AT WILLS PARK Sponsored by Alpharetta Arboretum, Inc, Alpharetta Convention and Visitors Bureau and City of Alpharetta

Page created by Travis Contreras
AT WILLS PARK Sponsored by Alpharetta Arboretum, Inc, Alpharetta Convention and Visitors Bureau and City of Alpharetta

              AT   WILLS      PARK

                        Sponsored by
            Alpharetta Arboretum, Inc,
            Alpharetta Convention and
Visitors Bureau and City of Alpharetta
AT WILLS PARK Sponsored by Alpharetta Arboretum, Inc, Alpharetta Convention and Visitors Bureau and City of Alpharetta
Alpharetta Arboretum at Wills Park

                                   elcome to the Alpharetta                                                    As you wander through the park on the walking
                                  Arboretum at Wills Park. An                                           trail, you will see many street, border and accent
                                  arboretum is a collection of trees                                    trees that offer an educational perspective on the
                                 assembled and maintained for                                           wide choices of trees suited for planting in the urban
                                education, research and enjoyment.                                      landscape.
                                                                                                               Please take time to walk through the arboretum at
                    Established in 2008, the Alpharetta Arboretum                                       your own pace and enjoy the beauty and natural settings.
                 at Wills Park showcases the natural setting and                                        Be sure to visit Alpharetta’s other arboretums at Webb
                 beauty of many native and non-native tree species                                      Bridge Park, Cogburn Road Park and Brooke Street Park.
                 in Wills Park, a 110 acre multi-use park near the                                      Don’t miss the Alpharetta Community Garden while at
                 downtown center of Alpharetta.                                                         Wills Park, located next to the Recreation Center.
                                                 OLD MILTON PKY                                                      We invite you to make the Alpharetta
                                                                                                                            Arboretums destinations you will return
                                                                    Swimming Pool
                                                                             Po o l
                                                                                                                    16      OLD
                                                                                                                                         to often throughout the year.
                                                                                                                                                ILT O
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                 Re cre at ion Center
                 Recreation    Ce nte r
                                                                                                                                        Wa g g y World
                                                                                                                                                 Wor ld

                                   Wacky Wo
                                   Wacky World
                                            rl d // Lower
                                                    Lower Fields
                                                          Fiel ds                                                                  14
                                                                                                                                                                Commun i t y Center
                                                                                                                                                                Community    Ce n te r
                        21    20                                                           Upperfields
                                                                                           Upper Fields

                                           18      WILLS PARK                                                                           Tree List
           Community                                                                                                                       1   Green Ash                    13 Persimmon
                                                                                                                                           2   Liberty Elm                  14 Sweet Gum
                                                                                                                             13                                                Rotundiloba
                                                                                                                             12            3   Sawtooth Oak
                                                    Eques trian Center
                                                    Equestrian                                                                                                              15 Dawn Redwood

                                                                                                                                           4   Chinese Elm
            1                                                                               9 10                                           5   Willow Oak                   16 Water Oak
                                                                                                                                           6   Black Gum                    17 Pin Oak
                                                                                                                                           7   White Flowering              18 Red Maple
                                                                                                                                               Dogwood                      19 Tulip Poplar
                                                      7                                                                                    8   Sassafras                    20 Georgia Oak
             2                                       6
                                                                                                                                           9   Pignut Hickory               21 Sweetgum
              34                          5
                                                                                                                    / HW
                                                                                                                         Y   9            10   White Oak                    22 Sycamore
                                                                                                AR   E T TA                               11   Black Cherry                 23 Swamp Tupelo
                                                                                                                                          12   Southern Red Oak             24 Loblolly Pine
             ALPHA RET TA HWY / HWY 9
4 | Chinese Elm                           7 | White Flowering Dogwood
                                                         This tree is not native                   This classic southern          This is a tree for large spaces like
                                                         to North America,                         tree grows to heights          parks or other recreational areas.
                                                         but at a typical height                   of 20 to 30 feet               Birds, deer, woodpeckers, turkey
1 | Green Ash                                            of 50 feet, it’s a                        under taller trees in          and squirrels hoard its acorns.
               This tree, planted in                     terrific choice for                       undisturbed forests.              White oak was used extensively for
               full sun, quickly grows                   open landscape. It is                     The White Flowering            making naval ships, furniture, barrels,
               to 50 or 60 feet tall,    fast growing with dark green leaves       Dogwood is a popular landscape                 fireplace wood and many other items.
               making it an excellent    and a fall color display that varies      tree, thriving in light shade.
               shade tree popular in     from yellow to burgundy.                     This is one of the most important           11 | Black Cherry
               cities and high-use          In forest areas, its shoots, buds      southern trees, not only for its beauty,                       The tallest of all cherries
parks throughout eastern United          and leaves are often eaten by deer,       but also for its berries that provide                          at mature heights of 50
States.                                  and it provides nesting areas for         food for over 75 species of birds.                             feet, it has been known
   Its leaves are medium green           many birds. This elm is originally                                                                       to rise to a noble 100
in summer and bright yellow in au-       from northern and central China,          8 | Sassafras                                                  feet in height. Leaves are
tumn, and it produces a reddish-pur-     Taiwan, Korea and Japan.                                   This is an understory tree                    willow-like, and the bark
ple flower followed by a small tan                                                                  growing to heights of         is aromatic and dark red-brown on
fruit. Wood ducks, finches and           5 | Willow Oak                                             30 to 60 feet with a          older trees. Its fruit is dark red,
cardinals eat its seeds.                                The natural habitat for                     spread of 25 to 40            becoming almost black when ripe,
   Most oars and canoe paddles                          this handsome tree is                       feet at maturity.             and is eaten by birds.
are made from Green Ash wood.                           the bottom-lands of the                        The Sassafras is known        The medicinal properties of the bark
                                                        South and Eastern          for its brilliant display of fall foliage      have been used for cough medicines,
2 | Liberty Elm                                         Coastal Plains. It         and aromatic smell with bright to              expectorants and the treatment of sore
                 This tree grows at a                   reaches heights of         medium green leaves that change                throats.
                 rate of two to three    40 to 60 feet with a spread of            to deep orange, scarlet, purple and
                 feet per year and       30 to 40 feet at full maturity.           yellow in the fall.
                 reaches heights of         The leaves resemble the willow’s,        It is still used today to make tea,          12 | Southern Red Oak
                 100 feet or more.       from which it derives its name.           root beer and a Louisiana spice                              This oak with a rounded
                 The Liberty Elm was     Acorns provide food for the whitetail     powder that is added to soups and                            open crown usually
developed to be 99% resistant to         deer, squirrels, wild turkey, quail       other dishes.                                                grows to 80 feet, but
Dutch Elm disease. It’s an excellent     and some songbirds.                                                                                    can occasionally reach
choice as an urban street shade             The willow has been harvested                                                                       heights of 125 feet. It’s
                                                                                   9 | Pignut Hickory                                           one of the hardiest and
tree.                                    for lumber since pioneer days                             This tree is extraordinarily
   In forests, its early spring buds     for paneling, newel posts, pulpits,                                                      fastest growing of the oaks and usually
                                                                                                   tough, growing to heights
and leaves are a favorite treat for      church pews, bar tops, stairs,                                                           lives for about 150 years.
                                                                                                   of 60 to 70 feet. Its fruit
deer and other ground dwelling           railings and flour barrels.                                                                 The heaviest wood of the North
                                                                                                   ripens in September and
mammals.                                                                                                                          American hardwoods, it is used for
                                                                                                   has a distinctive pear
                                         6 | Black Gum                                                                            furniture making, flooring, fireplace
                                                                                                   shape. Autumn leaves
                                                       Although this tree has                                                     wood and veneers.
                                                                                   turn a dull gold.
3 | Sawtooth Oak                                       been known to reach             This hardy tree can endure poor soils
                    Originally from                    heights of 60 feet, it      and drier situations. It can be found          13 | Persimmon
                    Japan, Korea and                   rarely grows beyond         from Southern Canada to Florida and                             This understory tree
                    China, this tree                   30 feet. The leathery       westward to Mississippi along hillsides                         grows to heights of 20
                    grows to 40 to                     leaves turn bright red      and ridges.                                                     to 60 feet and tolerates
                    60 feet with an      in autumn.                                    It’s sometimes called the “Broom                            full sun or shade. Its
equal spread at full maturity.               It flowers from April through June    Hickory” because early settlers used                            thick, dark brown or gray
  It gets its name from its long,        and has blue-black fruit ripening         it to make brooms, tool handles and                             bark is tinged with red,
spear-shaped leaves with saw-            in September and October.                 wagon parts.                                   and divided into square plates, giving
toothed edges. The leaves are dark          The edible berries can be made                                                        a distinctly reptilian looking hide. A
green in summer, turning to bright       into preserves and are reminiscent        10 | White Oak                                 fruiting tree, it ripens and sweetens in
yellow in autumn. It also produces       of a wild cherry.                                        A White Oak can live up         autumn. It is the northernmost member
a golden brown flower.                                                                            to 600 years, growing           of the Ebony family, with dark brown
  The Sawtooth Oak makes an                                                                       to just over 100 feet tall,     to nearly black heartwood and is
attractive and durable shade tree,                                                                with a spread of 50 to          prized for its wavy grained wood.
and is adaptable to a wide range                                                                  100 feet.                          Native Americans made the pulp of
of soil and climate conditions.                                                                                                   the fruit into bread. The heartwood has
                                                                                                                                  been used to make golf clubs, loom

The mission of Alpharetta Arboretum, Inc. is to connect people to nature for their
education and enjoyment. We engage the community through horticultural
demonstration, ecological education and the stewardship of botanically rich places.
Alpharetta Arboretum at Wills Park

14 | Sweet Gum Rotundiloba                  17 | Pin Oak
               Its usual height is 40 to                  Few oaks can withstand
               50 feet, but can grow                      flooding and wet ground      20 | Georgia Oak                            22 | Sycamore
               up to 100 feet, with a                     as well as this species.                      Georgia Oak,                              This tree grows to
               spread of 25 to 30 feet.                   It inhabits poorly drained                     or Stone Mountain                        heights of 80 to 150
               This tree is a good                        sites and flatlands                           Oak, is a rare                            feet and produces a
               choice for a lawn or                       throughout eastern                            deciduous oak.                            fruit ball, which breaks
park, allowing a large area for root        central United States, growing to                           It is native to the                       apart into fluff in the
development.                                heights of 60 feet or more.                                 southeastern United                       winter, spreading
   The original tree was discovered            A medium to fast grower, it is used     States, mainly in northern Georgia.         seeds. Its bark is smooth and pale
in the wild in North Carolina in            in commercial plantings around             It grows on dry granite and                 with large patches of lighter color.
1930. It is a cultivar, a species of tree   buildings as street trees and in parking   sandstone outcrops of slopes of               It is used for furniture, veneer and
intentionally selected and maintained       areas.                                     hills. It is a small tree, often shrubby,   butcher’s blocks, since it can be
through cultivation.                                                                   growing to 25 to 50 feet tall. The          endlessly hacked on without splitting.
   The spectacular fall foliage of this     18 | Red Maple                             tree was first discovered in 1849
species is a mixture of yellow, orange,                      This tree can be happy    at Stone Mountain, Georgia, where           23 | Swamp Tupelo
red and purple.                                              just about anywhere       several specimens grow along the                            Like the Black Gum,
                                                             from stream banks and     popular walk-up trail. This tree was                        this tree evolved on
15 | Dawn Redwood                                            dry difficult sites to    grown from an acorn harvested on                            extreme sites, and
                With an ultimate height                      swamps. It grows fairly   Stone Mountain. Georgia Oak is                              occupies wetlands
                exceeding 100 feet, its                      quickly to 60 feet tall   listed as an endangered species                             between North
                usual height of 35 to 50    and can withstand moderate amounts         in the wild.                                                Carolina, Florida and
                feet in 25 years makes      of modern urban pollution.                                                             Louisiana. While it can grow to 60
                it a fast grower needing       A highly adaptable tree with red        21 | Sweetgum                               feet under ideal conditions, it rarely
                plenty of room.             and sometimes yellow flowers, it has                        The Sweetgum oozes         reaches over 30 feet.
   This species was once thought to         brilliant fall colors from deep red to                      a sweet sticky               Its leathery leaves turn bright
be extinct until found in 1948 growing      yellow.                                                     substance from which       red in the fall. It flowers from April
in a remote valley of the Szechwan             The nation’s largest Red Maple                           it gets its name. It is    through June and produces a
province in China. It is now grown          is 141 feet tall and over seven feet                        known as a pioneer         blue-black berry in September and
all around the world. Recent                in diameter and grows in the Great                          tree because it’s          October.
reexamination of western United             Smoky Mountains National Park.             usually the first tree to move into           Because the wood easily warps
States fossils identified the Dawn             Bird’s Eye Maple is a rare form of      an abandoned field or logged-out            and shrinks, it is mostly used for
Redwood as once being native                maple wood caused by knotting and          areas, growing fairly quickly to            pulley rollers, gunstocks, chopping
to North America.                           fungus, treasured for its beauty and       heights of 100 to 140 feet.                 bowls and blocks.
   While giving an evergreen                strength and used for making musical            It is most easily identified by its
appearance, it is a deciduous conifer,      instruments.                               seed-bearing fruit, which is a woody,       24 | Loblolly Pine
shedding its leaves for winter.                                                        burred ball. The seed balls feed a                          Found in the
                                                                                       variety of birds and small animals                           southeastern United
16 | Water Oak                              19 | Tulip Poplar                          such as chipmunks, gray and red                              States where it covers
                This oak grows to 50                       A fast growing member       squirrels.                                                   several million acres,
                to 80 feet with the same                   of the Magnolia family,        It was once commercially                                  this evergreen pine
                size spread at maturity.                   with a yellow/green/        popular for soaps, adhesives and                             grows quickly to 60
                It does well in full sun                   orange tulip bloom, this    pharmaceuticals. Today, its wood            to 100 feet in full sun. Its leaves are
                and partial shade.                         tree grows to a height of   is valuable for fine furniture and          spiral needles six to nine inches long,
                Because of its fast rate                   75 to 100 feet, and         interior finishing.                         and its fruit is an oval cone.
of growth coupled with its weaker            occasionally, 200 feet.                                                                 Its name, Loblolly, refers to the
wood, its limbs and trunk eventually        It can live up to 500 years.                                                           moist depressions in river bottoms
break or hollow out.                           It provides shelter for                                                             where it originated.
  It’s a prolific acorn producer,           hummingbirds and butterflies.                                                            These trees provide homes and
feeding a variety of wildlife. The          Its seeds are eaten by cardinals and                                                   food for many southeastern animals
Water Oak has been used since the           finches, while its leaves host butterfly                                               including birds, chipmunks and
1600’s to provide lumber for many           larvae.                                                                                squirrels.
homes.                                                                                                                               The Loblolly Pine is raised
                                                                                                                                   commercially for lumber, plywood
                                                                                                                                   and pulp for paper.
With so much to do,
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                         Comfort Suites | 770-649-0955
                 Courtyard Atlanta Alpharetta | 678-366-3360
         Courtyard Atlanta Alpharetta/Avalon Area | 770-475-9955
       DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Atlanta-Alpharetta | 678-347-0022
        Embassy Suites by Hilton Atlanta Alpharetta | 678-566-8800
             EVEN Hotel Alpharetta-Avalon Area | 770-869-2546
 Extended Stay America-Atlanta-Alpharetta-Northpoint-East | 770-475-7871
Extended Stay America-Atlanta-Alpharetta-Northpoint-West | 770-569-1730
 Extended Stay America-Atlanta-Alpharetta-Rock Mill Road | 770-475-2676
          Fairfield Inn & Suites Atlanta Alpharetta | 770-663-4000
               Hampton Inn & Suites Alpharetta | 678-393-0990
              Hampton Inn Alpharetta/Roswell | 770-640-5511
                   Hilton Alpharetta Atlanta | 678-240-9222
        Hilton Garden Inn Atlanta North/Alpharetta | 770-360-7766
            Hilton Garden Inn Atlanta Northpoint | 678-566-3900
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Alpharetta-Windward Parkway | 678-339-0505
              Home2 Suites by Hilton Alpharetta | 470-479-6699
       Homewood Suites by Hilton Atlanta-Alpharetta | 770-998-1622
      Hyatt Place Atlanta/Alpharetta/North Point Mall | 770-594-8788
    Hyatt Place Atlanta/Alpharetta/Windward Parkway | 770-343-9566
  La Quinta Inn & Suites by Wyndham Atlanta Alpharetta | 770-754-7800
        Sonesta ES Suites Atlanta Alpharetta Avalon | 770-569-7200
    Sonesta ES Suites Atlanta Alpharetta North Point Mall | 770-587-1151
      Sonesta ES Suites Atlanta Alpharetta Windward | 770-664-0664
     The Hamilton Alpharetta, Curio Collection by Hilton | 770-777-1820
                  The Hotel at Avalon, Autograph Collection,
               & Alpharetta Conference Center | 678-722-3600
            TownePlace Suites Atlanta Alpharetta | 770-664-1300

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