30 Responsible Investment 2021 - big ideas shaping ESG - KPMG International

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30 Responsible Investment 2021 - big ideas shaping ESG - KPMG International
Responsible Investment 2021
February 2021 • privateequityinternational.com

                                                  big ideas
                                                 shaping ESG
30 Responsible Investment 2021 - big ideas shaping ESG - KPMG International

  K E Y N O T E                                                   I N T E R V I E W

    Private equity’s opportunity
       to lead global change

           As the drivers of an industry-wide focus on impact investing and ESG
      pick up pace, KPMG’s Tania Carnegie argues the opportunity for private equity
                     is significant, particularly when players collaborate

 Q     Given the events of 2020,
       how do you see the
  private equity industry’s focus

                                                                                          Changing expectations of public com-
                                                                                          panies around stakeholder capitalism
                                                                                          also provide opportunities to create
  on ESG changing in 2021, and                                                            value at portfolio companies, especially
  what do you think the new                   The global pandemic, the Black Lives        ones on track for an IPO.
  drivers will be?                            Matter movement, wildfires and other            Talent attraction and management
  The past year demonstrated the in-          natural disasters have all impacted the     is also a key driver. Increasingly, peo-
  creasing relevance of ESG, and how,         economy, and the ability of companies       ple expect to work for organisations
  when managed effectively, it contrib-       to carry on business as usual. Companies    that align with their values, and a firm’s
  utes to value creation and risk mitiga-     with an effective ESG strategy are bet-     commitment to ESG is one of the ways
  tion. As a result, we are seeing private    ter equipped to deal with such crises and   it conveys what it stands for. If this en-
  equity firms incorporate ESG through-       may not suffer the effects as deeply.       ergy is harnessed correctly it can have
  out the investment lifecycle in a more          There are a number of factors influ-    a tremendous impact on culture, which
  rigorous way.                               encing the view of ESG as a strategic       has positive implications for private
     Recent events have exacerbated exist-    imperative, including LP expectations       equity firms as employers, and for the
  ing societal and environmental concerns.    and the increased interest of regulators.   companies they invest in.

56 Private Equity International   •   February 2021

   “The opportunities
   for private equity
   firms associated
   with supporting the
   transition to a low
   carbon economy extend
   beyond environmental

Q    Do you see a new impetus
     towards impact investing?
How different are the drivers
for ESG?
The pandemic amplified the severi-
ty of key societal and economic issues
such as inequality, and added to the
urgency for commercial solutions at
scale – which is the domain of impact
investors. Additionally, the pandem-
ic dramatically increased the pace of
                                          Q   What challenges remain for GPs looking to invest more
                                              responsibly? And what hurdles face the industry around
                                          ESG and impact investing?
change as we saw with the rapid tran-     One of the things that is evolving is the concept of what it means to be a
sition to digital as many scrambled to    responsible investor. For example, people are realising it is not a black and
work, learn or access healthcare from     white issue whether a company is responsible or not. It is about how a GP
home. This also makes clear the need      assesses the opportunities and risks associated with an investment decision
for a fundamentally different way of      along the dimensions of E, S and G, and how they can move the needle to
doing things, as well as a new sense of   help achieve sustainable growth.
what is possible.                            Similarly, a lot of progress has been made to shift the mindset about
    As a result, there was a flurry of    impact investing, especially for traditional investors with focused investment
activity in 2020 from a transaction       mandates. There is still work to be done, particularly around demonstrating
perspective as well as new fund devel-    authenticity and accountability, and proof of concept to investors who
opment and expansion of existing plat-    remain on the fence. These areas will continue to be a big focus.
forms. This further demonstrated the         There has been a lot of focus on what to measure in the absence of
range of opportunities impact investing   standards and ease of access to relevant data. Frameworks including the
represents across different industries,   Sustainability Accounting Standards Board and Taskforce on Climate-
geographies, areas of impact-focus and    Related Financial Disclosures are being widely adopted, which is helping to
stages of maturity of investee compa-     establish common practices.
nies. The disruption combined with           Towards the end of last year, we saw a number of initiatives and
the momentum in the market is attract-    collaborations to help streamline different frameworks and approaches.
ing more investors.                       There is tremendous desire for greater alignment, which will attract more
    Fundamentally, the drivers for ESG    private equity firms and investors.
and impact investing are similar. ESG

                                                                            February 2021    •   Responsible Investment 57

  relates to factors relevant to the gov-                                                  roundtables with our private equity and
  ernance and operations of the com-              “Although                                asset management clients to explore
  pany, while impact investors focus on                                                    what can be accomplished to advance
  how the products or services offered            the leadership                           ESG and impact by working together.
  create positive impact. The two ap-                                                          As a firm we have been working with
  proaches complement one another and             demonstrated by                          the other big-four firms on a project to
  create value in different ways by look-                                                  define common metrics for sustaina-
  ing at social and environmental issues          individual firms is                      ble value creation championed by the
  through different perspectives.                                                          World Economic Forum’s Internation-
                                                  critical to continue                     al Business Council. We have also been

 Q     What opportunities does
       private equity have to
                                                  raising the bar, it is                   working with the International Finance
                                                                                           Corporation and other assurance pro-
  position itself at the heart of a               through collaboration                    viders to refine the independent ver-
  green recovery as nations look                                                           ification guidelines associated with
  to build back better?                           that the entire                          the Operating Principles for Impact
  The pandemic provided a serious wake-                                                    Management.
  up call that the social and economic            industry advances”                           KPMG contributes to many in-
  shocks associated with climate change                                                    itiatives of the industry organisa-
  will far eclipse those of covid-19.                                                      tions we are members of, including
      Many large corporations and gov-                                                     FCLTGlobal, a not-for-profit that
  ernments have made net zero commit-                                                      encourages long-term investment and
  ments reflecting the increased priority                                                  business decision-making. We recently
  of climate. Many private equity firms        stability in marginalised communities.      participated in a meeting convened by
  are already working with their portfo-       As the effects of climate change are        FCLTGlobal of private equity CEOs
  lio companies to improve energy effi-        far-reaching, so too is the positive        to develop an action plan to increase
  ciency, with an increasing number now        impact of investment in the green           diversity in the boardrooms of portfo-
  focusing on ways to enhance climate          recovery.                                   lio companies.
  resilience. Significant progress is need-
  ed in short order to meet pledges made
  (beyond the use of offsets and initial
  reduction efforts) to realise the benefits
                                               Q    What about the rest of the
                                                    private equity community,
                                               beyond GPs? What is KPMG
                                                                                           Q   How do you see the risk-
                                                                                               return discussion evolving
                                                                                           around ESG and impact?
  of those strategies.                         doing to drive industry                     The perception that ESG or impact
      Private equity provides the capital      collaboration on ESG and                    investing requires investors to accept
  to bring these solutions to scale, plus      impact matters?                             a lower financial return is diminishing
  the focus and dedication needed to be        Last year we launched KPMG IM-              with proven examples of how these ap-
  successful. A number of firms are al-        PACT, an initiative to bring together       proaches contribute to value creation.
  ready investing in renewable energy          our global professionals and subject        An effective approach to ESG helps
  and pursuing strategic opportunities in      matter experts to help our clients de-      private equity investors better antici-
  areas including sustainable infrastruc-      liver growth with purpose, and I lead       pate risks, be more resilient and max-
  ture, packaging and agriculture. To be       the effort to support our private equi-     imise operational efficiency.
  transformational, we need innovation         ty and asset management clients. We             Some still question whether impact
  to drive permanent changes in the en-        are working on creative ways we can         is consistent with an investment man-
  ergy efficiency of day-to-day life. This     contribute, in particular as convenor,      date to maximise risk-adjusted returns.
  creates a breadth of new investment          to help move the industry forward in a      Investments made over the past few
  opportunities across different indus-        collaborative way.                          years have demonstrated that tremen-
  tries and sectors around the world.              The ESG and impact investing eco-       dous value can be created by compa-
      The opportunities for private eq-        systems are dynamic and growing. Al-        nies with market-based solutions to the
  uity firms associated with supporting        though the leadership demonstrated by       biggest problems facing society. Rath-
  the transition to a low carbon econo-        individual firms is critical to continue    er than being incompatible, it is a key
  my extend beyond environmental im-           raising the bar, it is through collabora-   driver of financial performance. n
  plications. It is more holistic as it also   tion that the entire industry advances.
                                                                                           Tania Carnegie, MVO, MBA, CPA is the global
  includes supporting economic equal-          This is where things get exciting… over     lead – private equity and asset management
  ity through job creation and more            the past year we have hosted a series of    for KPMG IMPACT

58 Private Equity International   •   February 2021
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