Application of finite elements of various dimensions in strength calculations of thin-wall constructions of agro-industrial complex

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Application of finite elements of various dimensions in strength calculations of thin-wall constructions of agro-industrial complex
BIO Web of Conferences 17, 00200 (2020)                                                     
FIES 2019

         Application of finite elements of various dimensions in strength
         calculations of thin-wall constructions of agro-industrial
         Yuri Klochkov1,*, Anatoly Nikolaev1, Olga Vakhnina1, Tatyana Sobolevskaya1, and Mikhail Klochkov2
         1Volgograd   State Agrarian University, 400002 Volgograd, Russia
         2Lomonosov    Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia

                       Abstract. The article presents a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the use of finite elements of
                       various dimensions in the study of the stress-strain state (SSS) of objects of the agro-industrial complex
                       (AIC). To determine the strength parameters of the AIC objects, which can be attributed to the class of thin-
                       walled, it is proposed to use a two-dimensional finite element in the form of a fragment of the middle
                       surface of a triangular shape with nodes at its vertices. To improve the compatibility of a two-dimensional
                       finite element at the boundaries of adjacent elements, it is proposed to use the Lagrange multipliers
                       introduced in additional nodes located in the middle of the sides of the triangular fragment as additional
                       unknowns. It is proposed to use a three-dimensional finite element in the form of a prism with triangular
                       bases to study the SSS of agricultural objects of medium thickness and thick-walled. To improve the
                       compatibility of the prismatic element, Lagrange multipliers in the middle of the sides of the upper and
                       lower bases are also used. On the example of calculating a fragment of a cylindrical pipeline rigidly
                       clamped at the ends loaded with internal pressure, the effectiveness of the developed two-dimensional and
                       three-dimensional finite elements with Lagrange multipliers was proved. The validity of the use of a two-
                       dimensional element for researching the SSS of agricultural objects belonging to the class of thin-walled
                       was proved.

      1 Introduction                                                             The article presents a comparative analysis of the
                                                                             effectiveness of the use of finite elements of various
      Currently, the agro-industrial complex (AIC) is one of                 dimensions in determining the SSS fragments of
      the highest priority areas for the development of the                  agribusiness systems.
      economy of our country. In line with the policy of
      import substitution, a course has been taken to intensify
      agricultural production, which provides for the                        2 Materials and methods
      construction of new and reconstruction of existing
      engineering systems and agricultural facilities. Such                  2. 1 Two-dimensional finite elements
      systems and objects include irrigation, watering,
      drainage and drainage systems, tanks, bunkers, storage,                When modeling the processes of deformation of thin-
      silos and other structures, the need for which will only               walled objects of the agro-industrial complex, such as
      grow At the same time, considerations of material and                  pipelines for various purposes, tanks, reservoirs, bunkers
      resource conservation necessitate the development of                   and others, two-dimensional discretization elements, for
      modern computing technologies to determine the                         example, of a triangular shape (Fig. 1), can be used
      strength parameters of the aforementioned systems and                  [17, 18].
      AIC facilities. Such technologies include numerical                        Consider a triangular fragment of the middle surface,
      methods for determining the stress-strain state (SSS) of               for example, a cylindrical pipeline, with nodes i, j, k at
      systems and objects [1–9], in particular, the finite                   its vertices. To organize the procedure of numerical
      element method (FEM) [10–16].                                          integration over the area of an element, each such
          The construction and trouble-free operation remains                fragment will be mapped onto a right triangle with a
      quite relevant despite a wide selection of finite element              local coordinate system 0  ξ, η  1 . As nodal variable
      computing systems, mainly foreign ones, the task of                    parameters, we take the components of the displacement
      developing and improving domestic computing                            vector and their derivatives. Thus, the column of nodal
      algorithms for determining the strength parameters of                  unknowns in the local coordinate system ξ, η will have
      AIC objects for their rational design.
                                                                             the form

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Application of finite elements of various dimensions in strength calculations of thin-wall constructions of agro-industrial complex
BIO Web of Conferences 17, 00200 (2020)                                                                         
FIES 2019

                                            L T L T L T
                         U yL T      =   u y  v y  w y  ,          (1)
                          127              19 19 19 

               = q q
      where q y
                    T       i     j
                                      q k q,i q,j q,k q,i q,j q,k .
        Here, by q we mean the tangential u , v or normal
      w component of the displacement vector.

                                                                                       Fig. 2. Two-dimensional finite element

                                                                                          Taking into account (4), the conditional Lagrange
                                                                                       functional is formed

      Fig. 1. Design scheme of the fragment of the pipeline using
      two-dimensional finite elements
                                                                                                    П L =  εαβ      σ  dV −
                                                                                                                          T       αβ T

          In order to solve the compatibility problem of the
                                                                                                                                                         
                                                                                                                   −  U T PdF + λТ N  PR U Gy ,
      triangular discretization element at the boundaries of
      adjacent elements, it is proposed to introduce Lagrange
      multipliers at nodes 1, 2, 3 located in the middle of the
      sides as additional nodal unknowns. Using the
                                                                                       where    ε  = ε
                                                                                                     T
                                                                                                                             
                                                                                                                     11 ε 22 2ε12         ; σ  = σ
                                                                                                                                                αβ T       11
                                                                                                                                                                σ 22 σ 12   –
                                                                                       matrix rows containing deformations and stresses at an
      mentioned Lagrange multipliers, the equality of the
                                                                                       arbitrary point of the thin-walled structure of the agro-
      derivatives of the normal components of the
      displacement vectors calculated along the normals to the                         industrial                     complex;                         UT = u v w;
                                                                                       PT = P11 P22 P12
      sides of the triangular element at nodes 1, 2, 3 is ensured
                                                                                                                                  –       row   matrices        containing
                                               wl wl                              components of the displacement vector and the external
                                           λl   −   = 0,
                                               n
                                               l   nl 
                                                                                       surface load vector; U G
                                                                                                              y             – column of unknown nodal

                                                                                       unknowns in the selected global curvilinear α, β
                                                                                       coordinate system; PR  – transition matrix from column
      where the index l takes the value 1, 2, 3, and the prime

                                                                                       U  to column U .
      indicates the values calculated from the side of the
                                                                                           L                              G
      adjacent finite element (Fig. 2).                                                    y                              y
          Based on (2), for the separately considered triangular
      discretization element, the following condition can be                              Performing the minimization operation over U G
                                                                                                                                       y                                   T

                                                                                       and  λ over (5), we obtain the stiffness matrix and the
      written                                                                                   T

                          w1    w 2   w 3                                           column of nodal forces of the triangular discretization
                        λ1  + λ2  + λ3  = 0,                              (3)       element.
                          n1    n2    n3
                                                                                                                                              = R,
                                                                                                                                           K Uy                             (6)
      which can be represented in matrix form                                                                                             3030 301    301

                                                                                     where K  – stiffness matrix of a triangular element;
                                 λT  w  = λT N U yL = 0,
                                                                             (4)               3030
                                          nl 
                                                                                       U y T = U Gy T  λT 
                                 13            13 327              271                                                   
                                             31                                                                                   – column of unknown nodal
                                                                                       130         
                                                                                                       127        13       
      where matrix N  contains form functions consisting of
                                                                                                              T      T
                         3 27                                                         unknowns;          RT
                                                                                                           =  r 0  – column of nodal
      complete polynomials of the third degree.                                                      130    127 13 
                                                                                       forces of external surface load.

BIO Web of Conferences 17, 00200 (2020)                                                                                        
FIES 2019

      2.2 Three-dimensional discretization element                                                      ... + G1 ( , ) H 3 ( )q, + G2 ( , ) H 3 ( )q,
                                                                                                                                                 i                          j

      In order to solve the problem of determining the strength
                                                                                                            + G3 ( , ) H3 ( )q, + ... + G3 ( , ) H 4 ( )q, , (8)
                                                                                                                                             k                              p
      parameters of AIC constructions in a three-dimensional
      formulation (Fig. 3), it is proposed to use a finite element
      in the form of a prism with a triangular base with nodes                                      where       G1 ( , )...G9 ( , )                  are       the     complete
      i, j, k, m, n, p located at its vertices. In order to perform
      numerical integration over the volume, each such                                              polynomials of the third degree; H1 ( )... H 4 ( ) –
      element will be mapped onto a prism, the bases of which                                       Hermite polynomials of the third degree.
      are rectangular triangles with local coordinates
       0  ξ, η  1 . Vertical coordinate ζ varies within
       −1  ζ  1.

                                                                                                    Fig. 4. Three-dimensional finite element

                                                                                                        In order to solve the compatibility problem of a
                                                                                                    volumetric finite element in the form of a prism, we use
      Fig. 3. Design scheme of a fragment of a pipeline using three-
                                                                                                    the technique described in paragraph 1 above. To do this,
      dimensional finite elements
                                                                                                    we introduce the Lagrange multipliers at nodes 1, 2, 3
           The column of the desired nodal unknowns of the                                          and 4, 5, 6 located in the middle of the sides of the lower
      prismatic element in the local coordinate system includes                                     side as additional nodal unknowns and upper bases
      the components of the displacement vector, as well as                                         respectively (Fig. 4). Thus, for the bases of the prismatic
      their partial derivatives of the first order with respect to                                  element, the following two additional conditions can be
       ξ, η, ζ                                                                                      formed

                                                                                                                      w1    w2    w3
                              V yL
                                     T         
                                                    
                                                     T    T    T
                                             =  u Ly v Ly w Ly ,                        (7)                       λ1  + λ2  + λ3  = 0;
                                                                                                                      n1    n2    n3
                                172            124 124 124 

               = q q
      where q Ly
                    T   i   j
                                q k q m q n q p q,i q,j q,k q,m q,n q,p q,i ... q,p .                                      w4    w5    w6
                                                                                                                                 λ4  + λ5  + λ6  = 0, (9)
                                                                                                                                   n4    n5    n6
          The interpolation procedure for the components of
      the displacement vector of a point belonging to the inner                                     which can be represented in matrix form
      region of the prismatic finite element is determined by
      the expression
                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                               λl T  w  = λl T Ф1 VyL = 0;

            q = G1 ( , ) H1 ( ) q + G2 ( , ) H1 ( ) q                                                                   nl 
                                                 i                                    j
                                                                                                                   13                           13   372 721
           + G3 ( ,  ) H 1 ( ) q              + G1 ( ,  ) H 2 ( ) q
                                             k                                  m
                                                                                                                              
                                                                                                            λS T  w                                   

                                                                                                                                = λS  Ф2  Vy = 0,
                                                                                                                                        T        L
           + G2 ( ,  ) H 2 ( ) q + G3 ( ,  ) H 2 ( ) q
                                             n                                  p
                                                                                                             13          nS  13 372 721
           + G4 ( , ) H1 ( )q, + G5 ( , ) H1 ( )q, +
                                             i                                  j

                                                                                                    where     λS T = λ4           λ5 λ6 ; Ф1  и          Ф2      – matrices
          + G6 ( , ) H1 ( )q,                + G4 ( , ) H 2 ( )q,
                               k                                       m
                                                                                      +             containing form functions representing the products of
                                                                                                    the full polynomial of the third degree and Hermite
          + G5 ( , ) H 2 ( )q, + G6 ( , ) H 2 ( )q, +
                                             n                                    p                 polynomial of the third degree.
                                                                                                        The conditional Lagrange functional for a prismatic
                                                                                                    finite element, taking into account (10), can be formed as
           + G7 ( , ) H1 ( )q, + G8 ( , ) H1 ( )q, +
                                             i                                  j

         + G9 ( , ) H1 ( )q, + G7 ( , ) H 2 ( )q, + ...
                                         k                                    m

BIO Web of Conferences 17, 00200 (2020)                                                                
FIES 2019

               П L =  εαβ
                            σ  dV −  U  PdV +
                             T     αβ T                         T                           However, as noted above, the meridional stresses on the
                                                                                            internal and external surfaces of the calculated structure
                      V                               V
                                                                                            play the most important role in the VAT picture.
                               
          + λl  Ф1 T  VyG + λS  Ф2 T  VyG , (11)
                                                                                              Therefore, in the second version of the calculation, a
                                                                                            sampling grid was used, which provides for dividing the
                                                                                            cylinder in thickness not into one, but into two or even
      where                   ε  = ε
                                   T
                                                               
                                             11 2ε12 2ε13 ε 22 2ε 23 ε 33        ;         three layers of volume elements. This approach made it
                                                                                            possible to achieve the values of meridional stresses in
      σ  = σ
        αβ T       11 12
                      σ σ 13 σ 22 σ 23 σ 33 ; Vy   – a column of
                                                            G                               the reference section similar to the values of the first
                                                                                            calculation option.
      nodal unknowns of a prismatic element in global α, β, γ
      coordinate system; T  – transition matrix from column                               4 Conclusion
      V  to column V .
          L                   G
                                                                                            The total number of unknowns when using the second
         Performing the minimization procedure over (11)                                    version of the calculation turned out to be about five
      with respect to        V  ,
                                 G T
                                 y         λl T ,       and       λS T ,   we can       times larger than in the first version, which makes the
                                                                                            first option the most preferable when analyzing the SSS
      compose the stiffness matrix and the column of nodal                                  of agricultural structures, which can be attributed to the
      forces of the prismatic finite element, standard for FEM                              class of thin-walled. When determining the strength
      [19–30].                                                                              parameters of AIC objects related to structures of
                                                                                            medium thickness and thick-walled, it is necessary to use
      3 Calculation example                                                                 three-dimensional prismatic finite elements of the second
                                                                                            calculation option.
      As an example, the problem was solved to determine the
      strength parameters of the design of the AIC in the form
      of a fragment of a cylindrical pipeline rigidly clamped at                            Acknowledgments
      the ends and loaded with internal pressure. It should be                              The study was carried out with the financial support of
      noted that the calculated fragment of the pipeline, by its                            the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the
      geometric characteristics, belongs to the class of thin-                              Administration of the Volgograd Region in the
      walled structures, to which the theory of thin shells with                            framework of the research project No. 19-41-340005
      Kirchkoff-Love hypotheses is applicable.                                              r_a.
          The calculations were performed in two versions: in
      the first embodiment, a fragment of the pipeline was
      modeled by an ensemble of two-dimensional finite                                      References
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