Amping Up Tennis & Fitness

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Amping Up Tennis & Fitness

Amping Up

& Fitness
For sports industry veteran Jim Baugh, getting
kids healthy has been a lifelong passion, and PHIT
America is helping make it happen.
By Cindy Cantrell

  As he approaches the half-century        Sports and a board member of the          “further driven” by data such as the
mark in the tennis business, Jim           USTA and Sports & Fitness Industry        UNICEF 2020 Report Card ranking
Baugh has earned the right to reflect      Association.                              U.S. children last in physical health
and appreciate his numerous contri-           Baugh’s current passion is “getting    among 38 countries and 32nd in skills
butions that have helped revolution-       kids healthier and smarter” through       and mental wellbeing.
ize the industry. But instead, he deter-   PHIT America, a nonprofit organiza-         “Our kids are in trouble because
minedly deflects attention and praise      tion he founded in 2013 to help spot-     people don’t give the proper respect
from the awards adorning his office.       light PHIT Act legislation pending in     for what physical activity does for the
   “It’s plain and simple,” says Baugh,    Congress, which will allow Americans      body, mind and spirit,” he adds. “We
an inductee of the Sports Industry         to use pre-tax medical accounts to pay    have to get more Americans active and
Hall of Fame and Tennis Industry           for physical activity expenses, such as   playing sports. And it starts with P.E.
Hall of Fame, and who was named The        tennis and fitness clubs, programs and    for schoolchildren.”
Sporting Life’s Most Powerful Person       equipment.
in Tennis in the Last 25 Years in 1996,       By 2030, he aims to reach the 50       Promoting Health & Fitness
and RSI’s Person of the Year in 2003.      million schoolchildren—or 93 percent      In a way, Baugh’s involvement with
“None of it means squat unless I make      of students nationwide—who do             PHIT America is a return to his roots.
a difference in this world.”               not meet healthy standards set by         While in graduate school in the 1970s,
   Make no mistake, Baugh has al-          the Centers for Disease Control and       he established a new physical educa-
ready left an indelible mark through       Prevention of participating in physical   tion program that he then taught
his past tenures as president of Wil-      activity at least three days a week.      to students in grades 1 to 8 for two
son Sporting Goods and the Tennis             “This inactivity pandemic will         years. Since that time, Baugh founded
Industry Association, vice president       not turn around unless we turn it         Cardio Tennis and PE4Life, as well as
of sales and marketing at Prince           around,” says Baugh, noting he is         co-authored and helped pass the 2000

20 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY April 2021                                                       
Amping Up Tennis & Fitness
An estimated 75,000 kids
                              participate in AMPED, a before-
                              school running and walking
                              fitness program that may be
                              paired with an after-school sport.

                              PEP (Physical Education for Prog-          school, incentivized running and          “AMPED overcomes two of the
                              ress) Act appropriating $900 million       walking fitness program that may        biggest issues kids face through
                              toward high school phys ed programs.       be paired with an after-school sport    inactivity: health issues and learning
                                 In a continuation of that theme,        component using specially designed      limitations,” Baugh says, noting that
                              PHIT America (             equipment for beginners.                sedentary kids have been shown to
                              offers fun beginner programs for              While AMPED+ Tennis will             receive less blood flow to the brain.
                              lifetime sports in order to improve        be launched with USTA support,          “AMPED is low-cost and proven to get
                              children’s physical and mental health      AMPED+ Golf will be offered through     kids moving and having fun.”
                              for lifelong happiness. To date, the       the Payne Stewart Kids Golf Founda-
                              organization has introduced more           tion. PHIT America is also looking to   Commitments for Programs
                              than 600,000 kids to physical activity     work closely with SPEEDO so kids        In September 2019, PHIT America
                              at over 1,000 schools.                     learn swim safety and basic skills in   received a multi-million-dollar

                                 Of those, an estimated 75,000 kids      AMPED+ Swimming, and AMPED+             commitment from the Seattle-based
                              in more than 120 elementary schools        Play Fit is being developed using       Julia Love Pritt Private Foundation,
                              participate in AMPED, a before-            games with a focus on fitness.          which accelerates PHIT's fundraising

                                                    When you consider the huge benefits that exercise at school has on academic,
                                                 physical and emotional health—but that P.E. is currently offered in just 48 percent
                                                               of American schools—you realize that we are failing.

                                                                               April 2021 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY   21
Amping Up Tennis & Fitness
The $10,000 Britto Coloring
                                                                                                           Contest includes Britto-
                  HEALTH &                                                                       designed templates for different
                  FITNESS                                                                        sports, including tennis (below),
    2021                                                                                            that kids can color for prizes.

                                                                                    too sedentary and unhealthy, so we
                                                                                    are promoting the Let’s Get Kids to
                                                                                    Play Campaign For Happy Healthy
                                                                                    Kids artwork through my network.
                                                                                    The coloring contest will engage kids
                                                                                    while we promote the importance of
                                                                                    physical activity and sports for im-
                                                                                    proved health. I hope everyone can get
                                                                                    involved with this important mission
                                                                                    and support PHIT America.”
                                                                                      Baugh said he is proud that PHIT
timetable to help establish more fit-    Britto Coloring Contest. Children may      America is playing a role in getting more
ness programs in American schools.       download any of 10 coloring pages,         schoolchildren physically active and
  To raise awareness of its nation-      including a tennis coloring page, at       playing sports during the school day.
wide commitment and mission, PHIT             “When you stop and consider
America has also teamed with more        grams/play/10-000-romero-britto-           the huge benefits that exercise at
than 1,000 local Ambassadors and Fan     coloring-contest or create their own       school has on academic, physical and
Club members, presenting sponsor         entry to be submitted through April        emotional health—but that P.E. is
Julia Love Pritt Private Foundation      15. Individual prizes will be awarded,     currently offered in just 48 percent of
and dozens of partners, including Wil-   as well as a grand prize for the winning   American schools—you realize that we
son, Life Fitness and Athletic DNA.      student’s school.                          are failing,” Baugh says.
  Most recently, PHIT America              “Ever since I learned about PHIT           “I believe that all my experiences in
and internationally renowned artist      America, I saw the need to dedicate        the industry have led me to this mo-
Romero Britto launched the Let’s Get     myself to getting kids healthier and       ment in time to change children’s lives
Kids to Play Campaign For Happy          happier through increased physical         through PHIT America. I’m excited
Healthy Kids featuring the $10,000       activity,” Britto says. “Kids are way      and committed to getting it done.” •

           Ever since I learned about PHIT America, says Britto, I saw the need to dedicate myself
                  to getting kids healthier and happier through increased physical activity.
            So we are promoting the Let’s Get Kids to Play Campaign For Happy Healthy Kids.

22 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY April 2021                                                        
Amping Up Tennis & Fitness
                                              FIND OUT WHAT
                                              YOU CAN DO

                                              1 / JOIN THE MOVEMENT AT
                                              Go to the “About” tab to find out how
                                              to become a sponsor, Ambassador, Fan
                                              Club member and more.

                                              2 / PHIT AMERICA PROGRAMS.
                                              Check out the “Key Programs” tab
                                              on the website for more about PHIT
                                              America’s core AMPED program for
                                              schoolchildren, including how tennis
                                              and other sports can fit into it. The
                                              AMPED+Tennis program includes
                                              six sessions per child, uses equipment
                                              designed for beginners and is imple-
                                              mented by trained staff.

                                              3 / JOIN THE PLAY CAMPAIGN.
                                              The PLAY Campaign tab includes how
                                              to get involved in the Romero Britto
                                              social media campaign “Let’s Get Kids
                                              to Play,” and also links to the $10,000
                                              Britto Coloring Contest, where you
                                              can download a Britto-inspired tem-
                                              plate, including one for tennis.

                                              4 / CHECK OUT DATA ON THE
                                              INACTIVITY PANDEMIC.
                                              Visit for key
                                              trends, facts and research on the dan-
                                              gers facing our kids today.

                                              5 / DONATE AND MAKE A
                                              DIFFERENCE IN KIDS’ LIVES.
                                              All amounts are welcome, but a $100
                                              donation, which gets 10 kids healthy,
                                              includes two free Britto-designed face
                                              masks, and a $4,400 donation will get
                                              a whole school active and healthy for
                                              three years. PHIT welcomes private
                                              and corporate donations.

                                              6 / SIGN THE PETITION.
                                              Under the “Key Programs” tab, sign
                                              the Petition for Healthy Kids and
                                              support providing kids with at least
                                              30 minutes of physical activity at least
                                              three days a week in school.

                                                      April 2021 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY   23
Amping Up Tennis & Fitness
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