ATSC 3.0 white paper - Nexstar

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ATSC 3.0 white paper - Nexstar
ATSC 3.0
white paper
ATSC 3.0 white paper - Nexstar
ATSC 3.0 white paper

ATSC 3.0 ensures an
immediate solution to
America’s demand for
high-speed internet

How the latest standard enables TV broadcasters to
mass distribute Internet Protocol (IP) data, creating
new business opportunities and delivering critical
public service improvements

ATSC 3.0 is the next generation of TV          through 2026, reaching 967 exabytes/month        of crisis, 3.0 will revolutionize broadcast
broadcasting that enables broadcasters to      in the United States.1 A core component          services. With a fully deployed 3.0
become mass internet data distributors.        of this demand is high-definition video          nationwide network, broadcasters can
The broadcast of IP data offers a fast track   streaming, which is expected to be 82% of        transmit IP-based content to all Americans,
to meet the exploding demand for digital       all internet traffic by 2022.2                   including those without access to high-
content, solutions to close the digital                                                         speed broadband, a figure ranging from
divide, and provides a myriad of innovative    The rapid acceleration in demand for digital     14.5 million up to 42 million.3 Given that
business opportunities in the commercial       connectivity creates tremendous potential        97% of Americans receive broadcast TV
and public sectors. ATSC 3.0 (developed        for broadcasters to create new business          signals today, 3.0 has the potential to play a
by the Advanced Television Systems             opportunities in the communications sector.      powerful role in bridging the digital divide.
Committee) will be referenced in this paper    The ability to broadcast high-quality video      To convey the tremendous opportunity and
as “3.0.”                                      and IP data, with unmatched efficiency,          capabilities of 3.0 more thoroughly, this
                                               offers an economical option to serve             paper will address three critical questions:
In Deloitte Insight’s 2021 Connectivity        increasing consumer demand.                      • How does 3.0 enhance public broadcast
and Mobile Trends Survey, researchers                                                              services to reach underserved
examined how the pandemic accelerated a        In the public sector, 3.0 drastically improves      communities and deliver advanced
dramatic transition to a digital world where   how public broadcasters can serve                   emergency services?
the demand for data and video is surging.      their communities. From downloading              • How can 3.0 serve the explosive
In 2020, consumer demand for data rose         educational lectures to underserved                 consumer and commercial demand for IP
by 51% and is projected to grow rapidly at     students, to sending advanced emergency             data and content?
25% compound annual growth rate (CAGR)         alerts to all connected devices in times         • What are the emerging 3.0 applications?

ATSC 3.0 white paper - Nexstar
ATSC 3.0 white paper

What is 3.0?                                                                     political broadcast, on-screen interactive local polling questions,
3.0 is the latest broadcast standard approved by the Federal                     queue times at local voting locations, and a software update for
Communications Commission (FCC) in 2017. ATSC 3.0 utilizes                       a laptop. The standard is even flexible enough to allow a single
TV’s native one-to-many distribution, where a single signal can                  television channel to be divided into multiple “physical layer pipes”
broadcast to an infinite number of users within a tower’s coverage               enabling a broadcaster to optimize certain content for mobile
area. By upgrading to 3.0, broadcasters can enhance live video                   reception while transmitting other content at higher bitrates for
content experience for their viewers and gain the ability to deliver             traditional television reception.
any type of internet data, whether text, audio, video, or software,
as well as advanced Global Positioning System (GPS) data, to their               Delivering content and data to devices with 3.0 receivers
live video broadcast. Broadcasters’ unique one-to-many network                   Broadcast video and IP content is delivered to consumers through
architecture enables them to deliver high-demand, congestion-                    3.0 signals reaching consumers through 3.0 receivers connected to
creating content for a fraction of the price of traditional                      an over-the-air antenna. Smart TVs with built-in 3.0 receivers hit the
broadband by leveraging established and reliable infrastructure                  market in 2019 along with stand-alone tuners and home gateways.
to deliver content and data to 97% of the US population.                         3.0 chips can also be included in mobile phones, tablets, connected
                                                                                 cars, and other Internet of Things (IoT) devices making it possible to
How does 3.0 work?                                                               broadcast to devices beyond televisions.
Content is broadcasted via TV towers and SFNs
Once upgraded to the 3.0 standard, broadcast TV towers deliver live              And providing an interactive solution when receiver device
content and IP data through over-the-air signals to receiver devices             applications converge with broadband
within a coverage area (figure 1). To ensure uniform coverage and                Historically, broadcast TV has been a one-way service, in that
service, Single Frequency Networks (SFNs) can be used to reinforce               broadcasters could only send content to consumers; in contrast,
signals in areas where they are weaker, akin to a Wi-Fi repeater in a            broadband services provide a two-way service, allowing users to
home with a Wi-Fi router.                                                        both upload and download content. The integration of 3.0 and
                                                                                 broadband services broadcast TV as an interactive digital solution.
Signals are networked via MFNs                                                   Emerging middleware technology enables 3.0 receiver devices
Utilizing Multiple Frequency Networks (MFNs) on overlapping 3.0                  to leverage existing return paths, including 3G, 4G, 5G, satellite
signals creates a mesh network among TV broadcasters. Handoff                    internet, and wired or wireless home broadband connections.
technology integrated in MFNs enables IP-based content to be                     These devices will be able to receive 3.0 broadcast signals and send
transferred from one signal to another, extending the distribution               return signals via broadband—a critical step forward that enables
reach beyond a single market.                                                    promising interactive experiences, on-demand services, IoT use
                                                                                 cases and more.
A massive data pipe that simultaneously transmits live and
IP-based content
3.0 can deliver a wide range of content with a single TV channel. With
one channel, broadcasters can simultaneously deliver a national

  Figure 1. How 3.0 works               1. Broadcast towers transmit                             3. Multiple Frequency
                                         IP-based digital content via                         Networks (MFNs) enable the
                                             over-the-air signals                              connection and handoff of
                                                                                                 data between signals

                                                                   2. Single Frequency
                                                                    Networks (SFNs)
                                                                   extend signal reach
                                      NextGen TV                                          Advanced emergency alerts
                                      Substantially enhanced                              access to internet content
                                      live-TV viewing experience                          and data downloads

                        IoT devices                                                                            Connected car
                        Access to internet                                                                     Access to OTA software
                        content and data                                                                       updates, entertainment
                        downloads                                                                              content, etc.

                 Remote learning                                                                                         Smart agriculture
                 Access educational                                                                                      Access to firmware
                                                                   4. ATSC 3.0 antennas
                 resources via home                                                                                      updates, plowing
                                                                      receive signals
                 gateway devices                                                                                         instructions, etc.

ATSC 3.0 white paper - Nexstar
ATSC 3.0 white paper

What are the key benefits of 3.0?                 Figure 2. Continental US map of DTV stations, including full power, low power,
3.0 can be rapidly deployed by upgrading          and translators
the existing broadcast TV infrastructure
to deliver improved user experiences and
high volumes of IP-based content, enable
complex IoT devices, and significantly
advance essential public services in the
United States.

Nationwide coverage
Commercial and public broadcast TV
collectively serve 97% of the US population.4
Upgrading existing broadcast infrastructure
with 3.0 transmitters will provide reliable
internet content to the vast majority of
Americans without laying new fiber or
building new wireless towers, overcoming          Source: SpectraRep

the digital divide with an infrastructure that
already reaches underserved communities.          for customers seeking to provide one-way           enhanced with personalization and targeting
As shown in figure 2, broadcast signals cover     download traffic in bulk. 3.0’s one-to-many        by integrating live video with live IP-based
all populated areas of the United States.         infrastructure makes it more efficient than        content through 3.0 distribution.
3.0 signals from different towers overlap,        broadband’s one-to-one design, enabling
and the upgraded technology enables the           broadcasters to send data to multiple users        Broadcasters can further enhance viewer
handoff of IP-based content from one signal       at the same time with a single signal. As          experiences by multicasting video and
to many. Broadcast towers, relay stations,        illustrated in figure 3, to deliver 1 GB of data   options over a single channel, allowing live
and SFNs will collectively form a nationwide      to 1 million consumers, broadcasters would         sports viewers to select their own field
meshed network capable of distributing            need one millionth of the capacity needed          camera views and online sports betting to
massive volumes of data across the                by broadband. In this case, the figure             be part of the live viewing experience. The
contintental United States through a              assumes that the coverage area, defined by         ability to deliver multiple types of content
single broadcast.                                 the region the broadcast tower can serve,          unlocks creative applications that will further
                                                  contains 1 million people.                         enhance live viewer experiences.
Rapid and cost-effective deployment
Unlike broadband providers, which                 Figure 3. Broadcast internet                       Resilient infrastructure
require new infrastructure and extensive          vs. traditional broadband data                     Broadcast infrastructure is highly resilient.
construction to extend fiber, cable,              transmission                                       When intense weather and other natural
and wireless networks, 3.0 is rapidly                                                                events cause electric grid failures,
deployable because it leverages existing TV                                                          broadband communications have proven
                                                         To distribute a 1GB movie to
infrastructure. To create a national meshed            1 million people within the same              unreliable, leaving first responders and
network, a relatively small investment                           coverage area                       communities without the information they
estimated at $5 billion will be required to                                                          need to respond and act. In contrast, the
upgrade 7,138 station transmitters and                                                               physical resilience of broadcast towers,
                                                                                Total data
build 11,313 SFNs. In contrast, the recent                                      transmitted          paired with the redundancy built into
Biden Infrastructure Bill allocates $65 billion                                                      multitower networks in every US market,
                                                   Broadcast internet:
to build out broadband services, which                                           1 GB                dramatically increases the likelihood that
                                                   1 GB x 1 coverage area
is unlikely to fully reach the underserved;                                                          broadcast transmissions remain operational
various experts expect the true cost to            Traditional broadband:                            following tragic events. On August 29,
                                                                                 1 million GBs
                                                   1 GB x 1 million people                           2021, Hurricane Ida caused catastrophic
bridge the divide with broadband service
could range from $150 billion to $240                                                                cellular failure in Louisiana, disrupting up to
billion.5 While the Biden infrastructure                                                             50% of cellular sites. That same day, in the
                                                  Enhanced viewer experience
funding will require several years to provide                                                        same area, 15 of 17 TV stations remained
                                                  Broadcasters will not only efficiently deliver
service to the underserved, 3.0 can be                                                               operational.6 Furthermore, 3.0 can wake
                                                  data to scale, but also provide high-quality
deployed in a matter of months.                                                                      sleeping devices, such as TVs and home
                                                  video and audio experiences for viewers.
                                                                                                     gateways, to deliver targeted content to
                                                  The 3.0 standard powers 4K Ultra HD
Efficient delivery of IP content                                                                     consumers in specific areas, including video,
                                                  visual content with high-dynamic range
The unmatched efficiency of broadcasting                                                             maps, photos, and other critical emergency
                                                  and extended color gamut and Dolby
IP data enables disruptive pricing models                                                            information needed to ensure public safety.
                                                  AC-4 Atmos audio. Video experiences are

ATSC 3.0 white paper - Nexstar
ATSC 3.0 white paper

3.0 deployment challenges                                                     The federal mandate played an integral role in driving consumer
To understand the unique challenges the broadcast industry faces              adoption.7 The DTV coupon program granted payment vouchers
in transitioning to 3.0, it is helpful to revisit the last major upgrade in   to consumers to purchase analog-to-digital converter boxes; the
television standard technology: the transition from analog to digital.        National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Analog television was used for more than 50 years in the United               allocated $1.5 billion to administer the coupon program and provide
States, starting in the early 1940s (figure 4). In 1995, ATSC published       funding. While the DTV transition faced unique challenges along the
its first digital television standard. A decade later, Congress               way, the major upgrade was ultimately successful and powerfully
passed the Digital Transition and Public Safety Act of 2005. This             catalyzed by the federal government.
act mandated all full-power TV stations to upgrade to the ATSC 1.0
standard by February 2009.                                                    At present, the transition to 3.0 is voluntary, posing unique
                                                                              challenges for the TV industry. To justify their investment in 3.0,
While the technology had existed for more than a decade, the                  broadcasters and device manufacturers expect to see strong market
federal mandate dramatically accelerated the transition to digital            potential with sufficient return on investment that is hard to prove
TV (DTV) by requiring broadcasters, device manufactuers, and                  with new technology. Without a federal mandate, the development
consumers to act. Broadcasters upgraded their equipment and                   and deployment of 3.0 will require product development, marketing,
antennas to digital while device manufacturers built digital devices,         and awareness campaigns to drive consumer adoption of devices.
as set-top converter boxes without digital tuners became illegal to
ship and/or import.

Figure 4. Brief history of broadcasting

                     1953                                    1995                                    2013
                     NTSC establishes                        ATSC publishes                          ATSC calls for
                     analog standards                        digital television                      proposals for
                     for color television                    standards (ATSC 1.0)                    ATSC 3.0

                                                                                                                            Broadcast industry
                                                                                                                            and CE adoption
      1941                                1969                                2009                                    2017
      NTSC establishes                    The Public Broadcasting             NTSC is replaced by a                   The FCC
      analog television                   Service is incorporated             new standard, ATSC                      approves use
      standards                                                                                                       of ATSC 3.0

ATSC 3.0 white paper

3.0 innovative applications                     will be capable of providing continental US      will be able to broadcast instructions,
Inspiring progress has been made in             coverage for national data network services      software, and any other type of IP-based
both the commercial and public sectors,         to 97% of the US population.                     data to an infinite number of devices. A
providing a beacon for the future of 3.0                                                         key distinction between broadcast and
innovation and applications. From providing     Video streaming and edge caching: With a fully   broadband is the ability to deliver content
enhanced viewer experience, to powering         deployed nationwide 3.0 network, any third       to moving devices. Products like connected
remote learning to the underserved, 3.0 is      party will be able to develop applications to    cars, autonomous drones, planes, and boats
beginning to showcase powerful solutions        transmit video streaming over the air, in the    require large amounts of data for precise
and applications for consumers and public       same way developers can place and operate        3D mapping, and 3.0 will be able to deliver
service entities.                               apps on the Apple and Google stores.             this data more efficiently through a fully
                                                Video streamers currently leverage content       deployed nationwide network.
Commercial applications                         delivery networks to store content locally to
Enhanced live TV viewer experience              users and deliver high-quality experiences;      In Crockett, Texas, ARK Multicasting has
Enhanced viewer experience: 3.0 delivers        however, these services are costly, requiring    begun testing 3.0’s application in the
more content, interactive experiences, and      streamers to pay for each customer they          connected car market. 3.0 will be able to
state-of-the-art 4K and high-dynamic range      serve. In contrast, broadcaster’s one-           deliver high-resolution maps, real-time
(HDR) visual quality with immersive sound       to-many capability provides a far more           highway construction information, traffic,
and customizable tracks. The increased          economical method of transporting large          alerts, dynamic road conditions, and more
functionality allows viewers to select from     data files. 3.0 can broadcast large video        to cars’ operating systems.8
multiple live feeds; for example, viewers of    files to 3.0 device receivers, which are able
a tennis match could flip between several       to cache the file making it available on         In Detroit, Pearl TV’s “Motown 3.0 Open
feeds offering different court angles,          demand for users without download delays         Test Track” is a partnership between
matches, commentators, languages,               or buffering at a fraction of the cost of        five major broadcast channels that set
and more.                                       alternative delivery options.                    aside 10% of their 3.0 capacity for future
                                                                                                 applications in the automotive industry.
Targeted advertising: With the ability to       IoT: Connected cars                              The trials suggest delivery is as reliable as
access first- and third-party household data,   As the number of IoT devices proliferates, 3.0   broadband alternatives at a fraction of the
broadcasters will be able to deliver more       offers a promising means of data delivery.       price due to the broadcasters’ one-to-many
relevant, targeted ads, increasing the value    Akin to the 3.0 tuner devices produced by        infrastructure. Specific use cases include
of their audience reach for advertisers.        Sony, LG, DigiCap, SiliconDust, and more,        transmitting in-vehicle entertainment,
Brands will now be able to use customized       3.0 receiver chips can be embedded within        vehicle software updates, and sending data
creative and audience-targeting capabilities    IoT devices to receive essential data via        to autonomous long-haul trucking fleets.9
improving broad reach TV marketing results.     broadcast signals. Once installed, operators
While some content moderation challenges
remain, broadcasters eventually will
integrate their 3.0 over-the-air advertising
with programmatic and direct digital ad
options for brands.

Data offload: 3.0 innovation labs across
the nation are making progress testing
potential data services in what we are
calling spectrum-as-a-service: Broadcasters
sell data capacity to companies seeking
to download data to consumers at scale.
The unmatched efficiency of 3.0 enables
broadcasters to offer disruptive pricing
models, and the compatibility with 5G and
other networks will create synergistic value
for partnerships between broadcasters
and broadband providers. At the present,
firms like Trinity Broadcasting Network are
developing test cases with large technology
companies to deliver their software updates
and additional content to consumer devices.
With a fully deployed network, broadcasters

ATSC 3.0 white paper

Advanced GPS
The GPS can be made far more secure
and precise by leveraging 3.0 technology.
The current system consists of at least
27 satellites that send electrical pulses to
devices on Earth. By comparing the signals
from multiple satellites, devices can estimate
their location. The current system is highly
susceptible to jamming and spoofing, where
malicious individuals can drown out GPS
signals or trick devices into following fake
signals. Additionally, the system is not precise
enough to serve future autonomous vehicles,
such as cars, semitrucks, and drones.
                                                   Additional states that have benefitted from      Upgrading public stations
3.0 delivers a powerful upgrade to the             the educational applications of datacasting
GPS delivering signals 10^21 times more            include Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana,              to the new 3.0 standard
powerful than GPS satellites, dramatically         Iowa, Kentucky, Nevada, New Mexico,              delivers resilient, reliable digital
improving the precision and security of the        Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota,          capabilities that will significantly
system. This technology will be critical for       and Tennessee.14
devices used for autonomous operations
                                                                                                    enhance emergency alerting
that require precise signals to operate.           Moving forward, 3.0 can drastically improve      responsiveness and improve
Recently, Sinclair Broadcasting Group held         the quality of these services. WKAR Public       early warnings through targeted
a drone showcase. The commercial drone             Media has recently been exploring ways
autonomously flew and landed within 3 cm           to enhance live educational experiences          information, high-resolution
of its target, outperforming a human pilot.10      to students by delivering a combination          video, and images.”
                                                   of live instruction and interactive content      —Pat Butler, CEO of America’s Public
Public services applications                       that enables teachers to gauge student
                                                                                                    Television Stations
Remote learning                                    understanding and engagement in real time.
The pandemic exposed the “homework gap,”           The interactive experiences are delivered
                                                                                                    Advanced emergency alerting
defined as the 16 million US students who          through technology built by Gaian Solutions,
                                                                                                    and informing
lacked access to the internet and technology       which integrates live TV content with mobile
                                                                                                    In times of crisis, the hardened, one-to-many
necessary for remote learning.11 The ability       devices. In a future state, the industry seeks
                                                                                                    broadcast architecture delivers greater
of broadcasters to transmit video, PDFs, and       to integrate its broadcaster applications
                                                                                                    resiliency than broadband networks. As
any internet-based content, along with the         with creative return path solutions to deliver
                                                                                                    the prevalence of hurricanes, wildfires, and
substantial 50–60 mile12 physical reach of the     outstanding virtual educational services to
                                                                                                    other extreme weather events increase,
broadcast signals, positions 3.0 as a powerful     all students within Michigan.15
                                                                                                    advanced broadcasting capabilities can
solution to close the homework gap.
                                                                                                    empower first responders to communicate
                                                   “Public television plays a                       and serve communities during power
This application has been proven by the fully
deployed broadcast standard of ATSC 1.0
                                                   valuable role in keeping                         outages and physical destruction.

and upgraded 3.0 standard where available.         Americans safe by using TV
                                                                                                    Resiliency becomes even more critical in
America’s Public Television Stations (APTS)        signals’ datacasting capability                  the ensuing hours and days after crises; in a
working with SpectraRep has delivered
solutions across several states that integrate
                                                   to communicate with the                          recent keynote speech, Lt. General Reynold
                                                                                                    Hoover emphasized that post-disaster
broadcasting data with existing Learning           public and first responders and
                                                                                                    communications have the potential to save
Management Systems (LMS) that teachers             supporting the Emergency Alert                   many more lives by providing important
use. Teachers upload content to the LMS,
which is then transmitted by broadcast
                                                   System and Wireless Emergency                    direction to the public, regarding actions
                                                                                                    they can take to protect themselves.16
towers through home gateway devices                Alerts. Public television’s
                                                                                                    However, when electricity grids or wireless
distributed by schools to students without         universal service mission                        towers are destroyed, or overloaded during
internet access. During the pandemic,
all seven public television stations in
                                                   ensures that these emergency                     times of crisis, it is impossible to deliver
                                                                                                    the critical information to communities.
Pennsylvania were working with the                 communications are available
                                                                                                    3.0 is a logical solution to remedy this
Pennsylvania Department of Education to            to all Americans including those                 ongoing challenge.
deliver this service to underserved students
who lacked broadband connectivity.13
                                                   in rural and underserved areas.

ATSC 3.0 white paper

Beyond its resiliency, Advanced Emergency          The road to nationwide deployment             Commission not hinder the
Alerting will save lives by delivering targeted,   Scaling the nationwide deployment of
rich media to the public that could include        3.0 requires coordinated action between       rollout of NextGen TV and
local evacuation routes, shelter locations,        broadcasters, device manufacturers,
and critical maps available in visual formats      and consumers. To create a national core      its significant consumer
and multiple languages. It will also deliver       network, 3.0 tower upgrades need to be        benefits through over-
upgraded rich media to first responders,           deployed on more than 7,000 TV towers
improving the audio-only information they          across 210 US markets along with SFNs to      regulation, mandating
receive today. First responders will have          boost coverage. As of September 2021, 3.0
access to maps, photos, videos, victim             upgraded stations, branded as NextGen TV,     outdated requirements or
contact information, and other time-               reach 35% of all US households in 43 cities   inaction on broadcasters’
sensitive data at emergency sites, even            through 161 TV channels.18 Broadcasters       requests.”
when cellular and electricity systems fail.        have announced deployment plans in 19
                                                                                                 —Curtis LeGeyt, COO of National Association
                                                   additional markets, which will advance
                                                                                                 of Broadcasters
APTS has demonstrated several applications         national reach to 50% of US viewers by the
using the current 1.0 standard to showcase         end of Q1 2022, bringing the market count
                                                                                                 Accelerated adoption of 3.0 chips into
the robust capabilities broadcasters               to 62.19 The FCC’s simulcast requirement
                                                                                                 consumer devices
offer. In California, APTS received funding        poses a challenge for broadcasters who
                                                                                                 In 2020, 3.0-enabled televisions hit the
to successfully demonstrate California’s           must continue to transmit ATSC 1.0 channels
                                                                                                 market, branded with NextGen TV, an
Earthquake Early Warning System. The KVIE          while simultaneously upgrading their
                                                                                                 unregistered trademark from the Consumer
tower delivered a simulated earthquake             infrastructure. To upgrade a given market,
                                                                                                 Technology Association (CTA) that indicates
warning alert in under three seconds,              TV broadcast owners must work together to
                                                                                                 a TV capable of receiving 3.0 signals. Market
reaching the entire broadcast coverage area        temporarily host legacy programming while
                                                                                                 adoption has made impressive progress
of the Sacramento-based transmitter.17 The         they upgrade infrastructure and build a
                                                                                                 with 70 television models on the market
alert data sent via broadcast reached the          unified product.
                                                                                                 from Sony, Samsung, and LG. It is estimated
community in three seconds—27 seconds
                                                                                                 5,000–10,000 next-generation televisions
faster than the current alerting system.
                                                   “America’s television                         are sold each day and forecasted to grow
                                                                                                 to a 4.67% market penetration by the end
In Las Vegas and Houston, datacasting              broadcasters are deploying                    of 2021.20 Stand-alone tuner boxes from
with 1.0 continues to support first
                                                                                                 companies are also available now to enable
responders with targeted live, high-quality        NextGen TV at an                              legacy TVs to display 3.0 broadcasts.21
video and audio. Following the 2016
Gatlinburg wildfires, where cellular and           incredible pace around the                    CTA research shows that NextGen TV
                                                                                                 receiver box revenues will substantially
power infrastructure failed, and critical          country, with innovative 3.0                  increase through 2024, before dropping off
safety information did not make it to
                                                                                                 steeply once the majority of TVs include
the community, the state of Tennessee              services already launched                     3.0 capability.
began the process of rolling out statewide
datacasting services to ensure delivery            in markets that include over
                                                                                                 As infrastructure buildout continues, device
of critical information. These use cases           35% of US TV households                       manufacturers will increasingly embed
represent just a fraction of the capabilities
                                                                                                 3.0-enabled chips in all kinds of devices,
3.0 will make possible, serving as a beacon        nationwide and expected                       including televisions, tablets, smart devices
for further investment and deployment to
benefit public services in the United States.      to rise to almost 50% in                      (speakers, appliances, home gateways),
                                                                                                 vehicles, and ultimately smartphones.
                                                   the coming months. This                       However, the lack of 3.0 broadcasting
Looking ahead, 3.0-enabled mobile phones
                                                                                                 infrastructure has limited incentives for
could further expand its ability to advance        pace is especially significant                device manufacturers to embed 3.0 chips
emergency alerting technology to first
responders and the public in times of crisis.      given the challenges posed                    and, in turn, limited consumer adoption.
                                                                                                 Device makers need the infrastructure to be
Unlike TVs, mobile devices remain functional       by COVID-19. Much like                        in place to invest in 3.0-enabled products
when electricity grids fail; while these
                                                                                                 and bring down manufacturing costs;
devices will likely not be available until phone   the ongoing deployment                        consumers need to be sufficiently attracted
manufacturers include 3.0 chips in phones,
they have immense potential to improve our         of 5G wireless networks,                      to the value proposition of 3.0 products.
                                                                                                 The dependencies of these market barriers
emergency communication in times of crisis         it is imperative that the                     require collaborative effort across industries
when cellular service is not available.
                                                                                                 to ensure maximum adoption.
                                                   Federal Communications

ATSC 3.0 white paper

Without an FCC mandate to upgrade, TV            Priority next steps to accelerate                the IP data distribution capabilities.
broadcast organizations are uniting to           adoption and deployment                          Second, broadcasters should pursue
deploy 3.0 at scale                              Next steps for legislators                       both governments supported and
Unlike previous transitions, 3.0 standard        Legislators should meet with broadcasters        commercially driven opportunities to
is voluntary. To realize the potential of 3.0,   and technologists to understand public           secure infrastructure funding necessary
key organizations within the TV industry         service capabilities of 3.0 and how those        to build a national mesh network of 3.0.
are coordinating efforts to execute 3.0          capabilities can help meet their policy and      Coordinated marketing strategies with
deployment. NAB, APTS, AWARN, NVISA,             impact goals. To facilitate these discussions,   consistent messaging and powerful use
ATSC, and Pearl TV are just a few of the         broadcasters can share the results of pilot      cases are essential to driving education and
substantial broadcast organizations              tests to showcase the promise of 3.0. Use        awareness. Commercially, broadcasters
behind the accelerated adoption of 3.0.          cases and applications should be tailored        should develop rigorous, well-tested
In addition, coalitions like the Broadcast-      to pressing political issues where 3.0 stands    applications of 3.0 that clearly convey
Broadband Infrastructure Coalition are           to make the largest impact, including the        business value as they explore new
working to secure the necessary education,       digital divide, remote learning, and advanced    technology use cases.
awareness, and funding to upgrade the            emergency alerting and informing.
national TV broadcast infrastructure. These                                                       Call to action for technology firms and
organizations play a critical role in building   To reach the masses in times of crisis, public   device manufacturers
consensus on vision, developing deployment       services must be capable of communicating        Technology firms that routinely send large
road maps, crafting business strategy, and       with not only home TVs but all connected         quantities of data to fleets of devices
sharing innovation with the TV industry.         devices. With 3.0 chips embedded in              should explore 3.0 as a viable IP data
                                                 mobile phones and tablets, advanced              delivery option with the potential to deliver
Developing a two-way IP solution                 public safety alerts will be more effective      significant cost savings over broadband
As 3.0-enabled devices hit the market, they      reaching Americans even when power and           distribution. Furthermore, video streamers
will come with middleware built to integrate     cellular infrastructure fails. To accelerate     providing IP-based video content should
3.0 technology with broadband return             the realization of these services, legislators   consider the potential use of 3.0 as a viable,
paths. More development and testing is           can consider a combination of policies,          low-cost download delivery method for their
needed to prove out the 3.0 two-way IP           programs, and potential mandates to aid in       most streamed video content.
capability at scale, but initial engineering     wide-scale mobile adoption.
demonstrations have proven two-way                                                                Despite nascent consumer awareness
service is certainly feasible, and new           Call to action for broadcasters                  of 3.0, we are already witnessing greater
developments may soon reveal even larger         Broadcasters stand at a pivotal point            than 400% growth of 3.0 televisions in
applications of 3.0 into a fully functioning     in the industry’s history. First, facing         the US market and reach projected to hit
two-way service.                                 unique challenges and opportunities              75% of the US population by Q1 2022,
                                                 while 3.0 branding is leading the way            together delivering enough scale to warrant
                                                 with TV adoptions, at least half a dozen         investment and innovation.
                                                 alternative names exist describing

ATSC 3.0 white paper


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ATSC 3.0 white paper


1.   IBISWorld, Internet service providers industry in the US – Market research report, updated April 28, 2021.

2.   Streaming Media, “Video will grow to 82% of internet traffic by 2022: InterDigital/Futuresource report,” December 3, 2020.

3.   Digital Planet, “Turning America’s digital divide into digital dividends,” Tufts University Fletcher School, accessed December 2021.

4.   America’s Public Television Stations (APTS), “Public safety,” web page, accessed December 2021.

5.   Bhaskar Chakravorti, “Biden’s plan for broadband isn’t bold enough,” Bloomberg, May 3, 2021.

6.   David K. Rehr, “Broadcasters prepare for DTV transition,” Twice, January 7, 2008.

7.   Nadine Krefetz, “ATSC 3.0: The future is now,” Streaming Media, October 20, 2020.

8.   Joshua Blackwell, “ARK begins mobility testing in Q4,” Advanced Television Broadcasting Alliance (ATBA), November 4, 2020.

9.   Gary Arlen, “‘Motown 3.0’ Detroit trial adding telematics, fleets with ‘ultra-affordable’ transmissions,” Broadcasting+Cable, June 10, 2021.

10. Sinclair Broadcast Group, “eGPS drone demo,” June 2021.

11. Common Sense, “Teaching through the digital divide,” last updated December 8, 2021.

12. Kevin Hunt, “Long-range indoor antennas put free high-def TV within reach,” Chicago Tribune, November 20, 2015.

13. APTS, “Public television distance learning datacasting for students without internet,”

14. SpectraRep, “About SpectraRep – Deployments (as of Summer 2021),” accessed December 2021.

15. Deloitte interview with WKAR Public Media.

16. Advanced Warning and Response Network (AWARN), AWARN Summit Keynote: Lt. Gen. Reynold Hoover, USA (ret), May 25, 2021.

17. APTS, “Digital television datacasting for public safety, alerting, and first responder support.”

18. NextGenTV (

19. Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC), “Deployments,” accessed December 2021.

20. Consumer Technology Association, US consumer technology industry forecast, 2021.

21. Ibid.

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