Antihypertensive prescribing patterns and hypertension control in females of childbearing age

Page created by Bob Fletcher

Antihypertensive prescribing patterns and hypertension
control in females of childbearing age
Blaire M. White, PharmD, Billings
Clinic; Billings, MT, USA                     Purpose. The use of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
Sarah L. Anderson, PharmD,                    or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) to treat hypertension (HTN)
University of Colorado Skaggs School of       during pregnancy presents well-established risks to a developing fetus.
Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Aurora, CO, USA                               A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the current state of
Joel C. Marrs, PharmD, MPH,
                                              antihypertensive prescribing and contraceptive use in females of child-

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University of Colorado Skaggs School of       bearing age within a large safety-net health system.
Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Aurora, CO, USA                               Methods. The retrospective cross-sectional study focused on females
                                              aged 18-49 years with a documented diagnosis of HTN. The proportion of
                                              patients prescribed an ACE inhibitor or ARB and using a documented form
                                              of contraception was calculated. Documented forms of contraception in-
                                              cluded oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices, injections, implants, and
                                              surgical intervention.

                                              Results. A total of 4,187 patients were identified from the HTN registry;
                                              after application of exclusion criteria 3,045 patients were included in the
                                              study population. The mean age was 39 years (range, 18-49 years). The
                                              most frequently prescribed classes of antihypertensive medications were
                                              ACE inhibitors and ARBs (one or the other was used by 1,146 patients
                                              [37.6%]), followed by thiazide diuretics (n = 710, 23.3%) and calcium
                                              channel blockers (n = 599, 19.7%). Of the 1,146 patients prescribed an
                                              ACE inhibitor or ARB, 553 (48%) were using a documented form of contra-

                                              Conclusion. Rates of ACE inhibitor or ARB prescribing to females of
                                              childbearing age were high despite the teratogenic risks, and fewer than
                                              half of patients had documented protection from pregnancy. Provider and
                                              patient education and potential creation of best practice alerts in the elec-
                                              tronic medical record regarding the risks of using ACE inhibitors and ARBs
                                              in females of childbearing age are warranted.

                                              Keywords: angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, angiotensin receptor
                                              blocker, contraception, hypertension, reproductive-aged women

                                                                              Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2021;78:1317-1322

                                            H    ypertension (HTN) affects one-
                                                 third of all females in the United
                                            States, and the prevalence of HTN in fe-
                                                                                          indication such as proteinuric renal
                                                                                          disease.3 If use of these medications
                                                                                          is unavoidable or strongly indicated,
                                            males of childbearing age continues to        then females should be counseled re-
                                            rise.1 The use of angiotensin-converting      garding teratogenic and other risks,
                                            enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin        and effective contraception is recom-
                                            receptor blockers (ARBs) during preg-         mended.3 The ACOG recommenda-
Address correspondence to Dr. Marrs         nancy presents well-established risks         tion differs from the 2017 American
(                to a developing fetus.2 Therefore, the        College of Cardiology/American Heart
                                            American College of Obstetricians and         Association (ACC/AHA) guideline for
© American Society of Health-System         Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends               management of high blood pressure
Pharmacists 2021. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please e-mail: journals.   against the use of ACE inhibitors, ARBs,      (BP) in adults, which recommends                        and renin inhibitors in females of child-     ACE inhibitors and ARBs as first-line
DOI 10.1093/ajhp/zxab162                    bearing age unless there is a compelling      options for most patients with HTN

                                             AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM       |   VOLUME 78   |   NUMBER 14   |   July 15, 2021  1317

regardless of age or gender.4 The ACC/                                                      other safety-net institutions across the
AHA guideline further states that for           KEY POINTS                                  nation. Denver Health provides care
females with HTN who become preg-               • Angiotensin-converting                    for one-third of Denver’s population
nant or are planning to become preg-              enzyme (ACE) inhibitors                   on an annual basis. Twenty-one per-
nant, antihypertensive therapy should             and angiotensin receptor                  cent of Denver Health’s patients are
be changed to methyldopa, nifedi-                 blockers (ARBs) are fre-                  uninsured, compared to 10% of those
pine, and/or labetalol, given the safety          quently prescribed to females             at other Colorado hospitals. Further,
profile of these medications during               of childbearing age despite               the institution cares for the needs of
pregnancy.4                                       teratogenic risks.                        special populations such as the poor,
     Despite the prevalence of HTN                                                          the uninsured, pregnant teens, per-
                                                • In a large sample of younger
in females of childbearing age and                                                          sons addicted to alcohol and/or other

                                                                                                                                       Downloaded from by BINASSS user on 15 July 2021
                                                  female patients within a
the common use of ACE inhibitors                                                            substances, victims of violence, and
                                                  safety-net health system, less
and ARBs to manage HTN, there                                                               the homeless. The electronic med-
                                                  than 50% of patients pre-
is a limited body of published data                                                         ical record (EMR) was used to obtain
                                                  scribed an ACE inhibitor or
describing use of these agents in this                                                      a list of female patients 18 to 49 years
                                                  ARB had documented protec-
population. Another area of interest                                                        of age with a diagnosis of HTN as de-
                                                  tion from pregnancy.
is the frequency of contraceptive use                                                       fined by the health system’s HTN
in females with HTN who are treated             • Provider and patient education            registry. According to the US Centers
with an ACE inhibitor or ARB. The au-             and creation of best practice             for Disease Control and Prevention,
thors identified 3 previous studies in            alerts in the electronic medical          childbearing age can be defined as
this area, with the most recent pub-              record regarding the risks of             16 to 49 years of age. Patients 16 or
lished more than 10 years ago.5-7 Two             ACE inhibitor and ARB use in              17 years of age (pediatric patients)
retrospective studies evaluated the               females of childbearing age are           are considered to be a vulnerable
incidence of contraceptive use in fe-             proposed solutions to help miti-          population and were excluded from
males of childbearing age who were                gate risk.                                the study. To be included in the HTN
taking an ACE inhibitor or ARB; the                                                         registry, patients must have had
study populations comprised 101 and                                                         HTN on their current problem list or
6,467 females, respectively.5,6 One of                                                      documentation of an International
those studies found that of the patients                                                    Classification of Diseases code (ICD-9
taking an ACE inhibitor or ARB, 66%           the current state of antihypertensive         or ICD-10) for HTN documented in
were using a form of contraception.5 In       prescribing and contraceptive use for         the EMR at least twice within the last
the other retrospective study, contra-        females of childbearing age within a          5 years. Patients must also have been
ceptive use was remarkably lower, at          large safety-net health system, a prac-       seen by their primary care provider
only 11.7%.6 The third study we iden-         tice setting not included in previous         within the last 18 months. From this
tified aimed to quantify ACE inhibitor,       studies. The findings will be used to         list, the proportion of patients pre-
ARB, and statin prescribing to female         identify potential safety issues that war-    scribed an ACE inhibitor or ARB and
patients of childbearing age and rates        rant further educational approaches           using a documented form of contra-
of documented discussions of terato-          to prescribers, particularly those who        ception was calculated. Oral contra-
genic risk before and after educational       provide care to an underserved patient        ceptives, vaginal contraceptive rings,
intervention.7 Risk documentation oc-         population.                                   and contraceptive patches were
curred for 20% of patients, indicating                                                      identified from a patient’s medica-
that physicians’ baseline awareness of        Methods                                       tion list. Injections were identified
teratogenic risks and risk documenta-             Study design. The retrospective           from the medication list and Current
tion was lacking.7 After the interven-        cross-sectional study was approved            Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes.
tion (n = 131), the frequency of risk         by the Denver Health Sponsored                Insertion and removal of intrauterine
documentation was 2.4 times greater           Programs and Research Office and              devices (IUDs), contraceptive im-
than before intervention.                     the Colorado Multiple Institutional           plants, and fallopian tube inserts
     These studies showed that ACE in-        Review Board. The study was con-              were identified using the medica-
hibitors and ARBs are commonly pre-           ducted at Denver Health, which is a           tion list and documented ICD-10 and
scribed antihypertensive medications          large, urban safety-net health system         CPT codes. Surgical interventions,
for females of childbearing age and           located in Denver, CO. Denver Health          including tubal ligation and hyster-
that many patients do not have a docu-        is Colorado’s primary safety-net insti-       ectomy, were identified using ICD-
mented form of contraception despite          tution and has provided $2.8 billion          10 codes. Exclusion criteria were
the teratogenic risks. The purpose of the     in uncompensated care over the last           as follows: age of
ANTIHYPERTENSIVE PRESCRIBING IN FEMALES OF CHILDBEARING AGE                                                                Note

eclampsia or preeclampsia, and cur-            the study (Figure 1). Baseline charac-        of antihypertensive agent, 944 of 3,039
rent incarceration.                            teristics are listed in Table 1. The mean     patients (31%) had controlled BP.
    Primary and secondary out-                 age was 39 years (range, 18-49 years).        Rates of BP control were not different
comes. The primary outcome was                 The most frequently patient-reported          between patients prescribed ACE in-
the percentage of patients prescribed          race/ethnicity was Hispanic (45.5%),          hibitor or ARB therapy and those in
an ACE inhibitor or ARB and using a            followed by Black (25.3%) and white           other antihypertensive medication
documented form of contraception.              (22.1%). Twenty percent of patients           categories (data not shown). BP data
Secondary outcomes were controlled             were current smokers, and 22% had             were missing for 6 patients.
BP (BP of
Note                                                ANTIHYPERTENSIVE PRESCRIBING IN FEMALES OF CHILDBEARING AGE

 Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Patients in Study Population
 (n = 3,045)                                                                                           The results of the study highlight
                                                                                                  the fact that ACE inhibitors and ARBs
 Characteristic                                                                  No. (%)a
                                                                                                  are frequently prescribed to females of
 Age range, y                                                                                     childbearing age despite teratogenic
                                                                                                  risks. Less than half of patients pre-
   18 to 40                                                                  1,502 (49.3)
                                                                                                  scribed an ACE inhibitor or ARB had
   41 to 44                                                                      571 (18.8)       documented protection from preg-
   45 to 49                                                                      972 (31.9)       nancy. This rate of contraception use
                                                                                                  is lower than that reflected in the most

                                                                                                                                               Downloaded from by BINASSS user on 15 July 2021
                                                                                                  recent data (for 2015-2017) from the
   Hispanic                                                                  1,386 (45.5)         National Survey of Family Growth,
   Black                                                                         769 (25.3)       which indicated that 64.9% of females
   White                                                                         674 (22.1)       15 to 49 years of age were currently
                                                                                                  using contraception.8 Documented
   Other                                                                         216 (7.1)
                                                                                                  forms of contraception included oral
 Primary language                                                                                 contraceptives, vaginal rings, patches,
   English                                                                   2,231 (73.3)         IUDs, injections, implants, and surgical
                                                                                                  intervention. The ACOG guidelines
   Spanish                                                                       648 (21.3)
                                                                                                  recommend against the use of ACE
   Other                                                                         166 (5.4)        inhibitors, ARBs, and renin inhibitors
 Medical history                                                                                  in women of childbearing age unless
   Current smoking                                                               600 (19.7)       there is a compelling indication such as
                                                                                                  proteinuric renal disease.3 Heart failure
   Diabetes mellitus                                                             675 (22.2)
                                                                                                  is another compelling reason to use an
   Chronic kidney disease                                                          97 (3.2)       ACE inhibitor or ARB. However, very
   Heart failure                                                                   79 (2.6)       few patients in our study had either of
                                                                                                  these compelling indications.
 Selected clinical/laboratory data
                                                                                                       The study included a patient popula-
   Systolic BP, mean (SD), mm Hg                                             131.7 (16.4)         tion larger than those in previous studies
   Diastolic BP, mean (SD), mm Hg                                                84.2 (10.7)      evaluating similar outcomes. Overall,
   Pulse, mean (SD), beats/min                                                   83.8 (13.2)      our findings were similar to findings in
                                                                                                  previous studies. Compared to the study
   BMI (kg/m ), mean (SD)
                                                                                 33.8 (9.0)
                                                                                                  of Martin et al,5 our study found a lower
   Serum potassium, mean (SD), mEq/L                                              3.8 (0.4)       rate of ACE inhibitor or ARB prescribing
   Serum creatinine, mean (SD), mg/dL                                             0.8 (0.6)       amongst females of childbearing age
 Antihypertensive use   b                                                                         (37.6% vs 47%); however, documented
                                                                                                  contraceptive use was lower in our study
   ACE inhibitor or ARB                                                      1,146 (37.6)
                                                                                                  (48% vs 66%). Further, when comparing
   Thiazide diuretic                                                             710 (23.3)       contraception use in patients 40 years of
   Calcium channel blocker                                                       599 (19.7)       age or younger, the rate of documented
                                                                                                  contraception was 44.7% in our study
   Beta-blocker                                                                  267 (8.8)
                                                                                                  versus 30.8% in the study by Martin
   Alpha/beta-blocker                                                            119 (3.9)        et al. One key finding in our explora-
   Loop diuretic                                                                 118 (3.9)        tory analysis was a doubling of the rate
   Potassium-sparing diuretic                                                      93 (3.1)
                                                                                                  of ACE inhibitor or ARB prescribing to
                                                                                                  those 41 to 49 years of age versus 18 to
   Other   c
                                                                                   80 (2.6)
                                                                                                  40 years of age, meaning there were po-
 Abbreviations: ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; BMI,       tentially more discussions with patients
 body mass index; BP, blood pressure; SD, standard deviation.
  All data are number (percentage) of patients unless specified otherwise.
                                                                                                  about the safe use of ACE inhibitors or
   Some patients were using more than 1 agent.                                                    ARBs in the younger female population
  Included clonidine, guanfacine, hydralazine, methyldopa, minoxidil, and reserpine.
                                                                                                  with HTN.

1320           AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM      |   VOLUME 78    |   NUMBER 14    |    July 15, 2021
ANTIHYPERTENSIVE PRESCRIBING IN FEMALES OF CHILDBEARING AGE                                                                 Note

                                                                                         females with HTN who become preg-
 Table 2. Forms of Contraception Used by Study Population (n = 553)
                                                                                         nant or are planning to become preg-
 Type of Contraception                                                  No. (%)          nant, antihypertensive therapy should
                                                                                         be changed to methyldopa, nifedipine,
 Surgical intervention                                                 308 (55.7)        and/or labetalol.
 IUD                                                                    99 (17.9)
 Implant                                                                70 (12.7)
                                                                                             Rates of ACE inhibitor or ARB pre-
 Combination pill                                                       36 (6.5)
                                                                                         scribing to females of childbearing
 Progestin-only pill                                                    25 (4.5)         age were high despite the teratogenic
 Injection                                                              15 (2.7)         risk, and less than half of patients had

                                                                                                                                           Downloaded from by BINASSS user on 15 July 2021
                                                                                         documented protection from preg-
 Patch                                                                      0 (0)
                                                                                         nancy. Therefore, additional provider
 Ring                                                                       0 (0)        education, patient education, and po-
 Abbreviation: IUD, intrauterine device.                                                 tential creation of best practice alerts
                                                                                         in the EMR are warranted for appro-
                                                                                         priate antihypertensive selection in this
    Because the study was conducted        appropriate care; without this informa-       population and to inform counseling
in a large, urban safety-net health        tion, the analysis may have underesti-        on and prescribing of effective forms of
system, it highlights an opportunity for   mated the proportion of patients who          contraception when ACE inhibitor or
pharmacists to address health dispar-      received appropriate care. Moreover,          ARB use is necessary.
ities in an underserved population as      the patients’ originally prescribed HTN
they relate to the safe prescribing and    regimens were not known. It may be            Disclosures
monitoring of ACE inhibitors or ARBs       that ACE inhibitors and ARBs were             The authors have declared no potential con-
                                                                                         flicts of interest.
in females of childbearing age with        being used as second- or third-line
HTN. Pharmacists could play a role in      agents for BP control after other agents
                                                                                         Previous affiliations
developing best practice alerts within     were not tolerated, in which case their
                                                                                         At the time of project completion Dr. White
the EMR and provide patient and pro-       use would be reasonable. Finally, the         was affiliated with Denver Health Medical
vider education on the risks of ACE in-    study evaluated prescribing patterns          Center, Denver, CO.
hibitor and ARB use during pregnancy.      only and not patient adherence to
An opportunity for pharmacists to          medications.                                  Additional information
manage the HTN population through              Of the 6.1 million pregnancies in         Deidentified study data are available upon
collaborative practice agreements          the United States in 2011, nearly half        request.
could allow for improvement in the safe    (45%, or 2.8 million) were unintended.9
management and monitoring of pa-           Although ACOG and 2017 ACC/AHA                References
tients with HTN. Additionally, this vul-   guidelines have conflicting recom-                1. Fryar CD, Ostchega Y, Hales CM, et al.
nerable population could benefit from      mendations for HTN management in                     Hypertension prevalence and control
                                                                                                among adults: United States, 2015-2016.
telephonic outreach by a pharmacist to     females of childbearing age, ACE in-                 NCHS Data Brief. 2017;(289):1-8.
improve the safe prescribing and moni-     hibitors and ARBs should be avoided               2. Fitton CA, Steiner MFC, Aucott L, et al.
toring of medications and evaluate BP      whenever possible due to teratogenic                 In-utero exposure to antihypertensive
control in patients able to self-monitor   risks, regardless of whether patients                medication and neonatal and child
BP at home.                                are actively trying to become pregnant.              health outcomes: a systematic review. J
                                                                                                Hypertens. 2017;35(11):2123-2137.
    There were several limitations to      The findings of our study highlight the           3. Roberts JM, August PA, Bakris G, et al.
our study, including the inability to      need for additional provider education               Hypertension in pregnancy. Report of
identify patients for whom contracep-      and potential creation of best prac-                 the American College of Obstetricians
tive use was not necessary (eg, patients   tice alerts in the EMR regarding the                 and Gynecologists’ Task Force on
with same-sex partners or male part-       risk of ACE inhibitors and ARBs in this              Hypertension in Pregnancy. Obstet
                                                                                                Gynecol. 2013;122(5):1122-1131.
ners with a vasectomy, patients prac-      population. These next steps are im-              4. Whelton PK, Carey RM, Aronow WS,
ticing abstinence). Additionally, it was   portant to prevent the continued pre-                et al. 2017 ACC/AHA/AAPA/ABC/
not possible to identify condom (or        scribing of ACE inhibitors and ARBs in               ACPM/AGS/APhA/ASH/ASPC/
other barrier method) use or proper        this population. If these medications                NAMA/PCNA guideline for the pre-
contraception counseling with the data     are unavoidable or strongly indicated,               vention, detection, evaluation, and
                                                                                                management of high blood pressure
extraction methodology. Provision of       then females should be counseled re-                 in adults: a report of the American
adequate contraception counseling          garding risks, and effective contra-                 College of Cardiology/American Heart
should be considered to indicate           ception should be recommended. For                   Association Task Force on Clinical

                                            AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM      |    VOLUME 78   |    NUMBER 14     |   July 15, 2021  1321
Note                                                ANTIHYPERTENSIVE PRESCRIBING IN FEMALES OF CHILDBEARING AGE

   Practice Guidelines. Hypertension.                August 24, 2020. https://www.             8. Daniels K, Abma JC. Current contra-
   2018;71(6):e13.                                        ceptive status among women aged
5. Martin U, Foreman MA, Travis JC,                  Subsystem/SW/StaticContent/                  15–49: United States, 2015–2017.
   et al. Use of ACE inhibitors and ARBs             Provider/medicaid/pharmacy/dur/              Published December 2018. NCHS
   in hypertensive women of child-                   minutes/090209ACEARBStatinInterve            Data Brief. Accessed August 24, 2020.
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   2008;33(5):507-511.                            7. Morrical-Kline KA, Walton AM,                databriefs/db327-h.pdf
6. Targeted Intervention: ACEI/ARB                   Guildenbecher TM. Teratogen use in        9. Finer LB, Zolna MR. Declines in un-
   and statin use in women of child-                 women of childbearing potential: an          intended pregnancy in the United
   bearing age without contraceptives.               intervention study. J Am Board Fam           States, 2008-2011. N Engl J Med.
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1322      AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM           |   VOLUME 78   |   NUMBER 14   |   July 15, 2021
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