Protoivpump inhibitors for gastric acid-related disease - Cleveland ...

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Protoivpump inhibitors for gastric acid-related disease - Cleveland ...
CURRENT DRUG T H E R A P Y                                   DONALD G. VIDT, MD, EDITOR

          THOMAS         G. F R A N K O ,    MS                J O E L E. R I C H T E R ,    MD
          Quality assurance clinical specialist,               Chairman, D e p a r t m e n t of Gastroenterology,
          D e p a r t m e n t of Pharmacy, Cleveland Clinic.   Cleveland Clinic, and past president,
                                                               American College of Gastroenterology.

Protoivpump inhibitors
for gastric acid-related disease
      ROTON-PUMP INHIBITORS,      the most effec-                                           ABSTRACT
       tive drugs introduced to date for suppress-
ing gastric acid production, have improved the                                              Proton-pump inhibitors are the most effective
treatment of acid-related gastrointestinal dis-
ease.1 Compared with histamine type-2 (H2)                                                  drugs introduced to date for suppressing gastric
receptor antagonists, they provide superior heal-                                           acid production. Although they are used to treat
ing rates and symptom relief in peptic ulcer dis-
ease,2-9 reflux esophagitis,10"13 and Zollinger-                                            the same conditions as histamine type-2 receptor
Ellison syndrome.14,15                                                                      antagonists, they differ from the latter drugs in
     Although the two available proton-pump
inhibitors—omeprazole, approved by the US                                                   how they inhibit acid production, and in how they
Food and Drug Administration in 1989, and                                                   should be given. Initial concerns over potential ill
lansoprazole, approved in 1995—are used to
treat the same conditions as H2 receptor                                                    effects of hypergastrinemia due to long-term acid
antagonists, they differ in how they should be                                              suppression with proton-pump inhibitors have
given. There are also a few minor but note-
worthy differences between the two proton-                                                  been unfounded.
pump inhibitors. In the following update we
review the characteristics of proton-pump                                                   KEY POINTS
inhibitors and look at how omeprazole and
lansoprazole differ from each other.                                                        Proton-pump inhibitors provide superior rates of healing
     Another proton-pump inhibitor, panto-                                                  and symptom relief compared with histamine type-2
prazole, is available in Europe and is in clini-                                            receptor antagonists. The inhibition of gastric acid secretion
cal trials in the United States for gastro-
                                                                                            is dose-dependent and long-lasting.
esophageal reflux disease and ulcer disease. Its
clinical efficacy appears similar to the other
proton-pump inhibitors. Pending US Food
                                                                                            The adverse effect profile of proton-pump inhibitors is
and Drug Administration approval, pantopra-                                                 comparable to that of the histamine type-2 receptor
zole should be available in the next 2 years.                                               antagonists.
     Perprazole, an optical isomer of omepra-
zole, is also under investigation. It is purport-                                           Proton-pump inhibitors are given once daily. Taking liquid
ed to have unique pharmacokinetic properties                                                antacids concomitantly does not affect omeprazole
that may lead to rapid resolution of symptoms                                               absorption.
and high, predictable healing rates. A new
drug application is expected to be filed within
the next 2 years. Perprazole will be available
in a new oral dosage form called the "multi-
unit pellet system." This is a tablet that is eas-
ier to swallow because it can be halved or dis-
solved in water for liquid dosing.

                                                                      C L E V E L A N D C L I N I C J O U R N A L OF M E D I C I N E   V O L U M E 65 • N UMBER 1   JANUARY   1998   2 7

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PROTON-PUMP INHIBITORS                                            FRANKO AND RICHTER

                                    •     HOW DO PROTON-PUMP INHIBITORS WORK?                                        H o w p r o t o n - p u m p inhibitors c o m p a r e
                                                                                                                     w i t h h i s t a m i n e - 2 receptor antagonists
                                    Instead of blocking the primary stimuli of                                       Proton-pump inhibitors provide superior heal-
                                    gastric acid secretion (ie, food, gastrin, hista-                                ing rates and symptom relief compared with
                                    mine), the proton-pump inhibitors directly                                       H 2 receptor antagonists.
                                    block the final step of gastric acid produc-                                            • In patients with duodenal and gastric
                                    tion, ie, the hydrogen-potassium ATPase16                                        ulcer, 4-week healing rates were 69% to 100%
                                    enzyme system on the secretory surface of                                        in clinical trials, compared with 58% to 89%
                                    gastric parietal cells—the "acid (proton)                                        for H 2 receptor antagonists.2-9
                                    pump" ( F I G U R E 1 ) .                                                               • In reflux esophagitis, 8-week healing
                                         The inhibition of gastric acid secretion                                    rates were 70% to 92%, compared with 29%
                                    caused by proton-pump inhibitors is dose-                                        to 70% for H 2 receptor antagonists.10-13
                                    dependent and long-lasting, because these                                               • In Zollinger-Ellison syndrome,15-16 a
                                    drugs bind permanently to hydrogen-potassium                                     gastric acid output of less than 10 mmol/hour
                                    ATPase molecules. Because secretion of acid                                      before the next dose is given is universally
                                    can resume only after new molecules of hydro-                                    accepted as the guide to effectiveness of thera-
                                    gen-potassium ATPase are generated, the inhi-                                    py. Relief of symptoms is an unreliable guide.
                                    bition persists long after the drug is cleared                                   Gastric acid secretion can be controlled (
Protoivpump inhibitors for gastric acid-related disease - Cleveland ...
M Acid production and inhibition
  in the gastric parietal cell

                           receptor M g .

                      ?ceptc                                                                                                    (   H+, K+   \
                                                                                                                                (proton pump);


      ine type-2              \
      Dr a n t a g o n i s t s

FIGURE 1. Rather than block one or another of the primary stimuli of gastric
acid production (eg, histamine, gastrin, muscarinic receptors), proton-pump
inhibitors stop acid secretion by inhibiting the final common pathway of
acid production: the acid proton pump, hydrogen-potassium ATPase, on the
surface of the gastric parietal cell. In contrast, anticholinergic drugs block
muscarinic receptors, which normally activate the proton pump via the
calcium-dependent pathway. Histamine type-2 receptor antagonists block
histamine receptors, which normally activate the proton pump via the cyclic
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) pathway. Antacids interact with
hydrochloric acid to increase the gastric pH; gastric acid activity decreases as
the pH rises.

                                                   C L E V E L A N D C L I N I C J O U R N A L OF M E D I C I N E   V O L U M E 65 • N UMBER 1   JANUARY    1998   2 9

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PROTON-PUMP INHIBITORS                                            FRANKO AND RICHTER

                                      In addition to these, a few cases of skin                                       8     DRUG INTERACTIONS
                                  rash have been reported (0.5% to 1%).32'33
                                  Idiosyncratic adverse effects were also report-                                     O m e p r a z o l e drug interactions
                                  ed: gynecomastia, 3 cases; lichen planus, 1                                         Omeprazole                can     bind    to    hepatic
                                  case; subacute myopathy, 1 case; sexual distur-                                     cytochrome P450 I I C and inhibit the
                                  bances, 2 cases; renal failure, 1 case; acute                                       oxidative metabolism of diazepam and
                                  interstitial nephritis, 1 case; and fulminant                                       phenytoin, leading to increased plasma lev-
                                  hepatic failure, 1 case.34 Fewer than 2% of                                         els of these drugs. However, the omepra-
                                  patients treated with omeprazole have with-                                         zole-diazepam and omeprazole-phenytoin
                                  drawn from clinical trials because of adverse                                       interactions are of limited clinical signifi-
                                  events. The adverse event profile of long-term                                      cance. Furthermore, since few drugs are
                                  omeprazole use (up to 6 years) was reported to                                      metabolized mainly by cytochrome P450
                                  be similar to that of short-term omeprazole                                         IIC, the potential for omeprazole to inter-
                                  therapy.31                                                                          fere with the metabolism of other drugs
                                                                                                                      appears to be
                                  Lansoprazole side effects                                                                   Omeprazole also appears to inhibit the
                                  Patients have received lansoprazole for up to 4                                     hepatic metabolism of the R-isomer of war-
                                  years in clinical trials without experiencing                                       farin (which is pharmacologically less active
                                  significant adverse effects. Lansoprazole is                                        than the S-isomer), resulting in a slight
                                  clinically well tolerated. The most common                                          increase in anticoagulation activity. As with
                                  reported adverse reactions35 are gastrointesti-                                     the interactions cited above, studies show that
                                  nal: diarrhea 3.2%, abdominal pain 2.2%,                                            this is not likely to be of clinical signifi-
                                  nausea 1.4%, and constipation 1.1%. Central                                         c a n c e , 4 1 . 4 2 but a single case report indicates

                                  nervous system reactions are the next most                                          that certain individuals may exhibit clinically
                                  frequently reported, with headache 4.7% and                                         important increases.43
                                  dizziness 1%. As with omeprazole, skin disor-                                               Proton-pump inhibitors can inhibit the
                                  ders such as rash and pruritus have also been                                       absorption of drugs such as griseofulvin, keto-
                                  reported in 1.7% of patients.                                                       conazole, itraconazole, iron salts, and
Omeprazole and                         Increases in liver enzymes, hemoglobin,                                        cyanocobalamin, which require acid for
                                  hematocrit, urinary protein excretion, and                                          absorption. Conversely, drugs normally
lansoprazole are                  uric acid levels have been reported. Fewer                                          destroyed by gastric acid (penicillin, didano-
well tolerated,                   than 1.2% of patients treated with lansopra-                                        sine) may show increased absorption.
                                  zole withdrew because of adverse events.35                                                  Interaction with clarithromycin. Con-
with an                                                                                                               comitant administration of omeprazole and
incidence of                      Concerns over l o n g - t e r m t r e a t m e n t                                   clarithromycin may result in increased serum
                                  A consequence of the rigorous inhibition of                                         concentrations of both drugs. Also, the gastric
adverse effects                   gastric acid secretion produced by proton-                                          mucous concentration of clarithromycin may
similar to those                  pump inhibitors is achlorhydria, the absence                                        be increased. Clarithromycin may inhibit the
                                  of free hydrochloric acid. There was concern                                        metabolism (via cytochrome P450 IIIA4) of
of H 2 receptor                   early on that sustained achlorhydria induced                                        omeprazole, while omeprazole may increase
antagonists                       by proton-pump inhibitors could result in ele-                                      the absorption of clarithromycin. The con-
                                  vated serum gastrin concentrations, which in                                        comitant administration of these agents may
                                  turn could produce carcinoid tumors; howev-                                         be beneficial in the treatment of H pylori
                                  er, this has not been shown to be a problem,                                        infections. No adjustment in dosage is neces-
                                  either with long-term omeprazole use in the                                         sary for either
                                  United States or with long-term lansoprazole
                                  use in Europe.36 Achlorhydria produced by                                           Lansoprazole drug interactions
                                  proton-pump inhibitors has led to hypergas-                                         The metabolism of lansoprazole also involves
                                  trinemia and carcinoid tumors only in rats;                                         the hepatic cytochrome P450 enzyme system,
                                  these findings have not been shown to occur                                         but lansoprazole does not appear to signifi-
                                  in other animal species (humans, dogs, guinea                                       cantly interact with other drugs metabolized
                                  pigs, hamsters, mice).37"39                                                         by this system.45

  30   C L E V E L A N D C L I N I C J O U R N A L OF M E D I C I N E   V0   L U M E 6 5 • N U M B ER 1     JANUARY       1998

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Protoivpump inhibitors for gastric acid-related disease - Cleveland ...
     Dosage recommendations for proton-pump                                                                    inhibitors
     INDICATION                                  OMEPRAZOLE                                             LANSOPRAZOLE

     Duodenal ulcer                              20 mg/day up to 4 weeks                                15 mg/day up to 4 weeks
     Gastric ulcer                               20 mg/day up to 8 weeks                                30 mg/day up to 8 weeks
     Reflux esophagitis
      Short-term therapy                         20 mg/day up to 8 weeks                                30 mg/day up to 8 weeks
      Maintenance therapy                        20 mg/day                                              15 mg/day
     Resistant ulcer                             40 mg/day up to 8 weeks*                               30 mg/day up to 8 weeks
     Zollinger-Ellison s y n d r o m e t         60 mg/day§                                             60 mg/day*

     "Twice-daily dosing (doses > 40 mg/day) provides better gastric acid suppression compared with once-daily
     dosing 5 0
     f Titrate for a basal acid output < 10 mmol/h prior to next dose

     •May be increased up to 90 mg twice daily if necessary
     §May be increased up to 180 mg twice daily if necessary


    No clinically significant interactions have                      •      DOSAGE A N D A D M I N I S T R A T I O N
been reported to date in the 2 years since lan-
soprazole has been available in the United                           Proton-pump inhibitors are long-acting, per-
States. As described above with omeprazole,                          mitting once-daily dosing. Both omeprazole
lansoprazole may adversely affect medications                        and lansoprazole are available as delayed-
requiring acid for absorption, while increasing                      release capsules.
absorption of medications normally destroyed                              Omeprazole is available as 10- and 20-mg
by gastric acid.                                                     capsules. It is Lisually given in the morning
                                                                     before breakfast. The recommended dosages
•    BIOAVAILABILITY                                                 are 20 mg daily for 2 to 8 weeks for reflux
                                                                     esophagitis or duodenal or gastric ulcers. A
Omeprazole bioavailability46 increases with                          dosage of 40 mg daily may be required in
repeated administration, suggesting that                             patients with conditions poorly responsive to
either absorption increases or first-pass hepat-                     H 2 receptor antagonists or in patients in whom
ic metabolism becomes saturated, or both.                            ulcers have not healed with omeprazole 20 mg
Food delays the rate, but not the extent, of                         daily (TABLE 1 ) . With higher doses (40 mg per
omeprazole absorption. Concomitant admin-                            day or more), a twice-daily dosing regimen
istration with liquid antacids has no effect on                      (before breakfast and dinner) may provide bet-
omeprazole absorption.                                               ter acid control than once-daily dosing.4?
     Lansoprazole bioavailability decreases                               For patients with Zollinger-Ellison syn-
27% when given with a meal,45 but gastric                            drome, omeprazole 60 mg given daily and
acidity reduction was found to be similar                            titrated to patient response is recommended,
whether lansoprazole was given 30 minutes                            although lower doses (10 to 40 mg per day)
before or 30 minutes after a meal for 7 days.                        are effective. For complicated reflux esophagi-
Concomitant administration of antacids                               tis, omeprazole 20 mg daily is approved for
resulted in a small decrease in lansoprazole                         long-term maintenance therapy. Dosage
absorption. Concurrent administration of lan-                        reductions have not been reported necessary
soprazole and sucralfate reduced lansoprazole's                      in patients with hepatic or renal impairment,
bioavailability by 30%.                                              or in the elderly.

                                                       C L E V E L A N D C L I N I C J O U R N A L OF M E D I C I N E   V O L U M E 65 • N UMBER 1   JANUARY   1998   3 1

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PROTON-PUMP INHIBITORS                                           FRANKO AND RICHTER

                                      Lansoprazole is available as 15-mg and                                       idazole or amoxicillin.
                                 30-mg capsules. Like omeprazole, it is general-                                        After the ulcer has healed, confirming H
                                 ly given in the morning before breakfast. The                                     pylori infection is optional in patients with
                                 recommended dosage is 15 or 30 mg daily for                                       no complications. Patients with bleeding
                                 2 to 8 weeks for reflux esophagitis or duodenal                                   and postoperative patients should be retest-
                                 or gastric ulcer ( T A B L E 1 ) . In lesions refractory to                       ed. H pylori infection is best confirmed by
                                 H2 receptor antagonist therapy, lansoprazole                                      the newly available urea breath test
                                 30 to 60 mg per day for 8 to 12 weeks may be                                      (Meretek Diagnostics, Nashville, TN; Tri-
                                 required. Lansoprazole 60 tng daily titrated to                                   Med Specialties, Charlottesville, VA). After
                                 patient response (15 to 180 mg per day) is                                        ulcer healing and H pylori eradication, the
                                 effective in Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. For                                      proton-pump inhibitor can be stopped.
                                 complicated reflux esophagitis, lansoprazole                                           Lansoprazole has been reported to signifi-
                                 15 mg daily is approved for long-term mainte-                                     cantly affect the accuracy of the MC-urea
                                 nance therapy. Lansoprazole 30 mg daily was                                       breath test (Tri-Med Specialties) by a pH-
                                 reported not to be more effective than 15 mg                                      dependent mechanism causing equivocal or
                                 daily for maintenance t h e r a p y . 4 8 No dosage                               false-negative results in 61% of patients.50
                                 adjustment has been reported to be necessary                                      Proton-pump inhibitors should be stopped at
                                 in patients with hepatic or renal impairment,                                     least 5 days before testing, or as recommended
                                 or in the elderly.                                                                by the test manufacturer.
                                                                                                                        Fewer than 8% of H pylori'negative
                                  Advising patients                                                                patients experience ulcer recurrence within 1
                                  on h o w to t a k e the capsules                                                 year after all acid-suppressive therapy has been
                                  Omeprazole and lansoprazole are stable at neu-                                   discontinued.51
                                  tral pH, but are destroyed by gastric acid.
                                  Therefore, patients not able to swallow cap-                                     Reducing t h e risk of gastric a t r o p h y
                                  sules may be instructed to break open the                                        In patients with gastroesophageal reflux dis-
                                  gelatin-coated capsule and mix the contents                                      ease and H pylori infection, long-term therapy
                                  with a small amount of fruit juice or applesauce                                 with a proton-pump inhibitor can result in
Proton-pump                       immediately before oral administration.                                          more severe gastritis and, after 5 years of treat-
                                  Patients should be advised not to crush the                                      ment, can lead to gastric atrophy in 31% of
                                  enteric-coated grains by stirring or chewing, as                                 patients. Gastric atrophy is thought to be an
directly block                    this exposes the drug to premature breakdown                                     essential step in the cascade of events leading
                                  by gastric acid in the stomach.49                                                to gastric cancer. H pylori detection and eradi-
the final step
                                                                                                                   cation are therefore indicated in patients with
of gastric acid                   •     THE ROLE OF PROTON-PUMP INHIBITORS                                         gastrointestinal esophageal reflux disease who
                                        IN H PYLORI ERADICATION                                                    will be undergoing long-term treatment with a
                                                                                                                   proton-pump inhibitor.52
                                 Duodenal or gastric ulcers unrelated to the
                                 use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs                                       •   THE AUTHORS' PERSPECTIVE
                                 are most often related to H pylori infection.
                                 All patients with active ulcer disease should                                     Proton-pump inhibitors are a major advance
                                 be tested for H pylori infection, by blood                                        in the treatment and management of acid-
                                 serology or by tissue sampling at the time of                                     related disease. Superior healing and symptom
                                 endoscopy for histologic c x a L n i n a t i o n or                               relief, including relief in those conditions
                                 urease test for H pylori. If infection is found,                                  poorly responsive to H2 receptor antagonist
                                 treatment should be started with:                                                 therapy, make them agents of choice. Proton-
                                      • A n acid-suppressing drug, to allow the                                    pump inhibitors have demonstrated a short-
                                 ulcer to heal.                                                                    and long-term safety profile similar to that of
                                      • A double-drug or triple-drug antibiotic                                    H2 receptor antagonists.
                                 regimen to eradicate H pylori. Examples are                                            Proton-pump inhibitors cost more than
                                 tetracycline plus metronidazole and bismuth                                       H 2 receptor antagonists ( T A B L E 2 ) , but they
                                 subsalicylate, or clarithromycin plus metron-                                     appear to be more cost-effective due to their

 32   C L E V E L A N D C L I N I C J O U R N A L OF M E D I C I N E   V 0 L U M E 6 5 • N U M B ER 1    JANUARY   1998

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Protoivpump inhibitors for gastric acid-related disease - Cleveland ...
superior efficacy in short-term treatment of                                                    TABLE               2
duodenal and gastric ulcer, as well as short-
and long-term treatment of complicated                                                              Cost of p r o t o n - p u m p inhibitors
reflux esophagitis.53-55 The improved cost-                                                         compared with histamine type-2
effectiveness is due to shorter treatment peri-                                                     receptor antagonists
ods and lower follow-up costs associated with
                                                                                                    MEDICATION                        DOSAGE                                 COST*
treatment failures. Compared with each                                                                                                                        4 WEEKS                8 WEEKS
other, lansoprazole and omeprazole appear to
be equally safe and effective. Lansoprazole                                                         Histamine type-2 receptor antagonists
may be somewhat less expensive than
                                                                                                    Cimetidine^                      800 mg/day                $83.65                $167.30
omeprazole (TABLE 2 ) .
     Proton-pump inhibitors are gradually                                                           Famotidine                       40 mg/day                 $95.86                $191.72
replacing H2 receptor antagonists in the                                                            Nizatidine                       300 mg/day                $96.00                $192.00
physician's armamentarium for the treatment
of acid-related diseases. This evolution has                                                        Ranitidine^                      300 mg/day                $88.80                $177.60
been hastened by the ready availability of                                                          Proton-pump inhibitors
over-the-counter H 2 receptor antagonists. H 2
                                                                                                    Lansoprazole                     30 mg/day                 $102.68               $205.36
receptor antagonists may still be a reasonable
alternative in patients with gastroesophageal                                                                                        15 mg/day                 $100.75               $201.50
reflux disease characterized by mild symptoms
                                                                                                    Omeprazole                       20 mg/day                 $108.90               $217.80
and minimal to no esophagitis or mild,
uncomplicated peptic ulcer disease.           Ü                                                                                      10 mg/day                 $97.56                $195.12

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PROTON-PUMP INHIBITORS                                           FRANKO AND RICHTER

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                                                                                                                     ADDRESS: Thomas G. Franko, MSC, S107, The Cleveland Clinic
                                                                                                                     Foundation, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195, e-mail

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