Analysis of usage of monitor resolution for effective game development (based on 'DAVU' user information)

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Analysis of usage of monitor resolution for effective game development (based on 'DAVU' user information)
Korean Society For Computer Game, Vol. 31, No.2, June 2018, pp.33-38
                                                     ISSN 1976-6513 Copyright ⓒ 2016 KSCG

           Analysis of usage of monitor resolution for effective game
               development (based on 'DAVU' user information)

                                            Yong Ho Joo1, Ok Hue Cho2

        Graduate School of Sogang University, 35 Baekbeom-Ro, Mapo-Gu Seoul 04107, Korea
        Department of Culture Contents Technology, Seoul Cyber University, 60 Solmae-Ro, Kangbuk-Gu
        Seoul 01133, Korea
    (received June 2, 2018; revised June 10, 2018; accepted June 22 2018; published June 30, 2018)

         Immersion is a very important factor in playing games, and ultimately it is linked to fun, which in turn
         affects the success of the game itself. The resolution, which is a visual area in this immersion, is a very
         important factor, and it is also a factor that must be kept in mind when developing a game. The
         development of graphics technology has been accompanied by the development of hardware, and most
         games are now being developed with high-resolution, high-quality graphics. Currently, analysis and market
         research on how various users contact content at various resolutions will provide effective information to
         game developers and they are worth researching. This study analyzes the resolution of Korean average
         users through the user information of 'DAVU' which is the number one document viewer in Naver Software
         Data Room for the last 3 years. ‘DAVU’is a domestic integrated viewer solution, launched its service in
         2014 with a domestic document and image viewer solution. When the user runs the viewer user without
         environment information (resolution, file format, OS, IE information, etc.) , it is transmitted to server and
         aggregated. It has been ranked No. 1 in the Naver Software Viewer category for more than two years, with
         16 million total users. The analysis of computer users' resolution will be an effective study not only for
         games and software but also for the monitor hardware industry.

         Key words: Resolution, monitor, user analysis

1. Introduction                                                 high-resolution, high-quality graphics.
                                                                  Currently, analysis and market research on how
  Immersion is a very important factor in playing               various users contact content at various resolutions
games, and ultimately it is linked to fun, which in             will provide effective information to game developers
turn affects the success of the game itself. The                and they are worth researching. This study analyzes
resolution, which is a visual area in this immersion,           the resolution of average users in Korea through
is a very important factor, and it is also a factor             user information of 'DAVUView' which is currently
that must be kept in mind when developing a                     ranked as one of the document viewers in Naver
game. The development of graphics technology has                Software Data Room for the last 3 years.
been accompanied by the development of hardware,                  The analysis of computer users' resolution will be
and most games are now being developed with                     an effective study not only for games and software
                                                                but also for the monitor hardware industry.

* Correspondence to: Ok Hue Cho, Tel.: +82-10-4819-0266 E-mail:
Analysis of usage of monitor resolution for effective game development (based on 'DAVU' user information)
34                                                                                Joo Yong Ho, Cho Ok Hue

2. Related studies                                          2.2 Analysis of monitor resolution through DAVU
                                                            DAVU has a total user base of 25 million users
  2.1 Integrated Viewer Solution DAVU                     and has a system that can grasp various information
  Davide Indy, a distributed version of the Korean        of users in real time. Such data, such as the
integrated viewer solution, started its service in 2014   resolution of the monitor used, the type of
as a domestic document image viewer solution. In          document to be viewed, the time of use, etc., can
the Naver Software Viewer category, it has ranked         be said to be the information of various IT users.
# 1 for over three years and has a total audience            We analyzed the monitor resolution among these
of 25 million. It is a system that can view all           data, and the distribution of DAVU usage by
existing documents and image files. It can acquire        resolutions from March 6, 2015 to January 2, 2018
information of various users because it can view          are shown in Table 1. When the user runs the
documents, drawings and images of about 250               viewer, user information (resolution, file format, OS,
forms such as MS Office and CAD.                          IE information, etc.) except personal information is
                                                          transmitted to the server and aggregated.
                                                             DAVU is able to view various files such as
                                                          various office files and CAD files. It is a concept
                                                          that the files are viewed through the company's
                                                          server, so that various information can be analyzed.
                                                          User analysis of DAVU View reveals that the most
                                                          popular monitors used today are 1920 * 1080.
                                                          Resolution   (resolution,   language:   figure   display,
                                                          screen resolution) or sharpness or resolution refers
              Fig. 1. DAVU interface
                                                          to the degree of delicacy expressed in pictures or
                                                          letters on a paper or screen, It is used when talking
  Browsers such as Internet Explorer, Chrome,
                                                          about various image input / output devices such as
Safari, and Firefox are not included, so you can
                                                          television, printer, scanner and so on. The resolution
extract objective resolution information from many
                                                          in a television uses a pixel unit (also referred to as
IT users by analyzing the resolution of users of
                                                          a line in a CRT), and it is common to display the
                                                          total number of black and white lines on the screen
 The data covered in this study is limited to the
                                                          as a horizontal × vertical pixel (symbol: px).
data of the general multi-view indie and web
                                                           Table 1. DAVU usage distribution by resolution
                                                              from March 6, 2015 to January 2, 2018

Fig. 2. Naver Archive Doc Viewer Ranking(as of
                   May 2018)
Analysis of usage of monitor resolution for effective game development (based on 'DAVU' user information)
Analysis of usage of monitor resolution for effective game development                                     35

                                                        specification of the over-watch, a popular shooting
                                                        game that has many domestic and international
                                                        players. Players will all want the specs, but there
                                                        are a lot of cases that are not realistic, and players
                                                        who play on non-recommended PCs will have to
                                                        choose between speed or graphics quality.

                                                         Fig. 4. Recommended specification of ‘Overwatch’

                                                                    Fig. 5. Game Window mode
2.3 Game Resolution

                                                          Window mode to play on a small screen and can
                                                        not play on a big screen, but to play through some
                                                        optimization is an alternative.
                                                          Therefore, if the game develops after analyzing
                                                        and understanding the resolution information of
                                                        various users at the time of developing the game, it
                                                        will be possible to provide the optimum contents to
                                                        a larger number of users.

           Fig. 3. Resolutions of Game

  Resolution is a very important factor when
creating content including games. Figure 3 shows
the resolution offered by the menu options in most
games. Most PC games released in recent years
support window mode. Suggested specifications vary
from game to game, and Fig. 4 is a recommended                 Fig. 6. Difference of Game resolution
Analysis of usage of monitor resolution for effective game development (based on 'DAVU' user information)
36                                                                                 Joo Yong Ho, Cho Ok Hue

  2.4 Monitor Resolution
  Until a few years ago, monitors were seen to be
large enough to use only 22-inch to 23-inch or
24-inch displays, but more and more are being sold
as 27-inch, 32-inch or larger monitors as the
frequency of using higher resolutions increases. In
particular, recent games are being developed at the
level of a movie or more than a movie, and players
                                                               Fig. 7. Distribution chart of monitors by size in
are naturally looking for an optimal resolution with                                  2017
a large monitor. The first thing to consider before
choosing a monitor is 'Resolution'. Resolution is a       3. Analysis
factor that directly affects the amount of information
displayed on the screen, so careful selection is               3.1 Resolution Analysis
necessary. In the meantime, the mainstream of full             DAVU is a viewer with an average of 300,000
HD (high definition - high quality) multimedia
                                                          concurrent users. It is a very effective system for
content, the trend of the monitor market also
                                                          understanding the resolution distribution of IT users.
supports full HD resolution (1920 * 1080). The
                                                          It     has   an   environment   that   can    analyze   the
screen aspect ratio of the monitor is 21: 9 (wide),
16:10, 16: 9, 4: 3, and 16: 9 is the most used            distribution of users by resolution which can not be
now.                                                      found in general statistical data. The analysis
  Since the aspect ratio of 21: 9 is wide, it is          method       is   a   method    that   user    information
widely used for game or video work, and IPS is            (resolution, file format, OS, IE information, etc.)
VA, TN, PLS. Different manufacturers use different        excluding personal information is transmitted to the
panels,   and    because    of   the   advantages   and   server and grasped in real time when the user
disadvantages of each panel, they purchase monitors       executes the viewer. As a result of the analysis, the
that match their PC specifications and the
                                                          number of users using the resolution of 1920 *
characteristics of the content to be played. Monitors
                                                          1080 was the largest, and 1280 * 1024 and 1680 *
that support full HD resolution, regardless of size,
                                                          1050 were the next most frequently used. In
are perfectly suited for enjoying MMORPGs because
the higher the resolution, the greater the amount of      addition, 1440 * 900, 1920 * There was a user
game information that can be displayed on one             layer. Generally, the game is developed to be fixed
screen. For example, at full HD resolution, two           to the desired size by dragging when switching to
documents can be opened and edited simultaneously         the window mode, but there are disadvantages and
on the basis of an A4 document, and two Internet          limitations that an uncomfortable interface may be
windows can be displayed on one screen without            displayed depending on the genre of the game.
scrolling left and right.
                                                               Therefore, content and interface settings for a
  Moreover, it is possible to increase the efficiency
                                                          large number of user layers are required at the
of work by simultaneously opening an Internet
                                                          development stage, and this analysis will provide an
search window on one side and an editing program
                                                          efficient direction for such development.
such as a word or an Excel on the other side. The
following figure is the distribution chart of monitor
                                                               3.2 Resolution and Game Development Elements
sales by size in 2017.
                                                               FPS (first person shooter) game with emphasizing
                                                          the vivid and vivid screen is the important factor
Analysis of usage of monitor resolution for effective game development (based on 'DAVU' user information)
Analysis of usage of monitor resolution for effective game development                                      37

which determines the performance and response            monitor hardware industry as well as games and
speed and contrast ratio of monitor, and the             software.
correlation   between    resolution   and    interface
configuration is very big. Also, MMORPGs, which                               Reference
boast a massive scale, need to be accessed from a
                                                         Journal Articles
different point of view than this general monitor
                                                         1. Jeong, Yeon-Kyeong, Moon Ji-Hye Han Jong-Ki
selection, because of the very complex and varied
                                                            “Implementation of Scalers for UHD Screen
interface icons compared to other genres. However,          Contents”, 2012 Korea Broadcasting Engineering
it is different from FPS games. It is the biggest           Conference Fall Conference, pp.144-147, 2012.
reason why many users are attracted to MMORPG,           2. Tyler Johnson, Florian Gyarfas, Rick Skarbez,
and most MMORPG users want to play games in                 Patrick Quirk, "Multi Projector Image Correction
                                                            on the GPU", Presented at Workshop on Edge
the best resolution environment. In order to capture
                                                            Computing Using New Commodity Architectures
the various game information displayed on the
                                                            (EDGE), Chapel Hill, North Carolina, May 2006.
screen at a glance while enjoying the colorful and          3. B. Jeong, R. Jagodic, L. Renambot, R. Singh,
magnificent graphics of the fantasy world in the            A. Johnson, J. Leigh, "Scalable Graphics
game, it is necessary to pay attention to the monitor       Architecture for High Resolution Displays",
                                                            Presented at IEEE Information Visualization
selection and the resolution, Developing a game that
                                                            Workshop 2005, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2005.
is optimized for resolutions is a possible outcome.
                                                         3. Kyoung Shin Park, Ki-Young Suh, Seok-Hee
                                                            Han, “Development of a Tiled Display-based
4. Conclusion                                               Virtual Reality Game Platform Using Mobile
                                                            Interface”, Korean Society For Computer Game,
  Immersion is a very important factor in game              Vol 21, pp.79-88, 2010.
play, and ultimately it is linked to fun, which in       4. Peltonen, P., Kurvinen, E., Salovaara, A., Jacucci,
turn affects the success of the game itself. The            G., Ilmonen, T., Evans, J., Oulasvirta, A.,
                                                            Saarikko, P., "It's Mine, Don't Touch!:
resolution, which is a visual area in this immersion,
                                                            Interactions at a Large Multi-touch Display in a
is a very important factor, and it is also a factor
                                                            City Centre", In Proc. CHI 2008.
that must be kept in mind when developing a
                                                         5. Jiang, H., Jiang, H., Moraveji, N., Shi, Y., Direct
game. In this study, we analyze the resolutions that
                                                            Large-Display Pointer: Direct manipulation
IT users use by using the Viewer Viewer which is            Interaction Cameras, In Proc. CHI 2008.
used by more than 25 million users, and suggest an       6. Davis, J., Chen, X., "Lumipoint: Multi-user
efficient way to set resolution which is an important       laser-based interaction on large tiled displays",
factor in game development. As a result, we were            Displays 2002, Volume: 23, Publisher: Elsevier,
able to analyze detailed user layers of various             pp.205-211.
resolutions from 1920 * 1080 to 2560 * 1440.             7. G. Yun, H. Yang and K. Min, “An efficient
  Resolution analysis is a very important factor in         implementation of context-aware saliency for the
both the hardware and software industries.                  analysis of game graphics”, Journal of Korean
Especially, game development, which is a visual             Societyfor Computer Game, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp.
content, is an important factor to consider. This           197-204,2013.
study will provide effective information for game
developers, will provide effective direction, and will
be a research that can be used effectively in the
                                                         8. NVIDIA corporation,
Analysis of usage of monitor resolution for effective game development (based on 'DAVU' user information)
38                                                                   Joo Yong Ho, Cho Ok Hue

     효과적인 게임개발을 위한 모니터 해상도 사용별 분포 분석 ('DAVU'사용자 정보를 바탕으로)
                                     주용호, 조옥희
   몰입감은 게임을 플레이 하는데 중요한 요소이며 궁극적으로 게임 자체의 성공을 좌우하는 재
 미 그 자체아 결부되기도 한다. 시각적 영역과 밀접한 연관이 있는 해상도는 게임 개발에 있어서
 비중있는 요소이며 게임을 개발할 때 염두에 두어야 할 요소이기도 하다. 그래픽 기술의 발전은
 하드웨어 발전과 함께해 왔으며, 대부분의 게임은 현재 고해상도의 고품질 그래픽으로 개발되고
 있다. 현재 다양한 사용자들의 다양한 해상도 정보 분석 및 시장 조사는 게임 개발자들에게 효과
 적인 정보를 제공해 줄 것이며 연구 가치가 있다고 할 수 있다.
   본 연구는 지난 4년 간 네이버 소프트웨어 문서분야에서 가장 많은 다운로드 수를 기록하고
 있는 문서 뷰어인 'DAVU'의 사용자 정보를 통해 한국인 IT사용자들의 평균 해상도를 분석한다.
 'DAVU'는 국내 통합 뷰어 솔루션으로 2014년 국내 문서 및 이미지 뷰어 솔루션을 통해 서비스를
 시작했으며 사용자가 뷰어를 실행할 때 개인정보를 제외한 사용자 정보(해상도, 파일 포맷, OS,
 IE정보 등)를 서버로 전송하여 집계가 가능하다. 이 연구는게임 및 소프트웨어뿐만 아니라 모니터
 하드웨어 산업에도 효율적 정보를 제공해 주는 연구가 될 것이다.

  본 연구에서는 게임 및 콘텐츠 개발 시 중요한 요소로 작용하는 해상도를 다수의 사용자를 확
 보하고 있는 다뷰 뷰어를 통해 분석하였다. 소프트웨어의 발전과 함께 하드웨어의 발전은 몰입은
 게임 플레이에 있어 매우 중요한 요소이자 궁극적으로 재미와 연결되어 그 게임의 성공 자체를
 좌우하기도 한다. 이 몰입에 있어서 시각적 영역인 해상도는 매우 중요한 요소이며 게임을 개발
 할 시에 꼭 염두해 두어야 할 요소이기도 하다. 본 연구에서는 총 2500만명 이상의 유저들이 사
 용하는 다뷰 뷰어를 통해 IT유저들이 많이 사용하는 해상도를 분석해 봄으로써 게임 개발 시 중
 요한 요소인 해상도 설정에 효율적인 방향을 제시하고자 한다.
  분석결과 1920*1080이부터 2560*1440까지 다양한 해상도의 디테일한 유저층을 분석할 수 있
 었다. 해상도의 분석은 하드웨어 및 소프트웨어 산업 모두에서 매우 중요한 요소이며 특히 시각
 적 콘텐츠인 게임개발이 큰 비중으로 고려해야할 요소이다. 이 연구는 게임 개발자들에게 효율적
 인 정보를 제공하게 될 것이며 효과적인 방향을 제시해 줄 것이며 게임 및 소프트웨어 뿐만 아
 니라 모니터 하드웨어 산업에도 효과적으로 사용할 수 있는 연구가 될 것이다.

             Yong-Ho Joo(주용호)
             2017-present; Ph.D. course Sogang University
             1995-present; Human Talk CEO
             Research interest; AI, Big Data, VR, AR

             Ok-Hue Cho(조옥희)
             2008-2012; Ph.D., Chung-Ang University
             2013-present; Adjunct Professor Seoul Cyber University, Infinite Visual CEO
             Research interest; Game art, Digital art, VR, AR
Analysis of usage of monitor resolution for effective game development (based on 'DAVU' user information) Analysis of usage of monitor resolution for effective game development (based on 'DAVU' user information)
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