Advances in Narcolepsy from Pathogenesis to Treatment

Advances in Narcolepsy from Pathogenesis to Treatment
Advances in Narcolepsy from
 Pathogenesis to Treatment
                     Chad Ruoff, MD
              Sleep and Obesity Medicine
Partner, Southern California Kaiser Permanente Medical
         Group (SCPMG), Kaiser Woodland Hills
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Stanford University
          10.26.2019 from 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
Advances in Narcolepsy from Pathogenesis to Treatment
• No disclosures to report.
Advances in Narcolepsy from Pathogenesis to Treatment

1.   Pathophysiology
2.   Diagnosis
3.   Comorbid Conditions
4.   Treatments
Advances in Narcolepsy from Pathogenesis to Treatment
Advances in Narcolepsy from Pathogenesis to Treatment
Loss of hypocretin neurons in Narcolepsy type 1
                             Narcolepsy   Control Brain

Loss of hypocretin neurons
    in the dorsolateral                                              Significant reduction of hypocretin mRNA
  hypothalamus (70,000                                               expression in the lateral hypothalamus in a
         neurons)                                                    narcoleptic versus a control brain.

Narcoleptics have an 85%
 to 95% reduction in the                                            Significant reduction of hypocretin-stained
                                                                    peptides in hypocretin cells (in the lateral
  number of hypocretin
                                                                    hypothalamus) in a narcoleptic versus a
        neurons                                                     control brain.

                                                          Peyron C, Faraco J, Rogers W, et al: A mutation in a case of early onset narcolepsy
                                                          and a generalized absence of hypocretin peptides in human narcoleptic brains. Nat
                                                          Med 2000;6:991-997. B, and modified from Thannickal TC, Moore RY, Nienjuis R, et
                                                          al: Reduced number of hypocretin neurons in human narcolepsy. Neuron
Advances in Narcolepsy from Pathogenesis to Treatment
NT1 most likely an autoimmune disease
• Almost all patients with NT1 carry specific HLA marker called HLA DQB1*06:02
   – HLA system helps to regulate the immune system

• Often preceded with streptococcus or influenza

• Onset of disease common in late spring/early summer after the winter months

• Pandemrix inoculation: 8–12-fold and 3-5 fold increase in new cases of NT1 in children and
  adults, respectively

• H1N1 flu infection: 3 fold increase in new cases of NT1 in the months after the H1N1
  pandemic in China

                                                                          Mahoney et al, 2019 Nat Rev Neurosci;
                                                                          Miyagawa and Tokunaga, 2019 Human
                                                                          Genome Variation; Honda et al 1983
Advances in Narcolepsy from Pathogenesis to Treatment
Mounting data coming in that NT1 is likely an
    autoimmune disease mediated by T Cells
• Mutation in the TCR α-chain gene doubles risk of NT1
• Rare SNPS within the TCR genes increases reactivity of T cells to
  fragments of the orexin neuropeptides
• Variants of OX40L, which is involved in T cell differentiation
• Higher CD4+ memory T cells recognizing hypocretin fragments in
  PWN1 (10 fold higher than controls
• CD8 T cells from PWN1 and healthy controls recognize hypocretin
  neuron specific antigen

                                            Mahoney et al, 2019 Nat Rev Neurosci; Luo G et al, 2018 Proc Natl Acad
                                            Sci; Latorre D et al, 2018 Nature; Pedersen N et al. 2019 Nature
Advances in Narcolepsy from Pathogenesis to Treatment
Specific T-cell activation in peripheral blood and cerebrospinal fluid
      seen not only in patients with NT1 but also NT2 and IH
                           Specific T-Cell Activation

                                                        •      Activated T-cells in
                                                               the CNS associated
                                                               with higher amounts
                                                               of objective
                                                               sleepiness in the NT1
                                                               group and self-
                                                               reported sleepiness
                                                               in the IH group

                                                            Lippert J et al. 2019 Sleep
Advances in Narcolepsy from Pathogenesis to Treatment
Advances in Narcolepsy from Pathogenesis to Treatment
CNS Hypersomnias
    Type 1
    Type 2
Idiopathic Hypersomnia
Kleine-Levin Syndrome
Hypersomnia Due to a Medical Disorder
Hypersomnia Due to a Medication or Substance
Hypersomnia Associated with a Psychiatric Disorder
Insufficient Sleep Syndrome
Isolated Symptoms and Normal Variants
Long Sleeper
Diagnostic Tools

                   History                                     Actigraphy     PSG    HLA DQB1*06:02

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

                                                                Sleep Diary   MSLT
                        ESS                                                          CSF Hypocretin
The History: Narcolepsy Pentad

1.   Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS)
2.   Cataplexy
3.   Sleep-related hallucinations
4.   Sleep paralysis
5.   Disrupted nighttime sleep
Cataplexy in Dobermans

                    Courtesy of Emmanuel Mignot

      Overeem S, Mignot E, van Dijk JB, Lammers GJ: Narcolepsy: clinical features, new pathophysiologic insights, and
      future perspectives. J Clin Neurophysiol 2001;18[2]:78-105.)
            Segment 1. (Patient 1) ‘‘Cataplectic facies’’
            with permanent facial weakness on which a
            cataplectic attack (jaw sagging, head dropping,
            and eye closure) is superimposed, the small
            frame shows the trigger stimulus (a cartoon).
            The facial weakness is also present during
            normal activity without stimulus.

            Segment 2. (Patient 17) ‘‘Cataplectic facies’’
            followed by two partial and a full blown
            cataplectic attack with fall. During the third
            episode and prior to the fall the patient
            presents repetitive lapses of postural tone
            mainly affecting the legs.
Cataplexy: Triggers and Muscle Group(s)

A. Cataplexy-like symptoms reported by 46% of the non-narcolepsy subjects. Best differentiated from other
types of muscle weakness when triggered by three typical situations: when hearing or telling a joke, while
laughing, or when angry. B. Most commonly affected muscle groups involve the legs/knees.

                                                           Ruoff C, Mignot E, Central Nervous System Hypersomnias; A, Modified from Anic-Labat S, Guilleminault C, Kraemer HC, et al:
                                                         Validation of a cataplexy questionnaire in 983 sleep-disordered patients. Sleep 1999;22[1]:77-87. B, C, and D, Modified from Okun
                                                             ML, Lin L, Pelin Z, Hong S, Mignot E: Clinical aspects of narcolepsy-cataplexy across ethnic groups. Sleep 2002;25[1]:27-35.)
Cataplexy: Duration and Frequency

C. Cataplexy typically lasts from a few seconds to nearly 30 seconds. D. Episodes typically occur
from once per day to several times per week.

                                                     Ruoff C, Mignot E, Central Nervous System Hypersomnias; A, Modified from Anic-Labat S, Guilleminault C, Kraemer HC, et al:
                                                   Validation of a cataplexy questionnaire in 983 sleep-disordered patients. Sleep 1999;22[1]:77-87. B, C, and D, Modified from Okun
                                                       ML, Lin L, Pelin Z, Hong S, Mignot E: Clinical aspects of narcolepsy-cataplexy across ethnic groups. Sleep 2002;25[1]:27-35.)
Sleep Hallucinations
• Vivid, “waking dreams” that occur during transitions
  between sleep and wakefulness
   – Hypnogogic (occurring at sleep onset)
   – Hypnopompic (occurring upon awakening)

• May accompany sleep paralysis or occur independently

• Often occurs in normal individuals but is far more
  common in narcoleptics

• Tend to be visual but may also be tactile or auditory
  (e.g., shadows)

• Some awareness of surroundings is preserved
Sleep paralysis

• The inability to move for a few seconds or
  minutes as falling asleep or upon awakening

• Often occurs in normal individuals but is far
  more common in narcoleptics

• Paralysis ends spontaneously (fear reaction is
  most common at least the first few times it
Disrupted nighttime sleep

• Common aspect of narcolepsy
• Such as:
  – Frequent arousals
  – Higher wakefulness after sleep onset (WASO)
  – Frequent shifts to wake or increased N1 sleep
    with reduction in N3 (SWS)
  – Decrease in overall sleep efficiency (SE)
Diagnostic Criteria: Narcolepsy Type 1
Criteria A and B required:
A. The patient has daily periods of irrepressible need to sleep or daytime
lapses into sleep occurring for at least three months.

B. The presence of one or both of the following:
     1. Cataplexy (as defined under Essential Features) and a mean sleep
     latency of ≤ 8 = minutes and two or more sleep onset REM periods
     (SOREMPs) on an MSLT performed according to standard techniques. A
     SOREMP (within 15 minutes of sleep onset) on the preceding nocturnal
     polysomnogram may replace one of the SOREMPs on the MSLT.

    2. CSF hypocretin-1 concentration, measured by immunoreactivity, is
    either ≤ 110 pg/mL or
Diagnostic Criteria: Narcolepsy Type 2
Criteria A-E required:
A. The patient has daily periods of irrepressible need to sleep or daytime
lapses into sleep occurring for at least three months.

B. A mean sleep latency of ≤ 8 minutes and two or more sleep onset REM
periods (SOREMPs) are found on a MSLT performed according to standard
techniques. A SOREMP (within 15 minutes of sleep onset) on the preceding
nocturnal polysomnogram may replace one of the SOREMPs on the MSLT.

C. Cataplexy is absent.

D. Either CSF hypocretin-1 concentration has not been measured or CSF
hypocretin-1 concentration measured by immunoreactivity is either > 110
pg/mL or > 1/3 of mean values obtained in normal subjects with the same
standardized assay.

E. The hypersomnolence and/or MSLT findings are not better explained by
other causes such as insufficient sleep, obstructive sleep apnea, delayed
sleep phase disorder, or the effect of medication or substances or their
                                                                             International Classification of
                                                                             Sleep Disorders, Third Edition
Diagnostic Criteria: Idiopathic Hypersomnia
Criteria A-F required:
A. The patient has daily periods of irrepressible need to sleep or daytime lapses into
sleep occurring for at least three months.1
B. Cataplexy is absent.
C. An MSLT performed according to standard techniques shows fewer than two sleep
onset REM periods or no sleep onset REM periods if the REM latency on the preceding
polysomnogram was less than or equal to 15 minutes.
D. The presence of at least one of the following:
      1. The MSLT shows a mean sleep latency of ≤ 8 minutes.
      2. Total 24-hour sleep time is ≥ 660 minutes (typically 12–14 hours) on 24-hour
      polysomnographic monitoring (performed after correction of chronic sleep
      deprivation), or by wrist actigraphy with a sleep log (averaged over at least
      seven days with unrestricted sleep).
E. Insufficient sleep syndrome is ruled out (if deemed necessary, by lack of
improvement of sleepiness after an adequate trial of increased nocturnal time in bed,
preferably confirmed by at least a week of wrist actigraphy).
F. The hypersomnolence and/or MSLT findings are not better explained by another
sleep disorder, other medical or psychiatric disorder, or use of drugs or medications.
1. Severe and prolonged sleep inertia, known as sleep drunkenness (defined as prolonged difficulty waking up with repeated returns to sleep, irritability, automatic behavior,
and confusion) and/or long (> 1 hour), unrefreshing naps are additional supportive clinical features.
2. A high sleep efficiency (≥ 90%) on the preceding polysomnogram is a supportive finding (as long as sleep insufficiency is ruled out).
3. The total 24-hour sleep time required for diagnosis may need to be adapted to account for normal changes in sleep time associated with stages of development in
children and adolescents as well as for variability across cultures in all age groups.
4. Occasionally, patients fulfilling other criteria may have an MSLT mean sleep latency longer than 8 minutes and total 24-hour sleep time shorter than 660 minutes. Clinical    International Classification of
judgment should be used in deciding if these patients should be considered to have idiopathic hypersomnia (IH). Great caution should be exercised to exclude other               Sleep Disorders, Third Edition
conditions that might mimic the disorder. A repeat MSLT at a later date is advisable if the clinical suspicion for IH remains high.                                              (ICSD-3)
Narcolepsy versus Idiopathic Hypersomnia

                              Ruoff C, Mignot E, Central Nervous System Hypersomnias
What Best Predicts Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) in the
                    General Population?
Depression (stronger in the younger, independent of use of antidepressant medication)



Subjective estimate of typical sleep duration



Sleep Apnea
                                                              Bixler E et al. 2005; Young T et al. 1993
A Positive MSLT for Narcolepy/Idiopathic Hypersomnia:
       Once Positive, Always Positive on Repeat?
                                                                                                          Study 1
          60%                                                    57.1%

                                                                                                          Study 2
          50%                            47.1%

                                                                                                          Study 3
          40%                    36.8%

          30%                                            25.0%

          10%                                                            7.7% *

                     NT1                 NT2               IH             Controls   Study 1: Ruoff et al 2018; Study 2: Lopez et
                                                                                     al 2017; Study 3: Trotti et al 2013;
How often is a MSLT positive for Narcolepsy in
             the General Population?
• 6% of men and 1 % of women
  – Repeatability of these findings several years later was poor

• Shift-workers 30 times more likely to have a positive MSLT

• Patients on antidepressant medications up to 11 times more
  likely to have a positive MSLT

                                                       Mignot et al. Brain 2006; Goldbart et al Sleep 2014
No blood test yet
Use of the MSLT for the Diagnosis of Narcolepsy
               type 1 in Children
• The PSG + MSLT is a good test (sensitivity 94.87% and specificity 100%)
  for children with NT1

• At least 2 SOREMPs OR a mean sleep latency ≤8.2 minutes (area under
  the ROC curve of 0.985), at the MSLT are valid and reliable markers for
  pediatric NT1 diagnosis.

                                                              Pizza F et al 2019 Neurology
How We Look at Sleep on a Sleep Study Now: A
            Sleep Hypnogram
How We May Soon Look at Sleep on a Sleep
            Study: A Hypodensity Graph

Displays probabilities for a given stage of sleep (rather than discrete stages of sleep) across time (down to 5
seconds compared to 30 seconds)
Color codes: white, wake; red, N1; light blue, N2; dark blue, N3; black, REM                Stephansen JB et al. 2018 Nat
Finding a Unique Marker for Narcolepsy on the
              Overnight Sleep Test

• Unique, Overlapping Sleep Stages on Overnight Sleep Test is specific (96%) for
• Adding HLA-DQB1*06:02 typing to this makes it even more specific (99%) for
  narcolepsy (sensitivity 91%)
• Compared to MSLT data with a specificity of 98.6% and a sensitivity of 92.9%
                                                                      Stephansen JB et al. 2018 Nat
                                                                      Commun; Andlauer, O. et al. 2013
                                                                      Jama Neurol
Hypocretin/Orexin Test is
 Commercially Available
                    CSF Hypocretin

CSF hypocretin-1 concentration, measured by
immunoreactivity, is ≤ 110 pg/mL is diagnostic for NT1
Lower Levels of Hypocretin-1 in Cerebrospinal
     Fluid Revealed by a New Method (Mass
     Spectrometry) Compared to Old Method
• 19 times lower level in healthy controls
• 22 times lower level in NT1 patients
• Intact hcrt-1 peptide was less than 10% of the total amount using a
  different method as well (i.e. high performance liquid chromatography)
• These results question what is being detected by available method
• And, suggests that physiological concentrations of the peptide might be
  much lower than previously believed
                                                     Bardsen K et al 2019 Anal Chem; Sakai N et al. 2019
                                                     Scientific Reports; Hirtz C et al. 2016 Scientific
Obesity and Narcolepsy
• Daniels, in 1934, reported up to 50% of patients gain weight (5
  – 45 kg) around the time of disease onset
• Obesity has been reported in up to 42 % of adults and 60 % of
  children with narcolepsy

                                      Daniels L et al., Medicine 1934; Schuld A et al., Lancet 2000;
                                      Dahman N et al., Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2001; Schuld A
                                      et al., Lancet 2000; Honda Y et al., Sleep 1986; Kok SW et al., Obes
                                      Res 2003; Inocente C et al., CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics
                                      2013; Kotagal S et al., Sleep Med 2004; Aran A et al., Sleep 2010;
                                      Peraita-Adrados R et al., Sleep Med 2011
Medical Comorbidities Increased in Narcolepsy vs

                                     Black et al. Sleep Medicine 2017; Jennum et al.
                                     Sleep Medicine 2017; Jennum et al. Sleep
                                     2013; Ohayon. Sleep Medicine 2013
Medical Comorbidities in Narcolepsy with and without cataplexy compared to

                                                         1.    Infectious diseases
                                                         2.    Neoplasms
                                                         3.    Endocrine, nutritional, metabolic,
                                                         4.    Diseases of blood and blood-
                                                               forming organs
                                                         5.    Mental Illness
                                                         6.    Nervous system
                                                         7.    Circulatory system
                                                         8.    Respiratory system
                                                         9.    Digestive system
                                                         10.   Genitourinary system
                                                         11.   Complications of pregnancy, peri,
                                                               and postpartum
                                                         12.   Skin and subcutaneous tissue
                                                         13.   Musculoskeletal system
                                                         14.   Congenital anomalies
                                                         15.   Perinatal period
                                                         16.   Injury and poisoning
                                                         17.   Ill-defined conditions and factors

                                                                  Black et al. Sleep Medicine 2017
Blood pressure and heart rate in patients with

• Blood pressure in patients and animal models with NC
  associated with non-dipping pattern
• Heart rate in patients and animal models with NC is variable
  during wakefulness and normal to high during sleep
                                                        Turner J et al. Am J Med 2015
Patients with narcolepsy 44 times more likely to have REM
            Behavior Disorder (RBD) than controls
• Patients with RBD at increased risk of developing diseases such as
  Parkinson’s Disease
  – α-synuclein deposits found in Parkinson's Disease
• Skin biopsy was positive for α-synuclein deposits in 86.7% of non-
  narcoleptic patients but in none of narcoleptic patients with ’REM
  Behavior Disorder’ (RBD)
• GREAT NEWS: Since no patients with narcolepsy with “RBD” had α-
  synuclein deposits on skin biopsy then not likely to be at same
  heightened risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease as non-narcoleptic
  patients with RBD

                                                   Antelmi E et al. 2019 Ann Clin Transl Neuro; Black et al. Sleep
                                                   Medicine 2017
Reduced brain amyloid burden in elderly patients with narcolepsy
                           type 1
 • Amyloid plaques found in brains of patients with Alzheimer’s
 • GREAT NEWS: Lower levels of amyloid in elderly patients with
   NT1 suggests a reduced risk for progression to Alzheimer’s

                                                     Gabelle A et al 2019 Ann Neurol
GREAT NEWS: Increased creative thinking in PWNs

• Higher creative potential in patients with narcolepsy and further
  support a role of rapid eye movement sleep in creativity

• Most symptoms of narcolepsy (including sleepiness, hypnagogic
  hallucinations, sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming, and rapid eye
  movement sleep behaviour disorder, but not cataplexy) were
  associated with higher scores on the Test of Creative Profile

                                                         Lacaux et al. 2019 Brain
Psychiatric Comorbidities Increased in Narcolepsy
                  vs Controls

                                      Ruoff et al. J Clin Psychiatry 2017; Ohayon.
                                      Sleep Medicine 2013
What about conditions previously associated with
Good Sleep Health and Other Healthy Habits
• Dim the lights at night and get
  plenty of light in the morning
• Define optimal sleep duration
• Keep regular sleep schedule
  – Keep social events within normal
    sleep-wake schedule
• Scheduled naps and optimize
  duration of nap
• In addition to healthy eating at
  consistent times, staying hydrated,
  limiting alcohol intake....
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

                                                       Sodium oxybate
Modafinil 100 – 400 mg     Armodafinil 150 – 250 mg
                                                      4.5 – 9 gm nightly

                            Combination short and
Methylphenidate/Dextro-                               Sodium oxybate +
                                 longer acting
amphetamine 5 – 60 mg                                 stimulant/alerting

Solriamfetol 75 – 150 mg     Pitolisant 9 – 36 mg

                                                           Barateau et al. Curr Treat Options Neurol 2016
Effect of Sodium Oxybate on Cataplexy in Children with
                  Narcolepsy Type 1

                                          Plazzi G, et al., Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2018
Effect of Sodium Oxybate on Epworth Sleepiness Scale in
             Children with Narcolepsy Type 1

                                           Plazzi G, et al., Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2018
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

                           Inhibits reuptake at
                           dopamine and
Solriamfetol 75 – 150 mg

                                                  Barateau et al. Curr Treat Options Neurol 2016
Effect of Solriamfetol (JZP-110) on Epworth Sleepiness
                     Scale in PWN

                                               Ruoff C, et al. Sleep 39(7)2016
Effect of Solriamfetol (JZP-110) on Ability to Stay Awake
                   (MWT Test) in PWN

                                            Ruoff C, et al. Sleep 39(7)2016; Bogan et al 2015
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

                                             Taken in the
                       Selective histamine
                                             Morning as a single dose;
                       H3 receptor inverse
Pitolisant 9 – 36 mg                         May improve cataplexy as
                       agonist, activates
                                             well but not FDA approved
                       histamine neurons
                                             for cataplexy

                                                      Barateau et al. Curr Treat Options Neurol 2016
Effect of Pitolisant, Modafinil, Placebo on Epworth
               Sleepiness Scale in PWN

                                        No psychostimulants for >= 14
                                        days before baseline

                                        Could remain on their
                                        anticataplectic drugs (sodium
                                        oxybate or antidepressants) at
                                        stable doses 1 month before and
                                        throughout the trial

            8 week trial                    Dauvilliers Y, et al. Lancet Neurol 2013
Effect of Pitolisant on Cataplexy in PWN

                            Pitolisant decreased weekly
                            cataplexy rate by 75% from
                            baseline levels, while the
                            placebo group decreased rate
                            by 38% from baseline levels

                                          Szakacs Z et al. Lancet Neurology 2017
Effect of Pitolisant on Epworth Sleepiness Scale and Cataplexy in PWN

                  One-third of patients stopped pitolisant, mostly (19.6%) for
                                      insufficient benefit
                                                                                 Dauvillers Y et al. 2019 Sleep
Effect of Pitolisant on Cataplexy and Other Features of Narcolepsy

                                                        Dauvillers Y et al. 2019 Sleep

      Venlafaxine                Sodium oxybate      Sodium oxybate + other
     37.5 – 300 mgs             4.5 – 9 gm nightly       anti-cataplectic

      20–60 mg/day               Clomipramine             Duloxetine
       Citalopram                10 – 150 mgs             10 – 60 mgs
      20–40 mg/day

       Atomoxetine                 * Pitolisant
        10 – 60 mg                 10 – 60 mg

* Pitolisant is not FDA approved for cataplexy              Barateau et al. Curr Treat Options Neurol 2016
TAK-925 (IV) and TAK994 (Oral) Selective Orexin Type-2
                Receptor (OX2R) Agonist

• TAK-925 tolerated in patients with NT1 and increased
  wakefulness compared to placebo
• TAK-925 tolerated in healthy sleep-deprived adults and
  increased wakefulness at night compared to placebo
• TAK-994, an oral selective OX2R agonist, reduced
  narcolepsy symptoms in narcolepsy mouse models and
  is progressing in Phase 1 studies
AXS-12 (Reboxetine)
• A highly selective and potent norepinephrine reuptake
• Extensive safety record in Europe and in over 40 countries
  where it is approved for the treatment of Depression
• Supported by pre-clinical and preliminary clinical results where
  it significantly reduced narcoleptic episodes in hypocretin
  (orexin)-deficient mice as well as improving daytime sleepiness
  with reduced cataplexy in patients with narcolepsy in an open-
  label pilot trial
                                 Larrosa O et al. 2001 Sleep;
GABA Potentiation in Patients with Idiopathic
• Cerebrospinal fluid from patients with IH may have enhanced
  activity at GABA-A receptors in vitro, in excess of that of
  cerebrospinal fluid from controls
• Symptoms of IH may be reversible in some patients with use of
  GABA-receptor antagonists or negative allosteric modulators
  (e.g., clarithromycin, flumazenil)

                                                  Rye D et al. 2012; Trotti LM et al. 2014; Trotti
                                                  LM et al. 2016; Dauvillers Y et al. 2016; Trotti
                                                  et al. Ann Neurol. 2015 September; Trotti et
                                                  al. 2016

BTD-001 (Pentetrazol), a GABA-A receptor
antagonist, for IH/Narcolepsy Type 2

Visit to find BTD-001 study and others.

You can also visit:

     A Study of Safety and Efficacy of BTD-001 in Treatment of Patients With Idiopathic
     Hypersomnia (IH) or Narcolepsy Type 2
• Sodium oxybate at 9 grams per night contains 1,640 mg of sodium
   – Recommended upper limit of normal intake is 2300 mg per day

• JZP-258: 92% less sodium than sodium oxybate (Xyrem®)

• Patients randomized to JZP-258 showed clinically meaningful maintenance
  of efficacy for both cataplexy and EDS, while a statistically significant
  worsening for both cataplexy and ESS endpoints was observed in the
  placebo group compared with JZP-258

• The safety profile of JZP-258 was consistent with sodium oxybate

• A once-nightly formulation of sodium oxybate utilizing the Company's
  proprietary Micropump® technology
   – Micropump® is a microparticulate system that allows the
     development of modified and/or controlled release of solid, oral
     dosage formulations of drugs
• Demonstrated lower overall peak plasma concentrations (Cmax) and
  similar total exposures (AUC), compared to twice-nightly sodium
  oxybate in a head-to-head study
• Phase 3, multi-centered, double-blind, placebo-controlled REST-ON trial,
  expected to complete enrollment in 2020

    Baclofen and Sodium Oxybate increased total sleep time and delta waves during
    sleep in PWN
    – Only sodium oxybate had an effect on daytime sleepiness and cataplexy at 3 months
    – Improvement of total nocturnal sleep time had no beneficial effect on daytime

• R-Baclofen and Sodium Oxybate in Mouse Model of Narcolepsy
    – R-Baclofen suppressed cataplexy more than sodium oxybate

• 3 Case Reports/Series
    – 40-50 mg qhs improved EDS and cataplexy (ESS 22 to 10; cataplexy from 1-2/daily to 2-3
    – Two patients experienced almost complete resolution of cataplexy
    – 5 patients with NT1 treated with Baclofen (25 – 40 mg qhs) showed improvement in EDS
      (ESS from 15.8 to 10.4, p < 0.05)

                                                                     Huang and Guilleminault 2009; S Black et al. 2014 J Neurosci;
                                                                     Wierzbicka A et al. J Sleep Res Supp 1 2014;
                                                                     Lee and Douglass, 2015; Morse AM, et al 2019 Pediatr Neurol
Opiates in Heroin Addicts and Mouse Model of
• Opiates increase the number and decrease size of hypocretin-
  producing cells in heroin addicts
• Morphine increase the number of hypocretin-producing cells
  in a mouse model of narcolepsy and in wild type mice
• Morphine decreases cataplexy in a mouse model of narcolepsy
  and in wild type mice
• Morphine increases hypocretin cell activity in rats
• A patient with cataplexy treated with morphine suggesting a
  relative increase in hypocretin-producing cells
                                            Thannickal, T et al. Sci. Transl. Med 2018
Opiates in patients with narcolepsy
•   In 1981, a report of patient with narcolepsy given codeine for the control of Crohn’s disease noted
    “disappearance of his narcolepsy, cataplexy, sleep paralysis, and hypnagogic hallucinations

•   In 1996, another patient with narcolepsy, who could not continue taking stimulant drugs because of coronary
    artery disease and the necessity for kidney dialysis, urged his doctor to prescribe codeine for his narcolepsy
    because of the reversal of narcoleptic symptoms he had previously experienced when given codeine for pain.
    His physician published the results indicating a “dramatic improvement in alertness and substantial reduction of
    cataplexy,” the defining symptoms of narcolepsy

•   In 1996, nine patients with narcolepsy given codeine for one week
     – Sleep diaries and patient reports revealed consistent symptom improvement compared to placebo;
        however, there were no significant differences in the multiple sleep latency tests
     – Cataplexy was not evaluated
     – 1-week trial appears to have ended investigation of opiates in narcolepsy

                                                                           Harper JM, et al. Lancet 1981; Benbadis SR, et al.
                                                                           Pharmacotherapy 1996; Fry JM ,et al. Sleep 1996

• Visit to learn about
  clinical trials
Today, we have learned more about…

1.   Advances in our Understanding of the Cause of Narcolepsy
2.   Current Diagnostic tools and their limitations
3.   Advances in Diagnostic Tools
4.   Medical and Psychiatric Comorbid Conditions in PWN
5.   Current and Novel/Future Treatment options
You can also read