Page created by Lloyd Bowman

                                     DAILY JOURNAL   1

                                                                            Rehearsal Dinner
                                                                        Rehearsal Dinner

                                                                           Shower ────
                                                                         Guest   Shower
                                                                              Bridal Shower


                                                                             Brunch ────
                                                                         Wedding Brunch

                                                                            Wedding Brunch

                                                                    Bridal Shower

     DAY…                                                             Not────     ________
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                                                                   Wedding     Brunch
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                                                                                 Edinburgh IN 46124
January 26, 2020
Southside Wedding is pub-
lished by the Daily Journal.


          Amy May


  Jon Shoulders, Jennifer


        Anna Perlich

 For editorial content, con-
 tact Amy May in the Daily
Journal special publications
department at 317-736-2726
or by email at amay@daily-        WEDDING CHECKLIST
                                  4    Countdown to the big day
  For advertising content,        6    Wedding party roles
 contact the Daily Journal        12   Wedding budget
 advertising department at

  Southside Wedding, c/o          FEATURES

                                   8                              28
 Daily Journal, 30 S. Water
St. Suite A, Franklin, IN 46131
                                          Dress trends                 Doggone fun

                                  14                              30
    © 2020 by AIM Media
   Indiana, LLC. All Rights               Featured couple              International
  Reproduction of stories,
                                          Types of invites
photographs and advertise-
 ments without permission                                              Wedding guest
                                  22                                   etiquette
is prohibited. Stock images
 provided by Adobe Stock.                    Ring trends
                                                                           DAILY JOURNAL   3
                                    To help you get a better understanding of how to plan a wedding and when
                                    you should be making certain decisions, here’s a time frame you can follow
                                    that should ensure that your wedding goes off as smoothly as possible.

    10 to 12 Months Before                          4 to 5 Months Before                             1 to 2 Months Before
    If you haven’t done it already, this is a       This is a good time to decide on wedding         Schedule the first bridal-gown fitting.
    good time to announce your engagement           invitations, of which there are many             Also finalize the readings you’d prefer
    and introduce your respective families.         styles to choose from. Also, now is ideal        during the ceremony and mail them out
    Since most reception halls and churches         to start hunting for a wedding cake by           to anyone who has agreed to do a reading.
    have busy wedding schedules, it is also         sampling a number of different bakeries’         If your family prefers to host a small
    important to book both as early as possi-       cakes before ultimately making a decision.       gathering for close family and friends
    ble, preferably at least a year in advance of   Just to be sure, confirm that all of the         after the wedding rehearsal, the night
    your wedding day. It’s also a good idea to      bridesmaids have ordered their gowns and         before the wedding, this is a good time to
    start putting together a guest list around      start looking for a tuxedo for the groom         order any food or drinks you might want
    this time and ask your parents whom             as well as the groomsmen. If you haven’t         to serve that night, or make a restaurant
    they’d like to invite as well. Also, since      done so already, purchase your wedding           reservation.
    your budget will determine just about ev-       rings and let any other people you’d like
    ery aspect of your wedding, sitting down        to participate in your wedding (ushers,
    and determining what you can spend and          readers during the ceremony, etc.) know
    developing a savings plan should be first
                                                                                                     3 to 4 Weeks Before
                                                    of your intentions.
    and foremost.                                                                                    Confirm your honeymoon arrangements
                                                                                                     and see if your wedding rings are ready.
                                                                                                     This is also when you should get your
                                                    2 to 3 Months Before                             marriage license and check the guest list
    6 to 9 Months Before                            Finalize your guest list and mail out your       to see who has and hasn’t RSVP’d. For
    This is the time when you want to start         invitations. If your guest list includes         those who have yet to RSVP, you might
    booking some services, such as a florist,       a considerable amount of people who              want to contact them so you can get a
    caterer, a DJ/band and a photographer.          are spread out geographically, mail the          closer idea of what the head count will be.
    However, some of the more experienced           invitations as close to 12 weeks in advance      You should also prepare and order your
    DJs and bands, as well as photographers,        as possible. This is also a good time to fi-     wedding program around this time.
    might have their schedules booked a year        nalize your menu choices for your guests,
    in advance, so this might be something          and find all your wedding accessories
    you’ll want to consider doing shortly after     such as the ring pillow, candles, etc. Also,
    you get engaged and choose a date. Also,
                                                                                                     1 to 2 Weeks Before
                                                    since it is tradition to provide gifts for
    this is a good time to inform any guests        those in the wedding party as well as the        Get a final attendance count and submit
    who will be traveling significant distances     parents of the bride and groom, this is          it to the caterer as soon as you know of it,
    of the date of your wedding. The earlier        a good time to decide on and purchase            while also providing a final seating chart.
    your guests can book a flight, the less         those gifts. Just to be safe, confirm that all   Pick up the wedding gown and tuxedo.
    expensive that flight will be.                  groomsmen have ordered their tuxedos             Make sure the wedding party picks up
                                                    and finalize all transportation, both to and     their attire. Also, finalize your vows and
    This is also a good time to order gowns for     from the wedding and to the airport for          confirm all wedding-day details such as
    both the bride and bridesmaids, as some         your honeymoon.                                  transportation, photo schedules and ad-
    manufacturers require a few months to                                                            dresses. And don’t forget to pack for your
    ship to bridal shops. You might want to                                                          honeymoon.
    ask someone, such as your priest or rabbi,
    to be the officiant of your wedding. And
    much like out-of-town guests will save
    travel dollars the earlier they learn of your
                                                                                                     The Day Before
    wedding date, you will likely save money,                                                        This is mainly when you rehearse for the
    too, if you book your honeymoon around                                                           ceremony and make any final confirma-
    this time.                                                                                       tions you might have to make. Also, make
                                                                                                     sure to get some sleep so you’ll look good
                                                                                                     in all of your wedding-day photos.

4                                                                                                               Content by Metro Creative
                                                                  FOR 2021

              Weddings & Events | Cocktail Lounge | Catering | Bridal Suite
                  Located in the heart of Historic downtown Franklin
               101 E. Wayne St | 317.868.8227 | info@garmentfactoryevents.com

                                                                        DAILY JOURNAL   5
                                  wedding party roles
                                                                         Bridesmaids                           Groomsmen
                                                                         Along with walking in the             Groomsmen are the male
          A wedding can be a wonderful and                               wedding procession, brides-           equivalent of the bridesmaids,
        memorable experience for all of those                            maids attend the shower and           typically having nearly iden-
                                                                         contribute to the bridal gifts.       tical responsibilities. Some-
         involved. That’s why you ask friends                            Bridesmaids, who are typically        times, groomsmen can act as
              or relatives to share in the event                         sisters or friends of the bride       ushers for guests arriving at the
                                                                         or groom, also dance with the         ceremony. Groomsmen walk in
             and serve in your wedding party.                            groomsmen during the recep-           the wedding processional and
                                                                         tion. To be further involved,         attend and help organize the
         Your offer is a wonderful honor, one                            each can be given specific roles,     bachelor party, as well.
          that carries with it varying degrees                           like reading a religious passage
                                                                         at the ceremony, providing
            of responsibility depending on the                           assistance with choosing              Ring Bearer
              role each person will be playing.                          wedding vendors or helping to
                                                                                                               Like the flower girl, the ring
                                                                         address wedding invitations.
           To help you decide whom to ask to                                                                   bearer is a very young member
                                                                                                               of the family, only the ring
             be in your wedding party, here is                           Flower Girl                           bearer is a male. The ring
             a list of titles and responsibilities                       If the bride has a sister who is      bearer’s role is to carry a pillow
                                                                         especially young, that sister         with the rings sewn on it
                     for each participant’s role.                        typically fills the role of flower    during the processional. Some
                                                                         girl. Since most flower girls         couples choose to have the ring
                                                                         are very young, their respon-         bearer and the flower girl walk
                                                                         sibilities are generally limited      next to one another during the
                                                                         to carrying a basket of flowers       processional.
                                                                         during the processional and,
                                                                         depending on the bride’s pref-
Maid of Honor                         Best Man                           erence, tossing flower petals on      Parents of
The maid of honor is a role typ-      Perhaps the most well-known        the ground to mark the bride’s        the Groom
ically filled by a sister or a very   responsibilities of the best       entrance.                             The groom’s parents should
close friend. It is the equivalent    man are organizing the                                                   host a rehearsal dinner prior
of the groom’s best man. The          bachelor party and giving the                                            to the wedding. They may
maid of honor’s role, therefore,      toast at the reception. But the    Parents of                            also choose to contribute to
is typically very involved.           best man, who is typically a       the Bride                             the wedding if they desire. In
Among her many responsibili-          brother or best friend of the      The bride’s parents may be            most cases, the groom’s parents
ties, the maid of honor accom-        groom, also has a slew of other    responsible for hosting the           have limited responsibilities,
panies the bride on shopping          responsibilities. In addition      wedding, if they will be com-         but can be involved as much
trips for her wedding dress           to helping the groom choose        pletely financially responsible       as the wedding couple would
while also planning the bridal        his tuxedo and get dressed         for the event. In some cases,         like. Traditionally, the groom’s
shower, bachelorette party and        before the wedding, the best       the father of the bride escorts       mother confers with the bride’s
coordinating the bridal party         man coordinates the couple’s       his daughter down the aisle           mother on what color gown she
gift for the bride. Also, the         gift from the groomsmen and        alone, but in other instances or      is wearing, so as not to go with
maid of honor helps the bride         takes care of the newlyweds’       in religious ceremonies, both         the same shade. The groom’s
get dressed on her wedding            transportation to the airport      parents may accompany the             parents may walk down the
day, holds the groom’s wedding        after the reception or the next    bride. In all cases, it’s her pref-   aisle in advance of the rest of
ring during the wedding and           morning. The best man may          erence. The mother of the bride       the wedding processional and
may also help in the writing          also hold onto any payment         may help fund or contribute           take their seats.
of invitations. The maid of           that’s due to the reception site   to the planning of the bridal
honor will also typically act as      or the donation for the house of   shower if the maid of honor
a witness to the wedding and          worship, and take care of any      needs assistance. These parents
dance with the best man at the        final financial details. He also   may also foot the cost of an
reception. If the woman you’re        holds the bride’s wedding ring     engagement party or dinner to
asking is married, her title will     during the ceremony.               meet the groom’s family.
be matron of honor.

6                                                                                                               Content by Metro Creative
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                                                                                   DAILY JOURNAL   7
       After saying yes,
      women begin search
        for ideal gown

For brides-to-be the journey to

                                                                   Current trends for dresses range from the clean,
                                                                   simplistic lines of a traditional style to the free and
                           find the perfect wedding dress          flowing whimsy of boho chic.
                                                                      Traditional dresses generally follow a distinct
                         can often feel like an endurance          shape, like a sweetheart ball gown or fit-and-flare
                                                                   design, says Alyssa Klein, manager of Sophia’s
                             challenge. When it comes to           Bridal and Tux in Columbus. Materials, such as
                                                                   satin and chiffon, as well as sleeves and high neck-
                             picking the right gown, area          lines help to define the traditional style and are all
                                                                   trending right now, she says.
                             experts agree it is wise to go           “The dresses offer very clean lines, and it is very
                                                                   clear who the bride is,” she says. “It is those types of
                         with one that best expresses the          styles that are timeless.”
                                                                      Vanessa Wahl, manager of The Wedding Studio in
                          bride’s style and makes her feel         Greenwood, says the traditional style is enjoying a
                                                                   newfound popularity since Meghan Markle, Duch-
                                      her most beautiful.          ess of Sussex, wore a simple yet elegant gown when
                                                                   she walked down the aisle in 2018 to marry Britain’s
                                                                   Prince Harry. Wahl says the duchess’s personal style
                                                                   speaks to how up-to-date she is when it comes to
                                                                   fashion. And her sleek choice appeals to brides.
                                                                      “I think once she had that gown on, that is when

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                                                                                                                              DAILY JOURNAL   9
everyone said they wanted to go clean,” Wahl      a rustic setting like a barn, the same dress
                                     says. “I think people are trying to get away      would work in a heavier material.
                                     from what is trending and have something             “A lot of designers are producing gowns
                                     where they can look back and not think,           that fit that niche,” Klein says. “I really love
                                     ‘Why did I wear that?’”                           seeing the creativity that goes into those
            “I really love seeing       On the opposite end of the spectrum is the     bohemian style gowns that are so different
                                     carefree flair of bohemian style. Wahl says       but still clearly a wedding dress.”
        the creativity that goes     boho is still very much in style even though it      Some dresses even incorporate Chantilly
                                     debuted on the West Coast a few years ago. “I     lace, Wahl says. Yes, that same antique lace
          into those bohemian        think what is a little hard about the Midwest     that graces your grandmother’s dining room
                                     is we are the last to get trends,” she says.      table runner.
        style gowns that are so
                                        Boho offers an ethereal, softer edge with         Brides who have their hearts set on matching
     different but still clearly a   many dresses accentuated by floral lace           their dress to their wedding theme or venue
                                     and fringe that are easily adaptable for any      should not only consider the material the gown
                wedding dress.”      wedding. A style that is light and flowing        is made of, but also the details of the dress,
                                     would be appropriate for an outdoor summer        such as beading, length and type of hemline.
                      Alyssa Klein   wedding, and for an autumn wedding in                “If you are getting married on the beach,

I’m thinking light and flowy, like an A-line    applique pop, like a 3-D effect.”
dress with spaghetti straps, some beading          Whether buying off the rack or special or-
up top and a chiffon bottom,” Wahl says.        dering, Klein cautions brides about waiting
“If you want to do something like Union         too long to find a dress because it will inev-
Station or the Scottish Rite Cathedral, then    itably need some type of alteration that can
that is where the clean dress comes in.”        take upward of three months to complete.
  When considering color, the days of stark        Brides want to have something that is
white bridal gowns may be in the past. Most     going to showcase them rather than just the
brides shy away from the traditional white      dress, Wahl says. Once they find the right
once they see how bright it is, Wahl says.      one, even though they may try on others,
  Many opt for a shade that works best with     they always come back to that one, she says.
their skin tone, Klein says.                       “I think the best advice I can give to brides
  “Every time we get a new selection of         is to be very open,” Klein says. “Nine times out
gowns, we are getting new colors,” Wahl         of 10, brides will buy the dress they initially
says. “The dresses have a darker color un-      said they didn’t want. You never know when
derneath and then lace applique so you still    you are going to fall in love with your dress.
get a white feel to it, but we get to see the   So always be prepared for that to happen.”

                                                                                                   DAILY JOURNAL   11
                                                                                              total wedding budget

                              budget                                                     $

     Ceremony                                                      Flowers
     Location fee___________________________________               Ceremony___________________________________

     Officiant fee___________________________________              Bride’s bouquet___________________________________

     Marriage license___________________________________           Bridesmaids’ bouquets________________________________

     Rings_____________________________________________            Corsages & boutonnieres______________________________

     Pillow_____________________________________________           Reception centerpieces________________________________

     Total Ceremony___________________________________             Flower girl basket___________________________________

                                                                   Bathroom arrangements_______________________________
                                                                   Total flowers______________________________________

     Reception site___________________________________

     Food_____________________________________________             Photography
     Drinks___________________________________                     Photographer’s fees___________________________________

     Rentals___________________________________                    Videographer’s fees___________________________________

     Cake_____________________________________________             Total photography_______________________________________

     Favors ___________________________________
     Total Reception_______________________________________

     Attire                                                        Buses/transport for guests_____________________________

     Gown_____________________________________________             Total transportation ____________________________________


     Shoes_____________________________________________            Invitations___________________________________

     Accessories___________________________________                Calligraphy___________________________________

     Jewelry_____________________________________________          Postage_____________________________________________

     Makeup_____________________________________________           Thank-you cards___________________________________

     Hair_____________________________________________             Total stationery_______________________________________


     Cuff links___________________________________                 Wedding party___________________________________

     Men’s grooming___________________________________             Parents_____________________________________________

     Total attire_______________________________________________

                                                                   Total gifts________________________________________

     Ceremony musicians_______________________________

     Band/DJ___________________________________                    Accommodations___________________________________

     Extra musicians___________________________________            Food__________________________________________

                                                                   Total honeymoon_____________________________________
     Total music_____________________________________

Book your event at Compass Park Community Center today!
                                                         • Beautiful large event space with built-in dance floor and fireplace
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                                                         • Charming pub - ideal hangout spot for your groomsmen
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                                                         • Endless photo opportunities including gazebos, historic buildings,
                                                           and beautiful nature setting
                                   Ask about our
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                                   Large Shelter –         rehearsal dinner
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                                     parties and           while preparing for your big day
                                  corporate events.      • Venue’s front circular drive is perfect for a grand horse and carriage
                                                           or limo entrance
                                                         • Gourmet style, on site catering that can be tailored to suit your needs

                                               690 State St. Franklin, IN 46131 | 317-739-0702
                   COMMUNITY CENTER          Sherry Sullivan, Event Sales Manager | ssullivan@compasspark.org

                                                                                                                                     DAILY JOURNAL   13
      cou p le


Newly married
Urbans spent many
years getting to
know each other
Story by Jenn Willhite
Photos by Emily Stewart, Dirt Darlin Photography

                                       DAILY JOURNAL   15
Amy and Ty Urban’s love story goes
     back more than two decades to a
     kindergarten classroom where the two
     first met.
        “I always kind of had a crush on her
     through elementary school,” Ty admits.
     “When we got to middle school she
     started having a crush on me, and I
     wouldn’t give her the time of day at that
        And as with all young love that goes
     through ups and downs, their paths
     converged again in high school when
     they began dating between their sopho-
     more and junior years in August 2010.
        In September 2016, they began
     looking at engagement rings together
     because Amy knew their styles would
     be different, she says. “After looking at
     rings, I said I wouldn’t be that person
     who would bug him about when he
     would propose,” Amy says. “So I had
     no idea.”
        Flash forward to 2017. Looking back,
     Ty cites poor planning for his spur-of-
     the-moment proposal. Not too long
     after arriving at his family’s home for
     Easter, Ty had his little brother ask for
     Amy’s help in getting an Easter egg
     open. When she opened it, she found
     the ring, which has a diamond center
     stone that was his grandmother’s.
        “It was very sweet,” Amy says. “It is
     just funny how it wasn’t planned at all,
     and it worked out.”
        It wasn’t long after their engagement
     that the couple decided to book The
     Garment Factory in downtown Frank-
     lin for their wedding. “I wanted to get
     the venue out of the way so we would
     have our date,” Amy says. It was Aug. 3,
     the ninth anniversary of their becom-
     ing a couple.
        “The Garment Factory is beautiful by
     itself, so we knew we didn’t really need
     a theme, a lot of decoration or anything
     like that,” she says.
        Given Ty’s admitted tendency for
     procrastination, Amy took the helm

when it came to the planning. And
                                      it turned out to be a process that was
                                      remarkably painless. “I thought it would
                                      be a bridezilla type thing,” Ty says. “But it
                                      wasn’t. If there was anything I did want,
                                      she would always ask.”
                                         Laid-back by nature, they were able to
                                      agree on even minute details. Simple was
                                      their theme and approach. They married
                                      in a short ceremony on the lower level
                                      of the factory, reciting vows, which they
                                      wrote themselves, before Amy’s uncle,
                                      Steven David, an Indiana Supreme Court
                                         “It was the most meaningful ceremony,”
                                      Amy says.
                                         When planning their reception they say
                                      they took into account others’ suggestions
                                      for elements to include. One thing was

        R     elax and enjoy your stay!
                      Every couple wants their wedding day to be fun
                      and free of stress. You hope your big day will be
                       exactly the way you’ve planned. Maybe there’s
                      a family tradition passed down from generation
                      you want to keep, or cultures brought together
                       in a special way. You may want to break a few
                        rules or combine ideas to make it your own.

                        350 PARIS DR. | FRANKLIN, IN 46131

                                                                   DAILY JOURNAL      17
certain: They didn’t want any breaks in the       being overwhelmed. Amy says social media
                                 wedding, so planning the ideal timeline was       was a great tool during the planning process
                                 essential.                                        but suggests not using too many applications.
                                   Amy, who works as an accounts receivable          “I only used Pinterest, and that was just to
                                 supervisor for Simon Property Group, says         see others’ ideas,” she says. “I made a wedding
                                 organization throughout the planning pro-         board and had it for years before, but as we
                                 cess was key, including spreadsheets to keep      got closer, I made one called the ‘Real Deal’
                                 track of her nearly one dozen bridesmaids,        and only saved pictures of things I knew I
                                 guest list and vendors.                           wanted to incorporate.”
                                   Just as their ceremony was meaningful yet         And if there is one piece of advice she has
                                 simple, so was the decor for the reception,       to offer other brides-to-be who seek online
                                 held upstairs in the factory. Rustic chic with    inspiration, it is to keep it simple. Don’t get
                                 an accent of steel blue complemented the in-      too bogged down and only include those
                                 dustrial ambience of the factory with its steel   ideas and expectations that are realistic, she
                                 and wooden beams, open ductwork and brick         says.
                                 walls. Baby’s breath and greenery graced the        To the guys, Ty says, play an active role in
                                 tables with mason jars and painted wooden         the planning stages, don’t procrastinate and
     “The Garment Factory        signs.                                            certainly don’t get too anxious. Looking back
                                   Guests commented on one element that            on his wedding day, Ty, who works as a storm
       is beautiful by itself,   isn’t seen often. On display were the wedding     water coordinator for the city of Franklin,
                                 dresses their mothers wore, accompanied by        chuckles a little when he thinks about how
      so we knew we didn’t       framed wedding pictures and a sign that read,     his nerves almost got the better of him.
       really need a theme,      “All because two people fell in love.”              “Declaring your love for someone else in
                                   The Urbans knew they didn’t want to spend       front of 300 people, even though we know
      a lot of decoration or     their reception visiting each table to greet      and love them all, is pretty nerve-wracking,”
                                 everyone. Instead, after the ceremony the         he says. “After the fact, it was like, ‘What
        anything like that.”     newlyweds came back in and dismissed the          were you so nervous about?’ It is so much
                                 rows of guests one by one, Ty says.               fun when you are up there; don’t sweat it
                    Amy Urban
                                   The newlyweds caution other couples about       beforehand.”

TT            ING TH
                              S E                      E

                                    By Katherine Roth | The Associated Press

      Invitations today reflect varying styles of celebrations

     Whether formal or casual, wedding
                                                      “One of the biggest trends we’ve been seeing are printed
     invitations these days are meant to set          envelope liners, particularly for destination weddings. So if
     the tone for the celebration, reflecting         you’re getting married on a beach, there are liners printed
     the themes of the weddings them-                 with seashells, or maybe light blue with waves,” says
     selves.                                          Rachel Sylvester, senior lifestyle editor for Real Simple
        Heavier, more expensive papers re-            magazine.
     flect fancy black-tie weddings. Simple           Kyle Williams, lead merchant for wedding stationery at the
     textured invitations with interesting            Chicago-based, design-oriented Paper Source, which has
     fonts reflect celebrations in a more             130 stores across the country, says, “Destination weddings
     contemporary style. And florals reveal           are a huge trend now, and we’re responding with invita-
     more classically romantic events,                tions that speak to various destinations, like beach scenes,
     experts say.                                     or mountain vistas, or grapes and flowers for Napa Valley

COLORS                                                  WEBSITES                                     ECO-FRIENDLY
No matter what kind of celebration                      Websites are a must now, experts             “All of our paper is mostly recycled,
it is, couples are becoming more                        agree, and can be mentioned on what-         and that’s something people really
creative with color, experts say.                       ever type of invitation you choose.          expect now,” says Williams.

“You often see a color-on-color                         “Your website is a catch-all place           “Plantable wedding invitations embed-
approach to invitations, with a lot                     for wedding information that is very         ded with seeds are a great sustainable
of couples pairing blush pink with                      detailed, and an important way of get-       option, as is vegetable-based ink. And
orchid, for example. In addition to                     ting news about any last-minute event        for those who want to go beyond pa-
invitations, there’s an attraction to                   changes to your guests,” Sylvester           per, there are even rustic-looking invi-
a range of colors reflected in things                   says.                                        tations made of thin, laser-cut wood,”
like bridesmaids dresses, which are                                                                  says Sylvester, of Real Simple.
                                                        “It’s poor form to include anything
increasingly in any array of related                    about your registration in your invita-      “E-cards are certainly less expensive
colors instead of all the same color,”                  tion,” she adds. “A wedding website is       and more environmentally friendly,
she says.                                               a more appropriate place to include a        but paper is by far more popular,”
FLORALS and GREENERY                                    link to a registry, if you go that route.”   she says. “At the end of the day, aside
“Florals and greenery are really                                                                     from the photos, you have your dress
                                                        It’s also a good place for links to maps
working right now. It’s really more                                                                  and your invitation suite (invitations,
                                                        and hotels, and a place to post photos
about the execution. The trend                                                                       R.S.V.P. cards and thank you notes)
                                                        after the event.
started a few years ago with leaf                                                                    that encapsulate who you are and
motifs, and now we see it in lilacs,                                                                 what the wedding was like, and will
lavender and eucalyptus leaves,”                                                                     remain a memento for years to come.”
Williams says.

“When couples come in to look at
invitations, paper quality is the first
thing they look at,” Williams says,
adding that thicker papers and
fancy envelopes and liners are hot

“If it’s a black-tie wedding, for exam-
ple, it’s top-quality thick paper and
envelopes with a bit of shimmer,”
he adds.

You can design and print your
own invitations, use a professional
designer or stationer, or go with
an in-between option, using online
retailers like Shutterfly or Minted.

If you decide to make your own,
Sylvester recommends aiming for
interesting calligraphy, or hiring a
calligrapher to handwrite names and
addresses beautifully for you.

                                                                                                                               DAILY JOURNAL    21

           ON IT

Jewelers offer couples
a variety of styles and
colors to signify their love
story By Jon Shoulders

We’ve all heard the phrase “a
diamond is forever,” but when it
comes to the various styles, shapes,
colors and textures of engagement
rings and wedding bands, options
are ever-changing and constantly
growing. Whether you’re just
starting your quest for that perfect
ring or perhaps thinking about
an upgrade or replacement, keep
reading for some trends and tips to
inform your search.

                                   DAILY JOURNAL   23
Photos by Brittany McGee/McGee & Co. Fine Jewelers

                                                 Sleek chic                                     ment rings are popular, anywhere from
                                                   Doug Corbin, sales manager at Green-         three-quarters to one carat at least,”
                                                 wood-based McGee & Co. Fine Jewelers,          she says. “People aren’t going for the
                                                 says decorative, multifaceted engage-          small ones anymore. I’m selling more
                                                 ment rings have been all the rage in re-       carat-plus than I do anything else in
                                                 cent years, but he has seen an increasing      engagement rings.”
                                                 number of orders coming in recently for          Like Corbin, Burton is seeing a de-
                                                 more simple, streamlined styles, particu-      creasing demand for busy, ornate styles
         “In the coming year we’re               larly among young professionals.               when it comes to engagement rings.
                                                   “In the last 10 to 15 years, the vintage       “I’m selling a lot of what we call the
           going to see ... a quieter,           halo style has been the dominant trend,”       Tiffany-style setting, where it’s very sim-
                                                 Corbin says. “However, in the coming           ple with no stones around it,” she says. “I
        more conservative setting.               year we’re going to see ... a quieter, more    think there’s a lot of attraction right now
                                                 conservative setting. They will accent         to simplicity and elegance, and we’ll see
                They will accent the             the engagement ring with stackable-style       more of that this year and probably next
                                                 bands in multicolors that don’t neces-         year.”
             engagement ring with                sarily match. Instead of the real glitzy,      Living color
                                                 articulate stone, which is usually what          Colored diamonds and gemstones
           stackable-style bands in              halo is supposed to be, I’m starting to sell   can provide a means for serious stylistic
              multicolors that don’t             a much cleaner engagement ring.”               expression or simple, subtle accents, and
                                                   Tina Burton, co-owner of Columbus            Steve Carothers, owner of Max’s Jewelry
                 necessarily match.”             Gold & Diamond, adds that sizable              in Columbus, says the industry is start-
                                                 stones are gaining in popularity moving        ing to see more demand for color as 2020
                             Doug Corbin         into 2020. “Right now solitaire engage-        kicks off. After all, if a classic diamond

just doesn’t feel right, why not have
              some fun and go with something that
              reflects your individuality?
                 “What’s nice about doing accent
              stones in color is that you can enhance
              a center stone that’s more traditional,
              or use those as part of a ring that’s very
              different and more non-traditional,”
              Carothers says. “We’re also seeing
              customers choose what we call choc-
              olate diamonds and some yellow and
              champagne colors, too.”
                 Don’t forget that there are no rules
              for what you end up with. Explore
              colorful accent stones or side stones,
              and even less conventional metals like
              blackened platinum.
              Getting the band together
                 Corbin says unadorned, minimal-
              istic bands have been popular among             You may have noticed friends or col-
              men for nearly two decades now,              leagues wearing colored silicone bands,
              although an increasing number of style       and Corbin says you’ll probably see more
              options in tungsten and titanium have        of these in the coming years, as men and
              led to rising interest in more creative      women opt to use them during work, ex-
              designs and patterns.                        ercise and other active pursuits in order
                 “The tungsten bands for men have          to protect their actual engagement and
              been selling recently, and I think           wedding rings from damage or theft.
              higher gold prices have something to            “People are choosing those to put on
              do with that,” Corbin says. “There are       during their active life or occupations,”
              probably more creative style options         he says. “The manufacturers of these
              with the tungsten than the gold bands.       silicone bands are making creative,
              Black tungsten bands are doing ex-           nice-looking bands now instead of the
              tremely well, too.”                          plain black.”

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                                                                                                                     DAILY JOURNAL   25
Photos by
        & Co. Fine

Engage your search skills                        ness can help direct the rest of your search,   bouncing off white walls and a white
  Don’t have time to visit a bunch of            making it easier to decide on additional        ceiling. Since diamonds, of course, act
brick-and-mortar stores to begin your            components like accent stones and shank         like a cluster of little mirrors reflecting
search? Start by getting out your computer       shape.                                          what’s around them, you might as well
or mobile device and simply scouring the            “If you know right off the bat that you      try to get a sense of what your poten-
e-landscape for ideas.                           want, say, a princess square stone, that        tial ring will look like in a few different
  “Pinterest and Etsy, and other sites           might dictate the rest of the ring’s look for   contexts.
along those lines, are what a lot of people      you and make the other decisions easy,”            Burton reiterates that while the setting
are turning to, to find precisely what they      Carothers says. “Of course you don’t have       of an engagement ring is important in
want,” Corbin says. “It helps because            to choose the center stone as your first        overall appearance, it’s not a bad idea
[they] will show their significant other         consideration, and other parts of the rings     to put most of your search energy and
just what they want, and there’s no stress       you browse might speak to you.”                 resources toward the center stone.
and anxiety when it comes time for the              Also make sure to check out each ring           “You can always reset it later,” she says.
person to come into their local store to         you’re considering under a few different        “If you don’t know exactly what you’re
buy.”                                            lighting conditions — preferably dim            looking for, you can always pick a setting
  Carothers says focusing on your ideal          lighting, natural daylight and a diffuse        and change it down the line if a different
center stone shape as the first order of busi-   lighting environment such as bright light       style catches your eye later.”

                                                                                                                              DAILY JOURNAL      27

                                                 By Linda Lombardi | The Associated Press

     Wedding-day pet      When Kelly Curry was planning her
                          wedding, she knew her dogs Char-
                                                                       “We had them there for every-
                                                                    thing except for the reception — for
                          lie, Zoey and Izzy were going to be       the pictures, and they walked down
     services can take    in it, and that her friends would
                          expect no less.
                                                                    with bridesmaids and groomsmen,”
                                                                    Curry says.
                             “They’d be surprised if they              One potential complication was
      the stress out of   weren’t there,” says Curry.
                             The question was how to make it
                                                                    the elderly Charlie, who’d always
                                                                    been a bit of a handful and had
                          work. She happened to see a social-       recently gone blind. “I explained to
      having a dog in     media post about a pet wedding            her that he had issues,” Curry says,
                          service, Pawfect for You (“Wedding        “and she gladly accepted to take
                          Day Pet Care and Chauffeur”),             him, and she did a great job with
         the wedding      which offered to do it all: pick the      him.”
                          dogs up, wrangle them during the             It’s hard for brides and grooms to
                          event, and bring them home again          find a friend who can handle their
                          safely, letting the bridal couple enjoy   pup all day on the wedding day, says
                          their perfect day with no worries.        Silva.
                             “I thought it was a joke,” said           “How do you coordinate this
                          Curry, who was married in October         when everyone you know is at your
                          2017 in Haddam, Connecticut. It           wedding and anyone close to you
                          wasn’t, and she got in touch with         is in your wedding party? How
                          Pawfect for You’s owner, Veronica         can they go home, pick up the dog,
                          Silva.                                    bring the dog over for pictures,

coordinate how the dog walks down
the aisle?” says Silva. “And then
you’re stuck with, everyone’s sitting
down for dinner, how can I get the
dog back home without imposing on
   Having a dog in a wedding is about
more than the dog. For one thing, it’s
about timing.
   “Dogwalkers commit to a window,
not a specific time, which is normally
fine, but weddings are different,” says
Silva. “Some of the timelines I’ve seen
from professional wedding planners
are down to the minute, and we have
to be cognizant of that.”
   Lara Leinen, whose company,
Doggy Social MN, services the Twin
                                             “One couple, their dog had a          says. After all, “they’re busy getting
Cities area and Wisconsin, had a
                                          severe case of anxiety,” she says. “So   married.”
previous career as a wedding planner,
                                          we decided we’d only be there for           And while many couples, like
so she knows what goes into it.
                                          the first look and the pictures for 20   Curry, have their dogs walk down
   “I’m working on the back end with
                                          minutes — just the couple and their      the aisle, there are also many who
all the vendors to make sure the cou-
                                          dogs, no bridal party or anyone          just have them there briefly for
ple’s day is perfect,” for them and the
                                          else.”                                   photos, and then the handler takes
dog, she says. “I want it to be stress-
                                             Such sensible choices mean the        them home. That may be a more
free for everyone involved. I reach
                                          “pet” in a wedding is almost always      limited sort of involvement, but it
out and let them know who I am and
                                          a dog. Silva has had some inqui-         might be the most important.
what I’m doing and that if timelines
                                          ries about cats but no one’s gone           “For most couples, one of those
get off, let me know and we’ll roll
                                          through with it. Leinen has her first    images with their dog in it — that
with the punches.”
                                          feline wedding client scheduled for      is going to be their favorite photo,”
   She makes sure the pet is getting
                                          May, with a cat who’s comfortable        says Leinen. “Maybe not their fa-
potty breaks, water, etc. “I’m con-
                                          riding in a backpack carrier.            vorite moment — maybe later when
stantly paying attention to the energy
                                             “And if at any point in time we       they’re dancing alone with their
of the animals and making sure that
                                          feel it’s too much for the animal, we    significant other on their wedding
they’re happy,” Leinen says.
                                          have the OK from the couple to back      night will be the most significant
   The handler also helps ensure that
                                          out — we’re going to change course       moment to them. But picture-wise,
pets play their roles comfortably and
                                          and do something different,” she         it’s the dog picture.”
   “We walk around with chicken,
cheese, turkey, proscuitto in our
pockets,” says Silva. That helps with
the photos in particular, especially
with those tight timelines: “We
need to make sure we’re not taking a                                                            DINNER &
hundred shots trying to get the dog to                                                          SPECIAL EVENTS
look at the camera.”
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                                                                                                                        DAILY JOURNAL   29

       Report offers
       of wedding

       By Leanne Italie
       The Associated Press

                              DAILY JOURNAL   31
NEW YORK — In much of Europe               newlyweds in 14 countries: Argentina,    eymoon, for instance, though in parts
     and North America, September and           Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia,         of South America, couples tend to stay
     October are peak months to get mar-        France, India, Italy, Mexico, Peru,      closer to home, Goodson said.
     ried. In Chile and elsewhere in South      Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom        Wedding traditions vary widely
     America, wedding guests are familiar       and the United States.                   by region in some parts of the world,
     with la hora loca, a wild late-night         “One of the similarities that we       including India, where a range of
     wedding party with masks, noisemak-        saw across many countries was the        cultures have their own flavors, and
     ers and costumes.                          strong desire to put a personal stamp    auspicious and good luck dates are
        More than two-thirds of U.S. cou-       on a wedding,” said Lauren Good-         chosen for ceremonies. For Hindu
     ples still seek a parent blessing before   son, senior director of insights for     weddings, for example, such dates are
     tying the knot, compared to less than      parent company The Knot World-           distributed in an annual calendar.
     10% in Italy and Spain, while Colom-       wide. “We see that springing up from       But other aspects of weddings offer
     bian weddings have the lowest guest        engagement all the way through to        more commonality, such as fall being
     count at an average of 91, as opposed      the ceremony, the reception and the      a popular time to get married in the
     to 524 in India.                           honeymoon.”                              U.S., Spain, Portugal and elsewhere
        Those are just a few of the insights      While personalization is a strong      in Europe and North America due to
     in a report released in May by the         trend, some longstanding traditions      mild weather. In Europe, extended
     bridal site TheKnot.com and sister         are common across the countries, she     summer vacations are common, mak-
     sites WeddingWire.com and the Span-        told The Associated Press ahead of       ing wedding planning difficult. De-
     ish-language Bodas.net. The report         the report’s release. An average of 78   cember is the top month for engage-
     is based on a survey of about 20,000       percent of those surveyed took a hon-    ments in all countries except India.

Timelines for planning weddings         couples, or 67%, ask for a parent blessing,   family members also include Italy, where
varied among respondents. Colom-          compared to 14% in France, 8% Italy and       they cover two-thirds of expenses, the
bian couples had the shortest wedding     9% Spain.                                     report said.
planning period at seven months,             “Seeking parents’ permission ahead            The number of invited guests varies,
followed by India and Chile at eight      of time is one of the areas where we saw      with smaller receptions, including those
months. Goodson said countries            some of the biggest differences,” Goodson     driven by economic constraints. Some are
where couples are less likely to live     said.                                         influenced by other factors.
together before marriage tend to have        In terms of wedding price tags, in            “It’s actually a pretty big honor to be
shorter planning timelines. Respon-       Mexico it’s traditional to name a “pa-        invited to a Colombian wedding,” Good-
dents in the U.K. had the longest at 15   drinos” who serves as a type of sponsor       son said. “It really says something to your
months.                                   for the engaged couple — often relatives,     connection to that couple.”
  As for bride attire, those in the       godparents or others with a special rela-        While receptions are as personalized
Americas and Europe continue to           tionship to the couple, according to the      as ever, great music keeps the party going
embrace white dresses, with many          report. It’s considered an honor to serve     until the wee hours in such countries as
personalizing their looks through         in the role but there are big responsi-       Chile and Peru, where a Latin American
non-traditional silhouettes and acces-    bilities, such as contributing to the cost    tradition of la hora loca, or “crazy hour,”
sories. In the U.K., Meghan Markle        of the wedding or participating in the        is popular.
wasn’t the only one to rock a tiara at    ceremony.                                        At one recent wedding in Santiago,
her wedding: 22% of British brides           In South America overall, Goodson          Chile, a couple reported hiring gigantic
wore one, Goodson said.                   said, couples tend to cover a hefty portion   LED robots to blast confetti in the air
  The traditional parent blessing         of expenses. In Spain, parent contribu-       while guests danced under neon lights,
before engagement isn’t necessarily       tions are much more substantial. In Peru,     according to the report. Some of those
widespread outside of the U.S., she       Chile and Colombia, couples pay about         surveyed said they take on la hora loca
said. It’s less common in Europe,         55% of wedding costs, and a significant       themes, like the pair who decided on cos-
where couples will make the decision      percentage take out loans or amass credit     tumed characters from Super Mario Bros.
to marry, then share the news with        card debt to make it happen.                  to entertain guests and hand out hats,
parents.                                     Countries where couples see more           beads and other wacky party favors.
  More than two-thirds of U.S.            financial support from parents or other          Now that’s a wedding.

                                                                                                                    DAILY JOURNAL     33
wedding guest

                Consider going                          If your life is anything like mine, you’ve been invited to
                                                        at least six weddings all happening within a four-month
                                                        span, and you’re still trying to plan your own.
              alone and know                               And with each couple and their nuptials being unique,
                                                        questions of what to wear or what to buy or whom to bring
                                                        as a plus-one can run the gamut.
         how much to give                                  Esther Lee, senior editor at The Knot, says some of the
                                                        most common questions she receives from wedding-goers
                                                        are around gifting and dress code.
       By Christen A. Johnson | Chicago Tribune (TNS)
                                                           Lee shares her expertise on some of the most boggling
                                                        wedding questions, and offers some savvy ways to stay
                                                        cool during that midafternoon outdoor ceremony, as well
                                                        as other quick tips on how to survive this wedding season.

really mean? Do you really have to abide
                                                                                            by the given dress code?
                                                                                            A: Guest should always abide by the
                                                                                            dress code because it really does lend to
                                                                                            the space or the aesthetics of the wed-
                                                                                            ding. Formal suggests less fancy than
                                                                                            black tie, which is an after-5 p.m. cere-
                                                                                            mony, usually held in a nice event space
                                                                                            with dresses longer in length. Formal is
                                                                                            more scaled back: You can wear a glitzy
                                                                                            dress, but it doesn’t have to be a gown.
                                                                                            For women, statement heels and a fancy
                                                                                            clutch are really good for a formal occa-
                                                                                            sion. Men should consider accessories
                                                                                            like cuff links or a nice shoeshine. Semi-
                                                                                            formal means a tuxedo isn’t required.
                                                                                            In general, it’s better to be overdressed
                                                                                            than to show up underdressed because
                                                                                            you can always remove something. Show
                                                                                            up looking really good in support of a

                                                                                            Q: Any dress code tips for those attend-
                                                                                            ing an outdoor summer wedding?
                                                                                            A: Wear breathable, light fabrics like silk
                                                                                            or cotton. For men, consider linen suits.
                                                                                            It’s actually acceptable for men to forgo
                                                                                            socks and wear boat shoes or loafers.
                                                                                            There are portable fans that attach to
                                                                                            your phone and operate on batteries. It’s
                                                                                            a nice touch if the couple provides it for
The conversation has been edited for         of thought (into it). Get a more thought-      the guests.
space and clarity.                           ful gift, even though it’s not as expensive.
                                             Do gifting early, and pick the lesser and      Stay hydrated. Guests should drink
Q: What’s the appropriate amount to                                                         plenty of water the day before, and cou-
                                             smaller items. If you know other people
spend on a gift for a couple? Does it                                                       ples should provide a hydration station.
                                             going to the wedding, go in as a group
vary depending on if you’re a single/
                                             on a big gift, and you could save money        Q: Are there any benefits of coming to a
dating couple/married?
                                             that way.                                      wedding without a plus-one, especially
A: Lately, we’re seeing a range on
how much guests are spending, but            Q: What are some things people should          if you’re single?
it’s contingent on each guest and the        keep in mind to be a good guest during         A: A lot of singles who meet at weddings
relationship with the couple. If you’re      the ceremony and reception?                    end up marrying each other. About 16%
going to a co-worker’s wedding, your         A: Follow the rules. The couple makes a        of singles connect on the dance floor
spend might be less than if it is a family   website for a reason. Abide by the dress       somehow before they start dating, ac-
member or best friend. We see couples        code. Be on time. Just be a good guest.        cording to our data, so you might meet
spend between $100 to $400. Overall, it      Those are basics. Couples put a lot of         your future significant other.
does depend on the number of wedding         time into planning their wedding day. We       Q: Anything else you think people
events you’re attending. So if you attend    highly encourage guests to be present          should know?
the bridal shower and bachelorette, then     and be there for all of the wedding and        A: Overall, the biggest thing, as a guest,
your overall wedding gift spend would        reception. There is a lot of work that         is buy off the registry. Follow the rules. If
be less.                                     went in to celebrate the couple’s love for     the couple is asking you to be there, be
                                             the day. It’s their journey, and they chose    present, be supportive. The last thing a
Q: What are ways to save on a gift —
                                             you to be there. Be present.                   couple needs is a snarky wedding guest.
without completely forgoing getting a
gift — if you’re on a budget?                Q: Let’s talk about those dress code           They need the love and support of gra-
A: So much of that is about putting a lot    rules. What does “formal/semiformal”           cious friends and family members.

                                                                                                                            DAILY JOURNAL   35
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