Analysts expect better stock performance in 2023 - Credit Suisse

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Analysts expect better stock performance in 2023 - Credit Suisse
Global CIO Office

Swiss Economics

Analysts expect better stock
performance in 2023
Financial Market Survey Switzerland | 25/01/2023, 08:53, UTC

While Swiss financial analysts remain pessimistic about                                         Switzerland to deteriorate over the coming six months (see
economic growth, they are becoming more optimistic                                              table). China is the only region to have seen a marked improve-
about the equity market.                                                                        ment in the economic outlook, with around 60% of survey
                                                                                                respondents forecasting an upswing for the country now that
Looking ahead to 2023, analysts believe equities are                                            measures to combat Covid-19 have been lifted.
the most attractive asset class, with cryptoassets failing
to inspire any enthusiasm at all.
                                                                                                Figure 1: Indicators for Switzerland
One-quarter of analysts subscribe to the theory of                                              Net percentage of responses: a positive value signals a rise,
“persistently higher inflation” and expect further interest
                                                                                                while a negative reading indicates a fall
rate hikes even in 2024.

Franziska Fischer
Economist – Swiss Macro & Strategy

Our partner

                                                                                                Source: CFA Society Switzerland, Credit Suisse

                                                                                                ...but there is cautious optimism on the stock markets
                                                                                                Meanwhile, expectations for the equity markets have turned
Sentiment indicator still pointing to a downturn...                                             positive once again. In a reflection of the encouraging start
The CS CFA Society Switzerland indicator is continuing its                                      to the year on the markets, survey respondents are now an-
tentative recovery, but at –40 points it remains deep inside                                    ticipating modest stock price gains for the Swiss Market Index,
negative territory (see figure 1). More than half of participating                              Euro Stoxx 50 Index and S&P 500 Index in the next six
Swiss financial analysts still expect the economic situation in

Important Information: This report represents the views of Credit Suisse (CS) Investment Solutions & Sustainability and has not been prepared in accordance with the legal requirements
designed to promote the independence of investment research. It is not a product of the CS Research Department even if it references published research recommendations. CS
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of Investment Solutions & Sustainability contained in this report. Please find further important information at the end of this material. Singapore: For accredited investors only. Hong
Kong: For professional investors only. Australia: For wholesale clients only.
months. This is probably partly because analysts are expecting         Figure 3: Mid-term growth forecasts
an end to interest rate hikes over the course of the year (see
                                                                       “What is your forecast for real Swiss GDP growth in 2023 and
figure 5).
Interest rates likely to rise further – for now
As far as short-term interest rate expectations are concerned,
in principle little has changed since last month. It remains the
case that almost all survey participants expect the Swiss Na-
tional Bank (SNB), European Central Bank (ECB) and the
US Federal Reserve (Fed) to raise interest rates over the next
six months. However, expectations are likely to flatten once
we look more than six months ahead. For the US, the number
of analysts expecting policy rates to remain the same is al-
ready growing. Upward pressure is also decreasing at the
long end of the yield curve. Only around half of those surveyed
are expecting further rises.

Reopening in China could send inflation higher still                   Source: CFA Society Switzerland, Credit Suisse
Short-term inflation expectations have risen in January, albeit
only modestly. This is possibly due to the upward pressure             No recession expected for Switzerland
that reopening in China could exert on commodity prices.               Since we last posed our quarterly special questions on inflation
Turning to Switzerland, the one-off increase in inflation owing        and growth in October, the growth outlook for 2023 has
to the annual adjustment of electricity prices in January is also      continued to worsen. Two-thirds of the respondents expect
likely to be a relevant factor. Nonetheless, at two-thirds a           a meagre GDP growth rate of less than 1% in Switzerland.
large majority of survey participants still expect inflation to fall   At 0.76% on average, the analysts’ point forecasts are also
in Switzerland, the Eurozone and the US in the next six                significantly lower than the level of 1.03% in October. How-
months.                                                                ever, the share of survey participants who anticipate a reces-
                                                                       sion remains low at 14%, while the outlook should noticeably
                                                                       improve in 2024 according to the survey (forecast: 1.34%).
Figure 2: Mid-term inflation expectations
“What is your forecast for Switzerland’s annual rate of inflation
in 2023 and 2024?”                                                     Figure 4: Return expectations
                                                                       “Which asset classes do you think offer the highest absolute
                                                                       return potential for Swiss investors in 2023? Please rank below.”
                                                                       (breakdown in %)

Source: CFA Society Switzerland, Credit Suisse

Inflation expectations for 2023 still outside the SNB’s
target range                                                           Source: CFA Society Switzerland, Credit Suisse
When it comes to medium-term inflation expectations, there
are now signs of moderate easing. The average forecast for
                                                                       Annual outlook for 2023
this year is still outside the SNB’s target range. That said, at
                                                                       We also asked the analysts about their outlook for the year
2.32% it is slightly below the figure of 2.38% that the ana-
                                                                       ahead in a series of special questions. The following results
lysts forecast the last time this question was asked back in
                                                                       were particularly striking:
October. The majority of survey participants expect the aver-
age inflation rate for 2024 to fall back below 2% (see figure
2). However, one-quarter of the respondents project that in-              At the end of this year, 70% of financial analysts see the
flation will remain high (see section on annual outlook for                CHF being at least as strong as it is now versus the EUR,
2023).                                                                     if not stronger.

Financial Market Survey Switzerland | 25/01/2023, 08:53, UTC                                                                          2
   According to the participants, emerging market equities         Figure 5: Central bank expectations
    should offer the most attractive returns for Swiss investors
                                                                    “When do you think the following central banks will stop raising
    this year thanks to positive impulse from China, closely
                                                                    interest rates?” (breakdown in %, inflation forecast for Switzerland
    followed by stocks from developed countries (see figure
    4). The analysts’ return expectations for commodities and       in 2023 in brackets)
    global real estate are more muted. Meanwhile, cryptoassets
    widely rank at the bottom of the list.
   The analysts largely expect key rate hikes to end in the
    second quarter, at least in the case of the SNB and the
    Fed. The ECB is likely to tighten monetary policy again in
    the third quarter (see figure 5).
   However, a good percentage of the respondents (20–25%
    depending on the central bank) also expect rate hikes to
    continue beyond the year-end. The results clearly show
    that these same respondents have significantly higher in-
    flation expectations and see inflation in Switzerland contin-
    uing to breach the target range in 2024. Thus, around
    one-quarter of the financial analysts expect “persistently      Source: CFA Society Switzerland, Credit Suisse
    higher inflation”.

                                                                       The CFA Society Switzerland and Credit Suisse have
                                                                       been conducting the Financial Market Survey
                                                                       Switzerland (a monthly survey of financial analysts)
                                                                       since January 2017. Detailed results of the survey
                                                                       conducted between 12 and 19 January 2023, involv-
                                                                       ing the participation of 30 analysts from the Swiss fi-
                                                                       nancial sector, are published here.


Financial Market Survey Switzerland | 25/01/2023, 08:53, UTC                                                                          3
Financial Market Survey Switzerland by Credit Suisse and CFA Society Switzerland: January 2023 results
Current economic situation                                    good                 +/–    normal                    +/–      poor                    +/–       balance     +/–
Switzerland                                                   30.0                 15.7 66.7                        -19.0    3.3                     3.3       26.7        12.4
Eurozone                                                      3.3                  -0.3 66.7                        13.1     30.0                    -12.9     -26.7       12.6
USA                                                           6.7                  -7.6 80.0                        5.0      13.3                    2.6       -6.6        -10.2
China                                                         10.3                 10.3 37.9                        0.9      51.7                    -11.3     -41.4       21.6
Economic expectations                                         improve                   no change                            worsen                            balance
Switzerland (CS CFA Society Switzerland Indicator)            13.3                 -1.0 33.3                        4.7      53.3                    -3.8      -40.0       2.8
Eurozone                                                      13.3                 2.6    33.3                      1.2      53.3                    -3.8      -40.0       6.4
USA                                                           13.3                 -4.6 30.0                        5.0      56.7                    -0.4      -43.4       -4.2
China                                                         58.6                 14.2 27.6                        -2.0     13.8                    -12.1     44.8        26.3
Inflation rate                                                increase                  no change                            decrease                          balance
Switzerland                                                   16.7                 2.4    16.7                      -1.2     66.7                    -1.2      -50.0       3.6
Eurozone                                                      13.3                 2.6    13.3                      -4.6     73.3                    1.9       -60.0       0.7
USA                                                           10.0                 6.4    13.3                      -1.0     76.7                    -5.4      -66.7       11.8
Other economic indicators for Switzerland                     increase                    no change                          decrease                          balance
Export momentum (situation)                                   8.0                  -12.8 80.0                       21.7     12.0                    -8.8      -4.0        -4.0
Export momentum (expectations)                                8.0                  -4.5 44.0                        -10.2    48.0                    14.7      -40.0       -19.2
Unemployment rate                                             44.8                 4.1    51.7                      -0.2     3.4                     -4.0      41.4        8.1
Short-term interest rates                                     increase                    no change                          decrease                          balance
Switzerland                                                   80.0                 -5.7 20.0                        9.3      0.0                     -3.6      80.0        -2.1
Eurozone                                                      83.3                 -2.4 16.7                        6.0      0.0                     -3.6      83.3        1.2
USA                                                           80.0                 -5.7 13.3                        6.2      6.7                     -0.4      73.3        -5.3
Short-term interest rate spread                               increase                  no change                            decrease                          balance
Eurozone – Switzerland                                        55.2                 16.7 41.4                        -12.4    3.4                     -4.3      51.8        21.0
Long-term interest rates                                      increase                  no change                            decrease                          balance
Switzerland                                                   53.3                 -18.1 33.3                       11.9     13.3                    6.2       40.0        -24.3
Germany                                                       56.7                 -14.7 26.7                       5.3      16.7                    9.6       40.0        -24.3
USA                                                           53.3                 -7.4 23.3                        5.4      23.3                    1.9       30.0        -9.3
Long-term interest rate spread                                increase                  no change                            decrease                          balance
Germany – Switzerland                                         42.9                 -3.3 57.1                        10.9     0.0                     -7.7      42.9        4.4
Share price                                                   increase                  no change                            decrease                          balance
SMI (Switzerland)                                             53.3                 12.6 13.3                        -8.9     33.3                    -3.7      20.0        16.3
EuroStoxx 50 (Eurozone)                                       43.3                 10.0 23.3                        -2.6     33.3                    -7.4      10.0        17.4
S&P (USA)                                                     50.0                 13.0 13.3                        -12.6    36.7                    -0.3      13.3        13.3
Swiss franc exchange rate versus                              appreciate                no change                            depreciate                        balance
EUR                                                           26.7                 -30.4 46.7                       11.0     26.7                    19.6      0.0         -50.0
USD                                                           36.7                 -2.6 46.7                        0.3      16.7                    2.4       20.0        -5.0
Commodities                                                   increase                  no change                            decrease                          balance
Oil (North Sea Brent)                                         13.8                 -8.4 51.7                        22.1     34.5                    -13.6     -20.7       5.2
Gold (per ounce)                                              32.1                 -3.9 46.4                        -1.6     21.4                    5.4       10.7        -9.3

Note: 30 analysts took part in the Financial Market Survey Switzerland for January from 12 to 19 January 2023. Analysts were asked about their expectations for the next six months.
The numbers displayed are percentages. The balances represent the difference between the positive and negative shares of responses.
Source: CFA Society Switzerland, Credit Suisse

Financial Market Survey Switzerland | 25/01/2023, 08:53, UTC                                                                                                                       4
Risk warning                                                           Hedge funds are not limited to any particular investment disci-
Every investment involves risk, especially with regard to fluctu-      pline or trading strategy, and seek to profit in all kinds of mar-
ations in value and return. If an investment is denominated in         kets by using leverage, derivatives, and complex speculative
a currency other than your base currency, changes in the rate          investment strategies that may increase the risk of investment
of exchange may have an adverse effect on value, price or in-          loss.
                                                                       Commodity transactions carry a high degree of risk, including
This document may include information on investments that              the loss of the entire investment, and may not be suitable for
involve special risks. You should seek the advice of your inde-        many private investors. The performance of such investments
pendent financial advisor prior to taking any investment deci-         depends on unpredictable factors such as natural catastrophes,
sions based on this document or for any necessary explanation          climate influences, hauling capacities, political unrest, seasonal
of its contents. Further information is also available in the infor-   fluctuations and strong influences of rolling-forward, particularly
mation brochure “Risks Involved in Trading Financial Instru-           in futures and indices.
ments” available from the Swiss Bankers Association.
                                                                       Investors in real estate are exposed to liquidity, foreign currency
Past performance is not an indicator of future perfor-                 and other risks, including cyclical risk, rental and local market
mance. Performance can be affected by commissions,                     risk as well as environmental risk, and changes to the legal
fees or other charges as well as exchange rate fluctua-                situation.
                                                                       Private Equity
Financial market risks                                                 Private Equity (hereafter “PE”) means private equity capital in-
Historical returns and financial market scenarios are no reliable      vestment in companies that are not traded publicly (i.e. are not
indicators of future performance. The price and value of invest-       listed on a stock exchange), they are complex, usually illiquid
ments mentioned and any income that might accrue could fall            and long-lasting. Investments in a PE fund generally involve a
or rise or fluctuate. You should consult with such advisor(s) as       significant degree of financial and/or business risk. Investments
you consider necessary to assist you in making these determi-          in private equity funds are not principal-protected nor guaran-
nations.                                                               teed. Investors will be required to meet capital calls of invest-
                                                                       ments over an extended period of time. Failure to do so may
Investments may have no public market or only a restricted             traditionally result in the forfeiture of a portion or the entirety
secondary market. Where a secondary market exists, it is not           of the capital account, forego any future income or gains on
possible to predict the price at which investments will trade in       investments made prior to such default and among other things,
the market or whether such market will be liquid or illiquid.          lose any rights to participate in future investments or forced to
                                                                       sell their investments at a very low price, much lower than
                                                                       secondary market valuations. Companies or funds may be
Emerging markets
                                                                       highly leveraged and therefore may be more sensitive to ad-
Where this document relates to emerging markets, you should
                                                                       verse business and/or financial developments or economic
be aware that there are uncertainties and risks associated with
                                                                       factors. Such investments may face intense competition,
investments and transactions in various types of investments
                                                                       changing business or economic conditions or other develop-
of, or related or linked to, issuers and obligors incorporated,
                                                                       ments that may adversely affect their performance.
based or principally engaged in business in emerging markets
countries. Investments related to emerging markets countries
may be considered speculative, and their prices will be much           Interest rate and credit risks
more volatile than those in the more developed countries of            The retention of value of a bond is dependent on the creditwor-
the world. Investments in emerging markets investments should          thiness of the Issuer and/or Guarantor (as applicable), which
be made only by sophisticated investors or experienced profes-         may change over the term of the bond. In the event of default
sionals who have independent knowledge of the relevant mar-            by the Issuer and/or Guarantor of the bond, the bond or any
kets, are able to consider and weigh the various risks presented       income derived from it is not guaranteed and you may get back
by such investments, and have the financial resources neces-           none of, or less than, what was originally invested.
sary to bear the substantial risk of loss of investment in such
investments. It is your responsibility to manage the risks which       Investment Solutions & Sustainability
arise as a result of investing in emerging markets investments         Investment Solutions & Sustainability is responsible for multi-asset class
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                                                                       discretionary and advisory businesses. If shown, Model Portfolios are provided
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and factors to be considered when investing in an emerging             performance may look significantly different based on your particular circum-
markets investment.                                                    stances and risk tolerance. Opinions and views of Investment Solutions &
                                                                       Sustainability may be different from those expressed by other Departments
                                                                       at CS. Investment Solutions & Sustainability views may change at any time
Alternative investments                                                without notice and with no obligation to update. CS is under no obligation to
Hedge funds are not subject to the numerous investor protec-           ensure that such updates are brought to your attention.
tion regulations that apply to regulated authorized collective
investments and hedge fund managers are largely unregulated.

Financial Market Survey Switzerland | 25/01/2023, 08:53, UTC                                                                                        5
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Financial Market Survey Switzerland | 25/01/2023, 08:53, UTC                                                                                                               7
comments and recommendations contained herein are not within the scope                 It does not take into account the financial objectives, situation or needs of any
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Financial Market Survey Switzerland | 25/01/2023, 08:53, UTC                                                                                                               8
statements are forward looking and subject to a number of risks and uncertain-          product referred herein. In Australia, Credit Suisse Group entities, other than
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