Academic Policies, Registration Procedures & Course Descriptions - Center for Japanese Studies

Academic Policies,
Registration Procedures
 & Course Descriptions


    Center for Japanese Studies

    南山大学 外国人留学生別科
Academic Calendar          ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1

Academic Policies and Registration Procedures ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2-9
   I. Courses and Credits
   II. Assessment
   III. Class Attendance Policy
   IV. Course Registration Procedures
   V. Withdrawal from the Program and Refunds
   VI. Procedure for Applying to Extend the Period of Enrolment
   VII. Procedure for Applying to Part-time Student
   VIII. Bekka Suisen

Course Descriptions      ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 10-57

【 Required Elective Courses 】
     Intensive Japanese Program (IJP)
    < Japanese Language Courses >                                  Credits
    10100      Intensive Japanese I                                   8 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・       10
    10200      Intensive Japanese II                                  8 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・       11
    10300      Intensive Japanese III                                 8 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・       12
    10400      Intensive Japanese IV                                  8 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・       13
    10500      Intensive Japanese V                                   8 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・       14
     Modern Japan Program (MJP)
    < Japanese Language Courses >
    10020      Fundamental Japanese II                                4   Junko Fujimoto・・・・・・・・ 14

【Required Course】
     Modern Japan Program (MJP)
    < Modern Japan Course >                                        Credits
    20100     Exploring Japan                                         3 Robert Croker・・・・・・・・・ 15

【Elective Courses (IJP) / Required Elective Courses (MJP)】
     Intensive Japanese Program (IJP) & Modern Japan Program (MJP)
    < Japan Studies Courses: 1 4 courses >                           Credits
    21010     Japanese Economy A                                        3 Tomoko Kishi ・・・・・・・・     16
    22010     Japanese Business A                                       3 Marc Bremer ・・・・・・・・・     18
    24010     Japanese Foreign Policy A                                 3 David M. Potter ・・・・・・・   20
    31020     Language and Culture A                                    3 Nanako Machida ・・・・・・     21
    31050 Japanese Popular Culture A                                    3 Maki Isoyama ・・・・・・・・     23
    31080     Japanese Cinema A                                         3 Marcos Centeno ・・・・・・     25
    32010     Japanese Society A                                        3 Robert Croker ・・・・・・・・    26
    33010     Japanese Hi story A                                       3 Robert Aspinall ・・・・・・・   28
    34020     Japanese Religions A                                      3 Raj Susai ・・・・・・・・・・・・    29
    42070     Teaching English in Japan A                               3 Shikiko Ono ・・・・・・・・・     30
    47011     Japan Studies A: War, Memory and Politics in East Asia    3 Ivo Plšek ・・・・・・・・・・・・    32
    61010     Pre-Modern Japanese Literatur e A                         3 Dylan McGee ・・・・・・・・      34
    61030     Contemporary Japanese Literature A                        3 Kristina Iwata ・・・・・・・・   35
    72010     Management Science in Japan A                             3 Atsuo Suzuki ・・・・・・・・     36
< Japanese Seminar Courses: 18 courses>    * MJP students can take these courses.
42050    Introduction to Teaching Japanese Language                  2 Nanako Machida ・・・・・・          37
51010    Elementary Translation                                      2 Kazuyo Takeda ・・・・・・・          38
51020    Intermediate Translation                                    2 Nanako Machida ・・・・・・          39
51030    Oral Interpretation*                                        2 Hisami Okada ・・・・・・・・          40
51040    Advanced Translation                                        2 Nanako Machida ・・・・・・          41
52050    Introduction to Creative Writing                            2 Akiko Tsuda ・・・・・・・・・          42
52070    Introduction to Academic Japanese Writing                   2 Yuriko Ide ・・・・・・・・・・・         43
53010    Elementary Projects in Japanese*                            2 Fumika Kamei ・・・・・・・・          44
53020    Pre-intermediate Projects in Japanese                       2 Miyuki Doi ・・・・・・・・・・          45
53030    Intermediate Projects in Japanese                           2 Shigenori Oyaizu ・・・・・・        46
63010    Readings in Social Sciences A                               2 Masahiko Mutsukawa ・・          46
63030    Readings in Japanese Literature A                           2 Maki Isoyama ・・・・・・・・          47
71010    University Preparatory Japanese                             2 Shigenori Oyaizu ・・・・・・        48
71030    Japanese for Tourism                                        2 Miyuki Doi and Yuriko Ide ・・   49
71060    Introduction to Business Japanese                           2 Fumika Kamei ・・・・・・・・          50
71070    Japanese for Volunteering                                   2 Yuriko Ide and Miyuki Doi ・・   51
71080    Business Japanese                                           2 Emi Sato ・・・・・・・・・・・・          52
73010    Readings in Science and Technology                          2 Masahiko Mutsukawa ・・          53

86010    Traditional Japanese Dance (Odori)                          2 Yoshinosuke Nishikawa・・ 54
87010    Japanese Martial Arts (Budo)                               2 Sean O’Connell ・・・・・・・ 55
88010    Manga Drawing (Manga)                                       2 Shinya Tsuji ・・・・・・・・・・ 56
Academic Calendar for Fall 2021

July 3 (Sat) - 25 (Sun)                Placement Tests

July 27 (Tue)                           Academic Guidance Explanation (on-demand)

July 28 (Wed) - 29 (Thu)               Course Registration

September 14 (Tue)                     Fall Semester begins/Entrance Ceremony (tentative)

September 15 (Wed)                     Classes Start

September 20 (Mon)                      National Holiday (Respect for Senior Citizens Day)
                                        –classes held as normal

September 15 (Wed) - 28 (Tue)           Period for adding and dropping courses

September 23 (Thu)                     National Holiday (Autumnal Equinox Day)
                                       –classes held as normal

September 28 (Tue)                      Final Registration

October 1 (Fri) - 29 (Fri)             Application period for enrolment extension, part-time
                                       student, and scholarships to 2022 Spring

October 11 (Mon) - 22 (Fri)             Period for grading status change to pass/failure application

November 1 (Mon)                       No class (School Festival at Nanzan)

November 3 (Wed)                        National Holiday (Culture Day) – classes held as normal

November 23 (Tue)                      National Holiday (Labor Thanksgiving Day) –
                                       classes held as normal

December 15-21 (Wed-Tue)                Final Examinations

December 22 (Wed)                       Fall Semester ends

[Note] All dates are in Japan Standard Time (JST).

じゅぎょう かもく                         りしゅう あんない


      あんない              しんにゅうせい                         ざいがくせい       たいしょう

こ の 案内 に は 、 新入生 お よ び す べ て の 在学生 を 対象 と す る
が い こ く じ ん りゅうがく せ い べ っ か   じゅぎょう り し ゅ う じ ょ う                り し ゅ う と う ろ く   て

つづ       し る                     が くせい      みな            よ





For our new students, and as a reminder to all our other
students here at the Center for Japanese Studies (CJS),
here are the Center’s general academic policies and
registration procedures. All students are expected to be
familiar with this information.

じゅぎょう か も く        た ん い
I.       授業科目と単位
         りしゅう か の う        じゅぎょう か も く     た ん い
a)       履修可能な授業科目と単位
         ねん あ き が っ き      か も く    しゅうとく          た ん い   い   か    とお         が い こ く じ ん りゅうがく せ い べ っ か
2021年秋学期の科目と修得できる単位は以下の通りです。外国人留学生別科(Center for Japanese Studies、
い    か             ざいがくちゅう          かくじゅぎょう か も く      りしゅう        かい
以下CJS)に在学中は、各授業科目とも履修は 1回しかできません。

     せ ん た く ひっしゅう か も く
【 選択必修科目 】
 Intensive Japanese Program (IJP)
       に ほ ん ご か も く
 < 日本語科目 >
                                                                                                              た ん い

         10100          Intensive Japanese I                                                                 8単位
                                                                                                              た ん い

         10200          Intensive Japanese II                                                                8単位
                                                                                                              た ん い

         10300          Intensive Japanese III                                                               8単位
                                                                                                              た ん い

         10400          Intensive Japanese IV                                                                8単位
                                                                                                              た ん い

         10500          Intensive Japanese V                                                                 8単位

 Modern Japan Program (MJP)
   に ほ ん ご か も く
 < 日本語科目 >
                                                                                                             た ん い

    10020      Fundamental Japanese II                                                                       4単位

     ひっしゅう か も く
【 必修科目 】
 Modern Japan Program (MJP)
      げんだいにほん か も く
 < 現代日本科目 >
                                                                                                             た ん い

         20100          Exploring Japan                                                                      3単位

     せんたく か も く             せ ん た く ひっしゅう か も く
【 選択科目(IJP)・選択必修科目 (MJP) 】
 Intensive Japanese Program (IJP) / Modern Japan Program (MJP)
       に ほ んじじょう か も く             か も く
 < 日本事情科目:14科目 >
                                                                                                             た ん い
         21010          Japanese Economy A                                                                   3単位
                                                                                                             た ん い
         22010          Japanese Business A                                                                  3単位
                                                                                                             た ん い
         24010          Japanese Foreign Policy A                                                            3単位
                                                                                                             た ん い
         31020          Language and Culture A                                                               3単位
                                                                                                             た ん い
         31050          Japanese Popular Culture A                                                           3単位
                                                                                                             た ん い
         31080          Japanese Cinema A                                                                    3単位
                                                                                                             た ん い
         32010          Japanese Society A                                                                   3単位
                                                                                                             た ん い
         33010          Japanese History A                                                                   3単位
                                                                                                             た ん い
         34020          Japanese Religions A                                                                 3単位
                                                                                                             た ん い
         42070          Teaching English in Japan A                                                          3単位
                                                                                                             た ん い
         47011          Japan Studies A: War, Memory and Politics in East Asia                               3単位
                                                                                                             た ん い
         61010          Pre-Modern Japanese Literature A                                                     3単位
                                                                                                             た ん い
         61030          Contemporary Japanese Literature A                                                   3単位
                                                                                                             た ん い
         72010          Management Science in Japan A                                                        3単位

I.   Courses and Credits
a) Courses available and credits
Courses on offer for the 2021 Fall Semester and the credits awarded for each course are indicated below.
Students may take each course only once while enrolled at the Center for Japanese Studies (hereafter written
as the CJS).

【 Required Elective Courses 】
 Intensive Japanese Program (IJP)
    < Japanese Language Courses >
    10100    Intensive Japanese I                                                   8 credits
    10200    Intensive Japanese II                                                  8 credits
    10300    Intensive Japanese III                                                 8 credits
    10400    Intensive Japanese IV                                                  8 credits
    10500    Intensive Japanese V                                                   8 credits

    Modern Japan Program (MJP)
     < Japanese Language Courses >
     10020    Fundamental Japanese II                                               4 credits

【Required Course】
 Modern Japan Program (MJP)
    < Modern Japan Course >
    20100    Exploring Japan                                                        3 credits

【Elective Courses (IJP) / Required Elective Courses (MJP)】
 Intensive Japanese Program (IJP) & Modern Japan Program (MJP)
    < Japan Studies Courses: 14 courses >
    21010     Japanese Economy A                                                    3 credits
    22010     Japanese Business A                                                   3 credits
    24010     Japanese Foreign Policy A                                             3 credits
    31020     Language and Culture A                                                3 credits
    31050 Japanese Popular Culture A                                                3 credits
    31080     Japanese Cinema A                                                     3 credits
    32010     Japanese Society A                                                    3 credits
    33010     Japanese History A                                                    3 credits
    34020     Japanese Religions A                                                  3 credits
    42070     Teaching English in Japan A                                           3 credits
    47011     Japan Studies A: War, Memory and Politics in East Asia                3 credits
    61010     Pre-Modern Japanese Literature A                                      3 credits
    61030     Contemporary Japanese Literature A                                    3 credits
    72010     Management Science in Japan A                                         3 credits

に ほ ん ご               か も く       か も く                        ざいせき           がくせい          りしゅう             か も く
 < 日本語セミナー科目:18科目 >                                          *MJP に在籍する学生が履修できる科目
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         42050        Introduction to Teaching Japanese Language                                                                                     2単位
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         51010        Elementary Translation                                                                                                           2単位
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         51020        Intermediate Translation                                                                                                         2単位
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         51030        Oral Interpretation*                                                                                                             2単位
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         51040        Advanced Translation                                                                                                             2単位
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         52050        Introduction to Creative Writing                                                                                                 2単位
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         52070        Introduction to Academic Japanese Writing                                                                                        2単位
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         53010        Elementary Projects in Japanese*                                                                                                 2単位
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         53020        Pre-intermediate Projects in Japanese                                                                                            2単位
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         53030        Intermediate Projects in Japanese                                                                                                2単位
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         63010        Readings in Social Sciences A                                                                                                    2単位
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         63030        Readings in Japanese Literature A                                                                                                2単位
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         71010        University Preparatory Japanese                                                                                                  2単位
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         71030        Japanese for Tourism                                                                                                             2単位
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         71060        Introduction to Business Japanese                                                                                                2単位
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         71070        Japanese for Volunteering                                                                                                        2単位
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         71080        Business Japanese                                                                                                                2単位
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         73010        Readings in Science and Technology                                                                                               2単位
     げいじゅつ か も く       か も く
< 芸術 科目:3科目 >
         86010        Traditional Japanese Dance (Odori)                                                                                               2単位
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         87010        Japanese Martial Arts (Budo)                                                                                                     2単位
                                                                                                                                                       た ん い
         88010        Manga Drawing (Manga)                                                                                                            2単位

         りしゅうとうろく           ひ っ す じ こ う
b)       履修登録の必須事項
せいきせい               が っ き                 た ん い いじょう            せい    ば あ い           た ん い いじょう             た ん い い       か       たんいすう       りしゅうとうろく         ひつよう
                              ざいせき                          げん だい に ほ ん か も く       に ほ ん じじょう か も く             か も く いじょうりしゅう とうろく
                                                                                             た ん い     すで        しゅう と く             ば あ い       に ほ ん ご か も く い が い
ん。Intensive Japanese VIもしくはFundamental Japanese IVの単位を既に修 得している場合は、日本語科目以外
         た ん い いじょう    りしゅうとうろく
                                                              ともな     すべ           ちょうこうせい      に ほ ん ご か も く              りしゅう とうろく
なお、2021年秋学期はオンライン化に伴 い、全 ての聴講生 は日本語科目 を履修 登録 しなくてはいけません。
           ちょうこうせい           げん だい に ほ ん か も く         りしゅうとうろく       ひつよう
か    こ      が っ き     た ん い     しゅう と く        か も く                       さ い ど     りしゅうとうろく
過去の学期で単位を修 得した科目については、再度、履修登録をすることができません。

          に ほ ん ご
c)       日本語クラスレベル
じゅぎょう か い し ま え       じ っ し                                             に ほ ん ご                             けってい                   げんそく                            ご
     に ほ ん ご                            へんこう                                       に ほ ん ご                か も く                に ほ ん ご

じ が っ き                      ざいせき         がくせい          こん が っ き      に ほ ん ご か も く          た ん い     しゅう と く             ば あ い             じ が っ き    に ほ ん ご か も く
次学期に CJS に在籍する学生は、今学期の日本語科目の単位を修 得できた場合のみ、次学期の日本語科目
                            じ ど う て き                   あ                  じ が っ き                                          じゅうぶん    せいせき        え     ば あ い
のクラスレベルが自動的に1レベル上がります。次学期のプレイスメントテストで十分な成績を得た場合は、1 レ
                                        いじょううえ         に ほ ん ご                         すす              か の う
ベルスキップし、2 レベル以上上の日本語クラスレベルに進むことも可能です。

< Japanese Seminar Courses: 18 courses> * MJP students can take these courses.
     42050    Introduction to Teaching Japanese Language                        2 credits
     51010    Elementary Translation                                            2 credits
     51020 Intermediate Translation                                             2 credits
     51030 Oral Interpretation*                                                 2 credits
     51040 Advanced Translation                                                 2 credits
     52050    Introduction to Creative Writing                                  2 credits
     52070    Introduction to Academic Japanese Writing                         2 credits
     53010    Elementary Projects in Japanese*                                  2 credits
     53020    Pre-intermediate Projects in Japanese                             2 credits
     53030    Intermediate Projects in Japanese                                 2 credits
     63010    Readings in Social Sciences A                                     2 credits
     63030    Readings in Japanese Literature A                                 2 credits
     71010 University Preparatory Japanese                                      2 credits
     71030 Japanese for Tourism                                                 2 credits
     71060 Introduction to Business Japanese                                    2 credits
     71070 Japanese for Volunteering                                            2 credits
     71080 Business Japanese                                                    2 credits
     73010 Readings in Science and Technology                                   2 credits

     86010 Traditional Japanese Dance (Odori)                                           2 credits
     87010 Japanese Martial Arts (Budo)                                                 2 credits
     88010 Manga Drawing (Manga)                                                        2 credits

b) Registration Requirements
All full-time students are required to register for a minimum load of 14 credits (or 15, in the case of IES Abroad
students) and a maximum load of 18 credits per semester including a Japanese Language Course. MJP students
must also register for a Modern Japan Course and at least two Japanese Studies Courses.
Students who have completed Intensive Japanese VI or Fundamental Japanese IV must register for a minimum
load of 14 credits without taking a Japanese Language Course.
As the 2021 Fall Semester is online, all part-time students must register for a Japanese Language Course; MJP
part-time students must also register for a Modern Japan Course.

Courses whose credits were earned in previous semesters cannot be registered for again.

c) Japanese Class Levels
Japanese class levels are decided based upon placement tests conducted before classes start; in principle, this
level cannot be changed after the placement tests. Japanese Seminar Courses are registered based upon the
student’s Japanese class level.

Students who continue on at the CJS for the next semester will automatically be placed in the next level
Japanese Language Course if they successfully pass their present level. Note that students may skip a level and
be placed two levels or higher if s/he receives sufficient scores in their next semester placement test.

りょうしゅう よ う け ん
d)       修了要件
しゅうりょう                     れんぞく           ざいがく                  がっ き かん                     に ほ ん ご か も く                     ざいせき           がくせい         げん だい に ほ ん か も く          か も く
             に ほ ん じじょう か も く            た ん い             ふく               た ん い いじょう      しゅうとく             ひつよう                        しゅうりょう          がくせい                 しゅうりょうご
および日本 事情 科目 12単位 )を含 めた28単位 以上 を修得 する必要 があります。修了 する学生 には、修了後 、
 しゅうりょうしょう          じ ゅ よ
e)       聴講
せいきせい               か も く           ちょうこう                                          ちょうこう          じゅぎょう か も く         た ん い         ひつよう た ん い す う            けいさん             ふく
              じゅぎょう か も く り し ゅ う と う ろ く かくにんひょう                     き さ い     おこな                      ちょうこうせい                  じゅぎょう      しゅっせき         じゅぎょう         えんしゅう       よしゅう
せんが、授業科目履修登録確認表への記載は 行 います。聴講生はきちんと授業に出席し、授業や演習の予習
      ひつよう                         し け ん           う             か だ い      ていしゅつ                    ひつよう
が必要となりますが、試験を受けたり課題を提出 したりする必要はありません。

         せいせき ひ ょ う か
II.      成績評価
         せいせき ひ ょ う か き じ ゅ ん
a)       成績評価基準
じゅぎょう か も く        ごうかく            ば あ い                                        せいせき         ふ       よ                   ごうかく                        ば あ い      ひょうか
授業科目に合格した場合、A+、 A、 B、 Cの成績が付与されます。合格できなかった場合の評価はFとなりま

       A+        (90-100)
       A         (80-89)                      ごうかく
       B         (70-79)
       C         (60-69)
                                              ふ ご う か く
       F         (0-59) -                  不合格

         じゅぎょう か も く        せいせき ひ ょ う じ ほ う ほ う                            ごうかく         ふ ご う か く         ほうしき     へんこう
b)       授業科目の成績表示方法を PF(Pass合格/Fail不合格)方式に変更する
じゅぎょう か も く         せいせき          じょうき                              ほうしき       ひょうじ                                                       ほうしき          せいせき ひ ょ う じ
授業 科目 の成績 は上記 のようにABC方式 で表示 されます。しかしCJSでは、PF方式 で成績 表示 をすることも
か の う                  ほうしき        へんこう            き ぼ う           がくせい              ほうしき                へんこう き か ん                     ねん     がつ        にち   げつ                がつ      にち
 きん                                           し                               しょうさい                                          か い し ご                                                 おく
      ほうしき       せいせき ひ ょ う か             い    か         てん      ちゅうい
       つぎ     しょうがく き ん       う                    がくせい             ほうしき       せいせき ひ ょ う か          へんこう                               なんざん
                 こ く ひ
       こ う か ん りゅうがく せい            せい         ふく                     しんがくせい                                みつびし          こ く さ い ざいだん     がくせい             ほうしき          せいせき ひ ょ う じ
       ほうほう          へんこう         き ぼ う                ば あ い       ほんごく       し ょ ぞ くだいがく            しょぞく き か ん              せいしき       き ょ か し ょ                    か         ていしゅつ
       方法への変更を希望する場合は、本国の所属大学や所属機関からの正式な許可書(メイルも可)を提出 し

c)       成績証明書
こ う か ん りゅうがく せい          せいせきしょうめいしょ                   が っ き      しゅうりょう       やく         げつ ご           か く じ    ほんごく         しょぞく き か ん         おく                    せいせき しょうめいしょ
                 てん まんてん                                                                                          ひょうき                  しょうさい        ご じ つ がくせい            し
には、100点 満点 のスコアとレターグレード(A+、A、B、C、F)が表記 されます。詳細 は後日 学生 に知 らされま
         せいせき ぎ も ん ち ょ う さ
d)       成績疑問調査
がくせい         せ い せ き はっぴょう ご      しゅうかん い な い                  せいせき ぎ も ん ち ょ う さ     ねが         で                                ちょうさ       き ぼ う            がくせい
学生は成績発表後1週間以内に、成績疑問調査を願い出ることができます。調査を希望する学生は、CJS オフ

d) Requirements of Completion
To complete the program, students must earn at least 28 credits including two Japanese Language Courses
(MJP students also require two Modern Japan Courses and 12 credits of Japan Studies Courses) over two
consecutive semesters. Students who complete the program receive a “Certificate of Completion” upon the

e) Auditing
Full-time students may audit up to one course. This course is not included when calculating the required credit
load but is recorded on the registration form. An auditing student is required to attend class regularly and to
prepare for lectures and activities, but is not required to take examinations or submit assigned papers.

II. Assessment
a)   Grades
     Assessment of courses is based on the award of letter grades A+, A, B and C for the successful completion
     of a course. Students who fail to complete a course successfully are awarded an F grade.

     A+   (90-100)
     A    (80-89)
                          Passing grade
     B    (70-79)
     C    (60-69)
     F    (0-59) -        Failing grade

b) Changing course assessment status to Pass/Failure (P/F)
In principle, assessment of courses is based on the award of letter grades as described above. However, students
also have the option of being assessed based upon a P/F system. Students wishing to change to a P/F assessment
should notify the CJS Office between Monday, 11 October 2021 and Friday, 22 October 2021. The CJS
Office will send further details about this by email after the program starts.

Please note the following provisions with regards to P/F assessment:
  ・Students cannot opt for P/F assessment if they are receiving one of the following scholarships: Toyota-
   Nanzan, Ibu Hatsue, Hirschmeier, or Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship.
  ・Exchange students (including ISEP students), IES Abroad, OTP-SVD and Mitsubishi UFJ students are
   required to submit an official letter of permission from their home institutions if they wish to change to a
   P/F assessment. Email from the home institution to the CJS Office, which verifies the grading status
   change, is also acceptable as a substitute for an official letter.

c) Transcripts
Official academic transcripts of students on exchange programs are sent to home institutions about one month
after the end of the semester. Note that the numerical score (out of 100) and the letter grade (A+, A, B, C, or
F) will be written on transcripts. Further information will be provided to students later.

d) Grade Investigation
Students are entitled to query their grades up to one week after the publishing of grades at the end of semester.
If a student wishes to make such a query, s/he should contact the CJS Office.

ふ せ い こ う い
e)       不正行為
し け ん                         ふ せ い こ う い                       ふ せ い      うたが              こ う い              だいがく        き て い       き ん し                                  さんこう し り ょ う も         こ
試験 における不正 行為 および不正 と 疑 われる行為 は、大学 の規程 で禁止 されています。参考 資料 持 ち込 み
ふ    か           し け ん                    しけんちゅう            きょうかしょ                                         じ し ょ              た       さんこう し り ょ う          み                                       さんこう
不可 の試験 では、試験中 に教科書 、ノート、カード、辞書 、その他 の参考 資料 を見 ることはできません。参考
しりょう も                こ         か         し け ん                た ん と う きょういん        し て い           さんこうし り ょ う                み                                   じゅぎょう か も く             か も く せきにんしゃ
                 べ っ か に ほ ん ご か も く きょ う いく た ん と う                              べ っ か に ほ ん じ じ ょ う か も く きょ う いく た ん と う                         ぶんしょ                  し    じ      したが           たんとう
および別科 日本語 科目 教育 担当 もしくは別科 日本 事情 科目 教育 担当 からの文書 による指示 に 従 って、担当
きょういん            さんこうし り ょ う                          はん だん
い は ん                 ば あ い               とうがい        いいんかい             しょてい          て つづ                                   たいおう            がいとう               か も く         た ん い               が っ き
違反 した場合 は、当該 の委員会 が所定 の手 続 きにしたがって対応 し、該当 する科目 の単位 やその学期 の
ぜんたんい                 あた                       たいがくしょぶん
ふ せ い こ う い                          ふ せ い        うたが                こ う い                          き び し く と り あ つ か わ れ                                 じゅぎょう                                   じゅぎょう
不正 行為 および不正 と 疑 われる行為 は、CJSでは厳しく 取り扱われ 、オンライン授業 、キャンパスでの授業 を
と    わ       ず       すべて            じ ゅぎょうない       しょう                し け ん      か だ い         ひ っ き               さくせいぶつ                          きび       きん

         しゅっせき              かん                き て い
III. 出席 に関する規定
         ねん あ き が っ き                すべ           か も く                                         じゅぎょう じ か ん                    いじょう         しゅっせき                               いじょう        か だ い
2021年秋学期の全ての科目において、オンライン授業時間の 90%以上の出席、および、80%以上の課題とレポ
      ていしゅつ               ひつよう                                  み                   ば あ い           じ ど う て き          ふ ご う か く
ート提出 が必要です。それらを満たせない場合は、自動的に不合格となります。

けっせき                  ば あ い                   り ゆ う                              がくせい          せきにん                    じゅぎょう か も く た ん と う きょういん            れんらく
こうけつ             がいとう               ば あ い          ひつよう          しょるい                                  ていしゅつ
公欠に該当する場合は、必要な書類をCJSオフィスに提出 してください。
a)       公欠
                        い   か         ば あ い        こうけつ         みと                          き ぼ う              がくせい                                     こうけつとどけ         にゅうしゅ              ひつよう     しょうこ
しょるい             そ            ていしゅつ                                 こうけつ       みと                                                     がくせい          つ う ち                 つう じ ょ う         こうけつとどけ
書類を添えて提出 してください。公欠が認められたら、CJSオフィスより学生に通知します。通常この公欠届は、
けっせき                  い ぜ ん          ていしゅつ                       もと                            じ ぜ ん        て い しゅつ                        ば あ い         けっせき き か ん             さいしゅうび              しゅうかん
欠席する以前に提出 することが求められます。事前の提 出 ができない場合は、欠席期間の最終日 から1週間
い な い            ていしゅつ
以内に提出 しなければいけません。

けっせき                  き か ん         き ょ か         ひつよう       じょうけん      ひつよう          し ょ る い およ           けっせきちゅう        せいせき ひ ょ う か ほ う ほ う                            い    か      とお                  かい
     しんせい                   こうけつ にっすう                 れんぞく            さいちょう いつ か か ん             じゅぎょう ひ                  こうけつ        みと                  じょうげん          じゅぎょう か い す う
に申請できる公欠日数は連続 する最長 5 日間 の授業日、また公欠が認 められる上限は授業回数 の1/3です。
こくさいふく                              ちょう    りゅうがく せい きょ う がく た ん と う              こうけつとどけ         けんとう              けっせき       き ょ か                              なんにちかん き ょ か                       けってい
国際副センター長 (留学生教学担当)が公欠届を検討し、欠席を許可するかどうか、何日間許可するかを決定
                  に ほ ん                   がくせい          い   か        り ゆ う             に ほ ん           で    る ば あ い          しゅっこく び         にゅうこく び            お う いん
                 うつ                                     ていしゅつ
ージの写しをCJSオフィスへ提出 しなければいけません。
こうけつとどけ               けっせき               と う じつ       い り ょ う ひ       りょうしゅうしょ                  しんりょう き ろ く                  せいしき          ぶんしょ         て ん ぷ           ていしゅつ
公欠届に欠席した当日の医療費の領収書または診療記録などの正式な文書を添付して提出 しなければいけま
けっせき             たい             そ    ち        い   か       とお
                  て い き し け ん                  ひょうか         おお                         し け ん           う                      ば あ い          つ い し        おこな                                しゅとく
                 定期試験など評価に大きくかかわる試験が受けられない場合は、追試が 行 われます。しかし取得でき
                  しょう                     う                      ば あい        つい し         おこな
                 小テストが受けられない場合、追試は 行 われません。

そ う ぎ
がくせい             きんしんしゃ                           りょうしん      きょうだい し ま い          そ   ふ    ぼ      お        お       じ              お    お     ば      こ ど も       はいぐうしゃ
         ば あ い            たいざいさき              か ぞ く       そ う ぎ                  こくさいふく                        ちょう     りゅうがく せい きょ う がく た ん と う           だ と う           はん だん                   こうけつ
イの場合は滞在先の家族の葬儀もしくは国際副センター長 (留学生教学担当)が妥当だと判断した人の公欠が

e) Cheating
Cheating and questionable behavior are strictly forbidden in accordance with Nanzan University regulations.
During closed-book examinations, no books, notebooks, cards, dictionaries, or other materials may be referred
to while the examination is in progress. During open-book examinations, only reference materials specifically
designated by the instructors may be used. Each instructor will make a judgment on these matters in accordance
with the written instructions of the course coordinator and the Deans of Academic Affairs.

Any violation of the above regulations will be dealt with by an assigned committee in accordance with
established procedures and may result in loss of credits for that particular course, loss of credits for the entire
semester, or expulsion from the program.

Any cheating and questionable behavior is taken very seriously at the CJS. It is also strictly forbidden in all
class quizzes and tests and submitted assignments and written work, whether online or on campus.

III. Class Attendance Policy
For all courses in the 2021 Fall Semester, at least 90% attendance in online sessions and 80% submission of
assignments and reports is required to be able to pass a course. Less than 90% attendance or 80% submission
of assignments and reports will result in automatic failure of that course.
Please note that it is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor of any absence, whatever the
reason may be. Absences can only be excused when supported by official documentation, and these should be
submitted to the CJS Office.

a)   Excused Absences
     The CJS permits students to be absent in the circumstances outlined below. Students wishing to have an
     absence excused must submit an Excused Absence Request Form and submit it with the necessary
     supporting documents. The CJS Office will notify students when a decision is made. As a general rule,
     this form is to be submitted before an absence. In cases where this is impossible, students must submit
     this form within one week from the last day of the period of absence.

     The period of excused absence, the prerequisite conditions for approval, the necessary documentation,
     and the measures for dealing with assessment occurring during the period of absence are as follows:
     Students may be granted up to five consecutive class days excused absence for one application. However,
     the maximum number of excused absences permitted is one-third (1/3) of the total number of class
     sessions. The Deputy Director of the Center for International Affairs will consider the application and
     decide whether or not each absence is to be excused and how many days will be granted if it is excused.
     If a student in Japan leaves Japan for any of the reasons listed below, they must submit a copy of the
     departure and return date stamped pages of their passport to the CJS Office.

     Students must submit official documentation obtained on the day of absence, such as medical receipts or
     medical documents, with the Excused Absence Request Form.
     The following measures will be taken:
      A make-up test will be carried out if major pieces of assessment such as scheduled course examinations
         are missed. However, the highest attainable mark will be 90%.
      Make-up tests will not be carried out to cover quizzes missed.

     Absences are excused for funerals of students’ close family members, defined as parents, siblings,
     grandparents, uncles or aunts, children or spouse, or in the case of a homestay, the immediate host family,
みと                                  こうけつとどけ          そ う ぎ       あんない           と こ う      しゅっせきじょうきょう                            て ん ぷ           ていしゅつ
認められています。公欠届に葬儀の案内、渡航や出席状況がわかるものを添付して提出 してください。
けっせき          たい           そ    ち       い   か       とお
               て い き し け ん               ひょうか        おお                           し け ん       う                   ば あ い           つ い し       おこな                            しゅとく
              定期試験など評価に大きくかかわる試験が受けられない場合は、追試が 行 われます。しかし取得でき
               しょう                  う                     ば あ い         つ い し       う
              小テストが受けられない場合、追試は受けられません。

きょうだい し ま い          りょうしん                   そ   ふ   ぼ        けっこんしき                       こうけつ        みと                              こうけつとどけ          けっこんしき       しょうたいじょう     あんない
と こ う         しゅっせきじょうきょう                                 て ん ぷ           ていしゅつ
渡航や出席状況がわかるものを添付して提出 してください。
けっせき          たい           そ    ち       い   か       とお
               て い き し け ん               ひょうか        おお                           し け ん       う                   ば あ い           つ い し       おこな                            しゅとく
              定期試験など評価に大きくかかわる試験が受けられない場合は、追試が 行 われます。しかし取得でき
               しょう                  う                     ば あ い         つ い し      おこな
              小テストが受けられない場合、追試は 行 われません。

しゅうきょうじょう          り ゆ う
                          こうけつとどけ           にゅうしゅ         しょうこ                しりょう        て ん ぷ                               ていしゅつ
CJSオフィスで公欠届を入手し、証拠となる資料を添付してCJSオフィスへ提出 しなければいけません。
けっせき          たい           そ    ち       い   か       とお
               て い き し け ん               ひょうか        おお                            し け ん      う                    ば あ い            つ い し         おこな                 こうけつ      ば あ い
              定期 試験 など評価 に大 きくかかわる試験 が受 けられない場合 は、追試 が 行 われます。公欠 の場合 、
               しょう                  う                     ば あい         つい し        おこな
              小テストが受けられない場合、追試は 行 われません。

         た         り ゆう
がくじゅつてき                             に ほ ん ご がくしゅう          かんれん                 し けん       じゅしょうしき             か い ぎ       しゅっせき            ば あ い         こうけつ       みと
しゅさいしゃ                                           こうけつとどけ         こんきょ               もよお           かんれん         しりょう     ていしゅつ
主催者からのレターまたは公欠届の根拠となる 催 しに関連する資料を提出 してください。
          た        よ そく                  じょうきょう      たと              きんしんしゃ                       りょう し ん   きょう だい し ま い      そ    ふ    ぼ     お     お     じ           お   お      ば      こ
ども    はい ぐ う し ゃ                                                ば あい       たい ざい さ き         か ぞく                 こ く さいふく                    ちょう   りゅうがく せい きょ う がく た ん と う         だ とう
供、配偶者、またはホームステイの場合は滞在先の家族、もしくは国際副センター長 (留学生教学担当)が妥当
              はん だ ん            が く せい      かんけい し ゃ          じゅう と く     やまい       じゅう だい        で   き ごと          が く せい        えん じ ょ      ど う せき      ふ   か けつ             ば あい
であると判断した学生の関係者の重 篤な 病 や重 大な出来事など、学生の援助や同席が不可欠である場合に、
こ う けつ                                               しょう さ い      しる            ぶん し ょ     て い しゅつ                                  こ ん き ょ し りょう       よ う きゅう
公欠とみなすことがあります。詳細を記した文書を提 出 してください。さらに根拠資料を要 求 されることがありま
けっせき          たい           そ    ち       い   か       とお
               て い き し け ん               ひょうか        おお                           し け ん       う                   ば あ い           つ い し       おこな                            しゅとく
              定期試験など評価に大きくかかわる試験が受けられない場合は、追試が 行 われます。しかし取得でき
               しょう                  う                     ば あい         つい し        おこな
              小テストが受けられない場合、追試は 行 われません。

ふ め い         てん               ば あ い        くわ       じょうほう         し              ば あ い                               たず

         り し ゅ う と う ろ く て つづ
IV. 履修登録手続き
              りしゅうとうろく                   て つづ             かんりょう                    ほんごく           だいがく        りしゅうとうろく             おこな                                                かなら
CJSで履修登録の手続きが完了しても、本国の大学で履修登録を 行 ったことにはなりません。 必
     がくせい じ し ん                ほんごく          だいがく              りしゅうとうろく                                        かくにん
か い こ う よ て い じゅぎょう か も く               へんこう                  ちゅうし
よ て い                じゅぎょう か も く            か の う        かぎ              がっきちゅう           かいこう                        よ こ く            へんこう             ば あ い
予定された授業科目は可能 な限りその学期中に開講 されますが、予告なく変更される場合 があります。CJSで

or other people as deemed appropriate by the Deputy Director of the Center for International Affairs.
    Students are required to submit supporting documents such as a funeral notice and proof of travel and
    attendance along with the Excused Absence Request Form.

    The following measures will be taken:
     A make-up test will be carried out if major pieces of assessment such as scheduled course examinations
      are missed. However, the highest attainable mark will be 90%.
     Make-up tests will not be carried out to cover quizzes missed.

    Absences are excused for weddings of siblings, parents or grandparents. Students are required to submit
    supporting documents such as a wedding invitation or wedding announcement, and proof of travel and
    attendance along with the Excused Absence Request Form.
    The following measures will be taken:
     A make-up test will be carried out if major pieces of assessment such as scheduled course examinations
        are missed. However, the highest attainable mark will be 90%.
     Make-up tests will not be carried out to cover quizzes missed.

    Religious reasons
    Students are required to submit supporting documents such as proof of the religious events along with the
    Excused Absence Request Form.
    The following measures will be taken:
     A make-up test will be carried out if major pieces of assessment such as scheduled course examinations
       are missed. No marks are deducted in the case of an excused absence for religious reasons.
     Make-up tests will not be carried out to cover quizzes missed.

    Other reasons
    As a general rule, absence because of attendance at examinations, awards ceremonies or conferences will
    be excused if the event is of an academic nature and is related to students’ studies. Students are required
    to submit a letter from the organizer, or some event-related material supporting their application.
    Other unforeseen circumstances, such as serious illness or significant events in a student’s family (parents,
    siblings, grandparents, uncles or aunts, children or spouse, or in the case of a homestay, the immediate
    host family) or other people as deemed appropriate by the Deputy Director of the Center for International
    Affairs that require the student’s assistance or presence may also be considered for excused absences.
    Please submit a detailed letter of explanation; further documentation may be required.
    The following measures will be taken:
     A make-up test will be carried out if major tests such as scheduled course examinations are missed.
         However, the highest attainable mark will be 90%.
     Make-up tests will not be carried out to cover quizzes missed.

    Students should contact the CJS Office if they have any questions or require more detailed information.

IV. Course Registration Procedures
Registration at Nanzan University’s Center for Japanese Studies does not mean that students are
automatically registered at their home universities. It is the responsibility of each student to make sure
that they are properly registered at both institutions.

Changes and Cancellation of Course Offerings

しゅうとく            た ん い         ほんごく        だいがく         た ん い にんてい                 そつぎょう         き ぼ う           ば あ い           そつぎょう            おく                        えいきょう           で
修得 した単位 を本国 の大学 で単位 認定 して卒業 を希望 する場合 は、卒業 が遅 れるなどの影響 が出 ないよう
よ ゆ う                  りしゅうとうろく             けいかく         た             ひつよう

り し ゅ う と う ろ く て つづ                かなら       い    か                             おこな
履修登録手続きは、 必 ず以下にしたがって 行 ってください。
 ちゅうい        すべ          じ か ん        に ほ ん じ か ん                                      き        つ
りしゅうとうろく              がつ       にち     すい           がつ       にち    もく
履修登録: 7月28日(水)~7月29日(木)
 がつ      にち       か        きょうむ                          せつめい            ひ                          けいさい            しょるい             ど う が        み                   じゅぎょう            りしゅうとうろく
  ひつよう                             ひつよう       たんいすう              しゅうとく                          がくせい       りしゅうとうろく              まえ                    がいよう          じ ゅく どく           じ か ん わ り        かくにん
                         しりょう そ う ふ           じ か ん          つごうじょう                        かぎ          が っ き      りしゅう と う ろ く か の う               じょうげん た ん い す う                           た ん い そうとう
   じゅぎょう        りしゅうとうろく                                 りしゅう と う ろ く ご                りしゅうとうろく                か も く                                   おく

り し ゅ う と う ろ く へんこう           がつ      にち     すい            がつ     にち        か
履修登録変更: 9月15日(水)~9月28日(火)
さいしゅう と う ろ く         がつ       にち     か
最終登録: 9月28日(火)
がくせい            さいしゅう と う ろ く ひ ょ う        しょめい              りしゅう か も く            さいしゅう と う ろ く                ひつよう                                        い こ う         か も く へんこう         りしゅう か も く
     つ い か                 と                                              がつ       にち       か               しょめい             さいしゅう と う ろ く ひ ょ う           ていしゅつ                       ば あ い            りしゅう
の追加もしくは取りやめ)はできません。9月28日(火)までに署名した最終登録表が提出 されない場合は、履修
へんこう                                                         ちゅうい                               さいしゅう と う ろ く ご        さいしゅう                                        ぜんがくせい          おく                  ないよう
   あやまり               ば あ い                                                      ていせ い        も う し で て
に誤りがある場合は、すぐに CJS オフィスに訂正を申し出てください。

りしゅう         ちゅうし
べ っ か に ほ ん ご か も く きょういく た ん と う                 べ っ か に ほん じ じょう か も く きょういく た ん と う                   とくべつ          き ょ か          え       ば あ い         りしゅうとうろく じ                  よ そ く
        り ゆ う              ば あ い           りしゅうとうろく              さいしゅう か く に ん ご              じゅぎょう か も く        りしゅう        ちゅうし                                                 くわ

        たいがく          じゅぎょうりょう へんきん
V.      退学と授業料返金
じゅぎょうりょう          げんそく              へんきん                                                   たいがく         き ょ か                             びょうき         じ    こ             にゅうがく じ          よ そ く
          とくしゅ           り ゆ う              ば あ い                        せいしき            た い が く て つづ                  まえ         べ っ か に ほ ん ご か も く きょういく た ん と う                        べ っ か に ほん じ
じょう か も く きょういく た ん と う                    し ど う きょういん           かなら     そうだん
情科目教育担当および指導教員に 必 ず相談してください。
たいがく                           き                    た い が く ねがい          ひつよう じ こ う             きにゅう            し ど う きょういん           しょめい            もら             うえ            たいがく き ぼ う       び
退学 することが決 まったら、退学 願 に必要 事項 を記入 し、指導 教員 の署名 を貰 った上 で、退学 希望 日 の2
しゅうかんまえ                                            し ょ めん     て い しゅつ                               こうとう           た い が く ねがい            う   け   つ    け                   げんそく                    せいしき
週間前までにCJSオフィスに書面で提 出 してください。口頭での退学 願 は受け付けません。原則として、正式な
たいがく び              こくさい                    いいんかい            しょうにん           う           あと     がくちょう       しょうにん            ひ                                            り ゆ う        そ           ねが      で
     ば あ い         たいがく び             し て い        みと                                         た い が く ねがい       てい し ゅ つ ご       がくちょう        しょうにん             え              やく      しゅうかん
た場合は、退学日の指定を認めることがあります。退学 願 の提出後、学長の承認を得るには約2週間かかりま
                  た い が く ねがい       ていしゅつ               かなら       たいがく           しょうにん
す。なお、退学 願 を提出 したら 必 ず退学が承認されるわけではありません。

 りゅうがく            ざいりゅう し か く          ゆう     に ほ ん          ざいじゅう               がくせい         せいきせい                 み ぶ ん        に ほ ん                 にゅうこく き ょ か             う
「留学 」の在留 資格 を有 し日本 に在住 する学生 は正規生 という身分 で日本 への入国 許可 を受 けているため、
なんざん だ い が く          たいがく び                しゅうかん い な い            にゅうこく か ん り き ょ く            たいがく しゃ         ほうこく             ぎ    む                              たいがく              ば あ い    つう じ ょ う
ざいりゅう し か く           へんこう                 に ほ ん        しゅっこく

        ざいせき き か ん えんちょう しんせい                        てつづ
VI. 在籍期間延長申請の手続き
        ねん は る が っ き                ざいせき       えんちょう         き ぼ う               ば あ い     ざいせき き か ん           えんちょう        しんせい                                                            ざいせき き か ん
2022年春学期への在籍の延長を希望する場合、在籍期間の延長を申請することができます。なお、在籍 期間

Every effort is made to hold courses listed in the scheduled semester, but offerings are subject to change
without notice. Students intending to transfer credit for courses taken at the CJS to fulfil graduation
requirements at their home institutions should plan their programs with as much flexibility as possible in order
to prevent delays in graduation.

Students are expected to carry out registration procedures in strict accordance with the following:
[Note] Please keep in mind that all dates are in Japan Standard Time (JST).

Course registration: Wednesday, July 28 – Thursday, July 29
On these two days, students are required to register for courses that they wish to take, after checking on the
academic guideline explanation day, Tuesday July 27 documents and videos that have been uploaded to Canvas.
In order to ensure that all requirements regarding the number of credits are met, students should read through
course descriptions and study the timetable schedule thoroughly before registering for courses. Due to the time
schedule for the posting of materials, students are strongly recommended to register for as many classes as
possible up to the maximum credit load of 18 credits a semester. A list of the courses students have registered
for will be sent to students after course registration is completed.

Adding and dropping courses: Wednesday, September 15 – Tuesday, September 28

Final course registration: Tuesday, September 28
Students are required to submit the final course registration form with their signature to confirm their final
course registration. Students are not allowed to change course registrations, adding or/and dropping courses,
after the final course registration date. Please note that if students do not submit the final course registration
form with their signature by Tuesday, September 28, the CJS Office will assume that there are no changes to
their course registrations. A final course list will be sent to all students after this final course registration. If
students find any mistakes, they must inform the CJS Office immediately.

Withdrawal from courses
Withdrawal from individual courses after final confirmation of course registration is possible only with the
special permission of the CJS Deans of Academic Affairs and only for reasons unforeseen at the time of
registration. Please consult the CJS Office for further information.

V. Withdrawal from the Program and Refunds
Tuition fees are, in principle, non-refundable, and official permission to withdraw from the CJS program can
only be granted in exceptional circumstances for reasons unforeseeable at the time of admission, such as illness
or accident. Before beginning formal withdrawal procedures, students are required to discuss the matter with
the CJS Deans of Academic Affairs as well as with their academic advisor.

Once the decision to withdraw is confirmed, students must fill out a “Petition for Permission to Withdraw
from the CJS”, obtain the signature of their student advisor, and submit the document to the CJS Office at
least two weeks before the requested date of withdrawal. Oral requests to withdraw will not be accepted. In
principle, the official date of withdrawal will be determined with the approval of the Center for International
Affairs Committee and then confirmed by the President of the University. However, if the student is requesting
a withdrawal due to an unavoidable reason, the date of withdrawal may be modified. Obtaining the approval
of the President usually takes approximately two weeks after the petition has been submitted. Please be
reminded that permission to withdraw is not always granted upon request.

For students in Japan on a student visa: Since students are permitted to enter Japan on the condition that they
maintain a full-time student status, it is the responsibility of Nanzan University to report any withdrawal to the
Immigration Office within two weeks. Withdrawal from the program usually results in the student having to
change their visa status or leave Japan.

えんちょう          き ょ か            い   か        きじゅん      もと              し ん さ
                         ねん あ き が っ き          に ほ ん ご か も く          さいしゅう せ い せ き             いじょう
        a.        2021年秋学期の日本語科目の最終成績が「A」以上であること
                                ざいせき          がくせい                   ねん あ き が っ き      げん だい に ほ ん か も く        さいしゅう せ い せ き          いじょう
        b.        MJP に在籍する学生は、2021年秋学期の現代日本科目の最終成績が「A」以上であること
                         ねん あ き が っ き          に ほ ん ご か も く い が い             さいしゅう せ い せ き
        c.        2021年秋学期の日本語科目以外の最終成績に F がないこと
                  じんぶつ こ う か        ざいりゅう き か ん な ど         とく    もんだい                  みと
        d.        人物考課、在留期間等、特に問題がないと認められたもの
ざ い せ き えんちょう           き ぼ う           ば あ い                                  しんせいしょ        ひつようしょるい                  ねん    がつ ついたち   きん            ねん     がつ     にち    きん
在籍延長を希望する場合は、CJSオフィスに申請書と必要書類を2021年10月 1日 (金)~2021年10月29日(金)
        あいだ       て い しゅつ           ひつよう                         しょうさい                                                  がつ                       し
の 間 に提 出 する必要 があります。詳細 については、CJSオフィスより9月 にEメールでお知 らせします。なお、
せんこう け っ か              あ き が っ き せいせき は っ ぴ ょ う ご           つ う ち

              い    か     てん         ちゅうい
                    ざいせき              がくせい       ざいせき き か ん          さいちょう     ねん
         IJPに在籍する学生の在籍期間は最長2年(4セメスター)です。
                       ざいせき             がくせい        ざいせき き か ん         さいちょう     ねん
                                                                                                                  うえ        に ほ ん ご か も く
         Intensive Japanese VI も し く は Fundamental Japanese IV よ り 上 の 日本語 科目 は あ り ま せ ん 。 Intensive
                                                                                             た ん い     すで    しゅう と く        ば あ い      に ほ ん ご       い が い       か も く
          Japanese VIもしくはFundamental Japanese IVの単位を既に修 得した場合は、日本語科目以外の科目で14
             た ん い いじょうりしゅうとうろく                      ひつよう

          ちょうこうせい し が ん                 てつづ
    りゅうがく      い が い         ざいりゅう し か く         ほ   じ                がくせい                   ねん は る が っ き     ちょうこうせい                    し が ん                           い   か
        きじゅん       もと               し ん さ
                         ねん あ き が っ き          に ほ ん ご か も く          さいしゅう せ い せ き             いじょう
        a.        2021年秋学期の日本語科目の最終成績が「A」以上であること
                                ざいせき          がくせい                   ねん あ き が っ き      げん だい に ほ ん か も く        さいしゅう せ い せ き          いじょう
        b.        MJP に在籍する学生は、2021年秋学期の現代日本科目の最終成績が「A」以上であること
                         ねん あ き が っ き          に ほ ん ご か も く い が い             さいしゅう せ い せ き
        c.        2021年秋学期の日本語科目以外の最終成績に F がないこと
                  じんぶつ こ う か        ざいりゅう き か ん な ど         とく    もんだい                  みと
        d.        人物考課、在留期間等、特に問題がないと認められたもの
               はる が っ き          ちょうこうせい                          し が ん          がくせい                              しんせいしょ       ひつようしょるい             ねん      がつ ついたち     きん
2022年春学期に聴講生になることを志願する学生は、CJSオフィスに申請書と必要書類を2021年10月 1日 (金)
               ねん       がつ       にち     きん       あいだ     て い しゅつ          ひつよう                       しょうさい                                           がつ
~2021年10月29日(金)の 間 に提 出 する必要があります。詳細については、CJSオフィスより9月にEメールでお
    し                                   せんこう け っ か          あ き が っ き せいせき は っ ぴ ょ う ご         つ う ち

                    べ っ か すいせん
VIII.               別科推薦
             ざいせき            がくせい            なんざんだ い が く      が く ぶ      だいがくいん              すいせん にゅうがく せ い ど          しゅつがん                か の う         しゅつがん し か く と う
IJPに在籍する学生は、南山大学(学部・大学院)への推薦入学制度に出願 することが可能です。出願 資格等、
くわ            じょうほう         し            ば あ い                                  たず                                ざいせき          がくせい        しゅつがん
詳しい情報を知りたい場合は、CJSオフィスに尋ねてください。MJPに在籍する学生は、出願 はできません。

VI. Procedures for Applying to Extend the Period of Enrolment
Students may apply to extend their current enrollment period to the 2022 Spring Semester. Permission for such
an extension depends upon meeting the following criteria:
     a. The student’s final grade for their Japanese Language Course in the 2021 Fall Semester is A or above.
     b. The MJP student’s final grade for their Modern Japan Course in the 2021 Fall Semester is A or above.
     c. There is no F grade among the student’s final grades in the 2021 Fall Semester for other courses taken.
     d. There are no particular issues with regard to the student’s personal performance evaluation or period
         of stay, etc.
If students wish to apply for an extension of their period of enrollment they must submit the relevant application
form and other required documents to the CJS Office between Friday, 1 October 2021 and Friday, 29
October 2021. The CJS Office will send the details by email in September. Students will be notified of the
result of their application after the announcement of the Fall Semester grades.

Please be aware of the following points:
     The maximum period IJP students can enroll in the CJS program is 2 years (equivalent to 4 semesters).
        The maximum period MJP students can enroll in the CJS program is 1 year (equivalent to 2 semesters).
     No Japanese course higher than Intensive Japanese VI or Fundamental Japanese IV is offered in the
        IJP and MJP programs. Students who have completed Intensive Japanese VI or Fundamental Japanese
        IV are required to register for 14 credits or more without taking Japanese language courses.

VII. Procedures for Applying to Become a Part-time Student
Students enrolled in the 2021 Fall Semester whose visa status of residence is other than “Student” may apply
to become a part-time student in the 2022 Spring Semester. Permission for such a status depends upon meeting
the following criteria:
      a. The student’s final grade for their Japanese Language Course in the 2021 Fall Semester is A or above.
      b. The MJP student’s final grade for their Modern Japan Course in the 2021 Fall Semester is A or above.
      c. There is no F grade among the student’s final grades in the 2021 Fall Semester for other courses taken.
      d. There are no particular issues with regard to the student’s personal performance evaluation or period
         of stay, etc.
If students wish to apply to become a part-time student in the 2022 Spring Semester, they will need to submit
the relevant application form and other required documents to the CJS Office between Friday, 1 October
2021 and Friday, 29 October 2021. The CJS Office will send the details by email in September. Students will
be notified of the result of their application after the announcement of the Fall Semester grades.

VIII. Bekka Suisen (Recommendation for CJS students to enter regular undergraduate and
    graduate programs)
IJP students may apply to enter the undergraduate or graduate programs at Nanzan University. Students who
wish to enter such programs should contact the CJS Office for the admission requirements and further
information. Note that MJP students may not apply.


                             10100 INTENSIVE JAPANESE I
INSTRUCTOR: Fumika Kamei, Nanae Fukutomi, Masahiko Mutsukawa, and Shoko Watarai

This course is designed for students who have had fewer than 200 hours of Japanese instruction. Students should
have already mastered hiragana and katakana in order to enter this level. It covers basic introductory Japanese
grammar, explains how to make simple sentences and question sentences, illustrates how to use the most
common adjectives, introduces the three Japanese verb types, shows how to make the present and past tense
forms, and describes how to make requests.
Upon completion of this level, students are expected to be able to deal with daily and specific matters in various
situations that involve speaking and listening.
By the end of the semester, students will be able to read and write short passages using the grammar and
expressions covered in this course and handle 150 kanji in addition to hiragana and katakana.
This course is designed to improve overall Japanese proficiency for communication, and reading and writing

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
 Communicate in simple Japanese for daily use (for example, be able to talk about family, friends, vacation, etc.
  and be able to explain feelings).

 Read short stories and write short passages such as postcards and essays using the grammar and expressions
  covered in this course.
 Handle 150 kanji in addition to hiragana and katakana.

 1. Genki Lesson 1
 2. Genki Lesson 2
 3. Genki Lesson 3
 4. Genki Lesson 4
 5. Genki Lesson 5
 6. Genki Lesson 6
 7. Genki Lesson 7
 8. Genki Lesson 8
 9. Genki Lesson 9
10. Genki Lesson 10
11. Genki Lesson 11
12. Genki Lesson 12
13. Review
14. Final Examination

Banno, E., Ikeda, Y., Ohno, Y., Shinagawa, C., & Tokashiki, K. (2020). Genki: An Integrated Course in
  Elementary Japanese I (3rd ed). Japan Times. ISBN978-4-7890-1730-5

Supplementary Materials
Other materials are provided by the instructors.

Class participation 10%; Assignments 45%; Tests 45%

                            10200 INTENSIVE JAPANESE II
INSTRUCTORS: Kazuyo Takeda, Tomoko Komada, and Emi Sato

This course covers introductory Japanese grammar, including probability, expressing opinions, reported speech,
more noun counters, expression for giving and receiving, and passive and causative sentences. Honorific
expressions and humble expressions are also introduced with some discourse structures used in daily life.
Students should have mastered 150 kanji to enter this level. This course uses Genki II(L.13 – L.23).

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
 Communicate in everyday, routine life in Japan.
 Read short essays and diary entries, and write longer passages such as letters and e-mails.
 Handle 320 kanji.

 1. Introduction and review of Genki 1
 2. Genki Lesson 13
 3. Genki Lesson 14
 4. Genki Lesson 15
 5. Genki Lesson 16
 6. Genki Lesson 17
 7. Genki Lesson 18
 8. Genki Lesson 19
 9. Genki Lesson 20

10.   Genki Lesson 21
11.   Genki Lesson 22
12.   Genki Lesson 23
13.   Review
14.   Final Examination

Banno, E., Ikeda, Y., Ohno, Y., Shinagawa, C., & Tokashiki, K. (2020). Genki: An Integrated Course in
  Elementary Japanese II (3rd ed). Japan Times.

Supplementary Materials
Other materials are provided by the instructors.

Class Participation 10%; Assignments 35%;Tests 55% (tests 30%, quizzes 25%)

                           10300 INTENSIVE JAPANESE III
INSTRUCTORS: Shigenori Oyaizu, Akiko Tsuda, and Mari Yamada

This course reviews basic Japanese grammar while also covering most of the important intermediate grammar of
Japanese. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to, among other things, describe
something, give opinions and so on. Topics covered include discussion of well-known people, popular tourist
destinations, study abroad, and contemporary social issues. The first 320 kanji are reviewed, and the next 280
kanji are presented.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
 Make a speech in an organized manner.
 Discuss or debate familiar topics.
 Read authentic materials and write drafts for oral presentations.

 1. Orientation & Review; Quartet Lesson 1
 2. Quartet Lesson 2 (1)
 3. Quartet Lesson 2 (2); Writing Task 1
 4. Quartet Lesson 3 (1); Speech 1
 5. Quartet Lesson 3 (2); Writing Task 2
 6. Project work A
 7. Quartet Lesson 4 (1); Oral Test
 8. Quartet Lesson 4 (2); Writing Task 3
 9. Quartet Lesson 5 (1);
10. Project work B
11. Quartet Lesson 6 (1); Story Presentation
12. Quartet Lesson 6 (2)
13. Project work C
14. Final Examination

Yasui, A., Ide, Y., Doi, M., & Hamada, H. (2019). Quartet: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language
  Skills I. Japan Times.

Supplementary Materials
Other materials are provided by the instructors.

Participation 60%; Tests 40%

                           10400 INTENSIVE JAPANESE IV
INSTRUCTORS: Miyuki Doi, Nobuyo Machida, Toko Nakamura, and Ryoko Onishi

This course reviews previously taught grammar and discourse, and introduces more useful Japanese expressions
and vocabulary. The topics for reading and discussion include Japanese literature, society, multiculturalism, and
intercultural communication. The materials are all authentic, found in books, newspapers, interviews,
documentaries, and so on. Students are expected to have mastered 600 kanji in order to enter this level and learn
an additional 300 new kanji.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
 Read various types of written texts utilizing appropriate discourse strategies.
 Conduct a formal interview and write a report.
 Analyze and describe survey data.
 Write an essay about culture and society.
 Discuss or debate familiar topic.
 Write a Japanese-style essay sho-ronbun.

 1. Orientation & review; Quartet Lesson 7
 2. Quartet Lesson 8
 3. Quartet Lesson 8
 4. Quartet Lesson 9
 5. Quartet Lesson 9
 6. Quartet Lesson 10
 7. Quartet Lesson 10
 8. Quartet Lesson 11
 9. Quartet Lesson 11
10. Quartet Lesson 12
11. Quartet Lesson 12
12. Writing a Japanese-style essay sho-ronbun
13. Review
14. Final Examination

Yasui, A. Ide, Y., Doi M., & Hamada, H. (2020). Quartet: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language
Skills II.
Yasui, A. Ide, Y., Doi M., & Hamada, H. (2020). Quartet: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language
Skills II [Workbook].

Supplementary Materials
QUARTET2 Vocab & Kanji (iOS/ Android)
Other materials are provided by the instructors.

Class participation 10%; Assignment 35%; Quizzes & Tests 55%

                            10500 INTENSIVE JAPANESE V

INSTRUCTORS: Yuriko Ide and Hisami Okada

This course reviews previously taught grammar and vocabulary then extends students’ knowledge and usage,
particularly in more academic fields. Readings are selected from novels, newspapers, and books written for
Japanese college students, and documentaries. The topics include linguistic and cultural diversity, tourism, mass
media, subcultures, gender, technology and so on. Students should have mastered 900 kanji in order to enter this

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
 Write short papers and give presentations, by improving their four language skills.
 Carry out research projects collaboratively.
 Discuss social and cultural issues with Japanese students.
 Deepen their understanding of Japanese culture and society.

 1. Reading and discussion (1)
 2. Reading and discussion (2)
 3. Writing and presentation
 4. Reading and discussion (3)
 5. Reading and discussion (4)
 6. Writing and presentation
 7. Reading and discussion (5)
 8. Reading and discussion (6)
 9. Writing and presentation
10. Reading and discussion (7)
11. Reading and discussion (8)
12. Writing and presentation
13. Review
14. Final examination

Textbook: Course packets

Supplementary Materials
Handouts are provided by the instructors.

Class participation 10%; Assignments 35%; Tests 55%

                       10020 FUNDAMENTAL JAPANESE II
INSTRUCTOR: Junko Fujimoto

This comprehensive Japanese language communication course for near beginners is designed for students who
have mastered about 60 kanji and have had around 50-100 hours instructions of Japanese language at the college

level. Although students will practice all four skills, more focus is placed on speaking and interaction. Students
will learn important basic Japanese grammar such as expressions of aspects/comparisons, short forms of verbs and
adjectives, and various noun modification patterns. About 90 new kanji and important vocabulary for every day
usage are also introduced.
Students are required to participate actively in class in order to fully develop their language proficiency. Each
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings are one 100-minute class.

Course Goals
You will be able to communicate in simple Japanese for daily use at a more natural speed. By the end of the
semester, you will be able to:
   Talk about family and friends, order at a restaurant, ask about tours and make reservations, and talk about
    health conditions.
   Share opinions, hearsay, reasons, and intentions.
   Make comparisons, describe past experience, and discuss what you like and dislike.
   Master 150 kanji.
Students who successfully complete this level will have roughly a CEFR A1.3 level.

 1. Review of Genki Lessons 1-6
 2. Genki Lesson 7
 3. Genki Lesson 8
 4. Genki Lesson 8
 5. Genki Lesson 9
 6. Genki Lesson 9
 7. Genki Lesson 10
 8. Genki Lesson 10
 9. Genki Lesson 11
10. Genki Lesson 11
11. Genki Lesson 12
12. Genki Lesson 12
13. Review
14. Final examination

Textbook and Workbook
Eri Banno et al., GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I, 3rd ed., Japan Times.
1) Textbook ISBN 978-4-7890-1730-5
2) Workbook ISBN 978-4-7890-1731-2

Supplementary Materials
A course packet will be provided by the instructor.

Class participation 10%; Homework 40%; Quizzes 15%; Tests 35%

                                20100 EXPLORING JAPAN
INSTRUCTOR: Robert Croker

People are drawn to Japan for many reasons. In the Exploring Japan course, you can explore your own Japan.
Through a semester-long research project, you delve into modern Japanese culture and society: its manga mania,
literary masterpieces, cuisine culture, fashion industry, or whatever it is that intrigues you about Japan. This
course will equip you with a deeper understanding of contemporary Japanese culture and the skills to do
independent research in the future. It will also help you prepare for your graduation thesis, if you are planning to
write about modern Japan or contemporary Japanese culture.
To match your research interests and methods, the following five research approaches are offered each semester:

survey research, media research, reading research, literary research, and archival research.

Depending upon your research theme, you will be able to:
     survey research: observe people and situations in Japan, informally and formally interview in English, and
create and analyze a simple two-page questionnaire in English.
     media research: understand who produces and who consumes these media, and what social ideals, norms,
and realities are represented in media.
     reading research: find academic publications relevant to your research topic, identify the main themes and
debates, critically analyze authors’ arguments, clearly synthesize all you have read, develop your own perspective.
     literary research: explore literary texts and develop your own interpretation.
     archival research: better understand the past by analyzing materials like magazines and documents, photos,
posters and advertisements

Class 1. Doing research in Japan: principles and practices
Class 2. Research purpose and focus
Class 3. Resources for research in Japan
Class 4. Research design
Class 5. Data gathering #1
Class 6. Data gathering #2
Class 7. Data analysis #1
Class 8. Data gathering #3
Class 9. Data gathering #4
Class 10. Data analysis #2
Class 11. Data gathering #5
Class 12. Data analysis #3
Class 13. Preparing your fieldwork presentation
Class 14. Presentations and reflections on the journey

This course helps you to do a major research project. The preparation for this project is done during class time, but
some of the work you are expected to do outside class time. For example, you will look for resources for your
project, gather and analyze your data, and write up your report and prepare your presentation both in and outside
class. In the final weeks of the semester, you will prepare a 10-minute presentation, a 2500-word report, and a
500-word reflection about your research journey.

Bestor, T. C., Steinhoff, P. G., & Bestor, V. L. (Eds.) (2003). Doing fieldwork in Japan. University of Hawai’i
Kottman, N., & Reiher, C. (Eds.) (2020). Studying Japan: Handbook of research designs, fieldwork and methods.

Research plan 10%; Research folder 50%; Report and presentation 30%; Reflection essay 10%

English only.

The ability to understand, speak, read and write academic English is essential.

                             21010 JAPANESE ECONOMY A
INSTRUCTOR: Tomoko Kishi

The purpose of this course is to analyse the characteristics of the Japanese economy in comparison with other
economies, especially focusing on changes in the labour market. The course is divided into three parts. In the first
part, the mechanism of post-war economic growth is reviewed, and the components of the Japanese economic
system established during the economic growth―the main bank system, lifetime employment, seniority-based
wage system, and company unions―are discussed. The typical Japanese employment system and its relationship
with technological development are analysed.
The second part focuses on the following: the emergence of the bubble economy, its decline, and the aftermath;
the background of the recession called ‘the lost two decades’ explained from the viewpoint of labour productivity;
and the effects of economic growth in Asian countries and the intensified international competition on the
Japanese economy.
The third part discusses the following: structural changes in the Japanese labour market; issues of labour market
casualization in terms of the growth of non-regular employees and the resultant income inequalities; the effects of
ageing on the Japanese employment system and the pension system; and female labour in the context of the
changing Japanese employment system.
The course content will help deepen students’ understanding of the modern Japanese economy.

 Understand the basic mechanisms of economic phenomena and the characteristics of the Japanese economy.
 Develop an understanding of the statistical data used to explain a nation’s economic performance.

I. Post-war Japanese Economy
  1. An overview of the post-war economy
  2. Rapid economic growth and the Japanese economic system
  3. The typical Japanese employment system of the Toyota Corporation
  4. The role of technological innovation

II. Japanese Economic System in Transition
  5. The Japanese asset price bubble and its bursting
  6. The aftermath of the bubble bursting
  7. The background to the ‘lost two decades’
  8. Changes in the banking system
  9. The development of Asian countries and its impact on Japan

III. Japanese Labour Market in Transition
10. Changes in the Japanese employment system
11. Effects of ageing on the Japanese economy
12. Labour market casualization and income differentials
13. Issues of female labour participation in Japan
14. Final examination

Course Format: Real time (100 min.) and on-demand (50min.)

Textbooks: None

Required Reading
Gankoji, H. (2016). What makes Toyota different from others? Maruzen, Tokyo.
Ito, T., and T. Hoshi (2020). The Japanese Economy, second edition(English edition), The MIT Press, U.S.A.
Watanabe, H.R. (2020) The Japanese Economy (World Economies), Agenda Publishing, U.S.A.

Class participation and discussion: 30%; Term paper: 30%; Final examination: 40%


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