A Clear View of Life What Everyone Needs to Know about Good Vision - Zeiss

Page created by Gary Alvarado
A Clear View of Life What Everyone Needs to Know about Good Vision - Zeiss
A Clear View
of Life
What Everyone Needs to
Know about Good Vision
A Clear View of Life What Everyone Needs to Know about Good Vision - Zeiss
The Miracle of Vision
The Miracle of Vision                                              The Scientific Advisory Board
                                                                   A scientific advisory board, consisting of three renowned ophthalmologists, has checked
                                                                   the information contained in this brochure. These experts ensure that the contents reflect
We get 80 percent of our           images we receive can melt

                                                                                                                                                                                             What Constitutes Good Vision?
                                                                   the current state of knowledge.
sensory input through our          our hearts, such as when we
eyes. We use our eyes to           look at a baby’s face. We
gather information. We can         take all this for granted as
see on the darkest of nights       long as our eyes are healthy.
and in bright sunlight. We         The miracle of vision is
can distinguish between 10         based on complex inter­
million shades of colors and       actions between the eye,
we can see things that are         the optic nerve and the
incredibly far away, like the      brain. The light stimuli on     Prof. Dr.                                     Prof. Dr.                                    Prof. Dr.

                                                                                                                                                                                             Recognizing Eye Diseases
stars in the sky, or the tiniest   the ­retina are passed to the   Antonia Joussen                               Gisbert Richard                              Claus Cursiefen
of specks. Our eyes are            ­optic nerve which delivers     After working in Heidel-                      Ophthalmologist Pro-                         Professor Cursiefen is
our most powerful sensory           the information directly       berg, Aachen, Cologne and                     fessor Richard has been                      Managing Director of the
organ. When we communi-             to the brain. In this way      London and at the Harvard                     Director Emeritus of the                     Eye Center at the University
cate, our eyesight provides         we can process about 55        Medical School in Boston,                     University Medical Center                    Hospital in Cologne,
us with factual and emo-            images per second. These       Professor Joussen became                      Hamburg-Eppendorf (since                     spokesman of the DFG
tional information. Our eyes        provide us with important      director of the Charité                       2015), and a Past-President                  FOR2240 research group
prompt us to take action,           information which allows       University of Medicine Berlin                 of EURETINA (European                        and board member of the

                                                                                                                                                                                             Eye Health Worldwide
for example, after looking at       us to see, understand and      eye clinics in 2010.                          Society of Retina Specialists)               ­Cornea Section of the
the clock, when something           assess what is happening in                                                  (2014).                                       German Ophthalmological
falls over, or when we are          the world around us.                                                                                                       Society.
in danger. What’s more, the
                                                                   Copywriter Esther Langmaack wrote the informative texts in this brochure, the eye-catch-
                                                                   ing images come from photographer Dennis Williamson and the Bentele & Glomb agency
2                                                                  is responsible for the graphic design.                                                                                3
A Clear View of Life What Everyone Needs to Know about Good Vision - Zeiss
The Miracle of Vision
Good Vision                                                        Sunglasses – More than just an Accessory
                                                                                                                                   Sunglasses – What to Look out for
                                                                   They can be sexy, chic or       irritated eyes. In the long
Things We Can Do Ourselves                                         cool. Yet sunglasses should     term, the risk of developing    Sunglasses are decorative “face                – Always look out for the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       What Constitutes Good Vision?
                                                                   be able to do two things        cataracts or age-related        furniture,” but in many situations               100% UV protection
                                                                   above all else: offer max-      blindness due to retinal dis-   they are also a medical necessity.               label. The CE mark
We are constantly taking        everyone needs a visual aid        imum protection to the          ease (AMD) increases. The       The fact that the glasses are                    indicates compliance
a good look at the world        as the lens and iris muscles       eyes against aggressive         damage is painless, which       tinted doesn’t necessarily mean                  with European safety
                                                                                                                                   that they have a UV filter! There                standards.
around us: the painting in      lose their elasticity over the     solar radiation and prevent     is why it is only noticed
                                                                                                                                   are many dark glasses that do not              – The lenses should not
the gallery with the bright     course of time. Even before        you from being dazzled by       after a number of years.
                                                                                                                                   offer 100 percent UV protection.                 be too small.
colors and the sunset with      that, some people’s eye-           bright light. The sun harms     That is why it is important
                                                                                                                                   These are dangerous because                    – Plastic lenses are
its varying shades of red.      sight gradually deteriorates       not only the skin but also      to ensure that sunglasses       the darkening causes the pupil                   suitable for children.
As long as our eyes remain      without their even noticing        the cornea, the conjunctiva     are worn that offer maxi-       to dilate, leading to more light

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Recognizing Eye Diseases
healthy, few of us think very   it. Possible signs are irritated   and the retina of the eyes.     mum protection to the eyes      falling on the lens and the retina.
much about how precious         eyes caused by working             One day without protection      ­beginning from childhood.
good vision is. Even if we      too long at a screen or            is enough to cause watery,                                      Structure of the Eye                                         Choroid
have to wear glasses from       headaches attributable to                                                                                          Cornea
a young age because we          tired eyes. Timely check-ups
are near or far-sighted,        with an ophthalmologist or                                                                                       Iris
most refractive errors          ­optometrist help to identify       Regular Check-ups                                                         Pupil

can be almost completely         such complaints at an early        Even people who don’t wear glasses or contact lenses
­corrected. But then the         stage, with the goal of see-       should consult an eye specialist regularly. This is because

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Eye Health Worldwide
 story changes. From the age     ing as well as possible for as     the brain can compensate for some eye disorders for a
 of about 40 to 50, almost       long as possible.                  while, and those affected can remain symptom-free for                                                                            Optic nerve
                                                                                                                                                        Anterior / posterior               Retina
                                                                    many years.                                                                         chamber              Vitreous body

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A Clear View of Life What Everyone Needs to Know about Good Vision - Zeiss
The Miracle of Vision
Help for the Eyes – Which       Near and Far Sightedness        Astigmatism                   A Strain on the Eyes               Glossary
Lenses Help in what                                                                                                              Accommodation: This is the ability of the eye to adapt the point
                                In younger people imperfect     It is more difficult to       Similar symptoms of eye strain
Circumstances?                                                                                                                   of focus actively to different distances by means of its flexible
                                vision is usually caused by     identify vision defects       also occur as the result of

                                                                                                                                                                                                         What Constitutes Good Vision?
                                a refractive error of the       which are caused by                                              lens.
Eagle-eyed or blind as a                                                                      frequent work at a computer
bat? People see things          eyes. That is why most          curvature of the cornea       screen. The eyes c­ onstantly
                                                                                                                                 Astigmatism: This word is Greek in origin and means “without
differently. Everyone has       deficiencies can be resolved    (astigmatism) because         have to refocus from the
                                                                                                                                 point.” In ophthalmology, it describes an irregular curvature of
their own eye color and the     with single-vision lenses.      the brain can compensate      monitor to objects at other
                                                                                                                                 the cornea, a refractive error of the eye.
performance of their eyes       These glasses can correct       for these. However, this      distances, such as a piece of
is just as individual. Some     vision across all fields of     additional mental effort      paper lying on the desk. This is   Diopter: This unit indicates the refractive power of optical sys-
people always have clear        view – from near to far.        often results in eye-strain   surprisingly hard work for your    tems. It is used primarily in ophthalmic optics where it indicates
vision, even at night. Others   Someone who is near-            or headaches. Glasses         eyes! Computer glasses ensure      how strong a lens must be to compensate for defective vision.
have difficulty recognizing     sighted has difficulty seeing   with single vision lenses     optimum vision between             Positive values indicate far-sightedness, negative values indicate

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Recognizing Eye Diseases
colors correctly and some       in the distance. Road signs     can relieve the strain        approximately 18 inches and        near-sightedness. The higher the respective value, the greater the
have problems with seeing       and people who are further      on the eyes and on the        13 feet. Each job has its own      required compensation of the refractive error.
at all distances. Sometimes     away appear blurred. Far-       brain.                        visual requirements. Just as
headaches and/or irritated      sighted people find reading                                   anyone working on a computer       Presbyopia: This refers to age-related far-sightedness. It is not
                                                                                                                                 due to a disease, but rather to the natural ageing of the eye.
or watery eyes indicate that    difficult or they have                                        can see better and more com-
                                                                                                                                 From the age of 45, most people find it difficult to see close
there is a problem. This is     problems seeing the display                                   fortably with the appropriate
                                                                                                                                 objects well without reading glasses.
because our vision usually      of their cell phone clearly.                                  glasses, so too can people in
changes gradually, over a                                                                     other lines of work – beauti-      Visual acuity: This term refers to the clarity of vision. It can be
long period of time.                                                                          cians or dentists, for example.

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Eye Health Worldwide
                                                                                                                                 measured in a vision test. Visual acuity can diminish with advanc-
                                                                                              Eyewear tailored to the needs      ing age.
                                                                                              of the workplace can make
                                                                                              everyday life much easier and
                                                                                              ensure carefree evenings.
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A Clear View of Life What Everyone Needs to Know about Good Vision - Zeiss
The Miracle of Vision
Frames and Lenses – Total Clarity                                                                                                             Plastic or Glass?                                                Presbyopia – A Pair of Glasses for All Eventualities

Cool frames with large       more important than                                                                                              In the past, all lenses were    And in progressive glasses,      Age-related far-sightedness
                                                          Anti-reflection                Coatings              Areas of Varying                                                                                                                 After Purchase
lenses or elegant rimless    jewelry, scarves or ties                                                          Refractive Power               made of glass. Nowadays         the different vision zones       affects us all. A presbyopic
                                                          Each glass or plastic          Some coatings are

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     What Constitutes Good Vision?
glasses? Each frame makes    because they are always      surface reflects light. This   dirt and water-       Progressive lenses combine     more and more plastic           transition better. Plastic       eye lens finds it increasingly
                                                          can be tiring on the eyes      repellent and make    zones of different refrac-                                                                                                       After buying a pair of glasses
its own fashion statement:   at the center of attention   of eyeglass wearers and        it easier to clean    tive power in a single lens,
                                                                                                                                              lenses are being used. That     scores high due to its           difficult to accommodate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                you need to ask yourself
glasses are always an        and should match your        be a source of irritation      plastic glasses to    meaning that you don’t         does not mean that these        lighter weight, tintability,     close-up objects or dif-
                                                          for anyone around them.        extend their useful   have to change glasses                                                                                                           some critical questions:
important accessory. The     personality, style and       A good anti-reflective         life.                 to have clear vision in        modern lightweight lenses       greater sun protection and       ferent viewing distances.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                – Do you have good overall
frames are actually even     personal preferences.        coating minimizes light                              the near, middle and far       are always the best choice.     ultimately, its resistance to    Modern progressive lenses          vision?
                                                          reflection.                                          distances.
                                                                                                                                              Plastic or glass: each mate-    breakage.                        offer a solution. They allow     – Have the lenses and the
                                                                                                                                              rial has its advantages and                                      clear vision close-up, in          frame been optimally
                                                                                                                                              disadvantages. Glass breaks     It is not as scratch-resistant   the distance, and in the           fitted?
                                                                                                                                              more easily, is always heav-    as glass, but special coatings   intermediate range. Modern       – Are the extras OK (tint,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Recognizing Eye Diseases
                                                                                                                                              ier in comparison to plastic,   can be used to harden            manufacturing methods              coating)?
                                                                                                                                              but it is also significantly    plastic, minimize reflections    take patients’ individual        – Progressive glasses: Are
                                                                                                                                              less sensitive to scratches.    and make the lenses dirt-        needs, their face shape,           they perfectly aligned? Are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the vision fields correct?
                                                                                                                                                                              repellent.                       their choice of frame and
                                                                                                                                                                                                               lifestyle into consideration.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                If the answer to one or
                                                                                                                                                                                                               These glasses are comforta-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                more of the questions is
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ble right from the moment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                no, contact your eye care
                                                                                                                                                                                                               they are first put on. Long      professional for assistance.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               adaptation periods, which

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Eye Health Worldwide
                                                                                                                                                                                                               were once common, are
                                                                                                                                                                                                               now a thing of the past.

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A Clear View of Life What Everyone Needs to Know about Good Vision - Zeiss
The Miracle of Vision
Contact Lenses – Invisible Vision Aids
                                                                   When your Vision Deteriorates
There are some situations         hard lenses. Contact lens
in which glasses can be a         wearers should maintain a

                                                                                                                                                                                                             What Constitutes Good Vision?
nuisance. The pressure on         comprehensive lens care and      Refractive Correction – Optimzed Vision after Lasering
                                                                                                                                     Three Generations of Refractive Laser Correction
your nose, the risk of losing     hygiene regime and have
your glasses during sports        regular check-ups to avoid       When their sight deterio-        laser cuts a thin flap in the    Lasering away tissue on or below the surface of the cornea
or frequent lens fogging are      infection and damage to the      rates, many people have a        cornea which is then folded      causes the light to refract differently, thus optimizing the quality
typical annoying problems.        eye.                             further option open to them      open to one side. Then an        of your vision.
Contact lenses can make life      In some cases, glasses           for restoring their vision:      excimer laser is used to         1st Generation: PRK
easier in these situations.       or contact lenses are not        refractive laser surgery.        ablate the upper layer of        PRK stands for photorefractive keratectomy.
The small plastic discs float     enough. The severely visual-     Vision defects of between        the exposed corneal tissue.      An excimer laser is used to ablate tissue from the corneal surface
on your tear fluid. They are      ly impaired often need ad-       -8 and +3 diopters can gen-      The flap is then folded back.    of the eye.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Recognizing Eye Diseases
practically invisible to others   ditional aids such as a mag-     erally be remedied perma-        This technique can also be       2nd Generation: Femto-LASIK
– and the wearer scarce-          nifying glass, magnifying        nently in a single procedure.    used to correct patients         The doctor uses a femtosecond laser to cut a circular flap with a
ly notices them. Just like        glasses or telescope glasses.    Various lasers and tech-         with presbyopia. A newer         circumference of roughly 20 mm in the cornea; the flap is then
glasses they correct a­ lmost     In addition, filter lenses can   niques are available for this.   procedure, SMILE, does           folded to the side and an excimer laser is used to remove tissue
all vision defects, and multi-    be used to block specific        The doctor decides which         away with the need for a         from the cornea. Afterwards the flap is folded back into place
focal contact lenses work in      parts of the light spectrum      is the best option in each       flap. A tiny four millimeter     again.
a similar way to progressive      to protect the retina. These     case. Femto LASIK is the         incision is sufficient for the   3rd Generation: SMILE
lenses. Soft contact lenses       visual aids are fitted by eye    best known. A femtosecond        correction.                      The surgeon uses the femtosecond laser to make a corneal inci-
are more common than              care professionals.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Eye Health Worldwide
                                                                                                                                     sion of less than 4 mm. The SMILE side-cuts incision is therefore
                                                                                                                                     approximately 80 percent smaller in comparison to LASIK. This
                                                                                                                                     helps to preserve much of the corneal stability.

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A Clear View of Life What Everyone Needs to Know about Good Vision - Zeiss
The Miracle of Vision
     Cataract – No Clouds on the Horizon                              Routine Procedure                  Modern Lens Implants

     Cataracts develop gradu-        basis. Even if both eyes         Often the idea of cataract         Just like eye glasses and
     ally and remain unnoticed       are affected, only one is        surgery frightens patients,        contact lenses, there are

                                                                                                                                               What Constitutes Good Vision?
     at first. In later stages,      operated on at a time. First     although it is one of the safest   multifocal versions of lens
     colors fade and contours        the eye is anesthetized with     operations and is a routine        implants which ensure clear
     become blurred, veiled and      an injection or drops. Then      procedure for experienced eye      near, intermediate and far
     distorted. In 90 percent of     small incisions are made         surgeons. Cataract surgery is      vision (assuming that the eye
     cases the cause lies in the     to remove the patient’s          the most commonly performed        itself is suitable for these).
     aging process. In rare cases,   clouded lens, normally using     operation in the world.            When inserted in the eye,
     however, cataracts can be       ultrasound. The natural                                             these modern lenses work in
     hereditary or acquired. Al-     lens is replaced with an                                            the same way as progressive
     cohol, diabetes and UV rays     artificial intraocular lens,                                        glasses. Trifocal and bifocal

                                                                                                                                               Recognizing Eye Diseases
     are risk factors. There is no   inserted using an injector.                                         lenses are available. These can
     known drug-based therapy        Soft artificial lenses are                                          provide cataract patients a life
     as yet.                         folded before being inserted                                        without glasses in many cases.
                                     into the lens capsular bag.
     The eye lens surgery to         Because the cut is so tiny, it
     remove cataracts is the         heals by itself and does not
     most common procedure           have to be stitched.
     worldwide and is often
     performed on an outpatient

                                                                                                                                               Eye Health Worldwide
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A Clear View of Life What Everyone Needs to Know about Good Vision - Zeiss
The Miracle of Vision
Keep Your Eyes Open!   They are very small yet abso-   often depends on your age
                       lutely crucial. Our eyes are    and other risk factors, such
Why Early Diagnosis    only about 2.5 centimeters      as smoking and high blood

                                                                                                                                                                                                           What Constitutes Good Vision?
                       in diameter, but we use         pressure.
is so Important        them to discover the whole
                       world around us. Howev-         Early diagnosis is often
                       er, the older we get, the       crucial for successful treat-     Normal Vision   AMD                               Glaucoma                         Diabetic Retinopathy
                       higher the risk of our most     ment; the damage caused                           Blurred vision, distorted         This is particularly danger-     This is another dangerous
                       important sensory organ         by glaucoma, for instance,                        lines and gray spots are          ous because there are hardly     disease because blurred
                       suffering from disease. The     is irreversible. If the disease                   possible warning signs.           any symptoms. The first cells    and distorted vision are
                       risk of developing glauco-      is caught at an early stage,                      In age-related macular            to fail are at the edge of the   late symptoms. Changes
                       ma increases from the age       its progress can be halted.                       degeneration (AMD), it is         field of vision. The loss of     to the vessels on the retina

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Recognizing Eye Diseases
                       of 40. What is insidious        In many cases, it is treat-                       primarily the photoreceptor       vision often goes unnoticed      caused by diabetes reduce
                       about eye diseases such as      ed with both medication                           cells in the part of the retina   until a very late stage. Glau-   the supply of blood to the
                       glaucoma is that they usu-      and surgery. In the case of                       responsible for the sharpest      coma is caused by damage         photoreceptor cells, result-
                       ally develop unnoticed. The     pharmaceutical treatment,                         vision that gradually die.        to the optic nerve due to in-    ing in blindness. Drugs and
                       German Federal Association      frequent check-ups are                            The consequence is the            creased intraocular pressure     laser treatment can slow the
                       of Ophthalmologists (BVA)       necessary to decide what                          brain receives insufficient       and lack of blood supply. An     progression of the disease.
                       therefore recommends            form of treatment is most                         visual information, or none       operation or eye drops can       Diabetics should have an
                       having your eyes examined       appropriate.                                      at all. If AMD is treated         stop the disease.                annual check-up.
                       on a regular basis. Just how

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Eye Health Worldwide
                                                                                                         early, the progression of the     At increased risk:
                                                                                                         disease can be delayed.           people over 40
                                                                                                         At increased risk:
                                                                                                         people over 50

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A Clear View of Life What Everyone Needs to Know about Good Vision - Zeiss
The Miracle of Vision
Diabetes – Danger to the Eyes                                        Spotlight on the Retina

Diabetes is a high-risk           The increased levels of glu-       Wafer-thin, but incredibly       here. This makes it all the     the retina (macular edema).
metabollic disorder and has       cose in the blood cause fats       important, the retina is only    more important to see a         Treatment is performed as

                                                                                                                                                                        What Constitutes Good Vision?
many inherent dangers. The        and proteins to accumulate         0.1 to 0.5 millimeters thick,    doctor at an early stage.       an outpatient procedure
likelihood of heart attack,       on blood vessel walls. Pock-       yet it consists of about                                         under local anesthetic.
stroke and kidney damage          ets form which can then            130 million cells. These         Various options are available
increases significantly. But      harm the retina. In most           collaborate to create images     for the treatment of retinal    Hope from the Lab
that is not all: diabetes         cases the damage to vision         from light pulses which are      diseases. Surgery, lasering
alters the supply of blood to     is irreversible, meaning that      then routed through the          and medication can help         Researchers worldwide are
the small vessels throughout      the goal of therapy is to          optic nerve to the brain.        retain the remaining vision     working on treatments for
the body, which also greatly      retain existing visual acuity.     The area of sharpest vision      for as long as possible.        retinal diseases. Scientists at
affects the eyes.                                                    of this thin and important       Drugs are increasingly          University College, London,

                                                                                                                                                                        Recognizing Eye Diseases
                                                                     innermost layer is the           being injected directly into    have already succeeded in
                                                                     “yellow spot” called the         the center of the eye to        growing new retinas from
                                                                     macula. When we look at an       achieve a highly targeted       embryonic stem cells. It is
                                                                     object, a healthy eye adjusts    result. This is how doctors     not yet possible to restore
 Identifying Retinal Diseases at an Early Stage                      so that the light rays are       treat, for example, AMD         eyesight to people who
 Precisely because vision problems caused by retinal diseases are    bundled at this point. The       (page 15), retinal damage       have gone blind as the
 often not noticed until a late stage, everyone – with good or       retina contains no pain cells,   resulting from diabetes and     result of retinal disease, yet
 defective vision – should have regular check-ups with an eye care   so the body’s early warning      vein blockages which cause      this may well be the case in
 professional.                                                       system does not function         swelling of the middle of       the future.

                                                                                                                                                                        Eye Health Worldwide
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A Clear View of Life What Everyone Needs to Know about Good Vision - Zeiss
The Miracle of Vision
In Perspective                                            VISION 2020 – A Special Partnership                                                       A Good Investment               Scholarships – Help that
                                                                                                                                                                                    Makes a Difference
                                                          VISION 2020, a global                        other injustices. Everyone in                Every dollar that flows into
Eye Health Worldwide                                      initiative led by the World                  the world should receive the                 the prevention and treat-       Scholarships from the ICO

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         What Constitutes Good Vision?
                                                          Health Organization (WHO)                    preventive care and treat-                   ment of eye disease pays        Fellowship Program of the
                                                          and the International                        ment they need in order to                   for itself four times over.     International Council of
                                                          Agency for the Prevention                    reduce blindness and visual                  That was the finding of a       Ophthalmology (ICO), give
                       The world is not a fair place
                                                          of Blindness (IAPB), has set                 impairment. To achieve                       comprehensive study*. This      young ophthalmologists from
                       when it comes to good eye-
                                                          itself the goal of eradicat-                 this goal, VISION 2020 is                    is because the fewer visually   emerging economies the
                       sight. There is a significantly
                                                          ing preventable blindness.                   working closely together                     impaired people who have        opportunity to receive further
                       higher risk of going blind or
                                                          Cataract (clouding of the                    with various non-govern-                     to rely on the help and care    training in Western countries.
                       having to live with severe
                                                          lens), is one of the most                    mental organizations and                     of relatives, the more peo-     As part of an internship at a
                       visual disability in poor coun-
                                                          common causes of blind-                      companies. The initiative                    ple there are who can work      hospital they are introduced
                       tries than in industrialized na-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Recognizing Eye Diseases
                                                          ness. After surgery, people                  has reduced the number of                    and support the economy.        to new technical equipment
                       tions, despite both conditions
                                                          who had this disorder can                    blind people worldwide by                    At the same time, good          and techniques and given
                       being avoidable. 90 percent
                                                          see again. The problem: in                   13 percent since 2004.                       vision and therefore better     the chance to try them out
                       of all people who are blind or
                                                          the poorest countries of                                                                  integration into commu-         themselves. The goal is for
                       severely visually impaired live
                                                          the world there is neither                                                                nity life (especially in less   them to use their acquired
                       in developing countries. 39
                                                          enough money for treat-                                                                   developed regions of the        knowledge for the benefit of
                       million people worldwide are
                                                          ment nor a suitable health                                                                world) is invaluable for the    patients in their home coun-
                       blind and 285 million are vis-
                                                          care structure. VISION 2020                                                               individuals themselves and      tries. Institutions, foundations
                       ually impaired. Yet four out of
                                                          wishes to address this and                                                                for the community.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Eye Health Worldwide
                                                                                                                                                                                    and companies like ZEISS
                       five cases could be prevented
                                                                                                                                                                                    support this program.
                       – if those affected received
                       the necessary medical care.
                                                          *PricewaterhouseCoopers “Investing in vision” study. https://www.cbm.de/static/medien/Summary_Investing_in_Vision.pdf

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The Miracle of Vision
     United Against Preventable Blindness                                           Practical Help on Every Continent

     The Christoffel-Blindenmis-                   world’s poorest people.          Local partners examine and         regions the opportunity to
     sion (CBM) and its partners                   CBM has consultative status      treat the patients, restoring      obtain sound training. CBM,

                                                                                                                                                       What Constitutes Good Vision?
     helped restore eyesight.                      at the United Nations and is     or improving the eyesight          the International Agency for
     More than 430,000 people                      recognized as a professional     of countless numbers of vis-       the Prevention of Blindness
     in 2016 alone received a                      organization by the World        ually impaired people. With        (IAPB) and the Prevention of
     cataract operation. CBM                       Health Organization (WHO).       its five newly established         Blindness Union are turning
     has been supporting people                    CBM initiated the VISION         diagnostic, treatment and          the goals of VISION 2020
     with disabilities in devel-                   2020 campaign together           training centers in Africa,        into reality. All for a world
     oping countries for more                      with the WHO and other           Indonesia and Paraguay, it         in which preventable blind-
     than 100 years – dedicated                    partners.                        is succeeding in providing         ness and visual impairment
     to the goal of improving                                                       better treatment to patients,      will soon be history.

                                                                                                                                                       Recognizing Eye Diseases
     the quality of life of the                                                     and giving doctors in these

                                                                                                  Khartoum (Sudan)
                                                                                             Ibadan (Nigeria)

                                                                                                                                                       Eye Health Worldwide
                                                                                                   Moshi (Tanzania)   Bandung (Indonesia)
                                                                               Asunción (Paraguay)*
     *The setup of the training center in Asunción/Paraguay was financed
     by ZEISS in collaboration with the CBM. The sites in Moshi/Tanzania and
     Bandung/Indonesia are also CBM collaboration partners.

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CBM Successes*

     In addition to its strong                       bilities, providing them with
     commitment to combat-                           access to medical and other
     ting blindness and visual                       assistance – fighting for
     impairment, the CBM also                        equal rights and opportuni-
     helps people with hearing                       ties in the world’s poorest
     disabilities and physical disa-                 countries.

                                                                                                   Want to make a donation to the CBM?
                                                                                                   Find the CBM fundraising country closest to you at
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     people received          people                 cataract              ENT exami-
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     assistance from          rehabilita-                                  treatments
     CBM and its              tion and/or
     partners                 schooling

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     *The current edition is an updated version of the brochure “A Clear View of Life” which
     was published for the first time in German in 2015. The facts and figures listed here refer
     to the 2016 Annual Report of the CBM.

This brochure has been jointly created by CBM and ZEISS.
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