"Australia's Country Towns 2050: What will a Climate Adapted Settlement Pattern look like?" - Professor Andrew Beer Centre for Housing, Urban and ...

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"Australia's Country Towns 2050: What will a Climate Adapted Settlement Pattern look like?" - Professor Andrew Beer Centre for Housing, Urban and ...
“Australia’s Country Towns 2050:
    What will a Climate Adapted
   Settlement Pattern look like?”

             Professor Andrew Beer
Centre for Housing, Urban and Regional Planning
                  March 2012
Composite Index of Vulnerability for UCLs in
  Rural and Regional Australia
Aim: Increase understanding of how climate
  change might affect rural and regional areas in
  a differentiated way
  – Objectives: Categorise Localities based on
    Vulnerability Index
  – Identify measures for local adaptation
• Beta version is tentative and simplified
• Regional climate change has and is occurring
• 0.7oC warming since the early 1950s which has seen the
  following trends:
    more rain in north-western Australia
    rain in southern an eastern Australia
    Increased number of heatwaves
    Less frosts
    Longer and more intensive droughts (IPCC 2007)

• Impacts are being experienced in rural and regional
  Australia such as:
    Reduced water availability for both irrigated and rain fed
    Increased vulnerability to extreme events
Vulnerability Index
The IPCC (2007) state vulnerability is the degree to
• a system is susceptible to, and
• unable to cope with,
• adverse effects of climate change, including
  climate variability and extremes. (IPCC 2007)
Therefore vulnerability is a function of:
• Exposure
• Sensitivity
• Adaptive Capacity
Vulnerability Index
Preparation of composite index was made via the following
1. Conceptualize what makes UCLs more or less vulnerable
   and identify proxies covering key dimensions of climate
   change vulnerability
2. Select and collect statistical data to represent different
   vulnerability aspects/proxies (Approx 1550 UCLs in Index
   to date)
3. Interpret aspects and describe the aspects qualitatively,
   to determine direction of each factor (whether it
   increases or decreases vulnerability)
4. Normalise values for each proxy
5. Create index and rank each UCL
Data Sources
Main data Sources:
• OzClim
In process/further investigations:
• RPdata
Vulnerability Index
Index created using equal weights and simple average of
    all the normalised scores for each component (sub
    indices)of vulnerability using the following formula:
                   VI = (A + S + E)/3

Normalisation of indicators (min-max transformation
based on functional relationship):
   Method 1. Yij = ( X ij – Min X ij ) / ( Max X ij – Min X ij )
   Method 2. Yij = ( Max X ij – X ij ) / ( Max X ij – Min X ij )
Choice of indicators
              Indicator/data                    Functional     Rationale                                   Normalisation
                                                relationship                                               method used
Exposure      Percentage Change in Mean                        The higher the projected change the
              Surface Temperature (%) , in                     more vulnerable is the UCL
              AUSTRALIA for the year 2050,
                                                                                                                1
              Percentage Change in Total                       The higher the projected change the
              Rainfall (%) , in AUSTRALIA for                 more vulnerable is the UCL                        1
              the year 2050, Annual1
Sensitivity   % Employed in Ag related                         The higher the proportion of people
              Industries                                      employed in Ag related industries the             1
                                                               more vulnerable is the UCL
              Remoteness                                       The more remote the UCL is the more
                                                                                                                1
                                                               vulnerable it is
Adaptive      % of total employed persons by                   The higher the proportion of people in
capacity      Highest Year of School                          workforce completing year 12 the less             2
              Completed                                        vulnerable is the UCL
              % of employed persons by age                     The higher the proportion of people in
              by level of highest educational                  workforce with Tertiary education or
              attainment; postgraduate (1);                   equivalent the less vulnerable is the UCL         2
              grad diploma (2); and Bachelor
              Degree (3).
              Population number (size)            The higher the total population the
                                                                                                                2
                                                  less vulnerable is the UCL
           % Population with internet             The higher the proportion of people
           access                                connected to the internet the less                             2
                                                  vulnerable the UCL is
    1. Model: CSIRO-Mk3.5. Emission Scenario: SRES marker scenario A1B, Global Warming
       Rate: moderate
Most Vulnerable
              UCL                 STATE   PCODE      Score        Rank
Marble Bar (L)                     WA      6760       0.653        1
Tottenham (L)                      NSW     2873       0.644        2
Alpha (L)                          Qld     4724       0.635        3
Goodooga (L)                       NSW     2831       0.628        4
Quilpie (L)                        Qld     4480       0.617        5
Willowra (L)                        NT     0872       0.612        6
Cunnamulla                         Qld     4490       0.612        7
White Cliffs (L)                   NSW     2836       0.610        8
Ampilatwatja (Aherrenge) (L)        NT     0872       0.609        9
Kaltukatjara (Docker River) (L)     NT     0852       0.608        10
Ali Curung (L)                      NT     0862       0.605        11
Augathella (L)                     Qld     4477       0.602        12
Titjikala (L)                       NT     0872       0.601        13
Brewarrina                         NSW     2839       0.594        14
Elliott (L)                         NT     0862       0.593        15
Boulia (L)                         Qld     4829       0.593        16
Dirranbandi (L)                    Qld     4486       0.593        17
Ernabella (L)                       SA     0872       0.591        18
Thargomindah (L)                   Qld     4492       0.591        19
Looma (L)                          WA      6728       0.590        20
Least Vulnerable
         UCL            STATE   PCODE      Score        Rank
Fern Tree (L)             Tas    7054       0.154        1
Newcastle                NSW     2300       0.221        2
Howden (L)                Tas    7054       0.221        3
Woodbridge (L)            Tas    7162       0.231        4
Crafers-Bridgewater       SA     5154       0.236        5
Mount Nebo (L)           Qld     4520       0.246        6
Central Coast            NSW     2250       0.249        7
Stanwell Park            NSW     2508       0.250        8
Wollongong               NSW     2500       0.254        9
Summertown (L)            SA     5141       0.254        10
Gundaroo (L)             NSW     2620       0.254        11
Lauderdale                Tas    7021       0.256        12
Kenthurst (L)            NSW     2156       0.257        13
Geelong                   Vic    3220       0.261        14
Wooroowoolgan (L)        NSW     2470       0.266        15
Dilston (L)               Tas    7252       0.270        16
Otford (L)               NSW     2508       0.271        17
Sunshine Coast           Qld     4567       0.271        18
Talbot Islands (L)       Qld     4875       0.274        19
Mount Glorious (L)       Qld     4520       0.274        20
• Many of the most vulnerable communities
  appear to be the remote Indigenous
  – Low levels of education attainment
  – Low levels of employment
  – Some reliance on agricultural/pastoral
    employment opportunities
  – Small size
Murray Darling Basin
• Includes both high risk and low risk centres
  – Eg Albury Wodonga low risk, Darlington Point
    higher risk
  – More inland centres at greater risk
  – No allowance for flows or rates of return on
    irrigated investments
Some limitations…
• Composition of the index constrained by
  available sources of information preventing
  more coverage of variables and use of better
• Weighting of the various components is
  problematic – Field work will illuminate local
  factors that may affect weighting
• Static Analysis – No time series data used for
  adaptive capacity and sensitivity
Preliminary Findings / conclusions
• Possible to map and assess vulnerability using
  a composite index
• Human factors create a somewhat unexpected
  – Eg the robust circumstances of the coastal
  – Education, employment, industry structure are
• To be refined and weighted
IPCC 2007 Fourth Assessment Report: Climate
  Change (AR4)
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