Arthritis and pregnancy - Living with arthritis A practical guide to bumps, births, babies and beyond - Arthritis Australia

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Arthritis and pregnancy - Living with arthritis A practical guide to bumps, births, babies and beyond - Arthritis Australia
Living with arthritis

Arthritis and
  A practical guide to bumps,
   births, babies and beyond
Arthritis and pregnancy - Living with arthritis A practical guide to bumps, births, babies and beyond - Arthritis Australia
How can this booklet help you?
    Becoming a parent is one of the most exciting and
    overwhelming times in most people’s lives.
    But even more so if you, or your                       during conception, pregnancy,
    partner, has arthritis.                                delivery and breastfeeding
    This booklet has been written to                    •	plan for life with your new baby,
    help support you as you make one                       and
    of the biggest decisions of your life,              •	find support and additional
    starting a family.                                     information to cope with the
    It offers information and practical                    journey towards parenthood.
    advice to help you and your partner:                The information inside is based on the
    •	prepare for pregnancy                            latest research and recommendations,
                                                        and has been reviewed by Australian
    •	understand the safety and                        arthritis experts, as well as many
       potential risks of arthritis                     parents with arthritis, to make sure it
       medications before conception,                   is current and relevant to your needs.

      Medical and consumer consultants
      Dr Claire Barrett, Rheumatologist
      Julie Black, CEO, Arthritis SA                                   Proudly sponsored by an
      Lyn Crossley, Health Educator – Occupational Therapist,          unrestricted educational
      Arthritis SA                                                           grant from:
      Wendy Favorito, Consumer
      Sharon Lee, Consumer
      Suzie May, Consumer
      Dr Margaret Mazur, Rheumatologist
      Jean McQuade, Consultant, Special Projects, Arthritis WA
      Denise O’Connell, Health Educator – Dietitian, Arthritis SA
      Associate Professor Susannah Proudman, Rheumatologist

    © Copyright Arthritis Australia 2018

2      Arthritis and pregnancy
Arthritis and pregnancy - Living with arthritis A practical guide to bumps, births, babies and beyond - Arthritis Australia
I have having a family possible?                                  4
  Does having arthritis make it harder to fall pregnant?                         4
	Is there an increased risk of miscarriage or problems
  during pregnancy if I have arthritis?                                          5
  Can arthritis be passed on to my unborn baby?                                  6
We want to start a family – what do I need to consider?                          7
	Get the right advice – see your rheumatologist
  before planning for pregnancy                                                  7
  Questions for your healthcare team                                             7
  Does it matter how active my arthritis is before I conceive?                   8
  What about men with arthritis?                                                 9
  When is the best time to start trying for a baby?                              9
	What is the current evidence about medication
  safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding?                                    10
  Unplanned pregnancy                                                           10
Pregnancy and arthritis – what can I expect when expecting?                     12
  How will I feel during pregnancy?                                             12
  Pregnancy and arthritis remission                                             12
  Physical effects of pregnancy                                                 12
  Emotional health during pregnancy                                             14
Lupus and pregnancy                                                             15
  Planning                                                                      15
  During pregnancy                                                              15
  Neonatal lupus                                                                16
Labour and delivery                                                             17
  Life with a new baby                                                          18
  Caring for a new baby                                                         18
  Breastfeeding and bottle feeding                                              22
  Post-natal flare                                                              25
Seeking support                                                                 25
  Who can help?                                                                 26
  Useful resources                                                              27
Glossary                                                                        29
You might notice some medical words are highlighted in pink print when they’re
first used. You’ll find an explanation of these words in the glossary on page 29.

                                                                     Arthritis Australia   3
Arthritis and pregnancy - Living with arthritis A practical guide to bumps, births, babies and beyond - Arthritis Australia
I have arthritis…is having
    a family possible?
    Absolutely. It might require extra      Does having arthritis make
    planning and patience, or not           it harder to fall pregnant?
    be quite as you pictured it, but
    becoming a parent is usually possible   Conceiving a baby may take longer
    if you have arthritis.                  if you, or your partner, have arthritis
                                            but experts are not exactly sure how
    The journey to parenthood can be        or why.
    uncertain and demanding, often
    both physically and emotionally, and    Studies have shown that women with
    sometimes more so if you are living     rheumatoid arthritis do take longer
    with arthritis.                         to conceive, often longer than 12
                                            months. Experts aren’t sure why this is
    Living with joint pain and other
    symptoms can make it challenging        the case. It could be due to the disease
    to care for a new baby or an active     itself or some arthritis medications,
    toddler.                                such as anti-inflammatory medications.
                                            Other factors such as lower sex drive
    However, with proper planning and       due to fatigue and pain might also
    medical care, most people with
                                            play a role.
    arthritis can have safe, successful
    pregnancies and become loving,          There is very little known about
    capable parents.                        whether fertility is affected by
                                            psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing
           The first step on                spondylitis.

           the path towards                 Women with lupus may have a
                                            higher risk of complications during
      parenthood is to discuss              pregnancy but most are able to have
      your family plans with                children. See the section about lupus
      your rheumatology team                and pregnancy for more information.
      before you start trying               Whatever your type of arthritis, your
      for a baby.                           rheumatologist can help guide you
                                            as you plan to conceive.

4     Arthritis and pregnancy
Arthritis and pregnancy - Living with arthritis A practical guide to bumps, births, babies and beyond - Arthritis Australia
They can also refer you to other         science have made treatments for
specialists, such as an obstetrician,    fertility challenges more effective.
to improve your chances of getting       If you have any concerns about
pregnant if you’re having difficulties   your fertility, speak to your GP or
conceiving.                              rheumatologist who can refer you to
                                         a fertility specialist.
It can be a lonely, emotionally
draining experience if it’s taking
longer than you had hoped to fall        Is there an increased risk
pregnant, especially if you have         of miscarriage or problems
ceased some of your medications          during pregnancy if I have
in order to conceive safely. It is
estimated that as many as one
in six couples in the Australian         Most studies have found that the
population have trouble conceiving,      rates of miscarriage for women
so if this is an issue for you you are   with rheumatoid arthritis are no
definitely not alone. The good news      different from rates for women
is that advances in medicine and         without arthritis.

                                                              Arthritis Australia   5
Arthritis and pregnancy - Living with arthritis A practical guide to bumps, births, babies and beyond - Arthritis Australia
There is also no increased risk of         Can arthritis be passed on
    miscarriage if the father has arthritis.   to my unborn baby?
    Most types of arthritis that are well      For most types of arthritis the chance
    controlled don’t increase the risk of      of your child having arthritis is low.
    complications during pregnancy or          Even though some types of arthritis
    cause harm to the unborn baby.             appear to run in families, there are
    Highly active, or poorly controlled,       many other factors involved other
    arthritis can cause risks for both you     than just the genes your baby
    and your unborn baby so it is vital to     inherits from you and your partner.
    work with your rheumatology team           If you are worried, it’s a good idea
    to find a management plan that             to talk to your rheumatologist for
    works for you.                             more specific information about your
                                               particular type of arthritis.
    Women with lupus can have a
    higher risk of miscarriage and other
    pregnancy complications, usually
    requiring closer monitoring from
    specialists. See the section about lupus
    and pregnancy for more information.

6     Arthritis and pregnancy
Arthritis and pregnancy - Living with arthritis A practical guide to bumps, births, babies and beyond - Arthritis Australia
We want to start a family - what
do I need to consider?
Get the right advice – see               talk to your rheumatologist before
your rheumatologist before               you stop taking any of your arthritis
                                         medications. Remember, there are
planning for a baby
                                         many arthritis medications that can
Some of the medications used to          be safely used before and during
treat arthritis can be taken safely      pregnancy.
before and throughout pregnancy.
Some can be used at certain
times during pregnancy. Others           Questions for your
are harmful to a growing baby so         healthcare team
shouldn’t be used during pregnancy.      Here are some things to discuss with
Some medications remain in your          your healthcare team, such as your
body for many months after you stop      rheumatologist, rheumatology
taking them so you may need to wait      nurse and GP before you start
a while before trying to conceive.       trying to conceive:
If you or your partner has arthritis,    1.	Are there any medications in my
make it a priority to talk to your          treatment plan that I should stop
rheumatologist at least six
                                            taking while I’m trying to fall
months before you start trying
                                            pregnant or when I am pregnant?
to conceive.
                                            If yes:
Your rheumatologist can give you
                                           a.	How long should I stop taking
advice about the safest combination
                                               the medication(s) before I start
of medicines to continue taking during
                                               trying for a baby?
conception and pregnancy, other
treatments you could use while trying      b.	What are my other options to
to conceive, and which medicines              help manage my symptoms
should be stopped before conception           while I can’t take my usual
(and when you should stop them).              medication?
Suddenly stopping your medications       2.	Are there any medications for
could make your arthritis worse,            arthritis that are safe to continue
which can cause health problems             while I’m trying for a baby, and
for both you and your baby. Always          during pregnancy?

                                                                Arthritis Australia   7
Arthritis and pregnancy - Living with arthritis A practical guide to bumps, births, babies and beyond - Arthritis Australia
Does it matter how
                                              active my arthritis is
                                              before I conceive?

    3.	Do I need any vaccinations            You might be eager to
       before trying for a baby, or if my     start a family but your
       medications are changing?              rheumatologist only wants
    4.	Should I be taking any particular     to talk about how to get
       supplements before trying to fall      your arthritis under better
       pregnant?                              control.

    5.	When would be the best time for       Why does it matter whether
       my partner and I to start trying for   your arthritis is active if
       a baby?                                you’re trying to conceive?

    6.	What is the best type of              Conceiving while your
       contraception we should be using       arthritis is not well
       while we’re waiting to conceive?       controlled or highly active
                                              can cause risks for both you
    7.	Are there any particular tests I      and your unborn baby.
       need before trying to conceive?
                                              Having your arthritis well
    Your medical team should be able          controlled may:
    to work with you to come up with
    a treatment plan that protects the        •	make it easier for you to
    health of your unborn baby, while            conceive
    also keeping your arthritis under         •	reduce your chance of
    control. Be mindful that treatment           requiring a caesarean
    plans may need to change, or you             section to deliver your
    may need to try a range of different         baby
    medications to find the right
    treatment for you during this period.     •	reduce the chance of
                                                 your baby being born
    If you find it hard to talk openly           prematurely, or having a
    and honestly with your doctor                low birth weight
    about your options or concerns,
    write down your questions before          •	prevent permanent joint
    the appointment. You can also                damage and disability.
    consider seeking a second opinion         It is vital to work with your
    from another rheumatologist with a        rheumatology team to find a
    special interest in pregnancy.            plan that works for you and
                                              puts you on the path to a
                                              healthy pregnancy and baby.

8     Arthritis and pregnancy
Arthritis and pregnancy - Living with arthritis A practical guide to bumps, births, babies and beyond - Arthritis Australia
What about men with                     controlled or stable. While you might
arthritis?                              get a sense of this yourself from
                                        monitoring your own symptoms, it
If you are a man with arthritis and
                                        is important you discuss with your
you are thinking about starting a
                                        rheumatologist whether your arthritis
family, your medications could also
                                        is stable.
affect your fertility or your unborn
baby. Most medications can still        If your arthritis is not well controlled,
be taken but some may need to           you may find it harder to conceive
be stopped, possibly for several        and there can be risks for both
months, before trying for a baby.       you and your unborn baby. Talk to
Some medications can reduce your        your rheumatologist about the best
sperm count, although this is usually   management plan that will give you
reversed when you stop taking them.     the best chance of achieving your
                                        goal of becoming a parent while also
Talk to your rheumatologist at
                                        protecting the health of you and
least six months before you and
                                        your baby.
your partner plan to conceive.
                                        You may also need to wait after
Your rheumatologist can give you
                                        stopping certain medications; for
advice about the best treatment
                                        example methotrexate needs to be
plan to follow before conceiving.
                                        stopped at least three months before
Be vigilant with contraception to
                                        trying to conceive.
prevent unplanned pregnancies until
you are ready to conceive.              Stop smoking and avoid recreational
                                        drugs to reduce the risk of harm to
                                        your baby. Eat a healthy balanced
When is the best time to                diet, lose any extra body weight, start
start trying for a baby?                taking a folic acid supplement and
The best time to start trying for a     lead a healthy lifestyle to further boost
baby is when your arthritis is well     your chances of a healthy pregnancy.

                                                                Arthritis Australia   9
Arthritis and pregnancy - Living with arthritis A practical guide to bumps, births, babies and beyond - Arthritis Australia
What is the current
     evidence about medication
     safety for pregnancy and
     If you are planning a pregnancy it is
     vital to get an expert opinion from
     your rheumatologist about your
     medications as early as possible.        Unplanned pregnancy
     Some arthritis medications are safe to
                                              If you, or your partner, have fallen
     continue before and during pregnancy.
                                              pregnant unexpectedly, call your
     Other medications may need to be
                                              rheumatologist or treating doctor
     stopped as they may increase the risk
     of miscarriage or cause harm to a
     developing baby. Your rheumatologist     If you are taking any of the
     will work with you to find the right     medications from the Not safe
     arthritis management plan for both       column in the table on page 11
     your health and the health of your       that are not safe during pregnancy,
     unborn baby.                             stop taking them as soon as you
                                              find out you are pregnant.
     The current evidence about the
     safety of arthritis medications          If you are taking any of the
     is summarised on the adjacent            medications from the Generally safe
     page. This is a general guide            or May be safe columns in the table
     only. New information is being           on page 11, continue taking them
     discovered regularly and advice          as usual until you speak to your
     may be updated. Use this table to        rheumatologist. Do not stop taking
     discuss your medications with your       these medications without first
     rheumatologist and always follow         talking to your rheumatologist and
     their expert advice.                     getting the right advice.

10     Arthritis and pregnancy
Generally safe               May be safe                     Not safe

 These medications are       These medications may        These medications
 generally safe to be        be safe during pregnancy     should not be taken
 taken and can usually be    and breastfeeding but        during pregnancy and
 continued throughout        there may be limited         breastfeeding as they
 pregnancy                   evidence for their           can cause harm to a
 and breastfeeding.          safety. Talk to your         developing baby. Talk
                             rheumatologist for more      to your rheumatologist
                             information.                 about WHEN to stop
                                                          taking these medications.
                                                          They can help you plan to
                                                          transition to a medication
                                                          that can be safely used
                                                          during pregnancy. In the
                                                          event of an unplanned
                                                          pregnancy, stop taking
                                                          these medications
                                                          immediately and call your

 COMMONLY USED               BIOLOGICAL DMARDS            •   Cyclophosphamide
 DMARDs                      • Abatacept                  •   Leflunomide
 • Azathioprine              • Anakinra                   •   Methotrexate
 • Hydroxychloroquine        • Rituximab                  •   Mycophenolate
 • Sulfasalazine             • Tocilizumab                •   Tofacitinib
 • Adalimumab
 • Certolizumab
 • Etanercept
 • Golimumab
 • Infliximab
 • Cyclosporin
 • Tacrolimus

* Some TNF inhibitors are recommended to be stopped in the later parts of pregnancy.
Talk to your rheumatologist for more information.

                                                                    Arthritis Australia   11
Pregnancy and arthritis – what
     can I expect when expecting
     The day you’d been hoping for             Pregnancy and arthritis
     has’ve had a positive       remission
     pregnancy test and you are now
                                               During pregnancy, your immune
     taking your first steps towards
                                               system goes through some changes to
     parenthood. Congratulations!              allow your baby to grow and develop.
                                               For some women with arthritis,
     How will I feel during                    these changes to the immune system
     pregnancy?                                also bring a benefit of reducing
     The greatest myth of pregnancy…           the activity of their arthritis. It is
     the pregnancy glow!                       thought that about half of women
                                               with rheumatoid arthritis will find
     How your body will respond to             that their symptoms, such as pain,
     pregnancy, and how you will feel          stiffness and flares, improve during
     during the next nine months, will         pregnancy.
     be different for everyone. Every
                                               However there are many women
     woman is unique and every woman’s
                                               with arthritis who continue to
     pregnancy is also unique.
                                               have active disease during their
     Some women sail through pregnancy         pregnancy. You may even find that
     and even find that that their arthritis   your symptoms worsen, or you have
     symptoms go into remission (their         disease flares, particularly if you’ve
     symptoms improve or completely            had to stop or change medications.
     disappear) during pregnancy. But
     that does not happen for every            Physical effects
                                               of pregnancy
     However the pregnancy ‘glow’              Pregnancy brings with it many
     that fills our newsfeed is a              physical changes to your body. If
     myth for many women, even                 you are living with arthritis, some of
     without arthritis. Pregnancy can          these changes may even make your
     bring with it many unpleasant             arthritis symptoms feel worse. Here
     symptoms, which can be even more          are some common symptoms in
     challenging if you have arthritis.        pregnancy and tips for managing:

12     Arthritis and pregnancy
See your
       Symptom                 What you can do
                                                           healthcare team if:
Extra pain and pressure     Wear comfortable,            You need advice about
on your hips, knees,        supportive footwear.         how best to stay active
ankles and feet as you                                   during pregnancy or how
                            Exercise in water, rather
gain weight                                              to adapt your exercise
                            than walking or standing.
                            Reduce time standing –
                                                         Your joints are unusually
                            sit on a stool as you are
                                                         warm, swollen and
                            preparing food and think
                                                         painful – seek advice from
                            about how you can do
                                                         your rheumatologist.
                            things differently at work
                            to avoid prolonged time
                            on your feet.

Increased low back pain     Sit and stand with good      Your back pain is
as your tummy grows and     posture.                     limiting your ability to
your posture changes, or                                 move, walk or stand. A
                            Stay as active as you can
due to loosening of the                                  physiotherapist can advise
                            within your pain limits.
pelvic ligaments                                         on suitable exercises to
                            Sleep with a body pillow     support and strengthen
                            to support your hips/        your back, and how best
                            pelvis as you sleep.         to move without putting
                                                         strain on your back.
                            Use heat packs on your
                            sore back.

Swelling of your feet and   Elevate your feet when       Swelling becomes severe,
hands.                      you can.                     or your joints are more
                                                         painful and feel warm to
                            Try splints and braces.
                                                         touch – seek advice from
                            Use aids and devices to      your rheumatologist.
                            reduce stress on hands.

Tiredness/fatigue           Stay active and continue     Your arthritis symptoms
                            with your exercise plan.     are also worsening –
                                                         seek advice from your
                            Give yourself periods of
                            rest throughout the day if
                            Eat a healthy, balanced

                                                                   Arthritis Australia   13
Changes in
                                                        your hormone
                                                   levels can leave you
     Emotional health during
                                                   feeling like you’re
     Pregnancy can have a powerful                 on an emotional
     effect on your mood, thoughts and             rollercoaster at times
     emotions. Changes in your hormone
     levels can leave you feeling like
     you’re on an emotional rollercoaster
     at times, not to mention the impact       Talk to your GP or obstetrician about
     of possible morning sickness,             how you’re feeling and they can
     physical changes and bone-crushing        suggest the best treatment options.
     tiredness. Some emotional ‘ups            You can also call the Perinatal
     and downs’ are a normal part of           Anxiety & Depression Australia
     pregnancy. However if are feeling         (PANDA) National Helpline on
     constantly sad, worried, scared or        1300 726 306 for advice.
     nervous, thinking negative thoughts
     about yourself, or are finding it
     difficult to sleep, eat or do the usual
     activities in your life, seek support.

14     Arthritis and pregnancy
Lupus and pregnancy

Many women with lupus will have         During pregnancy
normal, safe pregnancies. However,      Many women with lupus will have
having lupus can increase the risk      safe, healthy pregnancies.
of complications during pregnancy,
so your healthcare team will closely    Some women with lupus will have a
monitor you throughout your             higher risk of complications, such as:
pregnancy. You may also be referred     •	Miscarriage. This can also occur
to an obstetrician and hospital that       later in the pregnancy, up to 24
specialises in high-risk or complex        weeks. This is more common if
pregnancies.                               you also have antiphospholipid
Women with very severe or                  syndrome (APS), which affects
uncontrolled lupus may be advised          about one in four women with
against having a baby. If organs,          lupus.
such as the heart, lungs and kidneys,   •	Flares of your lupus symptoms,
have been damaged by lupus, they           either during pregnancy or after
can be put under greater, even life        giving birth.
threatening, strain by pregnancy.
                                        • High blood pressure.

Try to plan your pregnancy
when your disease has been well
controlled, or in remission, for at
least six months before you conceive.
The healthier you are before you get
pregnant the greater your chance of
a successful pregnancy and a healthy
baby. Getting pregnant when your
lupus is active increases the risk of
serious health problems for you and
your baby and is not recommended.

                                                              Arthritis Australia   15
•	Your baby being born                    complications early, and keep you
        prematurely.                            and your baby as healthy as possible.
     •	Your baby having low birth
        weight. This is more likely if          Neonatal lupus
        you have APS as this can affect
                                                About one in three women with
        the ability of the placenta to
                                                lupus have the SSA-A/Ro antibodies
        supply your baby with enough
                                                (proteins made by the immune
        nourishment, resulting in your
                                                system). These can cause symptoms
        baby’s growth slowing.
                                                of lupus in the baby when it’s
     •	Developing pre-eclampsia. This is       born. This is called neonatal lupus.
        a condition where you have high         The baby may have a skin rash,
        blood pressure and/or protein in        unusual blood count and, in one to
        your urine. It is a serious condition   two percent of cases, an irregular
        that can put the lives of both          heartbeat that may need specialist
        yourself and your baby at risk,         treatment. If you have this antibody
        and your baby might have to be          it is very important you attend your
        delivered early.                        regular antenatal appointments. In
     Your obstetrician and healthcare           most babies, neonatal lupus goes
     team will monitor you regularly            away after three to six months and
     to help detect and treat any               does not return.

16     Arthritis and pregnancy
Labour and delivery

Throughout your pregnancy, you will         •	Your ability to have an epidural or
no doubt hear many birth stories –             spinal anaesthetic (pain relieving
some good, some bad and others                 medications into the spine) during
you would rather not have heard!               labour, especially if you have
As these stories reveal, each birth is         arthritis that affects your spine.
unique and rarely are they perfectly
                                            It is easy to get overwhelmed by the
what the parents imagined.
                                            pressure to have a ‘normal’ vaginal
Towards the end of your pregnancy,          birth. However the most important
talk to your rheumatologist,                goal at the end of your pregnancy
obstetrician and/or midwife about           is for both you and your baby
how your arthritis could potentially        to be healthy. Try not to get too
impact on your delivery, such as:           preoccupied by the idea of a perfect
                                            birth. Instead, surround yourself with
•	The positions you could use during
                                            healthcare professionals who you
   labour and delivery. For example,
                                            trust, and keep your focus on that all
   there might be some positions
                                            important end goal, a healthy, happy
   that might be more comfortable if
                                            baby and mum.
   you have difficulties with your hips
   or lower back.
•	Your ability to deliver your baby
   vaginally.                                        Talk to your
•	The likelihood of requiring a                     healthcare
   caesarean section. Remember,                  team about how
   while a caesarean section is
   more common in women with                     your arthritis could
   rheumatoid arthritis, many women              potentially impact on
   without arthritis are also advised
   not to deliver their babies vaginally.
                                                 your baby’s delivery.
   A caesarean section may be the
   best option for a healthy baby.

                                                                  Arthritis Australia   17
Life with a new baby                     make it easier if your mobility or
     The arrival of your tiny bundle          ability to carry your baby is very
     of joy will undoubtedly change
     your life forever. Caring for a new    •	A change table on wheels may
     baby is equal parts exciting and          make it easy for you to move it
     exhausting for all new parents. And,      around the house.
     as a parent with arthritis, you may    •	Look for baby wipes and creams
     even experience some additional           with easy to open lids.
                                            •	Ask someone to open the nappy
                                               packets for you or open them
     Caring for a new baby                     with scissors as they can be a
     It is physically and emotionally          challenge to get into with sore
     demanding to care for a new baby,         hands.
     and even more so when you have         •	Set up a change table that is at
     arthritis either as a mum or dad.         a height where you don’t need
     Here are a few tips that may help:        to bend over, or one where you
                                               can even sit while changing your
     Nappy changing                            baby’s nappy.
     •	Have change stations set up in      •	While cloth nappies may be
        different parts of the house,          more environmentally friendly,
        with everything you may need           disposables tend to be more
        to change your baby’s nappy, to        absorbent, meaning you won’t

18     Arthritis and pregnancy
need to change them as often.         •	When your baby is very young, it
  They will also save you a few extra      might be easier to bathe him/her
  loads of washing each week too.          in the laundry trough/sink.
  If using cloth nappies, look for
  ones with Velcro closures to make
                                        Cots, bassinets and high chairs
  it quick and easy to change.
                                        •	Look for items that are easily
                                           height adjustable, lightweight
Bathing                                    and on wheels to make it easy to
•	Look for baths that can be              move them around the house.
   filled and drained in the sink
   or bathtub. Some baths come          •	Test the clips, release mechanisms
   on trolleys that can be wheeled         and brakes to ensure they are easy
   around.                                 to use.
•	If you’re bathing your baby in
   a bathtub, look for supports         Dressing
   or slings that they can lie on.      •	Look for clothing that is easy to
   Remember you will always need           put on and take off your baby,
   to closely supervise your baby in       such as elastic waists and wide
   the bath.                               opening envelope necks. These

                                                               Arthritis Australia   19
will be easier on sore hands. Avoid     •	Use a pram caddy and baby bag
       snap closures, buttons and zips.           to keep all your essentials close
                                                  to hand when you are out. Try
     •	Avoid socks and shoes for your
                                                  to keep your baby bag as light
        baby if you have sore hands.
                                                  as possible. Consider using a
        Instead use jumpsuits that cover
                                                  backpack instead of a bag that sits
        your baby’s feet.
                                                  on one shoulder, or hang it off
                                                  your pram.
     Out and about
                                               •	Try different baby carriers and
     •	Use a lightweight stroller or pram
                                                  slings to find one that can help
        that is easy to fold, unfold and
                                                  you carry your baby without
        lift into your car. Test the harness
                                                  straining your hands, arms or
        to ensure it is easy to clip/unclip
        and adjust, and ensure the brakes
        are easy to use. Check the height
        of the handle and comfort for          Ask for, and accept, help
        walking. A 15kg pram versus            •	Organise a network of supportive
        a 6kg pram may make all the               family and friends who can help
        difference. It’s worthwhile testing       you when you need it. This will
        lots of different prams before            be particularly important if you
        you buy as sometimes the most             have a flare of your arthritis
        expensive or popular ones are not         symptoms, or even just if you and
        necessarily the most user friendly.       your baby are having a bad day.

20     Arthritis and pregnancy
New mothers without arthritis             tidying up can wait. Rest when
  often need a support network too          your body is telling you it needs
  during the early months of life           rest.
  with a new baby.
                                          •	Try to decide what tasks are a
•	If you don’t have a support               ‘must do’, what can wait and
   network of family and friends,            what can be outsourced to family,
   investigate external help that may        friends or hired help. Prioritise
   be available. Ask your obstetrician,      the tasks that absolutely need to
   midwife, community nurse or GP
                                             get done as well as resting and
   about support services that may
                                             enjoying your new baby. Don’t
   be available in your area. Cleaners,
                                             push yourself to get non-essential
   nannies, au pairs, meal delivery
                                             tasks done.
   services or other community-based
   supports in your area may be           •	Consider your own clothing; for
   helpful.                                  example can you manage clips on
•	Make use of online shopping and           maternity bras and tops, or is a
   home delivery services.                   pull down/up version easier?

Listen to your body                       Taking care of yourself
•	Pace yourself and be gentle            •	It can be a huge adjustment in the
   with yourself. If you’re feeling          first days, weeks and months with
   exhausted, the house chores or            your new baby.

                                                                Arthritis Australia   21
•	Most women experience ‘the baby       Get advice from your
        blues’ in the first days after your   healthcare team
        baby is born. This is very normal     •	If you’re struggling to look
        and may make you feel teary,             after your baby because of pain
        irritable and overly sensitive. The      or other symptoms, see your
        baby blues usually go away after a       rheumatologist to talk about your
        few days.                                treatment options.
     •	If you’re feeling low in mood and     •	See a physiotherapist or
        energy, having trouble sleeping          occupational therapist for advice
        or eating, feeling scared, sad,          about looking after your joints and
        hopeless or angry for more than          equipment that can make caring
        two weeks, seek help.                    for your baby easier.
     •	You can talk to your GP, child        •	Get advice from a child health
        health nurse, the Perinatal Anxiety      nurse or lactation consultant for
        and Depression (PANDA) Helpline          ways to make it easier to care for,
        (1300 726 306), your partner,            and feed, your baby.
        friends and family. Getting the
        right support and treatment will
        help you manage post-natal            Breastfeeding and bottle
        depression and have you feeling       feeding
        better sooner.                        Australian guidelines recommend
                                              exclusive breastfeeding for babies
                                              to around six months of age.
                                              Breastfeeding is then recommended
                                              to continue alongside suitable foods
                                              for infants until 12 months or age
                                              and beyond, for as long as the
                                              mother and child wish.
                                              Whether to breastfeed or not, or
                                              for how long, is a very personal
                                              decision. Even mothers without
                                              arthritis can have issues that can
                                              prevent breastfeeding, or make it
                                              very difficult.
                                              There are usually no physical reasons
                                              that prevent women with arthritis

22     Arthritis and pregnancy
from breastfeeding, apart from          team, including your rheumatologist,
possible discomfort if you and your     about your plans for breastfeeding
baby are not positioned correctly       so that the best treatment plan, for
during feeding. You can get advice      both you and your baby, can be put
on this from your child health nurse    into action when your baby is born.
or lactation consultant at your local   See the table on page 11 for a
hospital.                               summary of the safety of arthritis
The choice to either breast or bottle   medications during breastfeeding.
feed your baby will depend on many
factors, such as your milk supply,      Breastfeeding and joint pain
your baby and the medications you       If you decide to breastfeed, here
are taking.                             are some tips to make it more
                                        comfortable on your sore joints:
Breastfeeding and medications           •	Find a comfortable position.
Many arthritis medications are safe        You might have a supportive
to take during breastfeeding as they       chair at home already, or you
do not pass into breast milk, or only      might choose to invest in a
in very low levels that are safe for       breastfeeding chair, but make sure
the baby. Others can pass into your        your neck and back are supported
breast milk and will not be safe for       in a comfortable position. New
your baby. Talk to your healthcare         babies feed all the time so make

                                                              Arthritis Australia   23
sure the chair is very comfortable    Bottle feeding and joint pain
       as you will be spending a lot of      Bottle feeding can also cause strain
       your day (and night) in it. Some      on sore arms, hands, necks and
       women find breastfeeding more         upper backs. Here are some tips:
       comfortable lying on their side, so   •	Find a comfortable position. Make
       you may have to experiment with          sure you sit in a comfortable
       different positions before you find      chair that supports your neck and
       what works best for you.                 back. Use cushions or pillows to
     •	Breastfeeding pillows are a great       bring your baby to a height that’s
        way to support your baby, without       comfortable for you to hold the
        putting strain on your hands,           bottle in their mouth.
        arms, shoulders and back.            •	You could also try feeding your
     •	Seek advice from a lactation            baby in a baby carrier, sling or
        consultant or child health nurse        rocker if it’s difficult holding
        if you are finding breastfeeding        your baby in your arms for long
        difficult or painful. They may be       periods.
        able to recommend a range of         •	Look for wider bottles that are
        different equipment or aids that        more comfortable to hold in your
        can make all the difference.            hands.

24     Arthritis and pregnancy
•	Ask your partner, family or friends
   who are visiting to help when they
   can.                                            It is a good
•	Consider asking for help if you                 idea to have
   can’t open the cans of formula or
   ask your partner to prepare the            an appointment
   bottles if you’re going to be alone        booked with your
   for a long period of time.
                                              rheumatology team
•	Ask someone to help you with               four to six weeks
   washing all the used bottles, or
   use a steriliser or dishwasher to          after the birth.
   clean the bottles.

Post-natal flare                          If you notice your arthritis symptoms
Just as you’re trying to cope with the    worsening in the weeks or months
sleep deprivation, and the physical       after the birth, get in touch with
and emotional demands of being a          your rheumatologist straight away
new mum, you might also have a            for advice about your treatment
flare of your arthritis symptoms.         options and make an earlier
                                          appointment than planned.
Many women with arthritis find that
their symptoms return or flare in         A physiotherapist, occupational
the months after the baby is born.        therapist or child health nurse
Post-natal flares are common, with        may also be able to give you some
studies suggesting up to 40% of           practical advice about how to look
women with rheumatoid arthritis           after your baby during a flare.
experience a flare in the six months      Using a baby carrier/sling and other
after giving birth.                       equipment can make caring for your
                                          baby easier on your joints. See the
This flare can make caring for your
                                          section below for some tips about
newborn extremely challenging. All
                                          caring for a new baby when you
the usual baby-care activities such as
                                          have arthritis.
holding your baby during feeding,
changing nappies, bathing, carrying       Most importantly, plan to get extra
and lifting your baby can be nearly       help. Have a support crew of family
impossible if you have severe joint       and friends on call for extra help if
pain and stiffness. You might also        your arthritis flares. Don’t be afraid
feel completely exhausted with            to ask for help from your network
arthritis-related fatigue on top of the   during this time when you might be
sleep deprivation that comes with         struggling with even the most basic
new babies.                               tasks.

                                                                Arthritis Australia   25
Seeking support
     Who can help?                           your feelings. You may be eligible
     Rheumatologists are doctors who         for a Mental Health Care Plan,
     specialise in diseases of the joints.   via your GP, which will provide
     Your doctor will need to refer you      subsidised sessions. You can
     to a rheumatologist. They may           also see a psychologist without
     recommend a rheumatologist or           needing a referral. Visit
     you can contact the Australian
     Rheumatology Association to             Perinatal Anxiety and Depression
     find a rheumatologist at                Australia (PANDA) supports
                                             women, men and families across
     A rheumatology nurse, if available,     Australia affected by anxiety and
     can help you understand your            depression during pregnancy and
     treatments, provide support and refer   early parenthood. Visit www.panda.
     you to other health professionals. or call the PANDA National
     A physiotherapist (physio) can          Helpline on 1300 726 306.
     use various treatments to keep          beyondblue provides information
     your joints as flexible, strong and     and advice about depression,
     pain-free as possible. They will also   anxiety, available treatments
     show you exercises and pain-relief      and where to get help. Visit
     techniques to use at home. Visit
                                             Child health nurses are a wealth of
     An occupational therapist (OT)
                                             information and support as you learn
     can provide advice on how to care
                                             to care for your new baby. Ask your
     for your baby without putting strain
     on your joints, including suggesting    obstetrician or midwife, or contact
     equipment and aids that can help.       your local community health centre to
     Visit                  find out about services in your area.

     Talk to your GP if you are finding      Lactation consultants can help you
     your feelings and emotions are          with any problems you might have
     getting in the way of enjoying your     with breastfeeding. Find out if your
     life. They can suggest ways to cope,    local hospital or child health clinic
     recommend medications that can          provides this service, otherwise you
     help or refer you to a psychologist     can pay for a private consultation.
     who can help you work through           Visit

26     Arthritis and pregnancy
The Australian Breastfeeding                be relevant or approved in Australia.
Association has a helpline 1800             Always check information from the
mum 2 mum (686 268) and                     web with a trusted member of your
online forum to help you with any           healthcare team.
breastfeeding concerns.                     The Australian Government’s
The Independent Living Centre               HealthInsite
has information about aids and              is an excellent starting point for web
devices that can help with day-to-day       searches, as every site that
activities. Visit   HealthInsite links to has been
or call 1300 885 886.                       checked for quality and accuracy of

Useful resources
                                            Australian resources
The web can be a useful source of           Arthritis Australia’s website for
information and support. However,           people living with inflammatory
not everyone who puts information           arthritis
on the web is a qualified health            has a detailed section on pregnancy,
practitioner.                               including hearing directly from
Some organisations make unrealistic         women with arthritis about their
promises in order to sell their             journeys to motherhood.
products. Treatment options and             The Australian Rheumatology
practices from overseas may also not        Association has a detailed

                                                                  Arthritis Australia   27
document that outlines the most            International resources
     current evidence about the safety
                                                Arthritis Research UK
     of arthritis medications during
                                                Pregnancy and arthritis booklet
     pregnancy, available at https://
                                                https://www.arthritisresearchuk. gps/
     Arthritis, pregnancy and the path to       Creaky Joints and Global Healthy
     parenthood is a book written by            Living Foundation
     Suzie May, an Australian woman             A patient’s guide to family planning with
     with arthritis. It shares her experience   rheumatic diseases
     of having two children while living
     with rheumatoid arthritis, and the         wp-content/uploads/2017/08/
     stories of other men and women             CreakyJoints_Family-Planning_
     from around the world, as they fulfil      Patient_Guidelines_2017.pdf
     their goal of becoming parents,
                                                Please keep in mind that some issues
     alongside managing their arthritis.
                                                and treatments from overseas may
     This practical guide can help you
                                                not be relevant in Australia.
     understand the potential challenges
     you may face and give you
     strategies to overcome them.
     The book is available at

28     Arthritis and pregnancy
Ankylosing         A type of inflammatory arthritis that mainly affects the spine,
spondylitis (AS)   causing pain and stiffness.
Antiphospholipid   A blood disorder that can lead to an increased risk of having
syndrome (APS)     a blood clot and problems with pregnancy. It is caused by the
                   immune system producing abnormal antibodies (protein), making
                   the blood more likely to clot.
Biological         Biological disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs, often called
DMARD              biologics. These medications block specific substances in the
(bDMARD)           immune system to reduce inflammation, pain and damage to the
                   joints. Biologics may be used to treat some types of inflammatory
Conceive           To become pregnant.
Contraception      Treatments and devices that both men and women can use to
                   help prevent pregnancy, such as condoms, contraceptive pill,
                   injections and implants.
DMARD              Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. DMARDs act on
                   the immune system to reduce inflammation, pain and joint
                   damage. These medications can be used to treat some types of
                   inflammatory arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Inflammatory       These are types of arthritis that affect your immune system. Your
arthritis          body’s immune system starts attacking healthy tissues, which can
                   cause pain, stiffness and joint damage. Types of inflammatory
                   arthritis include rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and
                   psoriatic arthritis.
Fertility          The ability to conceive a child.
Flare              A period of worsening arthritis symptoms and disease activity.
GP                 A general practitioner (GP) is trained in medicine and treats
                   people for general health problems and non-emergency medical
                   care. They are usually the first person you go to if you have a
                   health problem.
Immune system      The body’s defence system that fights infections and illnesses to
                   keep you healthy.
Low birth weight   A baby born weighing less than 2.5kg.

                                                                      Arthritis Australia   29
Lupus                 An auto-immune condition that affects skin, joints, kidneys,
                           blood vessels and/or other parts of the body.
     Miscarriage           The loss of a baby before 20 weeks of pregnancy.
     NSAIDs                Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These medicines reduce
                           inflammation, joint swelling, pain and stiffness.
     Obstetrician          A doctor who specialises in looking after women during
                           pregnancy, childbirth and after birth.
     Placenta              The organ that is attached to the lining of your uterus (womb)
                           during pregnancy. It provides oxygen and nutrients to your
                           growing baby and removes waste products from your baby’s
     Post-natal            Anxiety or depression that begins sometime in the year after
     depression            birth. It can begin suddenly after birth or appear gradually in the
                           weeks or months during the first year after birth.
     Pre-eclampsia         A serious condition that can occur during pregnancy, causing
                           high blood pressure and/or protein in your blood.
     Premature             A premature birth is when a baby is born before 37 weeks.
     Psoriatic arthritis   A type of inflammatory arthritis that can affect people with
     (PsA)                 psoriasis, and causes joint pain, swelling and stiffness.
     Remission             A period where symptoms improve or completely disappear.
     Rheumatoid            A type of inflammatory arthritis that causes joint pain and
     arthritis (RA)        swelling.
     Rheumatologist        A doctor who specialises in diagnosis and treatment of joint,
                           muscle and bone disorders.
     Rheumatology          Nurses with specialist knowledge and training in arthritis. They
     nurse                 work with rheumatologists and can provide you with education,
                           support and advice.
     Supplement            Substances you eat or drink to provide extra vitamins, minerals
                           or herbs to your diet. They may be capsules, tablets, liquids or
     TNF inhibitor         These medications are a type of biological DMARD. They work by
     (TNFi)                blocking a substance called Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF). These
                           may be used to treat some types of inflammatory arthritis.
     Vaccination           Provide protection against diseases. Are usually given by
                           injections (needles) into your arm or leg.

30    Arthritis and pregnancy
My contact details
My name:


My specialist

My support team


My medicines
        Name         Dosage   Instructions

                                 Arthritis Australia   31
Arthritis Australia
Arthritis Australia is a not-for-profit organisation that provides support and
information for all Australians affected by arthritis.

Arthritis Infoline: 1800 011 041

Arthritis ACT                                Arthritis South Australia
Building 18 170 Hayden Drive                 118-124 Richmond Road
Bruce ACT 2617                               Marleston SA 5033
PO Box 908 Belconnen ACT 2616
                                             Arthritis Tasmania
Arthritis New South Wales                    19A Main Road
Unit 1.15/32 Delhi Road                      Moonah TAS 7009
North Ryde NSW 2113                          PO Box 780 Moonah TAS 7009
Locked Bag 2216 North Ryde NSW 1670
                                             Arthritis Western Australia
Arthritis Northern Territory                 17 Lemnos Street
Shop 18, Rapid Creek Business Village        Shenton Park WA 6008
48 Trower Road, Millner NT 0810              PO Box 34 Wembley WA 6913
PO Box 452 Nightcliff NT 0814

Arthritis Queensland
1 Cartwright Street
Windsor QLD 4030
PO Box 2121 Windsor QLD 4030

Arthritis Australia Level 2, 255 Broadway Glebe NSW 2037
Mail: PO Box 550 Broadway NSW 2007
Phone: 02 9518 4441 Fax: 02 9518 4011
Arthritis Infoline: 1800 011 041                                      ISBN: 978-0-9923052-9-1
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