New Dewsbury Police Station

Page created by Dana Price
New Dewsbury Police Station
New Dewsbury Police Station
Welcome to this virtual exhibition of proposals for a new police station at Halifax Road, Dewsbury. This
early consultation will give you the opportunity to understand, ask questions and comment upon the
proposals, prior to the submission of a planning application.

West Yorkshire Police (WYP) is seeking to provide two new 21st century police stations in Kirklees,
as part of a significant investment in keeping communities safe within the district. This milestone
investment will see a new police station in both Dewsbury and Huddersfield.

The existing police stations on Castlegate in Huddersfield, and Aldams Road in Dewsbury, will remain in
full use while the new stations are built. The sites will then be sold once staff and officers have relocated.

Both projects are subject to successful planning approvals. This consultation relates to the Dewsbury
station. A separate consultation exercise on the Huddersfield station proposals will take place at a later

The Dewsbury site
The former Kirklees College site on Halifax Road, Dewsbury          The site has recently been vacated by Kirklees College, as part
has been identified as a suitable site for the proposed facility.   of their relocation to new premises within and on the edge of
Over many years, an extensive site search of over 30 locations      Dewsbury town centre. The site includes a number of buildings
across the district have been assessed, taking account of the       from the 1960 / 70s as well as the Oldroyd Building, located at
forces specific operational requirements and opportunities, and     the corner of Halifax Road and Carlton Road, which formed part
constraints presented by available sites.                           of the original Batley and District New Technical, Science and
                                                                    Art School, dating from 1893.
The proposed site is located approximately half a mile north
of Dewsbury town centre. It enjoys strong transport links,          The site also includes surface car parking on Pyrah Street to the
being located between the A638 Halifax Road and the A652            rear of the site. The proposals offer the opportunity to secure a
Bradford Road, and the location ensures that the new facility is    long term active use for this otherwise vacant site.
operationally resilient, with improved access to the communities
which the facility will serve.
New Dewsbury Police Station
New Dewsbury Police Station
Site Context

Planning policy context                                                Topography
The site is not allocated for a specific use in the recently adopted   The site slopes steeply from west to east with significant
Kirklees Local Plan, which is the document applied by the              views out to the east and wider views into the site. The
Council in determining planning applications within the district.      new development must work with these levels to provide an
The original element of the Oldroyd Building is located within the     appropriate design for the area.
Northfields Conservation Area, although the remainder of the site
is located outside of this designation. The Oldroyd Building is        Access
not listed, although it is noted that the municipal buildings to the   The existing site access points from Carlton Road (via a restricted
south of the site beyond Carlton Road are Grade II listed.             access route) and Stonefield Street will be utilised, as will the
                                                                       car park on Pyrah Street. A separate pedestrian access and,
The site provides a number of opportunities and constraints            potentially, a limited accessible parking area will be provided for
which have been taken into consideration in developing the             visitors from Halifax Road. The topography of the site adjacent to
proposals for the new station. These include:                          Pyrah Street prevents any new access being created on this side
                                                                       of the site.
Neighbouring uses
Whilst Halifax Road is an arterial route into and out of Dewsbury,     Trees
we are aware that this is also a residential area and the proposals    There are existing self seeded trees and scrubland to the rear
must respond to the position and amenity requirements of               of the site at Pyrah Street, which offer the opportunity for
existing homes. The proposals include use of the existing              replacement and enhancement. There are also several large
access points on Stonefield Street and Carlton Road to provide         trees in the corner of the site, adjacent to the bus stop on Halifax
connections from the vehicle parking proposed within the site,         Road. These trees are capable of retention, subject to ensuring
Halifax Road and Bradford Road. There is also the opportunity          adequate root protection areas can be provided. The smaller
to improve the Pyrah Street area of the site through landscaping       trees in the landscaped area adjacent to the Oldroyd Building are
treatments.                                                            protected due to their location within the Conservation Area, and
                                                                       the proposed landscaping scheme will take this into account.
Existing and Oldroyd Building
The redevelopment of the site does offer the opportunity to            Noise
remove very large and unsympathetically designed modern                The adjacent A638 Halifax Road is the main noise source in
buildings and to provide replacement development of a reduced          the area due to heavy traffic flows. Proposals will consider
scale and massing. Our proposal retains the Oldroyd building,          the implications of construction noise, from the development,
which is of an attractive character and preserves the heritage of      on neighbouring uses and also noise generated during the
the area.                                                              operational phase of the station.
New Dewsbury Police Station
New Dewsbury Police Station
Site Context

                                                                        Oldroyd crest from Halifax Road (to be retained)               Car park off Stonefield Street (to be demolished)

           Oldroyd building from Halifax Road (to be retained)

                                                                                                                                          Site from Stonefield Street (to be demolished)

                              Warehouses (to be demolished)                Oldroyd Building (right)               Site adjoining Stonefield Street             Rear of Oldroyd Building
                                                                                from Halifax Road

                                                    Boundary of Conservation Area                                                                                     Aerial view of site
New Dewsbury Police Station
New Dewsbury Police Station
Emerging Design

The proposed new police station will house both Dewsbury Patrol, neighbourhood policing teams and the public help
desk facility which are currently located at Dewsbury Police Station, along with all district investigative teams, support
staff and the district’s custody suite.

The newly built public help desk facility will provide face to face support for members of the public, as well as
community accessible meeting rooms for enhanced engagement.

The new police station will be a 24 hour, 7 days a week, operational police station and will accommodate just over
600 staff with 290 officers and staff working Monday to Friday, reducing to around 130 on weekends. The new police
station enables co location of investigative teams, increasing resilience and improving positive and timely outcomes for
victims, with the nearby residents and wider community benefiting from a deterrent against anti social behaviour and

The facility will have significantly enhanced technological infrastructure, increasing capacity to undertake on line
investigations, providing a flexible innovative working environment for West Yorkshire Police and partners from across

The construction of the facility will support and create opportunities for local trade persons, suppliers, apprenticeships
and work experience, through an agreement between West Yorkshire Police and Willmott Dixon.

                                                                                                  External material palette and precedents
New Dewsbury Police Station
New Dewsbury Police Station
Emerging Design

Existing massing

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                                                 1                                         2

                                                                oa                                                       3
                                                                                                                       re et

1     Oldroyd Building

2     Kirklees college buildings

3     Car parking

Proposed Massing

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                                                                                   d                                                e  t

1     Oldroyd Building

2     Custody
3     Car parking
4     Ancillary
New Dewsbury Police Station
New Dewsbury Police Station
Next Steps

Once this public consultation has concluded, it is our intention to formally submit a planning application in relation
to the proposals in April 2021. Subject to the approval of the planning application, it is currently projected that the
development will be completed and the police station operational in 2024.

Seeking planning permission
1. A formal planning application will be submitted to Kirklees Council and the Council will set a target
   determination date to make a decision on the application.

2. Local residents will be invited by the Council to review the planning application and make any further comments,
   including supporting or objecting to the proposals.

3. Once the application has been fully considered and all statutory consultees (design, highways, drainage and
   other council officers and stakeholders) have provided responses and required amendments have been made,
   the application will be presented to Planning Committee to be decided, informed by an officers report on the

Your comments
West Yorkshire Police and the project team welcome your comments which can be provided to us via email at, marking your email ‘Kirklees College site’. We will seek to review all responses
received in order to review the proposals where necessary.

If you are aware of individuals who may like to comment or obtain further details on the proposal but do not have
access to the internet, please write to us at Nineteen47, Acero, 1 Concourse Way, Sheffield, S1 2BJ.

The project team will also be hosting an interactive question and answer session online via the Zoom platform on
Wednesday 17th March from 16:00-18:00. Should you wish to attend this event, please email, marking your email ‘Kirklees College site’ to register to receive an invitation for this

                                                                                                          Elevation D from Carlton Road

                                                                                                       Elevation C from Stonefield Street
New Dewsbury Police Station New Dewsbury Police Station New Dewsbury Police Station New Dewsbury Police Station
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