Araekakaho COMMUNITY PLAN 2017 2022 - Hastings District Council

Page created by Jean Fuller
Araekakaho COMMUNITY PLAN 2017 2022 - Hastings District Council
2017 - 2022
Araekakaho COMMUNITY PLAN 2017 2022 - Hastings District Council

Maraekakaho is a long-established
rural community west of Hastings.                                                                  NAPIER
In recent years, population growth
and changing demands have seen
increasing change within the                                                                  50
community, with more families                                                                               2

entering the community, an increasing              Crownthorpe                 Waiohiki
school roll, new business development,                                            50
more diversity and greater                                                                                Clive
environmental awareness.                                                      Twyford              Whakatu
From initial discussions within the                          Roys Hill

community, it became clear there                                                             Waipatu
is a strong desire to improve local                               Bridge Pa
facilities, while taking care of the local                                    Longlands Havelock
environment and local people and also                                         50A        North
ensuring the history and heritage of                                     Paki Paki
the area is preserved.


2 maraekakaho community plan 2017 - 2022
Araekakaho COMMUNITY PLAN 2017 2022 - Hastings District Council
About                                    Our population
Maraekakaho                              • Maraekakaho population 1287*
                                         • This is 12% increase since 2006


As the census data indicates, the          30
Maraekakaho district remains a
rural production powerhouse with           20
varied agricultural, horticultural and
forestry industries to the fore, but                    Under           Over 65
also has increasing numbers of young                    15 Year          Year
                                                         Olds            Olds
families moving to the area and
business growth in other sectors such
as training, manufacturing, food and       90
Hastings district plan makes specific
reference to rural subdivision and         50
“concentrated residential lifestyle        30
development at Maraekakaho”.
Recent residential building activity       10
                                                     Identify as       Identify as
since the 2013 census has accelerated                 European           Maori
with many new homes built and with
further subdivisions progressing, this   *2013 census data
growth is set to continue.               Census data allows people to state more than one
                                         ethnic group, so percentages do not add up to 100.

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Araekakaho COMMUNITY PLAN 2017 2022 - Hastings District Council
Business: There are 380 businesses in the
                 62%                                    local area, an increase of 6% since 2006.
             of local employees
               work in primary
              industries related
                to agriculture,
                 and forestry.
                                                          Other sectors
                                                         of importance are
                                          work in       education, training,
                                       manufacturing.     accommodation
                                                              and food.

4 maraekakaho community plan 2017 - 2022
Araekakaho COMMUNITY PLAN 2017 2022 - Hastings District Council
How was this plan developed?                                Where to now?
Several meetings and other discussions between local        Overleaf are listed eight key areas of interest and current goals of the
community and other groups (NZTA and local roading,         Maraekakaho community. Interest groups have been formed for each
local government, councilors and others) between            of these areas, which any and all members of the local community are
2014 and 2016 culminated in a local “mini-election” in      free to join as they wish. The purpose of these interest groups is to
which community voted for several members to form           pursue, support and assist with specific projects to help achieve the
an advocacy group to advance local interests. In late       goals for each interest area.
2016, these voted members came together to form
                                                            Focus MKK will help coordinate and ensure collaboration and
Focus Maraekakaho (Focus MKK).
                                                            direction for each of the interest groups as we work towards achieving
The initial aim was to develop this community plan,         these goals. The intention is to review this community plan,
in direct consultation with the local Maraekakaho           and the interest areas/goals at least annually,
community, then specifically develop local projects         to ensure relevance and progress.
in line with this plan and further local community
consultation and involvement.
Regular community consultation and feedback has
ensured the plan is very much “community-led”.
Several meetings have been held over the last 3 years
at the local Maraekakaho Hall. Local community has
been surveyed with the assistance of local rural delivery
contractors, with all households in the area given the
opportunity to share their thoughts and aspirations.
Newsletters have since been sent to households,
Focus MKK had a stand and presence at the local
Maraekakaho Country Market Day (March 2017) and
a Facebook page was established late 2016. Focus
MKK is committed to further community engagement
and involvement.
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Araekakaho COMMUNITY PLAN 2017 2022 - Hastings District Council
Interest Group

1. Roading                        2. Connecting the            3. Community                  4. River and
                                     Maraekakaho                  Facilities                    Waterways
• Enhance road safety for            Community
  all users including vehicles,                                • Ensure appropriate local    • Advocate for the Ngaruroro
  pedestrians, cyclists and       • Bring our unique rural       facilities are available,     River and local feeder
  horse riders.                     community together to        accessible, and welcoming     streams.
• Ensure our roads and their        foster community spirit,     for community use.
                                                                                             • Enhance and develop river
  shoulders/berms/walkways          build relationships and                                    recreation activities for a
  connect our community.            improve connectedness                                      broad base of recreation
                                    and enhance community                                      groups.
• Future proof roading to
                                    health and well-being.
  allow for future community                                                                 • Encourage and actively
  expansion and needs.                                                                         participate in beautification,
                                                                                               enhancement, planting and
                                                                                               sustainability initiatives with
                                                                                               regards local waterways.

6 maraekakaho community plan 2017 - 2022
Araekakaho COMMUNITY PLAN 2017 2022 - Hastings District Council
5. History & Heritage        6. Safety and Security           7. Health and                   8. Emergency
                                                                 Wellbeing                       Preparedness
• To preserve and enhance    • Maintain current low levels
  local historic sites and     of reported crime and          • Increase awareness of and     • Improve the overall
  encourage protection and     minimise growth in crime         action on:                      preparedness of our
  record keeping of local      and/or antisocial behaviour.                                     community and ability to
  history.                                                      » Mental health
                                                                                                respond and recover from
                                                                » Physical health               emergencies and adverse
                                                                » Connectedness

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Araekakaho COMMUNITY PLAN 2017 2022 - Hastings District Council
OBJECTIVE                    ACTION            TIMELINE/ MEASURE                  COMMUNITY                              PARTNERSHIPS

 1. Roading                        Improve Kereru        October 2017        • Community consultation with agencies           NZTA
                                   Road/SH50                                   involved.                                      HDC
 • Enhance road safety for         intersection and                                                                           FocusMKK
   all users including vehicles,   Whakapirau Road/
   pedestrians, cyclists and horse SH50 intersection.
 • Ensure our roads and their
   connect our community.
 • Future proof roading to
   allow for future community
   expansion and needs.

                                  Develop Kereru         October 2017        • Move power poles to create a wider entrance.   HDC
                                  Road entrance to                           • Liaise with bus and trucking companies to      FocusMKK
                                  river, safe two-way                          create a turning bay where Russell Roads       Unison
                                  access for vehicles.                         currently operates their gravel quarry.

                                  Improve road           Ongoing             • Collect data on speed of cars.                 NZTA
                                  safety on Kereru                           • Keep in contact with police regarding          HDC
                                  Road.                                        provision of speed control measures.           Police
                                                                             • Develop signage to reduce speed and            Local drivers including
                                                                               improve driver awareness.                      transport companies
                                                                             • Expand 50KPH zone to include any               FocusMKK
                                                                               foreseeable residential subdivisions.
                                                                             • Collaborate with transport companies to
                                                                               encourage safe driving.

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Araekakaho COMMUNITY PLAN 2017 2022 - Hastings District Council
OBJECTIVE        ACTION            TIMELINE/ MEASURE                  COMMUNITY                             PARTNERSHIPS

            Improve car park at    Feb 2018            • Collect data about usage and issues           MKK school
            MKK School/ Hall/                          • Consult with affected parties about their     MOE MKK Hall trust
            ECC.                                         needs/ wants                                  HDC
                                                       • Consult with roading engineer to create and   Fire Service
                                                         implement a plan                              MKK
                                                                                                       Early Childhood Centre
                                                                                                       Focus MKK
            Planting along         Completion August   • Plant Kereru Road roadside from west of       HDC
            roadside.              2019                  Bellerby Lane to SH 50 and along SH 50        HBRC
                                                         where appropriate on Kereru Rd. Designed      Focus MKK
                                                         - beautification
                                                         - help motorists know they are entering a
                                                         - create a sense of identity and community
                                                       • Beautify 50kph signs on Kereru Rd with
            Create a safer         August 2018         • Reduce speed limit to 80kph from              NZTA
            section of SH50.                             GodsOwn Brewery to the Woolshed               Police
            Create a safer         August 2022         • Extend footpaths downhill to War Memorial     HDC
            walking/ biking area                         and upgrade all path surfaces and             FocusMKK
            from the MKK                                 construction
            Village down to the
            Erect threshold        August 2018         • Design signage using local artists            Focus MKK
            signage to mark                              - Erect signs near the Woolshed and           HDC
            the entrance to                              GodsOwn Brewery (SH 50) and the West          NZTA
            Maraekakaho.                                 side of the Village on Kereru Road            Local Community Artists

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Araekakaho COMMUNITY PLAN 2017 2022 - Hastings District Council
OBJECTIVE                    ACTION          TIMELINE/ MEASURE                   COMMUNITY                                 PARTNERSHIPS

2. Connecting the                Build a business     Ongoing             • Create a business contact list.                    FocusMKK
Maraekakaho Community            network to                               • Host opportunities for local businesses to         Local businesses
                                 promote and                                come together to share experiences and
Bring our unique rural           connect local                              promote their business.
community together to            businesses.                              • Listen to local businesses about their needs
foster community spirit, build                                              in the community.
relationships and improve                                                 • Promote local businesses within the
connectedness and enhance                                                   community.
community health and
                                 Strengthen the       Ongoing             • Host a variety of social events to cater for all   Community
                                 social network of                          in the community.                                  FocusMKK
                                 MKK.                                     • Hold community meetings where needed.
                                                                          • Communicate with the community in
                                                                            various ways i.e. social media, email, print,
                                                                          • Create a contact list for the community
                                                                            broken down into neighbourhoods.

                                 Create a youth       Ongoing             • Have events aimed at this group to help            FocusMKK
                                 group for the 13                           them stay connected to and have a voice in         MKK School
                                 to 18-year-olds of                         the community.
                                 MKK.                                     • Encourage youth new to the community to
                                                                            get to know those who live locally.

10 maraekakaho community plan 2017 - 2022
OBJECTIVE        ACTION          TIMELINE/ MEASURE                  COMMUNITY                              PARTNERSHIPS

            Encourage all        Ongoing             • Ensure varied communication channels are       Focus MKK
            parts of the                               used to inform community.                      Wider MKK Community
            local community                          • Provide regular opportunities for community    HDC
            to engage and                              feedback and consultation.                     Tangata Whenua
            participate in the
            community plan
            and associated
            Prepare a            March 2018          • People selling properties to provide leaflet   Real estate agents
            “Welcome” leaflet                          for new residents.                             Neighbourhood support
            for new residents                        • Neighbourhood Support contact persons to
                                                       provide leaflet to new residents.

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OBJECTIVE                   ACTION           TIMELINE/ MEASURE                        COMMUNITY                               PARTNERSHIPS

3. Community Facilities         Restore MKK           Exterior painting         • Insulate, rebuild, rewire, and earthquake       MKK Hall trust
                                Hall to create a      finished by winter 2018     strengthen the hall to bring it up to modern    HDC
Ensure appropriate local        community hub.        Engineer advice winter      standards while maintaining the original        Community grants
facilities are available,                             2019                        character.                                      FocusMKK
accessible, and welcoming for                         Renovations completed     • Utilise the hall regularly for community        Community fundraising
community use.                                        2022                        events.

                                Create a space        August 2020               • Find and develop a space suitable to display    HDC
                                as a repository                                   historical documents relating to the rich       FocusMKK
                                for historic                                      history of the MKK area.                        Tangata Whenua
                                MKK Church.           Start investigations      • Investigate the possibility of using the        Presbyterian Church
                                                      2018                        Maraekakaho Church building for the             FocusMKK
                                                                                • Continue the monthly services while also
                                                                                  expanding the use of the building.
                                Create a recycling    2017                      • Work with the council to place a recycling      HDC
                                depot.                                            facility in the designated position.            Russell Roads
                                                                                • Facilitate planting at the depot.               FocusMKK
                                                                                • Monitor the depot to ensure it is kept tidy &   MKK School
                                                                                  liaise with HDC if problems arise.
                                Build a bus shelter   July 2018                 • Source builders and materials to make a bus     FocusMKK
                                for high school                                   shelter at the pick-up point for high school    Sponsors
                                students.                                         children.

12 maraekakaho community plan 2017 - 2022
OBJECTIVE                     ACTION           TIMELINE/ MEASURE                       COMMUNITY                              PARTNERSHIPS

4. River and Waterways              Develop picnic       September 17, planting   • Plan river use and assist with design          HBRC
                                    areas to encourage   March/April 2018.        • Possibly provide heavy equipment as            HDC
• Advocate for the Ngaruroro        greater community                               required.                                      Tangata Whenua
  River and local feeder            river use.                                    • Assist with plant supply and planting/         Local businesses
  streams.                                                                          maintenance.                                   (plant nurseries, earthworks,
• Enhance and develop river                                                       • Evaluate need/desire for additional picnic     mulch, other)
  recreation activities for a                                                       area by irrigation canal.                      Focus MKK
  broad base of recreation
• Encourage and actively
  participate in beautification,
  enhancement, planting and
  sustainability initiatives with
  regards local waterways.

                                    Improve Ngaruroro    Late 2017 through to     • Research and implement improved and safe       HBRC
                                    river access.        autumn 2018.               vehicle access to picnic area.                 HDC
                                                                                  • Planting alongside river accessway and         Tangata Whenua
                                                                                    approaches between Kereru Rd and picnic        Local businesses
                                                                                    area.                                          (plant nurseries, earthworks,
                                                                                  • Develop and erect signage at river entrance.   art for signage etc.)
                                                                                                                                   HB Hunt
                                                                                                                                   Local landowners
                                                                                                                                   Focus MKK

                                                                                                                maraekakaho community plan 2017 - 2022 13
OBJECTIVE                 ACTION        TIMELINE/ MEASURE                     COMMUNITY                             PARTNERSHIPS

                            Protect the         Start Summer-Autumn   • Reduce/mitigate pollution.                     HBRC
                            Ngaruroro river     2018 then ongoing     • Provide incentives and easy methods to         Tangata Whenua
                            environment                                 remove litter.                                 Local businesses
                            and that of                               • Develop riverside riparian planting.           (plant nurseries, earthworks,
                            Maraekakaho                               • Undertake legacy planting for future           sponsorship)
                            Stream and                                  generations.                                   Local landowners
                            Tributaries.                              • Encourage and assist local landowners to       Maraekakaho School
                                                                        fence and plant riparian strips.               TANK
                                                                                                                       Focus MKK
                            Develop             Autumn-Winter 2018    • Consult with the community about how           Recreational groups
                            recreational        then ongoing            they want to use the river and environs.       HBRC
                            facilities at the                         • Prioritise projects and/or reserve areas for   Tangata Whenua
                            River.                                      diverse users:                                 Local landowners
                                                                        » cyclists       » horse riders                Fish and Game NZ
                                                                        » walkers        » runners                     NZ Jetboating association
                                                                        » boaties        » fishers                     Focus MKK
                                                                        » hunters        » picknickers
                                                                        » swimmers
                                                                      • Extend bike paths.
                            Connect river       2018-2020             • Evaluate possible options for safe pathways    HBRC
                            access to MKK                               connecting the village, school, Gumboots       HDC
                            Community and                               ECC and main Ngaruroro river access.           Tangata Whenua
                            up/down river.                            • Also track access both up and down river on    Maraekakaho School
                                                                        HBRC or private land.                          Gumboots ECC
                                                                      • Prioritise and develop pathways at the river   Local landowners
                                                                        for safe foot, bicycle and horse access.       Focus MKK

14 maraekakaho community plan 2017 - 2022
OBJECTIVE                   ACTION            TIMELINE/ MEASURE                        COMMUNITY                                PARTNERSHIPS

5. History & Heritage           Preserve Local         Ongoing                  • Promote Hawke’s Bay Knowledge Bank to             THBKB
                                History.                                          record personal, family, whanau and iwi and       FocusMKK
To preserve and enhance local                                                     local history.                                    Tangata Whenua
historic sites and encourage
protection and record keeping
of local history.

                                Erect                  Sign funding approved    • Local artists contribution to the design of       HDC
                                informative signs at   2017. Design and           suitable information signage.                     Focus MKK
                                the Maraekakaho        installation to follow   • Local labour to install agreed signage.           Local community artists
                                War Memorial.          roading earthworks
                                                       Summer 2018
                                Preserve the war    2018 completion             • Rolls of honour have been refurbished with        MKK Hall Board
                                service Rolls of                                  contributions from the community and              Local community members
                                Honour and the                                    Ingrids Picture Framing.                          FocusMKK
                                remaining Colonial                              • Family records to be researched and
                                Library content and                               published.
                                display them for
                                the community
                                Encourage              Ongoing                  • Provide local history of significant buildings.   HDC
                                preservation and                                • Investigate ownership and encourage               FocusMKK
                                enhancement of                                    perservation.                                     Local community members
                                the MKK Station
                                Woolshed and the
                                Drovers Hut

                                                                                                               maraekakaho community plan 2017 - 2022 15
OBJECTIVE                     ACTION           TIMELINE/ MEASURE                    COMMUNITY                            PARTNERSHIPS

6. Safety and Security           Encourage rapid       Ongoing             • Community to become more responsible for       Police
Maintain current low levels of   reporting of                                their security.                                Neighbourhood Support
reported crime and minimise      incidents to Police                       • Maintain close links with Police Crime
growth in crime and/or           and community via                           Prevention Officer.
antisocial behaviour.            Facebook pages.

                                 Expand current        August 2018         • Each road/community area to have contact       Neighbourhood Support
                                 Neighbourhood                               person.
                                 Support network                           • Plan how to communicate in an emergency.
                                 and ensure all new
                                 residents know
                                 about it.
                                 Replace old           June 2018           • Involvement in erection of signs.              Neighbourhood Support
                                 Neighbourhood                             • Help with raising funds.                       Police
                                 Watch signs.                              • Provide new strategic sites on private land.
                                                                           • New signage to include CCTV cameras
                                                                             operating in this area.
                                 Encourage             Ongoing             • Identify strategic sites for cameras.          Police
                                 placement of                              • Individual/group financing of installations.   Focus MKK
                                 security cameras                          • Coordinate camera use and information.         Equipment providers
                                 within the local

16 maraekakaho community plan 2017 - 2022
OBJECTIVE                ACTION           TIMELINE/ MEASURE                   COMMUNITY                                PARTNERSHIPS

7. Health and wellbeing     Raise awareness of Ongoing                • Include subject in community meetings where       Rural Support Trust
                            stress and suicide                          appropriate.                                      DHB
Increase awareness of and   risk and importance                       • Raise awareness of signs of stress/suicide risk   Farming organisations
action on:                  of acting to help/                          and what to do.                                   Farm supply companies
• Mental health             support sufferers.
• Physical health
• Connectedness
                            Raise awareness of    Ongoing             • Include subject in community meetings where       Rural Support Trust
                            substance abuse                             appropriate.                                      DHB
                            and family violence                       • Raise awareness of signs of substance abuse       Police
                            and importance of                           and family violence and what to do.               Rural Support Trust
                            action.                                                                                       HDC
                            Provide and           Ongoing             • Support MKK Bootcamp.                             FocusMKK
                            promote fitness                           • Facilitate yoga, squash and other wellness        Local fitness programme
                            and wellness                                activities of interest in the MKK.                providers
                            Make more use of      Ongoing             • Regular meetings for whole community or           Focus MKK
                            current community                           special interest groups.                          Tangata Whenua
                            groups and events                         • Youth group.                                      Civil Defence Team
                            to develop better                         • Business networking.                              MKK Fire Service
                            connectedness and                         • MKK Country Market Day.                           School
                            communication.                                                                                Gumboots
                            Develop more                                                                                  Wider community
                            community events
                            and groups where

                                                                                                      maraekakaho community plan 2017 - 2022 17
OBJECTIVE                 ACTION             TIMELINE/ MEASURE                           COMMUNITY                                PARTNERSHIPS

 8. Emergency               Develop Community        Community meetings          • Hold series of 2/3 community meetings to          Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence
 preparedness               Resilience Plan.         – December 2017               look at hazards and risks we face and how we      and Emergency Management
                                                     Disaster response plan        can best respond.                                 (HBCDEM)
 Improve the overall                                 – June 2018                                                                     Focus MKK
 preparedness of our                                 Wider plan - ongoing
 community and ability to
 respond and recover from
 emergencies and adverse
                            Encourage all           Initial projects initiated   • Develop preparedness and planning projects        Focus MKK
                            families to look at     by June 2018 then              with community groups and organisations           MKK Civil Defence Team
                            their resilience and to ongoing                        e.g. school, Gumboots, youth group.               Community groups
                            prepare emergency
                            Encourage all local      Projects initiated by  • Develop preparedness and planning projects             Focus MKK
                            businesses to have       June 2018 then ongoing   with local businesses.                                 HBCDEM
                            suitable emergency                                                                                       MKK Civil Defence Team
                            and continuity plans                                                                                     Rural Support Trust
                            and share these with                                                                                     Local businesses
                            each other.
                            Develop community        Immediately following       • Identify local resources (facilities, equipment   Focus MKK
                            capability to offer      completion of initial         and skills) available to the community.           HBCDEM
                            coordinated,             Community Resilience        • Establish and train a community response          MKK Civil Defence Team
                            effective and            plan then ongoing             team.                                             Local businesses
                            safe response to                                                                                         Individuals in community
                            significant natural
                            disasters and
                            emergencies from
                            own resources.

18 maraekakaho community plan 2017 - 2022
Want to get
Contact Focus Maraekakaho
or visit our Facebook page
or call Focus Maraekakaho Chairman
Charlie Bogard on 027 240 8294

   maraekakaho community plan 2017 - 2022 19
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