A new ammonium nitrate scheme in UKCA-mode: Initial sensitivity tests - UKESM

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A new ammonium nitrate scheme in UKCA-mode: Initial sensitivity tests - UKESM
A new ammonium nitrate
scheme in UKCA-mode:
Initial sensitivity tests
Anthony Jones
Adrian Hill1, Samuel Remy2,3, Luke
Abraham4, Mohit Dalvi1, Catherine
Hardacre1, Alan Hewitt1, Ben Johnson1,
Jane Mulcahy1, and Steve Turnock1
1 Met Office
2 Institut
 Pierre-Simon Laplace

4University of Cambridge

www.metoffice.gov.uk © Crown Copyright 2020, Met Office
A new ammonium nitrate scheme in UKCA-mode: Initial sensitivity tests - UKESM
Why is nitrate important?
• Sulphate (SO4) concentrations have declined since ‘clean air’ regulation

• Ammonium (NH4) concentrations have held constant or increased

• SO4 and nitrate (NO3) compete for NH4 in the atmosphere – thus SO4 reduction
 → NO3 increase

• NH4 and NO3 precursors are mostly anthropogenic (agriculture, land-use
 change, fossil-fuel combustion)

• NO3 contributes to urban air pollution, radiative forcing, cloud properties, and
 biosphere impacts such as soil acidification and lake eutrophication
A new ammonium nitrate scheme in UKCA-mode: Initial sensitivity tests - UKESM
Why is ammonium nitrate hard to model?
• Precursor gases NH3 and HNO3
 condense at different speeds
 depending on acidity and partial
• Long timesteps → numerical
• Modelling approaches: equilibrium,
 dynamical, and hybrid equilibrium-
• HyDiS-1.0 developed in Leeds for
 GLOMAP-mode is a hybrid

 Benduhn et al., 2016, GMD,
A new ammonium nitrate scheme in UKCA-mode: Initial sensitivity tests - UKESM
Equilibrium schemes
• The equilibrium constant of the
 ammonia-nitrate system related
 temperature and relative humidity
• Complex equilibrium schemes like
 ISORROPIA account for many chemical
 reactions simultaneously
• Mozurkewich model compares well with

 NH4 NO3 ՞ NH3 + HNO3
 Simple Mozurkewich (1993) scheme
 compares well with ISORROPIA

 Hauglustaine et al., 2014, ACP
A new ammonium nitrate scheme in UKCA-mode: Initial sensitivity tests - UKESM
An equilibrium nitrate scheme in UKCA

• Changes to Rose – two UKCA flags added to control emission of NH4.NO3 and
 coarse NO3 (hetNO3) separately
• NH4 and NO3 emitted into the Aitken and accumulation soluble modes
• hetNO3 associated with sea-salt and dust emitted into the accumulation and
 coarse soluble modes

 Mode Species
On the trunk since 11.8 NUC SOL SO4, OM
 ACC SOL SO4, BC, OM, SS, NH4, NO3, hetNO3
 COA SOL SO4, BC, OM, SS, NH4, NO3, hetNO3
A new ammonium nitrate scheme in UKCA-mode: Initial sensitivity tests - UKESM
GA7.1+Strattrop simulations UM11.7
• Rate at which NH4·NO3 reaches equilibrium is
 limited by first order uptake theory, i.e. Initial 
 4 0.47 
 1+ × 1−
 3 1 + 

• The uptake coefficient (γ) is altered between Simulation
 FAST (0.193) and SLOW (0.001) in sensitivity
 simulations CNTL u-bz552 No nitrate

• UKCA testing branch at UM11.7 with Strattrop, INSTANT u-ca284 Nitrate – instant equilibrium

 GA7.1, N96L85, and perpetual year 2000 FAST u-bz424 Nitrate – fast uptake ( = 0.193)
 SLOW u-bz615 Nitrate – slow uptake ( = 0.001)
• Run for 25 years – 5 year spin up followed by 20
 year validation period

 NB To change γ in a branch, change the following in ukca_prod_no3_mod.F90
 REAL, PARAMETER :: zghno3 = 0.193 ! HNO3 uptake coefficient
A new ammonium nitrate scheme in UKCA-mode: Initial sensitivity tests - UKESM
Column burdens
• NH4 and NO3 primarily over US,
 Europe, India, China, and Eq. Africa
• hetNO3 more evenly spread than NO3
• Twice as much NO3 in FAST than in
 SLOW (0.2 vs 0.1 mg[N] m-2) and 20%
 more NH4 in FAST
• Burdens compare well with other
 Xu & Hauglu-
 Burden FAS
 SLOW Penner staine AeroCom
 Tg[N] T
 2012 2014
 HNO3 0.48 0.48 0.3 0.3 0.56 [0.15, 1.27]
 NH3 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.09 0.16 [0.04, 0.7]
NO3+hetNO3 0.2 0.15 0.17 0.18 0.14 [0.03, 0.42]
 NH4 0.42 0.36 0.26 0.22 0.25 [0.13, 0.58]
A new ammonium nitrate scheme in UKCA-mode: Initial sensitivity tests - UKESM
Surface concentrations
• Twice as much NO3 near surface in
 FAST than SLOW (0.11 vs 0.05 μg[N]
• NO3 and hetNO3 confined to lowest
 1km of atmosphere
A new ammonium nitrate scheme in UKCA-mode: Initial sensitivity tests - UKESM
Surface concentrations
• Peak NH4.NO3 concentrations in US and
 Europe in summer
• In SLOW, hetNO3 concentrations are of
 similar magnitude to NO3
• Regional NH4.NO3 concentrations mostly
 correlated with NH3 emissions suggesting
 NH3 is limiting factor

 Surface concentrations

 NH3 emissions
A new ammonium nitrate scheme in UKCA-mode: Initial sensitivity tests - UKESM
Surface concentrations vs observations
 • HNO3 concentrations biased
 high in east US, particularly
 in SLOW, compared to
 • NH4 concentrations too high
 in FAST and acceptable in
 • NO3 concentrations too high
 in FAST and too low in
 • Spatial distribution of NO3
 better in FAST in east

 → Too much HNO3 in baseline

Credit: Catherine Hardacre
Surface concentrations vs observations

 • Worse spatial correlations over
 Europe for HNO3, NO3 and NH4
 concentrations compared to
 EMEP observations

 • Better magnitudes in SLOW, e.g.
 bias of 3 μg m-3 for NO3 in FAST

 • Poor spatial correlation may be
 due to perpetual year 2000
 conditions in simulation

Credit: Catherine Hardacre
Surface concentrations vs observations

• Diurnal NO3 cycles are similar to
 observations at Auchencorth Moss
 (SE Scotland)
• Peak at night and early morning (00Z
 and 06Z)
• Too much NO3 and NH4 in summer –
 JJA NH3 emissions too high?
• Too much NH3 at night – apply diurnal
 cycle to emissions
• Spurious HNO3 peak in the day also
 observed in AQUM
Radiation and AOD
• ∆ AOD between -0.003 in
 SLOW and 0.005 in FAST

• Effective radiative forcing
 between -0.07 Wm-2 in SLOW
 and -0.19 Wm-2 in FAST
 Credit: Ben Johnson

• Significant negative forcing
 over India, Europe and the
 DRC = (-10, -4, -4) Wm-2 in
Next steps
• Introducing nitrate to UKESM
 • Catherine Hardacre is repeating
 simulations in UKESM1.1 (UKESM
 ticket #781)
 • Coupling with JULES
 • Coupling with MEDUSA (probably
 after UKESM2)
• High resolution simulations over London
 – Hamish Gordon and Anthony Jones
 • Already works over Colorado (see
• AQUM ?
Jones, A. C., Hill, A., Remy, S., Abraham, N. L., Dalvi, M., Hardacre, C.,
Hewitt, A. J., Johnson, B., Mulcahy, J. P., and Turnock, S. T.

Exploring the sensitivity of atmospheric nitrate concentrations to nitric acid
uptake rate using the Met Office's Unified Model

Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-2021-
400, in review, 2021.
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