A L ander-Based Forecast of the 2021 German Bundestag Election

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   A Länder-Based Forecast of the 2021
   German Bundestag Election
   Mark A. Kayser, Hertie School, Berlin
   Arndt Leininger, Chemnitz University of Technology
   Anastasiia Vlasenko, Florida State University


                  olls are poor predictors when elections are dis-                                                            provides a way to diminish the importance of one of the most
                  tant. Too few voters are paying attention and too                                                           difficult parts of polling: predicting who will actually vote.
                  much can change before Election Day. In con-                                                                    Structural models also offer other advantages. Although
                  trast, some aspects of elections—most important,                                                            they often are less accurate than polls, especially close to an
                  voters’ responses to fundamentals such as the                                                               election, they can establish baseline expectations about elec-
   economy and the prime minister’s time in office—are quite                                                                  tion outcomes if average candidates with average campaigns
   reliable (albeit incomplete) predictors of voter behavior. Struc-                                                          and average opponents were competing under the current
   tural models based on such fundamentals rely on data col-                                                                  conditions of the fundamentals. In multiparty elections, in
   lected long before the election. They can provide informed                                                                 which there are rarely single-party majority winners, figuring
   forecasts of electoral outcomes long before vote-intention                                                                 out the appropriate benchmark to assess which parties did well
   polls become reliable predictors of election outcomes. How-                                                                or poorly is difficult. Comparing parties’ vote shares to pre-
   ever, due to the limited number of postwar national elections                                                              dictions from a structural model run on data from past elec-
   in most democracies, structural models tend to suffer from                                                                 tions is one way to determine which parties fared better than
   small samples and high uncertainty in their estimates.                                                                     expected.
       We present a forecast of the 2021 German Bundestag                                                                         Our Länder model leverages economic and political data as
   election results for individual parties designed to draw on                                                                well as state-parliament (Landtag) election results in the
   the strengths of both structural models and polls while side-                                                              German states to predict party vote shares in the Länder in
   stepping some of their shortcomings. We address the small-                                                                 the federal election. We then use official information on the
   sample problem of structural models by predicting federal-                                                                 number of eligible voters and predicted turnout figures to
   election vote shares in the 16 German states (i.e., Länder) in all                                                        calculate vote totals for each party in each state (Land), and
   elections since 1961 as a function of Länder election outcomes                                                            then we aggregate to the national level by summing over state
   and other political and economic variables before aggregating                                                              vote totals per party and dividing all by the estimated number
   to the national level. Länder elections are distributed non-                                                              of votes nationwide. The staggered timing of Länder elections
   synchronously over the German electoral calendar and there-                                                                between federal elections helps to pick up new events in the
   fore pick up different shocks as well as actual voter prefer-                                                              data but also means that older elections, having been con-
   ences. Moreover, our linear random-effects model can capture                                                               ducted in different circumstances, are less informative. To take
   state-level variation in responsiveness to the covariates. Add-                                                            this concern into account, we estimate an unweighted and a
   ing information on the number of eligible voters and estimates                                                             weighted version of our model—for the latter, when estimating
   of state-level turnout, we turn state-level vote shares into vote                                                          the model, we weigh more heavily those states that held state
   totals, which we then aggregate to generate our national-level                                                             elections closer to the upcoming national election.
   forecast. In a final step, we combine the predictions from our                                                                 In addition to testing how predictive Länder elections are of
   structural model with polling data using a weighted average                                                                federal-election results and setting expectations for which
   that increasingly favors polls as the election nears. The weight                                                           outcomes should be expected in the current conditions, this
   assigned to the polls relative to the structural forecast is based                                                         article contributes in another way to the forecasting literature.
   on the predictiveness of polls at different time periods in                                                                We demonstrate the value of fitting models on subnational
   previous elections.                                                                                                        units during national elections to overcome the small-sample
       Vote-intention polls, of course, are more than random                                                                  problems common to national-level structural models. Fore-
   samples of voters. Every poll must predict which respondents                                                               cast models for Brazil (Turgeon and Rennó 2012), Turkey
   will actually turn out to vote on Election Day, based on voter                                                             (Toros 2012), and Lithuania (Jastramskis 2012) used subna-
   screens or likely voter models, while also confronting other                                                               tional elections to increase the number of observations.
   human sources of polling errors such as desirability bias and                                                              Scholars also have created state-by-state forecasts of US presi-
   changed opinions. Polls, on average, are fairly accurate shortly                                                           dential elections using state-level covariates (Enns and
   before an election but combining them with structural models                                                               Lagodny 2021; Jérôme and Jérôme-Speziari 2012; Klarner
   based on Länder-level elections with actual voting behavior                                                               2012). Our contribution is unique in that it uses state elections
                                                                   © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the
doi:10.1017/S1049096521000974                                      American Political Science Association.                                                                                                                         PS • 2021        1
    Politics Symposium: Forecasting the 2021 German Elections
    to predict federal-election outcomes in those same states, an                                                              accuracy and confirm the value of our model as a long-term
    approach afforded by the fact that German state elections                                                                  predictor.
    provide fairly independent observations due to their staggered                                                                To forecast the 2021 election, we updated our dataset of
    timing.                                                                                                                    state-level returns for all national and state elections since 1961
       We, of course, are not the first to develop a forecasting                                                               by adding the results of the 2017 national election and all state
    model for Germany. Several models relying on predictors from                                                               elections since then. This provides us with a panel dataset in
    chancellor approval (Norpoth and Gschwend 2010) to grand-                                                                  which a party’s result in a federal election in one of the

    We address the small-sample problem of structural models by predicting federal-
    election vote shares in the 16 German states (i.e., Länder).

    coalition participation (Jérôme, Jérôme- Speziari, and Lewis-                                                              16 German states forms the unit of analysis.3 4 This is an
    Beck 2013) to economic growth relative to neighboring coun-                                                                unbalanced panel because not all parties campaigned in all
    tries (Kayser and Leininger 2016) have preceded us, as                                                                     elections in all states and because Eastern German states are
    reviewed in part by Graefe (2015). To this list, we add elections                                                          included only since 1990. We focus on the Christian Demo-
    to state legislatures as a predictor of federal-election outcomes                                                          cratic Union/Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU), the Social
    in the same states.                                                                                                        Democratic Party (SPD), the Green Party, the AfD, the Free
        We have shown in the previous iteration of this forecast                                                               Democratic Party (FDP), the Left Party/Party of Democratic
    (Kayser and Leininger 2017, table 3) that aggregation of sub-                                                              Socialism, and the residual category “Others.” Unlike our
    national predictions reduces forecasting error. No less signifi-                                                           forecast in 2017, when we had to subsume Germany’s new
    cant, this iteration allows us to test, ceteris paribus, not only                                                          populist right party AfD among the residual category Others,
    how predictive state elections are of later federal elections but                                                          the AfD now has participated in sufficient elections for us to
    also whether and when our model improves on polling pre-                                                                   include it as a distinct party. To predict the vote shares for the

    Our Länder model leverages economic and political data as well as state-parliament
    (Landtag) election results in the German states to predict party vote shares in the
    Länder in the federal election.

    dictions. After aggregating up to the national level, we com-                                                              current set of parties, we estimate a linear random-effects
    bine the predicted vote shares from our structural model with                                                              model, including random intercepts for states and parties.
    polling data that are weighted more heavily over time.1 After                                                                  Our model uses variables for a party’s vote share obtained
    the federal election, we will be able to compare the predictive                                                            in the previous federal election, the vote share it obtained in
    accuracy of simple poll aggregates to polls combined with our                                                              the preceding state election, whether the chancellor was from
    model at various times.                                                                                                    that party at the time of the election, quarterly growth in gross
        Our model follows the same specification as our model for                                                              domestic product (GDP), an interaction of these two variables,
    the 2017 election (Kayser and Leininger 2017).2 In 2017, our                                                               the number of years the chancellor has been in office, and an
    final structural model—estimated four months before the                                                                    interaction of that variable with the chancellor’s-party dummy
    election—performed adequately if not entirely accurately, con-                                                             variable. The estimation equation for our model is as follows:
    sidering the time to the election and the fact that the Alterna-                                                                                     
    tive for Germany (AfD) party had not participated in sufficient                                                             votenational
                                                                                                                                    p,s,t    ¼ β0 þ u0p,s þ β1 votenational                  state
                                                                                                                                                                   p,s,t−1 þ ðβ 2 þ u2s Þvotep,s,t þ … þ ϵ p,s,t
    elections to be included as a separate category. Before the
    election, several state-election results showed a surge of sup-                                                                The variable reporting a party’s vote share in the previous
    port for the AfD that we could not fully pick up because we had                                                            national election allows us to form a baseline prediction. The
    to include the AfD in the “Others” category. Our predictions                                                               other predictors then estimate changes from the previous vote
    deviated from the final election result by an average of 3.1%                                                              share. We also include the vote share that a party obtained in
    points. This compares unfavorably to the final pre-election                                                                the preceding state election. State-specific issues are of great
    polls of the major German polling houses that were off by an                                                               importance in these contests, and there often are substantial
    average of 1.1% points, but the polls had the advantage of being                                                           differences between a party’s national and state results. Never-
    conducted shortly before the election. Polling at the time of                                                              theless, politicians and political observers consider vote shares
    our final forecast in May deviated from the final results in                                                               in state elections a “thermometer” for the popularity of the
    September by an average of 3.7% points. This year’s model                                                                  national government and the national opposition parties. This
    includes a separate category for the AfD that may improve                                                                  interpretation also is shared by political scientists who

2   PS • 2021
observed that electoral politics in Western European states                                                                with weights that weigh observations representing states with
have become increasingly nationalized (Caramani and Koll-                                                                  state elections closer to the federal election more heavily to
man 2017).                                                                                                                 pick up late-developing events.5 We also estimate a version of
    We include a dummy variable that indicates whether the                                                                 the unweighted model that omits the vote share in state
current chancellor was from the given party. Furthermore, we                                                               elections (column 2) to illustrate that including this predictor
incorporate the growth rate of GDP in the quarter preceding                                                                improves the accuracy of the model.
the election, relative to the same quarter of the previous year,                                                               All coefficients show the predicted direction of effect.
seasonally adjusted. We assume that growth, rather than                                                                    Unsurprisingly, there is persistence in a party’s vote share
media reporting about growth, directly affects voter decisions.                                                            over time. Election results in the preceding elections to the
Accordingly, we use the most recent growth-data vintage,                                                                   state legislature also correlate positively with results in the
which might deviate from real-time reports that are covered                                                                federal elections in each state. The coefficient on GDP growth
more frequently in the media (Kayser and Leininger 2015). We                                                               depends on the status of a party. As expected, there is no
interact the growth rate with the chancellor’s-party dummy                                                                 association between economic growth and a party’s vote share
variable because responsibility for the state of the economy is                                                            if the party does not lead the national government. If it does,
attributed primarily to the head of government’s party (Duch,                                                              however, we see the expected positive relationship. Similarly,
Przepiorka, and Stevenson 2015). We also include the number                                                                time in office (i.e., how long the current chancellor at the time
of years that the chancellor has been in office, interacting it                                                            of measurement has held the chancellorship) generally is not
with the chancellor’s-party dummy variable to capture cost-of-                                                             predictive of a party’s vote share except for the present chan-
ruling effects (Thesen, Mortensen, and Green-Pedersen 2020).                                                               cellor’s party. For the chancellor’s party, it displays a negative
    Table 1 reports the coefficients on our covariates in a                                                                coefficient representing the well-known cost-of-ruling effect.
multilevel random coefficients model (i.e., parties in states)                                                                 The estimates differ between the unweighted and the
with parties’ vote shares serving as the dependent variable. We                                                            weighted models because the latter puts greater weight on
estimate two models, an unweighted and a weighted version                                                                  observations from states that had a state election close to the
(columns 1 and 3, respectively). The latter model is estimated                                                             national election. As a consequence, in the weighted model

   Table 1
   The Model
                                                                                                   Unweighted                                    Reduced Unweighted                                            Weighted
                                                                                                          (1)                                                  (2)                                                  (3)
   Vote Sharet−1                                                                                     0.507***                                            0.942***                                             0.266***
                                                                                                      (0.027)                                              (0.010)                                              (0.025)
   Vote Share in State Election                                                                     0.393***                                                                                                   0.579***
                                                                                                      (0.024)                                                                                                   (0.024)
   Chancellor’s Party                                                                                5.313***                                             2.856***                                             7.191***
                                                                                                      (0.653)                                              (0.693)                                              (0.606)
   GDP Growth                                                                                          0.004                                                0.021                                               −0.014
                                                                                                      (0.041)                                              (0.044)                                              (0.035)
   Chancellor’s Party  GDP Growth                                                                   0.237***                                               0.052                                              0.321***
                                                                                                      (0.091)                                              (0.099)                                              (0.079)
   Years in Office                                                                                     0.028                                                0.029                                              0.069**
                                                                                                      (0.032)                                              (0.033)                                              (0.029)
   Chancellor’s Party  Years in Office                                                            −0.433***                                            −0.462***                                            −0.483***
                                                                                                      (0.072)                                              (0.076)                                              (0.066)
   Constant                                                                                         0.970***                                              0.675**                                              1.495***
                                                                                                      (0.353)                                              (0.327)                                              (0.462)
   N                                                                                                     971                                                  971                                                  971
   Log Likelihood                                                                                 −2,675.908                                           −3,036.203                                           −2,864.560
   AIC                                                                                              5,377.816                                           6,090.405                                             5,755.119
   BIC                                                                                              5,441.234                                            6,135.116                                            5,818.537
   Marginal R2                                                                                         0.940                                                0.932                                                0.967
   Conditional R2                                                                                      0.944                                                0.932                                                0.988

   Notes: *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1. Linear random effects. Standard errors in parentheses. *p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. DV is vote share in Länder elections.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               PS • 2021          3
   Politics Symposium: Forecasting the 2021 German Elections
   (compared to the unweighted model), the importance of pre-                                                                 results in recent state elections, which is why our weighted
   vious national results decreases vis-à-vis state elections as                                                              model predicts a higher vote share for it. However, the Green
   evidenced by a decrease in the coefficient on Vote Sharet−1                                                                Party often has done worse in elections than in polls taken
   and a larger coefficient on Vote Share in State Election.                                                                  weeks—sometimes even days—before an election. Our forecast
                                                                                                                              cautions that something similar might happen again.
   THE FORECAST                                                                                                                  Relative to our structural forecasts, current polling (as of
   Using the coefficients from the weighted and unweighted                                                                    mid-June 2021) suggests significantly more support for the
   models (see table 1, columns 1 and 3) and inserting the most                                                               Green Party (24.5% on average) and less support for the
   recent quarterly 2021 values for our explanatory variables into                                                            CDU/CSU (24.9%) and SPD (15%). Polls, as snapshots in time,
   the equations, we obtain predicted vote shares for each party                                                              can be considerably volatile. Our structural forecasts suggest
   for each of the 16 German Länder for each of the models for the                                                           that, barring unusual events, vote intention for the Green
   2021 federal election. To account for differences in the size of                                                           Party should decrease and should increase for the two Volk-

   Accordingly, we calculate our final prediction, which we call our hybrid forecast, as a
   weighted average of our structural Länder-model forecast and the polls.

   the electorates and levels of turnout between states, we translate                                                         sparteien as time progresses and the adverse events of spring
   the party-state vote shares in each state into vote totals by                                                              fade (i.e., the slow COVID-19 vaccine rollout, some MPs from
   multiplying the number of eligible citizens in a state with the                                                            the CDU/CSU profiteering from sales of medical masks to the
   estimated vote shares and the expected turnout. The latter is                                                              health ministry, and a power struggle within the CDU/CSU for
   estimated in a separate model.6 We then sum these vote totals                                                              the chancellor candidacy).
   across states within parties and transform them back into                                                                      To the extent that polls are driven by current events
   proportions to arrive at an estimate of the national vote share                                                            unlikely to influence an election many months in the future,
   for each party. To incorporate the uncertainty stemming from                                                               there are good grounds to combine them with predictions from
   the estimation of the vote shares and turnout, we simulate many                                                            a structural model that are less influenced by short-run con-
   predictions from both models, merge them, and aggregate over                                                               ditions. Accordingly, we calculate our final prediction, which
   the simulated data to provide 95% prediction intervals.                                                                    we call our hybrid forecast, as a weighted average of our
       We present our predictions in table 2. In both unweighted                                                              structural Länder-model forecast and the polls (Erikson and
   and weighted models, the CDU/CSU retains its plurality but                                                                 Wlezien 2014). Given that polls are only weakly predictive of
   comes in at only approximately 30%. The other large catchall                                                               election outcomes five months out but become more strongly
   party, the SPD (Volkspartei as it is called in Germany) receives                                                           predictive as the election approaches, we model the weighting
   an even lower 20%, and the Green Party receives 12.8% and                                                                  parameter to match the progression of polls’ predictive power
   14.4% in the two models, respectively. The AfD and the FDP                                                                 over the timeline of the election (Jennings and Wlezien 2016).7
   both receive approximately 9% of the vote. The biggest differ-                                                                 Figure 1 illustrates how the progressively higher weight
   ence in the forecasts from the two models can be seen for the                                                              accorded to the polls shifts the hybrid forecast toward the
   Green Party, which at the time of this writing is polling at                                                               polling numbers as the election approaches. The figure makes
   above 20%, has consistently polled above its 2017 national-                                                                the additional assumption that polling numbers will remain
   election results in recent years. This also is reflected in its                                                            unchanged because we have no way of knowing how they will

       Table 2
       Predictions for the Six Major Parties and a Residual Category (Others) from Models
       Without (Column 2) and With (Column 3) Weights
       Party                                               Forecast                                Forecast (Weighted Model)                                    Polling June 2021                               Hybrid Forecast
       CDU/CSU                                      30.3 [27.2, 33.5]                                      29.9 [27.8, 31.7]                                               27.9                                          29.1
       SPD                                          20.2 [18.0, 22.7]                                      19.7 [18.6, 20.9]                                               15.4                                          17.8
       Green Party                                   12.7 [10.4, 14.9]                                     14.3 [13.3, 15.4]                                               20.7                                          16.7
       AfD                                            12.1 [9.9, 14.4]                                     11.8 [10.8, 12.9]                                               10.3                                          11.2
       FDP                                             9.5 [7.1, 11.7]                                        8.9 [7.8, 10]                                                12.1                                          10.8
       Left Party                                      8.7 [6.3, 11.2]                                       8.4 [7.2, 9.4]                                                 7.1                                           7.9
       Others                                          6.4 [4.0, 8.7]                                         7.0 [5.9, 8.1]                                                6.4                                          6.4

       Notes: Simulation-based 95% prediction intervals are in square brackets. Column 4 reports an average of current polling at the time of this writing (June 22, 2021).

4 PS • 2021

    Figure 1
    Hybrid Forecast Timeline
          Hybrid Forecast (%)

                                20                                                                                                                                                               Party
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Die Linke

                                22 June   July                                        August                                            September                                26 September

    Note: Hybrid forecast values showing convergence toward the (June) polls relative to the structural forecast values as weighting increasingly favors polls as the election
    nears. The election will take place on September 26, 2021.

fluctuate and trend until September. In practice, of course, the                                                              to the total of durations over all states: we now use the observed maximum
                                                                                                                              (see also footnote 4). Replication materials are available on Harvard Data-
polling numbers will be different each time we update our                                                                     verse (Kayser, Leininger, and Vlasenko 2021).
forecast. However, even shortly before the election, the structural                                                        3. Conveniently, in the German electoral system, party’s field separate party lists
component will exert some influence and potentially improve on                                                                or each Land.
pure polling. For instance, our hybrid forecast for the Green                                                              4. In the rare cases when a state election does not occur between two federal
                                                                                                                              elections, we impute the results from a state poll conducted at least six
Party shortly before the election will be somewhat lower than                                                                 months before the federal election, if these data are available.
pure polling would predict, which is plausible because the Green                                                           5. The weight is the inverse of the time between national and state elections
Party in past elections often has fared worse than even the final                                                             divided by the maximum observed time between national and state elections
                                                                                                                              in a given year.
pre-election polls would have predicted. This provides some
                                                                                                                           6. We use a random-effects model incorporating previous turnout, state-specific
optimism that our hybrid model might still outperform pure                                                                    time trends, and state fixed effects to predict state-level turnout in 2021.
polling even when the election already is very close.                                                                      7. At the time of this writing, June 22, 2021, exactly 96 days prior to the election,
                                                                                                                              the weighting on the polls component is 0.56. Taking our cue from Jennings
                                                                                                                              and Wlezien (2016), who showed that predictive power of polls increases
CONCLUSION                                                                                                                    nearly linearly as an election draws nearer, we proceed linearly as well to give
By addressing the small-sample problem common to most                                                                         polls progressively more weight until the weighting of the polls attains 0.9 on
                                                                                                                              the eve of the election.
structural models, our Länder model can more precisely esti-
mate the effects of fundamentals. Not only should this set
expectations for the parties’ performance in the election but                                                              REFERENCES
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