Page created by David Ortega
3 – 7 F E B R UA RY 2020

                                                       co u n ts ­
                                   E ar ly B ir d D is
                                                        b er 20 19 !
                                   u n ti l 13 D ec em


INTO THE UNKNOWN                                                                MISSION: SHAPING THE FUTURE
                                                                  Jutta Eckstein has the overall responsibility for the content quality of        IT technology on our society. This is also one reason why demands for      This year, I am especially looking forward to the track „Fusion: IT-Fu-
                                                                  the OOP Conference. As independent coach, consultant and trainer, she           ethical rules in IT have been increasingly moved the fore. They range      ture-Society“, in which we would like to inspire you to think in new
                                                                  helps companies to enable agility on an organizational level.                   from ethical core principles to a Hippocratic oath for IT professionals.   directions with (un)appropriate lectures. Plus, on the agenda are social
          Jutta Eckstein
           Program Chair                                                                                                                          However, what all ideas have in common, is that IT specialists need        issues topics, such as how to deal with critical-classified IT systems for
         OOP Conference                                           Hardly any other occupational field is as diverse and broadly diversi-          to develop a greater awareness of the use of their code should. For        elections. As every year, you are welcome to join the practice-oriented
                                                                  fied as that of Software Architects. At the same time, there are only           our profession, this means an enormous challenge for each and every        lectures and workshops at the OOP conference. Around 220 prestigious
    Jutta Eckstein has the
 Overall responsibility for                                       a few industries that are so are as dedicated to innovation as we are.          one of us – we are no longer „just engineers and craftsmen“, we are        national and international speakers looking forward to seeing you in
the quality of the content                                        Though, this is both a curse and a blessing: Creating something new             faced with ethical and philosophical questions. At the OOP 2020, we        Munich and are happy to share with you their knowledge, enthusiasm
  of the OOP Conference.                                          means a high responsibility towards our customers, our employees and            would like to take up the discourse about an extended understanding        and perhaps also their concerns around the topics Software Architec-
As an independent coach,
   consultant and trainer,                                        colleagues, and in the end also towards our society. In many countries          of IT and, in addition to concentrated knowledge, we would also like       ture, Product Discovery and Business Share Agility. I am already very
 she supports companies                                           of the world, our developments have an impact on economic growth,               to provide inspiration and impulses for thought.                           excited about the next OOP and look forward to meeting you at the
to facilitate an agile work                                       and global challenges such as climate change are supposed to be solved                                                                                     conference!
                                                                  with the help of IT technologies. As a consequence, IT is seen as po-           Our eleven tracks chairs together with our 95 reviewers from the de-
                                                                  tential vehicle for a better world that requires exploring new solutions        veloper community have designed a program for this purpose choosing        Best regards,
                                                                  and ways. But: If you pursue your profession as a software architect            from a total of 410 submissions. We were able to include approximately     Jutta Eckstein
                                                                  responsibly today, you have to see the bigger picture and look beyond           170 presentations in the OOP 2020 program. There will also be new          Program Chair OOP Conference
                                                                  your daily business. The touch points between IT and „normal life“ are          tracks this year, including „Agile Enterprise Architecture“, „DevOps &
                                                                  already too diverse, plus, there is a great influence of algorithms and         Continuous Everything“ and „Modern Programming & C++17/C++20“.

MONDAY, 03 FEBRUARY 2020 |                                                TUTORIALS

            10.00 am – 1.00   Mo 1 – Full Day                    Mo 2 – Full Day                         Mo 3 – Full Day                     Mo 4 – Full Day              Mo 5 – Half Day                Mo 6 – Half Day                Mo 7 – Half Day                 Mo 8 – Half Day
                              Kill Legacy Code – wie man alten   High Tech Metrics For Low Tech          Wenn‘s richtig dicke kommt –        Domain-Driven-­Design-       Was macht Machine              Agile Motivation In            Into The Unknown Of             Der Architektur­
             Coffee Break     Code wieder wartbar bekommt        Boards – How To Set Your Teams          ­Krisensituationen in der IT        Tutorial: Strategisches      Learning anders?               ­Action – Concrete             Design For Testability          baukasten – Meine Rolle
      11.30 am – 12.00 am     Christian Fischer                  Free                                     meistern                           Design und Context           Oliver Zeigermann               Measures To Translate         Peter Zimmerer                 als Architekt und welche
                              Carsten Thurau                     Michael Mahlberg                        Thomas Ronzon                      Mapping                                                      Autonomous Motivation                                         Werkzeuge ich dafür
                                                                                                          Ralph Miarka                       Henning Schwentner                                           Into Practice                                                 benötige
                                                                                                          Veronika Kotrba                                                                                 Maren Baermann                                               Michael Stal

         1.00 pm – 2.00 pm    Lunch
         2.00 pm – 5.00 pm    Continuation                       Continuation                            Continuation                        Continuation                   Mo 9 – Half Day              Mo 10 – Half Day               Mo 11 – Half Day                Mo 12 – Half Day
                              Mo 1 – Full Day                    Mo 2 – Full Day                         Mo 3 – Full Day                     Mo 4 – Full Day                Sicherheit von               DevOps Culture                 Selbstführung mit The           Agile Requirements
              Coffee Break    Kill Legacy Code – wie man alten   High Tech Metrics For Low Tech          Wenn‘s richtig dicke kommt –        Domain-Driven-­Design-       ­Web­anwendungen:              ­Simulation (With Lego         Responsibility Process™         Engineering
         3.30 pm – 4.00 pm    Code wieder wartbar bekommt        Boards – How To Set Your Teams          ­Krisensituationen in der IT        Tutorial: Strategisches       ­Aktuelle Entwicklungen        And Chocolate Game)           Henning Wolf                    Christof Ebert
                              Christian Fischer                  Free                                     meistern                           Design und Context             Jan Jürjens                   Dana Pylayeva                Nadine Wolf
                              Carsten Thurau                     Michael Mahlberg                        Thomas Ronzon                      Mapping
                                                                                                          Ralph Miarka                       Henning Schwentner
                                                                                                          Veronika Kotrba

         5.15 pm – 6.00 pm    Keynote: Axel Grosse (Axway): Kommen ein Architekt, ein UXer und ein Innovator in eine Software Schmiede …

                              Nmo 1                                                 Nmo 2                                                     Nmo 3                                            Nmo 4                                               Nmo 5
         6.30 pm – 8.00 pm
                              Event-Orientation –                                   Testcontainers –                                          Engaged Strategy Development Using               Scrum@Scale – Systemische Sicht und                 Growing Leadership Agility –
                              Raus aus der Domänenmodell-Falle                      Integrationstesten mit Docker leicht gemacht             ­Liberating Structures                            Werkzeug für die agile Organisation                 Intent & ­Understanding To Avoid Agile
                              Ralf Westphal                                         Stefan Hildebrandt                                        Maryse I. Meinen                                Jürgen Dittmar                                      Transformation Failure
                                                                                                                                                                                               Edgar Rodehack                                      Mike Leber

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Editorial / Conference Program OOP 2020         2
TUESDAY, 04 FEBRUARY 2020 |                                          TALKS

                       Modern Architecture –      Software ­Architecture      Trends & Techniques        Business Agility                 Agile Going Enterprise Ar-   Testing & Quality            Product Discovery, Inno-    DevOps & Continuous          Social Integration
                       Known & Unknown            Maintenance & ­Evolution                                                                chitecture? Or Vice Versa?                                vation & User ­Experience   Everything

  9.00 am – 10.30 am    Di 1.1                    Di 2.1                      Di 3.1                     Di 4.1                           Di 5.1                       Di 6.1                       Di 7.1                      Di 8.1                       Di 9.1
                        Freie Fahrt für die       1) Codeballast über         1) Remote Mob Testing:     1) Warum Ihre Teams mit          Praktisches DDD Top-         1) Ein paar Millionen        1) Ein Tag Offroad –        Missverständnisse über       Agile Motivation –
                       ­Reisendeninformation      Bord?! Erfahrungen aus      Es geht auch über die      Scrum scheitern werden           Down angewendet –            Worte später – Text          „Innovation And Im-         Continuous Delivery          Why Agility Rocks!
                        mit Kafka Streams         der Identifikation von      Distanz!                   Marc Bless                       Strategic Designs für        ­Analytics für Software-­    provement“ im Software      Eberhard Wolff               Maren Baermann
                        Uwe Eisele                nutzlosem Code und dem      Mira Kottmann              2) Wie flankiert man den         Bounded Contexts              Qualitätssicherung in der   Development Center                                       
                        Axel Löhn                 Umgang damit                2) The Oligopoly. What     nötigen Wandel so, dass          Andreas Hinkelmann            Praxis                      Gee Fung Sit
                                                  Tobias Röhm                 Is The Right Mix Of Test   er auch funktioniert?                                          Henning Femmer              Felix Wanie
                                                  2) Libs, Lizenzen, Lösun-   Automation Tools In A      Christoph Steinhauer                                           2) Schwarmintelligenz im    2) Entscheidungen unter
                                                  gen – Tipps zum Umgang      Software Development       Ralf Kruse                                                     Testing – Kollaborative     Unsicherheit – Planung
                                                  mit Third-Party Libraries   Company?                                                                                  Testmethoden in der         in agilen Teams
                                                  Thomas Ronzon               Anastasia Mikitenko                                                                      Praxis                      Harald Müller
                                                                                                                                                                        Benedikt Wörner
                                                                                                                                                                        Katharina Warak

 10.30 am – 11.00 am   Coffee Break
 11.00 am – 12.00 am   Keynote: Anita Sengupta (University Of Southern California): From Flying Cars To Humans On Mars – The Future Of Transportation

  12.00 am – 2.00 pm   Lunch

   2.00 pm – 2.45 pm    Di 1.2                    Di 2.2                      Di 3.2                     Di 4.2                           Di 5.2                       Di 6.2                       Di 7.2                      Di 8.2                       Di 9.2
                        Holistische Sicherheit    The Changing Face           Entropy & Organizational   The Business Case Of             VUCA und die Neudefini-      (Machine) Learning From      „Team in a box“: Agilität   Continuous Integration?      MINDset THE GAP –
                        für Microservice-         Of ETL: Event-Driven        Design – Three Examples    ­(Daily) Journaling              tion der Rolle des Unter-    Failures                     und User-Centered De-       I Don‘t Think That Word      ­Verständnisse und
                       ­Architekturen             Architectures For Data      Uli Hitzel                 Cosima Laube                   nehmensarchitekten bei       Marco Achtziger              sign konsequent leben       Means What You Think It       Missverständnisse zum
                        Mario-Leander Reimer      Engineers                                                                               Lufthansa                    Gregor Endler               Luisa Lucius                Means                         Thema Mindset
                                                  Robin Moffatt                                                                          Eldar Sultanow                                            Nicolas Behle               Michael Mahlberg             Stefan Zumbrägel
                                                                                                                                          Carsten Breithaupt                                                                                                  Henning Wolf

   3.00 pm – 3.45 pm   Keynote: Kai Wähner (Confluent): The Rise Of Event Streaming – Why Apache Kafka Changes Everything

   3.45 pm – 4.15 pm   Coffee Break

   4.15 pm – 5.15 pm   Di 1.3                     Di 2.3                      Di 3.3                     Di 4.3                           Di 5.3                       Di 6.3                       Di 7.3                      Di 8.3                        Di 9.3
                       Lost In Transaction?       Sich selbst im Weg          Continuous Require-        Mit KPIs zum Agilen              Digitale Ökosysteme          Kosten-Nutzen-Berech-        Im Stich gelassen?          IoT im DevOps-Zeitalter:      Kommunikation für
                       Strategies To Manage       ­stehen – welche Archi-     ments Engineering – der    Erfolg                           beginnen dort, wo die        nung von Qualitätsana-       Gernot Starke               Wie funktioniert das?        ­Software-Entwickler und
                       Consistency In Distribu-    tekturfehler Wartung       Kreislauf ins Unbekannte   Markus Wissekal                  Komfortzone aufhört          lysen – Erfahrungen bei                                  Florian Bader                 alle anderen
                       ted Systems                 und Erweiterungen          Mick Hohmann               Stefan Kinigadner                Matthias Naab                der Munich Re                                            Thomas Rümmler                Jens Schauder
                       Bernd Rücker               schwierig machen                                                                       Marcus Trapp                 Elmar Juergens
                                                   Michael Stal                                                                           Matthias Koch                Uwe Proft

   5.15 pm – 5.45 pm   Coffee Break

   5.45 pm – 6.45 pm   Di 1.4                     Di 2.4                      Di 3.4                     Di 4.4                           Di 5.4                        Di 6.4                      Di 7.4                      Di 8.4                       Di 9.4
                       API Design Strategie –     Langlebige Software-­       House of Agile Testing –   Teams Self-Selection –           Eher geht ein Kamel           TDD 2.0 – Situations­       solutionlab – Fusion von    Zehn Jahre                   Wissenschaftlich belegt:
                       Der ultimative Survival    Architekturen – ohne        was gilt es im Rahmen      Getting Ready For The            durch ein Nadelöhr als        bezogen test-first          Innovation und Kultur-      DevOps-­Bewegung –           Wohlfühl-Chefs führen
                       Guide                      Schulden, die Jahrzehnte    einer agilen Transforma­   Unknown                          eine Bank in die Cloud...    ­implementieren              wandel im Unternehmen       ein Rück- und Ausblick       erfolgreicher
                       Lars Röwekamp              überdauern                  tion zu beachten           Dana Pylayeva                   Peter Schnell                 Ralf Westphal               Anke Nehrenberg             Konstantin Diener            Ralph Miarka
                                                  Carola Lilienthal           Thomas Karl                                                                                                           Michael Darsow                                           Veronika Kotrba
                                                                              Nico Liedl                                                                                                            Johannes Mainusch

   7.00 pm – 8.00 pm   „Der ultimative IT-Stammtisch“ | Moderation: Nicolai Josuttis

       from 8.00 pm    Welcome Reception

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Conference Program OOP 2020   3
WEDNESDAY, 05 FEBRUARY 2020 |                                                      TALKS

                       Modern Architecture –         Software ­Architecture        Trends & Techniques         Business Agility            Into The Unknown:        Fusion: IT-Future-Society    Product Discovery, Inno-    Modern Programming          Social Integration
                       Known & Unknown               Maintenance & ­Evolution                                                              ­Where No Software Engi-                              vation & User ­Experience   & C++17/C++20
                                                                                                                                            neer Has Gone Before

  9.00 am – 10.30 am    Mi 1.1                         Mi 2.1                       Mi 3.1                     Mi 4.1                      Mi 5.1                      Mi 6.1                    Mi 7.1                      Mi 8.1                      Mi 9.1
                        1) Homebrew Robocars –         1) Täglich grüßt das Mur-    1) It‘s Dangerous To Go    Die 12xFs der Fairän-       1) Ask Our Live AI Bot      Digitale Ethik mal        1) Domain Prototyping       Kotlin Coroutine Deep       Entscheiden mit
                        eine Plattform für             meltier: Wiederverwen-       Alone: Tools For Turning   derung für Ihre Agile       Hologram How She/He/        ­pragmatisch: Wie man     oder Design Is How It       Dive                        ­Werwölfen und Zombies
                       ­Research, Development         dung immer wieder neu         The Tide                   Evolution                   It Feels In Any Language:    gut und gleichzeitig     Works                       Thomas Künneth               Fabian Schiller
                        und Fortbildung               Klaus Marquardt               Bonnie Aumann             Veronika Kotrba             Reports From The Fron-       erfolgreich sein kann    Tobias Goeschel                                          Emel Siegel
                        Andreas Graf                  Frank Della Contrada         2) 193 Easy Steps To        Ralph Miarka                tiers Of Mixe                Stefan Bente             2) Business Visualisie-
                        2) Die Rolle von Archi-       2) Catch-22: Wie             ­Dev­Opsing Your Mono-                                  Tania Peitzker              Kornelius Fuhrer         rung – eine kreative Rei-
                        tektur im Zeitalter von KI    ­verbessert man nicht         lith                                                   2) Industrial AI Enables                              se in die Welt von Role
                        und autonomen Systemen         (mehr) änderbare             Cat Swetel                                            Digital Companions                                    Model Canvas und Co.
                        Matthias Naab                ­Software-Systeme?                                                                    Rebecca Johnson                                       Christian Botta
                        Dominik Rost                   Herbert Dowalil                                                                     Siggi Duell                                          Daniel Reinold

 10.30 am – 11.00 am   Coffee Break

 11.00 am – 11.45 am   Mi 1.2                        Mi 2.2                        Mi 3.2                       Mi 4.2                     Mi 5.2                      Mi 6.2                    Mi 7.2                      Mi 8.2                      Mi 9.2
                       Functional Architecture       Leichtgewichte Soft-          Agile EAM ist wie ein        Erfahrungsbericht:         Usability Engineering       Open Source Is Feeding    Orientierung im Un-         Ready For Rust              5 Dinge für erfolgreiches
                       In Action                     ware-Architektur mit          schwarzer Schimmel           ­Umstellung des gesam-     mit agiler Software-Ent-    The World                 bekannten – Struktur        Erik Dörnenburg            Remote-Arbeiten
                       Michael Sperber              Architecture Decision         Annegret Junker             ten Unternehmens auf        wicklung verheiraten        Ralph Müller             für die Digital Design                                  Sven Peters
                                                     Records und Qualitäts­                                    eine agile soziokratische   Carola Lilienthal                                     Konzeption
                                                     szenarien                                                 ­Organisation               Eugen Reiswich                                        David Gilbert
                                                     Johannes Dienst                                            Johannes Bergsmann                                                               Dirk Röder

 12.00 am – 12.45 pm   Keynote: Holger Urban und Peter Garzarella (Volkswagen): Volkswagen‘s Journey Towards A Software-Driven Company – Challenges, Chances And Successesn

  12.45 pm – 2.30 pm   Lunch

   2.30 pm – 3.30 pm    Mi 1.3                        Mi 2.3                       Mi 3.3                      Mi 4.3                      Mi 5.3                      Mi 6.3                     Mi 7.3                     Mi 8.3                      Mi 9.3
                        Hybride Architekturen:        Legacy-Software –            Wie Container die           Product Development         Putting Humans Back         Veränderung beginnt        A Bumpy Road…              Wenn einfach einfach        Living Empathie
                        Legacy, Monolith,             ­Sa­nieren statt             Software-Entwicklung        Flow – How To Scale         In The Loop: Using AR       bei mir                   ­Enterprise Delivery        einfach ist: Functional     (erst Verbindung – dann
                       ­Microservices                ­Neumachen!                   ändern – und warum das      Beyond 20 Developers        And VR Effectively In       Stefan Roock               Approaches In A VUCA       Programming mit Kotlin      Denken und Handeln)
                        Eberhard Wolff                 Ralf Wirdemann              gut so ist                  Johannes Mainusch           ­Industrial Systems         Nadine Wolf                World                      und Scala                   Bettina Ruggeri
                                                       Torsten Lueckow             Daniel Meixner              Benjamin Wiedenmann         Asa MacWilliams                                      Eric Abelen                Benedikt Jerat
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Annemiek Quirijns         Florian Pfleiderer

   3.45 pm – 4.30 pm   Keynote: Tanja Lange (Professorin an der Technische Universiteit Eindhoven): Quantencomputer – der Angriff aus der Zukunft auf unsere Daten von heute

   4.30 pm – 5.00 pm   Coffee Break

  5.00 pm – 6.00 pm    Mi 1.4                        Mi 2.4                        Mi 3.4                      Mi 4.4                      Mi 5.4                      Mi 6.4                     Mi 7.4                     Mi 8.4                      Mi 9.4
                       Microservices &               Warum gute Architektur        Java-Software-Modu-         Reflektieren –              Building Evolutionary       Der Wissenschaftsteil:     Community Based            Thoughts On Learning        Empowerment durch
                       Makro-­Architektur –          nichts mit Code-Qualität      larisierung – aber wie?     Hypothesen aufstellen –     Architectures               Alternative Organisa­     ­Business Models            A New Programming           Sociocracy 3.0
                       Drei ­zentrale                zu tun hat                    ­Empfehlungen mit und       Experimentieren:            Neil Ford                  tionsformen – First        Nils Seesing              Language                    Marc Bless
                       Entwurfsfragen                Stefan Toth                    gegen den Trend            Perpetuum mobile zur                                    Patterns                                              Patricia Aas
                       Stefan Zörner                                                Thorsten Maier             Business Agility                                        Anke Nehrenberg
                                                                                    Christian Dedek            Jutta Eckstein
                                                                                                               Renate Willimann

                       Nmi 1                                                       Nmi 2                                                   Nmi 3                                         Nmi 4                                        Nmi 5
  6.30 pm – 8.00 pm
                       Event Storming in der Praxis                                1x1 technischer Schulden                                Starke Teams – mithilfe von Werkzeugen        Facilitating The Unknown: Leadership         Software Is Eating The World –
                       Henning Schwentner                                          Gernot Starke                                           aus der Psychologie                           ­Integrating Outcomes And Relationships      Even Our Jobs?
                                                                                                                                           Jasmine Zahno                                  Olaf Lewitz                                 Frank Buschmann
                                                                                                                                                                                          Ken Power

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Conference Program OOP 2020   4
THURSDAY, 06 FEBRUARY 2020 |                                                TALKS

                       Modern Architecture –       Architecting Web Apps      Trends & Techniques       Business Agility              Into The Unknown:        Fusion: IT-Future-Society    DevOps & Continuous           Modern Programming            Testing & Quality
                       Known & Unknown             For Humans                                                                         ­Where No Software Engi-                              Everything                    & C++17/C++20
                                                                                                                                       neer Has Gone Before

  9.00 am – 10.30 am    Do 1.1                     Do 2.1                     Do 3.1                    Do 4.1                        Do 5.1                     Do 6.1                     Do 7.1                        Do 8.1                        Do 9.1
                        1) Der Weg zur             1) Micro-Frontends auf     1) Entfalte dein Agi-     1) Wenn Agil die Lösung       Unreasonable               Rituale und Statusspiele   1) Von Containern zu          Parallelität in Java: Wie     1) Programmieren Sie
                       ­Serverless-App             Basis von Webcompo-        les Potenzial – Agile     ist, will ich mein Problem    ­Architecture              in der Business-Welt –     Kubernetes-Operatoren         wähle ich das richtige        noch Unittests oder
                        Leo Lindhorst              nents entwickeln           ­Transformation beginnt   zurück!                        Frank Buschmann           Männer spielen anders      Philipp Krenn                 Parallel-API für mein         ­generieren Sie schon?
                        2) There and back again:   Mark Lubkowitz              in den Menschen          Olaf Lewitz                    Kevlin Henney            als Frauen                 2) Vom Loggen und Feh-        Projekt aus?                   Johannes Bergsmann
                        Migration einer Server-    2) UI-Integration über      Melanie Wohnert          2) Was ist denn                                          Susanne Mühlbauer          ler finden – Elastic Stack    Marwan Abu-Khalil              Johannes Hochrainer
                        less Application aus der   Micro-Frontends mithilfe    Dietmar Wohnert          überhaupt diese                                          Silke Foth                 richtig einsetzen                                            2) Computer‚
                        Cloud nach on-premise      von WebComponents           2) Gemeinsam auf dem     „Agile Organisation“?!                                                              Dirk Tröndle                                                 fix‘ meinen Code!
                        Jens Eickmeyer             Oliver Widder              Weg ins „Agile Abenteu-   Sylvius Gerber                                                                                                                                   Markus Harrer
                                                   Roger Gilliar              er“
                                                                              Liz Helmecke
                                                                              Gerburg Lugo
                                                                              Jasmine Zahno

 10.30 am – 11.00 am   Coffee Break

 11.00 am – 11.45 am   Do 1.2                      Do 2.2                     Do 3.2                    Do 4.2                        Do 5.2                     Do 6.2                     Do 7.2                        Do 8.2                        Do 9.2
                       Vom Distributed Mono­       Moderne Frontends –        Retrospectives To         Variety: The Spice Of Life    Elections: Trust And       Ethical Decisions In A     Agents of D.E.V.O.P.S. –      C++20 – Ein Überblick         Die Herausforderungen
                       lith zu Self-contained      Art, Architecture und      The Next Level:           And The Secret To Scale       ­Critical Infrastructure   Wicked World: The Role     Ein Blick hinter die Kulis-   Nicolai Josuttis              der digitalen Trans-
                       Systems: ein Erfahrungs-    Automation                 Organizational Agility    Cat Swetel                    Patricia Aas             Of Technologists, Entre-   sen von DevOps-Teams                                        formation annehmen:
                       bericht                     Andreas Leue               Ben Linders                                                                       preneurs, And Organi-      Christoph Ehlers                                            Quality Engineering und
                       Marcos Scholtz              Arne Bosien                                                                                                   zations                                                                                Expertisen
                       Gregor Tudan                Markus Kortlang                                                                                               Claudia Melo                                                                          Armin Metzger

 12.00 am – 12.45 pm   Keynote: Further information on the keynote will be available soon at www.oopconference.com

  12.45 pm – 2.30 pm   Lunch

   2.30 pm – 3.30 pm   Do 1.3                      Do 2.3                     Do 3.3                    Do 4.3                        Do 5.3                     Do 6.3                     Do 7.3                        Do 8.3                        Do 9.3
                       Der Modulith – die          Nachhaltige Single-Page    Der schwarze Schwan:      Business Agility –            Modern Management:         Deep Fakes 2.0 –           Aus die Maus – jetzt          C++ Class Natures:            Qualitätssteigerung
                       ­Freuden eines gut struk-   Applications mit DDD –     Offlinefähigkeit          Agilität wird erwachsen       Adapt How You Lead For     Wie neuronale Netze        geht’s wirklich los!          ­Where To Find Them And       durch selbstorganisierte
                        turierten Monolithen       Der Beginn einer wun-      Holger Tiemeyer           Christoph Mathis              Agile Success              unsere Welt verändern      ­Starten mit DevOps:           How To Tame Them             Teams, (k)ein Wider-
                        ohne Microservices         derbaren Freundschaft?                               Jens Coldewey                 Johanna Rothman           Martin Förtsch              ein Erfahrungsbericht         Peter Sommerlad             spruch? – Agile QS in
                        ernten                     Manfred Steyer                                                                                                Thomas Endres               Bastian Pätzold                                            agilen Teams
                        Carola Lilienthal                                                                                                                                                    Falk Stern                                                 Georg Haupt

   3.45 pm – 4.30 pm   Keynote: Hannah Fry (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at UCL): How To Be Human In The Age Of The Machine

   4.30 pm – 5.00 pm   Coffee Break

  5.00 pm – 6.00 pm     Do 1.4                     Do 2.4                     Do 3.4                    Do 4.4                        Do 5.4                     Do 6.4                     Do 7.4                        Do 8.4                         Do 9.4
                        Architektur- und           Back to the Frontend –     Living Feedback – Feed-   Lähmungen im Angesicht        Reactive Systems           Was wir tun, ergibt        State Of Art Continuous       C++ Insights:                  Wann wird die KI
                        ­Entwurfsmuster für        aber nun mit Micro­        back und Aufrichtigkeit   des Unbekannten               Dave Farley               ­keinen Sinn –             Compliance –                  How Stuff Works,               meinen Job als Tester
                       ­komplexe IoT-Systeme       services                   Bettina Ruggeri           Gunter Dueck                                              geht‘s auch anders?       An Overview                   ­Lambdas And More!            ­übernehmen?
                         Stephan Roth              André Fleischer                                                                                                Johannes Mainusch         Karsten Klein                  Andreas Fertig               Jeremias Rößler
                                                   Heiko Schröder                                                                                                 Benjamin Wiedenmann       Thomas Schulte

                       Ndo 1                                                  Ndo 2                                                   Ndo 3                                        Ndo 4                                           Ndo 5
  6.30 pm – 8.00 pm
                       Systemtheorie und Software-Architektur –               Architekturoptionen für moderne Web-Frontends           Innovationskultur gefällig?                  Structure And Interpretation Of Test Cases      Pecha Kucha All Night Long!
                       Auf der Suche nach unbekannten Kontexten               Lucas Dohmen                                            Design Thinking Quick & Dirty                Kevlin Henney                                   Martin Heider
                       Christian Mennerich                                    Stefan Tilkov                                           Andrea Kuhfuß                                                                               Christine Neidhardt
                       Frederick Meseck

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Conference Program OOP 2020   5
FRIDAY, 07 FEBRUARY 2020 |                                               TUTORIALS

     9.00 am – 12.00 am       Fr 1 – Full Day                      Fr 2 – Full Day                        Fr 3 – Full Day                    Fr 4 – Full Day                                  Fr 5 – Full Day                                      Fr 6 – Full Day                                     Fr 7 – Half Day
                              Advanced Deployment Pipeline         Paradigmen moderner Parallelität       IoT Deeper Dive – Eingebettete     Agile Fluency Game –                             C++-Move-Semantik –                                  Immer wieder neu –                                  Die OOP-Unconference im
                              Techniques                           in Java: “Through The Unknown          IoT-Geräte spielerisch verstehen   Agilität systematisch einführen                  Die ganze Story                                      agile Führung!                                      Open-Space-Format
           Coffee Break       David Farley                        To The Predictable”                    Michael Stal                       Wolf-Gideon Bleek                                Nicolai Josuttis                                     Olaf Lewitz, Sabine Canditt, Chris-                 Jasmine Zahno
    10.30 am – 11.00 am                                            Marwan Abu-Khalil                                                                                                                                                               toph Mathis, Henning Wolf, Stefan                   Further Informationen see p. 56
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Roock, Andreas Schliep

     12.00 am – 1.00 pm       Lunch

      1.00 pm – 4.00 pm       Continuation                         Continuation                           Continuation                       Continuation                                     Continuation                                         Continuation
                              Fr 1 – Full Day                      Fr 2 – Full Day                        Fr 3 – Full Day                    Fr 4 – Full Day                                  Fr 5 – Full Day                                      Fr 6 – Full Day
                              Advanced Deployment Pipeline         Paradigmen moderner Parallelität       IoT Deeper Dive – Eingebettete     Agile Fluency Game –                             C++-Move-Semantik –                                  Immer wieder neu –
           Coffee Break       Techniques                           in Java: “Through The Unknown          IoT-Geräte spielerisch verstehen   Agilität systematisch einführen                  Die ganze Story                                      agile Führung!
      2.30 pm – 3.00 pm       David Farley                        To The Predictable”                    Michael Stal                       Wolf-Gideon Bleek                                Nicolai Josuttis                                     Olaf Lewitz, Sabine Canditt, Chris-
                                                                   Marwan Abu-Khalil                                                                                                                                                               toph Mathis, Henning Wolf, Stefan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Roock, Andreas Schliep

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                As of: 24 September 2019


5 DAYS+                                       5 DAYS                                         4 DAYS                                                 3 DAYS                                                              2 DAYS                                                               1 DAY
•	5 Conference days                          •	5 Conference days                           •	4 Conference days                                   •	3 Conference days                                                •	2 Conference days                                                 •	1 Conference days
•	Social events                              •	Catering                                    •	Catering                                            •	Catering                                                         •	Catering                                                          •	Catering
•	Catering                                   •	Social events                               •	Social events                                       •	Social events                                                    •	Social events                                                     •	Social events
+	3 Nightschools                             •	Wireless charging station                  •	Wireless charging station                          •	Wireless charging station                                       •	Wireless charging station
+	Ticket for public transport in Munich          (if you register until 13 December 2019)       (if you register until 13 December 2019)               (if you register until 13 December 2019)                            (if you register until 13 December 2019)
+	OOP T-Shirt
+	Wireless charging station
                                                                                                                                                    Early Bird Price (until 13 December 2019)                           Early Bird Price (until 13 December 2019)
   (no matter when you register)
+	Unconference on Friday                                                                                                                           Alumni                          Regular                             Alumni                          Regular
                                                                                                                                                    € 1,690.00                      € 1,790.00                          € 1,390.00                      € 1,480.00
Early Bird Price (until 13 December 2019)     Early Bird Price (until 13 December 2019)      Early Bird Price (until 13 December 2019)
                                                                                                                                                    Regular Price (from 14 December 2019)                               Regular Price (from 14 December 2019)                                Regular Price (from 14 December 2019)
Alumni                 Regular                Alumni                 Regular                 Alumni                 Regular
€ 2,290.00             € 2,430.00             € 2,190.00             € 2,330.00              € 1,990.00             € 2,120.00                      Alumni                          Regular                             Alumni                          Regular                              Alumni                  Regular
                                                                                                                                                    € 1,690.00                      € 2,110.00                          € 1,390.00                      € 1,740.00                           € 1,090.00              € 1,360.00
Regular Price (from 14 December 2019)         Regular Price (from 14 December 2019)          Regular Price (from 14 December 2019)

Alumni                 Regular                Alumni                 Regular                 Alumni                 Regular
€ 2,290.00             € 2,860.00             € 2,190.00             € 2,740.00              € 1,990.00             € 2,490.00                      Unconference
                                                                                                                                                    € 99.00
3 Nightschools                                2 Nightschools                                 1 Nightschool
                                                                                                                                                  All prices do not include VAT. Discounts are only deducted from the normal price of the respective ticket and cannot be added, i.e. the combination of
€ 425.00                                      € 350.00                                       € 250.00                                             early booking and alumni discount or o­ ther combinations are not allowed. Alumni have already participated in SIGS DATACOM events for a fee. Night-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ea rly Bi rd
                                                                                                                                                  schools and Unconferences can be booked independently of conference participation. The fee-based courses are personal and non-transferable.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ­D isc ou nt s un
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ec em  be r 20 19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              13 D

EARLY BIRD                                  Alumni – Loyalty is rewarded                                                                          Early Bird Discount – Being fast is worth it

­BENEFITS /                                 Up to 20 % discount off the regular price – no matter when you register for OOP Conference            Book until 13 December, benefit from up to 15 %

                                            2020! If you register until 13 December you will receive a wireless charging station for your         discount on the regular price and receive a wire-
                                            mobile phone from us on site.                                                                         less charging station for your mobile phone.

                                                                                                          Conference Program OOP 2020                                                                            Kolumnentitel           6                                                                 Conference Program OOP 2020          6

IT professionals such as software architects, IT   Top-class keynotes and renowned speakers such as
project managers, experienced developers and
programmers put their trust in the OOP Confer-      •   Frank Buschmann                 •   Dana Pylayeva
ence when it comes to professional training –       •   Erik Dörnenburg                 •   Johanna Rothman
one of the most popular and largest software        •   Gunter Dueck                    •   Anita Sengupta
conferences in the German-speaking area.            •   Dave Farley                     •   Michael Stal
                                                    •   Hannah Fry                      •   Gernot Starke
Therefore, for the software community, the          •   Kevlin Henney                   •   Cat Swetel
OOP conference is a fixed date in the calendar.     •   Tanja Lange                     •   Stefan Tilkov
Latest trends from the field of software tech-      •   Carola Lilienthal               •   Ralf Westphal
nology as well as practice-oriented lectures       •    Tania Peizker                   •   Eberhard Wolff
from experienced and recognized speakers
who will work with you to share their knowl-       and many more offer 5 days of a mixture of deep-seated contents and
edge, enthusiasm and also current concerns.        a wide range of topics!




Java                                                                        PHP
Java has long been the most popular programming language. The JVM           79 % of all websites use PHP as their server-side programming language.
offers besides Java a multitude of cross-platform usage possibilities       PHP applications are used in many e-commerce applications or CMS
such as Smart Home, services in the cloud or embedded systems.              systems, for example.

Low Code                                                                    Service Mesh
The low-code approach allows applications to be implemented up to           Service mesh implementations are already in place at Netflix and Twit-
ten times faster, which significantly reduces the development time          ter. These companies are pioneers for the technology, which is on an
and reduces costs. Learn how to comply with the current to counter          important infrastructure level.
a lack of resources.
                                                                            User Experience
Machine Learning for Data Management & Analytics                            Digitization and Industry 4.0 are the new drivers. New technical achieve-
The forum aims to understand the potential of ML for more efficient         ments such as Mixed Reality and the HoloLens inspire expectations. In
data processing, analytics processes as well as data governance             addition, there is the great trend towards Artificial Intelligence paired
tasks.                                                                      with voice interfaces such as Amazon Alexa.

                                                                                                         What does OOP Conference offer to you?         7

1. Software Meets Business                                                  4. Networking
Year after year, the OOP stands for specialist information on the new-      Coffee Breaks and social events offer you an excellent platform for
est State of the art in software engineering. Jutta Eckstein as Program     the joint exchange of experience with other participants, speakers
Chair (together with 11 Track Chairs) ensures that the OOP conference       and exhibitors.
always keeps its finger on the pulse of time!
                                                                            5. Current specialist information in well-tried formats
2. More than 170 lectures on 5 days
                                                                            Presentations and practice reports are established lecture formats.
Around 220 speakers – including numerous top international speakers –       The OOP 2020 offers with Unconference, Workshops and Graphic Re-
present the latest findings and developments in software technology         cording again excellent opportunities to gain access via other methods
each year.                                                                  on current topics.

3. Wide range of topics                                                     Back again: Join our Unconference on Friday
You can choose your sessions from 13 subject areas in 9 parallel tracks.    The schedule of the Unconference at the OOP develops within the event.
It is guaranteed that you can listen to presentations that meet your pro-   How exciting, informative and interesting it will be depends on the
fessional requirements and provide you with practice-oriented content.      participants. Unconference is what you make of it!


                       »Many interesting topics, good speakers and many different tracks «

» Always up to date«» Not a developer conference, but an architecture conference «

                                    » Many different, high quality presentations «

           » Mixture of Talks, Keynotes and Expo «» Business Technique Mix «

                    » Coming together with various experts, new contacts in a pleasant and open atmosphere «

      » The atmosphere! The OOP is – stronger than other conferences – a kind of class reunion. «

» The only event for architecture «                                             » Speakers who are not often in Germany «

                       » Mix of information on current trends also beyond pure IT «

» The range of topics is (in my opinion) unprecedented! This enables us to have a common conference ­
                                         experience with several colleagues who have very different interests. «

                                                                                                        What does OOP Conference offer to you?       8

An independent committee of Program Chairs, Trackchairs and Reviewers selected the presentations after a thorough review and decided which
speakers and topics are included in the program of OOP 2020.

                       Agile Going Enterprise
                       ­Architecture? Or Vice Versa?
                                                                                                    Architecting Web Apps For Humans
                       It has been a dominant question if it comes
                                                                                                    Web applications have become and remain
                       to Enterprise Architecture, whether it can be-
                                                                                                    the default user interface for most applica-
                       come “agile”. The trend toward agile organi-
                                                                                                    tions today, despite having been declared
                       zations leads to transformations also in EAM.
                                                                                                    dead a number of times. While the technol-
 Wolfgang Keller       This track comprises sessions on Enterprise
                                                                                                    ogy used to build web apps has moved on,
                       Architecture that deal with tradeoffs that arise
                                                                           Stefan Tilkov            some fundamental principles remain. In this
                       from the simultaneous need for sustainability
                                                                                                    track, we’ll take a look at the state of the art
                       and enterprise agility at the same time.
                                                                                                    of building great modern applications on the
                                                                                                    web. How can make applications accessible,
                                                Business Agility                                    secure, evolvable, stable – while still being fun
                                                                                                    to use? When we build them, how do we strike
                                                Applying an Agile framework on team-level
                                                                                                    the right balance between shiny new things and
                                                and implementing an Agile scaling framework
                                                                                                    foundational patterns? What new techniques,
                                                do not help to act agile on the enterprise level.
                                                                                                    technologies, standards and best practices
                                                This track dives deep into real Business Agili-
                                                                                                    have been found to work best – and for which
                                                ty. What is Business Agility anyway and what
                                                                                                    kinds of applications?
                         Marc Bless             is necessary to create an Agile Enterprise? Is
                                                there a way of a soft transition or is a radical
                                                transformation mandatory?

                       DevOps & Continuous E
                                           ­ verything                                              Fusion: IT-Future-Society
                       The term “DevOps” popped up in 2009. In the                                  This track looks for weird, personal, odd and
                       following years it yielded many tools, methods,                              possibly not quite fitting contributions, with
                       practices. Probably the most significant contri-                             topics that inspire listeners to think in new di-
                       bution of DevOps, though, was a different idea                               rections. Lectures that connect technology and
                       of how development, quality assurance and op-                                us, as human and future society. Keywords that
 Dorthe Lübbert        erations should collaborate.10 years later we’ll    Johannes                 mark this fusion are: art, communication, peo-
                       be taking a look at the current state of Dev­Ops    Mainusch                 ple, from I to we, trust, carbondioxide, wealth,
                       from a technical and cultural perspective.                                   global intelligence, enterprises, hope, ...

                                                Modern Programming & C++17/C++20
                                                As software developers and system architects, we are required to know many different things;
                                                however, the foundation is still programming. And in the past years many things have changed
                                                about programming: We have new programming languages, new paradigms, more and more
                                                parallelization, and improved programming tools.This track reports, documents, and compares
                                                interesting, remarkable, and helpful aspects of programming in general and new/established
                         Nicolai Josuttis       programming languages in particular.

                       Product Discovery, Innovation &                                              Social Integration
                       User Experience
                                                                                                    Into the unknown – a perfect challenge for the
                       An Expedition Into the Unknown comes with                                    social beings we humans are. Given relation-
                       chances, surprises and risks. Which problems                                 ships are the only things we can rely on in times
                       do we want to solve for our future and how                                   where everything changes. Unfortunately, as
                       can products, services and systems contribute                                engineers, we have a tendency to nurture our
  Susanne              to that future? This track concentrates on the      Olaf Lewitz              relationships less than other systems we work
 ­Mühlbauer            question how we can smartly invest in prod-                                  on. In this track we’re looking at the relation-
                       uct and business development and offers case                                 ship with and in-between humans, to become
                       studies as well as ideas on Innovation, UX, Val-                             successful in the unknown.
                       idation, Design, Delivery and Planning.
                                                                                                                                        Trackchairs     9
Software Architecture                                                        Modern Architecture –
                       ­Maintenance & Evolution                                                     Known & Unknown
                       Software Architecture results from of a sequence                             Software Architecture is the foundation for any
                       of architectural decisions. It is a common mis-                              software project. Development teams discover
                       conception that this process ends with system                                and try new kinds of architectures constantly.
                       release. Objective of the track is to illustrate how                         Keeping this in mind we are discussing the fol-
 Michael Stal          software architects can address this challenge          Eberhard Wolff       lowing topics: Agile architecture | Structured
                       systematically in their design activities. Sessions                          Monoliths | Events | Cloud-native | Serverless |
                       comprise best practices, methods, processes                                  Microservices | Testing & Quality Self-con-
                       and tools for understanding, evaluating, extend-                             tained Systems
                       ing and maintaining software systems.

                                                  Signature Track by Frank Buschmann:
                                                  Into The Unknown: Where No Software Engineer Has Gone Before
                                                  Signature Track – Digitalization is rapidly changing our world – with giant effects on our society
                                                  and on our profession as software engineers. We are on a long voyage into the unknown, a voyage
                                                  whose only constants are uncertainty and continuous change. Regarding the types of software
                                                  systems we build, the practices and technologies we utilize to design, develop, deliver, operate
                         Frank                    and use these systems, and also regarding the culture, organization and processes in which we
                         Buschmann                as developers perform our daily work. In this track we shed light on important organizational,
                                                  architectural and technical trends of this never-ending journey and explore some far ends of
                                                  their possibilities and limitations. We boldly go where no software engineer has gone before!

                       Trends & Techniques                                                          Testing & Quality
                       In this track we are concentrating on how the                                Effective and efficient software and system de-
                       details of current and future trends & tech-                                 velopment requires superior test approaches
                       niques influence already today the interplay of                              in place and a strong commitment to quality.
                       software and business. Amongst other things                                  To determine the right mix of test methods
                       we will take a look at the increasing automa-                                and quality measures is no easy task in real
 Jutta Eckstein        tion in software development, the need for              Peter Zimmerer       project life due to increasing demand for reli-
                       continuous innovation and the challenges and                                 ability of systems, cost efficiency, and market
                       opportunities agile provides for enterprise ar-                              needs on speed, flexibility, and sustainability.
                       chitectures, for organizational design, and for                              This track provides practical guidance how to
                       the individuals. Moreover, we’ll discuss how a                               address these challenges in the area of testing
                       monolith can benefit from DevOps.                                            and quality and presents professional testing
                                                                                                    as a lever to explore into the unknown.


These reviewers have examined about 410 submissions with a total of 1,205 reviews. That’s an average of 13 reviews per reviewer!

Marwan Abu-Khalil      Claus Fühner               Elmar Juergens              Carola Lilienthal     Udo Pracht               Andreas Streichardt
Marco Achtziger        Kornelius Fuhrer           Anja Kammer                 Dorthe Lübbert        Hanna Prinz              Ines Stuppacher
Stephan Aier           Lars Fürstenberg           Wolfgang Keller             Marc Lustig           Andreas Rau              Oliver Thissen
Stefan Bente           Sabine Goldes              Michael Kircher             Michael Mahlberg      Nicole Rauch             Holger Tiemeyer
Marc Bless             Peter Götz                 Rolf Knoll                  Johannes Mainusch     Edgar Rodehack           Stefan Tilkov
Ramon Breitbarth       Sebastian Graeber          Klaus Kohlhaas              René Matthäi          Klaus Rohe               Andreas Ulrich
Andreas Carstens       Katrin Grothues            Bernd Kolb                  Felix Menden          Thomas Ronzon            Ömer Uludag
Kurt Cotoaga           Stephan Grünfelder         Simon Kölsch                Ralph Miarka          Steffen Schaefer         Marcus Weiner
Erik Dörnenburg        Baris Güldali              Kai Kratz                   Michael Mlynarski     Jens Schauder            Thorsten Wendt
Oliver Drotbohm        Inge Hanschke              Nicolai Krüger              Thomas Much           Peter Schnell            Markus Wissekal
Kim Nena Duggen        Martin Heider              Ralf Kruse                  Susanne Mühlbauer     Björn Schotte            Eberhard Wolff
Gero Duppel            Mick Hohmann               Falk Kühnel                 Frank Müller          Frank Simon              Oliver Zeigermann
Jutta Eckstein         Lars Hupel                 Michael Kunz                Nicole Paterova       Falk Sippach             Stefan Ziegler
Michael Felderer       Jörg Ihle                  Bernhard Lahres             Helmut Pichler        Anton Skornyakov         Peter Zimmerer
Andreas Fertig         Björn Jensen               Mike Leber                  Frank Pientka         Peter Sommerlad          Olaf Zimmermann
Timon Fiddike          Nicolai Josuttis           Olaf Lewitz                 Andrej Pietschker     Michael Stal

                                                                                                                            Trackchairs/Reviewers      10

                                                              Tuesday 11.00 am – 12.00 am
                                                              FROM FLYING CARS TO HUMANS ON MARS –
                                                              THE FUTURE OF TRANSPORTATION
                                                              In the global marketplace that transfers knowledge at the speed of light, we have a massive
                                                              time delay that is modern transportation methods. We each spend up to 30 % of our lives com-
                                                              muting on congested freeways, airports, and train stations. We put green-house gases into the
                                                              atmosphere and change our climate with global consequences to health, habitat loss, and our
                                                              economic future. On the cargo front this results in lost revenue, productivity, with no clear path
                                                              to address the growing demands of the global market place. What if we could disrupt transpor-
                                                              tation, an aging and non-agile industry which has not seen a new mode in over 100 years. By
                                                              introducing game changing technologies we can increase capacity, enhance energy efficiency,
                                                              and shrink our carbon foot print. Anita Sengupta will discuss how space-age tech coupled to
                                                              the VC funded innovation environment are enabling the revolution in green transportation.
                                                              She will share her real-world engineering projects from her work developing the world’s first
Anita Sengupta is an aerospace engineer, rocket scien-
tist, and veteran of the space program who has developed      hyperloop in Las Vegas Nevada, to autonomous VTOL air taxis her new company is designing
technologies that have enabled the exploration of Mars,       in Detroit Michigan, to her research on entry systems that will land the first humans on Mars.
asteroids, and deep space for 20 years. Her career began
at Boeing Space and Communications. She then worked
for NASA for 16 years. After leaving NASA she led the de-
velopment of the hyperloop as Senior Vice President of
                                                                                         OUPLED WIT
engineering systems at Virgin Hyperloop. In 2019 she be-
came a co-founder and chief product officer of Airspace
                                                                           G  E T EC H C
Experience Technologies, or ASX (asx.us), which is leading
                                                                 SPACE-A                  E N A B LE S
the development of a hybrid-electric, vertical takeoff and
                                                                            E C A P ITA L
                                                                 V E NT U R
landing urban aerial mobility system. She and her team
hope to use the system to revolutionize urban transit. As
an engineering savvy executive and pilot, she is now lead-
ing the mobility solutions for smart cities by eliminating       G R E E N T R A
congestion and reducing the carbon footprint of air travel.

Tuesday 3.00 pm – 3.45 pm
Today, the open source project Apache Kafka is being used by tens of thousands of companies
including over 60 % of the Fortune 100 to power and innovate their businesses. We will discuss
the market and technology changes that have given rise to Kafka and to Event Streaming, and we
will introduce the audience to the key aspects of building an Event streaming platform with Kafka.

            S C A L A B L E FOUNDATIO
    BUILD A                  A RC H ITECTURE
                    R IV E N
    FOR EVENT-D                                                                                                 Kai Wähner works as Technology Evangelist at Confluent.
                                                                                                                Kai‘s main area of expertise lies within the fields of Big Data
                                                                                                                Analytics, Machine Learning, Integration, Microservices, In-
                                                                                                                ternet of Things, Stream Processing and Blockchain. He is
                                                                                                                regular speaker at international conferences such as Java-
                                                                                                                One, O’Reilly Software Architecture or ApacheCon, writes
                                                                                                                articles for professional journals.

                                                                                                                                                                  Keynotes        11

                                                            Wednesday 12.00 am – 12.45 pm
                                                            VOLKSWAGEN‘S ­JOURNEY
                                                            TOWARDS A SOFTWARE-­
                                                            DRIVEN COMPANY –
                                                            ­CHALLENGES, CHANCES AND
                                                            In their keynote, Peter Garzarella and Holger
                                                            Urban will be talking about Volkswagen‘s soft-
                                                            ware development journey. They will take a
                                                            deep dive into the topics „Controlling Complex-
                                                            ity“ and „Software Development“. They aim to
                                                            answer the questions: What kind of technolo-
                                                            gies does Volkswagen use? How does Volkswa-
                                                            gen do things? And why do they do them the
After his studies in Informatics, Peter Garzarella joined                                                     Holger Urban, born in 1971, studied Business informat-
the automotive industry at Porsche and started his career
                                                            way they do? You will learn more about the        ics at the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg and
in the Networking Group – International Network depart-     history of Software Development at Volkswa-       started his professional career with the Volkswagen AG,
ment in 2001. After 10 years at Porsche, he started his     gen, modern software solutions in factories,      Application Management, specializing on data bases. From
journey at the Volkswagen Group in Enterprise Architec-                                                       2013 to 2018 he has been responsible for the IT-infrastruc-
ture Management. He went back to his tech roots in 2015
                                                            future plans, success stories; And of course –    ture operation and in 2015 he took over responsibility for
and founded the Volkswagen Digital:Lab in Berlin. Today,    Volkswagen’s worldwide Software Develop-          the overall subject “IT-infrastructure”, at the same time
as the Head of Group Software Development, he contin-       ment Centers, their different working methods     being in charge of the Cloud Project of the Volkswagen
ues to build software and Software Development Centers                                                        Group. In 2019 he switched to software development and
all over the world.
                                                            and what they are currently working on.           is one of the Office Leads of the SDC (Software Develop-
                                                                                                              ment Center) in Wolfsburg.

                                      M C A R E N GINEERING
                                  FRO                     INEERING
                                           W  A R E E N G
                                  TO SOFT

Thursday 3.45 pm – 4.30 pm
Would you trust an algorithm to send someone to jail? Or to diagnose someone with cancer?
How about an algorithm that analysed your friendships to calculate if you were reliable enough
to take out a loan? In this talk, we’ll go on a tour of the good, the bad and the downright ugly
of the algorithms that surround us. We‘ll examine whether we should rely on algorithms to
know what’s best, and ask if we can trust them over our own judgement. We’ll lift the lid on
their inner workings, demonstrate their power, expose their limitations, and examine whether
they really are an improvement on the humans they are replacing.

                 E M E N T  M A K E S TH E
   YOUR JUDG                Y T HING ABOU
                E – E V E R
                                                                                                              Hannah Fry is an Associate Professor in the Mathemat-

                                R E V E N TH E
                                                                                                              ics of Cities at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at

                 T H E  B A D O
                                                                                                              UCL where she studies patterns in human behaviour. Her

                                                                                                              research applies to a wide range of social problems and

                  F A L
                                                                                                              questions, from shopping and transport to urban crime, ri-

    UGLIN E S S O                                                                                             ots and terrorism. Hannah Fry is the author of Hello World,
                                                                                                              The Indisputable Existence of Santa Claus: The Mathemat-
                                                                                                              ics of Christmas and The Mathematics of Love: Patterns,
                                                                                                              Proofs, and the Search for the Ultimate Equation.

                                                                                                                                                             Keynotes        12
Monday 10.00 am – 5.00 pm Mo 2                                                                        After quite a while in soft-

                                                                                                      ware development in the last
                                                                                                      century Michael Mahlberg
HOW TO SET YOUR TEAMS FREE                                                                            turned to consulting on soft-
                                                                                                      ware architecture and pro-
  Full Day Tutorial Physical, low tech boards are central in early stage agile adoptions. The         cesses in general around the
power of the physical experience yields astonishing results and is – together with the independ-      turn of the Millennium. Al-
ence from centrally managed tools – an important enabler for change. But there comes a time           ways with a strong focus on
                                                                                                      continuous improvement and
when the need to evaluate the data exceeds the capabilities of low tech analytics. Instead of         sustainable change he now spends most of his time sup-
jumping onto a „big“ solution, there are other ways to generate insights. This tutorial presents      porting clients in their quest for more effective ways to
ways to integrate several open source solutions into the actual day-to-day activities of teams.       work, mostly by applying lean and agile concepts.

                                                            Max. number of participants: 25
Participants should bring along their own laptop. Please find details online.

Target Audience: Agile Coaches, Team Leads, Managers with reporting and planning duties
Prerequisites: Some practical project experience. Willingness to actually code in a perhaps
new language | Level: Practicing

Monday 10.00 am – 1.00 pm Mo 6                                                                        Maren Baermann (Dipl.-­

                                                                                                      Psych. & M.S. Creative Stud-
                                                                                                      ies) is an innovation psy-
TRANSLATE AUTONOMOUS MOTIVATION INTO PRACTICE                                                         chologist with a passion for
                                                                                                      agility and innovation culture.
 Half Day Tutorial Of course, there is no silver bullet to solve all motivation issues that might     To her the key to sustainable
arise in organizations. But there are helpful questions to ask about people’s inner engine, when      growth for any organization
we are travelling into the unknown.                                                                   is the ability to think novel
                                                                                                      and solution-oriented, then
In this workshop I will provide a brief overview of the model of autonomous motivation, of its        apply the insights gained in an agile manner. This always
links to agility and of three approaches that can help stimulate it. Participants will benefit from   begins with the people. That’s why she specialized in en-
putting the information provided directly into action, discussing and collaborating on possible       abling people, through creativity workshops, innovation
                                                                                                      team-buildings, soft-skill seminars and measures to ­foster
solutions for their individual contexts.                     Max. number of participants: 30         an agile innovation culture.

Target Audience: Agile Coaches, Decision Makers, Team Leads, Team Members | Prerequisites:
Willing to work on solutions for fueling the inner engine without indepth theory provided in
session | Level: Introductory

Monday 10.00 am – 1.00 pm Mo 7                                                                        Peter Zimmerer is a Prin-

                                                                                                      cipal Key Expert Engineer
                                                                                                      at Siemens AG, Corporate
 Half Day Tutorial Testability is the degree to which a system can be tested effectively and          Technology, in Munich, Ger-
                                                                                                      many. For more than 25 years
efficiently. It‘s one of those rather unknown and vague non-functional requirements that are          he has been working in the
often neglected and wrongly ignored.                                                                  field of software testing and
Peter describes influencing factors and constraints and shares his experiences on the value and       quality engineering. He per-
                                                                                                      forms consulting, coaching,
benefits of testability. He discusses responsibilities and involved stakeholders to make it happen    and training on test management and test engineering
and shares a new, comprehensive strategy on design for testability that can be implemented            practices in real-world projects and drives research and in-
stepwise to gain the benefits in a cost-efficient manner. Max. number of participants: 48            novation in this area. As ISTQB® Certified Tester Full Ad-
                                                                                                      vanced Level he is a member of the German Testing Board
                                                                                                      (GTB). Peter Zimmerer has authored several journal and
Target Audience: Test Architects, Software Architects, Test Engineers, Product Owners, Devel-         conference contributions and is a frequent speaker at in-
opers | Prerequisites: Basic knowledge about testing and quality engineering | Level: Practicing      ternational conferences.

Monday 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm Mo 10                                                                        As an Agile Coach and train-

                                                                                                      er with over 18 years of di-
                                                                                                      verse experience in IT, Dana
(WITH LEGO AND CHOCOLATE GAME)                                                                        Pylayeva brings unique per-
                                                                                                      spective and stories “from the
  Half Day Tutorial This tutorial is ideally designed for DevOps leaders that are evaluating          trenches”. She‘s been fortu-
their approach to DevOps transformation, leading their organizations through the first steps          nate to work with co-located
in adopting DevOps practices, or noticing gaps left by “automation only” approach to DevOps.          and distributed teams in US,
                                                                                                      Canada, Ireland, Japan, UK,
Gamified format, real-life examples, latest findings from the State of DevOps report and in-depth     India and Russia. Dana is an educational games designer
debriefing, make this unique simulation effective and fun. Join it to experience the benefits.        and the author of several DevOps/Agile books and games.
                                                             Max. number of participants: 45         She enjoys being actively involved in Agile community in
                                                                                                      various roles as a volunteer, reviewer, track chair, program
                                                                                                      chair and conference chair. She is the founder of Big Apple
Target Audience: Decision Makers, Managers, Business Stakeholders | Prerequisites: Famil-             Scrum Day conference in NYC, co-organizer of NYC Scrum
iarity with Scrum framework is helpful, but not mandatory | Level: Introductory                       User Group and a Program co-chair at Agile2019 conference.

–> to the program overview
                                                                                                                                           Tutorials Monday          13
Monday 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm Mo 12                                                                          Christof Ebert is managing

                                                                                                        director at Vector Consult-
                                                                                                        ing Services. He supports cli-
 Half Day Tutorial This tutorial introduces to agile requirements engineering. It offers many           ents around the world in ag-
                                                                                                        ile transformations. Before
practical examples from our industry projects when introducing agility. The training considers          he had been working for ten
the IREB agile RE primer curriculum, however with more practical focus from many agile pro-             years in global senior man-
jects across industries. Participants are eligible to IREB certification. We give practical tips for    agement positions. A trusted
                                                                                                        advisor for companies around
designing agile requirements processes. In a case study, we present experiences and benefits            the world and a member of several of industry boards, he is
of agile requirements engineering in a medical technology project with Siemens.                         a professor at the University of Stuttgart and at Sorbonne
                                                                                                        in Paris. He authored several books including the most re-
                                                                                                        cent “Global Software and IT” published by Wiley and „Re-
Target Audience: Architects, Analysts, Requirements Engineers, Product Owners, Software                 quirements Engineering“ published by dPunkt and in Chi-
Engineers, Agile Teams | Prerequisites: Project Management | Level: Practicing                          na by Motor Press. Since many years he is serving on the
                                                                                                        editorial Board of the prestigious „IEEE Software“ journal.

Tuesday 9.45 am – 10.30 am Di 3.1                                                                       Anastasia Mikitenko is

                                                                                                        Senior QA Analyst at FactSet
                                                                                                        GmbH. Her company pro-
TOOLS IN A SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY?                                                                vides custom-tailored web
                                                                                                        solutions for wealth manag-
 Trends & Techniques It is hard to find the right test automation tool, especially when your            ers in the financial industry.
decision affects not one project, but many different ones. On one side, in terms of agile trans-        Since 2015, she shapes test-
formation, each team should be allowed to pick a test automation tool by itself. On the other           ing processes in her compa-
                                                                                                        ny, in first line, through direct
side, for the sake of resource liquidity, you will seek to use same tools across similar projects. As   participation in frontend projects. She loves catching bugs
test manager, I continuously face the dilemma: should I support an anarchy of test automation           both with hands and machines, and she keeps her eyes
tools across agile projects and let the fittest survive, or should I keep a monopoly?                   open for potential process optimizations. In her private life,
                                                                                                        she is a fitness junkie and a latent vegetarian.

Target Audience: Test Managers, Test Automation Engineers, Decision Makers
Prerequisites: Testing in Agile Development, Testing in Waterfall
Level: Practicing

Tuesday 9.00 am – 10.30 am Di 9.1                                                                       Maren Baermann (Dipl.

                                                                                                        Psych & M.S. Creative Stud-
                                                                                                        ies) is an innovation psy-
 Social Integration Some companies try to motivate their people with fancy offices and other            chologist with a passion for
                                                                                                        agility and innovation culture.
perks. But somehow, that eventually seems to drain motivation instead. In most companies.               To her the key to sustainable
There are exceptions, though, that seems to bristle with engaged people, yet there are no bean          growth for any organization
bags or fruit baskets anywhere in sight. How come? There are scientific explanations for that &         is the ability to think novel
                                                                                                        and solution-oriented, then
some hands-on options for achieving a high motivation level in agile teams. As motivation is the        apply the insights gained in an agile manner. This always
key to survival for organizations, true agility provides the means for thriving in the unknown.         begins with the people. That’s why she specialized in en-
                                                                                                        abling people, through creativity workshops, innovation
                                                                                                        team-buildings, soft-skill seminars and measures to fos-
Target Audience: Agile Coaches, Decision Makers, Team Leads, Team Members                               ter an agile innovation culture.
Prerequisites: Interest in fueling that inner engine | Level: Introductory

Tuesday 2.00 pm – 2.45 pm Di 2.2                                                                        Robin Moffatt is a Devel-

                                                                                                        oper Advocate at Confluent,
                                                                                                        the company founded by the
EVENT-DRIVEN ARCHITECTURES FOR DATA ENGINEERS                                                           original creators of Apache
                                                                                                        Kafka. His career has always
 Software Architecture Maintenance & Evolution In this talk, we’ll discuss the concepts of              involved data, from the old
events, their relevance to data engineers and their ability to unify architectures in a powerful        worlds of COBOL and DB2,
way. We’ll see how stream processing makes sense in both a microservices and ETL environ-               through the worlds of Ora-
                                                                                                        cle and Hadoop, and into the
ment, and why analytics, data integration and ETL fit naturally into a streaming world. The talk        current world with Kafka. His particular interests are ana-
will conclude with a hands-on demonstration of these concepts in practice using Apache Kafka            lytics, systems architecture, performance testing and op-
and commentary on the design choices made.                                                              timization.

Target Audience: Architects, Data Engineers, Software Engineers, Analysts
Prerequisites: None | Level: Introductory

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                                                                                                                                 Tutorials Monday / Tuesday              14
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