Apricot oil as a cause for multi-lobulated oil cysts in the deltoid muscle of a bodybuilder

Page created by Jerry Anderson
clinical correspondence

       Apricot oil as a cause
      for multi-lobulated oil
    cysts in the deltoid muscle
         of a bodybuilder
              Dominic P O’Dowd, David Dow, Michael P Rosenfeldt

       he illicit and unregulated nature of         strated a painful arc with abnormal muscle
       sourcing and using performance and           patterning during active forward flexion
       image enhancing drugs (PIEDs) or             and active abduction arcs. Abnormal muscle
steroids presents a risk to users because they      patterning on movement is suggestive
are often unaware of correct dosage, contra-        of asynchronous muscle activation and
indications, polypharmancy and side effects.        contraction, which is in keeping with a
Although the conversation can be challenging        possible rotator cuff injury. There was
due to the perceived risks of offending or stig-    significant weakness on examination of
matising the patient, it is important that clini-   the supraspinatus; but the infraspinatus,
cians broach the subject. The aim should be         teres minor and subscapularis showed no
to understand why the patient uses PIEDs or         weakness on examination. An MRI was
steroids, educate them on the risks, screen for     requested and showed a tear within the
potential side effects and consider referral to     supraspinatus tendon.
substance abuse services if appropriate. Here         Magnetic resonance imaging of the
we present the unusual case of a rotator cuff       right shoulder demonstrated a supra-
injury with incidental deltoid intramuscular        spinatus tendon tear and, incidentally,
oil cysts from apricot oil used as a delivery       multiple ovoid foci within a hypertro-
agent for anabolic steroids. Side effects of        phied posterior deltoid muscle. These
PIEDs and steroids are discussed along with         ovoid foci were of internal fat signal on T1
simple screening tests, which can be under-         sequences, matching the signal intensity
taken to monitor patient health.                    of adjacent subcutaneous fat (Figure 1).
                                                    The ovoid foci demonstrated uniform fat
            Case report                             suppression on both fat saturated T1 and
  AB, a 46-year-old male body builder               T2 sequences (Figures 2 and 3) and fine
presented with a history of sudden pain in          peripheral enhancement on post-contrast
his right shoulder, which occurred during           T1 sequences (Figures 4 and 5). Appear-
a heavy-weight bench press. Following the           ances were compatible with intramuscular
injury, AB was unable to actively abduct his        oil cysts related to repetitive, intramus-
arm greater than 30 degrees. Following a            cular anabolic steroid and oil suspension
short period of self-enforced rest, the patient     injectate. No intramuscular calcification
sought treatment from a physiotherapist             was demonstrated on radiographs. During a
due to his inability to perform his job as a        discussion, the patient revealed that he was
landscape gardener. After three months of           injecting Masteron (masteron enanthaate),
physiotherapy treatment, he was continuing          Delatestryl (testosterone enanthate),
to have problems and was referred to a              Epistane (methylepitiostanol) and apricot
sports surgery clinic.                              oil. The patient was injecting apricot oil
                                                    based on advice from a fellow bodybuilder
  Clinical examination revealed gener-
                                                    regarding its effects of “enhancing the
alised muscle hypertrophy in keeping with
                                                    steroids” he was using.
prolonged resistance training. AB demon-

                                                                              NZMJ 16 April 2021, Vol 134 No 1533
                                                                              ISSN 1175-8716        © NZMA
clinical correspondence

Figure 1: Axial T1.                             Figure 2: Axial T1 fat sat.

Figure 3: Axial T2 fat sat.                     Figure 4: Axial T1 fat sat post contrast.

Figure 5: Coronal T1 fat sat post contrast.

                                                                               NZMJ 16 April 2021, Vol 134 No 1533
                                                                               ISSN 1175-8716        © NZMA
clinical correspondence

           Discussion                           and gynecomastia (androgen imbalance in
                                                favour of oestrogen). The latter is sometimes
   The prevalence of steroid use among          avoided by users adding in an anti-oestrogen
recreational athletes is reported to be         medication such as tamoxifen.
increasing, although exact numbers are
                                                  Muscle and tendon ruptures are also
always difficult to determine. In the UK in
                                                reported, but the exact cause is not clear and
2018, an estimated 411,000 people had used
                                                evidence is largely limited to case reports.
anabolic steroid recreationally, representing
                                                A cross-sectional cohort study of body
around 0.7% of the population.1 A literature
                                                builders found that 22% of those taking
review undertaken in New Zealand in 2015
                                                anabolic steroids had suffered at least one
highlighted the diversity of people using
                                                tendon rupture, compared to 6% of those
PIEDs, but that it is difficult to determine
                                                not taking anabolic steroids.8 However, a
the true incidence and prevalence.2 A study
                                                systematic review of the effect that anabolic
of anabolic steroid use among gay and
                                                steroids have on tendon structure found
bisexual men in New Zealand and Australia
                                                limited research, most of which relied on
found a prevalence of 5.2%, with the main
                                                animal models and often had conflicting
reason for use being body-image dissatis-
                                                results.9 Prospective research is required to
faction and eating disorders, rather than
                                                determine whether PIEDs and steroids are
physical performance.3 There are no official
                                                the cause of the apparent increased tendon
figures for prevalence of use in New Zealand
                                                rupture rate, or whether the cause is multi-
overall, but media coverage surrounding
                                                factorial, surrounding training, recovery,
the criminal case of an individual distrib-
                                                drug use and other lifestyle factors.
uting PIEDs or steroids suggests cases are
not isolated.4,5 The New Zealand Ministry of      Side effects diagnosed by clinicians after
Health and Medsafe have released figures        testing include gonadotrophin suppression,
on the seizures of PIEDs between 2013 and       decreased spermatogenesis, liver toxicity
2018.6 These figures demonstrated a peak in     and cardiac disease.10
the number of packages seized during 2016,         If clinicians are concerned, they should
but the overall volume of tablets/capsules      discuss screening with the patient.
and active pharmaceutical ingredient (API)      Screening typically involves blood pressure
seized remains fairly steady over time. In      measurement, ECG and blood tests to look at
2018 more than 11kg of anabolic steroid API     liver function, cholesterol levels (increased
were seized, with the majority coming from      low-density lipoproteins and decreased
China and Hong Kong. Greater than 40kg          high-density lipoproteins), glucose levels
of tablets/capsules were seized, with the       and hormone levels.
majority coming from the US.                      Acute complications from the injection
  In the case presented here, the patient was   of steroids may also appear relatively
receiving advice on steroid use from a fellow   commonly and include local inflammation
bodybuilder who we assume had no formal         or infection (eg, abscess formation). This can
medical training. A study from Australia        have implications in the setting of wound
in 2010 demonstrated that over 40% of           complications and delaying tendon repair
athlete-support personnel in professional       surgery. Acute complications from oil injec-
sport advise on anti-doping or nutritional      tions are also recognised and are commonly
advice without training.7 Although this is      inflammatory or infective—but rarely are
concerning in elite sport, it suggests poor/    they life threatening, like a pulmonary oil
incorrect advice given by lay people to         embolism from mistakenly injecting the oil
others in the setting of PIEDs may be even      into a vein.11
more prevalent than assumed and a possible         Injecting oil into muscle compartments
cause for the complications associated with     is sometimes performed by individuals to
PIED or steroid use. Common side effects        enhance the appearance or size of their
that patients report from anabolic steroid      muscle. Use of paraffin, synthol and coconut
use are acne (androgen associated sebum         oil are described within the literature as
production), cutaneous striae (particularly     site enhancement oils (SEOs).12,13 In this case
around the deltopectoral area), mood swings     the patient injected only a small amount of
and agitation (fluctuating androgen levels)     oil on the advice it would prolong the effect

                                                                            NZMJ 16 April 2021, Vol 134 No 1533
                                                                            ISSN 1175-8716        © NZMA
clinical correspondence

of the steroids he was injecting, thereby                   This case demonstrates an unusual radio-
conferring a pharmacological benefit rather               logical finding that may assist clinicians in
than an image benefit. Steroids have limited              the diagnosis of PIEDs and steroid use. The
water solubility. Research has shown that                 discussion informs clinicians of the common
dissolving the steroids in a non-aqueous oil              side effects of PIED and steroid use, along
solution for delivery (eg, castor oil) is safe            with some routine screening tests that can
and can prolong the effect of intramuscular               be undertaken to monitor patient wellbeing.
injected steroids.14,15 Following a search of             Clinicians may use the information here to
the literature, we were unable to find any                open a discussion with patients suspected of
information in relation to apricot oil as a               PIED or steroid use.
vehicle for intramuscular steroid delivery.

                                            Competing interests:
                                             Author information:
           Dominic P O’Dowd: Sports Orthopaedic Fellow – Unisports Sports Medicine,
                                   Auckland, New Zealand.
     David Dow: Consultant Radiologist, Auckland Radiology Group, Auckland, New Zealand.
      Michael P Rosenfeldt: Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon – Unisports Sports Medicine,
                                   Auckland, New Zealand.
                                            Corresponding author:
            Dominic P O’Dowd, Unisports Sports Medicine, 71 Merton Road, St Johns,
                            Auckland, New Zealand, 095219857

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                                                                                         ISSN 1175-8716        © NZMA
clinical correspondence

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                                                                              NZMJ 16 April 2021, Vol 134 No 1533
                                                                              ISSN 1175-8716        © NZMA
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