Assessing Canada's 2025 passenger vehicle greenhouse gas standards: Technology deployment and costs

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Assessing Canada’s 2025 passenger
vehicle greenhouse gas standards:
Technology deployment and costs
Authors: Francisco Posada, Aaron Isenstadt, Ben Sharpe, and John German
Date: September 2018
Keywords: Passenger vehicle efficiency technologies, manufacturing costs, consumer benefits, climate benefits,
U.S. EPA OMEGA model

Background                                  The ICCT analysis uses the U.S. Envi-    Results of OMEGA modeling
                                            ronmental Protection Agency’s Opti-
This paper is part of a series that                                                  of the Canadian LDV fleet
                                            mization Model for Reducing Emis-
reports on an analysis done by the                                                   This paper presents the core results of
                                            sions of G reenhouse Gases from
ICCT of Canada-specific technol-            Automobiles (OMEGA) version 1.4.56,      the ICCT analysis: the projected tech-
ogy pathways, costs, and benefits           updated most recently to support the     nology deployment in the Canadian
of Canada’s 2025 passenger vehicle          technical assessment for the midterm     vehicle fleet, with associated per-vehi-
greenhouse gas standards, as final-         review (U.S. Environmental Protection    cle costs, by car and truck class and
ized in 2014 (Regulations Amending          Agency [EPA], National Highway Traf-     by vehicle type. (See Appendix I for a
the Passenger Automobile and Light          fic Safety Administration [NHTSA],       brief description of the technologies.)
Truck Greenhouse Gas Emission Reg-          and California Air Resources Board
ulations, 2014). The analysis compares      [CARB], 2016). The model evaluates       Two scenarios were studied: main-
the standards presently in force to         the relative costs and effectiveness     taining GHG 2025 targets for MY
following the Trump Administration’s        (CO2 emission reduction) of vehicle      2021–2025 vehicles, and freezing GHG
proposal to roll back the 2025 U.S.         technologies and applies them to a       standards at 2020 targets, beginning
fuel economy and greenhouse gas             defined baseline vehicle fleet to meet   with MY 2021. In the first, technology
emissions standards.                        a specified CO2 emissions target.        projections and costs were calculated
                                                                                     for a Canadian LDV fleet that follows
Such a comparison is relevant               For a detailed discussion of the Cana-   the GHG 2025 standards. The second
because Canada’s passenger vehicle          dian baseline vehicle fleet defined      presents a Canadian LDV fleet that
fuel efficiency regulation is structured    for this project, a description of the   harmonizes with the U.S. MY 2021–
in such a way as to tie Canada’s stan-      OMEGA model and the inputs to the        2025 targets frozen at 2020 levels.
dards directly to the U.S. regulation. If   C anada-specific analysis , and an
Canada maintains its regulatory sta-        evaluation of consumer benefits and      The analysis shown here illustrates the
tus quo, its light-duty vehicle (LDV)       social/environmental benefits of the     projected least-cost technology path-
greenhouse gas standards will auto-         two regulatory alternatives, see the     way toward compliance. Manufactur-
matically retreat to whatever level is      other papers in this series (Posada,     ers may choose other compliance
the final outcome of the U.S. rulemak-      Isenstadt, Sharpe, & German, 2018a,      pathways—including shifting their
ing process initiated in August 2018.       2018b, 2018c).                           product mix to vehicles of larger or

© INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION, 2018                                                     WWW.THEICCT.ORG

smaller size than those currently sold,                                        Canada fleet average technology penetration
or promoting SUV sales over compact                                     0%   10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
cars—depending on marketing strate-               Turbo-downsizing
gies, fuel price variations, local condi-
                                               Non-hybrid Atkinson
tions and consumer preferences, and
further technology development.             Gasoline direct injection

TECHNOLOGY DEPLOYMENT                         Cylinder deactivation
                                                         Mild hybrid
Figures 1, 2, and 3 show the Canadian
fleet-wide shift in technology market                    Full hybrid
adoption rates from the baseline (CY                Battery Electric
2016) for a selected group of technol-
ogies under the scenarios considered.
Figure 1 compares the technology                       ICCT: CY16 baseline         EPA: CY16 baseline    ICCT: MY20    EPA: MY20
projections using EPA’s technology-                    to MY25                     to MY25
cost curves as defined in the midterm
                                            Figure 1. Comparison of projected Canadian LDV fleet average changes in technology
review evaluation and the projections       penetration under EPA cost-effectiveness assumptions (brown lines), and under ICCT’s
using ICCT’s updated technology-            cost-effectiveness assumptions (blue lines). Baseline (CY 2016) data shown as line start
cost curves.                                points; MY 2025 values shown as line arrowheads; MY 2020 values shown as dots.

As the figure illustrates, most tech-                             Can & US fleet average technology penetration-EPA OMEGA Input
nologies progress in the same direction
                                                                    0%       10%   20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
under both ICCT and EPA technology
assumptions, although to varying lev-
els of penetration. Notable exceptions         Non-hybrid Atkinson
are turbo-downsizing, stop-start, and       Gasoline direct injection
mild hybrids. These three technolo-
gies are expected to increase in mar-
ket share under EPA assumptions, but          Cylinder deactivation

decrease or remain stagnant under                        Mild hybrid
ICCT assumptions. This is due, in part,                  Full hybrid
to ICCT assigning greater cost-effec-
                                                    Battery Electric
tiveness of non-hybrid (naturally aspi-
rated), Atkinson-cycle engines with                        >6-speed
cooled exhaust gas recirculation (EGR).
                                                            Can: CY16 baseline       US: MY15 baseline    Can: MY20    US: MY20
                                                            to MY25                  to MY25
The OMEGA model does not consider
performance factors that consumers          Figure 2. Comparison of estimated technology adoption rates in Canada (blue) and the
weigh when purchasing a new vehi-           U.S. (brown) under EPA cost-effectiveness inputs. Baseline (CY 2016 or MY 2015) data are
cle. Since turbocharged engines have        shown as line start points; MY 2025 values are line arrowheads; MY 2020 values are dots.
higher torque at lower engine speeds
                                            suggesting that there is ample room             United States under EPA cost assump-
than naturally aspirated engines, con-
                                            in Canada’s baseline fleet for down-            tions. Figure 3 shows the same com-
sumers who favor forced induction
                                            sizing engines.                                 parison under ICCT cost assump-
may be willing to pay more for turbo-
charged engines. This consumer pref-                                                        tions. As noted in our description of
                                            The differing projections from ICCT
erence is not factored into the OMEGA                                                       the baseline fleet used in this project
                                            and EPA inputs indicate that there are
model, which projects that naturally                                                        (Posada et al., 2018a), the Canadian
                                            many possible ways in which automak-
aspirated engines will be the least                                                         baseline fleet is comprised of MY
                                            ers can both meet GHG standards and
expensive path to compliance under                                                          2016 and MY 2017 vehicles, whereas
                                            consumer performance expectations.
ICCT’s technology assumptions. Only                                                         the U.S. baseline fleet is comprised
27% of 6-cylinder engines and 4% of         Figure 2 compares the C anadian                 of MY 2015 vehicles. Consequently,
8-cylinder engines are turbocharged,        market projections with those of the            some of the Canadian baseline

2   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                            WORKING PAPER 2018-23

vehicles already have more efficient                                         Can & US fleet average technology penetration-ICCT OMEGA Input
technology than their counterparts                                               0%   10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
in the U.S. baseline. This difference                          Turbo-downsizing
may have a small impact in the final
                                                            Non-hybrid Atkinson
projections, most likely toward lower
costs for Canada.                                        Gasoline direct injection
The trends in Figures 2 and 3 mir-
ror one another: the U.S. estimated                        Cylinder deactivation
technology update and related cost-                                   Mild hybrid
effectiveness work just as well in Can-                               Full hybrid
ada. In general, technology adoption
                                                                 Battery Electric
rates increase as CO2 targets become
more challenging for manufacturers                                      >6-speed
to meet.
                                                                            Can: CY16 baseline   US: MY15 baseline      Can: MY20      US: MY20
The model estimates that almost all                                         to MY25              to MY25
vehicles (> 97%) are going to receive
l e a s t- c o s t t e c h n o l o g y o p t i o n s ,   Figure 3. Comparison of estimated technology adoption rates in Canada (blue) and the
such as low-rolling resistance tires,                    U.S. (brown) under ICCT cost-effectiveness inputs. Baseline (CY 2016 or MY 2015) data
improvements to engine friction,                         are shown as line start points; MY 2025 values are arrowheads; MY2020 values are dots.
electrification of accessories, and
                                                         (15%–20% market share) and a much            more predominant in the model run
aerodynamic improvements.
                                                         lesser role for full-hybrid and bat-         using ICCT inputs (Figure 3), as this
Across all projections, the 2020 target                  tery-electric technologies. The ICCT         relatively new technology is open-
would require only modest improve-                       update of those pathways (Figure 3)          ing up a low-cost option to achieve
ments in technology with respect to                      results in little hybridization of any       higher efficiency.1 Lutsey et al. (2017)
the Canadian CY 2016 baseline. This                      kind, due primarily to the lower costs       discuss how the costs and benefits of
would be achieved with least-cost                        and higher benefits forecasted for           Atkinson-cycle engines are estimated.
technology options, as listed above,                     conventional technologies.
and with improvements in transmis-                                                                    Stop-start systems
sions. A small increase in GDI adoption                  Turbocharged and downsized GDI
                                                         engines and high-compression                 As shown in Figures 2 and 3, stop-start
is also projected. When compared to
                                                         Atkinson-cycle engines                       already enjoys greater market share in
GHG 2025 targets, this unambitious
                                                                                                      Canada’s baseline than in the United
technology shift would be reflected                      A look at the projected fleet wide
                                                                                                      States. The U.S. baseline has about
as small increases in cost and as small,                 market share (Figures 2 and 3) shows
                                                                                                      9.8% of models with stop-start. The
fleet-wide benefits of avoided CO2.                      that the large majority of naturally
                                                                                                      Canadian baseline, which is slightly
                                                         aspirated engines are projected to be
The OMEGA model also projects that                                                                    newer, has around 16% of models with
                                                         replaced by high-compression, Atkin-
for the average vehicle, most of the                                                                  stop-start. Thus, the greater market
                                                         son-cycle engines or by turbocharged
efficiency gains are expected to be                      and downsized GDI engines to com-            share in Canada is due to the more
realized by improvements to conven-                      ply with 2025 targets.                       recent and advanced Canadian base-
tional technologies, with very little                                                                 line fleet, as well as some consumer
market uptake required for more                          High-compression Atkinson-cycle              preference for vehicles that happen to
advanced powertrains, such as those                      engines (e.g., Mazda’s Skyactiv or Toy-
in full hybrids and electric vehicles.                   ota’s Dynamic Force gasoline engines)        1   The actual future product mix may be
In the 2025 time frame, EPA’s tech-                      are projected to gain a large market             affected by possible consumer preferences
                                                                                                          for the performance of turbocharged
nology pathways (Figure 2) lead                          share across Canada’s fleet. Note                engines, which the OMEGA model does not
to some 48 volt mild-hybridization                       that this type of engine technology is           account for.

WORKING PAPER 2018-23                                                                     INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION              3

have stop-start. Using EPA inputs, the     Table 1. Level of mass reduction/lightweighting in the OMEGA model’s GHG 2025
stop-start market share is expected        projections for Canada and the United States, using both ICCT and EPA technology cost-
to increase nearly 75% by 2025 and         benefit inputs. Baseline masses shown for reference.
make up 28% of the overall fleet. Using                                                       Canada                 US
ICCT inputs, however, stop-start mar-
                                                                  Cars                         6.1%                 6.0%
ket share is expected to decrease
                                           EPA Inputs             Trucks                       9.0%                 10.2%
about 10% by 2025. Again, the ranges
of cost-effectiveness of various tech-                            Fleet                        7.6%                 8.0%

nologies leads to different projected                             Cars                         6.4%                 6.4%
outcomes by 2025. But these differ-        ICCT Inputs            Trucks                       10.2%                11.5%
ences signal a wide variety of paths                              Fleet                        8.4%                 8.8%
manufacturers can choose from in                                  Cars                     1,480 (-2.6%)            1,520
order to comply with the standards.        Baseline Mass (kg)     Trucks                   2,010 (-0.8%)            2,026
                                                                  Fleet                    1,757 (+1.2%)            1,736
Cylinder deactivation
Cylinder deactivation promises to be a     to the electrical system. Combined,           estimated to provide a 5%–7% reduc-
very cost-effective technology in gen-     these effects can dramatically reduce         tion in CO2 emissions. And reducing
eral, but especially for large engines     urban driving fuel consumption. EPA           mass with design optimization and
that automakers cannot or will not         inputs predict that mild hybrids will         some material substitution can lead
downsize. At low engine loads, deac-       occupy 17% of the market by 2025.             to net cost savings. Lightweighting
tivating cylinders allows the engine to    ICCT inputs, on the other hand, show          results are tabulated in Table 1. The
run as though it were a much smaller       fleet-wide compliance without the use         results of the OMEGA modeling are
engine, saving fuel. EPA’s technology      of any mild hybrids. The difference in        included for comparison.
inputs assumed that these engines          projected outcomes is due to ICCT’s
would have a fixed bank of cylinders       assumptions that improvements in              Under both ICCT and EPA assumptions,
that would be deactivated. But with        conventional combustion technolo-             the Canadian fleet requires slightly
more recent technology that allows         gies—like those discussed above—will          less lightweighting than the U.S. fleet.
for dynamic cylinder deactivation, the     be more cost-effective than those             Part of this slight difference is due to
number and timing of cylinders deac-       used in EPA’s assumptions.                    the Canadian baseline vehicles’ lower
tivated is flexible and variable. This                                                   masses (curb weights). The average
dynamic control extends the engine’s       Electric vehicles                             Canadian car in the CY 2016 baseline
operating range and further increases                                                    is 2.6% lighter than the U.S. car in its
                                           Regardless of the technology cost
its effectiveness. The market share of                                                   MY 2015 baseline. The average truck
                                           assumptions, Figures 2 and 3 illustrate
cylinder deactivation is expected to                                                     is 0.8% lighter in Canada than in the
                                           that battery-electric vehicles play little,
grow from about 11% in 2016 to around                                                    United States. The estimated fleet-wide
                                           if any, role in meeting the GHG 2025
47% by 2025.                                                                             average weight reduction in Canada is
                                           standards in Canada, as well as in the
                                                                                         7.5%–8.5% in 2025.
                                           United States. The standards simply do
48V mild hybrids                           not require widespread uptake of EVs.
The 48V mild hybrid offers roughly         Should national-level and local-level         COST PER VEHICLE
                                           governments desire broad adoption
half of the benefits of a full hybrid at                                                 When using the ICCT cost-benefit
                                           of electric vehicles, additional strate-
only a third of the cost. These vehicles                                                 estimates, meeting the 2025 stan-
                                           gies and incentives would be required
permit acceleration assist and turbo                                                     dards costs, on average, $865 (2015
                                           beyond the CO2 standards.
lag reduction, both of which could                                                       CAD, $651 USD) more per vehicle
prove attractive to the Canadian fleet,                                                  than meeting the 2020 standards.
which, as of CY 2016, is more than         Lightweighting                                The costs are higher when using EPA
25% turbocharged. Mild hybrids also        Though not shown in the preced-               cost-benefit estimates , at $1 , 368
enable more robust stop-start, regen-      ing figures, lightweighting, or weight        ($1,029 USD) more per vehicle for
erative braking, engine downspeed-         reduction, is an extremely cost-effec-        meeting the 2020 standards. Table
ing, sailing, and shifting the burden      tive technology for reducing CO2 emis-        2 summarizes the results. The sum-
of some accessories from the engine        sions. Every 10% reduction in weight is       maries include direct manufacturing

4   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                         WORKING PAPER 2018-23

       costs, or the added costs incurred by                                                      Table 2. Estimated total costs for the Canadian fleet to meet the 2025 standards
       manufacturers to meet the standards,                                                       compared to the costs of meeting the 2020 standards (2015 CAD).
       as well as indirect costs, including
                                                                                                                                  Costs to meet 2025      Costs to meet 2020        Difference
       overhead, marketing, distribution,                                                                                          standards in 2025       standards in 2025      (2025 vs 2020)
       warranty, and profit.                                                                                           Cars               $1,542                   $331                  $1,211
                                                                                                      EPA inputs       Trucks             $1,972                   $461                  $1,511
       Figure 4 compares the total costs
       incurred by individual manufacturers                                                                            Fleet              $1,766                   $399                  $1,368
       on a fleet-wide basis for the Cana-                                                                             Cars               $1,045                   $260                  $784
       dian fleet, under both ICCT’s assump-                                                          ICCT inputs      Trucks             $1,308                   $369                  $938
       tions and EPA’s more conservative                                                                               Fleet              $1,183                   $318                  $865
                                                                                                  The story is much the same under                     The average compliance costs shown
       In general, the total costs for Cana-                                                      ICCT technology cost-effectiveness                   in Figures 5 and 6 are, in Canada,
       dian manufacturers are quite similar to                                                    inputs, plotted in Figure 6. Six differ-             within 2% of the average costs in the
       those incurred by the same manufac-                                                        ent manufacturers experience slightly                United States. The slight differences
       turers in the United States, as shown                                                      higher compliance costs per vehicle in               stem largely from the differences in
       in Figures 5 and 6. Figure 5 shows that                                                    Canada than in the United States, but                baseline fleet technology penetra-
       six automakers have slightly higher                                                        the majority see a cost decrease. The                tion and relative share of cars and
       costs of compliance in Canada than in                                                      full fleet is estimated to cost about $8             trucks, which have different compli-
       the United States. Most see a decrease                                                     more per vehicle in Canada than in the               ance costs. The difference in manu-
       in fleet-average costs, while the entire                                                   United States. As expected, the over-                facturer car-truck split between the
       GHG emissions program is estimated                                                         all program cost is much lower under                 two countries also suggests com-
       to cost $28 less per vehicle in Canada                                                     the ICCT technology assumptions                      pliance costs will dif fer for each
       than in the United States.                                                                 than under those from the EPA.                       manufacturer.

Cost to meet 2025 standards incremental to 2020 (2015 CAD)

                                                                                                                                          Canada Combined - EPA           Canada Combined - ICCT






                                                                      BMW         Ford        Honda              JLR           Mercedes       Nissan            Tesla       Volkswagen            Fleet

                                                                            FCA          GM           Hyundai/         Mazda         Mitsubishi        Subaru           Toyota       Volvo
       Figure 4. Comparison of manufacturer fleet-average total costs to meet the 2025 standards in Canada under ICCT (dark) and EPA
       (light) technology inputs compared to meeting the 2020 standards.

       WORKING PAPER 2018-23                                                                                                              INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                  5

Cost to meet 2025 standards incremental to 2020 (2015 CAD)

                                                                                                                                              US Combined - EPA               Canada Combined - EPA



                                                             $1,500                                                                                                                            $1,396 $1,368



                                                                      BMW         Ford        Honda              JLR           Mercedes           Nissan            Tesla       Volkswagen          Fleet

                                                                            FCA          GM           Hyundai/         Mazda         Mitsubishi            Subaru           Toyota          Volvo
       Figure 5. Comparison of manufacturer total costs to meet the 2025 standards in the United States (yellow) and in Canada (blue)
       under EPA’s technology cost-effectiveness inputs when compared to meeting the 2020 standards.

Cost to meet 2025 standards incremental to 2020 (2015 CAD)

                                                                                                                                             US Combined - ICCT               Canada Combined - ICCT



                                                                                                                                                                                                $857 $865





                                                                      BMW         Ford        Honda              JLR           Mercedes       Nissan                Tesla       Volkswagen          Fleet

                                                                            FCA          GM           Hyundai/         Mazda         Mitsubishi            Subaru           Toyota          Volvo

       Figure 6. Comparison of manufacturer total costs to meet the 2025 standards in the United States (yellow) and in Canada (blue)
       under ICCT’s technology cost-effectiveness inputs when compared to meeting the 2020 standards.

                   6                                         INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                                          WORKING PAPER 2018-23

SUMMARY OF TECHNOLOGY                                Table 3. Technologies and costs (2015 CAD) needed to meet the 2025 GHG standards for
DEPLOYMENT AND COST PER                              the Canadian fleet.
VEHICLE DISCUSSION                                       Area                         Technology               EPA inputs   ICCT inputs
Table 3 summarizes the costs and                                   High compression ratio Atkinson/Miller         23.9%        61.8%
technologies required to meet the                    Advanced
                                                                   Turbocharged and downsized                     39.3%        15.1%
2025 standards in Canada by MY                       combustion
                                                                   Cylinder deactivation                          46.1%       48.3%
2025. Both EPA and ICCT inputs lead
                                                     Non-hybrid and non-electric                                  80.8%       97.8%
to the straightforward conclusion that
improvements to conventional pow-                                  Mild hybrid                                    17.2%        0.0%
ertrains make up the vast majority of                              Full hybrid                                     1.2%        1.2%
technology required to meet the GHG                                Plug-in hybrid electric                        0.3%         0.3%
standards in 2025. Such improve-                                   Battery electric                               0.5%         0.7%
ments—termed “advanced combus-                       Incremental technology cost from 2020 standards              $1,368       $865
tion” in Table 3—include Atkinson-                   Incremental technology cost from Baseline (CY2016)           $1,766       $1,183
cycle and Miller-cycle engines, cylinder
deactivation, turbo-downsizing, and
                                                     combustion engines (81% under EPA             Unit costs decrease as manufacturers
a suite of technologies that allow
                                                     cost assumptions and 98% under ICCT           refine their production processes, use
more precise control over engine and
                                                     cost assumptions).                            less expensive materials, and simplify
transmission operation. Furthermore,
                                                                                                   or improve component parts. When
automakers have recently announced                   Although the GHG 2025 standards               the standards of the combined mar-
plans for additional advanced com-                   by themselves will not significantly          ket first splits in MY 2021, it is pos-
bustion efficiency technologies that                 increase the number of zero-emission          sible that the rate at which unit costs
were not incorporated into either                    vehicles (ZEVs), ZEVs can help Canada         decrease will slow due to less produc-
EPA’s or ICCT’s inputs to the OMEGA                  achieve this goal. The ZEV standard in        tion volume.
model. 2 Although electrification and                Québec serves as an example of man-
full hybridization are not necessary                 datory requirements for automakers            The ICCT made use of the individual
to comply with Canada’s 2025 GHG                     to sell or lease a minimum number of          technology cost reduction-by-learn-
standards, the popularity of plug-in                 ZEVs per year.                                ing curves developed by EPA and
hybrids and fully electric vehicles will                                                           estimated the cost impact assuming
likely grow as battery technology                                                                  potential volume sales reductions
improves and costs decline. Many                     Technology cost impact                        driven by a bifurcated North Ameri-
automakers have publicly committed                   and sensitivity analysis of a                 can market. Those technology cost-
to offering fully electric vehicles. Such            bifurcated market                             learning curves were developed by
commitments serve as further indica-                                                               EPA for the 2012 and the 2016 regu-
tion that manufacturers have many                    A bifurcated LDV market in North
                                                     America would occur if Canada main-           latory impact assessment analysis
possible pathways in which to improve                                                              (EPA, NHTSA, CARB, 2016), and were
the efficiency of their fleets and meet              tained its 2025 targets, along with
                                                     California and the Section 177 states,        adopted for all the technology cost
future GHG emissions standards.                                                                    analysis included in the OMEGA model.
                                                     while the remainder of the U.S. mar-
                                                     ket kept GHG targets at 2020 levels           For instance, the EPA estimates that
Note that engines can have several
                                                     out to 2025. Under this scenario,             in 2020, non-hybrid, Atkinson-cycle
advanced combustion technologies,
                                                     approximately 40% of the combined             engines and cylinder deactivation will
as well as some level of hybridization
                                                     Canadian-U.S. market would be sub-            fall to about 90% of their cost the year
or electrification. Very little hybridiza-
                                                     ject to 2025 targets by MY 2025, and          they were first introduced—a 10% cost
tion is required to meet GHG 2025
standards. They can be met with                      the remaining 60% would be covered            reduction by learning. By 2025, the
a fleet that is comprised mainly of                  under 2020 targets until MY 2025.             cost of those two technologies will
non-electric vehicles with advanced                                                                have fallen to about 85% of their origi-
                                                     The cost impacts of such a market were        nal costs—a 15% reduction by learning
2   For example, Mazda will introduce a gasoline     estimated by looking at the changes           (see Appendix II). Similarly, EPA esti-
    compression ignition engine in 2019, FCA’s       in production volumes and adoption            mates that by 2020, stop-start costs
    2019 RAM pickup has a 48v hybrid system          rates for key fuel-efficiency technolo-       will fall to about 75% of their original
    standard on the base V6 engine, and Infiniti’s
    2019 QX50 has a variable compression ratio,      gies. The cost of producing technolo-         value and, by 2025, drop to about
    turbocharged engine.                             gies decreases as volume increases.           64% of their original value.

WORKING PAPER 2018-23                                                                   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION    7

To assess the impact of Canada’s fleet                                                                                    EC 2012          EPA inputs        ICCT inputs
belonging to a smaller market with a
slower production volume rate, the                                                                                   $2,602
ICCT estimated the cumulative pro-

                                           Average per vehicle costs (2015 $CAD)
duction rate of technology adoption
for 2020 and 2025, and then esti-
mated how the slower production                                                             $1,969                           $1,972
would affect the incremental cost                                                                                                                        $1,766
of the technology. Each technology                                                               $1,542
exhibits a particular cost impact for                                              $1,500
changes in production rates because                                                                                                                               $1,183
each technology has different levels                                                                        $1,045
of complexity and is currently at dif-                                             $1,000
ferent levels of market adoption levels.
For example, stop-start costs, which,
under the full-learning rate would
reach about 64% of original cost by
2025, could fall to 70% of the original
cost under a slower learning rate. This                                                              Cars                Trucks                      Average LDV
corresponds to a 9.2% increase in cost
for stop-start in a split market. See          Figure 7. Comparison of 2012 Environment Canada (EC) estimated manufacturer total
appendix II for further details, along         costs (corrected to 2015 CAD) to the updated EPA’s and ICCT’s technology cost-
                                               effectiveness inputs.
with a sensitivity analysis under higher
and lower rates of learning.                   Even under the (highly unrealistic)                                       estimated by EC staff as $1,856 CAD
                                               worst case, in which technology costs                                     for cars, $2,453 CAD for trucks, and
Assuming that the learning rates
                                               no longer decrease after MY 2020, the                                     $2,095 CAD for the average Canadian
decelerate according to the market
                                               average 2025 per-vehicle technology                                       LDV (Regulations Amending the Pas-
split, under a 60% reduction in learn-
                                               cost would only be about 8% higher                                        senger Automobile and Light Truck
ing rate (i.e., only 40% of the market
                                               than under full-scale learning. See                                       Greenhouse Gas Emission Regula-
requires additional technologies) the
                                               appendix II for further details.                                          tions, 2012). Figure 7 compares these
majority of technologies experience
                                                                                                                         original 2012 costs with the cost values
a cost increase of 3% to 5%. Averag-
                                                                                                                         found in this analysis. Note that the
ing the percent increases, weighted            Comparison to Environment                                                 original EC 2012 values, in 2011 CAD,
by estimated 2025 market share (fig-
                                               Canada’s 2012 technology                                                  were corrected for inflation and con-
ure 1) leads to an overall cost increase
of 4.7%–4.9% , or $41–$67 (based
                                               cost assessment                                                           verted to 2015 CAD (CPI = 1.0608). 3
on Table 3). The reason costs are              I n D e ce m b e r 2 01 2 , Enviro n m e nt
                                                                                                                         Improved technology cost-effective-
affected so marginally if the market           Canada staff presented the results of
                                                                                                                         ness inputs have significantly reduced
splits is that the most important tech-        a technical analysis supporting the
                                                                                                                         the estimated cost of compliance with
nologies to meet the 2025 targets are          proposal for harmonization with EPA’s
                                                                                                                         the MY 2025 standards in Canada. The
well-known, broadly applied improve-           GHG rule covering MY 2017–2025, and
                                                                                                                         2016 EPA cost-effectiveness inputs
ments to conventional vehicles.                consistent with the authority set by
                                                                                                                         bring EC’s 2012 costs down by about
                                               the Canadian Environmental Protec-
                                                                                                                         21% on average. When compared to
A sensitivity analysis was applied to          tion Act of 1999. The impact assess-
                                                                                                                         the most cost-effective inputs from
assess the impact of potential market          ment team used the 2012 version of
                                                                                                                         the ICCT analysis, the EC 2012 costs
size variations on technology costs.           the OMEGA model to estimate the
                                                                                                                         dip more than 47%.
The market sizes were defined as               cost to comply for vehicles sold in
retaining the GHG 2025 targets, and            Canada. The total incremental cost,
                                                                                                                         3     Bank of Canada, Inflation calculator. Accessed
were evaluated from 0% to 100% of              in 2011 CAD, to comply with the MY                                              on Sep 4th, 2018. https://www.bankofcanada.
the total North American market.               2025 targets (from MY 2016) was                                                 ca/rates/related/inflation-calculator/

8   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                                                                WORKING PAPER 2018-23

Appendix I Vehicle efficiency technologies

Table 4. Technologies projected by the OMEGA model. Source: (EPA, NHTSA, CARB, 2016).

        Technology             Code                                                 Description
                                         Turbocharging increases the specific power level, allowing a reduced engine size while
                                         maintaining performance. The OMEGA model considers three levels of boosting, 18-bar brake
                                         mean effective pressure (BMEP), 24-bar BMEP and 27-bar BMEP, as well as four levels of
                             TDS 18 /    downsizing, from four cylinders (I4) to smaller I4 or I3, from V6 to I4 and from V8 to V6 and
Turbocharging and
                             TDS 24 /    I4. Cooled EGR is also used for the 24-bar and 27-bar systems and the 27-bar system uses a
                              TDS 27     2-stage turbocharger. An 18-bar BMEP is applied with 33 percent downsizing, 24-bar BMEP is
                                         applied with 50 percent downsizing and 27-bar BMEP is applied with 56 percent downsizing.
                                         In addition to the efficiency benefits, turbocharging improves performance, especially in steep
                                         and high-altitude conditions.
                                         Gasoline direct injection injects fuel at high pressure directly into the combustion chamber.
                                         This provides evaporative cooling of the air/fuel charge within the cylinder, which allows for
Gasoline direct injection       DI
                                         higher compression ratios and increased thermodynamic efficiency. GDI is generally paired
                                         with TDS to further support engine downsizing for improved efficiency.
                                         A conventional AT is optimized by adding additional gears, which reduces gear ratio spacing
                                         and increases the overall gear ratio spread. This enables the engine to operate more efficiently
Automatic transmissions      AT6 / AT8   over a broader range of vehicle operating conditions, with options for six and eight gears.
                                         In addition to the efficiency benefits, the higher number of gears improves performance,
                                         especially in steep and high-altitude conditions.
                                         Improvements to MTs include six-speed manual transmissions, offering an additional gear
Manual transmission             MT       ratio, often with a higher overdrive gear ratio, compared to the baseline five-speed manual
                                         DCTs are similar in construction to a manual transmission, but the vehicle’s computer controls
Advanced transmissions
                              DCT6 /     shifting and launch functions, instead of the driver. A dual-clutch automated shift manual
and dual clutch
                               DCT8      transmission uses separate clutches for even-numbered and odd-numbered gears, so the next
                                         expected gear is pre-selected, which allows for faster, smoother shifting.
                                         Diesel engines have good fuel-efficiency due to reduced pumping losses and a combustion
                                         cycle that operates at a high compression ratio, with a very lean air-fuel mixture. This
Advanced diesel                 DSL
                                         technology requires the addition of relatively costly emissions control equipment, including
                                         NOx after-treatment and diesel particulate filters (DPFs).
                                         Also known as idle-stop or 12V micro-hybrid and commonly implemented as a 12-volt, belt-
                                         driven integrated starter-generator, this is the most basic hybrid system that facilitates idle-
Start-stop system, 12 V         SS
                                         stop capability. This system replaces a common alternator with an enhanced power starter-
                                         alternator, both belt-driven, and a revised accessory drive system.
                                         MHEVs provide regenerative braking and acceleration assist capacity, in addition to idle-stop
                                         capability. A higher voltage battery is used, 48 V, with increased energy capacity compared to
Mild-hybrid electric                     baseline automotive batteries. The higher voltage allows the use of a smaller, more powerful
vehicle                                  electric motor and reduces the weight of the motor, inverter, and battery wiring harnesses.
                                         This system replaces a standard alternator with an enhanced power, higher voltage, higher
                                         efficiency, belt-driven starter. The battery capacity is smaller compared to HEV batteries.
                                         A full hybrid vehicle has larger capacity electric motors and batteries, enabling higher rates of
Hybrid electric vehicle        HEV       regenerative braking energy and acceleration assist, as well as limited operation on the electric
                                         motor alone. An example of a hybrid vehicle is the Toyota Prius.
                                         PHEVs are hybrid electric vehicles with the means to charge their battery packs from an
Plug-in hybrid electric                  outside source of electricity (usually the electric grid). These vehicles have larger battery packs
vehicle                                  than non-plug-in hybrid electric vehicles with more energy storage and a greater capability to
                                         be discharged.
                                         EVs are vehicles with all drive and other systems powered by energy-optimized batteries
Electric vehicle                EV       charged primarily from grid electricity. EVs with 75-mile, 100-mile and 150-mile ranges have
                                         been included as potential technologies by the OMEGA model.
                                         The second generation of low rolling resistance tires further reduce frictional losses associated
Low-rolling resistance                   with the energy dissipated in the deformation of the tires under load, compared to the now
tires                                    common LRRT available on baseline vehicles. LRRTs tend to be stiffer than conventional tires,
                                         giving them more resistance to rough roads.

WORKING PAPER 2018-23                                                           INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION               9

                                        Includes continuous improvement in seals, bearings and clutches, super finishing of gearbox
High-efficiency gearbox        HEG      parts, and development in the area of lubrication, all aimed at reducing frictional and other
                                        parasitic load in the system for an automatic, DCT or manual type transmission
                                        Second-generation improved accessories include high-efficiency alternators, electrically driven
                                        (i.e., on-demand) water pumps and cooling systems and alternator regenerative braking. This
Improved accessories          IACC2
                                        excludes other electrical accessories such as electric oil pumps and electrically driven air
                                        conditioner compressors.
                                        The second generation of components to reduce engine friction includes low-tension piston
                                        rings, roller cam followers, improved material coatings, more optimal thermal management,
Engine friction reduction      EFR2
                                        piston surface treatments, and other improvements in the design of engine components and
                                        subsystems that improve engine operation.
                                        Adopted with boost, cooled EGR increases the exhaust-gas recirculation rate used in the
Cooled exhaust gas
                               EGR      combustion process to increase thermal efficiency and reduce pumping losses. Levels of
                                        exhaust gas recirculation approach 25% by volume in the highly boosted engines modeled.
                                        Reducing the aerodynamic drag of a vehicle reduces fuel consumption. The OMEGA model
                                        considers two levels of aerodynamic improvements. The first one considers changes to
                                        vehicle shape, which is constrained primarily by design considerations and should have zero
Active aerodynamics           AERO      implementation cost. The second option covers active aerodynamics technologies. One
                                        example of active aerodynamic technologies is active grill-shutters. Active grill shutters close
                                        off the area behind the front grill under highway driving conditions, reducing the vehicle
                                        aerodynamic drag and thus, fuel consumption.
                                        An Atkinson-cycle engine trades off decreased power for increased efficiency. Essentially,
                                        the intake valve remains open for a longer duration on the intake stroke and closes during
                                        the normal compression stroke. This results in an effective compression ratio that is less than
                                        the expansion ratio during the power stroke, and increases the geometric compression ratio.
High compression
                               ATK      This allows more work to be extracted per volume of fuel as compared to a typical Otto-cycle
Atkinson-cycle engine
                                        engine. However, due to a smaller amount of trapped air mass (a consequence of air being
                                        forced out of the cylinder through the intake valve early in the compression stroke), the power
                                        density in the Atkinson cycle is lower than that of the Otto cycle. Increasing the compression
                                        ratio can partially compensate for this drawback.
                                        Vehicle weight reduction, also referred to as lightweighting, reduces the energy needed
                                        to overcome inertial forces, thus yielding lower fuel consumption and GHG emissions.
Weight reduction               WR
                                        Lightweighting was modeled in OMEGA assuming per-vehicle changes of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%
                                        and 20%. The maximum, 20%, was applied only to 2025 vehicles.

10   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                               WORKING PAPER 2018-23

Appendix II Potential

                                                 Percentage of original direct manufacturing cost

technology cost effects of a                                                                        90%                                                 4.9%
bifurcated North American                                                                           80%                                              ATK, DEAC
market: Discussion                                                                                                                                      9.2%             TDS, GDI,
                                                                                                    70%                                                                  transmissions,
If Canada, California, and the Section                                                                                                                                   MHEV-Non-batt
                                                                                                    60%                                  MHEV-batt
177 U.S. states maintain the GHG stan-                                                                                                                  SS
dards unchanged, approximately 40%
of the combined Canadian-U.S. mar-
ket would be subject to 2025 targets,                                                               40%
while 60% would remain under the
2020 target through MY 2025.                                                                                                               2020
                                                                                                    20%                                    2025
In this situation, it is possible that                                                                                                     2025 reduced learning rate
rates of decrease in unit production                                                                                                       reduced learning rate
costs will slow, due to slowed accu-                                                                 0%
mulated production volume. Typically,                                                                       Time from base direct manufacturing cost (illustrative)
as cumulative production volumes
increase, unit costs decrease as manu-                Figure 8. Full learning rates and reduced learning rates of fuel-efficiency technologies
facturers learn to improve processes,
                                                 Table 5. Percent increase in technology cost due to a North American market split
use less expensive materials, and sim-
plify or improve component parts.                                                                                         Percent        OMEGA estimated           OMEGA estimated
Generally, the newer the technology,                                                                                     change in       2025 penetration,         2025 penetration,
the lower the cumulative production,                                                                  Technology        cost in 2025     EPA assumptions           ICCT assumptions
and the less experience manufactur-                               Turbo-downsizing                                          3.6%               39.3%                         15.1%
ers have with it.                                                 Atkinson cycle                                            4.9%               23.0%                     61.8%
                                                                  GDI                                                       3.6%               67.9%                     80.8%
Through numerous studies contained
                                                                  Stop-start                                                9.2%               28.3%                     14.3%
in, and since, the initial 2012 rulemak-
                                                                  Cylinder deactivation                                     4.9%                46.1%                    48.3%
ing for the U.S. 2017–2025 greenhouse
gas standards, the EPA refined its                                MHEV*                                                     6.4%                17.2%                        0.0%
learning curves and where technolo-                               Transmissions                                             3.6%               92.8%                     92.3%
gies lie on these curves (EPA, NHTSA,                             Mass reduction                                            5.8%         7.6% MR fleet-wide        8.4% MR fleet-wide
CARB, 2016).                                                                                        Weighted average cost change                4.9%                     4.7%

Figure 8 illustrates this concept with           * MHEV costs are a weighted average of battery and non-battery component costs. (EPA, NHTSA,
                                                 CARB 2016) estimates battery costs to be 36% of total MHEV costs.
key f u e l - ef f icie n c y te ch n olo gies
required to meet the 2025 targets. The
                                                 Several technologies are located on                                                        their original value by 2020 and drop
solid blue curve represents a technol-
                                                 the curves based on EPA’s assumed                                                          to about 64% of their original value
ogy that is already fully learned out by
                                                 rate of learning. For instance, EPA                                                        by 2025.
manufacturers. The cost in the year it
is introduced (100%) does not change             estimates that, in 2020, non-hybrid,
                                                                                                                                            As the figure shows, manufacturers
dramatically over many years, and it             Atkinson-cycle engines and cylinder
                                                                                                                                            have significant experience with a
decreases by about 1.5% annually. The            deactivation will fall on the blue curve
                                                                                                                                            majority of technologies, and these
solid brown curve illustrates a tech-            at about 90% of their original cost. By
                                                                                                                                            technologies fall on the blue line.
nology that undergoes more learn-                2025, the cost of these two technolo-
ing after its introduction. Its costs            gies will have fallen to about 85% of                                                      The dotted blue and brown lines illus-
decrease rapidly at first, then the rate         their original costs. Similarly, on the                                                    trate how the learning curves shift
of decrease slows to about the same              brown curve, EPA estimates that stop-                                                      assuming production volume in a
rate as a fully learned technology.              start costs will fall to about 75% of                                                      bifurcated market is reduced to 40%

WORKING PAPER 2018-23                                                                                                          INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION           11

of full learning rates (solid lines). The                                              18%
dotted lines decrease at a rate 40% as                                                                                                                  SS

                                            Percent increase in 2025 estiamted cost
fast as the solid lines, indicating the                                                                                                                 MHEV
rate of production volume accumula-                                                    14%                                                              WR,

References                                                         Posada, F., Isenstadt, A., Sharpe, B., & German, J. (2018c).
                                                                      Assessing Canada’s 2025 passenger vehicle green-
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                                                                   Regulations Amending the Passenger Automobile and Light
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   canada-2025-cafe-standards-fleet-201809.                           Truck Greenhouse Gas Emission Regulations. Vol. 148, No.
                                                                      21. Ottawa, ON, Canada Gazette, Part II. September 18, 2014.
Posada, F., Isenstadt, A., Sharpe, B., & German, J. (2018b).
   Assessing Canada’s 2025 passenger vehicle greenhouse               sor-dors207-eng.html
   gas standards: Methodology and OMEGA model descrip-
   tion. Retrieved from the International Council on Clean         U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Highway
   Transportation                Traffic Safety Administration, & California Air Resources
   canada-2025-cafe-standards-methods-201809.                         Board, “Draft Technical Assessment Report: Midterm
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WORKING PAPER 2018-23                                                        INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION       13
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