Find us on your local BSC Connect site - BenefitsConnect

Page created by Jonathan Morris
Find us on your local BSC Connect site - BenefitsConnect
Find us on your local BSC Connect site
  1890 717 717 / bostonscientific
  Username: BSCI Password: BSCI
  Digital Doctor: 1890 100 048 /
  Nurse on Call: 1850 946 644
  Emergency Assistance Overseas (If covered on the International Health & Travel Package)
  In-patient: +353 1 481 7840 | Out-patient: +353 21 480 2040
  To Claim:
International Health & Travel
Personalised Package
In-patient v Out-patient Cover
In-patient treatment means you will be admitted into hospital for
at least one night. Treatment must be pre-approved so always call
the in-patient number to check your treatment is covered with our
International Health & Travel Partner.
Out-patient emergency treatment while you are abroad is covered up
to 50% of your costs, up to €1,000. Your Daily Care and Personalised
Package cover is the same as when you are in Ireland. Check your
level of cover before you travel so you understand what you are
covered for and what you are entitled to. You pay for the treatment
yourself upfront and claim your contribution when you return home.
Claim Online
You can claim for your day-to-day, outpatient
and personalised packages receipts online anytime
in your online member area:

                              Upload photo         Rapid transfer
         Take a photo of     and fill in receipt   of claim to your
           the receipt            details           bank account
Make sure to fill in your bank account details if this is the first time
you have claimed from Irish Life Health.
If your receipt contains multiple treatments,
each treatment should be entered as a separate line.
Additional Health Insurance
information available at
Benefits Connect Ireland
  €500 excess payment
  consent form and process
  Personalised Packages
  Local clinic times
  Table of benefits
  Renewal FAQ’s
         1850 71 88 88

Confidential Employee Support
& Wellbeing Programme
in association with Irish Life Health
Our Employee Assistance Programme is
an independent and confidential service to
provide information on a range of topics

                                                         Legal or
Relationship                   Work Life
               Bereavement                     Anxiety   Financial
   Issues                      Balance                   Matters
The professionally trained counsellor will listen
and give considered, impartial advise. If the
issue is deeper and needs more attention,
face-to-face counselling sessions can be arranged.
If you have any questions for Aon
about your retirement account:

     1800 635 020 – HRSC (policy queries)
     1850 804 257 – AON Help line
Additional pension and investment
information available at
Benefits Connect Ireland
   Death in Service Benefits
   Retirement Benefits
   Investment Options
   Maximum Contribution
   Open Enrolment Period
   Online Account Access
   Making changes to your benefit
   Expression of Wishes form
  00 800 3338 7233
  (Monday to Friday toll free)
  From Within BSC: 001 650 599 0125
  Log on to the E*trade website and select Send an Email
  GESOP Overview Video:
    01 247 5413 (new from February 2020)
    ESPS Overview Video:

Plan document and other information are available
on Benefits Connect Ireland
ESPs v’s GESOP Comparison
                         ESPS                           GESOP
             Local - Only available to Irish   Global Scheme
Fund Admin
Wages        Before Tax                        After Tax
Invested     (from Gross earnings)             (from Net earnings)
             Not subject to Income tax.        Shares purchased from net
             Equates to a 20% or 40%           earnings. Gain between actual
             discount depending on your        purchase price and market price
             marginal tax rate. PRSI and       on day of purchase is subject
             USC are applied on the            to income tax - payable to
             deduction by Payroll.             Revenue by the employee
                                               within 30 days of purchase.
            None - Shares bought at            15% discount on the lower of
Discount on
            Market price                       the opening and closing price
Share price
                                               for the election period
Min Holding 3 years - to maximise tax          3 months
Period      relief
            €12,700 - at least 50% of the      Lower of 10% of gross
Investment money invested must come            earnings or $25,000
Limits      from Bonus. Restricted to a
            6% target bonus.
            15th Nov - 15th Dec through        15th Nov - 15th Dec and
Open                 15th May - 15th June each year
Enrolment bostonscientific                     through Enrolment
            Must re-enrol each year            carried forward each period.
            1- Commencing 1st Jan.             2 - Commencing 1st Jan &
Offerings   2 investment dates 50% each        1st Jul. Shares purchased
per year    30th Apr & 31st Oct.               30th Jun & 31st Dec.
               All Irish employees with > 12 All regular full-time or part
               months service on 30th Jan time employees who are
               of the plan year              employed on the first and last
                                             day of the offering period
     1800 635 020 (landline)
     1800 377 400 (mobile) (HR) (Learning)

It is the employees responsibility to ensure their contact details (including address)
          are up to date on their account with each of the benefits providers.
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