Antarctica Total Solar - Noble Caledonia

Page created by Melvin Miranda
Antarctica Total Solar - Noble Caledonia
                                                   OFFER Al
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                & the

Total Solar
Dis cov e r t he w on de rs of An tar ctica,
S ou t h G e or g ia & th e Falkl an d Isl an ds
  & e x pe r ie nc e th e Total Sol ar Eclip se
          a b oa r d th e M S Isl an d Sk y
 24 th No vem ber to 16 th Dec ember 2021
Antarctica Total Solar - Noble Caledonia
I  t is hard to put into words the sheer grandeur of an Antarctic landscape. This most southern of continents, this desert of ice,
   is so unique and rare to man’s experience, that even the most dramatic of photographs pale into insignificance when one
is confronted by the sheer magnitude, beauty and wonder of the landscape. Enormous icebergs rise from the sea, hillsides
are covered with thousands of penguins and seals bask on icebergs dotted in the ocean; the sights, sounds and emotions will
stay with you forever. When these scenic marvels are combined with an incredible astronomical phenomenon, the total solar
eclipse, we have something very special.
For most travellers Antarctica is a once in a lifetime visit, it is therefore important that the trip should be as rewarding as
possible and the MS Island Sky is the perfect vessel both in terms of the educational opportunities on board and the number
of occasions to go ashore. Antarctica is to be experienced, not just to be seen, and we believe the only way to do this is on
board a small ship.
Whilst an undoubted highlight of the cruise is the opportunity to witness a total solar eclipse, there is much more included to
occupy us. The timing of the eclipse coincides with what is regarded as spring in Antarctica as the pack ice begins to melt.
This is the mating season for penguins and other species and you can observe their spectacular displays of courtship ritual,
nest building and such antics as stone stealing. This is also the time when fur seals claim their breeding territories.
In addition to the Antarctic Peninsula, we have also included magnificent South Georgia where you will experience one of
the world’s natural wonders, the ‘Alps in mid-ocean’, offering remarkable concentrations of wildlife against a backdrop of
glaciers and snow-covered mountains. Hugging the coast to the wildest reaches of the island we will land on beaches alive
with rampaging fur seals, somnolent elephant seals and truly astonishing numbers of king penguins. We have three days of
exploration in this unique animal paradise and using the Zodiacs we will aim to land each day allowing you the optimum time
ashore to experience this rich animal kingdom. We also spend time on the Falkland Islands, a truly enchanting place with
a unique character and staggering wildlife. This is the last sanctuary of the elegant albatross which soars gracefully against
the blue sky, with colonies of elephant seals basking at the foot of vertiginous cliffs. In between our landings and while at
sea, you can pass the time on deck looking for wildlife, attend the series of lectures by members of the expedition team and
simply relax on board.

                                                                                           TIERRA           ARGENTINA
                                                                                         DEL FUEGO
                                                                                              CAPE HORN                  FALKLAND
                                                                                                                 SSAGE              SOUTHERN
                                                                                                    DRAKE PA                         OCEAN
                                                                                                       S. SHETLAND

                                                                                          AIR L
                                                                                      LEMANNE                               S. ORKNEY
                                                                                      C H

                                                                                                        SH EN

                                                                                       ANT                         SEA


                                                                                                   CIR        ANTARCTIC
                                                                                                      CL      PENINSULA

                                                                             Guest Speaker - David Makepeace
    Total Solar Eclipse of 2021                                                                   A filmmaker by trade, David has spent the last 25
                                                                                                  years crisscrossing the globe to chase the eclipse
    During this cruise we will have the opportunity to experience an                              experience. His observations of 16 total eclipses,
    incredible astronomical phenomenon – the total solar eclipse.                                 four annular and three partial eclipses has made him
    On 4 December 2021, the eclipse will paint a path through the                                 one of the busiest chasers in the world - and since
    sky over the Antarctic Peninsula and, aboard our small vessel we                              the turn of the century he has fulfilled his goal of
    will be able to best position ourselves to be in the path of totality.                        visiting each of the seven continents on the chase.
    Witnessing a total solar eclipse is an incredible experience;            As a member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) and
    this rare celestial event occurs only when a New Moon aligns             a “celebrity” in the chaser community, David has devoted much of his
    perfectly with the Sun as we see it, throwing a shadow onto the          life to the popularising of these events wherever they may occur. While
    planet, and is only visible from a small area on earth. It is in the     not a scientist or professional astronomer, his style and enthusiasm are
    path of the shadow, away from the light pollution, that we hope          infectious, and his ability to make simple the hard science of eclipses has
    to plummet into complete darkness for over two minutes as day            consistently earned him top marks from his audiences. His award winning
    turns into night. For this brief interval in time, the world as we       documentary films and videos including “Hooked On The Shadow”
    know it completely transforms and our experts will be on hand            (2000) and Still Hooked (2017) are widely regarded as films that define the
    throughout to enlighten us about this extraordinary phenomenon           eclipse chasing culture. David has accompanied RASC on many eclipse
    and its various manifestations, from flickering shimming waves of        chases, and has personally lead expeditions to the Caribbean, India,
    light and dark to the approaching shadow of the moon and the             Brazil and Australia. David was on board an expedition vessel in 2003
    “diamond ring”, the remaining last bead of light before totality.        when humans witnessed the first solar eclipse from the ice continent, and
                                                                             the eclipse in December 2021 will be the next eclipse in that series.

Antarctica Total Solar - Noble Caledonia
King penguins, South Georgia

What to Expect
Every expedition to Antarctica and South           for us by the expedition team so it was a simple
Georgia is unique and no two days are the          matter to get to and from the king colony in
same. Flexibility is key and often the whole       small groups. The birds were so curious that if
day’s schedule will be changed to maximise         we stopped they would often come sidling up
your experience based on weather conditions        towards us, to get a better look. In their black,
or wildlife sightings. Each day holds something    white, grey and orange plumage, the kings
new and here are some extracts from previous       looked both regal and resplendent.
Antarctic expedition logs which will provide you
with an idea of what to expect.                    Elephant Island: Elephant Island came into
                                                   sight at midday but at first it was indistinct, as
                                                   it blended in with the murk so well. More and
                                                   more of it became apparent as we got closer but
                                                   it looked pretty daunting – largely snow-covered
                                                   cliffs that disappeared up into the clouds. Every
                                                   now and then along the inhospitable coast
                                                   there was a grounded iceberg. The captain did
                                                   an excellent job of getting us into the relatively   Culverville Island: Waiting for us at
                                                   sheltered bay opposite the bust of Captain           Cuverville were more Gentoo Penguins; the
                                                   Pardo. He was in command of the rescue vessel        largest colony of them in Antarctica in fact.
                                                   that eventually, with Worsley’s local knowledge,     Some of us went directly to the beach whilst
                                                   managed to get all of Shackleton’s men off.          others went cruising in the channel between
                                                                                                        Cuverville and Ronge islands. Before
Salisbury Plain, South Georgia: From the                                                                landing we saw lots of ice, an old boat from
ship we could see the huge extent of the                                                                the whaling days and a sleepy Weddell
king penguin colony, as well as a myriad of                                                             Seal or two. With hardly a breath of air and
cigar-shaped rocks. The rocks were, of course,                                                          near-cloudless skies the landscape was
hundreds of seals of the elephant and fur                                                               picture-perfect. There was more to come, in
kind. By the landing spot there was a group                                                             the shape of a barbecue lunch on the lido
of elephants, including a pup that was still                                                            deck. Our restaurant must surely have had
suckling. In addition, there were tiny fur seal                                                         the best views in the world! The ship then
pups around as well, which looked adorable.                                                             headed out into a still flat-calm Gerlache
The male fur seals are often huge and                                                                   Strait, en route to Paradise Bay. A pod of
intimidating but were not a problem today. A                                                            about 30 killer whales were spotted so the
route parallel to the beach had been flagged                                                            Captain slowed the ship.

+44 (0)20 7752 0000                                                                                                                                     3
Antarctica Total Solar - Noble Caledonia

                                                                                                                       King penguins
                                                                                                                                                       Humpback whale

The Itinerary
Day 1 London to Santiago, Chile.        the fur seals on fishing forays. We    course pay our respect at the grave       itinerary the final schedule will be
Fly by scheduled indirect flight.       have a good chance of spotting         of ‘the boss’ – Ernest Shackleton.        determined by our Captain and
                                        whales such as fins and minkies                                                  the Expedition Leader based on
Day 2 Santiago. Arrive this             whilst the birds circling our stern    Day 10 At sea. The waters                 sea, weather and ice conditions.
morning and transfer to our hotel       will be outstanding, especially the    between South Georgia and                 Using our Zodiacs we hope to
for an overnight stay. Spend            large albatrosses and numerous         the Antarctic Peninsula are rich          make daily landings or cruises
the afternoon and evening at            breeds of petrels.                     with fin whales, where in good            for unique close encounters
leisure to relax and enjoy the                                                 conditions we have seen as                with animals such as adelie and
hotel facilities or explore the city    Days 7 to 9 South Georgia.             many as a hundred in a day. If            gentoo penguins, fur seals and
independently.                          We have two and a half days of         not whale-watching, lookout for           petrels. Watch avidly on deck as
                                        expedition cruising in and around      Antarctic petrel, Kerguelen petrel        we approach land or sail through
Day 3 Santiago to Port Stanley,         South Georgia, a paradise island       and one of the most beautiful             breathtaking channels surrounded
Falkland Islands. After breakfast       with snow-clad mountain peaks          birds of the Southern Ocean, the          by lofty peaks looking down on
we will transfer to the airport for     rising 9000 feet and with 165          snow petrel. The icebergs will also       ice-strewn waters where resting
our specially chartered flight to       glaciers tumbling down towards         become more plentiful as we sail          crab-eater or leopard seals can
Port Stanley, the charming capital      the sea. We arrive early in the        south. Alternatively join the lecture     be spotted. Enroute South we
of the Falkland Islands. On arrival     season when parts of the island        programme as we learn more                plan to see Elephant Island with
transfer to the MS Island Sky and       are still covered by a thin layer of   about the wildlife and history of         its rocky and inhospitable shore
enjoy welcome drinks and dinner         snow. For anyone interested in         the region.                               where Shackleton’s crew famously
as we moor overnight.                   wildlife, South Georgia is a true                                                survived. We hope to sail past
                                        oasis. The beaches will be covered     Day 11 Solar Eclipse Day. Today           the collapsed volcanic cone of
Day 4 Port Stanley. Spend the           by elephant seal bulls and females     we will position the ship to achieve      Deception Island for a chance
day in Stanley where during our         with feeding pups. They share the      the best location to view the solar       to visit Whalers Bay, Petermann
excursion we will see some of the       beach with a myriad of nesting         eclipse which is due to start in          Island, home to numbers of adelie
highlights of the town including        King penguins. Most of the other       the late morning. The advantage           penguins, picturesque Neko
the cathedral, battle memorial and      sea birds have arrived and started     of our small ship is the ability to       Harbour, the Lemaire Channel
the Historic Dockyard and museum        nesting. This is also the time when    find a spot or break in the clouds        where towering icebergs rise from
which documents the social,             the great arrival of the fur seals     to increase our chances and               the sea and Half Moon Island with
maritime, military and natural          starts. Millions of fur seals will,    maximise our time under a total           its rookery of chinstrap penguins.
history of the islands. Alternatively   over a few weeks, return to the        eclipse. With our onboard experts         We also endeavour to sail through
learn more about the 1982 conflict      beaches to breed. During our time      on hand to provide commentary             the breathtaking Antarctic Sound,
whilst, if conditions permit, we also   here we hope to visit Salisbury        we will remain here until the end         alternatively known as ‘iceberg
hope to offer nature walks or a 4x4     Plain where we will find enormous      of the eclipse’s passage when we          alley’, where massive icebergs drift
tour to one of the beaches where        elephant seals which crowd the         continue our voyage to Antarctica.        north from the continent.
we may find King, Magellanic and        beaches alongside thousands of
rockhopper penguins. Sail this          pairs of King penguins whilst in       Days 12 to 18 Antarctic Peninsula         Days 19 & 20 Drake Passage.
evening for South Georgia.              Fortuna Bay we will see nesting        & South Shetland Islands. We              Two days to relax onboard
                                        light mantled sooty albatrosses        have seven days of exploration            and reminisce with your fellow
Days 5 & 6 The Southern Ocean.          and hope to witness their              around the Peninsula and South            travellers about all you have
As we cruise towards South              gracious courting flights. A few       Shetland Islands which will include       seen and experienced during
Georgia the richness of these           thousand King penguins nest here.      many of the best places for               our expedition. Enjoy a lecture,
waters will be evident in the           Meanwhile in Grytviken we will         wildlife and magnificent scenery.         look for wildlife or simply relax
marine mammal life, especially          visit the old whaling station and of   Whilst we arrive with a planned           as we make our way across the

Antarctica Total Solar - Noble Caledonia
Exploring by Zodiacs                                    Weddel seal

                                                                                              The  penguins, The Falklands

                                                                                              Post-Cruise Iguazu Falls Extension
Drake Passage toward Ushuaia.               breakfast and transfer to the airport
Named after the 16th century                for our scheduled flight to Buenos
English seaman, Sir Francis Drake,          Aires. On arrival transfer to our hotel           15th to 19th December 2021
the Drake Passage separates                 for an overnight stay. This evening
the southernmost tip of South               we will meet for dinner and a tango
America from Antarctica. This is            show in a local restaurant.
a particularly good area to spot
royal albatross and blue petrel and         Day 22 Buenos Aires to London.
we will also be on the lookout for          After breakfast in the hotel transfer
pods of sperm whales.                       to the airport for our scheduled
                                            flight to London.
Day 21 Ushuaia to Buenos Aires,
Argentina. Disembark after                  Day 23 London. Arrive this morning.

Prices per person                                                                           After our expedition, we are offering the opportunity to visit the Iguazu
Based on double occupancy                                                                   Falls, often considered the most dramatic waterfalls in the world.

 Special OFFER - SAVE £500 PER PERSON                                                       The Itinerary
 FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY                                                                    Day 1 Buenos Aires to Iguazu Falls. After breakfast in the hotel transfer
                                                                                            to the airport for our scheduled flight to Iguazu Falls. On arrival check
   Deck           Suite Category         Brochure Price   Special Offer Price
                                                                                            in to our hotel, the Loi Suites (or similar) for our two night stay and this
   Magellan     Standard                    £13395               £12895
                                                                                            afternoon enjoy a guided tour of the Brazilian side of the falls.
                                            £14395               £13895
   Columbus     Superior
                                                                                            Day 2 Iguazu Falls. Enjoy a full day at the Iguazu Falls on a series of
   Marco Polo   Premium                     £15395               £14895
                                                                                            guided walks seeing the upper and lower circuits and also the Triple
   Marco Polo   Corner                      £15995               £15495
                                                                                            frontier the meeting point of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay.
                                            £17795               £17295
   Erikson      Deluxe Balcony
                                                                                            Day 3 Iguazu Falls to Buenos Aires. Return to the airport this
   Explorer     Owner’s Balcony Suites      £18995               £18495
                                                                                            morning and join our scheduled flight to Buenos Aires. On arrival
   Explorer     Island Suite                £20495               £19995
                                                                                            transfer to our hotel for an overnight stay.
                                            £17495               £16995
   Magellan     Standard for sole use                                                       Day 4 Buenos Aires to London. After breakfast in the hotel transfer
   Columbus     Superior for sole use       £19495               £18995
                                                                                            to the airport for our scheduled flight to London.
                                                                                            Day 5 London. Arrive this morning.
  PRICE INCLUDES: Economy class scheduled international air
  travel • Specially chartered flight to Port Stanley • Overnight hotel
  accommodation in Buenos Aires & Santiago with breakfast • Dinner
                                                                                            Prices per person
  & Tango Show in Buenos Aires • 18 nights aboard the MS Island Sky
                                                                                            Based on double occupancy
  on a full board basis • House wine, beer & soft drinks with lunch and
  dinner • Shore Excursions • Noble Caledonia expedition team                               Twin: £1695 Single: £2345
  • Gratuities • Group transfers • Use of parka jacket & rubber boots
                                                                                            Price Includes: Economy class scheduled air travel, overnight hotel
  on board • Expedition log • Port taxes.                                                   accommodation in Buenos Aires and two nights hotel accommodation in
  Not Included: Travel insurance.                                                           Iguazu Falls at the Loi Suites with breakfast, lunch and dinner on days 1 &
  NB. The Total Solar Eclipse is a natural phenomenon and sighting is                       2, guided tours at the Iguazu Falls, gratuities, transfers, airport taxes.
  weather dependent and cannot be guaranteed.                                               Not Included: Travel insurance.

+44 (0)20 7752 0000                                                                                                                                                       5
Antarctica Total Solar - Noble Caledonia
ms island sky

    Friendly Service                             Owner’s Balcony Suite                                        The Club

The much loved MS Island Sky is one of our three flag ships and sister vessel to the MS Hebridean Sky
and MS Caledonian Sky. All three vessels were built in the same ship yard in Italy at similar times and
share the same excellent attributes that make them three of the finest small ships in the world. With a
maximum passenger capacity of only 118, a vessel of her size is capable of carrying many more but
instead the MS Island Sky has the benefit of unusually large suites, luxuriously appointed public areas
and spacious outside decks.

Your Suite                                                                  Your Dining
On board there are 59 exceptionally spacious and well-designed suites.      With only one sitting and a maximum of just over 100 passengers, the
All feature a seating area and some have private balconies, whilst those    cuisine on board the MS Island Sky is of a consistent superior quality
on the Marco Polo Deck feature tinted, sliding glass doors allowing         that befits such a vessel. In keeping with the informal atmosphere on
greatly enhanced viewing opportunities and quick access to the deck.        board, when dining you are able to choose your seating arrangements
The feeling of luxury is enhanced by the wood panelling and brass,          and choice of restaurants at your leisure; whether that be joining a table
which predominates throughout the vessel conveying the atmosphere           of four to six other passengers in the elegant à la carte Restaurant or
of a private yacht. The passenger accommodation is arranged over            outside buffet-style on the Lido Deck in the evening sunshine. In the
five decks and each suite affords considerable comfort with en-suite        main Restaurant, breakfast is served buffet-style, with certain items
bathroom featuring marble-topped vanity unit with sink and walk-in          cooked to order on request. Lunch and dinner menus offer plenty
shower, a large wardrobe, dressing table and excellent storage. There       of choice, often reflecting the daily catch and local delicacies. The
is a mini-fridge, flat screen television with inbuilt DVD/CD player and a   Welcome and Farewell dinners are a sumptuous five course affair. To
telephone in each suite. Refillable water bottles, dressing gowns and       enhance your dining experience further a selection of wines is included
slippers are also provided for your comfort. Other facilities include a     with both meals. Afternoon tea and pre-dinner canapés take place in
safe, hairdryer, assorted Molton Brown toiletries, air-conditioning and     either the comfort of the Lounge or out on the Lido Deck when the
heating. The comfortable beds in each suite can be configured as either     weather is favourable. Tea and coffee are also available 24 hours a day.
double or twin.                                                             Special diets can be catered for with sufficient notice.

Antarctica Total Solar - Noble Caledonia
Standard Suite                                    The Restaurant                                                                                                      The Library

Your Space
The spacious and finely decorated public rooms include a large
Lounge on the Columbus Deck featuring a selection of seating options
from individual armchairs and sofas to side cushioned benches. Daily
briefings given by the Cruise Director and talks from Guest Speakers
and expedition staff take place in the Lounge. In addition to the
main Lounge, there is also The Club, located on the Marco Polo
Deck which features the main bar where the onboard pianist plays
periodically throughout the day. The Club also features a 24-hour tea
and coffee station. Towards the aft of the ship on the Columbus Deck
is the Library. Well stocked with reference books pertaining to the
destinations the vessel is visiting and a selection of essential reads, you
will not find yourself short of excellent literature on board. A collection
of games as well as devices to access the internet via the ship’s satellite
can also be found in the Library. Access to the ship’s satellite Wi-Fi
via your own device is complimentary on board (signal strength varies          Alfresco Dining
depending on location and demand). The main Restaurant, which can
seat all guests at one sitting, is located on the Magellan Deck, and
outside there is a rear Lido Deck located on the Erikson Deck where           MS ISLAND SKY DECK PLAN
meals are served in warm weather under shade. Further to this on
the top Explorer Deck there is an observation area ideal for spotting
                                                                                                                                                                                             Owner’s Balcony Suites
wildlife, complete with sun loungers for sunbathing, relaxing with a                                                                                                                         Owner’s Balcony Suites
                                                                                                                                                                        Explorer Deck
book or catching up with fellow travellers. The Promenade Deck wraps                                                                                                    Erikson Deck
                                                                                                                                                                        Explorer Deck
around the whole ship giving outstanding views. There is also a small                                                                                                   Columbus
                                                                                                                                                                        Marco PoloDeck
beauty salon on board with appointments made on request.                                                                                                                Magellan
                                                                                                                                                                                   Owner’s Balcony Suites
                                                                                                                                                                                             Owner’s Balcony Suites
                                                                                                                                                                        Magellan Deck

Your Comfort
The MS Island Sky is equipped with the latest safety, navigation and          Explorer Deck                                                                                                 Balconies

                                                                              Explorer Deck
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Deluxe Balcony Suites

communications equipment along with roll stabilisers to minimise the                                                                                                                         511 509Balcony
                                                                                                                                                                                    Owner’s Balcony Suites  Suites505
                                                                                                                                                                               605Owner’s 603     601
                                                                                                                                                                                          Balcony       507 505
ship’s motion. During your voyage we hope to offer you the opportunity                                                                                                         605 603 601
to visit the Captain and Officers on the Bridge to check the vessel’s                                                                                                          606          604
                                                                                                                                                            Hair dresser

                                                                                                                                                                                            512 510Island508 506
                                                                                                                                          STAIRS   LIFT
                                                                                                                                                            & Beauty
                                                                                                                                                                               Owner’s Balcony Suites
                                                                                                                                                                               606          604
                                                                                                                                                            Hair dresser

                                                                                                                                                                                            512 Deluxe
                                                                                                                                                                                                 510       508 506
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Balcony Suites
                                                                                                                                          STAIRS   LIFT

progress by charts and learn more about your journey. On board you
                                                                                                                                                            & Beauty
                                                                                                                                                                               Owner’s Balcony Suites
                                                                                                                                                                                            Balconies        Suite
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Deluxe Balcony Suites

will also find a clinic and Doctor and a lift that serves all decks. When     Erikson Deck

                                                                              Erikson Deck

at anchor our nimble Zodiacs will ferry you ashore or, on select cruises,                                                                                                            Deluxe Balconies
                                                                                                                                                                                     Deluxe Balcony Suites
                                                                                                                                                                                            Balcony   Suites                                       Radio Chart
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Officer Officer

                                                                                                                                                                                             507       505
                                                                                                                                                          Hotel                                                                                    room room

enjoy Zodiac cruises getting you closer to the natural world.
                                                                                                                         Buffet       Pantry
                                                                                                                                                          manager´s                         Premium
                                                                                                                                                                                  Deluxe Balcony SuitesSuites
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Suites                   PremiumRadio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Suites                                           Premium Suites       Corner Suite

                                                                                                                                                                               511 509427    507 425 423
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Premium 421                                                              419 417    415
                                                                                                                                                          office                                                                        Chart

                                                                                                                                                                                                       505           Bridge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   room room
                                                                                                        Lido             Buffet       Pantry              Hotel
                                                                                                                                                          manager´s                         Premium     SuitesSuites                                                               Suites
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Open                       Corner Suite
                                                                                                        Deck                                                                                                                                                                 Deck

                                                                                                                                                                                             427 425 423 421 Bridge                                                            419 417 415
                                                                                                        Lido                                                                                                                                                                 Open

                                                                                                                                                                               512 510 508 506
Your Life On Board
                                                                                                        Deck                              STAIRS   LIFT                                                                 Chief
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Captain                  Deck

                                                                                                                                                                                  Deluxe  Balcony Suites
                                                                                                                                                                               512 510 508 506
                                                                                                                                          STAIRS   LIFT                                                                 Chief                       Captain

                                                                                                                                                                                             428 426 424 422 420 418 416 414

The atmosphere on board is warm and convivial and more akin to
                                                                                                                                                                                     Deluxe Balconies
                                                                                                                                                                                             Balcony Suites

                                                                                                                                                                                             428 426 424 422 420 418 416 414
                                                                                                                                                                                              Premium Suites Premium Suites Premium Suites                                                              Corner Suite

                                                                              Marco Polo Deck                                                                                                Balconies
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Premium Suites
                                                                                                                                                                                             Deck Access
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Premium Suites              Corner Suite
a private yacht or country hotel in which you can learn more about            Marco Polo Deck           Promenade deck
                                                                                                                                                                                             Deck Access                                                 Deck Access
                                                                                                                                                                                 Premium Suites       Premium Suites                               Premium Suites      Corner Suite

wonderful destinations you are visiting in the company of like-                                                                                                                427    425 423         421                                          419      417 415
                                                                                                        Promenade deck                                                Staff

                                                                                                                                                                                Premium Suites Premium Suites                                       Premium Suites     Corner Suite

                                                                                                                                                                               427 425 423 421                                                     419 417 415

minded people. There is a high ratio of crew to passengers and our                                          The
                                                                                                            Club                                                                                  Superior Suites            Superior Suites                                             Superior Suites

                                                                                                                                                                                           347      345  422343       341      339       335                                             333
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Suites 329
                                                                                                                                                                               428 426          424                420    418      416 414

friendly crew of 75 are mainly Filipino and Eastern European and
                                                                                                                                          STAIRS   LIFT
                                                                                                            Club                                                      Staff
                                                                                                                                                                                              Superior Suites        Superior Suites
                                                                                                                          Coffee                                      Cabin

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         335                                             333 331 329
                                                                                                                                                                                Premium Suites        Premium Suites    Premium Suites
                                                                                                                                                                                           347      345  422343    420341 418339
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Corner Suite

                                                                                                                                                                               428 426          424                                416 414
                                                                                              Library                                     STAIRS   LIFT

our Scandinavian Captains are experienced mariners. After a day
                                                                                                        Promenade deck    Coffee                                      Cabin
                                                                                                                          Station                                                Premium Suites             Premium Suites               Premium Suites                Corner Suite
                                                                                                                                                                                             Deck Access                                                 Deck Access

                                                                              Columbus Deck
                                                                                                        Promenade deck

ashore you will return to the comfort and peace of a well-run and                                                                                                                            Deck Access

                                                                                                                                                                                             348 346 344 342 340 338 336 334 332 330
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Deck Access

                                                                              Columbus Deck             Promenade deck

                                                                                                                                                                                             348    346       344 342          338 336
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       340Suites           334 332 330

exceedingly comfortable ship where peace, high quality of service
                                                                                                                                                                                Superior Suites   Superior Suites       Superior Suites
                                                                                                                                                      Cruise     Director                     Superior Suites       Superior            Superior Suites
                                                                                                                                                                               347    345Suites 343Superior   339
                                                                                                                                                                                                      341Suites    335 333 331 329
                                                                                                        Promenade deck
                                                                                                                                                                                Superior                                                               Superior Suites
                                                                                                                                                      Cruise     Director                       Superior Suites                                    Superior Suites                    Superior Suites
and attention to detail are the order of the day. A little music in the                                                                                                        347 345 343 341 339                                         335 333 331 329
                                                                                                                                      Public            Entrance
                                                                                                        Lounge                        bathrooms

Lounge after dinner, Guest Speakers and informative port briefings                                                                                      Entrance
                                                                                                                                      Public                 Reception
                                                                                                        Lounge                        bathrooms    LIFT

                                                                                                                                                                               348 346 344 342 340 338 336 334 332 330

                                                                                                                                                                 Purser’s                            Standard Suites Superior Suites
and of course good food, all contribute to make any voyage aboard

                                                                                                                                                                               348 346 344261        259338
                                                                                                                                                                                                342 340            336  334 332 330
                                                                                                                                                                                Superior Suites   Superior Suites
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 257 255
                                                                                                        Promenade deck
                                                                                                                                                                  Purser’s      Superior Suites
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Standard Suites Superior Suites
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Superior Suites
                                                                                                                                                                                                         261 259 257 255

this wonderful vessel a memorable and joyful experience.                      Magellan Deck
                                                                                                        Promenade deck

                                                                              Magellan Deck                                                                                                      Standard Suites             Hospital
                                                                                                                             Galley                                                  261 259    257 255              Doctor

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        252 250
                                                                                                                                                                                         Standard Suites    Hospital
                                                                                                                             Galley                                                  261262
                                                                                                                                                                                         259 260257 255  258 256 254 Doctor

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      252 250
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Standard Suites
                                                                                           Restaurant                                                                                      262    260 258Standard
                                                                                                                                                                                            Standard Suites
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  254 Standard                                         (forward)

                  During this voyage you will be visiting out of the                       Restaurant
                                                                                                                                          STAIRS   LIFT                                       Standard Suites
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Standard Suites
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Officer ’s                      (forward)
                                                                                                                                                                              262 260 258 256 254 252 250

                  way destinations and will be accompanied by an                                                                          STAIRS   LIFT
                                                                                                                                                                               Standard Suites Standard Suites
                                                                                                                                                                              262 260 258 256 254 252 250
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Standard Suites
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Officer ’s

                  expedition team. Landings and excursions will be                                                                                                             Standard Suites       Standard Suites     Standard Suites

                  made by Zodiac landing craft. This cruise will appeal          Standard Suites                          Corner Suites with Deck Access                    Owner’s Balcony Suites
                  to the more adventurous and those who enjoy the                Standard Suites                          Corner      Suites with Deck   Access             Owner’s Balcony Suites
                                                                                  Standard Suites
                                                                                 Superior  Suites (Forward)    Premium
                                                                                                                          Deluxe SuiteBalcony
                                                                                                                            Suites      (For
                                                                                                                                          S    SuitesDeluxe Balcony Suites Island Suite
                  natural world.                                                  Standard
                                                                                 Superior  Suites
                                                                                           Suites (Forward)
                                                                                  Standard Suites              Premium
                                                                                                                          Deluxe SuiteBalcony
                                                                                                                     sDeluxe     Suites
                                                                                                                              Balcony   (For
                                                                                                                                        Suite  SuitesDeluxe
                                                                                                                                                                     Suites Island Suite
                                                                                 Premium Suites with Deck Access
                                                                                  Standard Suites
                                                                                  Superior Suites              Corner CornerSuites
                                                                                                                      sDeluxe Suites
                                                                                                                                 Suite Suite
                                                                                                                              Balcony               Owners Balcony Suites
                                                                                 Premium    Suites with Deck Access    Superior
                                                                                                                       sOwners  Suite
                                                                                                                               Balcony   Suite
                                                                                  Superior Suites                                              sSuperior Suite Suite
                                                                                                                                               Owners Balcony

+44 (0)20 7752 0000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    7
Antarctica Total Solar - Noble Caledonia
2 Chester Close, Belgravia, London, SW1X 7BE
                                    +44 (0)20 7752 0000 | |

All special offers are subject to availability. Our current booking conditions apply to all reservations and are available on request. Ports & itineraries subject to change.
                                                                           Cover image: Antarctica

Antarctica Total Solar - Noble Caledonia Antarctica Total Solar - Noble Caledonia
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