Autistic Spectrum Disorder Updated Delivery plan 2018-2021

Page created by Charlie Marshall
Autistic Spectrum Disorder

  Updated Delivery plan 2018-2021

Mae’r ddogfen yma hefyd ar gael yn Gymraeg.
This document is also available in Welsh.     © Crown Copyright 2018 WG35919 ISBN 978-1-78964-102-8
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Strategic Action Plan – Delivery Plan updated September 2018

1. The updated ASD Strategic Action Plan was published in November 2016. It was developed in response to priorities for acti on
identified by autistic people and their families and carers. An accompanying delivery plan was also published in 2016. This
updated delivery plan explains what will be done to improve autism services, reflecting the ongoing feedback have received from
autistic people, their families and carers and other stakeholders. New commitments are highlighted in red.

2. The first annual report of the Strategic Action Plan was published in June 2018 and we will continue to monitor the progress
being made in delivering existing and new policy commitments through publishing annual updates.

                                                 Assessment and Diagnosis
What do we want to               What we will do             How will we know?                       Who is involved?
Children, young people and       Deliver improvements to           Care pathways developed by        Welsh Government – Together
adults, with autism have         children’s assessment and         health boards for                 for Children and Young People
access to timely referral        diagnostic services. This will    neurodevelopmental conditions     Programme
assessment and post              include the implementation of     are implemented across Wales
diagnostic services, which       the national standardised         from November 2016.               Local Health Boards
meets their needs                diagnostic assessment
                                 pathway to ensure
                                 Improve timeliness for access,    Pilot introduced, health boards   Local Health Boards
                                 for children and young people,    report delivery of 26 week
                                 a new 26 week waiting time        waiting time target from
                                 target from referral to first     November 2017
                                 assessment appointment
Ensure ongoing monitoring of       Waiting time data updated on a Welsh Government
progress and timeliness of         quarterly basis indicate waiting
assessment and diagnosis.          time targets are being met       Local Health Boards
This will be incorporated within
the formal planning and         Family and carers report            Independent evaluation of the
performance management          access to the standardised          Strategic Action Plan and
mechanisms of health boards     pathway within 26 weeks of          Integrated Autism Service
Continue to deliver             Regional Partnership Boards         Regional Partnership Boards
improvements to adult           reporting progress in the roll
diagnostic services through the out of the diagnostic service for   Local Health Boards
National Integrated Autism      adults from April 2016
Service. This will include:                                         Local Authorities
    The development of a       Regional Partnership Boards
      national model that will  report that adults diagnostic       Welsh Local Government
      be implemented across assessment meets agreed                 Association
      Wales                     service standards
    On-going monitoring
      and reporting of          Autistic people reporting
      progress against the      satisfaction in accessing the
      agreed standards of the new adult assessment and
      service                   diagnostic service
    Regional Partnership
      Boards will be required
      to report on progress
Meeting Support Needs
What do we want to achieve?    What will we do?               How will we know?                   Who is involved?
Children, young people and     To complete our programme of     The draft ALNET Code of           Welsh Government
adults with autism and their   reform for additional learning   Practice is published for
family and carers can access   needs as set out in the          consultation during 2018, the
advice and preventative        Additional Learning Needs and    final Code to be published in
services to address unmet      Education Tribunal Act 2017      2019
need in education,             and associated Code.
employment and health and                                      The new ALN system is rolled
social care                    Deliver ALNET Code of           out across Wales from 2020, it
                               Practice by 2019                will wholly replace the existing
                                                               Special Educational Needs
                               Commence roll out of new ALN system by 2023
                               system in 2020
                               Develop and Publish a Code of A public consultation on the         Welsh Government
                               Practice on the Delivery of     draft Code of Practice is
                               Autism Services under the       published                          ASD Implementation Advisory
                               Social Services and Well-being                                     Group
                               Wales Act 2014 and NHS Act      The draft Code is published
                               in partnership with             before the end of the current
                               stakeholders including autistic Assembly term in 2021.
                               people and their parents and
                               Continue to develop and roll    Primary schools programme is       Welsh Government
                               out our ‘Learning with Autism’  rolled out across all local
                               programmes to improve           authority areas from 2016          Welsh Local Government
                               support available to children                                      Association
                               and young people across early Early years and secondary
                               years, primary, secondary and school from 2017 and further         ASD Implementation Advisory
                               further education and work      education and work based           Group
based learning sectors              learning programmes delivered
                                    and rolled out across Wales
                                    from 2019
Improve opportunities for           The Getting Ahead Two project Getting Ahead Two project
Autistic people. This includes      reports good progress in
monitoring the delivery of the      relation to agreed project
Getting Ahead Two                   outcomes
programme to support long
term youth employment for
people with learning difficulties
or disabilities including ASD
Welsh Government to take        Welsh Government seeks to         Welsh Government
action to become an autism      achieve accreditation in the
friendly employer by            Positive About Autism Charter,    Welsh Local Government
participating in Positive About we are working with the WLGA      Association
Working with Autism             team to develop a programme
Programme                       on working with autism and to
                                achieve accreditation to the
                                Positive About Autism Charter.
Work with organisations across Number of                          Welsh Local Government
Wales to raise awareness and organisations/employers              Association
for them to become autism-      across Wales participating in
friendly working environments. Positive About Working with        Employers
This will include promoting the Autism Programme and
Positive About Working with     achieving the Charter
Autism Programme
Delivery of the National        The integrated service will be    Regional Partnership Boards
Integrated Autism Service.      delivered and operating in all
This will be implemented from   regions in Wales by March         Local Health Boards
April 2016 over a three year    2019
period and will include:                                          Local Authorities
     The implementation of a Adults with autism reporting
standard diagnostic        satisfaction in accessing          Welsh Local Government
    assessment service for     diagnostic services                Association
   Provision of advice and    Autistic people and their family   Independent evaluation of the
    support for all Autistic   and carers reporting               Strategic Action Plan and the
    people including their     satisfaction with the services     Integrated Autism Service
    family and carers          available from the integrated
   Development of training    service
    packages for
    professionals              Professionals reporting take up
                               and satisfaction with the
                               training support packages
Awareness Raising, Information and Training
What do we want to                What will we do?            How will we Know?                         Who is involved?
Autistic people and their         Ensure Autistic people and         The communications strategy        Welsh Government
families and their family and     their family and carers, as well   is completed by January 2017
carers and professionals report   as professionals are made          and implemented                    Welsh Local Government
they have access to good          aware of the resources                                                Association
quality information, advice and   available on the ASDinfoWales      Autistic people and their family
training on autism which meets    website                            and carers and professionals
their needs                                                          report increased awareness of
                                  Develop a communications           the resources available on the
                                  strategy setting out specific      ASDinfoWales website
                                  actions by January 2017
                                  Awareness raising campaign         Autistic people and their family   Autistic people and their
                                                                     and carers and professionals       families/carers
                                  Work with the partners,            report increased awareness of
                                  including autistic people and      autism support services            Welsh Government
                                  their families and carers to       available in their area and the
                                  develop a joint approach to        resources available on the         Welsh Local Government
                                  rolling out an autism              ASDinfoWales website               Association
                                  awareness raising campaign,
                                  including increased awareness                                         Integrated Autism Services
                                  of available support services
                                  and resources including those                                         Communities
                                  on the ASDinfoWales website

                                  Continue to develop                Annual update report by the        Welsh Government
                                  information and resources for      ASD National Lead
                                  identified priority areas, to be                                     Welsh Local Government
                                  freely available through the       Autistic people, their family and Association
                                  ASDinfoWales website. Priority     carers report satisfaction with
areas will be reviewed and          the information and resources    Independent evaluation of the
updated on an annual basis          available                        Strategic Action Plan and
                                                                     Integrated Autism Service
Develop and deliver training        Annual update report by the      Welsh Government
resources and material to raise     ASD National Leads
awareness of autism and                                              Welsh Local Government
provide support for                 Professionals report             Association
professionals and others            satisfaction with the training
working with children or adults     materials and resources          Independent evaluation of the
with autism.                        available                        Strategic Action Plan and
                                                                     Integrated Autism Service
Work collaboratively with other     Non-devolved organisations       Welsh Government
organisations dealing with non-     engage with Welsh
devolved matters to raise           Government activities and        Welsh Local Government
awareness of autism. This will      training to raise awareness of   Association
include the police, fire service,   the needs of autistic people
courts and Her Majesty’s            receiving their support          Non-devolved organisations
Crime and Probation service
Update and expand guidance          Develop and publish new          Welsh Government
for housing services on             Housing Guidance by 2019
supporting autistic people                                           Welsh Local Government
Continue to support the ASD         Annual update report by the      Welsh Government
National Leads and                  ASD National Leads
Development team to provide                                          Welsh Local Government
expert advice and guidance on                                        Association
autism to the Welsh
Government, professional
groups and stakeholders
Delivering the Priorities for the Act
What do we want to              What will we do?               How will we know?                    Who is involved?
Children, young people and      Continue to support the ASD        The ASD Implementation           Welsh Government
adults with autism and their    Implementation Advisory            Advisory Group:
families and carers are         Group to monitor progress and           meets at least twice       Welsh Local Government
involved and consulted in the   delivery of the specific actions          yearly                    Association
delivery of the ASD SAP         in the Strategic Action Plan           The group engages and
                                and Delivery Plan.                       consults widely with       Third sector organisations and
                                                                         stakeholders               stakeholder groups
                                                                       The advisory group
                                                                         agrees a work plan to
                                                                         support the delivery of
                                                                         the ASD SAP
                                Publish an annual report           Welsh Government publishes       Welsh Government
                                setting out the progress in        annual report on the Delivery
                                relation to the specific actions   Plan each year
                                within the Strategic Action Plan
                                and Delivery Plan. This will
                                include performance
                                information and timeliness of
                                assessment and diagnosis
                                Ensure Regional Partnership        Regional Partnership Boards      Welsh Government
                                Boards report on progress in       progress reports indicate
                                relation to the specific actions   progress in relation to          Regional Partnership Boards
                                within the Strategic Action Plan   achieving specific actions
                                and Delivery Plan. This will       including timeliness of          ASD Implementation Advisory
                                include performance                assessments and diagnosis        Group
                                information and timeliness of
                                assessment and diagnosis
                                Welsh Government to consider       The new data will be available   Welsh Government
                                ways in which disability data      by 20-21
will be incorporated into the                                      The ASD Advisory
new social services data                                           Implementation Advisory
collection                                                         Group

Working with partners to look     Develop pilot of data collection Welsh Government
at how we collect data on         system by March 2019
meaningful outcomes to inform                                      Welsh Local Government
about the quality and                                              Association
effectiveness of the services
provided and to identify where                                     Local Health Boards
there may be continuing gaps
in support
Establish a GP register for       The register is developed this   Welsh Government
autism                            Assembly term.                   Royal College of GPs
Consult on changes to the         Following feedback, code of      Welsh Government
Social Services and Well-being    practice will be amended to
Wales Act Part 2, Code of         require autism as a stand        Regional Partnership Boards
Practice in relation Population   alone core theme will be
Needs Assessment and Area         updated in advance of the next
Plans, mandating core themes      round of assessments in plans
                                  in three years’ time.

Undertake an evaluation of the The Welsh Government will           Welsh Government
refreshed Strategic Action Plan publish the final evaluation
National Integrated Autism      report by March 2019               The ASD Implementation
Service                                                            Advisory Group

Extend evaluation to consider     Additional findings to be
alignment between children’s      published by summer 2019
neurodevelopmental services
and adult autism services.

Also to investigate barriers to
reducing diagnostic waiting
times for children and adults

Monitor the implementation of      Monitoring information on the    Welsh Government
legislative requirements under     implementation of legislative
the Social Services and Well-      requirements to be included in
being (Wales) Act and keep         the annual update report on
the need for future autism         the Strategic Action Plan
related legislation under review
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