Anuncios de Empleo - February 14, 2020 Bilingual Job Announcements - Mayor's ...

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Anuncios de Empleo - February 14, 2020 Bilingual Job Announcements - Mayor's ...
2/21/2020                                       Anuncios de Empleo - February 14, 2020 Bilingual Job Announcements

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Anuncios de Empleo - February 14, 2020 Bilingual
Job Announcements
District of Columbia sent this bulletin at 02/14/2020 06:30 PM EST
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                         Job Announcements                                                      In This Issue
                         Anuncios de Empleo | 14 de febrero, 2020

       Letter from the Mayor
                                                                                                Quick Links

                                                                                                       Le er from the Mayor
                                                                                                       Mayor’s Office of Talent and
                                                                                                       Appointments                                                                   1/17
Anuncios de Empleo - February 14, 2020 Bilingual Job Announcements - Mayor's ...
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                                                                                                       United States Census
                                                                                                       DC Homeland Security
                                                                                                       Department of Health Care
                                                                                                       Metropolitan Police
                                                                                                       Office of the Chief Medical
                                                                                                       Surface Transporta on
                                                                                                       Service Employees
                                                                                                       Interna onal Union-SEIU
                                                                                                       La n American Montessori
                                                                                                       Bilingual PCS
                                                                                                       Board of Child Care
                                                                                                       Board of Child Care
                                                                                                       Hope Genera on
                                                                                                       Father and Son Carpet
                                                                                                       Oportunidad de Empleo
                                                                                                       Personal para Limpieza
                                                                                                       Easterns Automovil Group
                      Mayor's Office on Talents and Appointments                                         Infrastructure Academy
                                     is seeking to hire an                                             Becas de DCTAG

       Associate Director of Legislative Affairs - Office                                              Empleo de verano para
       of Policy and Legislative Affairs (OPLA)                                                        jovenes

       Open Date: February 1, 2020

       Close: Open un l filled

       Salary Range: Excepted Service, Grade 6 - $94,525

       Job Summary:

       As Associate Director in the Office of Policy and Legisla ve Affairs
       (OPLA), incumbent serves as principal liaison for the Execu ve Office
       of the Mayor (EOM) and Execu ve agencies to the Council and
                                                                                                           Muriel Bowser
       between EOM and Execu ve agencies on legisla ve and policy                                             Mayor
       ma ers.
                                                                                                         District of Columbia                                                                  2/17
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       Du es and responsibili es

       Oversees and coordinates the flow of informa on and documents
       between the EOM, agencies, Council, and other stakeholder groups
       concerning specific legisla ve and policy ma ers.

       Community Outreach and Relations Specialist -
       Mayor's Office of Community Relations and
       Services (MOCRS)                                                                                Jackie Reyes-Yanes
                                                                                                       Office on La no Affairs
       Open Date: January 28, 2020

       Close: Open Un l Filled

       Salary Range: $80,845.06

       Job Summary:

       Posi on requires strong knowledge of the District of Columbia. DC
       Residents are priori zed in the screening process, and will receive
       extremely strong preference in selec on.


       Resume and/or cover le er must show documented professional or
       community experience in the following areas:

               Documented connec ons to the District of Columbia, with
               par cular work or organizing experience in one of the eight
               Wards of the District.
               Knowledge of the program services provided through all
               partnering agencies, including agencies of the District of                            Language Access and
               Columbia government, community groups and non profit                                    Advocacy Program
               organiza ons.                                                                               Ronal Avila
               Knowledge of neighborhood organiza ons, civic groups, tenant                        Language Access Coordinator
               associa ons, Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners, faith                                   Angela Gonzalez
               based organiza ons, and schools to establish links to develop                         Language Access Monitor
               and maintain a comprehensive service program.

       Please click here for more informa on and how to apply                                                                3/17
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                                                    La Oficina del Censo de los EE.UU.

            Tiene disponibles las siguientes posiciones a tiempo completo y parcial:
       Pago por Hora: $20.00 - $27.50

               Asistente de Reclutamiento: ayuda a reclutar y evaluar a los solicitantes de empleo.

               Supervisor de Equipo: designa, entrena y supervisa a los enumeradores que par cipan en la
               recopilación de datos.
               Supervisor de Operaciones de Oficina: coordina y supervisa el trabajo de los empleados de oficina en
               áreas funcionales específicas.
               Enumerador: realiza ac vidades de recolección de datos para el censo en la comunidad y en su
               Asistente Administra vo/a: realiza una variedad de ac vidades administra vas para apoyar en la
               recopilación de datos de campo, reclutamiento de personal, planilla de pagos, tecnología automa zada,
               y control de calidad.

       Favor presente su aplicación de empleo aquí.

       Para obtener más información o ayuda para presentar su aplicación, llame a 1-888-480-1639

                                     DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency

                                                             Is seeking to hire an

                                               Emergency Planning Specialist
       Salary range:$55,230.00-$71,106.00

       Job Summary:

       The Emergency Planning Specialist is assigned to the Homeland Security and Preparedness Division within the
       DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA) Planning, Training, and Exercise Bureau
       (PTEB), repor ng to the Bureau Chief.

       Qualifica ons and Educa on

       This posi on requires one (1) year of specialized experience equivalent to the next lower grade level.
       Specialized experience is experience which is directly related to the posi on which has equipped the
       individual with the knowledge, skills and abili es to successfully perform the du es of the posi on
       successfully.                                                      4/17
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       To Apply:

       Click here for more info and how to apply

                                                    Department of Health Care Finance

                                                              Is seeking to hire a

                                                             Policy Analyst
       Salary range:$94,858.00-$122,227.00

       Job Summary:

       his posi on is located within the Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF), Health Care Policy and Research
       Administra on, Division of Regula on and Policy Management.

       Qualifica ons and Educa on

       Experience that equipped the applicant with the par cular knowledge, skills and abili es to perform
       successfully the du es of the posi on, and this is typically in or related to the work of the posi on to be filled.

       To Apply:

       Click here for more info and how to apply

                                                      Metropolitan Police Department

                                                              Is seeking to hire a                                                           5/17
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                                            Marketing Specialist (Recruitment)
       Salary range: $55,230.00-$71,106.00

       Job Summary:

       The Marke ng Specialist posi on is in the collec ve bargaining unit represented by the Na onal Associa on
       for Government Employees (NAGE) R3-5 and you may be required to pay an agency fee through direct payroll
       deduc ons.

       Qualifica ons and Educa on

               Knowledge and understanding of principles, concepts, and techniques of marke ng and adver sing;
               ability to transform these requirements into a working, viable recrui ng program.
               Skill in organizing and communica ng ideas and thoughts effec vely through wri en correspondence,
               oral presenta on and automated briefings and charts.

       Bachelor degree in related area preferred

       To Apply:

       Click here for more info and how to apply

                                                   Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

                                                              Is seeking to hire a

                                                 Quality Assurance Specialist
       Salary range: $76,126.00-$97,375.00

       Job Summary:

       This posi on is located in the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME), Office of Quality Control and
       Records Manager. The Incumbent reports to the Supervisory Quality Control and Records Manager and assists
       with developing policies and procedures for managing the agency quality control and assurance program.

       Qualifica ons and Educa on                                                    6/17
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       Experience: At least one year of specialized experience equivalent to the grade 11 level is required.
       Specialized experience is work that is directly related to the posi on that demonstrates a prac cal know of
       monitoring, controlling, or maintaining the quality of products or services in quality assurance, inspec on ;
       analyzing quality date ; iden fying inadequacies and correc ve ac ons; or performing related quality
       assurance func ons.

       To Apply:

       Click here for more info and how to apply

                                                        Surface Transporta on Board

                                                             Is seeking to hire an

                                             Administrative Support Specialist
       Job Summary

       This position is part of the Surface Transportation Board, Office of Board Member. As an
       Administrative Support Specialist, you will be responsible for administrative and program support
       duties to assist the Board Members in performing their substantive and administrative responsibilities
       and further the mission at the Surface Transportation Board (Board).
       The major duties of this position are:

               Serves as a liaison and handles communica ons with persons and/or groups inside and outside the
               Schedules and helps Board Members prepare for regular and one- me mee ngs with persons and/or
               groups inside and outside the agency.

       Conditions of Employment
       U.S. Citizenship is required.

       All qualification requirements must be met by 02/18/2020. Your application package will not receive
       consideration if it lacks any of the required documents under the "Required Documents" tab.
       Click here for more informa on and how to apply

                                                    Other Jobs in the DMV                                                      7/17
2/21/2020                                       Anuncios de Empleo - February 14, 2020 Bilingual Job Announcements

                                                 Service Employees Interna onal Union

                                                              is seeking to hire a

                                               Bi-Lingual Field Representative
                                                Metropolitan Washington, DC

       SEIU 32BJ is the largest union represen ng property service workers in the country, with 175,000
       members in 11 states and Washington, DC.

       Key Responsibili es include:

               Iden fying and developing Shop Stewards and building leaders in all assigned sites;
               Expanding the ac vist base of the Union by connec ng member to a variety of ac vi es;

       Key Qualifica ons:

               Must be bi-lingual (English-Spanish);
               Demonstrated commitment to the social jus ce and labor movements;
               Ability to lead, mo vate and inspire members;

       How to apply:

       Applicants can send a resume and le er of interest to Human Resources at Please
       use “DC” in the Subject line of your email.

                                      La n American Montessori Bilingual Public Charter School

                                                              Is seeking to hire a

                                 Director of Family and Community Engagement
       Essen al Responsibili es:                                                    8/17
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       ● Develop a Family Engagement Program that supports the LAMB mission and enhances our
       interac ons with LAMB families and community at large

       ● Oversee all family engagement ac vi es including, but not limited to:

               o Organizing parent volunteer ini a ves ensuring program success and compliance
               o Coordina ng with the PTO on family events, family support, parent volunteers, etc.
               o Prospec ve family open houses, educa on fairs, etc.

       Basic Qualifica ons
       ● Bachelors or Master’s Degree in the field of Educa on, Social Work, or a related field
       ● Experience working in a school or community service/outreach se ng

       Read full job descrip on here.

                                                           The Board of Child Care

                                                              Is seeking to hire a

                             Bilingual Unit Supervisor (w/ Relocation Assistance)
       The Bilingual Unit Supervisor understands and implements policies according to agency standards, effec vely
       works as a member of an interdisciplinary team, and supervises direct care staff. Provides direct childcare
       services, ensures that twenty four hour, seven day a week, child care services are met.


               Provides effec ve supervision to childcare staff to ensure that childcare services are consistently
               provided based upon the Board of Child Care’s treatment philosophy, mission, prac ces and policies.
               Maintains flexible work hours to include evening and weekend hours at both on site and off site
               loca ons.

       Required Educa on and Experience:

               Minimum Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or university. Masters Degree preferred.
               Minimum of one-year group child care experience.
               Must be fluent in speaking Spanish and English (Spanish Fluency includes speaking, reading, and
               wri ng)

       Click here to apply                                                    9/17
2/21/2020                                       Anuncios de Empleo - February 14, 2020 Bilingual Job Announcements

                                                     The Board of Child Care is seeking

                                                              Is seeking to here a

                       Bilingual Child Care Worker for the Afternoon/Evening Shift

       Board of Child Care is hiring child care workers for overnight shi s at the following loca ons. You will be asked
       both on the applica on and during the interview process which loca ons you would be able to work at.

               Bal more Campus - 3300 Gaither Road, Bal more, MD 21244


               Consistently implements each resident’s treatment plan and completes documenta on as required.
               To obtain all per nent informa on regarding the assigned unit's residents and upcoming evening
               program schedule at the beginning of the shi .


               High School Diploma REQUIRED AA Degree Preferred
               Fluency in Spanish is preferred. (Spanish Fluency includes speaking, reading, and wri ng)
               Maintenance of an unrestricted Maryland Driver’s License and safe driving record.

       Click here to apply

                                                               Hope Genera on

                                                             Is seeking to hire an

                                                    Early Childhood Manager
       Posi on:
       The Early Childhood Manager works with the Director of Programming to manage Next                                                          10/17
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       Genera on Academy Program, focusing par cularly on providing high-quality educa onal
       programming and services to the children of Genera on Hope Scholars.

       Primary Responsibili es:
       Early Childhood Educa on Program Design and Evalua on
       ● Design curricula aligned to standards that challenge, engage, inspire, and empower our
       Scholars’ children. Our Early Childhood Manager must be able to iden fy and develop
       high-quality early childhood instruc on. Curriculum modules should be focused on
       literacy, language, cogni ve, and social-emo onal development and should be designed
       with an equity lens.

       Click here to apply

                    Empleos en el área de servicios/Jobs in the service area

                                              Father and Son Carpet Cleaning
                                       Hay una oportunidad para trabajar en limpieza de carpeta

               tener licencia de manejo.
               Horario flexible
               Buen Pago

                                                              Tel. (301)-250-6961


                                                                                           Fuente: Washington Hispanic, Feb 2020

                                                      Oportunidad de trabajo
       Empresa en el área metropolitana está contratando para las siguientes posiciones:

                                                            Gerentes comerciales

                                                             Asesores comerciales

                                                             Asistentes de oficina


       Se ofrece:

               Salario más comisiones
               Capacitación con nua
               Ascensos a corto plazo                                                                  11/17
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               Ser amable y servicial
               Deseo de superación
               Ingles no necesario

       Enviar curriculum

       Tel: (301)-520-5407

                                                                                          Fuente: Washington Hispanic, Feb 2020

                                            Personal para limpieza residencial

               No noches o fines de semana
               Pago hasta 12.50 por hora
               Millajes y viaje pagados
               Debe tener auto y licencia de conducir
               Feriados y vacaciones pagadas

       Llamar al Tel. (443)-546-7439

                                                                                                Fuente: El Tiempo La no, Feb 2020

                                  Se necesita pintor con bastente experiencia en pintura residencial

                                              Con transporte propio y herramientas basicas

                                           Para mas informa on llamar al Tel. (301)-680-0056

                                                                                                Fuente: El empo La no, Feb 2020

                                                   Easterns Automovil Group
                                            Necesita contratar Pintores de Autos y Mecánicos

       Más de 300 autos en inventario en todo momento                                                                   12/17
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       Todos los beneficios incluidos

               401k Seguro
               Seguro Medico
               Dos semana de vacaciones pagadas
               Almuerzos y muchos mas

                                                                                      Fuente: Las Americas Newspaper, Feb 2020

                                                  Entrenamientos y Becas

       Interested in employment in the u lity industry?                                                                13/17
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                                     Aplicación a becas para estudiantes de DC                                                    14/17
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                                              Empleo de Verano para Jovenes                                                    15/17
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       This employment newsle er is compiled biweekly by the Office on La no Affair's Language Access and
       Advocacy program. Please let us know if you are offered any of these posi ons. It will be nice to hear any good
       news and see that this newsle er is connec ng people with employment opportuni es. If a government
       agency, business or nonprofit organiza on in DC would like to promote employment, or internship
       opportuni es please send an email message to:


       Este bole n informa vo sobre empleos es compilado cada dos semanas por el Programa de Acceso Lingüís co
       de la Oficina de la Alcaldesa para Asuntos La nos (MOLA). Por favor, háganos saber si le ofrecen alguna de
       estas posiciones. Será agradable escuchar cualquier buena no cia y ver que este bole n está conectando a las
       personas con oportunidades de empleo. Si una agencia gubernamental, negocios y organización sin fines de
       lucro en DC desea promover empleos u oportunidades de pasan as, envíe un mensaje de correo electrónico

       Ronal Avila, Language Access Coordinator

       Angela Gonzalez, Language Access Monitor

                            Read our last Newsletter: La Voz de MOLA here!                                                       16/17
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             Mayor's Office on Latino Affairs | 2000 14th Stree NW | 2nd Floor | (202) 671-2825 |

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