A fantastic equestrian establishment - Moorehouse Farm, Craigllwyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 9BH - Savills

Page created by Jeff Howell
A fantastic equestrian establishment - Moorehouse Farm, Craigllwyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 9BH - Savills
A fantastic equestrian establishment
Moorehouse Farm, Craigllwyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 9BH

A fantastic equestrian establishment - Moorehouse Farm, Craigllwyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 9BH - Savills
A spacious 5 bedroom property with adjacent annexe                      •
bespoke equestrian building with 19 “Tailored” stables.                 •
60m x 30m floodlit arena with Andrew Bowen surface
Caravan and camping facilities

Local information                      The area is outriding heaven with
Moorehouse Farm is located in          superb outriding off the local
the idyllic Shropshire Countryside     country lanes and nearby bridle
with far reaching views towards        network. For equestrian users,
the Welsh hills. The property is       the property is well placed being
easily accessible, being a short       within easy reach of a number of
distance from the A483, which          prominent equestrian venues
connects Oswestry to Wrexham           including Radfords (Llanymynech
and beyond to Chester.                 BE) Berriewood BE, Cholmondley
The A5 trunk road is within easy       Castle BE, Bolesworth, Kelsall Hill
reach and provides access to           and Somerford park to name a
Shrewsbury and on to the M54           few. Hunting locally is with The
linking the M6.                        Tanatside, Sir Watkin Williams-
                                       Wynn’s, The North Shropshire,
The nearby Market Town of              The South Shropshire and United
Oswestry is only a short distance      Packs.
and includes a wide range of day
to day amenities including a           About this property
number of supermarkets, pubs,          The farmhouse is situated in an
wine bars, coffee shops,               elevated and private position at
restaurants, retail shops and local    the end of a long driveway with
deli’s.                                its own land on either side. It is a
                                       substantial dwelling, which has
Oswestry has nursery, primary          been operating as a successful
and secondary schools available        B&B over recent years. The
including Oswestry School and          property has been tastefully
Moreton Hall and The Marches           modernised to create a
Academy; further afield are            welcoming space for guests,
Ellesmere College, Shrewsbury          whilst keeping private and
School and Kings and Queens            homely rooms for family living.
schools in Chester.
                                       The ground floor consists of a
Oswestry has sporting facilities       reception hallway, with two large
including rugby, football and          receptions rooms off. The first is
cricket. All clubs compete to a        the private living room with
high standard and have teams of        feature open fireplace. The
all ages with youth coaching           second reception room is a
most weekends. There are gym           dining and relaxing area for B&B
and sports facilities at the leisure   guests with a good size fireplace
Centre within the town and two         and wood burner.
golf courses at the Mile End and
Oswestry.                              Adjacent is the kitchen, with a
                                       range of wall and ground mount
A fantastic equestrian establishment - Moorehouse Farm, Craigllwyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 9BH - Savills
A fantastic equestrian establishment - Moorehouse Farm, Craigllwyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 9BH - Savills
units and integrated appliances.       building has been designed to
There is a 4-oven oil fired AGA        create as much natural light as
with gas fired extension and           possible with the best ventilation,
further 2 ovens. The rear of the       including a bespoke ridge screen.
property has a large boot room         This building has been designed
and utility with office/Garden         with DIY liveries in mind and is an
room adjacent.                         excellent example of what can be
The first floor consists of a
master bedroom suite with              Adjacent to the above is a steel
shower and bath en-suite. There        framed lean-to with open sided
are two large double bedrooms          elevation for storage. There is a
with shower/bath en-suites, 2          further steel portal building
further double bedrooms and a          connected, currently used as a
family bathroom.                       workshop and storage. Opposite
                                       the main building is a new steel
Adjacent to the farmhouse is a 1-      portal building for storage of hay,
bed annex, which is connected to       straw and bedding.
the main farmhouse on the first
floor. This annex has a recently       The floodlit arena is 60m x 30m
fitted kitchen and living room. It     and contains an Andrew Bowen
has been run alongside the B&B         surface. At one end is a timber
business as a self-contained           constructed building for
holiday let.                           spectators and there is also an
                                       adjoining timber building for
The property has been run as a         jumps Storage. The arena has
successful B&B business                planning permission to be
alongside a family home.               converted to an indoor arena, but
                                       this has not been built.
                                       The property has a timber
Surrounding the property is            framed chalet with an open plan
mature gardens with an array of        living space and bedroom.
flower beds, lawned areas, trees       Beyond is the camping and
and hedgerows. The current             caravan site with electric points
owners have invested in the            for each bay. There is a newly
garden areas with fencing and          built shower and WC block with
dog friendly areas.                    disabled facilities, hot water and
                                       kitchen facilities.
The principal building is a steel
portal framed construction under       The property has all the
a corrugated roof. This is a           necessary accreditations for the
bespoke building, which has            leisure and tourism facilities. It is
been designed with the upmost          accredited by the BHS and offers
detail. It consists of 19 “Tailored”   successful income streams. The
12 x 12 stables, wash bays, secure     existing website is www.
tack and rug rooms, kitchen            moorehousefarm.co.uk .
facilities and full CCTV. The
A fantastic equestrian establishment - Moorehouse Farm, Craigllwyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 9BH - Savills
A fantastic equestrian establishment - Moorehouse Farm, Craigllwyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 9BH - Savills
The land equates to 27 acres in
total and is divided into 21
paddocks, all fenced with high
tensile equestrian fencing. All
paddocks have water available
and there is a long farm ride
running around the boundary
of the land.

Mains water and electricity. Oil
fired central heating. Propane
gas on site with the AGA and
shower facilities. Private

Strictly through Savills and joint
agent Jackson Property.

Brochure prepared February
Photographs taken 2020


Local Authority
Shropshire Council

Strictly by appointment with
Savills or their joint agents.
A fantastic equestrian establishment - Moorehouse Farm, Craigllwyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 9BH - Savills
A fantastic equestrian establishment - Moorehouse Farm, Craigllwyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 9BH - Savills
Moorehouse Farm, Craigllwyn, Oswestry, Shropshire,
SY10 9BH                                                                                                                                    Beccy Theodore-Jones
Gross internal area (approx) 4809 square feet                                                                                               Savills Telford
Outbuildings 4129 square feet                                                                                                               01952 239 500
Total 8938 square feet                                                                                      savills      savills.co.uk      telford@savills.com

Important notice: Savills, their clients and any joint agents give notice that 1: They are not authorised to make or give any representations or warranties in relation to the property either here or elsewhere, either
on their own behalf or on behalf of their client or otherwise. They assume no responsibility for any statement that may be made in these particulars. These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract
and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of fact. 2: Any areas, measurements or distances are approximate. The text, photographs and plans are for guidance only and are not necessarily
comprehensive. It should not be assumed that the property has all necessary planning, building regulation or other consents and Savills have not tested any services, equipment or facilities. Purchasers must
satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise. 12022040 Job ID: 148674 User initials: BTJ
A fantastic equestrian establishment - Moorehouse Farm, Craigllwyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 9BH - Savills A fantastic equestrian establishment - Moorehouse Farm, Craigllwyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 9BH - Savills
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