APPIC Webinar April 27, 2022 - All Things Internship! Tips from APPIC for New

Page created by Kimberly Ferguson
APPIC Webinar April 27, 2022 - All Things Internship! Tips from APPIC for New
All Things Internship!
Tips from APPIC for New and
      Experienced DCTs

      APPIC Webinar

      April 27, 2022
APPIC Webinar April 27, 2022 - All Things Internship! Tips from APPIC for New
Allison Aosved, Ph.D., ABPP (APPIC Past Chair)

Jeff Baker, Ph.D., ABPP (APPIC ED)

Kimberly Hill, Ph.D. (APPIC Vice Chair & AAPI Coordinator)

Greg Keilin, Ph.D. (APPIC Match Coordinator)

Shona Vas, Ph.D., ABPP (APPIC Chair)

          Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
APPIC Webinar April 27, 2022 - All Things Internship! Tips from APPIC for New
ZOOM Etiquette
As this is a webinar, all participants are muted.

Please use the Chat box for questions and comments. We will address
questions in the Chat as possible and at the end.
During Q&A, please remember to unmute and turn your camera on to
facilitate engagement.
The call is being recorded and will be available for viewing on the
APPIC YouTube Channel (link shared upon request).
Slides will be shared with attendees after the workshop and available on
our website.

             Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
APPIC Webinar April 27, 2022 - All Things Internship! Tips from APPIC for New
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to name two elements of APPIC policies that
apply to DPAs and have direct relevance to their students applying for

Participants will be able to describe three steps in the process of
guiding their students through the process of applying for internship.

Participants will be able to identify two APPIC resources to support
their work as DCTs.

            Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
APPIC Webinar April 27, 2022 - All Things Internship! Tips from APPIC for New
Getting Started in Year 1 (Hill)

Fit with Internship Programs (Vas)

AAPI (Hill)

Match: Phase I, Phase II, and PMVS (Keilin)

Communication and Collaboration with Internship Programs (Vas)

Match-Related APPIC Policies (Keilin)

APPIC Problem Consultation (Baker)


                 Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
APPIC Webinar April 27, 2022 - All Things Internship! Tips from APPIC for New
Fit, Fit, Fit!!

      Shona Vas, Ph.D., ABPP
    Internship Training Director
University of Chicago Medical Center
APPIC Webinar April 27, 2022 - All Things Internship! Tips from APPIC for New
DCT Challenges
• The fall is a busy and difficult time.
   § So much reading, reviewing, writing, advising, soothing,...

• Managing multiple factors (timelines, materials, letters, student
  issues, etc.)

• Variation within internship application cohort in terms of
  abilities, experiences, goals, and levels of competitiveness

• No one size fits all!

             Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
APPIC Webinar April 27, 2022 - All Things Internship! Tips from APPIC for New
Assess Fit Individually
                                             What do you want to do?

 "You are the captain                        What do you want to learn?
of your ship, now you                        What do you have to offer?
   get to chart your
        course!"                             Where do you want to live?

                                             What sites meet your needs?

        Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
APPIC Webinar April 27, 2022 - All Things Internship! Tips from APPIC for New
Fit: What is it??
• Fit may be different for you (Student) and for the internship program

                      YOU                                           INTERNSHIP SITES
   Experiences you want                                Similar previous experiences at practica
                                                       (setting, nature of the work)
   Places you would like to live                       Balance between what you want to learn
                                                       and what you have to offer
   Training gaps/deficits you would like to            Integration of breadth and depth
   Others?                                             Can we meet your needs? If you matched
                                                       here, would you be satisfied?

• Use cover letters to highlight fit!
                 Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
TD Perspective: Site Selection
• Students will find many sites for which they think they are a great fit!
• Encourage students to take an evidence-based approach:
    § APPIC Directory: Match history (last 3 cycles)
       o Type of degree: PsyD, PhD, EdD, Clinical, Counseling, School
       o Minimum requirements: # of hours, special experiences
       o Selectivity: Positions to applications ratio
   § Your program’s history:
       o Interview history
       o Match history
       o Site focus/Lab overlap
       o Alumni network
   § Program brochures with information about previous intern cohorts

               Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
TD Perspective: Finalizing the Site List
• Encourage students to apply to a range of sites in terms of
   § You may end up having to do some reality testing!
   § Certain types of sites are more competitive than others
• Geography: Cast a wide net
   § Focus on fit rather than location as the most significant variable
   § Sites on the coasts and in major urban areas may receive more
     applications and have existing connections/networks
• For most students, 15 is an ideal number of sites
   § Diminishing returns with regard to matching
   § Greater potential for application fatigue and subsequent errors
   § Managing/coordinating interviews becomes cumbersome
   § If > 15 applications, ask WHY?

              Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Internship TD Perspectives: Important
      Factors for Interviewing and Ranking
• All internship TDs will reiterate that "fit" is most important
• The notion of "fit" will vary from site to site
• Setting is key: Students who have previous experience in a range
  of settings have more options for internship
• Encourage students to consider programs that offer a blend of
  experiences they already have in addition to new experiences
• Emphasize the cover letter as a medium to highlight fit (tell them
  to take their time in preparing materials!)
• Provide a historical perspective for your students

            Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Guiding your students
        from the start
                   Kimberly Hill, Ph.D.
 Clinical Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine
Director of Clinical Training, PGSP-Stanford PsyD Consortium
Doctoral Program
         Internship Application History

• Collect and analyze data from your students about
  where they applied/received interviews. (E.g., might find
 that only your students with a specific nuanced competency in
 neuropsych assessment have landed interviews at internship site x)

• Collect data and analyze about your match history to
  highlight good-fitting sites for your program as a

         Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Early Internship Preparation

• Many students wrongly expect that they can start prepping to
  apply to internship the summer before they apply.

• You can provide mentorship as early as year one that will help
  your students match with a good fitting internship down the road.

           Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Practicum Selection Guidance
• Encourage your students to develop a solid foundation in core
  clinical competencies with a variety of populations, treatment
  modalities, and settings. I.e., don’t overspecialize at the expense of

• There are a few practice areas that particularly value experience in
  specific settings or developed competencies. E.g., college

• Determine early on whether a student will be truly geographically
  restricted in a certain area. Can be strategic in seeking practicum
  opportunities that will best develop the competencies most valued
  by the internship sites in the restricted geographic locale.

         Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Selective Service
• Recommend that your male students who are US Citizens
  check the website to make sure they are registered for
  Selective Service (by age of 26) in case they develop an
  interest in applying for an internship that requires it such as VA
  Medical Centers.

         Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Coursework Guidance
• Remind students that if they have aspirations to land
  an internship on the East Coast that they should make
  efforts to take Rorschach coursework and get
  practicum experience in conducting Rorschachs.

       Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Practicum Hours Tracking
• Provide students with workshops on how to track their
  practicum hours in ways that are consistent with APPIC
  hours categorization rules so that they aren't surprised
  that certain hours or assessments don't "count" at the
  11th hour.

       Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Face-to-Face Practicum Hours Tracking
• Students should regularly monitor their face-to-face
  clinical hours (intervention and assessment combined)
  using some type of tracking system.
• Students can use any hours tracking system they prefer.
  Time2Track is not required.
• Time2Track tip – If your students use Time2Track, remind
  students to attach an actual client to each activity they
  are entering, otherwise when they import their hours
  into their AAPI, those hours and demographics won't

       Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)

                                             VIDEO-based telehealth
 What Intervention and
Assessment Practium Hrs                      TELEPHONE-based telehealth
 Count as Face-to-Face?                                    DOES NOT COUNT:

                                             TEXT-based telehealth

                                             OBSERVING another clinician/supervisor

         Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Assessment Hours
• Internship Training Directors report that there has
  been a decline in applicants’ quality and quantity of
  assessment experience over the past several years.

• This decline was exacerbated over the last two
  selection cycles with the onset of the pandemic.

       Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Common Assessment Questions
• Can I count the time the patient is completing self-report measures such as the

• Can I count time spent providing feedback about the assessment to the

• Can I count the time I spent administering assessments as part of a class?

• I have a clinical research position or job as a psychometrist, can I count these
  assessment tools/hours?

• Does assessment tool "X" count as an allowable measure for the APPIC
  integrated report definition? (SYMPTOM MEASURES DON’T COUNT)
APPIC Integrated Report Definition
1. A history,
2. an interview, and
3. at least two tests from one or more of the following categories:
   a. personality assessments (objective, self-report, and/or projective),
   b. intellectual assessment,
   c. cognitive assessment,
   d. and/or neuropsychological assessment.

These are synthesized into a comprehensive report providing an overall
picture of the patient/client.

   Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Written Materials
• APPIC has limited the supplemental materials to a case summary and an
  assessment report

• Suggest to your students that they polish assessment reports throughout
  their time on practicum, deidentify and ask their supervisor if they can
  utilize the material for said purpose once deidentified. Much easier than
  going back months and years after they have left the practicum.

• Provide good CV templates to your students and suggest that they always
  keep their CV in shape.

               Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Recommendation Letters
• They will need 3 letters of recommendations for their internship applications.
   • Choose letter writers who can best speak to their clinical competencies.
   • Cultivate their relationships with letter writers throughout graduate school.

• The Standardized Reference Form (SRF) will be in a new format this upcoming
  2022-23 application cycle.

• Circulate the SRF to your practicum supervisors so that they can use that
  format for any earlier recommendation letters they may need to write for the
  student (e.g., for an advanced practicum). Won’t have to reinvent the wheel.

                 Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Application Year Example Timeline
                                   To do                           Due Date    ✔
Sign up to receive Match News                                       July 15    ✔
Send CV and initial site list to DCT for feedback                   Aug 15     ✔
Request recommendation letters (SRFs) from referees                 Sept 10    ✔
Check unofficial transcript for Incompletes                         Sept 10    ✔
Dissertation proposal defense deadline                              Sept 15    ✔
Send penultimate site list to DCT for feedback                      Sept 15    ✔
Make transcript request from Registrar                              Sept 20    ✔
Send penultimate essays/cover letter to mentor for feedback         Sept 20    ✔
Submit APPI for DCT verification                                      Oct 1    ✔
Register for the Match with NMS (WITH DCT APPROVAL ONLY)            Oct 15     ✔
Aim to submit first batch of applications (for Nov 1 deadlines)     Oct 20     ✔
Schedule mock interview with Faculty (to occur 11/15-12/15)         Nov 15     ✔
Schedule ranking meeting with DCT (to occur 1/31-2/4)                Jan 15    ✔
Submit Rank List of sites to National Match Service (NMS)          Feb 4ish*   ✔
                               MATCH DAY!!!                       Feb 18ish*   ✔
  *These dates change each cycle
The APPIC Match
Post-Match Vacancy Service

     Greg Keilin, PhD
Match Overview

• Oct – Feb: Match - Phase I
• Feb – Mar: Match - Phase II
• Mar – Oct: Post-Match Vacancy Service

           Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Internship Supply & Demand:
4000                                                                                       104



       1999   2001   2003   2005   2007   2009   2011   2013   2015   2017   2019   2021

  Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
The Accredited Internship Imbalance
4000            Accredited Positions




       1999   2001   2003   2005   2007   2009   2011   2013   2015   2017   2019   2021

   Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Tips for DCTs
                        APPIC Match - Phase I
• Match Registration
   • The program has the authority to determine Match eligibility
   • Tell students not to register unless authorized by your program
      • Your program’s Match statistics
      • What if you are unsure if a student will meet your requirements in time to apply?
      • If a student wants to participate in Phase II only…
   • Ensure students register under correct doctoral program (give them DPA #)
   • Monitor student registrations & take action if discrepancies
   • Couples

• MATCH-NEWS e-mail list

             Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Tips for DCTs
                        APPIC Match - Phase I
• Applications: Help students avoid poor site choices
   • Don’t apply to sites that are poor fits
   • Don’t apply to all highly-competitive sites
   • Don’t apply within a limited geographic area

• Student Preparation
   • Interview preparation
   • Help students not freak out about their hours

• Rankings: In order of true preferences
   • Match is binding: Don’t rank sites you don’t want

             Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Tips for DCTs
                APPIC Match Phase II & PMVS
• The devastation of not matching - what happened?
   • Few interview offers        Issues with the application
   • Sufficient interview offers      Issues with interviewing
      • Students’ perceptions of their interviews are often inaccurate
      • Blame the Match
   • OK to request feedback from internship sites

• Post-Match Vacancy Service (PMVS)
   • Offers and acceptances – not a Match
   • It’s not a “Clearinghouse”

             Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Failing Internship
• 50-70 students per year
• There is Life after a Failed Internship!
• APPIC’s Match Release process
• DCT tasks:
   •   Identify what happened – competencies? Health/mental health?
   •   Develop, implement a remediation plan
   •   Successful completion
   •   Strategy for reapplying
        • Disclosure on AAPI – with explanation
        • I recommend: DCTs and letter-writers address

               Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
DCT Communication and Collaboration
      with Internship Programs
        Shona Vas, Ph.D., ABPP
Communication with Internship Programs
• Open communication with internship TDs is necessary
• Regular communication:
   § Match confirmation (ccd to DCT)
   § Mid-year progress letter
   § Program completion letter
• DCTs and TDs are both motivated to support students for success
• Encourage more frequent communication if difficulties present
• TDs appreciate a "heads up" for potential problems
• When in doubt, seek consultation!

            Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Communication in Special Circumstances
• In general, if all is going well, DCTs and TDs may have no reason to
  interact outside of pre-determined points in time
• Reach out to the TD if you need any additional documentation
  (e.g., to support graduation, tuition, international student
  documentation, etc.)
• TDs may reach out for verification for certain issues
  (e.g., dissertation completion for postdoc apps)
• COVID-19: Regular communication regarding changing practices at
  sites is recommended (e.g., requesting site practice updates)
• Site visits may be enhanced by presence of invited guests

            Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
DCT Concerns about Seeking Consultation
• Not having enough information about the situation
• Hoping that things will get better
• Not wanting to "interfere"
• Gatekeeping responsibilities
• Potential punitive consequences to students from perceived DCT
   § Consent: Concerns about FERPA

           Students consent to communication between
            DCTs and internship programs via the AAPI

                                                                    Ponce, Aosved, & Hill (2020)
            Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
AAPI Tips and Updates
                   Kimberly Hill, Ph.D.
 Clinical Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine
Director of Clinical Training, PGSP-Stanford PsyD Consortium
General AAPI Tips for your Students
• Remind them to register for Match News - this is the ONLY means of communication from the
  AAPI and Match Coordinators.

• All the portals associated with the AAPI function best on Chrome or Firefox browser.

• With the reapplicant feature, students considering applying to internship this cycle can log in
  now and check out the AAPI. Any information they enter will be maintained and they will also
  have the capability of changing that information.

• On almost every page of the AAPI, there is a link to the AAPI Applicant Help Center that has
  detailed answers to the most common questions we receive. Nine times out of ten, answers
  to students’ questions posed to me as AAPI Coordinator can be found in the Help Center.
General AAPI Tips for your Students
•   On 9/15, students can add internship programs to their AAPI portal. At that point, they can then input
    letter writer information and attach their cover letters, essays, CVs, and supplemental materials to the
    applications for their selected sites. Beginning October 1, applicants can begin submitting their

•   When adding programs to their site list within their AAPI portals, PLEASE remind your students to
    double-check that they selected the right program by crosschecking their APPIC Program Member
    Number under their designations.

•   Applicants are also STRONGLY advised NOT to wait until 11pm the night before the application is due.
    There are always glitches, surges, and other phenomena that are not always in our control. Students
    should aim to submit their applications at least 72 hours prior to the deadline.

•   ALL internship sites' portals will close on 11:59pm EASTERN STANDARD TIME on their specified
    deadline date in the AAPI portal.

•   On the Internship tab on the APPIC website, there is a comprehensive document in which your
    students can find answers to the most common questions posed to the AAPI Coordinator.
How did the enhancements for the
  2021-22 application cycle go?
Key Enhancements this 2021-22 cycle
• Gender - Removed gender items altogether
• Citizenship - Revised Citizenship section of the AAPI to provide
  sufficient flexibility for international students to capture their unique
  work eligibility status.
• Search Functionality - Improved internship program search
  functionality in the AAPI so that students didn’t select the wrong
• Reapplicant feature - Students who were in the position to reapply
  to internship again didn’t have to start from scratch.
• PMVS - Allowed students in the Post Match Vacancy Service (PMVS)
  to submit applications using AAPI systems.
             Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
How can we support our members?
• APPIC Mentorship Program
      Ø 59 requests for mentorship in the past year
Thank you to our current mentors, we appre2020-21 AAPI Fee Structure
      •   1 application        $50
      •   2-15 applications    $32
      •   16+ applications     $60
      Ø ciate you!                                                 No AAPI Fee changes for the 2022-23 application cycle
      Ø Please sign up to mentor new TDs!

• APPIC Community Calls
      Ø New effort started last fall
      Ø More frequent calls scheduled in the past few months
                                                                  AAPI Fee Structure remains:
                                                                          • 1 application     $50
      Ø Goal: Facilitate dialogue and sharing of information among members

    APPIC Webinars                                                        • 2-15 applications $32
      Ø Several events offered in the past few months                     • 16+ applications $60
      Ø Goal: Provide information to membership along with CE credit for member programs

• APPIC Membership Conference
      Ø Scheduled conference in April was canceled
      Ø Offering previously planned conference content in the form of webinars during winter and spring; check out our Webinar Calendar!

                              Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
What’s new for the
2022-23 application cycle?
How can we sup
                                                                             Revised Standardized Reference Form (SRF)
  •   APPIC Mentorship Program
           Ø    59 requests for mentorship in the past year
                                                                     port our members?
  Thank you to our current mentors, we appre2020-21 AAPI Fee Structure
           •    1 application                  $50
                                                                                                                          • The SRF is the product of CCTC (the Council of
                2-15 applications
                16+ applications
                                                                                                                            Chairs of Training Councils).
           Ø    ciate you!

  Please sign up to mentor new TDs! Revised Standardized Reference Form (SRF)

           •    The SRF is the product of CCTC (the Council of Chairs of Training Councils).
                                                                                                                          • This Spring, CCTC established a workgroup to
           •                                                                                                                revise the SRF to address some of the major
                This Spring, CCTC established a workgroup to revise the SRF to address some of the major problems reported by internship Training Directors.

AAPI Changes for

                2022-2023 REVISED SRF LINK (playground environment)                                                         problems reported by internship Training
                Stay tuned for future communications from CCTC, APPIC, and your training council representatives about the rollout of the SRF this cycle.

Letter Writers

  •   APPIC Community Calls
           Ø    New effort started last fall
                                                                                                                          • 2022-2023 REVISED SRF LINK (playground
                More frequent calls scheduled in the past few months
                Goal: Facilitate dialogue and sharing of information among members
  •   APPIC Webinars

                                                                                                                          • Stay tuned for future communications from
           Ø    Several events offered in the past few months
           Ø    Goal: Provide information to membership along with CE credit for member programs

  •   APPIC Membership Conference                                                                                           CCTC, APPIC, and your training council
                Scheduled conference in April was canceled
                                                                                                                            representatives about the rollout of the SRF
                Offering previously planned conference content in the form of webinars during winter and spring; check out our Webinar Calendar!
                                                                                                                            this cycle.

                                          Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
How can we support      our
                              • Downloadable    members?
                                              excel spreadsheet of your students’
                                submitted applications in your DCT Verification portal
  • APPIC Mentorship Program
        Ø 59 requests for mentorship in the past year
                                                                   • Will no longer receive weekly digest emails about your
       • 1 application      $50
                                                                     students’ submitted applications now that you can
  Thank you to our current mentors, we appre2020-21 AAPI Fee Structure
       • 2-15 applications $32                                       download a spreadsheet at any time.
       • 16+ applications   $60
       Ø ciate you!                                                • If students make a mistake in inputting DCT
       Ø Please sign up to mentor new TDs!                           information or there has been an unexpected DCT
                                                                     change, they can now change the DCT of record up
AAPI Enhancements
  • APPIC Community Calls
       Ø New effort started last fall
       Ø More frequent calls scheduled in the past few months
                                                                     until their hours have been verified.
                                                                     DCT Verification Academic Standing Item revision:
       Ø Goal: Facilitate dialogue and sharing of information among•members
for DCTs
  • APPIC Webinars
                                                                         Is this student currently on probation or a
       Ø Several events offered in the past few months                   performance improvement plan (e.g., learning,
       Ø Goal: Provide information to membership along with CE credit fordevelopmental,
                                                                          member programs          remediation plan, etc.)? If yes,
                                                                         please explain their status and why you currently
  • APPIC Membership Conference
       Ø Scheduled conference in April was canceled
                                                                         view them as ready for internship. In addition,
       Ø Offering previously planned conference content in the form of webinars     certify
                                                                                during          that
                                                                                       winter and spring;you
                                                                                                          checkwill only
                                                                                                               out our      permit
                                                                                                                       Webinar Calendar!this student

                                                                         to submit a Rank Order List if the probation or
                                                                         performance improvement plan has been fully and
                                                                         successfully completed.

                          Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
How can we support our members?
  • APPIC Mentorship Program
        Ø 59 requests for mentorship in the past year
  Thank you to our current mentors, we appre2020-21 AAPI Fee Structure• Ban the Box- New functionality for
        • 1 application      $50
        • 2-15 applications $32
        • 16+ applications   $60
                                                                        Internship Training Directors to hide the
        Ø ciate you!
        Ø Please sign up to mentor new TDs!
                                                                        criminal history items should they reside in
  •   APPIC Community Calls                                             jurisdictions, such as NYC, where it is illegal
Enhancements for                                                        for many employers to inquire about
        Ø New effort started last fall
        Ø More frequent calls scheduled in the past few months
        Ø Goal: Facilitate dialogue and sharing of information among members
                                                                        criminal history prior to making a job offer.
  • APPIC Webinars
        Ø Several events offered in the past few months
        Ø Goal: Provide information to membership along with CE credit for member programs
                                                                      • Program Description – Instead of a link back
  •   APPIC Membership Conference
        Ø Scheduled conference in April was canceled                     to the APPIC directory, students will find the
        Ø Offering previously planned conference content in the form of webinars during winter and spring; check out our Webinar Calendar!
                                                                         program description for each selected
                                                                         internship in their AAPI portal.

                          Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Common AAPI Questions from Students
Is there a comprehensive list of everything we need to sign up for to submit the
1) Start with the APPIC Directory where you can find information about each internship site
including the link to their training brochure. There is no login or registration required for this step.
2) Start your AAPI at You will need to
create a username and password. There is no cost incurred with starting your AAPI.
3) Once you have initiated your AAPI, under the Psychology Training Experiences section, follow the
instructions to navigate to the AAPI Tab within Time2Track where you will enter the information
about your practicum experiences. You will be prompted to create a username and password (it can
be the same one you used for your AAPI). There is no charge to access the AAPI Tab in Time2Track.
4) As soon as you have received approval from your DCT to apply to internship this cycle, you can
register with the National Matching Service using this link:
Common AAPI Questions from Students
Transcripts: Do I need to submit graduate level transcripts for
coursework that did not result in a degree?
• Yes, transcripts are required for all Canadian and US institutions where a student
  was enrolled at the graduate level.
• The transcript order icon will only display for institutions at which a student is
  currently enrolled or received a degree. Please note, however, that if a student
  completed graduate coursework that did not result in a degree, they will still need
  to submit transcripts even though the transcript order icon will not display.
• Transcripts can be sent via a digital transcript service, paper, or email directly
  from your Registrar.

             Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Common AAPI Questions from Students

Professional Conduct items:

   a. Have you ever been put on probation, suspended, or terminated or have
      you failed or resigned from a graduate program, practicum, internship, or

   b. Have you ever been convicted of an offense against the law other than a
      minor traffic violation?

            Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Common AAPI Questions from both
           Students and DCTs
Hours and Assessment Measure Categorization/Entry questions:

  Although these types of questions are common, they are always individualized.
  Happy to answer any questions you and your students may have at the end of
  our workshop or via email (

          Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Common DCT Questions
How do I access my DCT portal to verify my students’ AAPIs?
• Once a student has submitted their AAPI for DCT Verification, you will receive an email
  that contains instructions with how to log into your DCT portal. The portal is not
  accessible until a student submits their AAPI for verification.
• DCTs will be asked for some basic information such as name and email but there is no
  need to have a full- service Time2Track account for the DCT Verification process.

                Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Common DCT Questions
Is a "DCT letter" needed? What is the preferred length?
• There is no specific item that asks for a "DCT Letter".
• Rather, there is an item in which the DCT is asked to describe each
  student's strengths and growth areas. This text box is often referenced as a
  "DCT letter" but there is no expectation of a letter format.
• Internship TDs complain about the DCTs who only make comments about
  their students’ strengths, avoiding any comments about their growth areas.

             Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Common DCT Questions
Can I sanction a students’ clinical position as a practicum if it is paid?
• There is no APPIC policy forbidding payment for practicum training
• As long as the training and supervision meets your program’s practicum
  criteria, getting paid is just a bonus! Suggest developing an official
  supplemental practicum contract wherein the expectations for supervision
  and other training activities are clearly delineated.

             Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Don’t forget to…
• Remind your students to apply for the Cynthia Belar
  Scholarship which is announced in the Match News. The
  purpose of the APPIC Cynthia Belar Scholarship Program is to
  facilitate access to quality doctoral internship training in Health
  Service Psychology for students facing financial challenges.

• In 2021-2022, APPIC awarded 100 applicants with $200 Belar
  scholarships for a total of $20,000.

• In 2022-2023, APPIC is excited to double the Belar scholarship
  budget and will be awarding a total of $40,000 to applicants.

         Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
2021-2022 Cynthia Belar
Scholarship Awardees’ Doctoral Programs
AAPI-Related DCT Tasks After the Match
• Don’t forget to download copies of your students’
  submitted AAPIs for your records. They will not be
  accessible after the cycle closes on 6/30.

• Survey your students about their experience (e.g.,
  where they landed interviews, whether there were any
  sites they did not rank and why, etc) to inform your
  program analysis and future internship advising.

       Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Upcoming AAPI Revision:
Removal of Need to Estimate AAPI Hours
       (((Effective 2023-24 application cycle))
Removal of Need to Estimate AAPI Hours

Effective 2023-2024 application cycle, the AAPI
practicum hours accrual end date will be moved up
by one month to 10/1 from 11/1 of the application

      Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
How can we support
                               unnecessarily our       members?
                             • There are aspects of the internship application process that are
                                             stressful and time-intensive. APPIC is continually looking
                               for ways to reduce the burden on all stakeholders, including students,
  • APPIC Mentorship Program                                   DCTs, letter writers, and internship Training Directors.
       Ø 59 requests for mentorship in the past year
  Thank you to our current mentors, we appre2020-21 AAPI Fee Structure
       •   1 application        $50                         • One of the most common questions I receive as AAPI coordinator from
       •   2-15 applications    $32                           both DCTs and students is about the hours estimation process through
       •   16+ applications     $60                           11/1.
       Ø ciate you!
       Ø Please sign up to mentor new TDs!

Why are we moving
  • APPIC Community Calls
                                                            • Students waste a ton of time and energy trying to estimate the
                                                              likelihood that certain patients will show up in the coming month and

 the date to 10/1
       Ø New effort started last fall                         how to enter their estimated hours to be verified.
       Ø More frequent calls scheduled in the past few months
       Ø Goal: Facilitate dialogue and sharing of information among members

   from 11/1?
  • APPIC Webinars
       Ø   Several events offered in the past few months
                                                              • Some DCTs don't feel comfortable verifying hours that are estimated
                                                                 and thus, wait until the last minute to verify their students’ hours which
                                                                 adds to the bogging down of the AAPI portal as these students are
       Ø                                                         forced
           Goal: Provide information to membership along with CE credit for to waitprograms
                                                                            member  until the last minute to apply.
  • APPIC Membership Conference
       Ø Scheduled conference in April was canceled          • Internship Training Directors wonder whether students                       are accurately
       Ø Offering previously planned conference content in the form
                                                                    of webinars during   hours
                                                                                       winter and for  that
                                                                                                  spring;    last
                                                                                                          check outmonth.
                                                                                                                   our Webinar Calendar!

                                                            • Making students estimate their practicum hours for those last 4 weeks,
                                                              indirectly sends the message to students and training community that
                                                              practicum hours are the key selection variable rather than competency.
                               Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
How can we support our members?
  • APPIC Mentorship Program
        Ø 59 requests for mentorship in the past year          • Looking at the 2020-21 AAPI DCT
        •   1 application        $50
                                                                  Verification data, 99.25% (4,113/4,144)
  Thank you to our current mentors, we appre2020-21 AAPI Fee Structure
        •   2-15 applications    $32                              of the internship applicants had their
                                                                  AAPIs verified after 10/1.
        •   16+ applications     $60
       Ø ciate you!
        Ø Please sign up to mentor new TDs!

How did we arrive
  • APPIC Community Calls
        Ø New effort started last fall
        Ø More frequent calls scheduled in the past few months
                                                                     • Since almost every DCT is verifying their
                                                                         students’ hours after 10/1 already, we
at this solution?
        Ø Goal: Facilitate dialogue and sharing of information among members

      APPIC Webinars                                                     could essentially remove the need to
        Ø Several events offered in the past few months
                                                                         have students estimate hours if we
        Ø Goal: Provide information to membership along with CE credit for member programs
                                                                         moved the end date for hours verification
      APPIC Membership Conference
        Ø Scheduled conference in April was canceled                     up to 10/1.
        Ø Offering previously planned conference content in the form of webinars during winter and spring; check out our Webinar Calendar!

                                Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
AAPI Verification (2020-21 cycle)
How can we support our members?   Pros-
                                                  • Reduced anxiety and time for students in estimating
• APPIC Mentorship Program                          their hours
   Ø 59 requests for mentorship in the past year• Reduced student confusion about how to enter
   Ø Thank you to our current mentors, we appreciateestimated
                                                        you! hours into the AAPI (there are 2 ways to do it
   Ø Please sign up to mentor new TDs!
                                                    … and thus, a way to accidently douple-dip)
                                                  • Reduced DCT anxiety about possibly verifying
                                                    inaccurate estimated hours
• APPIC Community Calls                           • Possibly decreased over-taxing of the AAPI system
   Ø New effort started last fall                   around the big 11/1 deadline if DCTs who didn't feel
Pros and Cons
   Ø More frequent calls scheduled in the past fewcomfortable
                                                    up to verify
   Ø Goal: Facilitate dialogue and sharing of information
                                                                 verifying estimated hours are now freed
                                                          amongtheir  students' AAPIs earlier in October.

of this Change
• APPIC Webinars
                                                  • One small but important way to decrease obsessive
                                                    focus on the importance of practicum hours over
   Ø Several events offered in the past few monthscompetency.
    Ø Goal: Provide information to membership along with CE credit for member programs
• APPIC Membership Conference                 • Students will be anxious that they will have 4 less
   Ø Scheduled conference in April was canceled weeks of verified hours. (Note - the hours will still be
   Ø Offering previously planned conference content      just
                                                    in the    included
                                                           form         in the
                                                                 of webinars   "Anticipated"
                                                                             during winter andhours section).
     spring; check out our Webinar Calendar!     Solution- Communication to internship Training
                                                 Directors who set hours minimums to consider
                                                 adjusting them to reflect the 4 less weeks of hours
                Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
How can we support our members?
• APPIC Mentorship Program
   Ø 59 requests for mentorship in the past year
   Ø Thank you to our current mentors, we appreciate you!
   Ø Please sign up to mentor new TDs!

• APPIC Community Calls
                                                        AAPI Q&A for Applicants

   Ø New effort started last fall                       August and September 2022 (Specific dates TBD)
   Ø More frequent calls scheduled in the past few months

      AAPI Q&A
   Ø Goal: Facilitate dialogue and sharing of information among members
                                                     AAPI DCT Verification process Q&A
• APPIC Webinars
   Ø Several          Sessions
             events offered in the past few months   September 2022 (Specific dates TBD)
   Ø Goal: Provide information to membership along with CE credit for member programs

• APPIC Membership Conference                           Keep an eye out for details in the Match News!
   Ø Scheduled conference in April was canceled
   Ø Offering previously planned conference content in the form of webinars during winter and
     spring; check out our Webinar Calendar!

                         Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
For AAPI Content Questions:
  Kimberly Hill:

             For AAPI Technical Support:

Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
APPIC Policies
APPIC Policies
  Greg Keilin, PhD
   April 27, 2022
Greg Keilin, PhD
Key APPIC Match Policies
• Providing Accurate Information to Internship Sites
   • Must notify sites of substantive changes
   • Internship programs have the same responsibility

• Phase I: Interview Notification Requirement
   • Internship sites must provide dates by which applicants will be notified
   • NOT a requirement in Phase II/PMVS
   • Does not include: Open Houses

• Appointment Agreement must be sent within 7 days after Match
   • DCT must be sent a copy

             Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Key APPIC Match Policies
• Communication
   • Communication of ranking information is NOT permitted

• Public Statements about Accreditation
   • Permitted:
      • Submitted self-study, awarded a site visit, site visit completed
   • Not permitted:
      • Future plans or anticipated events
      • “Our program was designed to meet accreditation standards”
   • Disclaimer required:
      • “Please be advised that there are no guarantees that we will ultimately achieve

              Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
DPA Policies

• A student may participate in the Match only if:
   • The student has met the doctoral program’s internship readiness criteria
   • The student is not currently on probation, a remediation plan, etc.
   • The student has been deemed ready for internship by the doctoral program

• Doctoral programs may determine which sites their students may
  apply to or rank

• Doctoral programs expected to monitor Match registrations

            Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
DPA Policies
• Doctoral programs strongly encouraged NOT to require separate
  contracts with internship programs
   • If you do: Must be disclosed on EVERY student’s AAPI

• “APPIC considers the doctoral internship experience to be a
  collaboration between the internship site and doctoral program.”
   • Active communication

• When a student fails or resigns from an internship:
   • Doctoral program should: Identify concerns; implement an individualized
     remediation plan; evaluate progress, outcome, readiness for internship
   • Should all be completed prior to student applying for internship

             Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
APAGS Workbook

                                 CHAPTER 8: Advice for Directors of Clinical Training
                                 of Students in the Internship Application Process

                                    • Orienting Students to the Application Process
                                    • Helping Students Complete Their Applications
                                    • Preparing Students for Interviews
                                    • Debriefing and Rank Order Lists
                                    • Help with Phase II of the Match, if Needed
                                    • Conclusion

Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)

Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
About the APPIC Match

Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Match Statistics Page

Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Sample Match Rate Report

Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Sample Survey Result (2018)

Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
NMS Web Site:

Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
APPIC Problem Consultation

      Jeff Baker, Ph.D., ABPP
APPIC Informal Problem Consultation (IPC)
• Confidential requests for consultation may be initiated by DCT, TD,
  or student
• Initiated via the APPIC Website:
• Triaged by APPIC Executive Director and assigned to an APPIC
  Board or Staff Member for follow up
• Always remind students to review program policies, follow
  timelines, identify specific concerns that need to be addressed

            Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
APPIC Informal Problem Consultation Trends
  Approximate Percentage of Submissions








       Parental Leave    Supervisor Conflicts          Assessment Skills   Competencies
                             2019     2020      2021   2022 (to date)

     Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Themes of IPC Requests
• Trainee competence/professionalism - #1 issue for last 2 years
• Problems at training site – Conflicts with TD / Supervisor
• Illness/disability/personal problems/substance use
• Ethics violation/dishonesty/misconduct – (Related to #1 above)
• Parenting/family
• Match/applications/interviews/ranking
• Questions about APPIC Policy
• Others (e.g., COVID-19)

                                                           Ponce, Aosved, & Hill (2020)
           Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Potential IPC Outcomes
                                               APPIC would likely remind the submitter
                                               to review the due process and grievance
IPC Submission identifies concerns at the
                                                procedures and to follow the policies.
Training Program – with the permission of
                                               APPIC does NOT reverse decisions made
 the person that submitted it, APPIC may
                                               by the program, but supports the trainee
 contact the program to identify or clarify
                                                to identify where there were mistakes
APPIC Membership Criteria (i.e., program
                                               made by the program and to include this
       not following their policies)
                                                type of information in the due process
                                                            appeals process.

APPIC may identify additional resources
including discussing the situation with a     If the person who submitted the IPC does
 trusted supervisor, a faculty member or         not find a satisfactory resolution, they
 the DCT at the home doc program, ADA          could file a formal complaint with APPIC,
 Office, EEOC, Title IX, Chief Psychologist   APA, CPA, State Board of Licensure, Ethics
to discuss what options they might want                        at APA, etc.
               to consider.

     Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
Thank you for joining us!

 Please complete the evaluation in order to obtain CE Credit.

Please email Jeff Baker ( for access to the

       Find resources on our website:

         Association of Psychology Postdoctoral & Internship Centers (APPIC)
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