Animal Advocacy or Animal Agriculture? - Disease Outbreaks & Biosecurity Failures on Canadian Farms

Page created by Dennis Sims
Animal Advocacy or Animal Agriculture? - Disease Outbreaks & Biosecurity Failures on Canadian Farms
Animal Advocacy or Animal Agriculture?
              Disease Outbreaks & Biosecurity
                  Failures on Canadian Farms
Animal Advocacy or Animal Agriculture? - Disease Outbreaks & Biosecurity Failures on Canadian Farms
May 13, 2021                                                     Banner image by Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals

Since late 2019, some Canadian legislators have       that can become contaminated with fecal matter
expressed concerns about protests and advocacy        and moves between farms, spreading dangerous
initiatives by citizens who are troubled by poor      pathogens to new animals and new environ-
animal welfare conditions inside farms, slaugh-       ments.
terhouses, and animal transport trucks. These
include protests by animal advocates near agri-       While animal advocates and protesters have
cultural facilities or trucks transporting animals    never caused a disease outbreak in Canada, out-
to slaughter, undercover footage gathered by          breaks caused by standard agricultural activities
whistleblowers and employees, and rare instanc-       or biosecurity failures by producers are numerous
es where animal advocates have entered farms to       and well-documented.
document conditions inside.
                                                      Ag gag bills are not rooted in evidence. Rather,
This has resulted in legislation aimed at prohib-     the rhetoric of “biosecurity” and “keeping our food
iting protest and documentary activities, col-        supply safe” has been used to support and pass
lectively known as agricultural gag laws, or “ag      draconian ag gag bills that silence and punish
gag” laws. Ag gag laws are commonly presented         individuals for documenting and speaking out
to the public as necessary to protect biosecurity,    about the conditions of animals in Canada’s agri-
and to prevent disease outbreaks among farmed         cultural sector, without any meaningful action to
animals. The stated concern is that animal ad-        improve biosecurity.
vocates or any individuals approaching animals
may introduce pathogens that will harm animals,
farmers, food safety, and the economy.

Biosecurity is undoubtedly important. There are          Ag Gag Laws in Canada
legitimate and credible biosecurity concerns that
arise due to the industrial production of animal         Province                      Status
products, the production of which involves ex-
treme confinement in highly stressful conditions,          Alberta                 Passed (2019)
long distance transport, and slaughter of ani-
mals. However, the biosecurity concerns raised             Ontario                 Passed (2020)
by industry and legislators with respect to animal
advocacy activities are largely misplaced. There
                                                       Prince Edward
is not a single verified case of animal advocacy                                   Passed (2020)
activities causing harm to biosecurity in Canada.
Ag gag bills introduced in Alberta, Ontario, Prince
Edward Island, and Manitoba have focused on
                                                          Manitoba                   Introduced
extreme punishment for trespassers and protes-
tors, instead of addressing the evidence-based                                        Under
risks to biosecurity and the public health threats                                 consideration
that are posed by standard practices in industrial
animal agriculture.                                        Canada                    Introduced

Throughout the animal farming supply chain,
there are numerous opportunities for infectious
diseases to emerge and proliferate: from the
crowded warehouses containing thousands of
immunocompromised animals, to farm machinery

Analysis: Disease                                              a legal requirement. Provincial legislation var-
                                                               ies, and tends to empower officials to respond to
Outbreaks in Canadian                                          existing biosecurity hazards instead of prescribing
                                                               rules that farmers must follow to prevent disease
Farming                                                        outbreaks.

This report summarizes information gathered                    Scientific research has shown that Canadian
and made public by the Canadian Food Inspec-                   farms demonstrate poor adherence to these
tion Agency (CFIA), which monitors and investi-                voluntary biosecurity protocols. In a 2019 study,
gates reportable disease outbreaks in Canada.                  researchers found poor adoption of infection
Reportable diseases are “usually of significant                spread reduction measures on Canadian dairy
importance to human or animal health or to the                 farms, with a majority of farms not adopting san-
Canadian economy.” The Reportable Diseases                     itary practices. Less than 15% of farms had mea-
Regulations (SOR/91-2) list the various diseases               sures in place to limit or control visitors coming to
that fall under this category, and the Health of               farms, with only half requiring visitors to adhere
Animals Act (S.C. 1990, c. 21) includes mandatory              to infection minimization processes like changing
reporting requirements for persons who possess,                boots and clothing. The researchers concluded
care, or control animals and discover the pres-                that many important biosecurity practices are not
ence of a reportable disease or toxic substance.               being implemented on Canadian dairy farms.3
                                                               A study examining biosecurity practices on On-
Many of the diseases identified, particularly the              tario rabbit farms amid a province-wide disease
larger disease outbreaks, have been thoroughly                 outbreak of enterocolitis found a lack of consis-
investigated by CFIA officials to determine the                tent adherence to on-farm biosecurity practices,
source and contributing factors of the outbreaks.              which was a likely contributor to disease trans-
Animal advocacy or protests on or near farming                 mission within and between farms.4
facilities have never been identified as causing a
disease outbreak, nor are such protests identified             A study using hidden cameras to evaluate biose-
as risk factors. The biosecurity concerns identified           curity protocol adherence on dozens of Quebec
in many outbreaks were related to poor farming                 chicken farms has also shown poor compliance.5
practices, and many can be directly traced back                Personnel regularly disregarded biosecurity
to the actions of farm owners and operators. For               measures, including disrespecting clean vs. con-
instance, minks at two fur farms in British Co-                taminated areas, inadequate handwashing, and
lumbia’s Fraser Valley recently tested positive                failing to properly change boots and clothing. The
for COVID-19, with at least one of the outbreaks               researchers concluded that the nature and fre-
being traced to infected personnel.1                           quency of errors suggest a lack of understanding
                                                               of biosecurity principles.
Despite the risk to farms, animals, and the econ-
omy posed by disease outbreaks, biosecurity on                 3 Denis-Robichaud, J., Kelton, D.F., Bauman, C., Barkema,
farms is not comprehensively regulated at the                  H.W. (2019) Biosecurity and herd health management prac-
federal level. The CFIA publishes voluntary bios-              tices on Canadian dairy farms. Journal of Dairy Science.
                                                               2019 July 102(10).
ecurity guidelines for some animal farming sec-                tion/334660417_Biosecurity_and_herd_health_manage-
tors, developed in cooperation with industry and               ment_practices_on_Canadian_dairy_farms
government.2 Adherence to these standards is not
                                                               ⁴ Kylie, J., Brash, M., Whiteman, A., Tapscott, B., Slavic, D.,
                                                               Weese, J.S., Turner, P. V. (2017) Biosecurity practices and
¹ BC Government News Release. (2020, December 24). Mink        causes of enteritis on Ontario meat rabbit farms. Canadian
on second farm test positive for COVID-19.   Veterinary Journal. 2017 Jun; 58(6): 571-578. https://www.ncbi.

2 Canadian Food Inspection Agency. National Biosecuri-         ⁵ Racicot, M., Venne, D., Durivage, A., Vaillancourt, J. (2011)
ty Standards and Biosecurity Principles. Government of         Description of 44 biosecurity errors while entering and exiting
Canada.            poultry barns based on video surveillance in Quebec, Canada.
terrestrial-animals/biosecurity/standards-and-principles/      Preventative Veterinary Medicine. 2011 July 1;100(3-4): 193-9.

In the absence of a comprehensive regulatory re-               Image by Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
gime, the CFIA has developed a biosecurity guide
to assist producers in developing on-farm biose-
curity plans and adhere to standards to prevent
the emergence and spread of diseases. The guide
provides a list of possible sources (or vectors) for
infectious organisms.

These include:

•       live animals;
•       dead or sick animals;
•       animal products;
•       family, staff, and visitors;
•       clothing;
•       equipment;
•       vehicles and transportation;
•       feed and water;
•       feces and urine;
•       birds, wildlife, and other animals;
•       pests; and
•       air (aerosols or particulates).6

While visitors to farms are possible sources of infec-
tious organisms, most of the vectors identified are
inherent risks that are unique to animal agriculture
as a food production system. That is, a visitor will
generally only pose a significant risk to biosecuri-
ty if that visitor has recently been at another an-
imal agriculture facility. Considering the number,
frequency, and severity of disease outbreaks in
the Canadian animal agriculture sector that have
posed significant risks to animals, producers, food
safety, and the public, prudent regulatory measures
to address biosecurity should focus on the gaps
and failures within the sector that have historically
caused these outbreaks. Ag gag laws that harshly
punish whistleblowers and animal advocates are a
distraction from the true biosecurity vulnerabilities
in the animal agriculture system.

⁶ Canadian Food Inspection Agency. (2013, July 22). National
Farm-Level Biosecurity Planning Guide Proactive Management
of Animal Resources. Government of Canada.

Reportable Diseases in Canada Since 2000
                                   Date of Reported                                     Number of
Disease                            Incidents                 Location of Outbreak       Incidents Animals Affected
                                   2004-2006, 2007,
                                                             BC, SK, MB, ON,                          Ducks, turkeys,
Avian influenza                    2009-2010, 2014                                      45+
                                                             QC, PEI                                  chickens, geese
                                                                                                      Cows, horses, bi-
Anthrax                            2006                      SK, MB                     146
                                                                                                      son, sheep, goats
Bluetongue                         2015                      ON                         2             Cows
Bovine spongiform en-              2003, 2007- 2011,
                                                             AB                         19            Cows
cephalopathy (BSE)                 2015
Bovine tuberculosis                2011, 2016, 2018          BC, AB, SK                 3             Cows
                                   2000-2004, 2006-
Chronic wasting disease                             AB, SK, QC                          119           Deer, Elk
Cysticercosis                      2013, 2015, 2018          AB, ON, QC                 3             Cows
                                                             BC, AB, SK, MB, QC,
Equine infectious anemia 2011-2019                                               210                  Horses
                                                             AB, SK, MB, ON,
Scrapie (TSE)                      2009-2019                                            65            Sheep, goats
                                                             QC, NS
Trichinellosis                     2013                      ON                         1             Pigs

 Other Notable Diseases in Canada
                                    Date of Reported                                    Number of
 Disease                            Incidents                Location of Outbreak       Incidents Animals Affected
 Aleutian disease pavovi-
                                    2007                     NFLD                       1             Minks
                                    2013, 2016, 2019,
 Anaplasmosis                                                ON                         4             Cows
 Infectious Laryngotra-
                                    2020-2021                ON                         7             Chickens
 cheitis (ILT)
 Porcine Epidemic Diar-                                      AB, MB, ON, QC,
                                    2014-2021                                           370+          Pigs
 rhoea (PED)                                                 PEI
 SARS-CoV-2                         2020                     BC                         2             Minks
                                    2009 (H1N1), 2020
 Swine Influenza                                      AB                                2             Pigs

• Information sources used for all tables are located at the end of this report
• Some reportable disease data prior to 2011 missing as not accessible on the CFIA website
• Reportable diseases unrelated to the production of animals for agricultural purposes are excluded
• Unless otherwise specified, ‘incidents’ refers to the number of herds, farms, or unique disease outbreaks, rather
  than the number of animals infected by the disease

Notable Disease Outbreaks
Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea (PED)
                                                                                                   “PED virus is highly infectious and
                                         Coronavirus that infects the cells lining the small in-
                                                                                                   can be easily spread to farms
Disease information                      testine of a pig, causing porcine epidemic diarrhoea,
                                                                                                   through contaminated trailers . . .
                                         a condition of severe diarrhea and dehydration
                                                                                                   Abattoir contamination can result
                                                                                                   in the transmission of PED virus to
Number of outbreaks
                                                      370+ (AB, MB, ON, QC, PEI)                   farms from livestock trailers that
                                                                                                   have been at those facilities.”
Probable cause, risk factors              Contaminated trailers, contaminated feed products

Transmissible to humans                                                                              Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food,
                                                                                                                 and Rural Affairs website
                                         Nationwide outbreaks, interprovincial and transborder
Result of outbreak
                                             transmission, high piglet mortality, animal culls

Transmission by animal advocates                                   No

Avian Influenza
                                                                                                   “The likely source of infection
Disease information
                                         Variety of influenza caused by viruses adapted to birds   for this premises was a breach
                                                                                                   in biosecurity. CFIA staff on site
Number of outbreaks                                  45+ (BC, SK, MB, ON, QC, PEI)                 reported significant numbers of
                                                                                                   small rodents within the barns as
Probable cause, risk factors                   Contact with farming personnel, wild birds
                                                                                                   well as at least seven wild birds

Transmissible to humans                                           Yes                              observed in one of the barns fol-
                                                                                                   lowing destruction. Additionally,
                                                                                                   there were reports of wild water-
Result of outbreak                         Mass extermination of tens of millions of animals,      fowl on the property in the weeks
                                                    significant economic impact
                                                                                                   preceding infection.”
Transmission by animal advocates                                   No
                                                                                                          CFIA investigation into an avian
                                                                                                       influenza outbreak in Ontario, 2015

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
                                                                                                   “The Investigation revealed that
                                           Progressive, fatal disease of the nervous system of
Disease information                                                                                the truck used to transport grains
                                                                                                   on farm was also used to pick up
Number of cases                                                  19 (AB)                           poultry feeds containing prohibit-
                                                                                                   ed material from the commercial
                                            Feeding animals to animals, contaminated feed
Probable cause, risk factors                                                                       supplier.”
                                                products, rendering, carcass disposal

Transmissible to humans                             Yes (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease)                  CFIA investigation into BSE Case #17,
                                                                                                                dairy cow in Alberta, 2015
Result of outbreak                        Extermination of cows, significant economic impact

Transmission by animal advocates                                   No

Disease Outbreaks on Farms: Causes & Results

            Location                                                              Transmissible                    Caused
               of           Affected        Nature of            Result of             to                         by Animal
 Date       Outbreak        Animals         Oubreak              Outbreak            Humans          Cause        Advocates

                                         Chronic Wasting          Killing and
Feb 2021      2 in SK          Elk       Disease (CWD)             disposal          Possible     Prion disease      No

  Dec                                       Infectious          High mortality                        Farm
2020- Jan     Multiple                  Laryngeotracheitis      - 187,000 birds                    biosecurity
  2021      farms in ON     Chickens           (ILT)                 so far            No             gaps           No

 2020 -      9 in AB, 5                  Chronic Wasting          Killing and
 various        in SK       Deer, elk    Disease (CWD)             disposal          Possible     Prion disease      No

Dec 2020      2 in BC        Minks          SARS-CoV-2               Culls             Yes            gaps           No

 2020 -       Multiple                  Infectious Bronchitis                                     No definitive
 various    farms in ON      Birds           Virus (IBV)        Bird mortality         No           source           No

                                         Porcine Epidemic                                           Possible
 2020 -                                   Diarrhoea Virus          Piglet                           infected
 various      3 in MB         Pigs             (PED)              mortality            No            trailers        No

  2019 -    1 in BC, 6 in                Equine Infectious        Killing and                       needles,
 various     AB, 5 in SK     Horses          Anemia                disposal            No          equipment         No

                                         Porcine Epidemic                                           Possible
  2019 -                                  Diarrhoea Virus          Piglet                           infected
 various     82 in MB         Pigs             (PED)              mortality            No            trailers        No

                                                                  Killing and
Jun 2019      2 in AB        Sheep         Scrapie (TSE)           disposal            No         Prion disease      No

  2019 -      Multiple                  Infectious Bronchitis                                     No definitive
 various    farms in ON      Birds           Virus (IBV)        Bird mortality         No           source           No

  2019 -                                 Chronic Wasting          Killing and
 various      3 in AB       Deer, elk    Disease (CWD)             disposal          Possible     Prion disease      No

Location                                                              Transmissible                    Caused
              of            Affected        Nature of           Result of             to                         by Animal
 Date      Outbreak         Animals         Oubreak             Outbreak            Humans          Cause        Advocates

           Interior, BC                                          1,050 cows
           slaughtered                       Bovine           killed, $3.8m in                   No definitive
Nov 2018       in AB         Cows          Tuberculosis       compensation            Yes          source           No

 2018 -    1 in BC, 8 in                 Equine Infectious      Killing and                        needles,
various     AB, 1 in SK      Horses          Anemia              disposal             No          equipment         No

                                                                Killing and
Jan 2018     2 in MB         Goats        Scrapie (TSE)          disposal             No         Prion disease      No

                                                                Killing and                       Tapeworm,
May 2018        ON           Cattle        Cysticercosis         disposal             Yes        human feces        No

 2018 -    4 in SK, 1 in                 Chronic Wasting        Killing and
various    QC, 1 in AB      Deer, elk    Disease (CWD)           disposal           Possible     Prion disease      No

           6 in AB, 4 in                                                                           Shared
 2017 -    SK, 7 in MB,                  Equine Infectious      Killing and                        needles,
various       2 in QC        Horses          Anemia              disposal             No          equipment         No

                                         Porcine Epidemic                                          Possible
 2017 -                                   Diarrhoea Virus         Piglet                           infected
various     90 in MB          Pigs             (PED)             mortality            No            trailers        No

 2017 -                                  Chronic Wasting        Killing and
various       6 in SK       Deer, elk    Disease (CWD)           disposal           Possible     Prion disease      No

           6 in MB, 1 in
 2017 -    AB, 1 in SK, 1    Sheep,                             Killing and
various        in QC         goats        Scrapie (TSE)          disposal             No         Prion disease      No

                                         Porcine Epidemic                                          Possible
 2016 -                                   Diarrhoea Virus         Piglet                           infected
various      3 in ON          Pigs             (PED)             mortality            No            trailers        No

                                                               12,000 cows
                                                              killed, $39m in                    No definitive
Sep 2016    Jenner, AB       Cows       Bovine Tuberculosis   compensation            Yes          source           No

 2016 -    2 in QC, 1 in     Sheep,                             Killing and
various         ON           goats        Scrapie (TSE)          disposal             No         Prion disease      No

Location                                                          Transmissible                    Caused
              of           Affected       Nature of         Result of             to                         by Animal
 Date      Outbreak        Animals        Oubreak           Outbreak            Humans          Cause        Advocates

           Catharines,                    H5N2 Avian       14,000 ducks                      No definitive
Jul 2016      ON            Ducks          Influenza           killed             Yes          source           No

 2016 -    5 in SK, 1 in                Chronic Wasting      Killing and
various         AB         Deer, elk    Disease (CWD)         disposal          Possible     Prion disease      No

 2016 -     1 in AB, 9                 Equine Infectious     Killing and                       needles,
various        in SK        Horses         Anemia             disposal            No          equipment         No

 2015 -    1 in QC, 2 in    Sheep,                           Killing and
various         ON          goats        Scrapie (TSE)        disposal            No         Prion disease      No

           Woodstock,      Turkeys,       H5N2 Avian                                             wind
Apr 2015      ON           chickens        Influenza       Depopulation           Yes        transmission       No

 2015 -    4 in SK, 2 in                Chronic Wasting      Killing and
various         AB         Deer, elk    Disease (CWD)         disposal          Possible     Prion disease      No

                                                             Killing and                      Tapeworm,
Aug 2015       QC           Cows         Cysticercosis        disposal            Yes        human feces        No

                                       Porcine Epidemic                                        Possible
 2015 -                                 Diarrhoea Virus       Piglet                           infected
various     10+ in ON        Pigs            (PED)           mortality            No            trailers        No

 Aug &
Sep 2015       ON           Cows          Bluetongue       No treatment           No            Insects         No

           3 in YK, 5 in                                                                       Shared
 2015 -    AB, 9 in BC,                Equine Infectious     Killing and                       needles,
various       11 in SK      Horses         Anemia             disposal            No          equipment         No

                                                              of SRM
                                       Bovine Spongiform   (Specified Risk                     Feeding
                                        Encephalopathy      Materials) in                     animals to
Feb 2015       AB            Cow         (BSE) case #19     animal feed           Yes          animals          No

Location                                                       Transmissible                    Caused
              of           Affected       Nature of         Result of          to                         by Animal
 Date      Outbreak        Animals        Oubreak           Outbreak         Humans          Cause        Advocates

 2014 -    1 in QC, 6 in    Sheep,                          Killing and
various         ON          goats       Scrapie (TSE)        disposal          No         Prion disease      No

                                                                                          Contact with
                                                                                           wild birds,
             Fraser        Chickens,     H5N2 Avian        Depopulation                    spread by
Dec 2014    Valley, BC      turkeys       Influenza         (13 farms)         Yes         personnel         No

 2014 -     1 in AB, 20                Equine Infectious    Killing and                     needles,
various         in SK       Horses         Anemia            disposal          No          equipment         No

 2014 -                                Chronic Wasting      Killing and
various      5 in SK          Elk      Disease (CWD)         disposal        Possible     Prion disease      No

             ON (60+                   Porcine Epidemic                                     Possible
           farms), MB,                  Diarrhoea Virus       Piglet                        infected
Jan 2014     PEI, QC         Pigs            PED)            mortality         No            trailers        No

 2013 -
various      ON, MB         Cows        Anaplasmosis        Unknown          Possible         Ticks          No

 2013 -    5 in BC, 6 in               Equine Infectious    Killing and                     needles,
various    AB, 27 in SK     Horses         Anemia            disposal          No          equipment         No

                                                            Killing and                    Tapeworm,
Apr 2013        AB          Cows         Cysticercosis       disposal          Yes        human feces        No

 2013 -    3 in QC, 1 in    Sheep,                          Killing and
various         ON          goats       Scrapie (TSE)        disposal          No         Prion disease      No

Jan 2013       ON            Pigs        Trichinellosis     consumed           Yes        Roundworms         No

 2013 -                                Chronic Wasting      Killing and
various      4 in SK       Deer, elk   Disease (CWD)         disposal        Possible     Prion disease      No

 2012 -    6 in ON, 4 in    Sheep,                          Killing and
various     QC, 1 in AB     goats       Scrapie (TSE)        disposal          No         Prion disease      No

Location                                                            Transmissible                    Caused
              of           Affected        Nature of          Result of             to                         by Animal
 Date      Outbreak        Animals         Oubreak            Outbreak            Humans          Cause        Advocates

 2012 -                                 Chronic Wasting        Killing and
various      2 in SK          Elk       Disease (CWD)           disposal          Possible     Prion disease      No

           4 in YK, 2 in                                                                         Shared
 2012 -    BC, 7 in AB,                 Equine Infectious      Killing and                       needles,
various      29 in SK       Horses          Anemia              disposal            No          equipment         No

             Lumby                                             200 cows                         animals to
May 2011   region, BC       Cows       Bovine Tuberculosis       killed             Yes          animals          No

 2011 -    3 in QC, 3 in    Sheep,                             Killing and
various    ON, 1 in NS      goats        Scrapie (TSE)          disposal            No         Prion disease      No

 2011 -                                 Chronic Wasting        Killing and
various      4 in SK       Deer, elk    Disease (CWD)           disposal          Possible     Prion disease      No

                                                                of SRM
                                       Bovine Spongiform     (Specified Risk                     Feeding
                                        Encephalopathy        Materials) in                     animals to
Feb 2011        AB           Cow        (BSE) - case #18      animal feed           Yes          animals          No

           4 in AB, 2 in                                                                         Shared
 2011 -    BC, 3 in QC,                 Equine Infectious      Killing and                       needles,
various      15 in SK       Horses          Anemia              disposal            No          equipment         No

                                                             biologic heat
              Near                                           treatment &
            Winnipeg,                     H5N2 Avian          disposal on                      Contact with
Nov 2010       MB          Turkeys         Influenza              farm              Yes         wild birds        No

           6 in QC, 2 in
 2010 -    ON, 2 in AB,                                        Killing and
various       1 in SK       Sheep        Scrapie (TSE)          disposal            No         Prion disease      No

                                                                of SRM
                                       Bovine Spongiform     (Specified Risk                     Feeding
                                        Encephalopathy        Materials) in                     animals to
Feb 2010        AB          Cows        (BSE) - case #17      animal feed           Yes          animals          No

Location                                                              Transmissible                     Caused
              of           Affected        Nature of            Result of             to                          by Animal
 Date      Outbreak        Animals         Oubreak              Outbreak            Humans          Cause         Advocates

                                                                 of SRM
                                       Bovine Spongiform      (Specified Risk                       Feeding
 May                                    Encephalopathy         Materials) in                       animals to
 2009          AB           Cows        (BSE) - case #16       animal feed            Yes           animals          No

           2 in QC, 2 in
2009 -     ON, 1 in SK,                                         Killing and
various       1 in AB       Sheep         Scrapie (TSE)          disposal             No         Prion disease       No

                                                               Herd culled,                       No definitive
Apr 2009   Central AB        Pigs      H1N1 Swine Influenza    disinfection           Yes           source           No

             Fraser                        H5N2 Avian         Depopulation                        No definitive
Jan 2009    Valley, BC     Turkeys          Influenza         & burial on site        Yes           source           No

                                                                 of SRM
  Dec                                  Bovine Spongiform      (Specified Risk                       Feeding
 2007-                                   Encephalopathy        Materials) in                       animals to
Aug 2008       AB           Cows       (BSE) - cases #11-15    animal feed            Yes           animals          No

             Regina                        H7N3 Avian         Depopulation                        Contact with
Sep 2007    Beach, SK      Chickens         Influenza         & burial on site        Yes          wild birds        No

                                         Aleutian Disease                                         No definitive
 2007         NFLD          Minks           Parvovirus          Unknown               No            source           No

                                                                 470 cows                         No definitive
Aug 2007   BC and AB        Cows       Bovine Tuberculosis         killed             Yes           source           No

           129 in SK, 17    sheep,                             > 146 farms
Aug 2006      in MB          goats           Anthrax            affected              Yes        Anthrax spores      No

                                                                                                  Contact with
                                                              Depopulation                         wild birds,
             Fraser        Chickens,       H7N3 Avian          (19 million                         spread by
Feb 2004    Valley, BC      turkeys         Influenza            birds)               Yes          personnel         No

                                                                 of SRM
                                       Bovine Spongiform      (Specified Risk                       Feeding
 2003-                                  Encephalopathy         Materials) in                       animals to
 2007          AB           Cows        (BSE) - 10 cases       animal feed            Yes           animals          No

Resources Accessed
  Canadian Food Inspection Agency. (2009, January). Report on the Investigation of Notifiable Avian Influenza (H5N2)
  in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia, Canada. Government of Canada.

  Canadian Food Inspection Agency. (2010, February 3). Completed Investigations. Government of Canada. https://

  Canadian Food Inspection Agency. (2010, November 10). Final Report Response to Findings of Highly Pathogenic
  Avian Influenza (H7N3) in Saskatchewan, September 2007. Government of Canada. https://epe.lac-bac.

  Canadian Food Inspection Agency. (2011, March). Pandemic H1N1 2009 Pig Farm Outbreak - CFIA Lessons Learned.
  Government of Canada.

  Canadian Food Inspection Agency. (2021, February 26). Reportable diseases: Terrestrial animals. Government
  of Canada.

  Canadian Press. (2007, November 11). Cattle to be culled in bovine tuberculosis scare. CTV News. https://www.

  Canadian Press. (2021, December 24). COVID-19 has made its way to second B.C. mink farm, but no workers
  reported sick. National Post.

  Canuti M., O’Leary KE., Hunter BD., Spearman G., Ojkic D., Whitney HG., & Lang AS. (2016) Driving forces behind the
  evolution of the Aleutian mink disease parvovirus in the context of intensive farming. Virus Evolution. 2016 Feb 27;2(1).

  CBC News. (2016, July 8). Bird flu confirmed on farm in St. Catharines; 14,000 ducks to be killed. CBC News. https://

  Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy. (2006, August 10). Canadian anthrax outbreak grows, felling 746
  animals. CIDRAP News.

  Centre de developpment du porc du Quebec inc. PED - General Information. Retrieved April 19, 2021.

  Denis-Robichaud, J., Kelton, D.F., Bauman, C., Barkema, H.W. (2019) Biosecurity and herd health management
  practices on Canadian dairy farms. Journal of Dairy Science. 2019 July 102(10).

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                                                 Animal Justice
                               5700-100 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario
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