4to Domingo de Pascua Dia de las Madres - MAY 12, 2019

Page created by Samantha Miles
4to Domingo de Pascua Dia de las Madres - MAY 12, 2019
MAY 12, 2019

   4to Domingo de Pascua
     Dia de las Madres
4to Domingo de Pascua Dia de las Madres - MAY 12, 2019
Parish Information & Mass Intentions

                                    MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 11 — MAY 19, 2019
Saturday        05/11/19      7:30 AM      For All Souls in Purgatory
Saturday        05/11/19       4:00 PM     Living and Deceased of the Smith and Krawiecki families, by Beatrice Krawiecki
Sábado          05/11/19       6:30 PM     Gerardo Velez, by Cecilia Velez e Hijos
                                           Mario Flores (9no Anniv), by Maria Aguilar
                                           Fabiola Echeverri, by Jaime Acosta y Familia
                                           Blanca Henao, by Familia Acosta
                                           Emperatriz Ochoa (Accion de gracias por la vida)
Sunday          05/12/19      7:30 AM      Health and blessings of Jonathan Adam Vogt, by Marylyn Vogt
Sunday          05/12/19     10:00 AM      Helen Sandor, by Thomas Sandor and Joanne Falcone
Domingo         05/12/19     12:30 PM      Por Todas Las Mamas Vivas y Difuntas
Monday          05/13/19      7:30 AM      Barbara Rizzi, by Steven Tafuro
Tuesday         05/14/19      7:30 AM      Betty D. Hartzel, by Marylyn Vogt
Martes          05/14/19      7:00 PM      Por Todas Las Almas del Purgatorio
Wednesday       05/15/19      7:30 AM      For all Souls in Purgatory
Thursday        05/16/19      7:30 AM      Health and blessings of Kathy Vogt, by Marylyn Vogt
Friday          05/17/19      7:30 AM      For All Souls in Purgatory
Saturday        05/18/19      7:30 AM      For All Souls in Purgatory
Saturday        05/18/19      4:00 PM      Justine Jeri Cutrone, by Toula Kathrakis
Sábado          05/18/19      6:30 PM      Salud y Bendiciones de Sebastian Montoya, by Flia Tobon Aristizabal
                                           Salud y Bendiciones de Nubia Gomez, by Adriana Henao
                                           Edelvira Gaviria (2do Aniv), by Jhon Jairo Montoya
                                           Salud y Bendiciones de Joselin Mishelle Vilche, by Maria Pesantez
Sunday          05/19/19      7:30 AM      For All Souls in Purgatory
Sunday          05/19/19     10:00 AM      Louis Czel, by Helen Kenderesi
Domingo         05/19/19     12:30 PM      Adrian Quesada, by Ana Umana
                                           Salud y Bendiciones de Oliver Certain, by Beatriz Rodriguez
                                           Eva Rodriguez, by Familia Rodriguez
                                           Gerardo Velez, by Familia Rodriguez
                                           Salud y Bendiciones de Regina Giraldo, by Cecilia Velez e Hijos
                                           Romelia Giraldo & Aurora Montoya, by Beatriz Rodriguez
 For any Mass intentions, we ask that you call or come directly to the Parish office to provide the necessary information, and to ensure
that your desired date is available. Para sus intenciones y Misas especiales, les rogamos llamar o acercarse directamente a la oficina de
                la Parroquia para dejar los datos correspondientes, y para asegurarse que la fecha deseada esté disponible.
         FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE WEEK OF                                      FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE WEEK OF
                 APR 22– APR 28, 2019                                                  APR 29– MAY 5, 2019

Offertory                                              $3,115.00        Offertory                                             $2,697.00
Black & Indian Mission                                 $1,007.00        Monthly                                                $995.00
Mass Stipends                                           $150.00         Mass Stipends                                          $150.00
Easter Flowers                                            $39.00        Religious Education                                      $95.00
Donation                                                $100.00         Donation                                               $100.00
                                                                        Sanctuary Lamp                                         $160.00
                                                                        Rent                                                  $1,800.00
GRAND TOTAL                                            $4,411.00        GRAND TOTAL                                           $5,997.00

                                                               Page 2
4to Domingo de Pascua Dia de las Madres - MAY 12, 2019
Parish Information

                                                            25 Cliff Street, South Norwalk, Connecticut 06854
                                                            Phone (203) 866-1867 ~ Fax: (203) 866-7830
                                                            1907-2019 ~ 112 Years of Love of God and Service to our Neighbors.

                       CLERGY                                                       PARISH MISSION STATEMENT
             Fr. Juan Gabriel Acosta, Pastor
                                                                        “Saint Ladislaus Parish is a Roman Catholic Christian
                    PARISH STAFF
                                                                      community which has preserved our heritage and culture
                                                                     since 1907. As we proceed into the future, we will strive to
             RELIGIOUS EDUCATION                                      reach out and welcome our neighbors to become a part of
          Donna Forcier (DRE): 203-853-4292                              our parish community through worship and spiritual
            Damaris Jimenez 203-970-8674                                                      support.”

         Sunday Classes: 8:30 am – 9:45 am                                          SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE
         Monday Classes: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm                           Arrangements should be made at least 6 months in advance.
         Tuesday Classes: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm                          Couples must schedule an appointment with the pastor prior
       Note: All children are expected to attend the
                                                                     to scheduling a wedding. All couples are required to attend
               10:00 am Mass on Sunday.
                                                                     a Diocesan Marriage Preparation Course.
                 CHAIR OF FINANCE
                  Mr. Michael Horvath                                                SACRAMENT OF PENANCE
                                                                     Saturday afternoon from 2:30 to 3:30 pm or by appointment
                  MUSIC DIRECTOR                                                        in the Church office.
                    Lori Pearson
                                                                                    PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK
     SUNDAY MASSES                                                   Contact the rectory if you know a parishioner who is in the
     Saturday - 4:00 pm (Vigil)                                      hospital, nursing home or is homebound and would like to
     Saturday - 6:30 pm (Spanish)                                    receive communion and/or a visit from a priest. Due to new
     Sunday   - 7:30 am (English)                                    regulations procedures, patient information is strictly
     Sunday   - 10:00 am (Family Mass)                               regulated.
     Sunday   - 12:30 pm (Spanish)
                                                                                       NEW REGISTRATIONS
     WEEKDAY MASSES                                                  You can register by calling the rectory and coming in to fill
     Monday - Saturday 7:30 am                                        out the Census Card. You must provide copies of your
     Tuesday           7:00 pm (Spanish)                                  most recent Sacrament certificates (Baptism,
     First Friday      7:00 pm (Spanish)                                Communion, etc) for each member of the family.

                 OFFICE HOURS                                                           HORARIO DE OFICINA
  The following is a schedule for the rectory hours.                  Si desea comunicarse con la Oficina de la Parroquia o solicitar
Please call ahead for an appointment with the Pastor.                una cita con el Padre Juan Gabriel por favor hágalo teniendo en
                                                                                       cuenta el siguiente horario:
Monday, Tuesday and     9:00 am - 12:00 pm         Office Open
Friday                  2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
                                                                     Lunes, Martes     Desde las 9:00 am hasta las 12:00 pm y de
                                                                     y Viernes         2:00 pm a las 5:00 pm
Wednesday and           Fr. Juan Gabriel is off.   Office
Thursday                                           Closed            Sábado y          Por favor dejar mensaje y su número
                                                                     Domingo           telefónico
                                                                     Miércoles y       No hay horario de oficina.
              Nuevas registraciones                                  Jueves
              Si desea registrarse en nuestra
parroquia por favor hacerlo personalmente en la oficina              Padre Juan G.     Marque Ext. 11
    los días lunes, martes o viernes de 9 am —12 pm
                                                                     Recepción         Marque Ext. 13
                    y de 2 pm—5 pm.

                                                              Page 3
4to Domingo de Pascua Dia de las Madres - MAY 12, 2019
Parish & Community News
                   THE SANCTUARY CANDLE                                                          BAPTISMS AND
                          FAMILY                                                                    CLASS
                                                                     The next scheduled day for Baptisms is June 16, 2019
           DAY OF PRAYER AND HEALING                                 at 1:45 pm. The pre-baptismal class will be held on
                                                                     Saturday, June 15, 2019 at 5:30 pm in the Church
   Do you or someone you know suffer from an abortion                Basement. Please call the office for registrations.
experience? Come back to God who is love
and mercy. Begin the journey of healing.                                THIS WEEK’S ALTAR
                                                                     FLOWERS ARE OFFERED FOR
        Saturday, June 29, 2019
     For information (confidential):                                 HEALTH AND BLESSINGS OF
        projectrachel@diobpt.org                                          ORBILIA HENAO
  203.416.1619 Tel / 475.231.9210 Text
                                                                          BY FRANCISCO HENAO
                       YOUTH CHOIR
If you are 8+ years old, and God has given you the desire to
sing or the ability to play an instrument, please consider
sharing that gift with your parish family! There are no
                                                                             CELEBRATING OUR YOUTH
auditions. We only ask that you volunteer to share your gifts with
us! If you are interested, please come up to the Choir loft after     The Parish Family of St. Ladislaus wishes a very Happy
the 10am Mass. The choir is always looking for new members.             Birthday to the students in our religious education
                                                                                 program with birthdays in MAY.

                       REMEMBERING OUR                               Diana Velasco (5/1)             Mathias Melgar (5/3)
                       RECENTLY DEPARTED                             Cynthia Contreras (5/5)        Samuel Serna (5/6)
                                 † Jaime Henao
                                                                     Brian Guerra (5/10)            Isabella Montoya (5/10)
                   “Almighty Father, source of forgiveness and       Fernando Arreguin (5/11)       Gabriel Mandujano (5/12)
salvation, grant that our relatives and friends who have passed
from this life may, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin   Nicole Jimenez (5/16)          Mayalian Figueroa (5/17)
Mary and of all the saints, come to share your Eternal happiness
through Christ our Lord. Amen.                                       Jovan Sandoval (5/22)

     PRAYER FOR OUR SICK                                                    You are all in our prayers…HAPPY
Helen Hyde      David Smith
Orbilia Henao Laura Quevedo
Margarita Bedoya                                                          ALTAR FLOWER OFFERINGS
Juan Gonzalo Carvajal
Maria Serrano                                                          Please note that as of this month, your
Miryam Acosta                                                        flower offerings will be used for our Altar
“Almighty and Eternal God, You are the everlasting health of            Flowers only. Your intentions will be
those who believe in You. Hear us for Your sick servants, for           placed on the Altar beside the flower
whom we implore the aid of Your tender mercy, that being restored     vases. Please call the office to schedule
to bodily health, they may give thanks to You in Your Church.                        your dates.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”

                                                                 Page 4
4to Domingo de Pascua Dia de las Madres - MAY 12, 2019
Parish & Community News
                  2019 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL
We are hopeful that all of our members and families will respond to the 2019 Annual Catholic
Appeal. While the level of sacrifice will differ from parishioner to parishioner, an Appeal gift this year is within the
reach of the majority of our people. Please prayerfully consider supporting the Annual Appeal with a pledge or one-
time gift as your means allow. Your support is much needed and will be greatly appreciated!
   To date, St. Ladislaus has raised 17 gifts worth $2,320.00 bringing the parish to 14.50% of its $16,000 goal.
                                              Thank you for your generosity!

                                        RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS

On Saturday, April 27th we had our Confirmation Retreat for those students preparing for Confirmation. We had
 41 students and it was another great success! Thank you to Jared Forcier who created and led the retreat. Also a
 big thank you to Jennifer Criollo, Alan Munive and Peter Soares who gave amazing and inspiring witness talks
about their faith journeys. Thank you to Susan and Gerry Flores, the members of our Youth Group and Confirma-
  tion Team for all their help and all the parents who supplied the food for over 50 hungry young people! Thank
  you also to Father Juan for helping all day and also for his constant support of the young people in our parish!

 April 28th 29th and 30th were the last classes for all of our religious education classes except for our Confirma-
   tion Candidates who finish on May 5th. Because our Easter Egg Hunt had to be cancelled twice due to the
                    weather, we gave our bags of candy to the kids on their last day of class.

    Our Communion students received the Sacrament of Communion on May 4th at 10:00am & 1:00pm Mass.

Our Confirmation Candidates will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Phillip Church in Nor-
    walk on Sunday, May 19 at 12:00 pm. Please pray for them as they continue on in their faith journeys.

Monday, May 20th and Tuesday, May 21 are the registration dates for RETURNING STUDENTS ONLY from
5:00pm to 8:00pm in the church office. Please be sure you come register your returning student one of these days.
                      Space in our program is limited and we are not able to hold spots.

  Tuesday, May 28 and Wednesday, May 29 are the registration dates for NEW STUDENTS from 5:00pm to
 8:00pm in the church office. If your child is new to the program, please be sure to register them on one of these

                                   PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN…
As we continue to be blessed and our religious education program continues to grow we are in need of new cate-
chists. You do not need any experience. We need people willing to commit to teaching weekly. We can work
around your schedule. If that is more than you can commit to, please consider signing up to be a substitute cate-
chist. Classes are taught in English and you will be given all the materials you need.

One of the strengths of our program is our assistants. We are also looking for young people who would like to vol-
unteer to give back to the church and share their time and talents helping to bring the faith to the younger students.

  If you can help in any way, please contact Donna Forcier at 203-853-4292. Thank you for your prayers for our
                                       young people and for your support.

                                                        Page 5
4to Domingo de Pascua Dia de las Madres - MAY 12, 2019
Actividades & Anuncios Parroquiales
                     EL CIRIO DEL SANTISIMO                                                         BAUTISMOS Y
                   INTENCIONES DE LA FAMILIA
                                                                                                CLASE PRE-BAUTISMAL
                         ZUÑIGA BERMEO
                                                                       Se celebrarán el próximo 16 de Junio del 2019 a la
                                                                       1:45pm. Por favor llamar a la oficina de la Parroquia
POR LOS DIFUNTOS DE                                                    para registrarse. El curso pre-bautismal es el sábado 15
NUESTRA COMUNIDAD                                                      de Junio a las 5:30pm en el sótano de la Iglesia.

              † Jaime Henao                                              LAS FLORES DEL ALTAR DE
                                                                        ESTA SEMANA SE OFRECEN
“Oh Jesús, que amaste a los tuyos con gran                                    POR LA SALUD Y
predilección, escucha la súplica que te hacemos, y por tu                BENDICIONES DE ORBILIA
misericordia concede a aquellos que Tú te has llevado de nuestra        HENAO. OFRECE FRANCISCO
comunidad el gozar del eterno descanso en el seno de tu infinito
amor. Concédeles, Señor, el descanso eterno y que les ilumine tu luz
perpetua. Amén.
                                                                        REGISTRACIONES PARA LA CATEQUESIS
                                MISA DE                                    ESTUDIANTES                    COSTOS DE INSCRIPCIÓN
                            CORONACION DE LA                               REGISTRADOS
                          VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE                             Mayo 20 & 21, 5p-8p             Todos los grados (excepto los
                                                                                                          de Primera Comunión y
                                                                              NUEVOS                      Confirmaciones) $120.00 por
                 El viernes 31 de Mayo a las 7PM                           ESTUDIANTES                    niño. $60.00 para miembros
                 estaremos celebrando la Misa de                          Mayo 28 & 29, 5p-8p             de la Parroquia.
                 Coronación en honor a Nuestra
                 Señora de Guadalupe. La Santa Misa                      Nota: Para registrar nuevos      Niños de Primera Comunión
                 será tambien acompañada y ameni-                      estudiantes, se requieren copias   $130.00 por niño. $100.00 para
zada con música de Mariachi. Es una gran oportunidad                     del Registro de Nacimiento,      miembros de la Parroquia.
                                                                           Partida de Bautismo, y
para dar homenaje todos unidos a la Virgen de las                          Certificado de Primera
Américas!                                                                                                 Niños de Confirmación
                                                                          Comunion (si aplica). Sin
                                                                                                          $130.00 por niño. $100.00 para
                                                                                                          miembros de la Parroquia.
                                                                                      Sacramento del
De todo corazón estamos                                                                 matrimonio
pidiendo su colaboración para
                                                                              Las diligencias deben hacerse al menos seis (6)
llegar a la meta final que es la                                                meses antes del matrimonio. Las parejas
recaudación de $16,000.00 que nos corresponde                           deben solicitar una cita con el Sacerdote antes de programar
como Parroquia. Es muy importante que                                                              su boda.
podamos cumplir con esta cuota que está
                                                                           SI USTED ESTA PLANEANDO RECIBIR ESTE
destinada para ayudar con los diversos                                    SACRAMENTO EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA, POR
programas de caridad de la Diócesis.                                           FAVOR CONCRETE SU CITA CON EL
                                                                                SACERDOTE LO ANTES POSIBLE.
    Hasta la fecha nuestra Parroquia ha                                      Se requiere que las parejas asistan a un curso pre-
 recaudado 17 donaciones por un valor total                                     matrimonial, para el cual se deben registrar
  de $2,320.00, lo que equivale a 14.50% de                               directamente con la Diócesis de Bridgeport a través del
                                                                                              siguiente enlace:
 nuestra meta. Gracias por su generosidad!                             https://www.bridgeportdiocese.org/marriage-preparation/

                                                                 Page 6
Actividades Parroquiales
 CONGRATULATIONS! To our 61children who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday,
                                            May 4, 2019.

SABADO 4 DE MAYO. Que Dios los bendiga a todos e ilumine a sus padres quienes siguen siendo acompañan-
              tes y guías en este camino de vida Cristiana. Están en nuestras oraciones.

                                               Page 7
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