An Empirical Study of Cross-Lingual Transferability in Generative Dialogue State Tracker

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An Empirical Study of Cross-Lingual Transferability in Generative Dialogue State Tracker
An Empirical Study of Cross-Lingual Transferability in Generative Dialogue State
 Yen-Ting Lin, Yun-Nung Chen
 National Taiwan University,
arXiv:2101.11360v1 [cs.CL] 27 Jan 2021

 Abstract automatic translation of these two datasets for development.
 In this paper’s settings, our task is to build a cross-lingual
 There has been a rapid development in data-driven task-
 oriented dialogue systems with the benefit of large-scale
 dialogue state tracker in the settings of CrossWOZ-en,
 datasets. However, the progress of dialogue systems in low- the English translation of CrossWOZ. In the following,
 resource languages lags far behind due to the lack of high- we will refer cross-lingual datasets to datasets in different
 quality data. To advance the cross-lingual technology in languages, such as MultiWOZ-zh and CrossWOZ-en, and
 building dialog systems, DSTC9 introduces the task of cross- cross-ontology datasets to datasets with different ontologies,
 lingual dialog state tracking, where we test the DST module such as MultiWOZ-en and CrossWOZ-en.
 in a low-resource language given the rich-resource training The cross-lingual transfer learning claims to transfer
 dataset. knowledge across different languages. However, in our ex-
 This paper studies the transferability of a cross-lingual gener- periments, we experience tremendous impediments in joint
 ative dialogue state tracking system using a multilingual pre- training on cross-lingual or even cross-ontology datasets. To
 trained seq2seq model. We experiment under different set- the best of our knowledge, all previous cross-lingual dia-
 tings, including joint-training or pre-training on cross-lingual
 logue state trackers approach DST as a classification prob-
 and cross-ontology datasets. We also find out the low cross-
 lingual transferability of our approaches and provides inves- lem (Mrkšić et al. 2017)(Liu et al. 2019), which does not
 tigation and discussion. guarantee the success of transferability on our generative di-
 alogue state tracker.
 The contributions of this paper are three-fold:
 • This paper explores the cross-lingual generative dialogue
 Dialogue state tracking is one of the essential building state tracking system’s transferability.
 blocks in the task-oriented dialogues system. With the ac-
 tive research breakthrough in the data-driven task-oriented • This paper compares joint training and pre-train then
 dialogue technology and the popularity of personal assis- finetune method with cross-lingual and cross-ontology
 tants in the market, the need for task-oriented dialogue sys- datasets.
 tems capable of doing similar services in low-resource lan- • This paper analyzes and open discussion on colossal per-
 guages is expanding. However, building a new dataset for formance drop when training with cross-lingual or cross-
 task-oriented dialogue systems for low-resource language is ontology datasets.
 even more laborious and costly. It would be desirable to use
 existing data in a high-resource language to train models in Problem Formulation
 low-resource languages. Therefore, if cross-lingual transfer In this paper, we study the cross-lingual multi-domain dia-
 learning can be applied effectively and efficiently on dia- logue state tracking task. Here we define the multi-domain
 logue state tracking, the development of task-oriented di- dialogue state tracking problem and introduce the cross-
 alogue systems on low-resource languages can be acceler- lingual DST datasets.
 The Ninth Dialog System Technology Challenge Multi-domain Dialogue State Tracking
 (DSTC9) Track2 (Gunasekara et al. 2020) proposed a The dialogue state in the multi-domain dialogue state track-
 cross-lingual multi-domain dialogue state tracking task. ing is a set of (domain, slot name, value) triplets, where the
 The main goal is to build a cross-lingual dialogue state domain indicates the service that the user is requesting, slot
 tracker with a rich resource language training set and a name represents the goal from the user, and value is the ex-
 small development set in the low resource language. The plicit constraint of the goal. For dialogue states not men-
 organizers adopt MultiWOZ 2.1 (Eric et al. 2019) and tioned in the dialogue context, we assign a null value, ∅, to
 CrossWOZ (Zhu et al. 2020) as the dataset and provide the the corresponding values. For example, (Hotel, type, luxury)
 Copyright © 2021, Association for the Advancement of Artificial summarizes one of the user’s constraints of booking a luxury
 Intelligence ( All rights reserved. hotel, and (Attraction, fee, 20 yuan or less) means the user
wants to find a tourist attraction with a ticket price equal to among (domain, slot) pairs and reduce real-time DST la-
or lower than 20 dollars. An example is presented in Figure1. tency significantly. (Hosseini-Asl et al. 2020) took advan-
 Our task is to predict the dialogue state at the tth turn, tage of the powerful generation ability of large-scale auto-
Bt = {(Di , S i , V i ) | 1 ≤ i ≤ I} where I is the number regressive language model and formulated the DST problem
of states to be tracked, given the historical dialogue context as a casual language modeling problem.
until now, defined as Ct = {U1 , R1 , U2 , R2 , . . . , Rt−1 , Ut }
where Ui and Ri is the user utterance and system response, Multilingual Transfer Learning in Task-oriented
respectively, at the ith turn. Dialogue
 (Schuster et al. 2019) introduced a multilingual multi-
Dataset domain NLU dataset. (Mrkšić et al. 2017) annotated two
MultiWOZ is the task-oriented dataset often used as the additional languages to WOZ 2.0 (Mrkšic et al. 2017) and
benchmark dataset for task-oriented dialogue system tasks, (Liu et al. 2019) proposed a mixed-language training for
including dialogue state tracking, dialogue policy optimiza- cross-lingual NLU and DST tasks. Noted that all previous
tion, and NLG. MultiWOZ 2.1 is a cleaner version of the multilingual DST methods modeled the dialogue state track-
previous counterpart with more than 30% updates in di- ing task as a classification problem. (Mrkšić et al. 2017)(Liu
alogue state annotations. CrossWOZ is a Chinese multi- et al. 2019)
domain task-oriented dataset with more than 6,000 dia-
logues, five domains, and 72 slots. Both of the above datasets Methods
collects human-to-human dialogues in Wizard-of-Oz set-
tings. Table 1 lists the details of the dataset. This paper considers the multi-domain dialogue state track-
 In DSTC9 Track 2, the organizers translate MultiWOZ ing as a sequence generation task by adopting a sequence-
and CrossWOZ into Chinese and English, respectively, and to-sequence framework.
we refer the translated version of MultiWOZ and CrossWOZ
as MultiWOZ-zh and CrossWOZ-en, respectively. The pub-
lic and private test of CrossWOZ-en in DSTC9 has 250 di- Following (Liu et al. 2020), we use the sequence-to-
alogues, but only the public test set has annotations. There- sequence Transformer architecture (Vaswani et al. 2017)
fore, we use the public one as the test set in our experiments. with 12 layers in each encoder and decoder. We denote
 seq2seq as our model in the following.
 Metric MultiWOZ CrossWOZ
 DST as Sequence Generation
 Language English Chinese (Simplified)
 The input sequence is composed of the concatenation of dia-
 # Dialogues 8,438 5,012 logue context xt = {U1 ; R1 ; U2 ; R2 ; . . . ; Rt−1 ; Ut } where
 Total # turns 113,556 84,692 ; denote the concatenation of texts.
 # Domains 7 5 For the target dialogue state, we only consider the slots
 # Slots 24 72 where the values are non-empty. The target sequence is con-
 # Values 4,510 7,871 sist of the concatenation of the (domain, slot, value) triplets
 with a non-empty value, yt = {Di ; S i ; V i |1 ≤ i ≤ I ∧S i 6=
Table 1: Statistics of MultiWOZ and CrossWOZ. Note that ∅}.
the translated version of these two datasets have the same ŷt = seq2seq(xt )
metrics We fix the order of the (domain, slot name, value) triplets
 for consistency.
 The training objective is to minimize the cross-entropy
 Related Work loss between the ground truth sequence yt and the predicted
Dialogue State Tracker sequence ŷt .
Traditionally, dialogue state tracking depends on fixed vo- Post-processing
cabulary approaches where retrieval-based models ranks
slot candidates from a given slot ontology. (Ramadan, The predicted sequence ŷt is then parsed by heuristic rules
Budzianowski, and Gašić 2018)(Lee, Lee, and Kim to construct B̂t = {Di ; S i ; V̂ i |1 ≤ i ≤ I}.
2019)(Shan et al. 2020) However, recent research efforts By utilizing the possible values of slots in the ontology,
in DST have moved towards generation-based approaches for predicted slot values V̂ that do not appears in the ontol-
where the models generate slot value given the dialogue ogy, we choose the one with the best match to our predicted
history. (Wu et al. 2019) proposed a generative multi- value. 1
domain DST model with a copy mechanism which ensures
the capability to generate unseen slot values. (Kim et al. Experiments
2019) introduced a selectively overwriting mechanism, a In the following section, we describe evaluation metrics, ex-
memory-based approach to increase efficiency in training periment setting and introduce experimental results.
and inference. (Le, Socher, and Hoi 2020) adopted a non-
autoregressive architecture to model potential dependencies This is implemented by difflib.get close matches in Python
Hello, it is said that the reputation of Jinjiang Inn (Beijing
 Yizhuang Culture Park) is still good. Do you know the price?

 {(Hotel, name, Jinjiang Inn (Beijing Yizhuang Culture Park)) }

 'Its price is 295 yuan.

 Um, okay, please help me find an attraction with a duration of
 1 hour. I hope the rating of the attraction is 4 points or above.

 (Hotel, name, Jinjiang Inn (Beijing Yizhuang Culture Park)),
 (Attraction, duration, 1 hour),
 (Attraction, rating, 4 points or above)}

 There are too many eligible, I suggest
 you go to Sanlitun Bar Street or China
 Great Wall Museum.

 Figure 1: Illustration of dialogue state tracking. The dialogue is sampled from CrossWOZ-en.

Evaluation Metrics Multilingual Denoising Pre-training
We use joint goal accuracy and slot F1 as our metrics to All of our models initialize from mBART25. (Liu et al. 2020)
evaluate our dialogue state tracking system. mBART25 is trained with denoising auto-encoding task on
 mono-lingual data in 25 languages, including English and
• Joint Goal Accuracy: The proportion of dialogue turns Simplified Chinese. (Liu et al. 2020) shows pre-training of
 where predicted dialogue states match entirely to the denoising autoencoding on multiple languages improves the
 ground truth dialogue states. performance on low resource machine translation. We hope
• Slot F1: The macro-averaged F1 score for all slots in each using mBART25 as initial weights would improve the cross-
 turn. lingual transferability.

Experiments Settings Implementation Details
 In all experiments, the models are optimized with AdamW
We want to examine how different settings affect the perfor- (Loshchilov and Hutter 2017) with learning rate set to 1e−4
mance of the target low-resource dataset: CrossWOZ-en.2 for 4 epochs. The best model is selected from the validation
We will conduct our experiments in the settings below. loss and is used for testing.
• Direct Fine-tuning During training, the decoder part of our model is trained
 in the teacher forcing fashion (Williams and Zipser 1989).
• Cross-Lingual Training (CLT) Greedy decoding (Vinyals and Le 2015) is applied when in-
• Cross-Ontology Training (COT) ference. Following mBART (Liu et al. 2020), we use sen-
 tencespiece tokenizer. For GPU memory constraints, source
• Cross-Lingual Cross-Ontology Training (CL/COT) sequences longer than 512 tokens are truncated at the front
• Cross-Lingual Pre-Training (CLPT) and target sequences longer than 256 tokens are truncated at
 the back.
• Cross-Ontology Pre-Training (COPT) The models are implemented in Transformers (Wolf et al.
• Cross-Lingual Cross-Ontology Pre-Training 2019), PyTorch (Paszke et al. 2019) and PyTorch Lightning
 (CL/COPT) (Falcon 2019).

Table 2 and 3 show the datasets for training and pre-training Results and Discussion
in different settings. For experiments with pre-training, all
models are pre-trained on the pre-training dataset and then The results for all experiment settings are shown in Table 2
fine-tuned on CrossWOZ-en. and 3.
 The baseline model provided by DSTC9 is SUMBT (Lee,
 Additional Training Data Cause Degeneration
Lee, and Kim 2019), the ontology-based model trained on
CrossWOZ-en. Direct Fine-tuning significantly outperforms other settings,
 including the official baseline. We assume English and Chi-
 2 nese data with the same ontology to train the mBART would
 In our experimental circumstance, English is the low-resource
language since the original language of CrossWOZ is Chinese. bridge the gap between the two languages and increase the
Training Data
 Experiment MultiWOZ CrossWOZ JGA SF1
 en zh en zh
 Baseline 3 7.41 55.27*
 Direct Fine-tuning 3 16.82 66.35
 CL/COT 3 3 3 3 4.10 26.50
 COT 3 3 0.95 19.60
 CLT 3 3 0.53 13.45

Table 2: Experimental results on CrossWOZ-en with different training data (%). *: This slot f1 is averaged over both the public
and private test dialogues. JGA: Joint Goal Accuracy. SF1: Slot F1.

 Pre-training Data
 MultiWOZ CrossWOZ JGA SF1
 en zh en zh
 Direct Fine-tuning 16.82 66.35
 CL/COPT 3 3 5.94 38.36
 COPT 3 2.52 27.01
 CLPT 3 0.11 15.01

 Table 3: Experimental results on CrossWOZ-en with pre-training (%).

performance. However, in Cross-Lingual Training, training Generally speaking, in attraction, restaurant, and hotel do-
on English and Chinese version of CrossWOZ leads to catas- mains, ”pre-train then fine-tune” methods beat their ”joint
trophic performance on CrossWOZ-en. training” counterparts by an observable margin. By contrast,
 In the Cross-Ontology Training where combine two data in metro and taxi domains, despite poor performance among
in the same language. However, with different ontologies, all, ”joint training” settings beat their”pre-train then fine-
the performance marginally increases from Cross-Lingual tune” counterparts.
Training, which shows more extensive mono-lingual data
 The only two trackable slots in the metro and taxi domain,
with the unmatched domain, slots, and ontology confuses
 ”from” and ”to,” usually take the address or name of build-
the model during inference. In the Cross-Lingual Cross-
 ings, are highly non-transferable across datasets. We con-
Ontology Training, we collect all four datasets for training,
 jecture that pretraining on cross-lingual or cross-ontology
and the performance is still far from Direct Fine-tuning.
 datasets does not help or even hurt those non-transferable
 In conclusion, additional data deteriorate the performance
on CrossWOZ-en even whether the language or ontology
matches or not.

Does ”First Pre-training, then fine-tuning” Help? 0.8 DF
We hypothesize that training with additional data causes COT
performance degeneration, and therefore one possible im- 0.6 CLPT

provement could be first pre-training the model on cross- CL/COPT

lingual / cross-ontology data and then fine-tuning on the tar- COPT
 Slot F1

get dataset CrossWOZ-en. Table 3 shows the results.
 By comparing COPT to COT and CL/COPT to CL/COP,
the relative performance gain by over 37% with regards to 0.2

slot F1. ”Pre-training, fine-tuning” framework may partially
alleviate the problem of catastrophic performance drop in 0.0
joint training. Attraction Restaurant Hotel Metro Taxi


Domain Performance Difference across
Experiment Settings? Figure 2: Slot F1 across 5 domains in CrossWOZ-en in dif-
This section further investigates the cause of the perfor- ferent settings.
mance decrease by comparing the slot F1 of different models
across five domains in Figure 2.
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