A plan for recovery & change - Let's build a better Wales The Welsh Conservative Party Manifesto 2021 - The Welsh ...

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A plan for recovery & change - Let's build a better Wales The Welsh Conservative Party Manifesto 2021 - The Welsh ...
A plan for recovery
& change
Let’s build a better Wales
The Welsh Conservative Party
Manifesto 2021
A plan for recovery & change - Let's build a better Wales The Welsh Conservative Party Manifesto 2021 - The Welsh ...
Our plan                                                                                          Contents
Our plan will kickstart Wales’ economic recovery and rebuild for a stronger, greener, more        A plan for recovery and change........................................................... 2
equal future by:
                                                                                                  Introduction ............................................................................................... 4
• Creating 65,000 new jobs to help the Welsh economy bounce back and give more people
  the security of a regular wage                                                                  Our plan for
• Guaranteeing the NHS is there for everyone by building five new hospitals and providing
  extra funding to the NHS every year, with 3,000 more nurses and 1,200 doctors by 2026
                                                                                                   Finishing the job on Covid-19............................................................. 7
                                                                                                   Securing jobs and livelihoods............................................................. 9
• Put in law our respect for the Welsh NHS with an NHS Covenant to guarantee increased
                                                                                                   Building better roads, rail and broadband................................... 13
  investment and support for our NHS heroes for the future
                                                                                                   Building a better healthcare service for everyone....................17
• Delivering 5,000 more teachers and more investment in Welsh education to provide the
                                                                                                   Building better schools, colleges and universities....................23
  best schools and skills for young people
                                                                                                   Building back greener..........................................................................29
• Building 100,000 new houses in the next decade to kickstart the Welsh economy and give
  more people the opportunity to own their own home                                                Supporting local communities.........................................................33

                                                                                                   More affordable, high quality housing..........................................39
• Investing £2 billion to create modern infrastructure for Wales, including an M4 Relief Road,
  upgrades to the A55 and A40, and 20,000 green charging points                                   Our legislative programme................................................................. 40
• Making Wales Net Zero by 2050, with investment in clean energy solutions to reduce
  carbon emissions, and creating 15,000 new green jobs
• Helping people with the cost of living pressure, by delivering a Council Tax freeze for at
  least the next two years, putting more money in everyone’s pockets

                                                                                                  The Welsh Conservative Party
                                                                                                  Manifesto 2021
A plan for recovery & change - Let's build a better Wales The Welsh Conservative Party Manifesto 2021 - The Welsh ...
A plan for recovery
and change
Over the last year our nation has fought the greatest health crisis that the world has seen for
over a century.
We all know someone who has lost their        So as the vaccine rolls out and we look      Our plan will kickstart Wales’ economic        Delivering 5,000 more teachers and          Helping people with the cost of living    Andrew RT Davies
                                                                                                                                           more investment in Welsh education           pressure, by delivering a Council Tax
job, lost their business or suffered a        towards recovery, Wales stands at a          recovery and rebuild for a stronger,                                                                                                   Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the
                                                                                                                                           to provide the best schools and skills       freeze for at least the next two years,
devastating loss of a loved one as a result   crossroads. And these elections are a real   greener, more equal future by:                                                                                                         Senedd
                                                                                                                                           for young people                             putting more money in everyone’s
of Covid-19.                                  chance to secure the change Wales needs.                                                                                                  pockets
                                                                                              Creating 65,000 new jobs to help the       Building 100,000 new houses in the
Our economy is currently experiencing         The Welsh Conservatives have a plan for          Welsh economy bounce back and give          next decade to kickstart the Welsh       Our plan for recovery and change is           Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP
the deepest recession since records           change, to get Wales back on track, and          more people the security of a regular       economy and give more people the         credible, costed and reflects the Welsh       Prime Minister and Leader of the
began, and evidence shows that Welsh          build a brighter, more prosperous future.        wage                                        opportunity to own their own home        Conservatives vision for a brighter future    Conservative Party
communities could be amongst the worst                                                                                                                                              for Wales.
                                                                                              Guaranteeing the NHS is there              Investing £2 billion to create modern
hit in the UK.                                It is a plan which is focused on                                                             infrastructure for Wales, including an
                                                                                               for everyone by building five new
                                              creating jobs by investing in the critical       hospitals and providing extra funding       M4 Relief Road, upgrades to the A55      By giving us your support on the 6th May      Rt Hon Simon Hart MP
The pandemic has exposed what 22              infrastructure and public services that          to the NHS every year, with 3,000           and A40, and 20,000 green charging       we will deliver the change Wales needs to     Secretary of State for Wales
years of Labour government has done to        underpin our economy and society - our           more nurses and 1,200 doctors by            points                                   recover and build a better Wales.
Wales. The slowest growing economy in         transport system, schools, hospitals, and        2026
the UK, the worst education results and       housing.                                                                                    Making Wales Net Zero by 2050, with
NHS waiting lists that doubled - all before                                                   Put in law our respect for the Welsh        investment in clean energy solutions
                                                                                               NHS with an NHS Covenant to                 to reduce carbon emissions, and
coronavirus hit.
                                                                                               guarantee increased investment and          creating 15,000 new green jobs
                                                                                               support for our NHS heroes for the

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A plan for recovery & change - Let's build a better Wales The Welsh Conservative Party Manifesto 2021 - The Welsh ...
The Wales of today is completely different to the Wales of 22 years ago when the Welsh
Assembly was formed.

The name the National Assembly for            vaccine rolls out we’ll rebuild Wales,         Our plan for change will ensure first class   Whilst Labour and Plaid are obsessed
Wales is no-more, renamed the Welsh           starting with the economy. Without a           schools by ending the underfunding of         with the constitution our plan is focused
Parliament. The Welsh Government for          strong economy we cannot invest in the         our young people that has gone on for         solely on Wales’ recovery from the
the first time in 800 years has powers over   public services we all rely on or level-up     far too long under successive Labour          pandemic. Rather than seeking more
how much tax we pay, as well as the ability   the whole of Wales.                            Governments and will see 5,000 more           powers, more politicians or raising your
to create new taxes.                                                                         teachers in our classrooms. Our education     taxes, we will use the powers Wales
                                              Our vision is backed up by our costed plan     system can no longer lag behind the rest      already has to level-up across the
However, some things have not changed.        for change, which will deliver economic        of the UK, our young people must have the     country and deliver improvements for
Labour are still in charge, as they have      recovery and jobs by ending the dither         same opportunities as other parts of the      everyone.
been for the last 22 years.                   and delay in Welsh Government which has        UK.
                                              held us back for so long and cost so many                                                    The pandemic has put Wales at a
Yet the people of Wales do not feel better    jobs and futures.                              We can rebuild Wales to be a place of         crossroads. The choice on 6th May is
off or have greater opportunities than they                                                  opportunity. We can once again power          clear. We can either choose Labour, and
did when Labour first took charge of our      By creating more jobs we will restore hope,    the world, though this time with green        more of the same stagnation that we
country. The last year alone has laid bare    ambition and opportunity to Wales, so          renewable energy, and transform the           have had for the last 20 years – or we
the deep fault lines in our economy, our      that everyone can see the next rung up         Welsh economy to be the global centre of      can choose to vote for change, and the
society and our healthcare system that        the ladder. If that’s setting up your own      the green economy.                            hope of a more prosperous country with
Welsh Labour has allowed to grow deeper       business, owning your own home or the                                                        better jobs and opportunities for our
in that time.                                 new job that helps you provide for you and     I believe that we can build a better Wales    children.
                                              your family, we will support you and help      in a strong United Kingdom.
Now is the time for change. And this          you to achieve it.                                                                           With new energy and new ideas, we’ll
election is an opportunity for the people                                                    A strong Wales in a new Global Britain        deliver our plan for recovery and change.
of Wales to vote for the change they want,    Our plan for change will deliver better        which takes advantage of the new trade        A transport system that’s fit for purpose,
creating a more prosperous country with       hospitals with greater investment in our       deals around the world following Brexit.      65,000 more jobs. Better hospitals with
opportunity and hope of a better future.      Welsh NHS. With more doctors, nurses,          Where, as part of the UK, we can keep our     more NHS staff on the front line. First
                                              and other health professionals we will         streets safe with more police officers and    class schools with more teachers. And a
Our priority first and foremost is to         tackle the waiting time crisis for treatment   increased investment, with the Welsh and      stronger, more prosperous Wales.
defeat Covid-19. We’ll continue the Welsh     in Wales, which doubled in the year before     the UK Governments actually working
and British success story in delivering       the pandemic but has exploded during it.       together to level-up the whole of Wales       Andrew RT Davies
the vaccine to everyone, whilst also                                                         with new infrastructure to support our        Leader of the Welsh Conservatives
kickstarting Wales’ recovery. As the                                                         economy, our NHS and our public services.     in the Senedd

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A plan for recovery & change - Let's build a better Wales The Welsh Conservative Party Manifesto 2021 - The Welsh ...
Finishing the job
    on Covid-19
    Great progress has been made, but the first 100 days of the next Welsh Government will
    need to be focused on winning the battle against Covid-19, we will:
       Implement our roadmap to recovery            Develop a clear plan to enable the           Maintain and enhance the
        with a clear timetable and ambitious          Welsh NHS to clear the waiting list           programme of asymptomatic
        vaccine targets for the full re-opening       backlog that has further deteriorated         testing for Covid-19 in schools and
        of our economy and society, giving            during the pandemic, utilising cross          in businesses with more than 10
        windows of opportunity for businesses         border and independent facilities to          employees
        to plan their revival, with a joined-up       speed up treatment
        UK-wide approach
                                                                                                   Support people experiencing
                                                     Mobilise members of the public and            long-term effects of Covid-19 by
       Enhance Test, Track and Protect with          former healthcare professionals to            establishing clinics dedicated to
        funding to meet demand to clamp               join their local NHS team, as part-time       treating long Covid, and ensuring
        down on any outbreak, avoiding any            reservists, to support our NHS during         they get the support they need within
        more national lockdowns                       periods of high demand                        Government

       Urgently review and start funding            Ensure that the lessons of the               Ensure that Wales is prepared in the
        businesses immediately based on               pandemic are not lost with a public           event of another pandemic, working
        need, ending the first come first             inquiry into every aspect of the              to create a Welsh Pandemic Network
        served nature of current Welsh                handling of Covid-19 in Wales                 for the production of PPE and hand
        Government support for Welsh jobs                                                           sanitiser to support our Welsh NHS
                                                                                                    and care homes
                                                     Appoint a dedicated Covid-19
       Create a real comeback programme              Recovery Minister in the Welsh
        for our young people from lost                Government to oversee all areas of           Urgently establish routes of support
        in-person learning, with significant          coronavirus recovery, including the           for people suffering with mental
        support for tutoring, summer schools          vaccine rollout across Wales with every       health problems as a result of the
        and targeted help for those that need         adult offered both doses by the end of        pandemic, especially NHS staff,
        it                                            October, and delivery of any booster          care workers and families who have
                                                      shots                                         experienced trauma due to patients
                                                                                                    being alone at the time of their death

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A plan for recovery & change - Let's build a better Wales The Welsh Conservative Party Manifesto 2021 - The Welsh ...
Securing jobs and
    The Welsh economy has been devastated by the pandemic. Whilst the UK Government has
    helped to protect more than 500,000 jobs in Wales, the Welsh economy was left vulnerable
    by 22 years of Labour-led Governments in Wales. With the economy declining even before
    the pandemic, we need to kick start the Welsh industrial engine to rebuild Wales.
    Our plan will deliver more jobs, hope and                                        What we will do:
    security for everyone in Wales. It will     • The Welsh economy was in
    rebuild and rebalance our economy, so         decline before the pandemic
                                                                                        Create 65,000 jobs in Wales over the
    that we can level-up across the whole         hit falling by 2.4% at the start
                                                                                         next Parliament, with at least 15,000
    of Wales with new technology and new          of 2020
                                                                                         green jobs
    investment. Our plan will enable us to
    build back better from the pandemic         • Before the pandemic Wales
                                                                                        Establish a National Mission to grow
    and the bad decisions and missed              had a lower employment rate            the Welsh economy, with a clear
    opportunities of twenty years of Labour       than the UK average                    target to create 65,000 new jobs
    Governments.                                                                         with government, businesses, and
                                                • The average workers’ annual            entrepreneurs all working together
    We will use the £2.5 billion of extra         pay is more than £2,600 a              to play their part. When our National
    investment from the UK Government             year less than a worker in             Mission has been achieved, we will
    to deliver our commitments and ensure         Scotland or England                    cut the basic rate of income tax to
    every part of Wales has the support                                                  support hardworking families
    they need to build back better from the     • Business in Wales pay the
    pandemic.                                     highest rate of tax in Britain        Ensure no new taxes for the duration
                                                                                         of the next Senedd term
                                                • 10 Welsh towns are in the
                                                  top 20 most economically              Deliver 100,000 new homes over the
                                                  vulnerable towns in the UK             next 10 years

                                                                                        Introduce a Covid bounce back
                                                                                         package, which includes the
                                                                                         establishment of a £2.5 billion Rebuild
                                                                                         Wales Investment Fund and maintain
                                                                                         the cut in VAT to 5% for tourism
                                                                                         businesses until April 2022
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A plan for recovery & change - Let's build a better Wales The Welsh Conservative Party Manifesto 2021 - The Welsh ...
    Support new micro businesses with
     our “Jump Start Scheme” paying
                                                  time buyers and raising the threshold
                                                  to £250,000 to help more families and
                                                                                             Improve rail links between North
                                                                                              Wales and the North West of England,     Rebuilding Wales’                          What we will do:                              Work with UK-wide organisations,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 such as Visit Britain, to promote
     the employer National Insurance
     contributions of two new employees
                                                  hard-working people to benefit from
                                                  the security of home ownership
                                                                                              including Manchester and Liverpool
                                                                                                                                       tourism industry                            Rebuild the Welsh tourism industry
                                                                                                                                                                                    by launching an international
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Wales on the international stage and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 with airlines to secure more routes
     for two years to accelerate growth                                                                                                                                             marketing campaign, “Experience              into Wales
                                                 Undertake reviews of every Welsh           Work with the UK Government to
                                                                                                                                       Where we are:                                Wales” building on North Wales as a
    Establish “Innovate Wales”, based            Government funded organisation to           deliver a Freeport at Holyhead                                                        global must visit destination
                                                                                                                                       Tourism plays a huge part
     in North Wales, a one stop shop for
     firms to support new enterprises,
                                                  ensure maximum value for money for
                                                  the taxpayer                               Promote North Wales as a premier
                                                                                                                                       in Wales, employing more                    Work with the industry, deliver a        WORK WITH THE
                                                                                                                                       than 150,000 people and
     and encourage existing businesses
     to grow and export                          Rule out an increase in the number of
                                                                                              destination for international visitors
                                                                                                                                       contributing around £6 billion
                                                                                                                                                                                    Welcome Back to Wales Festival in
                                                                                                                                                                                    2022 to showcase Welsh tourism           UK GOVERNMENT
                                                  Members of the Senedd                      Establish a North East Wales Institute
                                                                                                                                       to the Welsh economy. The                    and to encourage people to come
    Create Business Rate Free Zones                                                          of Technology
                                                                                                                                       pandemic has hit the sector                  back following the pandemic, using
     providing a 3-year business rate                                                                                                  hard and it will need support                the Queen’s Jubilee to promote the          Implement Growth Deals worth
                                                 Support Welsh firms to bounce back                                                                                                best of Wales and Britain
     holiday for SME’s as part of our Covid                                                                                            to kickstart the industry and                                                             £800 million for the whole of Wales
                                                  from the pandemic by giving them           Locate a National Art Gallery
     Community Recovery Fund                      priority for government contracts by        collection in North Wales                attract more holidaymakers
                                                  proactively promoting opportunities,                                                 to Wales.                                     Along with the UK Government,             Deliver a UK Shared Prosperity
    Stop Labour’s tax raids, including           particularly to micro and small                                                                                                     maintain the cut in VAT for tourism        Fund that tackles inequality and
                                                                                             Deliver modern community hospitals                                                      businesses until April 2022                deprivation and levels-up the whole
     their Tourism Tax, Social Care Tax,          businesses                                                                           Despite the important role tourism
                                                                                              in Rhyl and Flint, and a new medical                                                                                               of Wales
     Driving Tax and Employee Parking                                                                                                  plays in Wales it has been badly
                                                                                              school for North Wales
     Tax                                      Deliver a new deal for                                                                   let down by successive Labour
                                                                                                                                                                                     Create a comeback package for
                                                                                                                                                                                      seaside and market towns to level         Ban public bodies from imposing
                                              North Wales:                                   Build a Rapid Diagnostic Centre for      Governments which have failed to
                                                                                                                                                                                      up with a Tourism Towns Fund,              their own direct or indirect
    Abolish business rates for small                                                                                                  invest in our transport links, failed to
                                                 Introduce a dedicated Minister for          North Wales cutting waiting times for                                                   enabling communities to improve            boycotts, disinvestment or
     businesses and reform the outdated                                                                                                promote Wales as a top destination and
                                                  North Wales to ensure it is no-longer       tests and reduce the need for repeat                                                    their local economy by attracting          sanctions campaigns against
     tax on growth
                                                  the forgotten region of Wales               hospital appointments                    are now threatening holiday makers             new visitors with free WiFi or             foreign countries, which undermine
                                                                                                                                       with new taxes to visit Wales.                 improved transport links                   community cohesion
    Reverse the Welsh Government’s
                                                                                             Create a mother and baby unit in
     decision to block a Freeport in             Move the new Welsh Treasury and             North Wales for mums with severe         We have a clear plan to rebuild the           Unleash the potential of Visit Wales
     Wales, leading to the development            a reformed Welsh Development                post-natal mental health challenges      tourism industry, to give it support to        by giving operational independence
     of over 15,000 jobs                          Agency to North Wales creating 200
                                                                                                                                       come back stronger and to promote              from Welsh Government and
                                                  new jobs
                                                                                             Work with the UK Government to           Wales to the world, improving the              enabling it to be industry-led
    Boost opportunities for workers
                                                                                              ensure cross border collaboration        visitor options to drive up numbers,
     hardest hit by the pandemic with            Level-up and join-up public transport       between North Wales and the North        creating jobs and boosting the                Increase Wales’ national tourism
     our Covid “Retrain, Gain” programme          in North Wales, delivering a North          West of England on health, planning      economy.                                       offer by retaining free entry in
     to get people into key sectors to            Wales Metro which integrates public         and economic development                                                                National Museums, create a
     kickstart the economy                        transport with active travel
                                                                                                                                                                                      National Military Museum for Wales
                                                                                                                                                                                      based in Brecon, a Welsh National
    Work to end the tax on aspiration           Upgrade the A55 to address pinch                                                                                                    Observatory, a Welsh Sports Hall of
     by cutting Land Transaction Tax              points and increase resilience                                                                                                      Fame and a National Art Gallery for
     (stamp duty), scrapping it for first                                                                                                                                             Wales, with collections in North and
                                                                                                                                                                                      South Wales
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A plan for recovery & change - Let's build a better Wales The Welsh Conservative Party Manifesto 2021 - The Welsh ...
Building better
     roads, rail and
     Where we are:                                                                   What we will do:
                                                • The number of journeys
                                                                                        Build the M4 relief road in South
     Our economy is held back                     undertaken by local bus in             Wales, upgrade the A55 in North
     by a transport system that                   Wales declined by 22% between          Wales and the A40 in West Wales. As
     fails to connect people to                   2008/9 and 2018/19                     key routes to the rest of the United
     jobs. Many of our roads are                                                         Kingdom, we would designate them
     constantly congested. Trains               • The Metro in North Wales has           as “Union Highways” to ensure their
     are overcrowded or rarely                    only received £50 million from         priority in rebuilding our economy
     turn up on time. And our bus                 the Welsh Government - £700
     network fails to serve too                   million less than South Wales         Level-up and join-up public
     many rural communities.                                                             transport in North Wales, delivering
                                                • There are 30,000 traffic jams in       a North Wales Metro which
     This all acts as a barrier to businesses     Wales a year costing the Welsh         integrates public transport with
                                                  economy nearly £300 million            active travel
     setting up in Wales, doesn’t allow us to
     back our tourism industries and makes
     our young people feel they have to leave   • 9,000 train services were             Open-up Mid Wales by upgrading
                                                                                         the A470, creating passing places
     Wales to pursue a successful career.         cancelled in 2018/19
                                                                                         where appropriate, as well as a £250
                                                                                         million Rural Roads Fund to remove
     We have a real plan to level-up Wales                                               the blight of potholes and improve
     with the support of the UK Government                                               safety
     and to deliver the infrastructure that
     Wales deserves, creating jobs and                                                  Return Cardiff Airport to private
     opportunities for all.                                                              ownership

                                                                                        Promote the Dinas Powys and
                                                                                         Chepstow by-passes
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A plan for recovery & change - Let's build a better Wales The Welsh Conservative Party Manifesto 2021 - The Welsh ...
Peter Fox
                                                                                                             Candidate for Monmouth
                                                                                                                      Council Leader
                            Establish a £20 million Welsh Ports
                             Development Fund to support an         WORK WITH THE
                             increase in Welsh exports, creating
                             more jobs, alongside the UK
                                                                    UK GOVERNMENT
                             Government’s Freeport programme
                                                                       Maximise the opportunities
                                                                        to access the £4.8 billion UK
                            Support rural businesses and enable
                                                                        Government Levelling-up fund for
                             more people to work from home
                                                                        the whole of Wales
                             by eliminating mobile phone and
                             broadband black spots through
                             removing barriers to network              Deliver rail infrastructure
                             improvements and creating a £50            improvements, such as the West
                             million Not-Spot Fund                      Wales Parkway

                            Create a fast-charging network            Improve rail links between North
                             of 20,000 electric car charging            Wales and the North West of
                             stations                                   England, including Manchester and
                                                                        Liverpool Airports

                            Mobilise Welsh universities and the       Make North Wales the UK’s Small
                             private sector to create a centre of       Modular Reactor hub creating long-
                             excellence and research in energy          term, skilled jobs
                             storage and transportation

Liz Hill O’Shea
Candidate for Aberavon
Community Volunteer
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A plan for recovery & change - Let's build a better Wales The Welsh Conservative Party Manifesto 2021 - The Welsh ...
Building a better
                                                                                 healthcare service
                                                                                 for everyone
                                                                                 The last year has given many people a renewed respect for our frontline health and care
                                                                                 professionals. They have endured more than anyone can imagine. We owe it to them to
                                                                                 ensure that they have the best facilities to do their jobs. Ultimately, we need to make sure
                                                                                 that our health and care professionals know how valued they are, especially when they are
                                                                                 there to support us through our darkest times.
                                                                                 Throughout the last year, the spotlight     Our plan for our Welsh NHS will see        In conjunction with the professionals in
                                                                                 has been on our health service. The         us deliver increased investment for        the NHS, our plan will clear the backlogs
                                                                                 pandemic has increased waiting times        a stronger health service that is able     and repair the damage by working
                                                                                 significantly, but in the year before the   to tackle the challenges ahead of us.      together with the UK Government to
                                                                                 pandemic hit waiting times in Wales         The impact of the pandemic on our          utilise NHS facilities across the UK,
                                                                                 doubled, and targets for treatment          physical and mental health cannot be       guaranteeing investment in our NHS
                                                                                 in A&E and for cancer continue to be        understated, and our NHS needs an          and recruiting 1,200 doctors and 3,000
                                                                                 missed or never met.                        ambitious plan to clear the backlogs       nurses.
     • 5 out of 7 health boards in Wales   • Before the pandemic 1 in 7                                                      and repair the damage caused not just
       were in special measures or           people in Wales were on a           But the pandemic has also shown             by the pandemic but by twenty years
       targeted intervention in 2019         waiting list for treatment - four   what we can do as a United Kingdom.         of Labour in Wales. As the vaccine rolls
                                             times as many people than in        Together, the UK’s vaccine supply           out, we can start to get a grip on the
     • The target of 95% of people           England                             arrangements have been world class,         waiting lists that Labour allowed to get
       being seen in A&E within four                                             enabling the UK to have one of the          out of control before the pandemic hit.
       hours has never been met            • More than 2,000 people have         fastest vaccine rollout programmes. By
                                             been waiting more than 2 years      working together in the future we can
     • Cancer waiting time targets           for treatment                       benefit our key services, especially our
       have not been achieved since                                              NHS.

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What we will do:                                Double our critical care capacity           Work with the UK Government to              Increase spending on mental health
                                                                                              ensure that emergency pandemic               and wellbeing services in real terms
                                                                                              responses are uniform across the             in each and every year of the next
    Enshrine an NHS Covenant into
     law to protect the NHS for future
                                             BUILD A MORE                                     UK, with consistent messaging and            Welsh Parliament
                                                                                              which is evidence led
     generations, guarantee increased        RESILIENT NHS                                                                                Create a network of mental health
     spending on the NHS and primary
                                                                                             Establish a national vaccination             crisis centres that are open around
     care each and every year, and
                                                Create NHS Wales as a separate               reminder system                              the clock for people to access in
     ensure that staff receive the pay
                                                 organisation, independent from the                                                        mental health emergencies
     and rewards they deserve
                                                 Welsh Government.                           Promote healthy lifestyles in
                                                                                              schools, provide free access to local       Ensure that mental health
    Ensure that no one should wait
                                                Establish the NHS Hospitals and              authority gyms and leisure centres           treatments are utilising the
     more than one year for treatment in
                                                 Buildings Recovery Fund to level-            for 16 – 24 year olds and invest             latest technology and work with
     the NHS with our Patient Guarantee
                                                 up and modernise hospitals and               in more active travel options for            Universities to make Wales a leader
                                                 primary care facilities across Wales,        walking and cycling                          in mental health treatment
    Transform mental health by treating         so that our valued NHS staff and
     it with the same priority as physical       their patients have state of the art                                                     Increase the capacity of mental
     health                                      facilities to deliver world class care   TRANSFORM MENTAL                                 health services for children

 Support patients with a new Patient           Embrace new ways of working, such
                                                                                          HEALTH WITH                                      and young people to prevent
                                                                                                                                           placements at great distances from
  Safety Commissioner, and enshrine              as online appointments, to make it       INCREASE PRIORITY                                their loved ones
  patients’ right to choose how they             easier to see a GP or specialist
  access treatment
                                                                                             Undertake a fundamental review of           Deliver dedicated mother and baby
		                                              Expand the Access to Treatments                                                           units in both North and South Wales
                                                                                              mental health services through a
 Deliver 1,200 more doctors, 3,000              Fund so that doctors can use                 Commission on Mental Health, with
  more nurses and other professionals            the most advanced, life-saving               service users, families, professionals      Ensure that all schools, colleges and
  through our ‘Retain, recruit and               treatments for cancer, rare                  and the charity sector                       universities have mental health and
  train’ programme                               diseases, and other conditions that                                                       wellbeing services for learners to
                                                 aren’t currently available on the                                                         access
                                                                                             Introduce a new Mental Health
    Mobilise members of the public and          NHS
                                                                                              Act, to replace outdated legislation
     former healthcare professionals to
                                                                                              and ensure the latest thinking is
     join their local NHS team, as part-     Work with other Governments                     incorporated in to mental health
     time reservists, to support our NHS      across the UK to guarantee patient              provision
     during periods of high demand            access to the nearest appropriate
                                              health provision utilising cross
                                                                                             Establish and publish targets on
    End the queues of ambulances             border and independent facilities to
                                                                                              waiting times for mental health
     outside Welsh hospitals by focusing      speed up treatment
                                                                                              treatment for key issues including
     on the time to treatment for
     patients, so that ambulances and
     hospitals work together to deliver
                                                                                              eating disorders
                                                                                                                                                                                   Gareth Lloyd Davies
     timely care
                                                                                                                                                                                    Candidate for Vale of Clwyd
                                                                                                                                                                                                   NHS Physio
IMPROVE STANDARDS,                         IMPROVE OUTCOMES                              Revisit the proposals for               IMPROVE SOCIAL CARE                             Increase the capital limit to
                                                                                                                                                                                   £100,000 for those accessing
                                                                                          reorganising health care provision in
GOVERNANCE AND                             AND PATIENT ACCESS                             West Wales                                                                               residential care to ensure that
                                                                                                                                  Delivering effective and compassionate
SAFETY                                     TO HEALTH CARE                                                                         social care is one of the greatest
                                                                                                                                                                                   people do not lose their life savings
                                                                                         Extend the role of community                                                             to care costs
                                           		                                                                                     challenges and responsibilities facing
                                                                                          pharmacies in delivering health
    Establish a new joint Health and       Work with stakeholders to develop,                                                   governments as people continue to
                                                                                          care via a new contract, including                                                      Establish a £15 million Care
     Social Care Inspectorate, “Health       and publish within 12 months, new            prescribing for common ailments,        live longer. We will develop a plan for          Innovation Fund to promote joint-
     and Care Improvement Wales”,            national delivery plans for:                 delivering immunisations and            sustainable social care for the future by        working between the NHS and
     to end the cycle of health boards       - Cancer                                     diagnostic tests, and medicine          establishing a Cross Party Commission            social service departments
     languishing in special measures or      - Heart Disease                              reviews                                 to consider long-term sustainable
     targeted intervention                   - Stroke                                                                             funding solutions for social care, and          Promote independent living by
                                             - Dementia                                  Rollout electronic prescriptions        guarantee to provide parliamentary               offering online self-assessments to
    Health and Care Improvement                                                                                                  time to deliver its recommendations.             support the early identification of
     Wales would set appropriate targets                                                                                                                                           support needs
                                              Prevent hospital closures and             Deliver a new dental contract to
     for the NHS and Social Service
                                               downgrades for the duration of the         reflect modern dental practice,
     Departments that are backed by
     health and care professionals and
                                               next Welsh Parliament term                 making NHS dentistry an attractive      What We Will Do:                                Introduce a right to respite for
                                                                                          career, and improve access to                                                            unpaid carers and give them free
     the public
                                              Deliver five new and upgraded              dentists across Wales                                                                    access to training, support and
                                                                                                                                   Appoint a Chief Social Care Officer            carer assessments
                                               community hospitals over the next
    Remove Ministerial influence in                                                                                                for Wales
                                               parliament in Flint, Llandrindod          Support patients undergoing cancer
     NHS escalation and intervention
                                               Wells, Newtown, Rhyl and West              treatment by providing free dental                                                      Support young carers with a Young
     arrangements and give the new                                                                                                   Introduce a Welsh Minimum Care
                                               Wales                                      care                                                                                     Carers Card scheme to provide
     inspectorate powers to intervene                                                                                                 Wage of £10 per hour to boost the            free bus travel and grants to
     quickly when problems are                                                                                                        pay of care workers across Wales in
                                              Establish the new cancer centre of        Expand the role of opticians in                                                          access education, training and
     identified                                                                                                                       recognition of their vital work
                                               excellence for South East Wales,           the delivery of community based                                                          employment
                                               following an independent clinical          eyecare, including the treatment
    Guarantee the future of Welsh                                                                                                   Work with the sector to recruit
                                               review                                     of minor eye conditions and                                                             Extend free bus travel to principal
     Community Health Councils                                                                                                        and retain care workers, including
                                                                                          the monitoring of degenerative                                                           carers of those over the age of 60
     for the full term of the next the                                                                                                training care home workers to
     Welsh Parliament, protecting their       Build a network of rapid diagnostic        conditions, such as glaucoma
                                                                                                                                      undertake basic checks such
     independence to enhance their role        centres across Wales to cut waiting
                                                                                                                                      as blood pressure and to tackle
     as patient watchdogs                      times for tests and reduce the need       Re-establish Minor Injuries Units in        common ailments such as trips and
                                               for repeat hospital appointments           Rhyl and Tenby                              falls
    Ensure GP representation on each
     Health Board in Wales                    Protect the status of the Royal           Establish an NHS Gambling                  Expand the role of Occupational
                                               Glamorgan Hospital in Llantrisant          Addiction Service for Wales                 Therapists as part of wrap
                                               and Withybush Hospital in
    Update ambulance management                                                                                                      around care to maintain patient
                                               Haverfordwest as fully serviced           Deliver an Autism Act for Wales and
     systems to send patients to the                                                                                                  independence, and review access
                                               district general hospitals, with the       improve services for people with
     fastest A&E at the time, and                                                                                                     to Disabled Facilities Grants so
                                               return of consultant-led maternity         learning disabilities
     introduce an ‘ambulance to bed’                                                                                                  that housing plays its fullest role in
                                               services at Withybush
     waiting target                                                                                                                   health and social care
20                                                                                                                                                                                                                         21
Building better
                                                                         schools, colleges
                                                                         and universities
                                                                         Results in Wales have been consistently below the rest of the UK for many years. It is time
                                                                         that a Welsh Government stood up for our children’s future and delivered the changes
                                                                         needed to take Wales off the bottom of the UK league tables for education.

                                                                         A generation of young people have been        Within our first 100 days we deliver a real      Make Wales a nation of excellence
                                                                                                                                                                         by encouraging schools to take on
                                                                         let down and we can’t afford to repeat it.    comeback programme for our young
                                                                                                                                                                         specialist status in the arts, sciences,
                                                                         We need to improve education standards        people from lost learning, with significant
                                                                                                                                                                         modern foreign languages and sports
                                                                         so that businesses can get the skilled        support for tutoring, summer schools
                                                                         workers they need, and the ambitions of a     and targeted help for those that need it.
                                                                                                                                                                        Increase school funding in each
                                                                         generation aren’t limited.
                                                                                                                                                                         and every year of the next Welsh
                                                                                                                       What we will do:                                  Parliament
                                                                         The failure in education lies firmly with
                                                                                                                          Deliver 5,000 more teachers across
                                                                         Labour. Due to UK Government funding,             Wales                                        Require Estyn to undertake
                                                                         Wales should be spending £1,000 more                                                            unannounced visits and take on new
                                                                         per pupil than it currently does. Teachers,                                                     responsibilities to advise on school
                                                                                                                          Improve standards by reducing class
                                                                         teaching assistants and the whole                 sizes and tackle bullying via a school        governance
                                                                         education community are doing their               to school mentoring scheme
                                                                         best but are being hampered from the                                                           Scrap the Welsh Baccalaureate to
• In the last ten years the number   • GCSE results in 2019 were worse   very top.                                        End the underfunding of our                   allow pupils to focus on GCSEs,
  of teachers in Wales has dropped     than in 2007                                                                        young people and guarantee that               A-Levels and their vocational
  by nearly 3,800                                                        We will end this underfunding and deliver         more funding directly reaches the             equivalents
                                     • The number of further education   our clear plan to back teachers and               classroom
• Spending per pupil has dropped       students in Wales has fallen by   parents.                                                                                       Refund tuition fees for those who
  by 6% since 2010                     30% since 2012                                                                     Get Wales off the bottom of the UK            choose to work for at least five years
                                                                                                                           league table by restoring targets             as doctors or nurses in the Welsh
                                                                                                                           for reading, writing, numeracy and            NHS, or as teachers in Welsh schools,
                                                                                                                           digital skills and changing the Estyn         after their studies
                                                                                                                           inspection process
Barbara Hughes
Candidate for Clwyd South
                               Establish a Welsh Education                Retain the Pupil Development Grant     CUT TUITION FEES AND
                                Advisory Services to improve access
                                to employment opportunities                Increase funding for learners with
                                                                                                                   ENHANCE STUDENT
                                and teaching career pathways, as            additional learning needs              EXPERIENCES
                                well as standardising recruitment
                                processes across all schools                                                          Introduce a compensation scheme
                                                                           Provide young carers with grants           for students whose courses have
                                                                            to support access to education,            been disrupted by the pandemic,
                               Provide all newly qualified teachers        training and employment                    especially those students who are
                                with a guaranteed first year of
                                                                                                                       unable to afford to return
                                employment in a Welsh school or
                                                                           Introduce healthy school dinners
                                                                            that are sourced locally                  Cut tuition fees in half for Welsh
                                                                                                                       students studying STEM and
                             Enable schools and teachers to
                                                                                                                       modern foreign languages subjects
                              catch up on missed education by              Accelerate and extend the 21st
                                                                                                                       at Welsh universities in recognition
                              delaying the implementation of                Century Schools and Colleges
                                                                                                                       of their value to the Welsh economy
                              the new Curriculum in Wales until             Programme to rebuild education
                              September 2023                                facilities and the economy in Wales
                            		                                                                                        Refund tuition fees for those who
                                                                                                                       choose to work for at least five
                             Introduce different routes to
                                                                                                                       years as doctors or nurses in the
                              excellence with the expansion of
                                                                                                                       Welsh NHS, or as teachers in Welsh
                              degree apprenticeships                    STRENGTHEN                                     schools, after their studies
                                                                        PARENTAL VOICE AND
                               Boost Welsh Universities’ ability to
                                undertake world leading research        CHOICE                                        Work with Welsh Universities to
                                                                                                                       introduce intensive degrees that
                                                                           Prevent the closure of any school          can be completed over two years
                                                                            that is able to deliver the national
                            PROMOTE LEARNER                                 curriculum, without the agreement
                                                                                                                      Introduce a Student
                            WELLBEING AND                                   from parents, teachers and
                                                                                                                       Accommodation Quality Standard
                            SKILLS FOR LIFE                                                                            for halls of residence

                               Ensure skills for life are a priority      Create more Welsh-medium school
                                                                                                                      Help young people access
                                in the curriculum to enable young           places and explore opportunities for
                                                                                                                       education, training and employment
                                people to manage their finances             teacher exchanges to enable staff to
                                                                                                                       with free bus travel and discounted
                                and eat healthily                           grow their welsh skills
                                                                                                                       rail travel for 16-24 year olds
                                                                           Provide free school transport to
                               Ensure that all schools, colleges and       pupils attending their nearest
                                universities have mental health and         Welsh-medium secondary school
                                wellbeing services for learners to          and review free transport to their
                                access                                      nearest faith school

Amanda Jenner
                                                                                                                                  Candidate for Ceredigion
                                                                                                                                        Qualified Teacher
PROMOTE TECHNICAL                           INVEST IN CHILDCARE                         WORK WITH THE
                                               Expand free childcare provision to
                                                                                        UK GOVERNMENT
LEARNING                                       Help those on the lowest incomes           Increase UK investment in research
    Create a Second Chance Fund to             by funding a programme for                  and development in Welsh
     enable those who have left formal          children in receipt of free school          universities
     education to go back and study a           meals to cover all school holidays
     level three qualification                  for the whole of the next Welsh
                                                Parliament term                            Ensure access to visas for students
                                                                                            from overseas wanting to come and
    Invest an extra £100 million in                                                        study in Wales
     Further Education colleges to enable      Support the development of the
     colleges to support Wales’ economic        Mudiad Meithrin so more parents
                                                can access Welsh-medium nursery            Maximise participation from Wales
     recovery through training the
                                                provision                                   in the Turing Programme, especially
     next generation and upskilling the
                                                                                            from those from disadvantaged
     current workforce
                                               Reform Flying Start to ensure that it
    Establish an Institute of Technology       is targeted at families who need it,
                                                not postcodes                              Provide access to international
     in North Wales focusing on STEM
                                                                                            research projects and funding

    Utilise Further Education to lead
     and create apprenticeships from all
     Welsh Government funded major
     infrastructure projects

    Promote the establishment of a
     social enterprise in every Welsh
     secondary school to enable young
     people to develop business skills

    Provide 150,000 apprenticeships by

26                                                                                                                                                       27
Building back
     Despite promises, the Welsh Labour Government failed to take real action on the
     environment. No action on air quality. No action on single use plastics. At the same time the
     concerns of our rural communities have too often been ignored.

     It’s not enough to go back to how things                                       What we will do:
     were. We need to build back greener,        • The independent Climate
                                                                                       Create 15,000 green jobs and make
     delivering more green jobs, while             Change Committee have                Wales the green energy capital of
     backing our farming and agricultural          confirmed the Welsh                  the world
     communities as we work towards                Government is failing to
     meeting our carbon emission targets.          meet its carbon emission            Protect our seas and rivers by
                                                   target by 2050                       banning single use plastics and
     Our plan to build back greener will also                                           delivering a deposit return scheme
     protect and enhance rural communities       • When the Welsh
     and the services they rely on. We will        Government weren’t                  Support communities to build
     support our farmers and agricultural          meeting their target for tree        back from flooding and to prevent
     industries, and bring forward legislation     planting - they cut the target       flooding in the future
     to improve air quality and tackle the         in half
     scourge of single use plastics.                                                   Tackle climate change by ensuring
                                                 • 13,000 years are lost off            Wales meets our net-zero carbon
     Finally, by utilising Wales’ coast we can     people’s lives a year in Wales       emissions target by 2050
     create long-term, highly skilled green        due to air pollution - costing
     jobs, whilst protecting and enhancing         the NHS £1 billion every year
     our environment.

28                                                                                                                          29
PROMOTE A GREEN                                Ban single use plastics for non-
                                                medical use such as plastic wet
                                                                                       REDUCE THE RISK OF                             Ban the keeping of primates as pets      Guarantee financial support for
                                                                                                                                                                                 Welsh farmers at a level of no less    WORK WITH THE
RECOVERY                                                                               FLOODING
                                                wipes, straws, stirrers, disposable
                                                cups and cotton buds to reduce
                                                                                                                                      Review pet breeding standards and
                                                                                                                                       registration requirements to ensure
                                                                                                                                                                                 than that previously provided by the
                                                                                                                                                                                 EU for every year of the next Welsh
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        UK GOVERNMENT
    Establish a £150 million Wales                                                       Create a National Flood Agency to
     Marine Energy Investment Fund to           harm to wildlife and blocked sewers        coordinate flood risk management,           adequate protection for animals           Parliament and work with farmers
                                                and drains                                                                                                                       to create a new support scheme for        End the sale of new petrol and diesel
     purchase equity in marine energy                                                      the response to flooding events and         and bring forward the ban on the
                                                                                                                                                                                 Wales                                      vehicles by 2030 and ensure all new
     projects, including small scale and                                                   to work with local communities to           third party sale of cats and dogs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            vehicles are zero emission at the
     hydro, to produce renewable energy      Deliver a deposit return scheme              carry out independent inquiries into
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            tailpipe by 2035
     whilst prioritising those with flood     for bottles and cans to promote              flooding events                            Promote honest labelling to              Reverse the Wales-wide Nitrate
     protection benefits                      recycling and minimise waste                                                             enhance consumer choice, including        Vulnerable Zone and work with
                                            		                                                                                                                                   farmers on the voluntary code             Maximise the benefits for Welsh
                                                                                        Undertake an urgent risk based                distinguishing between stunned and
                                                                                                                                                                                 already agreed to reduce pollution         producers of new trade deals struck
    Scrap Natural Resources Wales to        Stimulate the creation of 15,000           assessment of flood risk and                  non-stunned slaughter methods
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            with countries around the world
     improve transparency and create          long-term green collar jobs to help        existing defences in Wales                    and introduce CCTV in abattoirs
     two separate organisations focused       Wales meet its carbon reduction          		                                                                                       Create comeback support for the
     on the commercial and the current        targets                                                                                                                            Royal Welsh Agricultural Show to          Design a Shared Prosperity
                                                                                        Scope out required flood alleviation         Establish a £20 million Wales
     regulatory function                                                                                                                                                         ensure it remains Europe’s second          Fund that can target pockets of
                                                                                         measures to include catchment                 Wildlife Fund to support
                                                                                                                                                                                 largest celebration of rural life          deprivation in rural Wales
                                               Work with Welsh universities             retention proposals                           conservation efforts across Wales
    Create the Independent Office              and the private sector to create
     for Environmental Protection and           a new centre of excellence and                                                                                                                                             Ensure the availability of Seasonal
                                                                                          Double the investment in flood
     Climate Change for Wales, to hold          research into energy storage and           defences in Wales to £120 million a     BACK FARMERS                              REVIVE THE WELSH                               Agricultural Workers
     the Welsh Government and other
     public bodies to account in tackling
                                                transportation                             year
                                                                                                                                    Introduce an Agricultural Bill          FISHING INDUSTRY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Work with the Home Office to
     climate change and protecting our                                                                                               for Wales setting out how our              Increase funding for fisheries             establish a National Rural Crime
                                               Set a target of net-zero carbon           Establish Blue Belts in areas of high
     environment                                                                                                                     farmers and land managers will be           across Wales throughout the next           Taskforce for Wales
                                                emissions in Wales by 2050 and a           flood risk to prevent irresponsible       supported with public money for             Welsh Parliament and support
                                                target for all new homes to be zero        development                               public goods, whilst helping the            the regeneration of our coastal
    Work with the private sector to            carbon by 2026
                                                                                                                                     sector to invest in new technology,         communities
     attract Wales’ first Gigafactory
                                                                                          Plant at least eight million trees        become more productive and
                                               Support households to improve              a year, to soak up around half a          receive a fairer price for their
    Support the Welsh steel industry to        the energy efficiency of their                                                                                                  Work with stakeholders to deliver a
                                                                                           million tonnes of C02 a year, whilst      produce
     become the greenest in the world           homes with vouchers up to £5,000,                                                                                                new fishing strategy for Wales which
                                                                                           also reducing flood risks               		                                            would be based on the principle of
                                                with households on low incomes
                                                                                                                                    Use our exit from the EU to                 ‘maximum sustainable yield’
    Introduce a Clean Air Act to tackle        receiving up to £10,000
                                                                                                                                     encourage the public sector in
     pollution and reduce the incidence                                                ENHANCE ANIMAL                                Wales to ‘Buy Welsh’ to support our
                                                                                                                                                                                Place a legal duty on the Welsh
     of respiratory diseases                   Work with bus companies to                                                           farmers and reduce environmental
                                                electrify their fleets                 WELFARE AND                                   costs
                                                                                                                                                                                 Government to maintain fish
                                                                                                                                                                                 sustainability for every stock
    Increase penalties and improve                                                    PROTECT WILDLIFE
     enforcement for fly-tipping, dog          Fund a Welsh Tidal Power Feasibility                                                  Work with the sector to invest in
                                                                                          Establish an animal offender
     fouling, graffiti and littering to         Study to accelerate the delivery of                                                    meat freezing facilities to improve
                                                                                           register in Wales
     ensure that those responsible pay          tidal power projects around Wales                                                      the shelf life of key exports, such
     for their actions                          and provide open source data for                                                       as Welsh lamb, to sell Wales to the
                                                developers                                                                             world
30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                31
Supporting local
     Across Wales, and the rest of the United Kingdom, communities have come together during
     the pandemic to support the most vulnerable in society and to fight Covid-19. This renewed
     sense of community must not be lost as we look to rebuild stronger than ever before. Sadly,
     too many communities feel ignored or left behind and bear the brunt of bad decisions made
     in Cardiff Bay.
     Our plan to rebuild communities will                                      What we will do:
     empower them and give more power         • Council Tax in Wales has
                                                                                  Protect community assets by
     to the people who know what their          more than trebled since 1998       enabling local people to run and
     community needs most - the people                                             expand facilities that benefit the
     who actually live there. As we do that   • Councils in North Wales            local community
     we must make sure Wales remains an         received a smaller increase
     inclusive and open society, working to     in funding than Councils in       End rough sleeping in Wales by 2026
     eradicate poverty, remove division and     South Wales
     promote diversity regardless of race,                                        Promote and support the Welsh
     gender, language, religion or sexual     • Welsh Labour failed to give        language with one million Welsh
     orientation.                               communities more power             speakers by 2050
                                                over excessive council tax
     At the centre of our communities are       rises or to protect local         Support service personnel and
     the arts and charitable organisations,     services                           veterans for their contribution
     and the individuals that support them.                                        to Wales, and utilise local Armed
     We will work with communities, helping   • Councils in Wales have             Forces Champions and the
     them to rebuild and recover from the       nearly £1 billion in usable        Veterans’ Commissioner for Wales
     pandemic.                                  reserves
                                                                                  Increase funding for Police
                                                                                   Community Support Officers
                                                                                   each year, and expand the Safer
                                                                                   Streets fund to support CCTV and
                                                                                   improved street lighting across

32                                                                                                                      33
EMPOWER LOCAL                                  Establish a single point of access      UNLEASH WALES’                            SUPPORT OLDER
                                                                                           for benefits and support schemes
                                           COMMUNITIES                                     administered in Wales and explore       SPORTING                                  PEOPLE
                                              Empower local communities to                the possibility of automatically        OPPORTUNITY                                  Introduce a legal requirement for
                                               establish neighbourhood plans,              passporting Universal Credit                                                          public sector bodies to consult with
                                                                                           claimants to this                          Establish a network of Welsh Sports
                                               allowing them to influence where                                                                                                  older people when making decisions
                                                                                                                                       Ambassadors to work with schools
                                               development should happen, what                                                                                                   which affect their lives
                                                                                                                                       to inspire the next generation
                                               their communities should look like,        Enhance local streets by
                                                                                                                                       of sporting excellence, promote
                                               and what they should include                guaranteeing at least weekly food                                                    Support our older people by:
                                                                                                                                       engagement in sports and close
                                                                                           waste and recycling collections, and
                                                                                                                                       gaps in participation                     - Maintaining free prescriptions
                                              Introduce a Community Ownership             fortnightly bin collections
                                                                                                                                                                                 - Maintaining Free bus travel
                                               Fund and Right to Bid to support                                                                                                  - Promote Free entry to CADW sites
                                                                                                                                      Establish a network of 3G and 4G
                                               the takeover of assets such as                                                                                                      for the over 75s
                                                                                                                                       synthetic turf pitches throughout
                                               libraries, pubs, leisure centres        TACKLE                                          Wales to improve access                   - Pilot free rail travel for over 75s
                                               and green spaces, particularly
                                               those threatened with closure or
                                               development                                Introduce a “housing first” model for    Create a Welsh Talent Sporting Fund        Run annual national awareness
                                                                                           supporting homeless people                to support talented Welsh athletes          campaigns against elder abuse,
                                                                                                                                     to succeed on the world stage               age discrimination and scams and
                                              Reform the local government
                                                                                                                                     including at the Paralympic and             swindles
                                               funding formula to ensure fair             Appoint a Homelessness
                                                                                                                                     Olympic games
                                               funding across Wales, particularly          Commissioner, ideally someone who
                                                                                           has experienced homelessness to         		                                           Ensure that older people can access
                                               in our rural councils and help
                                               prevent inflation busting council tax       work with stakeholders to tackle         Work with the UK Government to              Welsh Government funded work
                                               increases                                   rough sleeping and its causes in          submit a bid for the opening stages         programmes
                                                                                           Wales by 2026                             of the Tour De France and the 2030
                                                                                                                                     FIFA World Cup. Work to attract
                                              Give security for local people and
                                               council services by enabling a             Immediately bring 150 empty social
                                                                                                                                     other major sporting events to          HONOUR OUR
                                                                                                                                     Wales including the Rugby World
                                               council tax freeze for the first two        housing properties back into use
                                                                                                                                     Cup 2031, the Europa League             VETERANS AND
                                               years of the next Senedd term, with         specifically for people who are at
                                               the ambition of freezing for the full       risk of homelessness
                                                                                                                                     Final, the Invictus Games and the       MILITARY PERSONNEL
                                                                                                                                     Commonwealth Games
                                               term                                                                                                                             Support service personnel and

                                                                                          Ringfence the funding for the                                                         veterans for their contribution
                                                                                                                                    Create a Community Sport Bounce
                                              Implement council tax referendums           Housing Support Grant for a period                                                    to Wales and the UK, especially
                                                                                                                                     Back Fund to enable community
                                               for local people to have a say on           of three years                                                                        throughout the pandemic and in the
                                                                                                                                     clubs to rebuild
                                               excessive council tax rises above                                                                                                 vaccine roll out, utilising local Armed
                                               5%                                                                                                                                Forces Champions and the new UK
                                                                                                                                                                                 Welsh Veterans’ Commissioner by
Donna Gavin
Candidate for Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney
Former Army Major
34                                                                                                                                                                                                                   35
James Evans
                                                                                                                                     Candidate for Brecon and Radnorshire
     - Free bus travel and discounted rail       Semitism, Islamophobia and other          Increase investment in projects which
       travel                                    religious hate crime                       promote the daily use of everyday
     - Free entry to CADW heritage sites                                                    Welsh, which includes refresh of
     - Free access to local authority           Engage with LGBT+ stakeholders             Mentrau Iaith and introduction of
       leisure centres                           to address discrimination and              Tipyn Bach
     - Priority access to NHS treatment          intolerance, and ban so called
       for service related illnesses or          conversion therapy in Wales               Invest in developing Welsh language
       injuries                                                                             skills in the education and childcare
     - Priority access to home 		               Expand services and ensure                 workforce and give a greater role to
       adaptations via Disabled Facilities       increased sustainable funding for          Coleg Cenedlaethol in initial teachers
       Grants                                    prevention, protection and support         education and further develop its
                                                 for women who have experienced             influence in further education
    Increase the funding for Veterans           domestic abuse and sexual violence
     NHS Wales to increase its capacity                                                    Support the National Eisteddfod and
     and ability to work with others to         Enshrine the United Nations’               the Urdd Gobaith Cymru to bounce
     support veterans with PTSD and              Convention on the Elimination of           back from the pandemic and grow
     mental ill-health                           all Forms of Discrimination Against
                                                 Women (CEDAW) into Welsh law
    Ensure that veterans are given
     priority for access to social housing      Support communities to challenge       WORK WITH THE
     and that no veteran is forced to live
     on the streets
                                                 violence against women, domestic
                                                 abuse and sexual violence in all its
                                                                                        UK GOVERNMENT
                                                 forms, especially through utilising
TACKLE                                                                                     Maintain the ban on convicted
                                                                                            prisoners having the vote at elections
DISCRIMINATION                               PROMOTE THE WELSH
     Adopt a zero tolerance culture                                                        Crackdown on unauthorised
     across Welsh Government to ensure
                                             LANGUAGE                                       encampments with fines of up to
     no discrimination on the basis of        Maintain a target of one million             £2,500 and three months in prison
     sex, gender, sexual orientation,          Welsh speakers by 2050
     ethnicity, language, religion or        		                                            Bring major sporting events to Wales
     disability                               Protect funding, and the operational
                                               and editorial independence of S4C           Introduce safe standing at football
    Work with Race Alliance Wales and                                                      grounds
     other stakeholders to develop a            Establish a Welsh language Digital
     Strategic Race Equality Plan                Initiative to promote Welsh
                                                 language broadcasting and online
    Work with faith communities and             services
     other stakeholders to address anti-

36                                                                                                                                                                     37
• Over 67,000
  people in Wales are
                        • The Welsh
                          Government is
                                               • There are more
                                                 empty homes than                                              More affordable,
                                                                                                               high quality
  on a social housing     building less than     second homes in
  waiting list            3,000 affordable       Wales
                          homes a year

                                                                    Where we are:                              What we will do:                             Explore options to make it easier for    Ensure housing standards are fit
                                                                                                                                                             tenants to move home, including           for purpose, future proofed with
                                                                                                                  We will launch an ambitious target
                                                                    The pandemic has                               to build 100,000 homes over the
                                                                                                                                                             the introduction of deposit               improved accessibility for all
                                                                    dramatically highlighted how                                                             passporting
                                                                                                                   next 10 years, whilst ensuring
                                                                    important our homes are,                       enough affordable housing in our                                                   Have a real strategy for utilising
                                                                    and how more needs to be                       local communities, including 40,000      Reform leasehold tenures including        developer contributions, simplifying
                                                                    done to ensure that people                     social homes                              implementing a ban on the sale            Section 106 funding to speed up
                                                                                                                                                             of new leasehold homes, with              house building
                                                                    have homes that are fit for                                                              appropriate exceptions, and
                                                                    purpose.                                      Restore the Right-to-Buy in Wales,        establish a redress system for
                                                                                                                   reinvesting sale proceeds into                                                     Overhaul the Welsh planning
                                                                                                                                                             leaseholders                              process, with new technology and
                                                                    To build a better Wales, we want to use        more social housing and protecting
                                                                                                                   homes from sale for 10 years                                                        cutting red tape whilst putting
                                                                    housing to give the Welsh economy
                                                                                                                                                            Establish a Fire Safety Fund to           communities first
                                                                    a shot in the arm. Working with local                                                    compensate leaseholders for fire
                                                                    people to ensure that homes are built         Cut Land Transaction Tax (Stamp           safety works and the scourge
                                                                    in the right places, in keeping with the       Duty) to help more families and           of tackling unsafe cladding,
                                                                    community, built with the environment          hard-working people to get onto           guaranteeing any Barnett
                                                                                                                   the housing ladder, by raising            consequentials from the UK
                                                                    in mind and that there is affordable
                                                                                                                   the purchase price threshold to           Government to the fund
                                                                    housing for everyone who needs it.
                                                                                                                   £250,000 and scrapping it for first
                                                                                                                   time buyers
                                                                    Owning your own home is a dream for                                                     Commit to achieving and
                                                                    many people and we will help people                                                      maintaining the Welsh Housing
                                                                                                                  Extend the Help-to-Buy scheme             Quality Standard and introduce a
                                                                    achieve it by reversing Labour’s attack        to empty properties in need of
                                                                    on aspiration through restoring the                                                      Student Accommodation Quality
                                                                                                                   renovation                                Standard for halls of residence
                                                                    Right-to-Buy in Wales, and ending the
                                                                    tax on opportunity to help people onto
                                                                    the housing ladder.
38                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       39
Our legislative
1.    Agriculture Bill

2.    Animal Welfare Bill

3.    Autism and Neurodevelopmental Conditions Bill

4.    British Sign Language Bill

5.    Clean Air Bill

6.    Community Empowerment Bill

7.    Mental Health Bill

8.    NHS Covenant Bill

9.    NHS Independence and Leadership Bill

10. Older People’s Rights Bill

11.   Planning and Development for the 21st Century Bill

12. Student Accommodation Quality Bill

13. War Memorials and Heroes Bill

14. Welsh Democracy and Accountability Bill

15. Welsh Hearts Bill

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