Also: Cricket in America Self-driving cars - Priyanka Chopra - Asian Era

Page created by Yolanda Mclaughlin
Also: Cricket in America Self-driving cars - Priyanka Chopra - Asian Era
Vol 6, No 4 $ 6.75
Turns Bad
for Baywatch
                 Cricket in
Also: Cricket in America Self-driving cars - Priyanka Chopra - Asian Era
Also: Cricket in America Self-driving cars - Priyanka Chopra - Asian Era
Also: Cricket in America Self-driving cars - Priyanka Chopra - Asian Era
Message from the President-CEO
Sure, we are a magazine by and for In-
dian Americans. But we named it The
                                                 A joint Duke University–UC Berke-
                                                 ley study revealed that Indian immi-
                                                                                                   mitted to certain values and a higher call-
                                                                                                   ing. We bring you the rich traditional Indian
Asian Era for a reason. The rise of India        grants have founded more engineering              heritage as well as the latest trends in har-
and China among other Asian countries            and technology companies from 1995 to             monious lifestyle in a well thought out and
as economic and political powers in the          2005 than immigrants from the U.K.,               aesthetically designed package, which en-
21st century presage a new phase of glo-         China, Taiwan and Japan combined.                 compasses film, fashion, food, travel, per-
balization. Here in the US, Indian Amer-                                                           sonal finance, personal growth and more.
icans are a fast growing community               Indian Americans own 50% of all motels
(about 1.25% of the population). As per          and 35% of all hotels in the country, corner-
the 2010 Census data, Indians have sur-          ing a combined market share of $40 billion.
passed Filipinos as the nation’s second-         And of course, as we have heard numer-
largest Asian population after Chinese.          ous times, every seventh patient in Amer-
                                                 ica is treated by an Indian origin doctor.
Indian Americans continuously outpace
every ethnic group socio-economically.           Now, Indian Americans are having their
71% of all Indians have a bachelor’s or          presence felt in media, showbiz & politics too.
higher degree (compared to 28% national-
ly and 44% average for all Asian American        The Asian Era has dedicated itself to tell
groups). Almost 40% of all Indians in the        the Indian American story, to highlight
United States have a master’s, doctorate,        the community’s strengths, triumphs and
or other professional degree, which is five      how we live – and more. The full color
times the national average.                      glossy magazine is indeed one of its kind.

We are also contributing to the growth of
the nation in a tremendous way.
                                                 Moreover, as with our sister publication,
                                                 The South Asian Times, we are also com-
                                                                                                     Ginsmon Zacharia
                                                                                                     President & CEO

Letter from the Editor
                                                                                                   In this issue we have also published poet-
                                                                                                   ry, introducing two poets. And we request
                                                                                                   you too, our reader, to send us for publish-

Dear Reader,
                                                                                                   ing your poems, short stories, essays and
                                                                                                   comments on burning topics of the day.
                                                 After all New Delhi secured the civil
                                                 nuclear deal under President George W.            This is the second issue after repackaging
                                                 Bush. Restrictions on B1 visas maybe a            and redesign. Hope you will like it and rec-
After a long-drawn-out, tumultuous presi-        concern with Trump’s immigration poli-            ommend it to your near and dear ones. We

                                                                                                                  Thank you.
dential election campaign, the result on         cies, but the burgeoning tech industry in         will await your feedback to further serve
November 8 was stunning. Who did we              America will continue to need IT profes-          you better.
vote for? Not that fast. Some on our team        sionals from India.
at The Asian Era are a shade left of center,
and some right of center. We voted – for de-     Barring some key developments in politics
mocracy. Now that Donald Trump is Pres-
ident-elect, we suggest we should all hope
                                                 that we will continue to share with you,
                                                 The Asian Era in its new avatar is in es-
                                                                                                     Parveen Chopra
                                                                                                     Managing Editor
and pray for the best outcome for Amer-          sence a lifestyle magazine. And we have
ica and the world in the next four years.        a rich offering or articles in this year-end
                                                 issue as we had in the relaunch issue. We
The Indian community has a reason to re-         bring you up to date with Priyanka Cho-
joice post-election– four Indian Americans       pra, who continues to embed herself more
have won seats in the House of Represen-         and more in Hollywood and American
tatives, the highest number ever. And in a       showbiz. Back in India, Baba Ramdev is
first, one seat in US Senate too. Kamala         seen in a new avatar – of a business vision-
Harris, the Senator from California, even        ary. His company, Patanjali Ayurved, net-
got mentioned as a potential Democratic          ted Rs 5000 crore in sales this year.
candidate to run for President in 2020.
                                                 Our prolific contributor, Professor Shivaji
As for India, it is certain to see still warm-   Sengupta, has contributed two articles.
er relations with America with Trump in          And his topics reflect the range of in-
White House and Republicans in power             terests he has: self-driving cars and the
in both houses of Congress.                      state of cricket in America.
Also: Cricket in America Self-driving cars - Priyanka Chopra - Asian Era
8   the buzz
     Sorry, Harvard, you are not the best.

10   cover story
     We should pray that Donald Trump grows into
     the mammoth responsibilities of the office of President.
     For India, he may turn out to be a Trump card vis-a-vis Pakistan.

17   politics
     Indian community hails their highest number in US Congress even as
     Kamala Harris is mentioned as a potential 2020 White House candidate.

20   2016 Roundup
     Demonetization, Indo-Pak flare-up, Brexit, ISIS, Syria…

24   Festival
     Writers who revived Christmas, and some party ideas.                         17
26   Business
     Baba Ramdev is using his huge popularity as yoga guru to build a
     business empire, giving a run for their money to FMCG behemoths.

30   Management
     Fusing Jugaad and Mughal Mentality – that is
     the success mantra of Indian companies.                                      26
32   First Person
     Life is bitter-sweet, felt more intensely by immigrants in a foreign land.

36   Health
     The right way to sit, stand and sleep to stay healthy all your life.

40   sports
     With the growing population of South Asians and Caribbeans,
     there is a path to bring cricket back to America.

44   Sci-Tech
     The future of self-driving cars has arrived sooner
     than you thought. By 2020, 10% of all cars will be driverless.

50   cinema                                                                       44
     No other actor of Indian origin has scooped up
     so much success in Hollywood as Priyanka Chopra.

56   Hollywood
     Shooting of a series of Hollywood films in India,
     particularly Rajasthan, is giving a boost to tourism.

58   Travel                                                                       50
     A visit to Bali can be edifying – every house there is a temple.

68   Spirituality
     What are the stepping stones to God’s kingdom?
Also: Cricket in America Self-driving cars - Priyanka Chopra - Asian Era
Letters to the Editor
         NOV-DEC 2016
                                                                                                                                                                   like me. I particularly liked Reshma

                                                    e h

                                                                                                                                              Vol 6, No 3 $ 6.75
                                                 su nc
                                               Is lau
                                                                                                                                                                   Saujani profile. I have always admired

                                                                                                                                                                   her and had a brief association with
Mr. Jagadeesan Poola
                                                                                                                                                                   her ‘Girls Who Code’ movement. Yes,
                                                                                                                                                                   you guessed it right, I am studying
Co-Chair                                                                                                                                                           computer science. I will encourage all
Mrs. Kanchana Poola
                                                                                                                                                                   girls to not be afraid of mathematics,
                                                                                                                                                                   and pursue studies and careers in in-
Publisher                                                                                                                                                          formation technology, which is per-
Kamlesh C. Mehta
                                                                                                                                                                   vading and reshaping all areas of hu-
                                                                                                                                                                   man life, e.g., the Internet of Things.
President & CEO
Ginsmon P. Zacharia
                                                                                                                                                                   Ursulla Singh, New Hyde Park, NY
Managing Editor
Parveen Chopra
                                                                                                         k metro area share

Contributing Editors
                                                  12 accomplished wom
                                                   with The Asian Era the
                                                                          en from the New Yor s & give words of
                                                                           ir sec ret   of   suc
                                                                             ng ones of the Indian
                                                     inspiration for the you * Film * Fashion * Travel * Health * Personal Finance * Spirituality
                                                                                                                                                                    Impressive magazine
Shivaji Sengutpa, Hiral Dholakia-Dave,
Karishma Asoodani, Melvin Durai                                                                                                                                      I happen to come across your maga-

                                               All-positive magazine                                                                                               zine, The Asian Era, and even gave a
                                                                                                                                                                   few copies to the Asian Indians work-
Mahendra Shah                                                                                                                                                      ing at my office. It is a very well edit-
                                                 At the annual International Media                                                                                 ed and well produced magazine. I am
                                               Conference of our Indo American Press                                                                               impressed. Congratulations.
Design                                         Club (IAPC) in October 2016 in Con-
Vladimir Tomovski                              necticut, we made copies of The Asian
Bharat Bhushan Chopra                                                                                                                                                   Steven Swiss, Salisbury, NY
                                               Era magazine available to guests and                                                                                ----------------------
                                               delegates from India and America both.
Printers                                       Most of them were happy to pick up
Mekkati Media Group
                                               copies of the magazine. After browsing
                                               through the newly relaunched maga-                                                                                         We welcome readers
Published by                                   zine as a lifestyle bimonthly, some of                                                                                     to write to the editor
New Delight Media, LLC                         them said they appreciated the for-
76 N. Broadway, #2004                          mat and read the articles with inter-
                                                                                                                                                                          with their comments
Hicksville, NY 11801                                                                                                                                                      (bouquets or brickbats)
                                               est. Some people pointed out that what
Ph: 516-390 -7847
                                               they liked in particular was that there is                                                                                 about The Asian Era
                                               no negativity, all the articles are posi-
Fax: 516-465-1343
                                               tive, inspiring, and life enhancing.
                                                                                                                                                                          and its contents. You                                                                                                                                                    can also mail us, for
INDIA: Pranamam Complex,                                   Varghese Korason,                                                                                              publishing, your views
                                                            General Secretary,
Erumathala PO, Aluva 683112                                                                                                                                               on a burning topic of
Ph: +91 – 4842838763                              Indo American Press Club, NY
                                               ----------------------                                                                                                     the day, or you im-
The publisher does not accept any                                                                                                                                         migration stories, or
liability for errors or inaccuracies
contained in this publication however
they may have been caused. The views
                                                 I am a girl and I code                                                                                                   interesting pictures,
                                                                                                                                                                          maybe your selfies
and opinions expressed in The Asian Era                                                                                                                                   with visiting film
                                                 Being a woman and student (fresher in
are not necessarily those of the publisher.
No part of this publication or any part        college), I read with interest your cover                                                                                  stars and celebs.
of its contents may be reproduced, copied      story on some successful Indian Ameri-
or transmitted in any form without the         can. I think they are indeed role mod-                                                                                     Please write to:
express written permission of the publisher.   els and will inspire a generation of girls                                                                                 parveen
Also: Cricket in America Self-driving cars - Priyanka Chopra - Asian Era
Also: Cricket in America Self-driving cars - Priyanka Chopra - Asian Era
the buzz

  Work with Kolkata women honored in US
     arah Lance, a social entrepre-   women and children in the com-
                                                                                                                   Sarah Lance,
     neur helping women escape        mercial sex trade by offering a
                                                                                                                co-founder of Sari
 the horrors of human traffick-       safe place of gainful employment.                                       Bari, was given the $1
 ing and the sex trade in Kolkata,    She will use the $1 million prize                                       million Opus Prize for
 has been awarded the $1 mil-         money to establish more produc-                                         rehabilitating women
                                                                                                               freed from red light
 lion Opus Prize by Creighton         tion sites, employ more women                                              areas in Kolkata.
 University in Omaha, Nebraska.       and better support current em-
 Lance founded and runs Sari          ployees. Sari Bari ( the word ‘bari’
 Bari that employs women seek-        means “house” in Bengali) has
 ing a new life in the repurposing    been in operation for a decade
 of the traditional Indian sari. “I   and employs about 120 women
 am very humbled and honored,”        in four locations. Each Sari Bari
 said Lance. “This award is for       product - whether it be a blanket,
 the women of Sari Bari and the       throw, accessory or baby item -
 women who have yet to claim          is sewn using the traditional
 freedom.” Sari Bari seeks the        kantha stitch of Bengali women.
 sustainable restoration of the       And each product is marked
 city’s 22 red-light districts and    with the name of the woman
 the prevention of continued ex-      who made it and the buyers be-
 ploitation of the nearly 60,000      come a part of her freedom story.

Doc turns spiritual healer after NDE
                  Dr. Rajiv Parti found new life after a near-death experience (NDE) six years ago. The former chief of anes-
                  thesiology at a hospital in California, who once was caught up in the pursuit of social and material gains, has
                  authored a book called “Dying to Wake Up” about his transformation and journey to spiritual awakening.
                  Driven by success and the American dream, he lived in an 11,000-sq-foot mansion, drove fancy cars. Then, in
                  2008 he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. That led to various medical procedures and finally for an emer-
                  gency surgery to the UCLA Medical Center. During that surgery, Parti found himself floating near the ceiling
                  of the operating theater. With all of his senses intact, he watched his medical team as they struggled to save
                  him, he writes in his book co-authored with Paul Perry, a New York Times best-selling author. When Parti’s
                  consciousness returned to his body, his priorities changed dramatically. He gave up his lucrative career and
                  downsized his life. He went to Dharamsala in India for a Buddhist retreat where he felt the rising of Kundalini.
                  “I also quite often get intuitions which work out well. It has changed me from materialistic anesthesiologist to
                  a more spiritual teacher,” he says. He now advocates a consciousness-based approach to healing.

DID YOU KNOW?                                                                    Coconut milk: Coconut milk is next best to
                                                                                 breast milk, a study by US nutrition specialist Dr.
                                                                                 Josh Axe found has found. It is a good alternative
             Clinton’s credo: Love her or hate her, but
                                                                                 when a baby is not getting breast milk or needs ad-
             you’d admire Hillary Clinton for saying she em-
                                                                                 ditional supplements, and is used in many Asian
             ulates the teaching of her Methodist Church:
                                                                                 countries. Coconut oil is also good for cooking.
             “Do all the good you can, in all the ways you
             can, for all the people you can.”                               Dumb inspiration: People who post or forward
Bhagavad Gita has similar ideal: Service is                                  motivational quotes on Facebook are actually dumb,
the highest religion.                                                        found psychologists from University of Waterloo in
                                                                             Canada. Their study shows a definite link between low
    8 TheAsianEra NOV-DEC 2016                                               intelligence and being impressed by what reads like
                                                                             “profound statements” by gurus like Deepak Chopra.
Also: Cricket in America Self-driving cars - Priyanka Chopra - Asian Era
the buzz

Sorry Harvard, you are not the best
O   xford and Cambridge in
    England have beaten out
Harvard before too. But even
                                    class universities across all of
                                    their core missions – teaching,
                                    research, knowledge transfer
                                                                              University of Oxford, UK
                                                                              California Institute of Technology, CA
                                                                        3.    Stanford University, CA
CalTech, Stanford and MIT have      and international outlook.
                                                                        4.    University of Cambridge, UK
been rated higher than Harvard
in the Times Higher Educa-        It uses 13 carefully calibrated
                                                                        5.    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA
tion World University Rankings    performance indicators to pro-        6.    Harvard University, MA
2016-2017 released recently.      vide the most comprehensive           7.    Princeton University, NJ
Harvard is at number 6. Princ-    and balanced comparisons              8.    Imperial College, UK
eton lower at No 7 and Yale at 12 available, which are trusted by       9.    ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute
did not even make it to top 10.   students, academics, univer-                of Technology, Switzerland
                                  sity leaders, industry and gov-      10.    University of California, Berkeley, CA
Times Higher Education World ernments.
University Rankings, the most
influential in its field, has re- For the record, from Indian
viewed and ranked 980 top universities, Indian Institute of
universities in the world. It is Science, Bangalore is at No 218.
the only global university per- IITs are much lower down the
formance table to judge world list. Here are the top 10.

                           Luminous X-mas gift
                           Come Thanksgiving and we start thinking of Christmas gifts for our near and dear ones. Here
                           is an item, which would also pass the test for a Diwali gift. Lampeez ( lamps are a
                           combination of art and technology that creates an optical 3D illusion. From afar, you will see the
                           design, but as you get up close, you see a thin acrylic, flat glass sheet. They come in changeable
                           color modes like Cyan, Blue, Green, Red, White, Yellow and Purple as well as a flashing mode
                           that displays all colors. We particularly like the Yoga lamp. List price about $50, but sale price
                           less. They ship from Dallas, TX.

                        Deepika Padukone cracks a fee ceiling
                        T   he Bollywood grapevine has it that Deepika Padu-
                            kone is being paid more than her co-star, Ranveer
                        Singh, for the period drama ‘Padmavati’, another
                                                                                   Padmavati is a dramatized account of the
                                                                                   1303 siege of the Chittor fort in Rajasthan.
                                                                                   Alauddin Khilji led the invasion, motivated
                        magnum opus from Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Her hiked          by his desire to capture the beautiful queen
                        fee is said to be Rs 12 crore. Other top actresses in-     Rani Padmini. The Rajputs fought valiantly
                        cluding Priyanka Chopra are still in the Rs 6-8 crore      in the battle, but lost. But when the trium-
                        range. The fashion model daughter of badminton star        phant Alauddin reached the fort he was
                        Prakash Padukone, Deepika had a smashing debut             shocked to know that all the royal women
                        with Om Shanti Om (2007). In 2013, her star power          including Padmini had committed jauhar
                        and histrionics contributed equally – if not more –        (self-immolation). While Deepika plays
                        than her heroes to the success of Yeh Jawaani Hai          Rani Padmini, Ranveer Singh will be seen
 Deepika                Deewani, Chennai Express and Goliyon Ki Raasleela          in the negative role of Alauddin Khilji. The
 Padukone’s             Ram-Leela. In Happy New Year and Piku she outshone         film is scheduled to release in a year’s time.
 first look in          Shah Rukh Khan and Amitabh Bachchan respectively.
                        Bajirao Mastani in 2015 took her to the top of the heap.          NOV-DEC 2016 TheAsianEra 9
Also: Cricket in America Self-driving cars - Priyanka Chopra - Asian Era
cover story

                                   Donal d J. Trump

 Breaking with Past Orthodoxies
    The unlikeliest person to storm into the White House, the businessman-reality TV star is promising
         to upturn established political norms, think anew on trade and foreign policy, and even
               defy Republican dogmas -- all to make it better for America and Americans.

  By Parveen Chopra           well as policy prescriptions   stands, frustrating people on      is helping the Assad regime
                              put simply, refreshing. Once   the left and right. President      fight rebels and ISIS in Syria,
Donald J. Trump will be the   in the race, he was single-    Obama voiced the hope which        the regime that is also sup-
first US president never to   mindedly went about to win     many Americans too must be         ported by Iran, and yet he
have held elected office or   the White House. Help came     feeling that Trump is not ide-     denounces the Iran-US deal.
served in the military.       from unexpected quarters –     ological, and his pragmatism       But then politics is the art of
                              his Democratic rival Hillary   may lead him to formulate pol-     managing contradictions.
He ran virtually as a third   Clinton now blames her de-     icies and take decisions which
party candidate, not fully    feat to Russian meddling in    will be in the best interests      Trump has also accom-
supported by the Republi-     the election and FBI Direc-    of America, if not the world.      modated – or tried to - his
can establishment. The feisty tor James Comey’s putting                                         critics and those in the ri-
billionaire spoke his mind    his thumb on the scale.        On foreign policy, his call with   val party. He almost gave
- throwing political correct-                                the president of Taiwan indi-      the Secretary of State job to
ness to the winds. Many As President-elect too, Trump        cated a new tack that USA can      Mitt Romney, and has an-
Americans found his direct has been unconventional - in      follow with China. Trumps          nounced Nikki Haley as am-
style of communication as his cabinet picks, or political    supports Vladimir Putin who        bassador to the UN.

  10 TheAsianEra NOV-DEC 2016
cover story

 President Obama has called Donald Trump non-ideological, voicing the hope of many that the 45th President’s prag-
 matic policies and decisions may do America and Americans good after years of partisan gridlock in Washington DC.

He has met with Democratic     social social security and        In the word of Time magazine     sident Trump is different.
Congresswoman Tulsi Gab-       Medicare. He believes we          why they made him Person         What if he succeeds in uniting
bard for possible position     need to cut taxes, but advo-      of the Year: “For reminding      the country, and improving
in his administration and      cates for a tax on the wealthy.   America that demagoguery         the life of a majority of Amer-
taken in Democratic sympa-     The $1 trillion Trump pro-        feeds on despair and that        icans, bringing back jobs, etc.
thizer Indra Nooyi, Pepsico    poses to spend on infrastruc-     truth is only as powerful as
CEO, in his economic and       ture would be anathema to         the trust in those who speak     Whatever Trump has done
strategy advisory council.     Republicans who had op-           it, for empowering a hidden      or said since November 8
                               posed Obama’s billion stimu-      electorate by mainstreaming      is not a bad beginning. His
Except on immigration where lus after the 2008 economic          its furies and live-streaming    favorability rating is now
Trump may be to the right of meltdown and rail against           its fears, and for framing to-   above 45 % -- a big improve-
Republicans, on many other rising national debt.                 morrow’s political culture       ment from exit polls on Elec-
issues, he diverges from their                                   by demolishing yesterday’s,      tion Day when voters rated
hallowed if calcified posi- This is not to deny that             Donald Trump is TIME’s           him 38% positive.
tions. He was for abortion Trump’s election has dis-             2016 Person of the Year.”
rights before he was pro-life. mayed tens of millions of                                      For all you know, Trump
He rails against Obamacare, Americans, making them dis-          That pronouncement is based may turn out to be one of
but favors universal health- traught. For the naysayers,         on Trump as he was on the the best Presidents America
care. He also wants to save he has divided the country.          campaign trail. What if Pre- has known.

                                                                                           NOV-DEC 2016 TheAsianEra 11
cover story

            Meet the President Elect
                           The official b io graphy
Donald J. Trump is the           School of Finance, and an ac-      The Trump organization         His motto has been to “Make
very definition of an Ameri-     complished author – having         owns some of the world’s top   America Great Again” by
can success story, continu-      authored over 15 bestsellers,      properties. Mr. Trump has      bringing jobs back to Amer-
ally setting the standards       Mr. Trump has devoted his          been recognized for both his   icans through renegotiated
of excellence for real estate,   life to growing a company          business accomplishments       trade deals and a reformed
sports and entertainment.        and expanding prosperity           and his deep passion for the   tax code, securing our bor-
In New York City and around      for his family and the tens of     country. He has long been      ders and restoring the rule
the world, the Trump signa-      thousands of Americans he          a devoted supporter of vet-    of law, repealing and replac-
ture is synonymous with the      has employed.                      erans’ causes, and has been    ing Obamacare, strengthen-
most prestigious addresses                                          honored by the Pentagon for    ing our military, caring for
in the world.                    Mr. Trump began his busi-          his commitment to restoring    our veterans, and unifying
                                 ness career in an office he        the dignity of the New York    Americans. He believes that
Mr. Trump was born in            shared with this father in         City’s Veterans Day Parade     the United States of America
Queens, New York, and is         Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn,          after it had been neglected    is the greatest country in the
married to Melania Trump         New York. He worked with           and poorly managed.            world, and that the Ameri-
and father to Donald Trump,      his father for five years during                                  can people unified and
Jr., Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany,      which time his father often        Mr. Trump entered the          working toward a common
and Barron. He is a proud        stated, “some of my best deals     2016 presidential campaign     goal can restore our stand-
grandfather of seven.            were made by my son, Don-          because he was deeply con-     ing around the world as a
                                 ald… everything he touch-          cerned about the direction     beacon of freedom, strength
A graduate of the Wharton        es seems to turn to gold.”         of the country.                and prosperity.

New Yorkers can rejoice and stress out - the Trump Tower on
5th Avenue in mid-Manhattan will become the north White
House, certainly so on weekends – and the attendant security
and traffic gridlocks. This is because Melania Trump will be-
come the First Lady who has refused to move to 1600 Pennsyl-
vania Av in Washington DC – at least for some months.

   12 TheAsianEra NOV-DEC 2016
cover story

  India’s Trump card                                                                         erful countries were pres-
                                                                                             surizing smaller nations to
                                                                                             exempt India in the admis-
                                                               T here was a time when In- sion process to the NSG.”
                                                               dia-Pakistan stayed hyphen-
                                                               ated – both were treated Also, While Pakistan emis-
                                                               equally by America and were saries drew a blank, India’s
                                                               kept equidistant. That start- Foreign Secretary S. Jaishan-
                                                               ed changing during presi- kar interacted with senior
                                                               dencies of Bill Clinton and leaders of Trump’s transition
                                                               George W. Bush. Now the team on the NSG issue.
                                                               US has no hesitation in
                                                               calling India its special de- Even when Trump looked
                                                               fense partner. Well, with like a long shot, Indian
                                                               President Trump, Pakistan Americans like Shalabh Ku-
                                                               is fearing a further tilt to- mar, founder of Republican
                                                               wards its adversary No 1.     Hindu Coalition, and Dr
                                                                                             A.D. Amar, who founded In-
                                                               India is hoping for a stron- dian Americans for Trump,
                                                               ger backing from Trump supported his campaign, so
                                                               on the Nuclear Suppliers that the community – tradi-
Donald Trump attended an event in October organized by         Group (NSG) membership tionally leaning Democrat -
the Republican Hindu Coalition, founded by Shalabh Kumar       and other issues. Islamabad does not put all their eggs in
(right). Photo: Gunjesh Desai/MasalaJunction.                  recently alleged that “pow- Hillary Clinton’s basket.

  Democratic presidential no-
  minee Hillary Clinton has         The mistakes Hillary made
  recently blamed FBI director      ever he went, alarm bell   rarely give a third term      back down from in-
  James Comey and Russian           should have rung in        to the same party.            creasing the number of
  hacking for her loss in the       her camp.                                                Syrian refugees allowed
  November 8 election. Now of                                  She was so confident of       into the country, thus
  course, we all are experts and    She did not have an        her blue wall that she        ceding ground to the ag-
  can do post-mortem of why         identifiable agenda,       neglected states like         gressive Republican.
  she lost while till a couple of   what she stood for.        Wisconsin (not a single
  days before the election, she                                visit after she was           Well, readers can write to us
  was considered by pollsters       The Obama presidency       nominated).                   telling us their assessment
  and pundits to win the close      or her campaign did not                                  of why Hillary lost. Wealthy
  election. Well here are our       try to address the prob-   When Trump was harp-          Democrats and donors who
  two cents, some which others      lems of the Rust Belt –    ing on ISIS threat, and       helped pump over $1 billion
  have also discussed:              her Waterloo.              ordinary folks felt it was    into Hillary Clinton’s losing
                                                               an issue, she did not         effort certainly want answers.
  Hillary Clinton felt en- She was too beholden
  titled to the presidency;to Obama, and shied
  she believed during the  away from adopting
  campaign that it was     independent positions
  under her belt already.  on issues. She was thus
                           dubbed a third term of
  When thousands crowd- Obama. And history is
  ed Trump’s rallies wher- witness that Americans

    14 TheAsianEra NOV-DEC 2016
cover story

Mike Pence’s power play                                                                            nections: As Trump has
                                                                                                   turned his attention from
                                                                                                   campaigning to governing,
Trump’s second-in-command holds sway over cabinet, soothes conservatives.
                                                                                                   Pence’s experience and re-

I  ndiana Governor Mike
   Pence, now Vice President-
elect, is in a great place. The
                                 to make it clear Paul Ryan
                                 should remain Speaker. It
                                 was Pence whose finger-
                                                                 are serving as reassurance to
                                                                 anxious Republicans eager to
                                                                 see a conservative influence
                                                                                                   lationships, particularly on
                                                                                                   Capitol Hill, have become
                                                                                                   more valuable. He remains
genial grey-haired main is       prints are on the selection     on the White House.               close to many of his former
not only well-liked, he is       of at least four of the eight                                     colleagues, including Ryan
helping pick Donald Trump’s      nominees to Trump’s ad-         “Mike is heavily consulted        and Majority Leader Kevin
Cabinet members, soothing        ministration so far — Kansas    and right in the middle of it     McCarthy, who will be in-
conservatives’ anxieties and     Rep. Mike Pompeo, South         all,” says a former aide to the   strumental in delivering on
perhaps most importantly         Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley       Indiana governor. “Mike’s         Trump’s agenda and who are
for Trump, turning into the      and Georgia Rep. Tom Price.     influence is very real, judging   invested in empowering the
healer-in-chief for a frac-      Seema Verma, Trump’s In-        from the nature of the picks.”    man they consider the voice of
tured Republican Party.          dian American pick to head      Pence’s newfound stature          the conservative movement
                                 the Centers for Medicare &      stems largely from his con-       in the Trump White House.
He may not have the power or Medicaid Services, worked
mystique of Dick Cheney, but with Pence to design Indi-
it’s clear that Pence is already ana’s Medicaid expansion.
assuming a serious and work-
manlike role as vice president- And it was Pence who helped
elect, shoring up Trump’s close the deal with Carrier,
weaknesses in governing and which marked the first de
intra-party relationships. facto policy victory of the
Soon after the November Trump administration, while
8 election, Pence replaced his “Art of the Deal” presi-
New Jersey Governor Chris dent-elect swept in this week
Christie as head of the tran- to claim credit before a fren-
sition team, and things have zied audience.
been smoother since.
                                 Those assignments are a sig-
It was Pence who made the nal of the weighty role Pence
call on Trump’s behalf to is already playing, and they

                                                                                          family tree
                                                                                           While Melanie Trump has
                                                                                           decided against moving
                                                                                           into the White House as
                                                                                           First Lady, choosing to stay
                                                                                           back in New York, Ivanka
                                                                                           (and her husband Jared
                                                                                           Kushner), Eric and Trump
                                                                                           Jr may play a role in their
                                                                                           father’s administration.

                                                                                           NOV-DEC 2016 TheAsianEra 15
cover story

M      ost of President-elect’s
       nominees for cabinet       Generals and billionaires
                                  in Trump cabinet
level positions have been
                                                                                                       House Budget Committee
criticized by the Democrats                                                                            Chairman from Georgia, is a
& liberal press. The one fact                                                                          champion of the GOP’s efforts
all agree on is that there are    Secretary of                       has pushed forcefully for         to abolish Obamacare and
                                                                                                       replace it with free-market
quite a few retired generals      Homeland Security                  private school voucher
                                                                                                       health policy ideas.
                                                                     programs nationwide.
& a few billionaires among
                                  Gen. John F. Kelly
his picks. Of course, the ca-                                        Attorney General                  Secretary of Housing
                                  has clashed with the Obama
binet picks have to be approv-                                                                         & Urban Development
ed by the Senate in hearings.
                                  administration over some issues.   Jeff Sessions
                                                                     Senator from Alabama,
                                  Secretary of Treasury
Secretary of State                                                   known for his hard-line
                                  Steve Mnuchin                      views on immigration.

                                  former Goldman Sachs
                                  executive, former Trump
                                  campaign finance chairman.         Protection Agency
                                  Secretary of Commerce              Scott Pruitt
                                  Wilbur Ross                        Oklahoma attorney general,
                                                                     is part of a coalition of state
                                  a venture capitalist who
                                  buys businesses in distress.
                                                                     attorneys general suing the
                                                                     agency over the administra-
                                                                                                       Ben Carson,
                                                                                                       Retired Neurosurgeon
                                                                     tion’s Clean Power Plan.
                                  Secretary of Education                                               He ran against Trump in the
Rex Tillerson,                                                       Health & Human Services
CEO, Exxon Mobil                  Betsy DeVos                                                          primary is now his highest
                                                                                                       profile African American
He has worked extensively         billionaire philanthropist,        Tom Price                         supporter and confidant.
around the globe for Exxon
Mobil. Rudy Giuliani and
Mitt Romney were also
considered for the most
important cabinet post.
                                      Nikki Haley will be US envoy to UN
Secretary of Defense                  President-elect Donald Trump has named two-time Governor of South Carolina Nikki
                                      Haley as his choice for Ambassador to the United Nations. The 44-year-old will be-
                                      come the first 0Indian American to hold a cabinet rank at the federal level. Haley
                                      (born Namrata Randhawa) lacks international affairs experience. Her overseas work
                                      has been limited to international trade missions on behalf of her state. But she would
                                      be considered a moderating voice among Trump’s national security picks, and some-
                                      one who would bring polished political and communications skills to the world body.

                                      Trump also selected a second Indian Ameri-
                                      can, Seema Verma, for a high-level position
                                      in his administration, assigning her “to the
                                      dream team that will transform our health-
General                               care system,” a major campaign promise.
James Mattis,                         Verma, who has worked closely on health-
Retired Marine General                care with Vice President-elect Mark Pence
He led operations in the
                                      in Indiana state, is to be the Administrator
Middle East. He will need             of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Congress to pass legisla-             Services overseeing government health in-
tion to bypass a law that             surance programs. Trump has also asked
secretaries of defense
must not have been on                 Preet Bharara to continue as U.S. Attorney
active duty in 7 years.               for the Southern District of New York.

                                                           Gov Nikki Haley will become
       16 TheAsianEra NOV-DEC 2016                          the first Indian American to
                                                           hold a cabinet rank position.

                                 Community hails highest
                                 number in Congress
                                 W     ith five Indian-Americans,
                                       including two women,
                                 elected to the US Congress, eu-
                                                                       paign funding impropriety.
                                                                       Seattle based, self-proclaimed
                                                                       feminist Pramila Jayapal, en-
                                                                                                      This is a moment of celebration,”
                                                                                                      said M R Rangaswami, a Silicon
                                                                                                      Valley-based investor, entre-
                                 phoric community members              dorsed by Senator Bernie Sand- preneur and philanthropist. He
 Rep. Ami Bera has been
                                 said that the unprecedented           ers, has also become the first In-
                                                                                                      hoped this would encourage
 elected for a third term        victory shows they have be-           dian-origin woman to become    others from the community to
     from California.            come part of the mainstream           a member of the US Congress.   run for not only Congressional
                                 political landscape.                                                 elections, but also those at state
                                                                       Raja Krishnamoorthi, a former and city levels.
                                 Kamala Harris, who was elected        Obama aide, won from Illinois,
                                 to the Senate, and Pramila            after being endorsed by Presi- “We are growing up and growing
                                 Jayapal, Raja Krishnamoorthi          dent Obama.                    out,” said Sekhar Narasimhan,
                                 and Ro Khanna to the House of                                        an activist in the Greater Wash-
                                 Representatives - entered one of      Rohit “Ro” Khanna, 40-year- ington area. He has been en-
                                 the citadels of democracy for the     old, avenged his defeat at the couraging young Indian-Amer-
                                 first time, leading to celebrations   hands of fellow-Democrat Mike icans to run for elected offices.
                                 among community members.              Honda in 2014.
Self-proclaimed feminist                                                                              Ajai Jain Bhutoria from Califor-
Pramila Jayapal has be-          Rep Ami Bera was also de-             All 5 Indian Americans in the nia, who too had raised funds
 come the first Indian-          clared elected for a third con-       next House of Representatives for these candidates, said: “This
origin woman to become
a member of US Congress.         secutive term, overcoming his         and Senate are Democrats. “It is matter of pride for Indian-
                                 father’s conviction on cam-           is a no mean achievement.      American community.”

                                     Even as the 2016 Presidential elec-
                                     tion resulted in a major blow for the
                                                                                            Kamala Harris may run
                                     Democrats, talk of who will be the                     for President in 2020
                                     front-runners from the party for 2020
                                     has already started. First Lady Michelle
                                     Obama has taken herself out of the
                                     contention. The name of Indian-Ameri-
                                     can Kamala Harris, who will take oath
Raja Krishnamoorthi was              of office as US Senator, is already being
 endorsed by President
 Obama and won a Con-                touted by some TV talking heads and
gressional seat from Illinois.       others, as reported by the Washington
                                     Post. Representing the largest and most
                                     Democratic state, California, her posi-
                                     tion will be a huge financial launchpad
                                     for the presidential bid. Harris, whose
                                     mixed-parentage is traced to Chen-
                                     nai and Jamaica, is one of the six top
                                     contenders getting mentioned. Others
                                     include Senator Amy Klobuchar from
                                     Minnesota and Senator Kirsten Gilli-                   Kamala Harris, first US Senator of Indian
                                     brand from New York. Her background                    origin, is being touted as a potential
                                     as having served as attorney general in                presidential candidate in 2020
  Ro Khanna defeated
 8-term incumbent Mike               California for two terms will appeal to
  Honda for the Silicon              many Democrats. She clinched the Sen-                             NOV-DEC 2016 TheAsianEra 17
Valley Congressional seat.           ate seat by a landslide.

Trump effect on US-India relations
  By George Abraham               serious concerns among the        treaties with India as well.      time will tell how adversely
                                  Indian community in US,           Trump called the H1B visa         the incoming Trump admin-
Following the stunning vic-       which overwhelmingly sup-         program as ‘unfair’ and criti-    istration would impact it.
tory by Mr. Donald J. Trump       ported Hillary Clinton for        cized the Democratic candi-
for the presidency of the         President this election. Al-      date Hillary Clinton for her      Mr. Trump has promised to
United States, the question       though Indian Americans are       support for outsourcing of        reform the Tax Code and is
many Indian Americans are         mostly conservative in their      jobs. Although H1B was de-        calling for a tax reduction
asking is what kind of an         social outlook and not nec-       signed to provide a temporary     down to 15% for the corporate
impact this would have on         essarily cleansed out of their    workforce, there have been        sector. He has vowed to bring
the US-India relationship.        caste affiliations or prejudi-    widespread allegations of         the offshore deposits of multi-
President George W. Bush          cial minds, Trump’s propos-       abuse that may have resulted      national corporations back to
was instrumental in bringing      als dealing with issues such      in American labor being sup-      US to revitalize the economy
this bilateral relationship to    as Immigration and Trade          planted by many of those for-     and to rebuild the infrastruc-
a new height with his open        have unnerved them. Also,         eign temporary workers. With      ture. If he succeeds with his
and aggressive advocacy for       many seem to have justifiable     Alabama Senator Jeff Ses-         proposals in Congress, that
the Indo-US Civil Nuclear         apprehensions on the possi-       sions in line to take charge of   will tantamount to a paradigm
Treaty. This created a contin-    ble rise of the far right move-   the Justice Department as At-     shift in tax policies resulting
uum that carried through the      ments that could threaten         torney General -- considered      in a friendlier ecosystem for
Obama years to further de-        their safety and the economic     by many as more hawkish on        business in America espe-
velop and foster this relation-   stability of their children.      Immigration issues -- we may      cially in the area of manu-
ship into a strategic alliance.                                     see a limit on the H1B en-        facturing. That could re-
                            Although some of those con-             tries and new guidelines for a    duce the appetite for many
                            cerns are beyond the pale, this
Donald Trump is not a strang-                                       stricter adherence to the law.    businesses to jump on the
er when it comes to dealing just concluded election has its         However, it could also be a       bandwagon of the ‘Make in
with Indians -- his businessconsequences not only for the           boon for India where these        India’ push by India’s Prime
undertakings in Pune and    community but also for the              technical hands may experi-       Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi.
Gurgaon are clear evidence  US-India relationship, espe-            ment with their ideas in their    President-elect Trump is al-
of that existing bond. Also,cially when it comes to Trade           homeland rather than in Sili-     ready under pressure to stop
we have witnessed a surge   and Immigration. Trump’s                con Valley where 44% of the       Obama Administration’s ef-
of support for him from the ‘America First’ populist slo-           startups have an immigrant        forts to strike a deal to build
Indian community in the US  gan was a shot across the bow           founder. India’s software ser-    F-16 Fighting Falcons and
spearheaded by businessman  at the globalists and one that          vices accounted for $82 bil-      F/A-18 Super Hornets in In-
Shalabh ‘Shalli’ Kumar, who was fully embraced by the               lion worth of exports to North    dia to replace an aging fleet
has not only raised campaignblue collar workers of Amer-            America in 2015 and only          of Russian-made fighters.
                            ica. There is a widespread
funds for the President-elect
but also arranged a large   feeling in the US, particu-
                                                                                                                                 (Photo courtesy: AP)

gathering in New Jersey in  larly among the white work-
honor of him. At the outset,ing class, that globalism has
one may also wonder wheth-  decimated the middle class
er Shalli Kumar, who is saidhere while creating it in coun-
                            tries like China and India.
to be close to the Sangh Pari-
var organizations in India, Although putting tariff and
                            trade restrictions are anath-
acted alone or with blessings
from those power centers!   ema to the Republican ortho-
                            doxy, Trump may try to rene-
Regardless, the election of gotiate many of the existing
Donald Trump has raised trade deals that may include

                                                                    The Republican Hindu Coalition floated by Chicago businessman
  18 TheAsianEra NOV-DEC 2016                                       Shalabh Kumar hosted an event in Edison, NJ on Oct. 15, 2016
                                                                    where Donald Trump spoke said some nice things about India.
In the area of foreign poli-    radicalism may also play into                                         Many Indian Ameri-
cy, India may stand to gain     the hands of India as Paki-                                           cans have justifiable
as Trump has repeatedly         stan has become a hotbed of
                                                                                                      apprehensions on the
slammed China for its mon-      terrorism and stands to lose
etary policies and unfair       billions of dollars in aid with                                       possible rise of the
trade practices. His recent     a change in policy. However,                                          far right movements
conversation with Taiwan-       there is a little doubt that                                          that could threaten
ese President Tsai Ing-wen      with the continuing US in-                                            their safety and the
was not seen as an accident     volvement in Afghanistan,
                                                                                                      economic stability of
but probably setting a new      Trump may have any flexibil-
tone for his administration.    ity to punish Pakistan for its                                        their children. Al-
Trump may carry on with the     protection of the terrorist el-                                       though some of those
Obama policies of increased     ements in their backyard that                                         concerns are beyond
cooperation with India in the   are creating havoc across the     Donald Trump and PM Modi            the pale, this just con-
strategic and defense areas     border with India. Trump’s        have never met (this image
                                                                   is photoshopped) but they          cluded election has
as a bulwark against an ag-     attitude towards Vladimir
gressive and menacing China     Putin, the President of Rus-
                                                                  are likely to get along well.       its consequences not
in the Asian theater. Trump’s   sia, and his willingness to co-   ing his Pune project in 2014,       only for the commu-
tough stand against Islamic     operate with the cold war rival   Trump said that India had           nity but also for the
                                         may lessen India’s       become a ‘top place’ in the         US-India relationship.
             Writer is a former Chief    concern arising from     international rollout of his
             Technology Officer of the the threat of ISIS or      property empire. Overall,        to build on the improved re-
             United Nations & Chair- similar threats. In an       Trump has shown a very posi-     lationships promoted by two
             man of Indian National      interview with Forbes    tive approach to India and let   of the successive US Presi-
             Overseas Congress (I)       India, while launch-     us hope that he will continue    dents before him.

  19 TheAsianEra NOV-DEC 2016
2016 roundup

                     T     h     e          I    n     d     i    a      n         s     t    o     r y
In a historic step, the Modi gov-
ernment clamped demonetiza-          Note ban: Some pain for long term gain
tion of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes on December 2016. People could,
however, exchange them with new Rs 500 and Rs 2000 bank notes.
Notes of Rs 100 and lower remained legal tender. The government
claimed that demonetization was an effort to stop counterfeiting of
the current bank notes allegedly used for funding terrorism, as well
as a crack down on black money in the country. However, in the fol-
lowing days, banks and ATMs across the country faced severe cash
shortages, which had detrimental effects on many small businesses,
agriculture, and transportation, while people seeking to exchange
their notes faced lengthy waits. The drastic step received support
from several bankers as well as from some international commenta-
tors, although it was criticized by members of the opposition parties.

India-Pakistan flare-up                                   On July 8 a popular
                                                          Kashmiri militant
leader Burhan Muzaffar Wani was cornered by the security forces and killed.
                                                                                               A protest in Karachi
                                                                                              with a picture of slain
                                                                                              Kashmiri militant Wani
Protests and demonstrations followed and led to an “amplified instability”
in the Kashmir valley. Pakistan played up Wani’s ‘sacrifice’. After couple of
attacks on Indian forces by infiltrators from the other side, India conducted
“surgical strikes” in September end against militant launch pads across the
Line of Control in Pakistani-administered Azad Kashmir. Islamabad rejected
the claim of surgical strikes, stating that Indian troops had only skirmished
with their troops at the border. Exchange of fire along the border in Kashmir
continued. India refused to take part in the SAARC summit in Islamabad in
November, scuttling it. At Heart of Asia meet in Amritsar in December, India
and Afghanistan lashed out at Pakistan, dubbing it a terror sanctuary.

US-India defense partners                                       In a significant development, the United States in early Decem-
                                                                ber designated India as its “major defense partner”. The desig-
nation was accorded to India following US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s meeting with Indian Defense Minister Mano-
har Parrikar. “The designation of a ‘Major Defense Partner’ is a status unique to India and institutionalizes the progress made
to facilitate defense trade and technology sharing with India to a level at par with that of the United States’ closest allies and
partners,” a joint statement issued after the meeting read. “Both sides exchanged views on regional security issues including
the threat posed by terrorism. They agreed to continue further strengthening the bilateral counter-terrorism cooperation and
underlined the need to ensure that terror groups receive no patronage from any state,” the joint statement said.

Final Farewells
J. Jayalalithaa, 5-term CM of Tamil Nadu, born 1948.
Abdul Sattar Edhi, Father Teresa of Pakistan, born 1928.
M. Balamuralikrishna, Carnatic vocalist, born 1930.
Mrinalini Sarabhai, classical dancer/instructor, born 1918.
Cho Ramaswamy, political satirist, playwright, born 1934.

   20 TheAsianEra NOV-DEC 2016
2016 roundup

 In the world
                                                   to October because Russia had reduced its air strikes on ISIS and concen-
                                                   trated on supporting the Assad regime in Syria. In end November, after
                                                   clashes with ISIS militants, the Iraqi forces recaptured the historic city of
                                                   Nimrud near Mosul, as part of the Mosul Operation. Also in November, a

                          Brexit                   Syrian Kurdish and Arab force backed by US air strikes launched an offen-
                                                   sive against the Islamic State’s de facto Syrian capital at Raqqa.

                          wins Syrian forces gain ground
                          vote                     The Syrian civil war seems to be winding down after almost five years of
                                                   turmoil and hundreds of thousands dead. The war grew out of the unrest of
 The United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the          the 2011 Arab Spring and escalated to armed conflict after President Bashar
 European Union came to be known as Brex-          al-Assad’s government violently repressed protests calling for his removal.
 it (British exit). In the referendum of June      The war is being fought by several factions: the Syrian Government and its
 2016, 52% favored leaving the EU. The UK          various supporters, and the Islamic State (ISIS). The factions receive sub-
 was scheduled to start the procedure for          stantial support from foreign actors, leading many to label the conflict a
 withdrawing by March 2017, on a course to         proxy war waged by both regional and global powers. By the end of the year,
 leave the EU by March 2019. The terms of          Assad, with the help of Russian forces, was gaining ground in the conflict. In
 withdrawal have not yet been negotiated,          November end, the Syrian government forces launched a military offensive
 and there is much confusion. Soon after the       and started taking back large swathes of the rebel-held districts in Aleppo.
 referendum, Prime Minister David Cameron
 had to step down and the ruling Conservative
                                                      The Syrian boy,
 Party elected Theresa May to replace him.
                                                      Omran Daqneesh,

 ISIS in retreat
                                                      whose impassive,
                                                      bloodied and dust-
                                                      covered image in
 The Islamic State (ISIS), which struck terror        August went viral,
                                                      showing horrors of
 in the world with its barbaric ways and ter-         war-torn Aleppo,
 rorist attacks with impunity in many parts of        reminiscent of the
 the world, was in retreat in 2016. In October,       picture of a child’s
                                                      body on a Turkish
 the BBC reported that ISIS had lost more
                                                      beach raised sym-
 than 25% of its territory in Syria and Iraq          pathy for Syrian
 since January 2015. However the rate of loss         refugees in 2015.
 of territory had slowed in the three months

                           Donald Trump’s win over Hillary Clinton in a contentious presidential election was the biggest news
                           story of the year. But there were other stories. Omar Mateen killed 50 at the Pulse nightclub in Or-
                           lando, a terror/hate crime, and the deadliest mass shooting in US history. A sniper attack in Dallas
took the lives of five police officers. A water crisis in Flint, Michigan, plagued the city’s residents. Team USA won 121 medals dur-
ing the Summer Games, the most by any country, led by the standout performances of the “Final Five” women’s gymnastics team
and swimming sensation Michael Phelps. Microsoft acquired LinkedIn for $26.2 billion, and AT&T merged with Time Warner.

Final Farewells
Fidel Castro, Cuba supremo, took on America, born 1926.
Muhammad Ali, legendary American boxer, born 1942.
Nancy Regan, American actress, First Lady, born 1921.
John Glenn, 1st US astronaut to orbit earth, born 1921.
David Bowie, English singer and songwriter, born 1947.
                                                                                              NOV-DEC 2016 TheAsianEra 21
positive news

  How to heal mindfully
  if your candidate loses
by Martha Brett

If I had one wish for my
country after our presiden-
tial election, it would be to
infuse every citizen with a
strong dose of mindfulness.

Mindfulness is the practice
of focusing our attention and
awareness on what is hap-
pening in the present mo-
ment, without getting carried
away by past stories or future
imagined scenarios since the
present is the only place we
can take action.

As a former international        Half the country had to be in     ates suffering individually        difficult situations and em-
economist whose life path        pain after the election. The      and collectively. You can re-      brace the truth that the only
led unexpectedly to mindful-     degree of their suffering, how-   sist the election outcome and      constant in life is change.
ness advocacy, I am a big fan    ever, will depend on the vol-     insist on being “right,” which
of the work of Rasmus Hou-       ume of their resistance to        multiplies the pain, or you can    So my hope is that we choose
gaard, who wrote the book        the outcome that will by that     accept the reality of the situa-   to let go of resistance and the
One Second Ahead: Enhance        point be totally out of their     tion and choose to not suffer.     suffering it causes. We’re all
Your Performance at Work         control.                                                             so much more effective when
with Mindfulness. Hougaard                                         Accepting an outcome doesn’t       we take emotion and reactiv-
                            Regardless of where we stand
incorporates the types of ma-                                      mean we are happy with it,         ity out of the mix and move
                            on the political spectrum as
trices, graphs, and equations                                      or that we’re giving up on         forward with measured, in-
                            individuals, we have power
that were the norm in my for-                                      our principles. Acceptance         tentional action.
                            to influence the outcome by
mer life, but are less common                                      doesn’t make us a doormat.
                            our actions up until the elec-
in the mindfulness literature                                      Acceptance does, however,          Though it feeds our ego to
                            tion (donating to campaigns,
that now fills my bookshelves.                                     keep our higher level think-       view ourselves as victims,
                            get out the vote efforts, cast-        ing online, rather than sink-      we have a choice to say no
Here’s the equation in One ing our vote, etc.). After the          ing into our reactive, fight or    to that whiney voice. Our
Second Ahead that will make results are in, however, it will       flight-driven reptilian brain.     shared humanity, the es-
or break our national post- be time to accept the out-                                                sence that connects all of
election experience.        come and refocus on what we            Mindfulness allows us to           us, is what has always sus-
                            actually have control over.            choose productive action as        tained us and carried us for-
PxR=S                                                              we move forward from the           ward. We all have a choice in
P = pain. R = resistance.   Outrage, indignation, anger,           election. The practice enables     whether to give the power to
S = suffering.              fear-mongering… all of it cre-         us to recognize the lessons in     our ego or our essence.

  22 TheAsianEra NOV-DEC 2016
                                                                                                                    Good News Network

                                    The America I know,
by Rajiv Ramchandra
                                    the humanity I know
                                   got stuck in the snow. With-       An 11-year-old boy has do-         Where the mind is led forward
  I start to write this as I sit   out me asking, two young           nated 6425 smoke detectors         by thee into ever-widening
  in a coffee shop in a mall in    men pulled over and pushed         to families across Texas. He       thought and action - Into that
  India. It’s early August. The    the car out. For many years I      dreams of one day becoming         heaven of freedom, my Fa-
  monsoon is ending, but it        lived without family nearby. A     a firefighter. This is the Amer-   ther, let my country awake.”
  feels like the beginning. The    co-worker, who has four great      ica I got to know. Perhaps not
  heavens have favored this        sons, treated me like his fifth.   the America many outside of        Indeed, it is a prayer
  parched land, and the earth      I was invited to Thanksgiv-        her borders know of. Many          I wish upon every
  and leaves appear nourished,     ing and Christmas dinners,         inside may not either.             nation.
  refreshed and renewed. It has    helped countless times with
  been difficult to avoid anoth-   my house, and shared pre-          I am not a citizen of Ameri-       It’s late in the evening now. I
  er spectacular deluge taking     cious uninhibited moments          ca. But I lived on her shores.     go back to my one source be-
  place on the other side of the   discussing favorite scenes         And how blessed I was.             fore going to bed. A homeless
  world – the dissonant down-      from the latest animated           Whether I get to set foot on       man offers money to pay a
  pour of the US Presidential      movie. Hilarious impressions       her hallowed soil again or         student’s bus fare. A Chinese
  election. I am protected by a    ensued. I worked at a univer-      not, whether I have the op-        billionaire donates $2 bil-
  loyal umbrella: my unshak-       sity. A kind-hearted man who       portunity to give back even a      lion to support educational,
  able faith in humanity.          held meditation sessions on        fraction of what I received, I     medical and environmental
                                   campus became a friend. We         wish upon her the words — a        causes. A teacher in Afghani-
  Days go by. I am sitting on a    often talked long after the ses-   prayer — of the Nobel laure-       stan turns his bike into a mo-
  balcony, taking in the differ-   sions ended. He listened when      ate Tagore published more          bile library and cruises the
  ent shades of rich green sur-    I needed help with some old        than a hundred years ago.          countryside, giving kids a
  rounding me. I am in awe of      wounds. This is the America I                                         chance to read. Syrian refu-
  all this beautiful life, seen andgot to know. Perhaps not the       “Where the mind is without         gees are giving back to their
  unseen, of its diversity, and    America many outside of her        fear and the head is held high;    host country Canada and
  how it flourishes in harmo-      borders know of.                   Where knowledge is free;           those affected by the Alberta
  ny so effortlessly. I think of                                      Where the world has not been       wildfire – money, hampers
  America again. I lived on her I stopped watching and read-          broken up into fragments by        of toys, clothes, food, provi-
  shores for nearly a decade. ing the news weeks ago.                 narrow domestic walls;             sions, and furniture that they
                                    There is only one source that     Where words come out from          received only months before.
  This is how I see her.            I go to. A girl asks her moth-    the depth of truth; Where          This is how I see humanity.
  This is the America               er’s boyfriend of 17 years to     tireless striving stretches its    This is the humanity I know.
  I got to know.                    be her dad. He breaks down        arms towards perfection;           Perhaps not the humanity
                                    in tears. An 86-year-old man      Where the clear stream of          visible to those distracted by
  Late one evening years ago, is paying for the college tu-           reason has not lost its way        the dissonance. But clear as
  during the depths of a difficult ition of eight high school stu-    into the dreary desert sand        day to those returning her
  winter in New York, my car dents he’s never known.                  of dead habit;                     sacred embrace.

  Rajiv Ramchandra is an Independent Consultant, Researcher and Speaker special-
  izing in Corporate Sustainability and Sustainable Development. He has a Masters                 NOV-DEC 2016 TheAsianEra 23
  in Engineering degree and an MBA from the Rochester Institute of Technology.

Writers who revived Christmas
 The festival celebrated worldwide took its current form starting in the 19th century.

      By Vikas Datta            independence, fell out of fa- One of them is “Christmas”,        transportation, the number
                                vor as a “British custom”. where Crayon reflects on the          and names of his reindeer

I   t is the world’s most well-                               festival’s meaning and its cel-
    known religious and cul- So how did the idea came of ebration. The book was im-
tural festival, celebrated Christmas time as holiday mensely popular and slowly
                                                                                                 (“Now! Dasher, now! Dancer,
                                                                                                 now! Prancer and Vixen,/On!
                                                                                                 Comet, on! Cupid, on! Donder
worldwide - including even by season, the home celebra- led to revival of Americans’             and Blitzen”); and that he
those who are not adherents tions and feast, the gift-giv- interest in Christmas.                brings toys to children.
of the faith. Many sentiments ing and exchanges, the idea
and customs attached to it of a “Christmas spirit” - ex- It was also helped when the             The author was Clement
have become common world- emplifying forgiveness, char- poem “A Visit From St. Nich-             Clarke Moore, a professor at a
wide - even where there is no ity, generosity and redemp- olas”, by an anonymous au-             leading Protestant seminary
snow, evergreen conifers to tion, Santa Claus and all?        thor, was published in 1822.       in New York, who in 1837,
hang lights and decorations                                   Better known by its first          acknowledged he had written
on, or a chimney for a noc- Three authors - two Ameri- line: “Twas the Night Before              the poem it for his children.
turnal gift-giver to enter. But cans and one British - had Christmas”, it sees a man,
Christmas celebrations, as we quite a part to play.           wakened by noises while his        But the author who is most
know them today, are quite                                    wife and children sleep on         closely associated with the
recent developments - and The first was American writ- Christmas eve, looking out                Christmas spirit is Charles
it is some 19th century au- er Washington Irving (1783- and seeing St. Nicholas’ eight           Dickens (1812-70), who did
thors who were responsible. 1859), known mostly for Rip reindeer-pulled flying sleigh            the most to create it, espe-
                                Van Winkle and The Legend land on his roof. Nicholas             cially through his novella “A
Celebrated from the third of the Sleepy Hollow. The two enters through the chimney               Christmas Carol”.
century A.D. onwards, the tales alluded to appear in his with a sack of toys, and the fa-
festival was however banned “The Sketch Book of Geof- ther sees him filling the chil-            The story of a bitter old mi-
in Britain in the mid-17th frey Crayon, Gent.” (1820). dren’s Christmas stockings,               ser named Ebenezer Scrooge
century after the advent of the Among the others are sev- and they share a conspira-             (“Bah! Humbug!”) and his
Puritans, led by Oliver Crom- eral about ‘Crayon’, Irving’s torial moment before the             transformation into a gentler,
well. Though celebrations lightly-disguised literary al- saint bounds up the chim-               kindlier man after being vis-
revived after a generation, it ter ego, in Britain where he ney again, after wishing ev-         ited by the ghosts of his for-
was not the same. In US too, also attends the traditional eryone: “Happy Christmas!”             mer business partner and of
Puritans banned Christmas, warm-hearted Christmas cel-                                           Christmas Past, Present and
and after the 13 colonies won ebrations.                            This poem helped to          Yet to Come, it was written
                                                                    create a standard im-        by Dickens to deal with his
                                                                    age of Santa Claus, in-      mounting debts. It not only
                                                                    cluding his appearance       became a resounding success
                                                                    (“dress’d all in fur,        but made Christmas what it
                                                                    from his head to his         is today. (Read Les Standi-
                                                                    foot”, “His eyes - how       ford’s “The Man Who Invent-
                                                                    they twinkled! His dim-      ed Christmas: How Charles
                                                                    ples: how merry,/His         Dickens’s ‘A Christmas Car-
                                                                    cheeks were like roses,      ol’ Rescued His Career and
                                                                    his nose like a cherry”      Revived Our Holiday Spir-
                                                                    and “He had a broad          it”, 2008). But Dickens had
                                                                    face, and a little round     more writings on Christmas.
                                                                    belly/That shook when
                                                                    he laugh’d, like a bowl      Now you know whom to thank
                                                                    full of jelly”), the night   when you wake up on Christ-
   24   TheAsianEra   NOV-DEC 2016                                  he visits, his method of     mas and find your sock filled!
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