April 13th Memorandum - École Victor-Brodeur Pascale Bernier, directrice Lise Landry, directrice adjointe - Association des parents de ...

Page created by Edwin Perkins
April 13th Memorandum - École Victor-Brodeur Pascale Bernier, directrice Lise Landry, directrice adjointe - Association des parents de ...
École Victor-Brodeur
                     Pascale Bernier, directrice
                     Lise Landry, directrice adjointe
                     Tél. (250) 220-6010
                     Facebook: @victorbrodeurcsf
                     Twitter : @csf_brodeur

                    April 13th Memorandum

                      As mentioned in our last memo, planning for the 2018-2019
                      school year has begun. For all CSF schools, the end of April is
                      the start of staffing decisions, course selection for secondary
                      students, and meetings between the administration and
                      parents. Mme Bernier met with Grade 7 parents on Tuesday
                      April 10th, and will be meeting with Grade 10 parents on
                      Tuesday, April 17th.

An extra Pro-D day will be added to the school calendar for next year. This decision
was approved by a vote of the Conseil d’administration du CSF during a public
meeting on April 6th, in accordance with the School Act and the School Calendar
Regulation 8 (2). We will now have a total of eight Pro-D days. The extra day will
provide staff members with in-depth learning and preparation for the Aboriginal
education program, the application of new programs, topics in sexual orientation and
gender identities and the socio-emotional development of students.

                                Please note
  Lost and found
    Next Monday afternoon, we will be moving the lost and found items to tables
    and hangers in the main agora. Please stop by during the week to see if any of
    them belong to your children. On Friday, they will be brought to a local charity.

April 13th Memorandum - École Victor-Brodeur Pascale Bernier, directrice Lise Landry, directrice adjointe - Association des parents de ...
Chief Andy Thomas
    Andy Thomas, hereditary Chief of the Esquimalt First Nation, passed away last
    Saturday and will be dearly missed. He was Chief for 47 years in our
    community and well-known as a champion for Indigenous rights.
    M. Marc-André Ouellette, CSF Vice-president and Mme Lise Landry, Victor-
    Brodeur Vice-Principal, attended the celebration of life ceremonies on
    Thursday, April 12th.

  Humboldt Broncos
   Many staff members and students participated in the nationwide Jersey Day
   event yesterday. By wearing hockey jerseys and yellow/green clothing, we
   honoured the lives of the 16 people killed in the tragic Saskatchewan bus crash.
   Our thoughts are with the families during this difficult time. We will take part in
   the movement again next year.

  France Trip Grade 10. Parents will be contacted soon regarding the project.

             News from the PAC
             Find copies of all memos on the PAC website

Call for volunteers: Year-end celebrations
It’s hard to believe we are into the third trimester of the school year. That
means we should start planning our year-end festivities.

The PAC is calling for volunteers for a sub-committee “Fête de fin d’année:
Brodeur a du talent”. Contact the socio-cultural committee liaison, Sophie
Denux, at socioculturel@parentsbrodeur.ca

We can also use some help organizing the summer camps. Contact Marie-
Pierre Lavoie at presidence@parentsbrodeur.ca to be part of the team.

April 13th Memorandum - École Victor-Brodeur Pascale Bernier, directrice Lise Landry, directrice adjointe - Association des parents de ...
Seeking participants : TV show “À fond de train”
Blimp Télé is recruiting for Season 2 of their television show “À fond de
train”, which airs on unis.tv. This is an Amazing Race-style show which
pits family duos against others in a cross-Canada adventure. See the
attached press release (in French) for details.

Did you know?
A CSF member can vote in the school board elections on October 20,
2018, if he/she:
  • is at least 18 years old at the time of the vote
  • is a resident of BC for at least the past 6 months (as of April 20,
  • is a Canadian citizen
  • has been a CSF member since at least 120 days before the elections
     (as of June 22, 2018)
  • resides in the electoral district in which he/she will vote

The page http://csf.vote/ on the CSF website is dedicated to the school
board elections.

           Any suggestions, comments, or items to add to the next memo?
               Write to us at communications@parentsbrodeur.ca

April 13th Memorandum - École Victor-Brodeur Pascale Bernier, directrice Lise Landry, directrice adjointe - Association des parents de ...
Xanax Use Among Teens: What We Need to Know

Over the past 12 months, an increasing number of education, police and health care professionals on
Vancouver Island have expressed concern about the use of Alprazolam (Xanax ®) among teens in their
communities, including Victoria, Cowichan Valley, Nanaimo, Parksville, Port Alberni, Comox Valley and
Campbell River. These concerns are supported by reports from teens themselves. There have also been
incidents reported of acute intoxications of teens at school, suspected overdose incidents involving
emergency response and seizures by local police.

What is Xanax?

Xanax is a medication from the benzodiazepine family that functions as a central nervous system
depressant. It is commonly used to treat various forms of anxiety and panic disorders, as well as
insomnia, by decreasing abnormal excitement in the brain.

What are the effects and risks?

Xanax, like other prescription tranquilizers, is intended to slow normal brain activity and function, which
may result in slowed breathing (respiratory depression), slurred speech, dilated pupils, disorientation,
fatigue and decreased coordination. In high dosages, Xanax can, “…cause impaired memory, judgment
and coordination; irritability; paranoia; and thoughts of suicide. Some people can become agitated or
aggressive.” (Parent Drug Guide: Know the Facts about Xanax)

Repeated use of Xanax can lead to dependence, which can result in withdrawal symptoms when use is
reduced or stopped. Talk to a medical professional to develop a safe strategy for reducing use.
Tolerance to Xanax can develop quickly, causing an individual to consume higher dosages to achieve the
same result, increasing the risk of harming themselves. This includes the potential for overdose,
particularly when taken with other depressants such as alcohol, benzodiazepines and/or opioids (i.e.
fentanyl, heroin and morphine).

What are the sources of Xanax?

There is no sure way to confirm how teens are getting Xanax. It appears that access to Xanax, and other
prescription medications, are likely from a prescription by physicians and/or psychiatrists (which could
include misuse of another person’s prescription like a sibling or parent); purchased from a friend or
dealer; or purchased from the internet or dark web.

Information from local police departments suggests there are likely two streams of Xanax in circulation:
legitimate and illicit versions. A legitimate form of Xanax would include pills obtained through a direct
prescription, used by the individual they’ve been prescribed to, or diverted from another person's
prescription. These pills are regulated pharmaceutical quality.

April 13th Memorandum - École Victor-Brodeur Pascale Bernier, directrice Lise Landry, directrice adjointe - Association des parents de ...
Xanax Use Among Teens: What We Need to Know - p2

There is also an illicit stream of unregulated Xanax, which has been made from a combination of
chemical agents to produce something intended to resemble the appearance and effect of the
pharmaceutical version. This poses further significant risk to the person using Xanax outside of
prescribed use, as it is very difficult to distinguish a legitimate pill from a fake pill, and the effects from
each are likely to vary from pill to pill, including the dosage and interactions with other drugs.

Signs and Symptoms of Acute Toxicity (Overdose):

         Extreme drowsiness
         Fainting; loss of consciousness
         Difficulty breathing; respiratory depression
         Loss coordination; muscle weakness
         Confusion
         Light headedness

        If someone has signs and symptoms of acute toxicity they need urgent medical assistance.

Suggestions and Tips for Talking to a Teen:

         It’s important to keep lines of communication open and to have honest and non-judgemental
          conversations with your teen—this will create trust and encourage openness
         Approach the conversation with curiosity and interest
         Ask for their opinions
         Focus on your concerns for their safety
         Know the facts about the drug
         Understand and address your own fears before starting the conversation

Supportive Resources for Youth & Families on Vancouver Island:

         South Island: call 250‐519‐5313 or email discovery.southisland@viha.ca
         Central/North Island: call 250-739-5790 or email discovery@viha.ca

For more information:

         www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/substance-abuse/prescription-drug-
         bodyandhealth.canada.com/drug/getdrug/xanax
         drugfree.org/drug/xanax (Parent Drug Guide: Know the Facts about Xanax)
         www.uvic.ca/research/centres/cisur/assets/docs/hs-parents-list.pdf

April 13th Memorandum - École Victor-Brodeur Pascale Bernier, directrice Lise Landry, directrice adjointe - Association des parents de ...



Érable 12$/unité en vente à la SFV


              pour participer au plus grand rallye télévisé au pays !

Montréal, le 9 Avril 2018 – Embarquez À fond de train dans le rallye le plus excitant
au pays ! Blimp Télé est à la recherche de duos parent-enfant de partout au Canada
pour participer à la troisième saison de l’émission À fond de train, qui sera diffusée
sur les ondes d’Unis TV cet hiver. Produit par Blimp Télé et animé par Christian
Essiambre, À fond de train est un jeu télévisé de 10 épisodes d’une heure dans lequel
deux familles s’affrontent à chaque destination lors d'un gigantesque rallye qui les
mènera d’un océan canadien à l’autre.
Un nouvel épisode, une nouvelle destination !

De Vancouver à Halifax, le fabuleux parcours à bord d’un train est ponctué de 10
étapes, soit 10 villes dont les attractions culturelles, géographiques et historiques
méritent le détour. À chacune de ces destinations, les duos ont pour objectif de relever
des défis et résoudre des énigmes le plus rapidement possible afin de franchir les
premiers le fil d’arrivée. Terminer deuxième signifie l’élimination et le retour à la
maison, alors que les gagnants grimpent à nouveau à bord du train pour poursuivre
l’aventure jusqu'au prochain arrêt !

À la recherche de duos allumés pour vivre l’aventure !

Blimp Télé recherche des duos composés d’un parent (mère, père, grand-mère,
grand-père, tante, oncle, etc.) et d’un enfant âgé entre 9 et 12 ans, qui ont une belle
chimie. Ils doivent résider dans les villes suivantes, ou dans leur périphérie et
environs: Vancouver, Kamloops, Watrous, St-Boniface, London, Brockville,
Montmagny, Amqui, Miramichi et Truro.

Les participants doivent être libres pour les tournages qui se tiendront du 8 juillet au
16 juillet 2018, du 25 juillet au 6 août 2018 ainsi que du 14 août au 18 août 2018.
Les candidatures seront acceptées jusqu’au 15 mai 2018.

               Pour participer, rendez-vous à unis.ca/afonddetrain.

La saison 3 de l’émission À fond de train sera diffusée sur les ondes d’Unis TV
                                à l’hiver 2019.

                                                                               Contact :
                                                                       Frédérique Allard
                                                                             Poste : 263
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