Phylogenetic Analysis of TTV (TorqueTeno Virus) in Iraqi Woman Suffering of Failure Kidney Disease

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Phylogenetic Analysis of TTV (TorqueTeno Virus) in Iraqi Woman Suffering of Failure Kidney Disease
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2021, Vol. 15, No. 1   1659

     Phylogenetic Analysis of TTV (TorqueTeno Virus) in Iraqi
           Woman Suffering of Failure Kidney Disease

                     YasameenHasan Ali1, Tariq M Quasim2, DBEL Wahab R.Alshaikly3
      Assistant Professor College of Nursing, 2Tutor Department of pharmacy, Al-Rasheed University College

    There are still very few studies of the Torque Tenovirus infection rate between hemodialysis patients in
    Iraq. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the frequency of TTV viremia in hemodialysis Iraqi patients.
    This study has carried out in Baghdad city from October 2019 to February 2020 and included 150 patients
    with kidney failure disease undergoing hemodialysis and 50 control subjects .Blood samples have been
    obtained for serological TTV detection. The result shows PCR has been used to detect TTV, isolates have
    been identified through N22 region sequencing and phylogenetic analysis has also been performed. Of the
    150 patients, 2 (1 male and 1 female) were TTV positive.The results shows in ( isolate 14) substitution
    four Transversion A>C, C>G,A>T, and T>A three Transition T>C,A>G, and T>C of Specific region within
    TTV(N-22) and showed 94% identified with a standard in Gene Bank while having 99% identified with
    a standard in Gene Bank with (isolate 17) substitution fiveTransversion A>T,A>C,T>A, A>Tand C>G
    threeTransition A>G,A>G and T>C . The phylogenetic analysis showed that identical among themselves
    and the world with 100% compatibility values.

    Key words: kidney failure disease,Torque Teno virus (TTV), PCR- Sequencing.

                    Introduction                                may be appliances, surfaces and staff of various origins
                                                                in haemodialysis units(9).Besides HCV and HBV, TTV
    The Torque Teno virus (TTV) was initially isolated
                                                                are among the frequently transmitted viruses in patients
from a post-transfusional non-A-G hepatitis patient in
                                                                with haemodialysis, the frequency of which varies
Japan (1). The virus is an omnipresent negative stranded
                                                                greatly contingent on virological, demographic and
DNA virus which has been listed as an Anelloviridae
                                                                clinical factors (10).Thus the aim of this study were to
family member (2). Though considered a hepatotropic
                                                                assess the frequency of TTV viremia in hemodialysis
virus, with different transmission modes (3).TTV is
                                                                Iraqi patients.
classified as intosevengenogroups including many
genotypes according to sequence analysis (4), of                                 Materialsand Methods
which genotype 1 is the most prevalent .The virus is
spread globally according to geographic location with                This study has carried out in Baghdad city from
variable seropositivity levels (5,6). TTV usually infects       October 2019 to February 2020 and included 150 patients
patients exposed to blood transfusion as patients with          with kidney failure disease undergoing hemodialysis and
thalassemia and haemodialysis,also intravenous users            50 control subjects who were apparently healthy. Five ml
of the drug (7).The virus has been rendered pathogenic          of whole blood was collected from each subject. blood
and is also considered a virus flora, but its significance      sample was allowed to clot naturally then centrifuged at
stems from its capability to demonstrate the combined           (3000 rpm) for 5 minutes and serum was separated from
capacity from the innate and acquired immunity (8).             packed RBCs. Serum was divided into 2 parts in sterile
Despite the innumerable utility of haemodialysis in             Eppendorftubes which then stored in deep freeze at
chronic renal failure patients, it has been attributed as       -20°C, one part was used for DNA extraction from TTV
a high danger setting for blood-borne infections, that          , and the second part for detection of TTV by ELISA.
1660     Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2021, Vol. 15, No. 1

       Detection of TorqueTeno virus by ELISA                         using PCR with forward primer 5’-GTC AAG GGG
                                                                      CAA TTC GGG CWC-3’ and reverse primer 5’-GTC
    Detection ofTTV were done firstly by ELISA (Cat.
                                                                      TGG CCC CAC TCA CTT TCG-3’. The program of
No: MBS9313728, MyBioSource, USA).
                                                                      PCR as seen in table (1), PCR products were verified in
       Amplification of TTV by using PCR                              1.5% agarose gel.

       Specific region within TTV(N-22) amplified by

                        Table (1): PCR program that was applied in the thermocycler devices.

       Phylogenetic analysis

    Two TTV isolates from this samples were utilized for phylogenetic analysis to establish the genetic relationship
between Iraqi human TTV strains and the NCBI data base strains. Using the MEGA6 software, the nucleotide
sequences were aligned based on the amino acid sequences to prevent nonsense from being introduced.

     The distribution of the samples according to gender showed insignificant distribution ( χ2=5.9017 ,P>0.206),
the negative samples showed 63 females and 85 males while the two positive samples were divided equally into one
male sample and one female sample. The control samples were 23 males and 27 females.

       Table (2): samples distribution according to gender.

                     Groups                                          Female                              Male

                    Control                                            27                                 23

                 TTV negative                                          63                                 85

                  TTV positive                                          1                                  1

                   Chi-square                                                            5.9017

                     p-value                                                              0.206

   The results of ELISA test showed 21 samples were positive (out of the total 150 samples). ELISA test has low
Specificity of results (31.58%). The percentage of TTV positivity were different after the PCR test were done as
shown in table (3).
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2021, Vol. 15, No. 1    1661

                        Table(3):Comparison between ELISA and PCR techniques.

       Specificity                                                                                      Total collected
       of ELISA               percentage              positive samples               Tests               samples for
           %                                                                                               patients

                                 14%                          21                    ELISA
        31.58%                                                                                                 150
                                 1.30%                        2                       PCR

     The results of aligning the sequences results          (GGC>GGG).Those variations resulted after aligning
ofTTV are illustrated in table (4) which showing            the sequence of our isolates to the reference sequence
the variation of each sample. Each sample showed            (ID: AF123933.1) which showed the highest similarity
different variations. The first sample showed 7             to our resulted sequence NCBI.
variations which are; at nucleotide 112 (TTT>TTA),
                                                                 The phylogenetic tree diagrammatic by Molecular
at nucleotide 178 (AAC>ACC)missense, a nonsense
                                                            Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) software
at nucleotide 182 (AAT>AAC), at nucleotide 194
                                                            version 6.0 the phylogenetic trees of these species are
(GGC>GGG), at nucleotide 196 (TAC>TCC), at
                                                            shown in Figure (1).These alignmentsappeared the
nucleotide 200 (GTA>GTG) and at nucleotide 206
                                                            TTV between Iraq and others in the world by Specific
(TAT>TAC). The other sample showed 8variations at
                                                            region within TTV(N-22) for translating specific
which are; at nucleotide 50 (AAC>GAC), at nucleotide
                                                            region .Hierarchical cluster analysis determine the
127 (TAC>TCC), at nucleotide 123 (AAC>GAC),
                                                            following clusters including TTV Iraqi isolate(14,17)
at nucleotide 176 (AAC>ACC), at nucleotide
                                                            the identical100 % it is close to Egypt(ID:KY750545)
179(ATC>ACC), at nucleotide 198 (TTT>TTA), at
                                                            the identical 100 % .
nucleotide 201 (TAC >TTC) and at nucleotide 219

                      Figure 1: Neighbor-joining tree from TTV sequence alignment.
1662   Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2021, Vol. 15, No. 1

                        Discussion                                  polymerase chain reaction diagnostic techniques is
                                                                    rapid, easy, inexpensive protocol becoming the most
      The patients with chronic renal failure suffering
                                                                    commonly utilized of all molecular genetics ways for
from hemodialysis (HD)are at risk of TTV infection (11).
                                                                    detecting important genes.Irshad’s analysis found that
Data on TTV infection in peritoneal dialysis patients
                                                                    Torque teno virus DNA genotype 1 was the principal
was very rare; these results Indicated the prevalence
                                                                    genotype of TTV DNA in patients with hemodialysis
of TTV in a population with continuous ambulatory                   (21). In contrast, genotype 2 was reported to be more
peritoneal dialysis is close to that of healthy controls
(12). At worldwide distribution, torque teno virus was              pathogenic than other genotypes (22, 23). Likewise, a
                                                                    study carried out in Turkey to examine the N22 region
found to be more widespread in men (13). Spandoleet al
(14) reported that the distribution from TTV in males and           found that genotypes 1 and 2 were the most common
                                                                    in the different groups investigated and the only one
females did not notice any difference, this agreement
                                                                    identified in the population of blood donors (24). Torque
with our study. At the other hand, Mohamed et al (15)
                                                                    teno virus has been spread worldwide, with a high
recorded that TTV-positive patients were 66.7 % and
                                                                    prevalence of TTV infection in various populations
33.3 % respectively in age groups 20-40 and 40-60 years,
                                                                    including liver disease patients, HIV patients, drug users
3.7 % TTV-positive DNA were males compared to 6.1 %
                                                                    and healthy individuals (25). Irshad et al (18) reported that
of females with no noticeable difference between males
                                                                    PCR fragment molecular and phylogenetic analyzes
and females .Al-Hamdaniet al (16) found that 29.2 % from
                                                                    detected that TTV could be divided into many genotypes
thalassemia patients with predominance of males over
                                                                    found worldwide, without any direct connection to the
females were detected with TTV (64.4 % vs. 35.6 %).
                                                                    geographic distribution of diseases. This disparity in
Takemoto et al (17) reported that patients with dialysis
                                                                    the prevalence of TTVs in various geographic areas
were mostly males (55 %) with a mean age of 53.8 years.
                                                                    can be explained by the presence of different roads of
The current study showed the relationship between TTV
                                                                    this virus spreading across different geographic areas.
infection and patients suffering from hemodialysis in a
                                                                    Castro et al (23) represented a molecular epidemiological
population of kidney failure. The discovery of TTV and
                                                                    study examining a large number of Brazilian isolates
its parenteral mode of transmission resulted in the idea
                                                                    and reported that TTV was identified among 11.9% of
of its potential inclusion in a category of viral hepatitis
                                                                    Brazilian blood donors through the study of the TTV
that is not A-G (18).Sequence analysis shows that there
                                                                    genome ORF-1 region close to that found between
is a high degree of genetic variation in the TTV genome
                                                                    German and Japanese blood donors.
and can be categorized into at least six main genotypes
(groups 1–6) and multiple subtypes (1a, 1b, 2a and 2b)                 Conflict of Interest: There is no conflict of interest
(19, 20). Direct UTR region amplicon sequencing revealed
                                                                    among the authors.
extensive mix-infection of different TTV strains
within the infected person. The divergence among                         Funding: Self
various detecting regions indicatedthat TV is due to the
                                                                        Ethical Clearance: This study is ethically approved
coexistence of multiple phylogenetic groups(4). In the
                                                                    by the Institutional ethical Committee.
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