All events are dependant upon a change due to the Covid-19 - VOLUME 44 ISSUE 3 DECEMBER 2020 - East Side Irish American Club

All events are dependant upon a change due to the Covid-19 - VOLUME 44 ISSUE 3 DECEMBER 2020 - East Side Irish American Club
VOLUME 44 ISSUE 3                               DECEMBER 2020

All events are dependant upon a change due to the Covid-19
All events are dependant upon a change due to the Covid-19 - VOLUME 44 ISSUE 3 DECEMBER 2020 - East Side Irish American Club
2                                                                                                 SCHANACHIE

                                                          MEMBER JUDY BARTEL HONORED
                                                             FOR WORK WITH HOSPICE
          SAVE THE DATE
                                                              Chief Clinical Officer Judy Bartel, Hospice of the
    December 17, 2020 - White Elephant Event              Western Reserve, has been named Certified Hospice
      January 23, 2021 - Anniversary Dance                and Palliative Care Administrator of the Year by the
                                                          Hospice and Palliative Care Credentialing Center.
      January 31, 2021 - Bluestone Division
                                                          “There are precious few individuals who personify ex-
    Ancient Order of Hibernaians Reverse Raffle           cellence in clinical practice more than Judy,” said Bill
                                                          Finn, president and CEO. She has dedicated 34 years
                                                          to hospice and palliative care. One of her crowning
    ST. PATRICK’S DAY RAFFLE 2021                         achievements was developing Western Reserve Navi-
                                                          gator, a community palliative care program that is still
        It’s that time of year again. We will have raf-   one of the few of its type in the country.
    fle tickets ready for sale at the November Mem-           Congratulations to Judy from every member of the
    bership Meeting. It will be a great time to do
    some holiday shopping.
        We will also have tickets ready for all mem-
    bers to pick up so you can assist with making
    our Club’s fundraiser a great success. Ticket           December Entertainment
    price will remain at $20 each, with a main prize                        7:00 - 10:00
    of $5,000.
        Be one of the first ones to get a chance at               Dec 4th - Marcus Dirk
    being a big winner on St. Patrick’s Day 2021!               Dec 18th - Kevin McCarthy
All events are dependant upon a change due to the Covid-19 - VOLUME 44 ISSUE 3 DECEMBER 2020 - East Side Irish American Club
DECEMBER 2020                                                                                                  3

                                                                 PADRAIC PEARSE CENTER
                                                                    IS ON FACEBOOK
                                                                Follow the Padraic Pearse Center on Facebook for
                                                            suggestions about books, movies, and genealogy tips,
                   BOOKBUZZ                                 as well as updates on upcoming activities. We also
                                                            have a website at Our
     The holidays are once again upon us. They seem to      members are working hard planning some great new
come around faster every year, don’t they? Here are         events for you in 2021 as soon as we can present them
some reading suggestions for you this December.             safely.
     Let’s start with a couple of new biographies about
Irish American politicians.
     The Luckiest Man: Life with John McCain
is a memoir by the senator’s most trusted friend,
                                                                      HE SAID. . .SHE SAID. . .
                                                                   Marilou Donovan and The Membership
Mark Salter. He covers McCain’s childhood, his
naval service, and his 36-year political career. Salter      Email to MLCD@ATT.NET or call 216 409-0818
recounts events in his friend’s life, like moving 20
times as the military brat of a four-star admiral, his          Happy belated birthday to Pat Codney who
five-and-a-half years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam,      celebrated October 26.
and his rise to power in the Senate and failed race for         We are wishing all our December babies the best
the presidency.                                             birthday they’ll have this year: Francis McGarry,
     Catching the Wind: Edward Kennedy and the              December 2; Tim Delaney, December 3; Amy
Liberal Hour by prolific biographer Neal Gabler is          McNally Gallagher, December 4; Nora McGreal,
the story of the rise to power by the youngest brother      December 5; Chris Cooper, Sr., December 7; Kitty
in the Kennedy dynasty. He lived through the death          Cooper, December 10; Kevin Lardie, December 12;
of his charismatic older brother Joseph and the             Ann Clarke King, December 15; Mary McCluskey,
assassinations of brothers John and Robert to become        December 16; Pat Homan, December 17; Dan King,
arguably America’s most powerful senator in history.        December 20; Colleen Visage, December 21; RJ
This is the first of two proposed volumes.                  Behm, December 24; Carol Orozco, Merrie Pyle,
     Here are a few new works of fiction:                   and Emily Lentz-Davis, December 26; Darrin
     The Traveller and Other Stories by mystery writer      Gaffney, Peggy Murphy, and Amy Logan, December
Stuart Neville offers 12 short stories that take place in   27; and Chuck Comiskey and Patrick Caffrey,
Northern Ireland. The stories include chilling tales of     December 29.
horror and noir thrillers.                                      Our sincere sympathies to Mike Walsh and all the
     Exciting Times by Naoise Dolan features a young        Walsh family on the loss of his father, Marty Walsh.
Irish expat living in Hong Kong. Ava is caught in a         Our condolences to the Coyne family on the loss of
love triangle with shy banker, Julian, and affectionate     their wife and mother, Margaret. We also extend our
lawyer, Edith. Which one will fit best into her             sympathies to the extended Keenan family on their
lifestyle?                                                  loss of Evie Adams; and to the extended Flanagan/
     Booker Prize Winner John Banville has written a        DeBernardi families on the death of Kathleen
mystery novel, Snow, set in a country manor in 1957         DeBernardi.
County Wexford. Detective Inspector John Stratford,             Happy 1st Anniversary to the United States Space
a Protestant, is called in during a raging snowstorm to     Force on December 20, “Semper Supra”.
solve the murder of a Catholic priest.
     Look for more reading suggestions at                      Nollaig Shona agus Bliain Nua Shona, and on the Padraic                            Sláintiúil
Pearse Center Facebook page. Happy Reading!                   Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year
     Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy 2021!!!
All events are dependant upon a change due to the Covid-19 - VOLUME 44 ISSUE 3 DECEMBER 2020 - East Side Irish American Club
4                                                                                                               SCHANACHIE

     Membership Has Its Privileges                                                  Ticket Policy
                                                                      Tickets for any event at the Irish American Club
  There were 55 members signed in at the November
                                                                  East Side can be obtained by phone or mail. When
9th meeting.
                                                                  mailing your ticket request, please be sure to include
 New Members for November meeting:                                a self-addressed, stamped envelope and a check made
  Please Welcome: Steven and Nancy Higham, Al                     payable to: Irish American Club East Side. If you pre-
Mandato                                                           order a dinner for an event and do not show up or you
                                                                  do not cancel within 48 hours of the dinner, you will be
   If you paid your dues, but are not receiving The
                                                                  billed by the Club for the price of the meal.
Schanachie, contact Membership Secretary, Kathy
Foster 440.289.4785. The Schanachie is available                       Sue McGill                    Mary Jo Gurry
online on the Club website ( and on               20971 Morris Ave.               5096 Karen Isle
our Facebook page (IACES).                                          Euclid, OH 44123             Willoughby, OH 44094
     If you have a child 18 years of age who has come                 216.386.2194                   216.375.5468
off your Family Membership, we have a membership            
rate of $20 per year until s/he reaches age 21.
                                                                        Tickets for sold out events must be paid for by the
                                                                                   Thursday prior to the event.

    November Monthly Drawing
    Member Wm. Kilroy was not present at the No-                     Monthly Membership Meetings
    vember membership meeting and did not win
    $1,105. Attend the December 14th membership
                                                                         Members are allowed to bring a
    meeting for a chance to WIN $ 1,157.                                dessert for the monthly meetings.
                                                                   Month         Letter          Month           Letter
                                                                   JANUARY       A&B             JULY            N&O
                                                                   FEBRUARY      C&D             AUGUST          P, Q & R
           Club Rental Information                                 MARCH         E&F             SEPTEMBER       S
The Irish American Club is available for rentals of                APRIL         G, H & I        OCTOBER         T, U & V
all sizes. We can accommodate showers, graduations,                MAY           J, K & L        NOVEMBER        W, X, Y & Z
banquets, receptions of all kinds, funerals and of course,         JUNE          M               DECEMBER        All Members
weddings. We have two facilities available, the upper
hall for larger parties and the Phil Walsh Cabaret room
                                                                     Keep up to date with weekly email blasts from the
for smaller parties. Koumbaros is the exclusive caterer
for the upper hall. If you wish to rent the lower hall you            Do you know that the IACES sends out weekly
may bring in your own homemade food but you also                   email blasts with information on upcoming events
have the option of using our club caterer. To reserve              at the IACES, Padraic Pearse and the greater Irish
either the upper hall or the Phil Walsh Cabaret room,              community? If you would like your email address
please call Rick Eberhard 216.338.3774.                            added to this list please contact Sarah Dirk at
                                                          or 216.337.9004.
     If you would like to submit an article for The Schanachie,
    the deadline for the January issue is December 7. You                  “In Memoriam” Plaque
    may continue to send your articles to the Club or
                                                                    In the lower hall there is an “In Memoriam” Plaque with
    you may email them to
    Submission time is not the only criteria for inclusion         the names of deceased members of the Club listed. If you
    and we reserve the right to edit due to content and            have a friend or loved one that was a member of the Club
    space. If you have any questions call Ann Turk at              and has passed away and you would like their name to
    440.943.3088 or Kevin McCluskey at 216.956.2653.               be included on this Plaque, you can send their name and
    Proofreading staff is working from home during the             a check for $50 made out to the Irish American Club or
    Covid-19 virus.                                                you can contact Jean Walsh at 440.942.3207.
All events are dependant upon a change due to the Covid-19 - VOLUME 44 ISSUE 3 DECEMBER 2020 - East Side Irish American Club
DECEMBER 2020                                                                                             5

 Published by the Irish American Club * East Side Inc.
                  Kevin McCluskey, Chairman
               Editor: Ann Turk (440.943.3088)
         Ad Manager: Mary Alice Curran (440.665.8110)
            Circulation: Pat Homan (440.946.6232)
             Contributing Editors: Donna Baioni
                Linda Burke * Marilou Donovan
                      Rosemary Nugent
               Graphic Artist: Wes D. Feathers

   Executive Board Members 2020-2021
    President              Kevin McCluskey       216.956.2653
    Vice President         Linda Walsh           216.538.1358
    Recording Secretary    Anne Bowen            216.870.0268
    Treasurer              Patty Campbell        216.965.3162
    Membership Secretary   Kathy Foster          440.289.4785
    Members at Large       Debbie Arth           216.571.0874
                           Sarah O’Brien Dirk    216.337.9004
                           Chris Faith           440.341.4763
                           Bree Gurry            216.375.5469

                   Club Website:
          Irish American Club: 216.731.4003
                  Pub: 216.731.1189
                Club Fax: 216.731.1189
                 WiFi: Username-IACES
                Password: 2167314003

                                                                         On Air Irish Radio
                                                                10am - 11am: Johnson Brothers Irish Hour
                                                                WKTL FM 90.7
     Pub Hours for Fall & Winter                                                 Sunday
               Monday             CLOSED                        7am - 9am: Sweeney Astray WCBS FM 89.3 &
               Tuesday            CLOSED                        on
               Wednesday        6 PM - 11 PM                    10am - 12 pm: Gerry Quinn’s Irish Hours
               Thursday         6 PM - 11 PM
               Friday           6 PM - 11 PM
                                                                WHK AM 1420 with Colleen Corrigan Day,
               Saturday         6 PM - 11 PM                    Eddie Fitzpatrick & J. C. Sullivan
               Sunday           1 PM - 11 PM                    1pm - 3 pm: Echoes of Erin WCWA AM 1230
                                                                w/John Connolly
                                                                6pm - 7 pm: Song of Britain & Ireland WCPN
                 Sunshine Club                                  FM 90.3 w/Joe Nichols
If you know of a member who is sick or if there has been
a death in the family, Mary Kay Malone, Chairperson             4pm - 6pm: Beyond the Pale WRUW FM 91.1
of the Sunshine Club, will try and send a card on behalf        5pm - 6pm: The Hooley Hour WHK AM1420
of the Club. You can contact Mary Kay at 216.337.4356
                                                                9pm - 10pm: Hooley Hour WHK AM 1420 w/
or send her an e-mail with the
                                                                Tara Quinn & Josh Vaughan
member’s information.
All events are dependant upon a change due to the Covid-19 - VOLUME 44 ISSUE 3 DECEMBER 2020 - East Side Irish American Club
6                                                       SCHANACHIE


                     Construction Company
                    992 E. 185th St,, Cleveland

                    “The Gentlemen Roofers”

    JP Kilroy
    Vaccaro Team
                   Advertise Your Business Here
                                             CALL TOM
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DECEMBER 2020                                                                                           7

                Mayo Society of Greater Cleveland
                      Mayo Society of Greater Cleveland is a tax exempt 501c3 charitable organization

                      The upcoming Mayo Ball is cancelled for
                September 2020, but please watch for the 2021 Ball to
                          be held on September 25, 2021

                     Mayo Society of Greater Cleveland
                              P.O. Box 19185
                          Cleveland, Ohio 44119
All events are dependant upon a change due to the Covid-19 - VOLUME 44 ISSUE 3 DECEMBER 2020 - East Side Irish American Club
8                                                                                                                          SCHANACHIE

THE SCHANACHIE                                                                                                                 PRESORTED
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        Sunday                 Monday            Tuesday        Wednesday          Thursday               Friday               Saturday
                                                            1               2                     3                   4                    5
                                                                                                       Marcus Dirk          Breakfast with
                                                                                                      7:00-10:00 pm        Santa 10 am-1 pm

                    6                      7                8               9                    10                   11                     12
    Christmas Dinner      January Schanachie                                                                                Tailgate Party
         Concert             Articles Due                                                                                       Noon
     New Barleycorn
                   13                   14                 15               16                   17                  18                      19
                          General meeting                                                             Kevin McCarthy
                          7:30 pm & Cash                                                               7:00-10:00 pm
                  20                      21               22               23                   24                   25                     26
                                                                                 Christmas Eve        Christmas Day

                     27                   28               29               30                 31
     Browns @ Jets                                                               New Year’s Eve

                                        Celebrating Irish traditions since 1957
                                                Volunteers Welcome
                                               Noreen Halley — 216.671.1125
All events are dependant upon a change due to the Covid-19 - VOLUME 44 ISSUE 3 DECEMBER 2020 - East Side Irish American Club All events are dependant upon a change due to the Covid-19 - VOLUME 44 ISSUE 3 DECEMBER 2020 - East Side Irish American Club
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