50 VS Code Hints Tips and Tricks of the Week from 2020 Modernize or Die CFML News Podcast

Page created by Lori Flynn
50 VS Code Hints Tips and Tricks of the Week
from 2020 Modernize or Die® CFML News
Podcast (https://www.ortussolutions.com/blog

Paulina Lainez                                               Jan 12, 2021

By: Gavin Pickin

VS Code is the hottest IDE out there, and the most asked question I
get at every conference I attend is, "what VS Code extensions are you
using?". Since I got this question so much, we decided to dedicate a
portion of our CFML News Podcast to VS Code Hints, Tips and Tricks.
We had 50 episodes in 2020, each with a VS Code hint tip or trick, so
we wanted to give you a way to see all of them in one place, so here
they are.

1/7/20 - Surround

By Mehmet Yatk - 17,978 installs - 5 stars

A simple yet powerful extension to add wrapper templates around
your code blocks.

- Supports multi selections

- Fully customizable

- Custom wrapper functions

- You can assign shortcuts for each wrapper function separately

- Nicely formatted

surround (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

1/14/20 - CFLint

By KamasamaK - 5,085 installs

CFLint is a linter for CFML and you can find more information at its
GitHub repository. This extension integrates CFLint into VS Code.

Recommend using Ortus Solution’s CFLint conventions
https://github.com/Ortus-Solutions/coding-standards (https://github.

vscode-cflint (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

1/21/20 Cloak by John Papa

Cloak hides/shows your secrets in environment files, to avoid
accidentally sharing them with everyone who sees your screen.

Cloak can be useful if you:

    present on stage
    stream on Twitch or YouTube
    record screancasts of your code
vscode-cloak (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

1/28/20 Vue Peek by Dario Fuzinato


236,950 installs - 5 stars

Allows peek and goto definition for Vue single-file components.

This extension extends Vue code editing with Go To Definition and
Peek Definition support for components and filenames in single-file
components with a .vue extension. It allows quickly jumping to or
peeking into files that are referenced as components (from template),
or as module imports (from script).
vue-peek (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

2/4/20 Auto Close Tag by Jun Han

Formulahendry.auto-close-tag - 2,366,279 installs - 4.5 stars

Automatically add HTML/XML close tag, same as Visual Studio IDE or
Sublime Text does.

From VS Code 1.16, it has built-in close tag support for HTML,
Handlebars and Razor files. This extension is enabled for other
languages like XML, PHP, Vue, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSX, TSX and so
on. It is configurable.

itemName=formulahendry.auto-close-tag (https://marketplace.

2/11/20 - Local History by xyz

Xyz.local-history - 135,494 installs - 4 stars

A visual source code plugin for maintaining local history of files.
Every time you modify a file, a copy of the old contents is kept in the
local history. At any time, you can compare a file with any older
version from the history. It can help you out when you change or
delete a file by accident. The history can also help you out when your
workspace has a catastrophic problem. Each file revision is stored in a
separate file inside the .history folder of your workspace directory
(you can also configure another location, see local-history.path). e.g., .


2/18/20 - Todo Tree by Gruntfuggly

Gruntfuggly.todo-tree - 388,791 installs - 5 stars

This extension quickly searches (using ripgrep) your workspace for
comment tags like TODO and FIXME, and displays them in a tree view
in the explorer pane. Clicking a TODO within the tree will open the file
and put the cursor on the line containing the TODO.

Found TODOs can also be highlighted in open files.
todo-tree (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

2/25/20 - Rainglow by Dayle Rees

Daylerees.rainglow - 123,183 installs - 5 stars

Rainglow is a collection of color themes for a number of different
editors and platforms. This repository consists of 320+ syntax and UI
themes for Visual Studio Code (https://code.visualstudio.com/).

https://rainglow.io/ (https://rainglow.io/)

Preview: https://rainglow.io/preview/ (https://rainglow.io/preview/)

rainglow (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

3/3/20 - REST Client by Huachao Mao

Humao.rest-client - 799,202 installs - 5 stars
REST Client allows you to send HTTP request and view the response in
Visual Studio Code directly.

A few of the many features available:

    Send/Cancel/Rerun HTTP request in editor and view response
    in a separate pane with syntax highlight
    Send cURL command in editor and copy HTTP request as
    cURL command
    Auto save and view/clear request history
    Organize MULTIPLE requests in the same file (separated by
    ### delimiter)
    View image response directly in pane
    Save raw response and response body only to local disk
    Fold and unfold response body
    Customize font(size/family/weight) in response preview

client (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=humao.

3/10/20 Code Tour by Live Share Contrib

Vsls-contrib.codetour - 345 installs - 5 stars
Code Tour is a Visual Studio Code extension, which allows you to
record and playback guided walkthroughs of your codebases. It's like
a virtual brownbag, that can make it easier to onboard to a new
project/feature area, visualize bug reports, or understand the context
of a code review/PR change. A "code tour" is simply a series of
interactive steps, each of which are associated with a specific file/line,
and include a description of the respective code. This allows
developers to clone a repo, and then immediately start learning it,
without needing to refer to a CONTRIBUTING.md file and/or rely on
help from others.

codetour (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

3/17/20 - Bookmarks by Alessandro Fragnani

alefragnani.Bookmarks - 749,669 installs - 5 stars

It helps you to navigate in your code, moving between important
positions easily and quickly. No more need to search for code. It also
supports a set of selection commands, which allows you to select
bookmarked lines and regions between bookmarked lines. It's really
useful for log file analysis.
Bookmarks (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

3/24/20 - Sort Lines - built into VS Code

There are lots of extensions but VS Code has a sort lines function built
in. When documenting arguments for functions we wished it was easy
to alphabetize, and it was. One click and everything was ordered for

Now we just need to find something to sort a Javascript object by Key

To use: Select the lines you wish to Sort, and Press F1 ( Windows ) and
then type Sort Lines ( Ascending or Descending )

3/31/20 - VS Code Remote Development

Visual Studio Code Remote Development allows you to use a
container, remote machine, or the Windows Subsystem for Linux
(WSL) as a full-featured development environment.
No source code needs to be on your local machine to get these
benefits. Each extension in the Remote Development extension pack
can run commands and other extensions directly inside a container,
in WSL, or on a remote machine so that everything feels like it does
when you run locally.

https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/remote-overview (

4/7/20 - Git Commands Feature in GitLens 10

'Git Commands' from the GitLens extension provides a visual
interface for #git operations. This lets you perform operations beyond
what VS Code's UI supports without having to remember git's cli

Adds a Git Commands command (gitlens.gitCommands) to provide
guided (step-by-step) access to common Git commands and their flags

Quickly navigate and execute Git commands through easy-to-use
menus where each command requires an explicit confirm step before
GitLens supercharges the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code.
It helps you to visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame
annotations and code lens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git
repositories, gain valuable insights via powerful comparison
commands, and so much more.


4/14/20 - Markdown All in One

By Yu Zhang

Yzhang.markdown-all-in-on 1,315,949 installs 5 stars

All you need for Markdown (keyboard shortcuts, table of contents,
auto preview and more).

    Keyboard shortcuts (toggle bold, italic, code span,
    strikethrough and heading)
    Table of contents
    List editing
    Print Markdown to HTML
    GitHub Flavored Markdown
    Auto completions
markdown-all-in-one (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

4/21/20 CommandBox by Ortus Solutions

Brings CommandBox features and helpers into VS Code


       Script Explorer
       Run Scripts from the Editor
       Run Scripts from a folder in explorer
       Property Completion
       Property Hover
       Property Completion
       Property Hover
       Slug Completion
       Version Completion
Lots of settings for your customerization, including customerization
for ForgeBox enterprise

solutions.vscode-commandbox (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com

4/28/20 - VS Code EOL

Sohamkamani.code-eol - 14,246 installs

This is an extension to display EOL (new line) characters in your code.

Supports \n, \r\n, and \r returns

itemName=sohamkamani.code-eol (https://marketplace.visualstudio.

5/5/20 - Path Autocomplete

Ionutvmi.path-autocomplete - 490,245 installs
Provides path completion for visual studio code.


    it supports relative paths (starting with ./)
    it supports absolute path to the workspace (starting with /)
    it supports absolute path to the file system (starts with: C:)
    it supports paths relative to the user folder (starts with ~)
    it supports items exclusions via the path-autocomplete.
    excludedItems option
    it supports npm packages (starting with a-z and not relative to
    it supports automatic suggestion after selecting a folder
    it supports custom mappings via the path-autocomplete.
    pathMappings option
    it supports custom transformations to the inserted text via
    the path-autocomplete.transformations
    it supports windows paths with the path-autocomplete.

path-autocomplete (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

5/12/20 Draw.io VS Code Integration by Henning Dieterichs

This extension integrates Draw.io into VS Code.


    Edit .drawio or .dio files in the Draw.io editor, as xml or both.
    To create a new diagram, simply create an empty *.drawio
    file and open it!
    Uses an offline version of Draw.io by default.
    An online Draw.io url can be configured.

vscode-drawio (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

5/19/20 Prettier - Code formatter by Esben Petersen

Esbenp.prettier-vscode - 6,545,634 installs - 4 stars

Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. It enforces a consistent
style by parsing your code and re-printing it with its own rules that
take the maximum line length into account, wrapping code when
JavaScript · TypeScript · Flow · JSX · JSON

CSS · SCSS · Less

HTML · Vue · Angular

GraphQL · Markdown · YAML

prettier-vscode (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

5/26/20 Codespaces on Github by Microsoft

How is Codespaces different from VS Code?

Codespaces sets up a cloud-hosted, containerized, and customizable
VS Code environment. After set up, you can connect to a codespace
through the browser or through VS Code.

Develop from anywhere, anytime

With your development in the cloud, you can contribute code from
any device, using VS Code or your browser.

Dependencies, decluttered
Contribute to projects without complicating your local setup. Spin up
dev environments with a click—even for projects you haven't worked
on before—and switch between them with ease.

How can I configure a codespace?

Inside of a codespace, you’ll have access to the Visual Studio Code
Marketplace, and you can preload any extensions you want loaded at
launch using a devcontainer configuration file. You can also
personalize your codespace by pulling in dotfiles.

https://github.com/features/codespaces/ (https://github.com/features

6/2/20 HTML CSS Support

ecmel.vscode-html-css - 3,319,662 installs - 4 stars

Visual Studio Code CSS Support for HTML Documents

Missing CSS support for HTML documents.


Class attribute completion.

Id attribute completion.

Supports Zen Coding completion for class and id attributes.
Scans workspace folder for css and scss files.

Supports remote css files.

Uses vscode-css-languageservice.

html-css (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

6/9/20 Settings Sync by Shan Khan

1,716,343 installs - 4.5 stars

Since VS Code’s setting Sync is insider only, 1.8 million have installed
this version.

Synchronize Settings, Snippets, Themes, File Icons, Launch,
Keybindings, Workspaces and Extensions Across Multiple Machines
Using GitHub Gist.

settings-sync (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?
For VS Code Insiders - The official Settings Sync will let you
automatically have access to themes, settings etc with using Github

https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/settings-sync (https://code.

6/23/20 Advanced New File


Inspired by Sublime's AdvancedNewFile plugin, this adds the ability to
create files anywhere in your workspace.


    Fuzzy-matching autocomplete to create new file relative to
    existing path (thanks to JoeNg93 for making it faster)
    Create new directories while creating a new file
    Create a directory instead of a file by suffixing the file path
    with / as in somedirectory/ to create the directory (thanks to
    Ignores gitignored and workspace files.exclude settings.
    Additional option of adding advancedNewFile.exclude
    settings to workspace settings just like native files.exlude
except it explicitly effects AdvancedNewFile plugin only.
    (thanks to Kaffiend)
    Control the order of top convenient options ("last selection",
    "current file", etc) via config setting advancedNewFile.

advanced-new-file (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

6/30/20 Tailwind CSS IntelliSense

Bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss by Brad Cornes - 94828 installs

Tailwind CSS IntelliSense enhances the Tailwind development
experience by providing Visual Studio Code users with advanced
features such as autocomplete, syntax highlighting, and linting.

vscode-tailwindcss (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

7/7/20 GitHub Pull Requests and Issues by Github
GitHub.vscode-pull-request-github - 569,734 installs

This extension allows you to review and manage GitHub pull requests
and issues in Visual Studio Code. The support includes:

    Authenticating and connecting VS Code to GitHub.
    Listing and browsing PRs from within VS Code.
    Reviewing PRs from within VS Code with in-editor
    Validating PRs from within VS Code with easy checkouts.
    Terminal integration that enables UI and CLIs to co-exist.
    Listing and browsing issues from within VS Code.
    Hover cards for "@" mentioned users and for issues.
    Completion suggestions for users and issues.
    A "Start working on issue" action which can create a branch
    for you.
    Code actions to create issues from "todo" comments.

vscode-pull-request-github (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com

7/14/20 - Bracket Pair Colorizer 2
CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer-2 | 1,074,677 installs

This extension allows matching brackets to be identified with colours.
The user can define which tokens to match, and which colours to use.

Differences between v1 and v2?

v2 Uses the same bracket parsing engine as VSCode, greatly
increasing speed and accuracy. A new version was released because
settings were cleaned up, breaking backwards compatibility.

Lots of great new settings and features I wasn’t using in V1, but now i
need to take the time to use them

bracket-pair-colorizer-2 (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

7/21/20 - Easy-snippet

another easy way to manage snippet


    Auto-detects language
Easily edit and delete snippets once created
    View, edit, and remove snippet groups from a dedicated
    snippet manager

snippet (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

7/28/20 - Debugger for Chrome

Debug your JavaScript code running in Google Chrome from VS Code.

A VS Code extension to debug your JavaScript code in the Google
Chrome browser, or other targets that support the Chrome DevTools

Supported features

Setting breakpoints, including in source files when source maps are

Stepping, including with the buttons on the Chrome page

The Locals pane

Debugging eval scripts, script tags, and scripts that are added


debugger-for-chrome (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

8/4/20 Profile Switcher by Aaron Powell

This extension allows you to define a number of settings profiles that
you can easily switch between. The original idea for this extension
came from my desire to have an easy way for me to switch my VS
Code to a setup that was better optimised for presenting (changed
themes, increase font size, etc).

The extension introduces four new commands that you can use from
the command panel. All commands are prefixed with Profile Switcher.

vscode-profile-switcher (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

8/11/20 Search Editor: Apply Changes by Jackson Kearl
Apply changes in a Search Editor to files in a workspace.


    Run a search
    Edit results
    Run command "Apply Search Editor changes to worksapce"

Search editor changes will overwrite their target files at the lines
specified in the editor - if the lines in the target document have been
modified shifted around this will result in erroneous overwriting of
existing data.

This is a very early expermient of what writing local search editor
changes out to the workspace might look like, please file bugs and
feature requests as you see fit!

search-editor-apply-changes (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com

8/18/20 - Sorting HTML and Jade attributes
Sorting of the tag attributes in the specified order

You can use global keyboard shortcut ALT+SHIFT+F or right-click
context menu Format code.

Or press F1 and run the command named Sorting of the tag
attributes (attrs-sorter).

Use the default order, or set the order yourself


    "attrsSorter.order": ["data-.+", "aria-.+", "class"]


vscode-attrs-sorter (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

8/25/20 - Format in context menus

Lacroixdavid1.vscode-format-context-menu - 33,929 installs

This VSCode extension allows the user to format one or multiple files
with right-click context menu.
Format one or multiple files from Explorer Context Menu

Format one or multiple files from SCM Context Menu

Format one file from Editor File Tile Context Menu


9/1/20 - i18n Ally

All in one i18n extension for VS Code

Supports multi-root workspaces

Supports remote development

Supports numerous popular frameworks

Supports linked locale messages

Uses i18n for the extension itself, of course. Translation List

9/8/20 - Multiple cursor case preserve

By Carindal90

Have you ever tried to change a single word in all variable names, but
had your camelCase broken? This extension preserves selection case
in these situations. It recognises CAPS, Uppercase and lowercase.
Works for typing or pasting.

multi-cursor-case-preserve (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com

9/15/20 - ngrok for VSCode by philnash

A VSCode extension to control ngrok from the command palette.

ngrok: start: Start an HTTP tunnel pointing to a port of your choice
from the command palette

You can choose to copy the URL to the clipboard, open it in a browser
or even generate a QR code so that you can easily open it on a mobile

ngrok: start: Start a named HTTP tunnel from your ngrok config
ngrok: stop: Stop one or all HTTP tunnels

ngrok: dashboard: Open the ngrok dashboard

ngrok-for-vscode#ngrok-for-vscode (https://marketplace.visualstudio.

9/22/20 - Hero Icons by Afzal

Hero Icons for VS Code

Search and paste icons into you code as SVG or JSX for your web

This project stands on the shoulders of original hero-icons library.

heroicons (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

9/29/20 - Debug Visualizer

A VS Code extension for visualizing data structures while debugging.
Like the VS Code's watch view, but with rich visualizations of the
watched value.

visualizer (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

10/6/20 - Core VS Code Updates released in August 2020

VS Code updates monthly and releases so many great fixes and

There are a number of updates in this version that we hope you will
like, some of the key highlights include:

Format modified text - Limit formatting to just the code you've

Change casing on Search and Replace - Change text casing during
global Search and Replace.

Source Control repositories view - Display pending changes per

Filter Debug Console output - Quickly filter and find debugging output.

Improved JS debugger Auto Attach - "Smart" Auto Attach to Node.js
scripts or test runners.
TypeScript optional chaining refactoring - Convert multiple checks to a
concise optional chain.

JSDoc @deprecated tag support - IntelliSense clearly shows APIs
marked as deprecated.

Notebook UX updates - Cell Status bar contributions, enhanced
notebook diff editor.

https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_49 (https://code.

10/13/20 - Visual Code Release Parties

Join the VS Code team for the latest release

With the launch of v1.50 of Visual Studio Code, we want to celebrate
with you! Join our team for a virtual release party, where we'll share
our favorite features and answer your questions in a live Q&A.

https://code.visualstudio.com/events (https://code.visualstudio.com

Missed the last events? Catch the highlights on the YouTube channel.
list=PLj6YeMhvp2S72rNFDW_b4W63qyKBBQ_JA (https://www.youtube.

10/20/20 Vscode-coldbox by Ortus Solutions

ColdBox Platform Support for Visual Studio Code
This bundle includes functionality not only for ColdBox MVC, but also
for WireBox, CacheBox and LogBox.
Code Insight, Code Skeleton Snippets, Handler Code Snippets, ORM
Code Snippets, WireBox Code Snippets.
solutions.vscode-coldbox (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com

10/27/20 Copy Relative Path

Simple little extension that gives you the relative path to a file.


11/3/20 Trailing Spaces by Shardul Mahadik
A VS Code extension that allows you to…

highlight trailing spaces and delete them in a flash!

This extension is a port of the popular Sublime Text plugin Trailing


    Delete - Modified Lines Only


trailing-spaces (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

11/10/20 - Git Stash

This extension allows to comfortably create, apply, delete and inspect
stashes. It results helpful when working on different features,
switching to branches for modifications or creating sets of local
experimental features. Navigate on your stashes, and run basically all
stash commands visually and review the results.
gitstash (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

11/19/20 - TabNine Autocomplete AI by TabNine

Better code completions using AI. Works for all programming
languages using the most advanced Machine Learning models to
boost productivity and save time for developers.

This is the Visual Studio Code Tabnine client, advanced AI based
autocomplete for all programming languages. Tabnine Indexes your
entire project by reading your .gitignore or others, and determines
which files to index.

    Enter long variable names using minimal keystrokes and
    leverage a mnemonic completion engine.
    Zero configuration. Tabnine works out of the box.
    Highly responsive: Produces a list of suggestions in less than
    10 milliseconds on average.
tabnine-vscode (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

11/24/20 Auto Rename Tag by Jun Han

4 million + installs

Automatically rename paired HTML/XML tag, same as Visual Studio
IDE does.

itemName=formulahendry.auto-rename-tag (https://marketplace.

12/1/20 vscode-icons by VSCode Icons Team

Bring icons to your Visual Studio Code. Lots and Lots of ICONS

Once installed and after reloading vscode, you will be presented with
a message to Activate the icons.

In case this doesn't happen, navigate to:
Linux & Windows => File > Preferences > File Icon Theme > VSCode

MacOS => Code > Preferences > File Icon Theme > VSCode Icons.


12/8/20 npm

Vscode-npm-script by egamma - 3 million+ installs

This extension supports running npm scripts defined in the package.
json file and validating the installed modules against the
dependencies defined in the package.json.

The package.json validation reports warnings for modules:

    that are defined in the package.json, but that are not installed
    that are installed but not defined in the package.json
    that are installed but do not satisfy the version defined in the
    Quick fixes to run npm are provided for reported warnings.
npm-script (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?

12/15/20 ESLint by Dirk Baeumer

Dbaeumer.vscode-eslint - 12 million+ installs

Integrates ESLint into VS Code. If you are new to ESLint check the

ESLint statically analyzes your code to quickly find problems. ESLint is
built into most text editors and you can run ESLint as part of your
continuous integration pipeline.

Many problems ESLint finds can be automatically fixed. ESLint fixes
are syntax-aware so you won't experience errors introduced by
traditional find-and-replace algorithms.

Preprocess code, use custom parsers, and write your own rules that
work alongside ESLint's built-in rules. You can customize ESLint to
work exactly the way you need it for your project.

12/22/20 Make VS Code Awesome

VS Code is pretty good

Its integrated terminal, global search, and extension marketplace are

But here's my beef: It's loaded with distractions and takes a ton of
configuration to feel good.

That's where this course comes in.

We're going to make VS Code awesome, then teach you how to be
insanely productive in it.

https://makevscodeawesome.com/ (https://makevscodeawesome.

Get more VS Code Hints Tips and Tricks every week on our Podcast

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www.ortussolutions.com (http://www.ortussolutions.com)
           © Copyright Ortus Solutions, Corp.
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