L45               of children with developmental delay
                                                                                                 presenting author: Cheng-Wie Yen
                      15.15–15.30    Discussion
                                                                               17.15–17.30       A study on the influence of colours
                      15.30–15.45    Improving the care pathway for            L46               in dental practice on the child’s
                      L40            special care patients in Cardiff Dental                     behavior
                                     Hospital                                                    presenting author: Salwa Al-Habsi
                                     presenting author: Claire Curtin
                                                                               17.30–17.45       Oral health of children with special
                      15.45–16.00    Universal Design for special care         L47               health care needs: multidisciplinary
                      L41            patients with dentures as                                   working collaboration
                                     measurements for comfortable                                presenting author:
                                     oral rehabilitation                                         Romer Alfonso Ocanto
                                     presenting author:
                                     Richard Leesungbok

                      16.00–16.30    Coffee Break

                      20.00          CONGRESSPARTY „STARS IN CONCERT“

                                                                                                             22nd iadh congress
14                                                                                                           iNTERNaTioNaL aSSociaTioN FoR diSaBiLiTY aNd oRaL hEaLTh
TEamPRoGRamm | FRidaY, 3Rd ocToBER 2014


                                                                                                                                    Room 2
09.00–09.15                            Begrüßung/Einführung in die         09.45–10.30      Lebenswelt von Menschen mit
                                       Thematik                                             Behinderung
                                       Dr. Imke Kaschke MPH/Berlin,                         Jutta Pagel-Steidl/Stuttgart, Germany
                                                                           10.30–11.00      Coffee Break
09.15–09.45                            Medizinische Grundlagen
                                       Prof. Dr. Peter Martin/Kehl-Kork,


11.00–12.30                            Prophylaxe/Behandlung               12.30–14.00      Lunch
                                       Dr. Katharina Bücher/München,
                                       Prof. Roswita Heinrich-Weltzien/
                                       Jena, Germany

14.00–15.30                            Prophylaxe/Behandlung               17.15–17.30      Verabschiedung der Teilnehmer/-innen
                                       Silvia Reichmann (DH)/Kernen,                        Dr. Volker Holthaus/Bad-Segeberg,
                                       Germany                                              Germany
                                       Dr. Guido Elsäßer/Kernen, Germany
                                                                           (deutsche Sprache/german language)
15.30–16.00                            Coffee Break

16.00–17.15                            Best practice – Beispiele aus der

20.00                                   CONGRESSPARTY „STARS IN CONCERT“

22nd iadh congress
iNTERNaTioNaL aSSociaTioN FoR diSaBiLiTY aNd oRaL hEaLTh                                                                                     15
C o n c e rt"
     "Stars in g Event
                  Evenin                       gress
                              st Annual BDO Con
                   gres s & 31
      22nd iadh con

                                                Evening Event "Stars in Concert"
                                                "Stars in Concert" features live performances portraying
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                                                Robbie Williams, Amy Winehouse and many more. It’s
                                                one of the biggest and most popular shows in Berlin!
                                                The "Stars in Concert" artists are the world’s top look-
                                                and-sound-alike artists, making them at times virtually
                                                indistinguishable from the real thing. And the outstan-
                                                ding accompanying band, dancers and professional
                                                lighting and technical staff ensure that "Stars in Concert"
                                                is an unforgettable theatrical experience.

                 Friday, 3rd October, 2014 – at 8 pm                                 85,– € per person
                 including the show „Stars in Concert“, Berlin-style buffet, wine, beer and soft drinks

                                               TICKETS AT THE CONGRESS REGISTRATION

LEcTURE haLL a | SaTURdaY, 4Th ocToBER 2014


                                                                                                                                      LEcTURE haLL a
09.00–09.45                            Hemostasis in Patients with Bleeding    10.15–10.45   Periodontal and other Risk Factors for
                                       Disorders                                             Patients with a Severe Form of
                                       Prof. Michitoki Kinehara/Tokio, Japan                 Epilepsy where Dental Implants
                                                                                             are desired
09.45–10.15                            Local Anaesthesia in Patients with                    Hans Strooker/Leiden, Netherlands
                                       Special Needs
                                       Prof. John Meechan/Newcastle upon       10.45–11.15   Coffee Break
                                       Tyne, UK


11.15–11.50                            Preventive Dental Care following        13.10–14.00   The Global Oral Health Survey –
                                       Treatment under General Anaesthesia                   reaching consensus using the
                                       Prof. Andreas Schulte/University of                   International Classification of
                                       Heidelberg, Germany                                   Functioning (ICF)
                                                                                             Dr. Denise Faulks/University of
11.50–12.30                            Behaviour Management for Children                     Clermont-Ferrand, France
                                       with Special Needs during Oral Care
                                       Prof. Roswitha Heinrich-Weltzien/       14.00–15.00   Closing Ceremony
                                       University of Jena, Germany

12.30–13.10                            The Berlin Dental Health Behaviour
                                       Reiner Grahlen/Berlin, Germany

                                                    LEcTURE haLL B | SaTURdaY, 4Th ocToBER 2014

    MEDICINE AND ORAL MEDICINE IN RARE DISEASES                                                                                       LEcTURE haLLB
09.00–09.45                            Children with Autism Spectrum           09.45–10.45   Oral Manifestations in Patients with
                                       Disorder in Dentistry                                 Sclerodermic Diseases
                                       Prof. Inge Kamp-Becker/University                     Prof. Jochen Jackowski/University of
                                       of Marburg, Germany                                   Witten-Herdecke, Germany

                                                                               10.45–11.15   Coffee Break


11.15–12.00                            An Update on Ectodermal Dysplasia       12.45–13.30   Clinical Aspects in Patients with
                                       Dr. Birgitta Bergendal/National Oral                  Epidermolysis Bullosa
                                       Disability Centre Jönköping, Sweden                   Dr. Susanne Krämer Strenger/Chile

12.00–12.45                            Clinical Aspects in Patients with
                                       Ectodermal Dysplasia
                                       Dr. Katrin Bücher/LM University of
                                       München, Germany

22nd iadh congress
iNTERNaTioNaL aSSociaTioN FoR diSaBiLiTY aNd oRaL hEaLTh                                                                                               17
SaTURdaY, 4Th ocToBER 2014 | LEcTURE haLL c

     LEcTURE haLL c

                      09.00–09.15   Intravenous sedation with propofol for      12.00–12.15   Outpatient dental treatment of a
                      L80           dental patients with disability:            L58           patient with thrombocytopenia
                                    a prospective study in France                             presenting author: Maureen Romer
                                    presenting author: A Loing
                                                                                12.15–12.30   Periapical and endodontic state in
                      09.15–09.30   Optimization of sedation protocol for       L59           type 2 diabetes mellitus spanish
                      L49           dental care delivery in mentally                          population
                                    disabled patients                                         presenting author:
                                    presenting author: Ine Opsomer                            Lizett Castellanos Cosano

                      09.30–09.45   An Irish perspective; Conscious             12.30–12.45   Design of a protocol for oral implant
                      L50           Sedation as an adjunct to the dental        L60           rehabilitation in hemophilic
                                    treatment of patients requiring                           HIV-positive patients
                                    special care dentistry                                    presenting author:
                                    presenting author: Gillian Smith                          Lizett Castellanos Cosano

                      09.45–10.00   What type of dental sedation should         12.45–13.00   A suitable protocol for dental care
                      L51           I offer this special needs patient or       L61           visits in uncooperative adult patients
                                    do we need an anesthesiology team                         presenting author:
                                    for this case?                                            Medardo Gomez Anguiano
                                    presenting author: Frank G. Mathers
                                                                                13.00–13.15   Management of persons with an
                      10.00–10.15   A comparison of procedures in               L62           autistic spectrum disorder in general
                      L52           healthy (ASA I) and compromised                           dental practice
                                    patients (ASA II and ASA III) – a                         presenting author: Philippe Guyet
                                    retrospective Study over 10 years
                                    presenting author: Christoph Schmidt        13.15–13.30   The ambonese banana stem sap gel
                                                                                L63           effectivity in rat gingival wound
                      10.15–10.30   Comparison of two general anesthesia                      healing
                      L53           techniques used for the dental                            presenting author: Masytha Dyah Asti
                                    treatment of special care patients
                                    presenting author: Eugenio Raimondo

                      10.30–10.45   Treatment need of children with
                      L54           special health care (CSHCN)
                                    presenting author: K Rothmaier

                      10.45–11.15   Coffee Break

                      11.15–11.30   CEREC as an alternative to conven-
                      L55           tional impression in patients with
                                    Epidermolysis Bullosa
                                    presenting author: Susanne Krämer

                      11.30–11.45   One year survival, acceptability and
                      L56           feasibility of ART restorations in people
                                    with disability
                                    presenting author: Denise Faulks

                      11.45–12.00   Wrong site extraction–risks in special
                      L57           care dentistry
                                    presenting author: Selina Thea Master

                                                                                                          22nd iadh congress
18                                                                                                        iNTERNaTioNaL aSSociaTioN FoR diSaBiLiTY aNd oRaL hEaLTh
LEcTURE haLL d | SaTURdaY, 4Th ocToBER 2014


                                                                                                                                           LEcTURE haLL d
09.15–09.30                            Correlation between ph and buffer of        11.45–12.00   Tourette syndrome and procedures
L64                                    saliva with DMFT Index of people            L73           related to dental treatment; a review
                                       with intellectual disabilities                            of the literature
                                       presenting author:                                        presenting author: Pernille Endrup
                                       Ahmad Faris Adli Izzuddin
                                                                                   12.00–12.15   Investigation of caries prevalence and
09.30–09.45                            Oral health and behavior manage-            L74           BMI correlation in Down Syndrome
L66                                    ment in children with mental                              children
                                       disorders                                                 presenting author: Nilay Tomacoglu
                                       presenting author: Kirsten Schmied
                                                                                   12.15–12.30   Dental erosion In patients with Down
09.45–10.00                            Microbiological effects of surgery in       L75           Syndrome
L67                                    cleft lippalate infants during primary                    presenting author:
                                       denition                                                  Maria Hyder Soomro
                                       presenting author:
                                       Muesser Ahu Durhan                          12.30–12.45   Dentinogenesis imperfecta and other
                                                                                   L76           oral findings in 72 patients with
10.00–10.15                            What are the fears, thoughts, and                         osteogenesis imperfecta
L68                                    barriers to oral health care for children                 presenting author: Dorte Haubek
                                       with disabilities in Ireland?–A
                                       parents’ perspective                        12.45–13.00   Profiles of orofacial dysfunction using
                                       presenting author: Siobhan Stapleton        L77           the Nordic Orofacial Test-Screening
10.15–10.30                            Using pictorial support to prepare                        presenting author: Birgitta Bergendal
L69                                    children with communicative disability
                                       for dental care                             13.00–13.15   Effects of oralmotor treatment after
                                       presenting author: Lisa Bengtsson           L78           radiation and surgery of temporo-
                                                                                                 mandibular (TM) joint–a case report
10.30–10.45                            Toothbrushing training programme                          presenting author: Malik Mahic
L70                                    for adolescents with intellectual
                                       disabilities                                13.15–13.30   The experience of twin block in Iraq
                                       presenting author:                          L79           presenting author:
                                       Maura Helena Haran                                        Mohammad Rafid Ali

10.45–11.15                            Coffee Break

11.15–11.30                            Dental health of recipients of Special
L71                                    Care Dentistry in Denmark
                                       presenting author: Maiken Bagger

11.30–11.45                            An oral health preventive program
L72                                    at nursing homes in Copenhagen
                                       City, Denmark
                                       presenting author: Borge Hede

22nd iadh congress
iNTERNaTioNaL aSSociaTioN FoR diSaBiLiTY aNd oRaL hEaLTh                                                                                                    19

                         NO        TITLE                                                                     PRESENTING AUTHOR

                         POSTER SESSION 1: CASE PRESENTATIONS
     PoSTER 01–19, 135

                         Poster Viewing Time where presenters have to be present at the poster: Thursday 15.30–16.15

                         P01       Dental management of patients with muscular dystophy:                     Christina Reppa
                                   presentation of 2 cases

                         P02       Dental management of patients with ectodermal dysplasia:                  Rodoula Pitrou
                                   presentation of 2 cases

                         P03       Case report of treatment of a 7-year-old child with severe                Maria Sifakaki
                                   maxillary deficiency due to trauma

                         P04       Autologous blood injection for treatment of recurrent                     Kikuo Takahashi
                                   temporomandibular joint dislocation in the patient with disabilities

                         P05       Oral rehabilitation in a Down Syndrome patient–a case report.             Mariana Armada

                         P06       Interdisciplinary care in a patient with Noonan Syndrome–                 Mayra Alvarez
                                   Presentation of a clinical case.

                         P07       Oral care of a leukaemia patient under mechanical ventilation–            Harushi Yoshida
                                   a case report

                         P08       Prevention of postdental treatment infections in a patient with           Yasuka Kusumoto

                         P09       Green teeth associated with neonatal hyperbilirubinemia–                  Anna Maria Cuevas Dimanlig
                                   review and case report

                         P10       Management for the medically compromised dental patients: a case          Ming-Hsuan Sheen
                                   of arteriovenous malformation

                         P11       Challenges in maintaining regular oral hygiene–a case report              Ban YM Hikmat

                         P12       A paediatric case of congenital pseudobulbar palsy wherein                Kohji Murakami
                                   swallowing and tongue habilitation enabled oral ingestion

                         P13       Dental Management of Hemophilia A with Amelogenesis                       Iffet Yazicioglu
                                   Imperfecta–a case report

                         P14       Epidermolysis Bullosa–a case report                                       İlknur Tanboğa

                         P15       Drug-induced gingival enlargement in post brain                           Yu-Chia Liu
                                   damage patients–a case report

                         P16       Dental approach in hospitalized patient with Wilson's disease in          Isabela Soares de Castro
                                   the ICU–a case report

                         P17       The control of the dental fear and anxiety of deaf child–a case report    Rita de Cássia Escobar de
                                                                                                             Arruda Brasil

                         P18       Desmoplastic ameloblastoma and histopathological features–                Lamia Kissi
                                   a case report

                         P19       Clinical report of Elejalde disease: description of its oral conditions   Taciana Mara Couto da Silva

                         P135      Case report of orthodontic treatment for A 40-year-old patient with       I-Chun Tien
                                   cerebral palsy

                                                                                                                    22nd iadh congress
20                                                                                                                  iNTERNaTioNaL aSSociaTioN FoR diSaBiLiTY aNd oRaL hEaLTh

    NO                 TITLE                                                                          PRESENTING AUTHOR


                                                                                                                                   PoSTER 20–44
     Poster Viewing Time where presenters have to be present at the poster: Friday 10.30–11.15

     P20                Caries patterns of children with developmental delay in                       Quing Ying Low
                        Southern Taiwan
     P21                Caries experience of children with haemophilia in Lithuania                   Ruta Zaliuniene
     P22                Prevalence of dental caries and enamel hypoplasia in children                 Anita Misztalewska
                        with Chronic Kidney Disease: a pilot study
     P23                The roles and activities of dental hygienists at house call treatment         Shoko Ooka
     P24                Prevalence of malocclusion in people with disabilities                        Osmar Aparecido Cuoghi
     P25                Long-term impact of oral health intervention for adults with                  Ines Olmos
                        intellectual disabilities
     P26                Oral health for people with disabilities                                      Ana Lucia Bombonatti
     P27                Knowledge and perception of oral health in a population of                    Dr. Aderonke Omolola Oluwo
                        emotionally challenged adolescents
     P28                Evaluation of dental caries,oral hygiene and drooling status of               Vasilki Tzifa
                        celebral-palsied children
     P29                Intraoral bacterium counter (Bacterium Counter®):
                        from development to clinical application                                      Haruki Tashiro
     P30                Prevalence and Microbiological Profile of Periodontal Disease in              Teresita Graciala Ferrary
                        Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
     P31                Characteristics of feeding behaviour in weaning period of                     Takafumi Ooka
                        autism-model rat pups
     P32                The effect of Hydrolyzed Protamine on gingival inflammation                   Yoko Tanaka
     P33                The effect of PepD on gingival fibroblasts and bronchial epithelium           Mitsue Hishinuma
     P34                The effect of hydrolyzed protamine on gingival fibroblasts stimulated         Manabu Yaguchi
                        with Candida albicans
     P35                A comprehensive case study of Regional Odontodysplasia including              Sabrina Junge
                        electron microscopy
     P36                Development of bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the                    Huan Fan
                        jaw (BRONJ) model
     P37                Validity of self report measures and salivary hemoglobin level for            Sunhei Nam and Hoi-In Jung
                        screening of periodontitis for disabled people
     P38                Hyper-IgE syndrome: relations between oral infections and physical            Haruko Fujita
     P40                Investigation of skeletal muscle mass and relevant factors in the elderly     Keiichiro Sagawa
     P41                Factors that influence intraoral bacterial count in healthy elderly persons   Hiroyasu Furuya

     P42                Factors related to decrease in ADL in elderly persons under home care         Sae Genkai
     P43                The relationship between dry mouth condition and medication                   Mami Endoh
                        among dependent Japanese elderly
     P44                Papillary atrophy of the tongue of elderly persons                            Yasuaki Kakinoki

22nd iadh congress
iNTERNaTioNaL aSSociaTioN FoR diSaBiLiTY aNd oRaL hEaLTh                                                                                          21

                             NO         TITLE                                                                     PRESENTING AUTHOR

                             POSTER SESSION 3: DENTO-MEDICAL TREATMENT
     PoSTER 45–61, 94, 133

                             Poster Viewing Time where Presenters have to be present at the Poster: Friday 16.00–16.45

                             P45        Dental treatment of 283 Greek patients with special health                Anastasia Babatzia
                                        care needs.

                             P46        Effect site concentrations of propofol for dental treatment under         Kwang-Suk Seo
                                        deep sedation in intellectually disabled patients

                             P47        Outreach model of care for patients in assisted accommodation             Natalie Oprea

                             P48        Evaluation of dental treatment adaptability for patient with              Yukiko Kori
                                        pervasive developmental disorder (PDD)

                             P49        Preparation of dental prosthesis and oral rehabilitation in a patient     Hiroki Shindo
                                        with swallowing disorder due to crossed hemiplegia after bra

                             P50        Anesthetic management during dental treatment for a patient with          Kenichiro Shinohara
                                        congenital asplenia syndrome

                             P51        A protocol for patients undergoing dental treatment and taking            Emily Sherwin
                                        new oral anticoagulants

                             P52        Use of CHX 0,20 % and CHX 0,20 % + CHLOROBUTANOL                          Juan Manuel Gone Benites
                                        after extractive surgery

                             P53        A trial of evaluation of stress caused by dental treatment in severe      Atsushi Kato
                                        motor and intellectual disabilities and autistic persons usin

                             P54        Guidelines in treatment of patients with disabilities in general          Daniel Pörtner

                             P55        A study of intravenous sedation in a centre for special needs dentistry   Hsin-Yu Hu

                             P56        How are treatment planning decisions made for dental treatment            Danielle Louise McGeown
                                        provided under general anaesthesia in adult Special Care patients?

                             P57        Tooth loss and prosthetic treatment in dependent and functionally         Angelika RI Lantto
                                        impaired individuals

                             P58        The change of clinical examination`s data between pre- and               Takehide Hashimoto
                                        post-operation for dental treatments under general anesthesia in patient

                             P59        Critical Pathway on Dental Conscious Sedation for the Disabled Children   Tae-Sung Jeong

                             P60        Dental treatment in a patient with tuberous sclerosis                     Dimitris Emmanouil

                             P61        Malocclusions in patients with disabilities or chronical illness          Karolina Gerreth

                             P94        Does dental treatment under general anesthesia improve oral health        Juhea Chang
                                        related quality of life of intellectually disabled patients?

                             P133       Successful microsurgical fibula free flap reconstruction for huge         Ik Jae Kwon
                                        ameloblastoma in a schizophrenic patient.

                                                                                                                         22nd iadh congress
22                                                                                                                       iNTERNaTioNaL aSSociaTioN FoR diSaBiLiTY aNd oRaL hEaLTh

    NO                 TITLE                                                                      PRESENTING AUTHOR


                                                                                                                                   PoSTER 62–82
     Poster Viewing Time where Presenters have to be present at the Poster: Thursday 13.15–14.00

     P62                Orthodontic, prosthodontic and periodontal treatment of a                 Ana Maria Alonso
                        patient with Asperger Syndrome

     P63                Oral health from the perspective of a psychiatric institution’s           Leonardo Victor Galvao Moreira
                        professional team

     P64                How can we support safe and tasty feeding of people with disability?      Kaori Tomita

     P65                Introduction of a support apparatus in dental treatment for patients      Miyu Hosotsubo
                        with disability

     P66                A case of swallowing disorder probably caused by psychological burden Takashi Tohara

     P67                Cervical outline detection method for measuring laryngeal movement        Akiko Takahashi
                        –detection of differences in food textures–

     P68                Masticatory performance in rehabilitating stroke patients                 Yoshinao Asahi

     P69                Prevalence of enamel hypoplasia and oral motor dysfunction in             Edith Falconi
                        premature babies

     P70                Acute kidney injury caused by severve calculus?                           Shan-Shan Huang

     P71                Supporting system of feeding instruction for student in a special         Shigemi Nishimura
                        needs school

     P72                Could ethical tensions revealed by mentally disabled patients             Alessandra Blaizot
                        explain dental needs?

     P73                An Observational Behavioral Coding System and Rating Scale of             Mio Ieng Chu
                        Children Dental Fear

     P74                Oral Health and treatment of persons with disabilities–                   Dejan Ostojic
                        a retrospective study

     P75                Removable denture fabrication for the cerebral palsy patient              Shigeru Hanatani
                        using a FGP technique

     P76                Relationships between oral problems and QOL in palliative care patients. Daisuke Kanamori

     P77                The oral health of children with multiple disabilities: Contribution of   Olivia Antonelli
                        hospital multidisciplinary consultation

     P78                Orbital prosthesis using dental implant in the eyeball exenteration patient Mi Young Eo

     P79                Obesity and Conscious Sedation: the body mass indices of our patients? Mary Clarke

     P80                Oral health status for patients of hospitalized Prolonged Traumatic       Junichi Yasuda
                        Brain Dysfunction

     P81                How well do accompanying persons know our special patients?–              Finbar A O'Mahony
                        a focus study.

     P82                The Universitary Extension Project "Playing and Smiling"                  Paulo Sedlacek

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                         NO         TITLE                                                                     PRESENTING AUTHOR

     PoSTER 83–89

                         Poster Viewing Time where Presenters have to be present at the Poster: Thursday 13.15–14.00

                         P83        Periodontal evaluation in patients with kidney transplants                Rafael Souza
                                    under immunosuppressive therapy

                         P84        Study on change of the stress degree in oral care                         Eri Arikawa

                         P85        Dentistry for Palliative Care Patiens–Brazilian experience                Almir Oliva Filho

                         P86        Dental treatment in renal transplanted patients at a private university   Elcio Magdalena Giovani

                         P87        Epidemiological diagnosis of oral conditions and prevention methods       Elcio Magdalena Giovani
                                    of renal transplanted patients

                         P88        Periodontal disease in HIV genotypic haart resistance                     Elcio Magdalena Giovani

                         P89        Evaluation of the activity of the dental unit at the department of        Sofia Haitami
                                    cardiology CHU Ibn Rochd Casablanca between 2009 and 2013

                         POSTER SESSION 6: SPECIAL SMILES
     PoSTER 90–92, 134

                         Poster Viewing Time where Presenters have to be present at the Poster: Friday 12.30–13.00

                         P90        Oral health in German Special-Olympic athletes–comparison                 Andreas Wagner
                                    of regional data

                         P91        Dental health trends of Romanian Special Olympics athletes                Arina Vinereanu
                                    between 2005–2013

                         P92        Oral health care needs in Special Olympics atletes in Belgium             Michel de Decker

                         P134       Oral health status of German Special Olympics athletes                    Imke Kaschke

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   NO                  TITLE                                                                      PRESENTING AUTHOR


                                                                                                                                      PoSTER 93–114
    Poster Viewing Time where Presenters have to be present at the Poster: Saturday 10.45–11.30

    P93                The quality of life of Greek children with hypodontia                      Vassiliki Liontou

    P95                Dental School Students’ Attitudes toward the Disabled in Korea             Hyo-Seol Lee

    P96                Oral health among students with special health care needs in               Marco Dziwak
                       Thuringia, Germany

    P97                Community-liaison Clinical Pathways to Improve the Oral                    Masahiko Egusa
                       Health-related QOL of Individuals with Disabilities

    P98                The Role of University hospital with Dysphagia rehabilitation              Tomoyo Jinushi
                       therapy in Japan

    P99                Oral status and care conditions of the disabled who reside at home         Tien-Cheng Chiang

    P100               Oral health programm in a special needs school                             Kaori Oshio

    P101               Oral health status and treatment needs of children with                    Stefan Zimmer
                       disabilities in Sana'a, Yemen

    P102               Diploma in Special Care Dentistry                                          Kathy Wilson

    P103               Improving Dental Care and Oral Health among Adults with                    Marc Auerbacher
                       Special Health Care Needs (ASHCN)

    P104               Oral health status of students with different disabilities                 Elli Hempel
                       from Erfurt, Germany

    P105               Oral and dental health of children with phenylketonuria                    Ozant Oncag

    P106               Oral health and Down syndrome: Parents’ views on dental                    Isabelle Descamps
                       care in Belgium

    P107               The 25-year evolution of special needs dentistry in a medical              Szu-yu Hsiao
                       centre in Taiwan

    P108               Results of the collaboration: Public Dental Service in Berlin-Pankow       Joanna Gräfin von Kageneck
                       with the Stephanus-School

    P109               Clinical time required to provide dental care for patients with learning   Susanne Krämer
                       disabilities compared to healthy patients

    P110               Health-promoting behaviours and dental status of special-care              Karolina Gerreth

    P111               Development and pilot testing of a mobile health solution for main         Rafael Celestino Souza
                       oral manifestations and oral health care in patients with special needs

    P112               Evaluation of special needs curriculum: pediatric dental                   Romer Alfonso Ocanto
                       residents’ knowledge, satisfaction

    P113               Preliminary evaluation of dental student’s perception of the degree        Rafael Celestino Souza
                       of difficulty of the ICF in the Special Care Dentistry

    P114               Oral health of patients with Mucopolysaccharidosis in Amazonas State       Eliane de Oliveira Aranha Ribeiro

22nd iadh congress
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                      NO         TITLE                                                                    PRESENTING AUTHOR

     PoSTER 115–132

                      Poster Viewing Time where Presenters have to be present at the Poster: Friday 16.00–16.45

                      P115       Oral Characteristics of Noonan Syndrome. Case Series of 11 Patients.     Olga Panagopoulou

                      P116       Dysphagia therapy for Rett syndrome patients                             Fumiyo Tamura

                      P117       Girl with an erupted first molar at 3, 5 years–an unknown syndrome.      Theres Kristina Poulsen

                      P118       Dental treatment considerations for a rare case of Hutchinson-Gilford    Li-Chuan Chuang
                                 progeria syndrome

                      P119       Dental anomalies in patients with Down Syndrome                          Osmar Aparecido Cuoghi

                      P120       Dental Management for Sotos Syndrome: A report of 5 patients             Zenkou Nakamura

                      P121       Oral health status of children with Trisomy 21 living in Riyadh,         Maha Abdullah AlSarheed
                                 Saudi Arabia

                      P122       Clinical and genetic studies in families with tooth agenesis             Bilal Ahmad

                      P123       Implant-prosthetic rehabilitation of patients with Fragile X syndrome    Luigi Montella

                      P124       Multidisciplinary dental treatment of two children with                  Dora Lyratzopoulou
                                 Goldenhar syndrome

                      P125       Meckel Gruber Syndrome: Interrelation between Medicine and               Isabela Soares De Castro
                                 Dentistry for the improvement in quality of life in syndromic patients

                      P126       Phenotype, genotype and dental management of Kohlschütter-Tönz           Marie-Cecile Maniere
                                 syndrome–a case series study

                      P127       Van der Woude Syndrome: a family case report                             Ugo Ordioni

                      P128       Dental treatment in a patient with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome           Jiwon Hong
                                 under general anesthesia

                      P129       Phelan McDermid Syndrome–a case report                                   Helena Yli-Urpo

                      P130       Identification of an undiagnosed Kabuki Make-up Syndrome Patient         Mi-Yeon Lee

                      P131       Dental Management of a female child diagnosed with Opsoclonus-           Aikaterini Tzouanaki
                                 Myoclonus-Ataxia Syndrome (Dancing Eye-Dancing Feet Syndrome)

                      P132       Oral manifestations of alpha-manosidosis in a 12-year-old boy            Lila Papadopoulou

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