APA & MAP Country Guide 2019 - Australia - DLA Piper

Page created by Allan Kim
APA & MAP Country Guide 2019 - Australia - DLA Piper
Country Guide 2019 – Australia

                              APA Program
                                  KEY FEATURES

    Competent authority       Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

    Relevant provisions       Law Administration Practice Statement 2015/4 (PSLA
                              2015/4); and Issued guidance available on the ATO website.

    Types of APAs available   Unilateral, bilateral, and multilateral APAs are available.

    Acceptance criteria       According to PSLA 2015/4, requests are more likely
                              to be accepted if transfer pricing issues are complex;
                              uncertainty to how transfer pricing rules apply; and there
                              is a high probability of double taxation without an APA.

    Key timing requests,      The critical dates negotiated with the ATO during the
    deadlines                 early engagement stage will determine the date from
                              which the APA will commence.

    APA term limits           There is a five-year maximum term for an APA.

    Filing fee                There is no filing fee.

    Rollback availability     Decisions will be made by the ATO on a risk
                              assessment basis.

    Collateral issues         Administrative or tax issues that are relevant to
                              and may affect the outcome of the APA should be
                              addressed and resolved at the pre-filing stage with
                              the ATO. According to PCG 2018/D2, an APA can cover
                              the application of Australia’s diverted profits tax as a
                              collateral issue. According to PCG 2017/4 and PCG
                              2017/1, a Taxpayer does not need to self-assess the
                              risk rating of its related party financing arrangement or
                              a centralised function hub (e.g. an offshore marketing
                              hub), if covered by an APA.


                          PRE-FILING REQUIREMENTS

Overview                     Pre-filing in Australia is called early engagement.
                             An early engagement form containing an outline of
                             the proposed APA must be completed that includes:

                             • name and tax residence country of parties involved;
                             • explanation of how Australian operations fit into
                               global group structure;
                             • role of Australian entity within the global
                               value chain;
                             • cross border dealings covered;
                             • extent of all cross border dealings;
                             • TP methodology proposed;
                             • proposed term of the APA;
                             • collateral issues;
                             • critical dates;
                             • global group structure (as optional additional
                               information); and
                             • role of Australian entity in the MNE (as optional
                               additional information).

                             If the request for a pre-filing conference is accepted,
                             preliminary discussions will explore avenues for the
                             appropriate treatment of cross-border dealings and
                             any collateral issues. A request review workshop will
                             follow, and the Taxpayer will be invited to lodge a
                             formal APA application.

Anonymous                    Anonymous pre-filing is not available.
pre-filing availability


                             APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS

    Content of application       The ATO will discuss and agree what information is
                                 required during early engagement. When preparing
                                 the formal APA application, the level of documentation
                                 must allow the ATO to ascertain the following:

                                 • actual conditions relevant to the cross-border
                                 • arm’s length conditions relevant to the cross-border
                                 • particulars of the TP method used and comparable
                                   circumstances relevant to identifying those arm’s
                                   length conditions;
                                 • expected result of the proposed method;
                                 • critical assumptions;
                                 • information agreed to in the early engagement
                                   stage or as required; and
                                 • bilateral APAs: information requests made by the
                                   DTT partner(s) in relation to the APA application
                                   and copies of any information supplied by the
                                   foreign entity to the DTT partner(s).

    Language                     The documentation should be submitted in English.

    SME provisions               No specific guidance.


    General                      The ATO follows a standard pre-filing, application
                                 and monitoring process. There are no unique
                                 procedural aspects.


Monitoring & compliance   The Taxpayer must lodge the Annual Compliance Report
                          (ACR) to the ATO for the duration of the APA. Details as
                          to what should be included in the ACR are provided on a
                          case by case basis. The ACR should include:

                          • analysis of compliance with the APA including
                            the information and calculations demonstrating
                            the outcome of the application of arm’s length

                          • details of any compensating adjustments made and
                            how each was effected in the income tax return; and

                          • whether there has been a breach of any critical

Renewal procedure         Applications for the renewal of APAs are required to
                          be lodged six months before expiry. An APA renewal
                          request will go through the same stages as the
                          initial APA request, unless the ATO considers that a
                          streamlined process is more appropriate. According to
                          PSLA 2015/4 this is more likely when:

                          • there have been no material changes to
                            cross-border dealings or the role of the Australian
                            entity within the global value chain;
                          • there are no proposed changes to the existing APA;
                          • it is unlikely there will be material changes to
                            dealings covered under the renewed APA.

                          In the streamlined process the ATO will consider:

                          • whether an APA is still appropriate;
                          • the previous APA’s arm’s length outcomes;
                          • any material changes to the covered dealings;
                          • the updated benchmarks are appropriate; and
                          • evidence of compliance with the existing APA.


                           MAP Program
                               KEY FEATURES

    Competent authority    Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

    Relevant provisions    Taxation Ruling 2000/16 – Income Tax: international
                           transfer pricing transfer pricing and profit reallocation
                           adjustments, relief from double taxation and the
                           Mutual Agreement Procedure; published guidance on
                           the ATO website; DTTs between Australia and its treaty
                           country partners; Australian domestic tax law that has
                           been enacted, which gives the force of law in Australia
                           to the OECD’s Multilateral Convention (Article 16 of
                           which sets out a mandatory provision that contains
                           specific rules on MAP to be followed by Taxpayers and
                           competent authorities).

    Acceptance criteria    A prerequisite for a correlative adjustment is the
                           existence of relevant provisions in a DTT between
                           Australia and the other relevant country. Where there
                           is no DTT between Australia and the country making
                           the adjustment, a correlative adjustment to relieve
                           juridical or economic double taxation will generally not
                           be available.

    Key timing requests,   Most of Australia’s DTTs permit Taxpayers to present
    deadlines              a case to the ATO within three years from the first
                           notification to the Taxpayer of the actions giving rise
                           to taxation not in accordance with the DTT. However,
                           time limits may vary, and the relevant DTT should be
                           consulted for the applicable time limit.


                         APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS

Content of application       Taxpayers should include the following information in
                             a MAP request to the ATO:

                             • identity and details of Taxpayers covered in the

                             • basis for the request, specifying the articles of the
                               relevant DTT that the Taxpayer considers one or
                               both of the DTT partner countries are not applying
                               correctly and the jurisdiction applying the DTT;

                             • all relevant facts and any supporting
                               documentation, including income years and
                               amounts involved with details of what is to be
                               adjusted and the basis of the calculation;

                             • analysis of the issues the Taxpayer would like
                               resolved under the MAP, including how the Taxpayer
                               considers the specific DTT provision should be
                               interpreted and supporting documentation,

                               • transfer pricing documentation
                               • copies of tax assessments, audit or other
                                  tax administration documentation for the
                                  purportedly incorrect application of the relevant
                                  DTT provisions;
                               • copies of briefs or objections submitted by the
                                  Taxpayer in response of the tax administration’s
                             • details of any MAP request submitted by the
                               Taxpayer to the other jurisdiction’s competent

                             • whether the issues involved have been dealt with
                               previously, for example, in a ruling, APA, settlement,
                               or tribunal/court decision;


                                • a statement confirming all information and
                                  documentation is accurate and that the Taxpayer
                                  will help the competent authority to resolve the
                                  issues by providing any other information or
                                  documentation requested by specified dates.

                                The ATO will consider whether the Taxpayer has
                                reasonable grounds to seek consideration in the
                                circumstances, and if so, it will endeavor to arrive at a
                                satisfactory solution itself. Where resolution of the case
                                cannot be achieved by the ATO alone, it will resolve the
                                case by mutual agreement with the tax authority of the
                                relevant DTT partner country.

    Language                    The documentation should be submitted in English.


    Interaction with domestic   Taxpayers may seek relief using domestic remedies
    proceedings                 should they choose not to accept the outcome of MAP.
                                The ATO endeavours may cease at the review and
                                appeal stages.

    Arbitration                 The ATO recognises arbitration as an available means
                                of alternative dispute resolution. Australia has also
                                included an arbitration clause in a number of its MAP
                                provisions under DTTs.



APA   There were 131 active APA applications during income
      year 2015‑16 (as at 30 June) and 41 completed
      applications. The average completion time was
      10 months for bilateral APAs and 16 months for
      unilateral APAs. The ATO has had an APA program
      since 1991.

MAP   Australia had a total of 46 active MAP applications as of
      31 December 2016. The average time needed to close
      MAP cases is 28 months for transfer pricing cases, and
      9 months for other cases.


Double Taxation Treaty Network
The following treaties include MAP provisions which are the
basis for bilateral and multilateral APA negotiations:

Argentina                                 Ireland                           Romania
Austria                                   Italy                             Russia
Belgium                                   Japan                             Samoa
British Virgin Islands                    Jersey                            Singapore
Canada                                    Kiribati                          Slovakia
Chile(IV)                                 Korea (Republic of)               South Africa
China                                     Malaysia                          Spain
Czech Republic                            Malta                             Sri Lanka
Denmark                                   Marshall Islands                  Sweden
Fiji                                      Mauritius                         Switzerland(I), (IV)
Finland                                   Mexico                            Taipei(III)
France                                    Netherlands                       Thailand
Germany      (I), (IV)
                                          New Zealand   (I)
Gunernsey                                 Norway                            United Kingdom
Hungary                                   Papua New Guinea                  United States
India                                     Philippines                       Vietnam
Indonesia                                 Poland

I	denotes treaties with MAP arbitration provisions.

II	denotes treaties with the USSR that remain applicable until a separate tax treaty is concluded.

III	denotes treaties between the countries’ representative office in Taipei and the Taipei Economic and

       Cultural Office in the relevant country.

IV	denotes treaties that became effective within the last five years.

V	denotes treaties that are awaiting ratification.

VI	denotes MAP provisions identical to para 3, art 25 of the OECD Model Convention with respect to Taxes

       on Income and on Capital.

VII	arbitration is to be conducted under the statutes of the ECJ.

VIII	arbitration is to be conducted under the statutes of the ICJ.


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